Cloud Computing

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Program : Diploma in Computer Engineering / Computer Hardware Engineering

Course Title: Virtualization Technology and

Course Code : 5133A
Cloud Computing

Semester : 5 Credits: 4

Course Category: Program Elective

Periods per week: 4 (L:4 T:0 P:0) Periods per semester: 60

Course Objectives:

● Provide an exposure to the basics of Virtualization Technology and Cloud


● Provide knowledge to apply Web Development, Network & System Administration

skills in Cloud Computing Platforms.

Course Prerequisites:

Topic Course name Semester
Computer Communication and
Basics of Computer Networks 4

Course Outcomes

On completion of the course, the students will be able to:

COn Description Cognitive Level
Illustrate the basic concepts of Virtualization and
CO1 15 Understanding
Summarize Virtual Machines and Network,
CO2 14 Understanding
Desktop and Application Virtualization
CO3 Explain Cloud Computing and its Architecture 15 Understanding
Summarize Models of Cloud Computing and Cloud
CO4 14 Understanding
Series Test 2
CO-PO Mapping

CO1 2
CO2 2
CO3 2
CO4 2

3-Strongly mapped, 2-Moderately mapped, 1-Weakly mapped

Course Outline

Module Duration
Description (Hours) Cognitive Level
CO1 Illustrate the basic concepts of Virtualization and Hypervisors
M1.01 Illustrate Virtualization and its importance 3 Understanding
M1.02 Outline Virtualization and Cloud Computing 2 Understanding
Summarize Virtualization Software Operation
M1.03 2 Understanding
and Types of Virtualization
M1.04 Illustrate Hypervisors and its types 3 Understanding
M1.05 Outline Role of a Hypervisor 2 Understanding
M1.06 Compare Hypervisors 3 Understanding

Understanding Virtualization – Describing Virtualization – Importance of Virtualization
– Virtualization and Cloud Computing – Virtualization Software Operation – Types of
Understanding Hypervisors – Describing Hypervisor – Type 1 and Type 2 Hypervisors –
Role of a Hypervisor – Comparison of Hypervisors

CO2 Summarize Virtual Machines and Network, Desktop and Application

M2.01 Summarize Virtual Machines 2 Understanding
Outline how to examine CPUs, Memory,
M2.02 1 Understanding
Network and Storage in a VM.
Explain VM Clones, Templates and
M2.03 1 Understanding
M2.04 Outline Open Virtualization Format 1 Understanding
Summarize the benefits and components of
M2.05 1 Understanding
Network Virtualization
Outline Virtual Switch, Virtual LAN and VM
M2.06 2 Understanding
Migration Services
Explain Advantages and Limitations of
M2.07 2 Understanding
Desktop Virtualization
Outline Techniques used for Desktop
M2.08 1 Understanding
Virtualization (RDS and VDI)
Summarize Components for Desktop
M2.09 1 Understanding
Explain Advantages and Limitations of
M2.10 2 Understanding
Application Virtualization and Tools used.
Series Test – I 1

Understanding Virtual Machines (VM) – Describing VM – CPUs, Memory, Network

and Storage in a VM – Working of VM – VM Clones, Templates, Snapshots – Open
Virtualization Format
Network Virtualization – Benefits – Components – Virtual Switch – Virtual LAN – VM
Migration Services
Desktop and Application Virtualization – Advantages and Limitations of Desktop
Virtualization – Techniques used for Desktop Virtualization (RDS and VDI) –
Components for Desktop Virtualization – Advantages and Limitations of Application
Virtualization – Tools used for Application Virtualization
CO3 Explain Cloud Computing and its Architecture
Summarize the Needs, History, Benefits and 3
M3.01 Understanding
Limitations of Cloud Computing
Outline Cloud Infrastructure and Vendors of 2
M3.02 Understanding
Cloud Computing
M3.03 Explain Cloud Data Centre Requirements 2 Understanding
Summarize Architectural, Technological and 3
M3.04 Understanding
Operational influences on Cloud Computing
Outline Cloud Computing Architecture based 3
M3.05 Understanding
on different criteria
M3.06 Describe Characteristics of Cloud Computing 2 Understanding

Overview of Cloud Computing – Essentials of Cloud Computing – Needs – History –
Benefits – Limitations – Cloud Infrastructure – Vendors of Cloud Computing
Factors that Affect Cloud Computing – Cloud Data Centre Requirements –
Architectural, Technological and Operational influences on Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Architecture – Cloud Computing Architecture based on Load
Balancing, Disk Provisioning, Storage Management, Hypervisor Installed, Migration,
Service Relocation, Cloud Balancing and Virtual Switch Load Balancing – Characteristics
of Cloud Computing
CO4 Summarize Models of Cloud Computing and Cloud Datacentres

M4.01 Explain Cloud Service Models 2 Understanding

M4.02 Outline Cloud Deployment Models 2 Understanding

M4.03 Explain Cloud Storage 2 Understanding

M4.04 Describe Cloud Data Centre Core Elements 2 Understanding

M4.05 Outline Storage Network Technologies 2 Understanding

Explain Cloud Backup, Disaster Recovery
M4.06 2 Understanding
and Replication Technologies
M4.07 Outline Computing on Demand 2 Understanding

Series Test – II 1

Models of Cloud Computing – Cloud Service Models – SaaS – PaaS – IaaS – Cloud
Deployment Models – Public, Private, Community and Hybrid Clouds – Cloud Storage
Cloud Data Centre – Cloud Data Centre Core Elements (Application, DBMS, Compute,
Storage and Network) – Storage Network Technologies – Cloud Backup – Cloud and
Disaster Recovery – Replication Technologies – Computing on Demand.

Text / Reference:

T/R Book Title / Author

T1 Matthew Portnoy, Virtualization Essentials, 2nd Edition, Sybex (Wiley)

Publication, 2016
T2 Shailendra Singh, Cloud Computing, Oxford University Press, 2018

R1 Todd Montgomery and Stephen Olson, CCNA Cloud Complete Study Guide,
Sybex (Wiley) Publication, 2018

Online Resources:

Sl. No. Website Link


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