Applsci 11 004201
Applsci 11 004201
Applsci 11 004201
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ivan Julio Apolonio Callejas on 05 January 2021.
Abstract: Climate change impact is one of the most important global concerns at present. In the build-
ing environment, climate-responsive design may help to enhance the adaptation capacity through
a better building energy performance. In this sense, this study addresses an adaptation strategy to
reduce the effects of global warming on low-income houses, for which bioclimatic passive strategies
should be prioritized, aiming to improve environmental sustainability. The technique chosen to
be analyzed is thermal mass for cooling. Thus, the goal is to evaluate the energy consumption
Citation: Callejas, I.J.A.; and thermal performance impact of implementing bermed earth-sheltered walls on bedrooms in
Apolonio, R.M.; Guarda, E.L.A.d.;
low-income housing (LIH), considered deployed in tropical climate regions. For that, a base scenario
Durante, L.C.;
(1961–1990) is considered, alongside two future scenarios: 2020 (2011 to 2040) and 2050 (2041 to 2070),
de Andrade Carvalho Rosseti, K.;
both considering the effects of climate change, according to the Fourth Report (AR4) of the Inter-
Roseta, F.; Amarante, L.M.d. Bermed
Earth-Sheltered Wall for Low-Income
governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The methodologies adopted are (i) computational
House: Thermal and Energy Measure simulation to estimate the annual energy consumption demand and (ii) quantification of the cooling
to Face Climate Change in Tropical degree-hours (CDH), with the subsequent comparative analysis based on Brazilian regulation for
Region. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 420. energy efficiency in buildings (RTQ-R). The predictions show that there will be an increase in the energy consumption for cooling and in the CDH in both 2020 and 2050 scenarios, regardless of using
a bermed earth-sheltered wall. Nonetheless, this adaptive measure enables the building to be resilient
Received: 19 November 2020 in terms of cooling energy demand in the 2020s, since it is 12.3% lower than in the building without
Accepted: 24 December 2020 the strategy use, compared with the base scenario. In the 2050s, resilience was almost reached with
Published: 4 January 2021
energy consumption only 10.7% higher, for the same conditions described previously. Therefore,
bermed earth-sheltered walls work as a climate-responsive design strategy to face the potential global
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
warming effects, promoting building sustainability in tropical climate regions.
tral with regard to jurisdictional clai-
ms in published maps and institutio-
Keywords: thermal performance; building simulation; climate-responsive; energy consumption;
nal affiliations.
cooling degree-hours; bioclimatic measure; passive measure
increases in the tropics, therefore, the potential effect of climate change in the building
environment is a critical issue, especially concerning its design and operation. Furthermore,
global warming will directly affect the thermal behavior of buildings, increasing hot season
cooling, and decreasing cold heating demand, raising its energy consumption during the
operational phase [3]. Thus, the strategic framework conceived to mitigate and adapt
buildings environments to climate change increases the importance of the thermal mass
effect as a strategy to counterattack its impacts, especially within warm regions located in
South America with tropical Savannah climate (Aw), which is the second most common
climate in the world, covering 11.5% of the world’s land area, 60.1% of South America [4],
and 81.4% of the Brazilian territory [5].
Mitigation and adaptation are two strategies to address climate change. The first
focuses on the causes (accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere) whereas the
second on adaptation to the impacts [6]. Adaptation may respond mainly by reducing or
eliminating the risks of climate change impacts, and on the building environment, it can be
done by enabling the capacity of adaptation through a better building energy performance.
In the last decade, some studies have evaluated the potential of buildings’ energy efficiency
adaptation measures to face climate changes effects. In Australia, a study investigated,
in five regional climates (from cold to hot humid), the potential impact of climate change
on the heating and cooling energy requirements of residential houses. It was observed
that energy-efficient or high star rating houses may experience fewer absolute changes
in energy requirement due to their better thermal insulation [7]. In the Netherlands,
three traditional residential house projects were used to investigate the effectiveness of
passive climate change adaptation measures. The following strategies were tested in the
building components using thermal simulation analysis: (i) increased thermal resistance,
(ii) changed thermal capacity, (iii) increased short-wave reflectivity (albedo), (iv) vegetation
roofs, (v) solar shading, and (vi) additional natural ventilation. The increase in thermal
resistance/ thermal capacity and short-wave reflectivity resulted in a higher and lower
number of overheating hours, respectively. The application of a vegetated roof, the use
the natural ventilation, and the addition of operable exterior solar shading produced a
decrease in the number of overheating hours [8].
A study conducted in three different bioclimatic zones in Brazil (at Curitiba,
Florianópolis, and Belém cities) accessed individual passive strategies, such as solar
shading, low absorptance, and thermal insulation, to reduce energy consumption in a
low-income house under the global warming effects. The aforementioned measures were
able to reduce up to 50% of the future annual cooling and heating energy demand in houses,
contributing to their sustainability [9]. In Guangdong Province, South China, the global
warming impacts on multi-family residences were predicted in two edification typologies:
one with lower thermal insulation (3.5 stars-building envelope) and the other with higher
performance (5.5 stars-building envelope). The total heating and cooling energy demand
of 3.5 and 5.5 star-buildings due to global warming are projected to increase 20% and
25% in the 2080s, respectively, despite their better insulation compared to the existing
housing stock [10].
A medium-sized office building located in five US cities (Miami—FL, Phoenix—AZ,
Los Angeles—CA, Washington—DC, and Akron—CO) was accessed under the climate
change impacts. The adaptation measures focused on the operation heating, ventilation,
and air conditioning system (HVAC), which included the adjustment of thermostat set-
points, the reduction of HVAC operation hours, the reduction of the variable air volume
box minimum flow setting, and mixed-mode ventilation, strategies considered to neutralize
the increased energy consumption in the research building. The mixed ventilation strategy
proved to be an effective measure to reduce energy consumption, and thus mitigate the
impacts of climate change in most research cities in the 2020s and 2050s scenarios [11].
Low-income housing located in the cities of São Paulo and Salvador, Brazil had its envelope
improved with isolated and combined measures to face the impact of climate change. The
most effective isolated adaptation measures to improve thermal performance and energy
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 420 3 of 22
consumption were those related to lower solar absorptance of the walls, insulated roofs
with lower solar absorptance, and shading to windows in all main rooms. For both cities,
it was demonstrated that it is possible to obtain a good performance in the 2050 period,
compared to the current climate, with the combination of isolated measures [12].
Practical measures were proposed to counterattack the impact of climate change on en-
ergy consumption in a house located at Cuiabá, a region of Tropical Savannah climate (Aw),
Brazil. The house envelope was enhanced, elevating the building system’s thermal resis-
tance and reducing the solar absorptance. Despite the improvements, energy consumption
is predicted to increase by 19.6% in the 2020s and 30.1% in the 2050s, compared to the base
scenario [13]. A study quantified the application of an adaptive comfort control measure
in mixed-mode office buildings in Cadiz, southern Spain. A daily setpoint temperature,
based on the adaptive thermal comfort approach, was applied in a building to simulate
the present and future conditions under climate change. Taking the current scenario as a
reference, a 74.6% reduction in energy demand and a 59.7% drop in energy consumption
was quantified when the adaptive comfort control was implemented in the model [14].
Thus, the specified previous predictions indicated that, despite the enhancement in the
building energy performance, no individual passive strategies might completely neutralize
the increasing of cooling and heating energy usage, suggesting the combination of passive
strategies to counteract the effects of climate change. Some typical measures prescribed in
bioclimatic codes and energy-efficient regulations have been considered in these studies,
however, to reduce energy use for cooling/ heating demands, additional measures must
be considered, especially those that act as a climate-responsive design strategy.
When designing new buildings to face climate change, the traditional strategies, such
as construction elements of the envelope, building geometry, and orientation, may not
be sufficient to achieve adequate levels of energy consumption and thermal performance.
Thus, alternative bioclimatic passive techniques are also important measures to be con-
sidered during the design phase. For hot regions, thermal mass for cooling is an alternative
measure to accumulate and retain heat during the day and return it to the exterior envi-
ronment at night, acting as a climate-responsive design strategy. This behavior reduces
the indoor air temperature fluctuations and maximizes the thermal lag of heat transfer
of the walls, which oscillate in a damped manner [15–17]. Thus, this bioclimatic measure
may reduce the use of active air conditioning systems during hot days, potentially saving
energy and improving thermal comfort in an indoor environment [8].
In a hilly site, building walls may be designed to be in contact with the earth, increasing
its thermal mass properties. In the “elevational” bermed design, the house’s main elevation
or face, usually with a south-facing wall in cold regions and with a north-facing wall in
hot climatic zones, remains unexposed, while the rest may be bermed by the earth. This
type of construction, named earth sheltered building, are defined as structures built with
the use of earth mass against building walls working as external thermal mass to the wall,
which reduces heat loss and maintains a steady indoor air temperature throughout the
seasons [18]. When the earth is in contact with building walls, it acts as a reservoir, storing
the heat in vast spaces inside the soil and modulating indoor air temperatures at different
meteorological conditions [19].
For this reason, the bermed type of construction may contribute to resilience to the
urban heat island phenomenon, and constitutes an alternative measure to adapt buildings
to the impacts of climate change, one of the most important global concerns at present.
Thus, this research strategy is aligned to the principles of sustainable development goals
(SDGs) to promote the 2030 agenda, especially the SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy)
and SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities), which should guide the production
of sustainable and efficient buildings [20]. Besides, this passive measure, understood
as a measure that does not use the energy once implemented in the building, may help
designers and builders to attend the premises of bioclimatic architecture and thus achieve
the fulfillment of sustainable performance requirements established by the building’s
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 23
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 420 help designers and builders to attend the premises of bioclimatic architecture and4 of thus
achieve the fulfillment of sustainable performance requirements established by the
building’s certifications systems, especially concerning energy efficiency and application
of climate-responsive design [21].
certifications systems,
Thus, this study especially concerning
aims to evaluate the energy efficiency
potential thermaland
andapplication of climate-
energy impact of im-
responsive design [21].
plementing bermed earth-sheltered walls as a passive cooling strategy for a residential
Thus, this
building’s study aims
bedrooms, to evaluate
located thewith
in a region potential thermal
a tropical and to
climate energy impact change
face climate of im-
plementing bermed earth-sheltered walls as a passive cooling strategy for a residential
effects. The study helps to deepen the knowledge of this potential climate-responsive
building’s bedrooms, located in a region with a tropical climate to face climate change
strategy as an adaptation measure for building to be deployed in the regions with hot
effects. The study helps to deepen the knowledge of this potential climate-responsive
climate conditions, where future scenario projections of climate change have indicated
strategy as an adaptation measure for building to be deployed in the regions with hot
the increase of hot days frequency, which will induce changes in building energy de-
climate conditions, where future scenario projections of climate change have indicated
mand due to the increase of air conditioning systems used for cooling [22,23]. The anal-
the increase of hot days frequency, which will induce changes in building energy demand
yses are made considering a base scenario (without the influence of climate change) and
due to the increase of air conditioning systems used for cooling [22,23]. The analyses are
two future scenarios (2020 and 2050) contemplating potential climate change effects, ac-
made considering a base scenario (without the influence of climate change) and two future
cording to the Fourth Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
scenarios (2020 and 2050) contemplating potential climate change effects, according to the
Fourth Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
2.1. LocalClimate
(LIH) selected
selected forfor this
this study
study is considered
is considered to betolo-be
cated in ainregion
a region of Tropical
of Tropical Savannah
Savannah climateclimate (Aw), characterized
(Aw), characterized by highby airhigh air tem-
throughout the year, wide
perature throughout hygrothermal
the year, variations, and
wide hygrothermal undefined
variations, andor absent winter
undefined sea-
or absent
son [24].season
winter Similar climate
[24]. classification
Similar can be found
climate classification caninbe
in several around the around
locations world,
such as Australia,
the world, such asAfrica, and South
Australia, Africa,America,
and South especially
America, in regions
especiallylocated between
in regions the
betweenand theTropics
Equatorof Capricorn
and Tropics(Figure 1). The climate
of Capricorn (Figuredatabase
1). Theofclimate
the Cuiabá city, which
database of the
locatedcity, in the Mid-East,
which Brazil,
is located in in
thethe geometric
Mid-East, center
Brazil, inofthe
Latin America
geometric (15◦ 36
center of0 56 00 S;
56 ◦ 0 00
06 01 W) is usedS;as56°06′01″
a base of W)
America (15°36′56″ used as a base of this research.
Figure Locationof
The Brazilian
The Brazilian Association
Association of of Technical
(ABNT)for forBioclimatic
establishes setofoftechnical
and and constructive
constructive recommendations
recommendations for region,
for the the region, to opti-
to optimize
mizethermal performance
the thermal performanceof buildings through
of buildings througha better climatic
a better climaticadaptation
adaptation [16].
recommendationsand andconstructive
detailed in in
Table 1, in1,accordance
Table withwith
in accordance the Brazilian Bioclimatic
the Brazilian and asand
Bioclimatic prescribed
as pre-
by the Brazilian Technical Quality Regulation for Energy Efficiency Level
scribed by the Brazilian Technical Quality Regulation for Energy Efficiency Level of of Residential
Buildings [25]. As indicated
(RTQ-R) [25]. Asinindicated
Table 1, in
Table 1,mass for cooling
thermal mass foris cooling
a strategy
is a
recommended to adapt the building to the climate where it is located. Thus, this research
focuses on verifying if this potential passive strategy may be adequate to adapt a building
to the projected climate change scenarios.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 420 5 of 22
Table 1. Recommendations and constructive guidelines for the bioclimatic zoning of the building location.
(a) External image and 3D DesignBuilder model of the low-income house (LIH).
(b) Floor plan (dimensions in meters) (c) Sections AA’ and BB’
Figure 2.
Figure 2. (a)
(a) Standard
Standard low-income
low-income housing
housing picture,
picture, (b)
(b) floor
floor plan,
plan, and
and (c)
(c) section
section plans.
To evaluateopenings,
the thermal living room
inertia and bermed
strategy, bedroomearth-sheltered
spaces presentwallsmetallic
were sliding
mented inwith dimensions
the original of 1.50
housing × 1.00
design m and 1.20
(hereafter named × 1.00 m, respectively,
as LIHb), composed
so that bedrooms of
four panels,
came twocontact
into direct of themwith
thesingle glass fixed
soil (Figure panels and
2), resulting the
in the other two
“LIHb” sliding
design metallic
strategy (see
Venetian panels.
properties in TableThe kitchen’s
2). For window
that, the externaliswalls
a metallic tilting type
of bedrooms 1 andof2,1.00 × 1.00
which m. present
do not The ex-
ternal doorswereareselected
made oftometallic
be 3.00 sheets,
m (ceiling height)
while grounded
interior earth-sheltered
doors are wood-made.(Figure 3).
The ther-
mal bermed
of the externalwalls were
walls andevaluated
roof were inimproved
all four cardinal orientations
to provide building(Figure 4).
“A”. The allows taking
external advantage
walls consist of natural
ceramicsloping ground while
bricks (six-hole type)providing
coated ona the
side withmeasure to improve
expanded indoor thermal
polystyrene comfort
sheets (EPS) conditions.
(0.04 m) and plaster (0.025 m) in the
outermost and innermost layers. The internal partitions consist of ceramic brick (six-hole
type) coated on both sides with plaster (0.015 m). The external walls absorptance was
reduced from 0.3 to 0.15 by changing the painting to white color. The roof system is
composed of ceramic tile, aluminum foil for thermal insulation, an air gap layer, and
ceiling panels of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (0.01 m). The outermost layer of the tiles was
painted with white color (ranging the absorptance of the roof from 0.8 to 0.15). Regarding
the roof air gap, this layer presents 0.61 m2K/W thermal resistance (R-value), with a
thickness greater than 0.05 m and low thermal emissivity due to the installation of alu-
minum foil. The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards NBR 15.220 [16] was used
to redesign the building envelope and to determine the thermal properties of the building
system envelope of the efficient low-income house (LIHe), which are presented in Table
Building Characteristics R-Value 1 (m²K/W) U 2 (W/m²K) CT (J/m²K) α
Layers (m)
White paint-
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW ing 7 of 23
Appl. Sci. 2021,11,
Appl. Sci.2021,
2021, 11,xxFOR
Wall System 777 of
of 23
of 23
Mortar 0.025
Appl. Sci. Sci.
Appl. 2021, 11, x11,
2021, FOR420PEER REVIEW EPS sheet 0.040 7 of 723 of 22
1.128 0.886 169.38 0.15
Table 2. Thermophysical properties adoptedCeramic for building bricksystems 0.09envelope of the efficient low-income house (LIHe) and
Table Thermophysical propertiesadopted
adopted forMortar
buildingsystems systems envelopeof of theefficient
efficient low-incomehouse house (LIHe)and and
Table 2.Thermophysical
bermed Thermophysical properties
adopted for
(LIHb). building systems 0.025envelope
envelope ofthethe efficientlow-income
low-income house(LIHe) (LIHe) and
bermed earth-shelteredlow-income
low-incomehouse house(LIHb).
Table 2. earth-sheltered
Thermophysicallow-income house (LIHb).
properties adopted White
for building paint- systems envelope of the efficient low-income house (LIHe) and
2. Thermophysical properties adopted
Envelope Materialsfor building systems envelope of the efficient low-income house (LIHe) and
bermed Characteristics
earth-sheltered low-incomeEnvelope
Envelope house (LIHb).
Materials ing Thickness R-Value 11 (m²K/W) U 22 (W/m²K) CT (J/m²K)
Thickness α
Building systems
bermed (LIHe)
Characteristics Envelope
low-income house Materials
(LIHb). Thickness
(m) (m²K/W) UU22(W/m²K)
R-Value11(m²K/W) (W/m²K) CT CT(J/m²K)
(J/m²K) αα
Characteristics White
Layers paint- (m)
R-Value (m²K/W) U (W/m²K) CT (J/m²K) α
Envelope White Layers
Materials paint- Thickness (m)
Building Characteristics Whitepaint-
White ing
paint- R-Value 1 (m²K/W)
R-Value 1 U 2 (W/m²K) CT (J/m²K) α
Building Characteristics Envelope White ingpaint- Thickness
Layers (m) (m) U 2 (W/m2 K) CT (J/m2 K) α
Wall System
Roof System Layers
ing tiles 0.01 (m2 K/W)
Wall System White ing
Mortar paint- 0.025
System White Mortar Aluminum 0.847 1.18 41.92 0.15
Mortar 0.025
ingsheet 0.025-
Wall System
Wall System EPS
Mortar foil
sheet 0.040
0.025 1.128 0.886 169.38 0.15
Ceramic sheet
Mortar sheet
brick 0.040
0.09 1.128 0.886 169.38 0.15
Ceramic space
brick >0.05 m
0.09 1.128
1.128 0.886
0.886 169.38
169.38 0.15
EPS sheet
Mortar brick
sheet brick 0.09
Mortar ceiling 0.025 0.01 1.128
1.128 0.886
0.886 169.38
169.38 0.15
Ceramic Mortar
Ceramic brick
brick 0.025
Efficient low-income Wall System White Whitepaint- paint-
Efficient low-income
low-income White
Mortar paint- 0.025
house low-income
systems (LIHe) ing
house systems
Efficient (LIHe)
low-income White
White ing
Similar paint-
painting Layer and Thickness
house systems
Efficient low-income (LIHe) White paint- Similar properties of the LIHe
house systems (LIHe) White
White ingpaint-
of the Efficient LIH
house systems (LIHe) White painting
Roof System Whiteing
Ceramic ing tiles
paint- 0.01
Roof System Ceramic
System Ceramic
Ceramic tilestiles 0.01
Roof System Ceramicing tiles
Aluminum tiles 0.01
0.01 0.847 1.18 41.92 0.15
Roof System
System in con- Aluminum
foil foil -- 0.847
0.847 1.181.18
Bermed earth-sheltered Ceramic tiles 0.01
tact with groundAttic foil
space >0.05 m
low-income house sys- Attic
space >0.05 m 0.847 1.18 41.92 0.15
Similar space
space Layer and >0.05
>0.05 -Thickness
mm Evaluated by the Energyplus program according to the
tems (LIHb) PVCAttic
PVC foilspace
ceiling >0.05
0.01 m
of the
PVC ceiling
LIHe + ground
ceiling 0.01 contact
0.01 Basement (GDomain) input data.
Wall System
System PVC
Attic ceiling
space 0.01m
Wall System
Wall System PVC ceiling 0.01
Similar Layer andand Thickness
Thickness of
Wall System SimilarLayer Layerand andThickness
Thickness Similar properties
Similar properties ofofthetheLIHe
Roof System Similar ofthe Layer
the and
Efficient LIH Thickness
LIH Similarproperties
Similar theLayer
Efficientand LIH
LIH Thickness
Similar of the
Layer Efficient LIH
and Thickness Similar properties of the LIHe
of the LIHe Similar properties of the LIHe
of the Efficient LIH
WallWall System in con-
Bermed1 earth-sheltered
Thermal Resistance Wall
Wall and System in con-
2 Transmittance
System include the internal e external superficial air resistance. Properties estimated
Bermed earth-sheltered Wall
tact in contactincon-
with in
ground con-
low-income byearth-sheltered
Bermed NBR house sys-[16].tact
15.220 tactwithwith
with ground
low-income house
low-income sys-
tact with ground
sys- Wall System in con- Similar Layer and Thickness Evaluated by the Energyplus program according to the
Bermed tems house
earth-sheltered sys- Similar Layer and Thickness Evaluated bythethe Energyplus program accordingtoto tothethe
tems (LIHb)
systems (LIHb) tact with ground Similar
To evaluatethe LIHe Layer
the +andand
thermal Thickness
and Thickness of Evaluated
inertia strategy, by
Evaluated by the
bermed Energyplus
by the Energyplus
(GDomain) program
earth-sheltered according
data. were to the
low-income (LIHb)
tems (LIHb)
house sys- ofthe
LIHe + groundcontact
ground contactcontact Basement(GDomain)
Basement (GDomain)input
(GDomain) inputdata.
input data.
mented in of
the the
Similar LIHe
original + housing
and Thicknesscontact
design Evaluated
(hereafter Basement
by named (GDomain)
the Energyplus
as LIHb), input
so thatdata.
bedrooms to walls
tems (LIHb)
came into of the LIHe
direct contact + ground
with contact
the soil (Figure 2), Basement
resulting(GDomain) input data.
in the “LIHb” design strategy
Roof System
(see properties in Table 2). For that, the external walls of bedrooms 1 and 2, which do not
Roof System Similar Layer and Thickness
Roof System openings,
Roof System SimilarLayer wereand
Layer selected
and Thickness Similar properties
to be 3.00 m (ceiling of the LIHeearth-sheltered
height) grounded
Similar Layer Thickness
Roof System Similar Layerof the andand
LIHe Thickness
Thickness of Similarproperties
(Figure 3). The bermed ofof the
the earth-sheltered
LIHe walls were evaluated
Similar in
properties all theLIHe
four cardinal orienta-
Similar Layer of
the the LIHe
LIHe Thickness
tions (Figure 4). This strategy
1 Thermal Resistance and 2 Transmittance include the internal e external superficial
allows taking Similar
advantage properties
of natural
air resistance. of the LIHe
Properties ground while
NBR Resistance
15.220 [16]. and222Transmittance
and includeofthe
Transmittanceinclude theinternal
the LIHe e external superficial air resistance. Properties estimated
internal e external superficial air resistance. Properties estimated
1 Thermal Resistance
Resistance and 2 Transmittance include the internal e external superficial
providing a passive design measure to improve indoor thermal comfort conditions. air resistance. Properties estimated
15.220 [16]. and 2 Transmittance include the internal e external superficial air resistance. Properties estimated by NBR 15.220 [16].
NBR 15.220
Thermal [16]. and Transmittance include the internal e external superficial air resistance. Properties estimated
To evaluate the thermal inertia strategy, bermed earth-sheltered walls were imple-
by NBR 15.220 [16]. To evaluate
To evaluate the the thermal
thermal inertiainertia strategy,
strategy, bermed
bermed earth-sheltered
earth-sheltered walls walls werewere imple-
mented To inevaluate the thermal
the original housinginertia
(hereafter bermed
as LIHb), so that walls were imple-
bedrooms walls
mented in
in the
inthe original
original housing
housing design
design (hereafter
(hereafter named
named as
as LIHb),
LIHb), so
so that
that bedrooms
bedrooms walls
came To evaluate
into direct the thermal
contact with inertia
the soilstrategy,
(Figure bermed
2), earth-sheltered
resulting in the “LIHb” walls werestrategy
design imple-
came into
into direct
in direct contact with the soil (Figure 2), resulting in the “LIHb” design strategy
(see into the
properties incontact
direct contact
original with
2). Forthe
with the soil
that, the (Figure
(Figure 2),
external resulting
named ofas ininthe
bedrooms “LIHb”
so1 that design
and bedrooms
2, whichstrategy
(see properties
(seeproperties in
in Table
Table 2). For that, the external walls of bedrooms 111and
and 2, which do not
came properties
present into direct
openings, were2).
Table 2).For
to the
be external
3.00 m2), walls
walls of
(ceiling bedrooms
in the
height) “LIHb”
grounded and2,2,which
design do
(see openings,
properties were
were selected
selected to
to be
be 3.00
3.00 m
m (ceiling
(ceiling height)
height) grounded
grounded earth-sheltered
(Figure 3). The in Table earth-sheltered
bermed 2). For that, the walls external
werewalls of bedrooms
evaluated in all 1fourandcardinal
2, whichorienta-
do not
(Figure 3).
3). The
3).The bermed earth-sheltered walls were evaluated in all four cardinal orienta-
tions 4).bermed
(Figure bermed
This earth-sheltered
strategy to betaking
allows walls
3.00 were
(ceiling height) in
of natural all four
allsloping cardinal orienta-
ground while
tions (Figure
tions (Figure 4).
4). This
This strategy
strategy allows
allows taking
allowstotaking advantage of natural sloping ground while
(Figure (Figure
providing 3). aThe 4).bermed
passiveThis strategy
design measure wallsadvantage
improve advantage
were of
of natural
indoor natural
thermal allsloping
in comfort ground
four cardinal while
tions (Figure a passive
passive design
4). Thisdesign
strategy measure
measure to improve
improve indoor
indoor thermal
advantage thermal
of natural comfort
sloping conditions.
ground while
providing a passive design measure to improve indoor thermal comfort conditions.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. (a) Schematic section and (b) modeled bermed earth-sheltered wall located in the bedrooms.
The impact of the bermed earth-sheltered wall in the building performance was eval-
uated through computer simulation, using the DesignBuilder Software (Gloucestershire,
United Kingdom, England) [28], to compare the performance of the LIHe and LIHb mod-
els. The simulation results were evaluated following the RTQ-R [25] methodology, which
(a) (b)
(a) the quantification of the energy consumption
(b) and the cooling degree-hours for a
(a) (b)
full year of operation. The simulation was carried out considering three distinct climatic
(a) (b)
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 420 8 of 22
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 23
scenarios: base scenario (1961 to 1990 period), 2020 future scenario (2011 to 2040), and 2050
Figure 3. (a) Schematic section and (b)
future modeled
scenario bermed
(2041 earth-sheltered
to 2070), wallpresenting
the last two located in the
climate change influence.
Table 3. GroundDomain
Input data consideredrequires the monthly
in GDomain soil temperature data under the dwelling,
since it influences, significantly, the thermo-energy simulation. Thus, the Slab input
Input Data Adopted Input Values
tool was used to obtain the soil temperature under the LIH for the base and future
Ground Domain Depth (m) 15
scenarios (Table 4).
Soil Thermal Conductivity (W/m K) 0.52 [32]
The occupancy and equipment power density data were adopted following RTQ-R [25],
Soil Density (kg/m3) 1700 [32]
considering two people in each bedroom and four people in the living room. Regarding the
Soil Specific Heat (J/kg K) 2 840 [32]
occupancy metabolic activity rate, 45 W/m was considered in bedrooms and 60 W/m2
Mesh Density Parameter 6
was set in the living room. The lighting power densities adopted were 5.0 W/m2 in the
living room and 6.0 W/m2 in the bedrooms. The occupancy schedule estimates that the
The GroundDomain
bedrooms are used from requires
9 p.m. tothe monthly
8 a.m. soilthe
during temperature datafrom
weekdays and under the dwelling,
9 p.m. to 10 a.m.
on the weekend days, while the living room is used from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. input
it influences, significantly, the thermo-energy simulation. Thus, the Slab duringtool
was used toand
weekdays obtain
to 9 p.m. onunder the LIHdays.
the weekend for the base and future scenarios
(Table 4).
Table 4. Monthly soil temperature for the base scenario (1961–1990) and future estimates
Table 4. Monthly soil temperature for the base scenario (1961–1990) and future estimates (2020/2050).
The air conditioning system was considered only in the bedrooms, which is a common
behavior observed in the residences of this region [37]. The coefficient of performance (COP)
for cooling was assumed to be 3.00 W/W (level “A” in the Brazilian Energy Labelling),
and continuous fan operation mode (fan efficiency 0.7 and motor efficiency 0.9), following
the simulation parameters for air conditioning system modeling used in the Brazilian
Energy Label for residential buildings [25]. The estimated final cooling consumption of the
(LIHe and LIHb) typologies were analyzed in terms of kWh/ (m2 /year) in both the base
(1961–1990) and future climate change scenarios (2020 and 2050). Since the sum of energy
spent by equipment and lighting remained almost constant between the present and future
time-slices, not affecting building performance, it was not presented in final energy results.
In this study, energy demand was only quantified for the bedroom zones where the bermed
earth-sheltered walls were deployed, focusing on capturing the influence of the thermal
mass as a passive strategy for cooling.
This indicator was estimated annually based on the hourly indoors operative tem-
peratures (Top ), with the two bedrooms and living room/kitchen considered as long
permanence rooms. Only one indicator was considered in the thermal performance eval-
uation, obtained by the ponderation of the room areas. To classify the building’s energy
efficiency, the indicator proposed for the Brazilian bioclimatic zone in the RTQ-R was used.
In this evaluation, the naturally ventilated condition was considered for 24 h a day [23].
The efficiency level of the envelope varies from level A (CDH ≤ 12.566 ◦ Ch) to level E
(CDH > 30.735 ◦ Ch), as presented in Table 5. Occupancy and internal thermal loads were
considered in the simulation, which was carried out for the 8.760 h/ year [25].
Table 5. Building envelope efficiency for the researched bioclimatic zone according to the Brazilian
Technical Quality Regulation for Energy Efficiency Level of Residential Buildings (RTQ-R).
2.5.3. Adaptive Thermal Comfort Conditions in the Indoors Long Permanence Rooms
The effectiveness of the bermed earth-sheltered walls measure adopted for improving
indoor building thermal comfort was evaluated, since it is common for the low-income
population not to have an air conditioning system installed at home due to the costs of
its operation. In this way, it was considered the index based on the study of adaptive
thermal comfort proposed by De Dear and Brager [38]. The methodology may be applied
to represent the user’s thermal comfort conditions inside of buildings naturally ventilated,
considering only the user’s occupancy and internal heat sources. The thermal comfort levels
are defined by the ideal indoor operative temperature or the monthly neutral temperature
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 420 11 of 22
(Tn , in ◦ C) related to the monthly averages of outdoor air temperature (TEmed , in ◦ C),
following Equation (2). This equation is only valid for TEmed between 10.0 ◦ C and 33.5 ◦ C.
Thermal comfort ranges were determined by the definition of the month neutral
temperature (Tn ) following procedures established in Standard 55 [39]. The monthly upper
and lower limits for 90% of satisfied users were obtained by the use of Equation (3), where
Top represents the hourly indoor operative temperature. Indoor thermal comfort is reached
when the operative temperature is between the intervals prescribed in Equation (3).
To quantify hot or cold discomfort hours and thermal comfort conditions of the long
permanence rooms for the base scenario and future climate projections, the building was
considered to operate in exclusive use of natural ventilation 24 h per day. Only one indoor
operative temperature pondered by the area of the long permanence rooms was considered
to assess the effectiveness of the measure to improve building performance. In turn, it was
also considered the indoor operative temperature pondered by the area of bedrooms where
the strategy was deployed.
sense, the adoption of the strategy in bedrooms with the bermed earth-sheltered in the
orientations tested present a 34% to 38% reduction in energy demand for cooling, with a
established for the region of 34.48 kWh/m2 to achieve level A efficiency. Thus, from a
greater reduction in the west, almost reaching the relative cooling consumption indicator
technical perspective, even for building envelopes already displaying an adequate ther-
established for the region of 34.48 kWh/m2 to achieve level A efficiency. Thus, from a
mal performance, the bermed earth-sheltered wall is recommended for the tropical cli-
technical perspective, even for building envelopes already displaying an adequate thermal
mate region as an alternative passive measure to improve building cooling energy per-
performance, the bermed earth-sheltered wall is recommended for the tropical climate
region as an alternative passive measure to improve building cooling energy performance.
Figure energyconsumption
The strategy
strategy impacts
impacts areare similar
similar toto those
those observed
observed in in previous
previous building
building simulation
studies. Thermal performance analysis of earth-sheltered residential
studies. Thermal performance analysis of earth-sheltered residential buildings was buildings was con-
ducted for the city of Yazd, in Iran (hot and dry region) [41]. Building
ducted for the city of Yazd, in Iran (hot and dry region) [41]. Building Case 900 ASHRAE Case 900 ASHRAE
was employed
employed in inaaprospective
prospectivestudy,study, with
progressively changing
changingdepth of the
depth of soil
the sur-
rounding the housing prototype [42]. In this case, the highest energy
surrounding the housing prototype [42]. In this case, the highest energy consumption consumption was
found whenwhen
was found the main façade
the main (not (not
façade in contact withwith
in contact the earth) was was
the earth) oriented to the
oriented to north, i.e.,
the north,
when the bermed earth-sheltered wall was displayed in the south, confirming the best
i.e., when the bermed earth-sheltered wall was displayed in the south, confirming the
disposition obtained in this research. However, southern orientation had the lowest energy
best disposition obtained in this research. However, southern orientation had the lowest
consumption, while west obtained the best performance in this research, due to the fact
energy consumption, while west obtained the best performance in this research, due to
that current LIHb has only one wall sheltered by earth, and different opening locations
the fact that current LIHb has only one wall sheltered by earth, and different opening
for ventilation in the facades. The total energy consumption of a residential 1.0 m deep
locations for ventilation in the facades. The total energy consumption of a residential 1.0
earth-sheltered (which corresponds to an entire wall sheltered by the earth, as in this study)
m deep earth-sheltered (which corresponds to an entire wall sheltered by the earth, as in
was reduced by about 67% (south orientation), bringing annual energy consumption to
this study) was reduced by about 67% (south orientation), bringing annual energy con-
80 kWh/m2 . Despite the reduction being more expressive than in this work, final energy
sumption to 80 kWh/m2. Despite the reduction being more expressive than in this work,
consumption for cooling was close to that found here. In another study in the Mediter-
final energy consumption for cooling was close to that found here. In another study in the
ranean climate (temperate), the annual air conditioning energy demand of a prototype
Mediterranean climate (temperate), the annual air conditioning energy demand of a
building with southern elevation located in Poznan (Poland) was evaluated. The building
wall building
was installed withand
above southern elevation
completely underlocated in Poznan
the ground, with 0.1 (Poland) was evaluated.
m of thermal insulation
thickness on the walls. This configuration provided reductions varying fromwith
The building wall was installed above and completely under the ground, 12%0.1 m of
to 30%,
thermal insulation thickness on the walls. This configuration provided
depending on the type of soil on which the building was founded, which demonstrates reductions vary-
ing soil
the fromtype
to 30%, depending
on the buildingon theperformance
type of soil on of which
bermedthe building
houses [43].was
which demonstrates
reduction was obtained theforsoil
thetype influence
soil with on physical
similar the building performance
and thermal of bermed
characteristics to
houses [43]. The highest reduction
those considered in the current study. was obtained for the soil with similar physical and
thermal characteristics
Despite to those considered
of the implementation in the adaptation
of combined current study. measures and bermed earth-
sheltered strategy in the standard typology envelope, it adaptation
Despite of the implementation of combined is observed thatmeasures andwarming
the global bermed
earth-sheltered strategy in the standard typology envelope, it is
projections influence the annual cooling energy demand within the spaces under study.observed that the global
warming projections influence the annual cooling energy demand within the spaces under
study. In the 2020 future scenario, the impacts are high in the LIHe typology, varying from
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 420 13 of 22
the 2020 future scenario, the impacts are high in the LIHe typology, varying from 28% to
32%, when compared to the base scenario, depending on the orientation. The same trend is
observed for the LIHb typology, but with higher percentages, between 36% and 39%. In
the 2050 scenario, the increase in energy demand exceeds 50% for all orientations when
compared to the base scenario: from 64% to 70% in LIHe, and from 71% to 75% in LIHb.
The projected increase in terms of percentage corroborates with previous studies
conducted in cities located in other countries with the same climate type (Aw). In Darwin,
Australia, the projected increase in air temperature for some emissions scenarios varied
between 1.8 ◦ C to 2.5 ◦ C in the 2050 scenario, inducing an increment in energy consumption
for cooling which varied between 40% and 80%, depending on the type of thermal insula-
tion considered for the building envelope [7]. In Miami, The Unites States, the projected
increase in air temperature in the 2050 scenario (2.52 ◦ C) is similar to those predicted for
Australia and lower than in the current research (3.2 ◦ C). Despite having similar projections
for air temperature to Australia, the possible induced increase in energy consumption for
cooling is lower (between 27% and 37% in 2050 emissions scenarios), including in relation
to this research [44].
In Brazil, similar projections have been observed for low-income houses deployed
in regions with hot weather conditions. At Salvador (Af), the cooling energy demand
is expected to increase by 30% and 46.6% in 2020 and 2050 scenarios, while at Belém
(Af), 43.5% and 70.5% and, at Cuiabá (Aw), 20% and 30%, respectively [9,12,13]. The
projection variations are attributed to the different types of passive strategies used in
building envelopes. However, they are lower than those observed for the standard LIH
studied in the same region, where the energy demand reaches more than double in the
2050 scenario due to its lack of adequate thermal insulation [45].
Despite the thermal load reduction, the LIHb serves as an effective passive strategy to
counteract the effects of climate change, since its performance always remains superior to
that of LIHe typology. For the 2020 scenario, the reduction provided by the strategy, when
compared to the annual cooling energy demand of the building without its implementation,
is significant, varying from 32% to 35% depending on the orientation. The same occurs for
the 2050 scenario, with a variation between 33% and 36%. The highest reduction in thermal
load was observed when the thermal mass strategy was positioned facing west, with a 36%
average reduction. Notice that a partially-bermed earth-sheltered wall has the potential
increased building resilience to face the global warming impacts, since cooling energy
consumption in the 2020s is on average 12.3% lower than the base scenario, while in 2050, it
is surpassed only by 10.7%. For the last time-slice, resilience is almost achieved, providing
a considerable reduction in energy consumption (on average 37 kWh/m2 /year, based
on energy consumption for LIHe in the 2050s) and promoting sustainability in tropical
climate regions.
Previously isolated measures tested in similar low-income houses located in the
southeastern and northeast regions of Brazil were also effective in reducing the building
energy consumption of HVAC [12]. The three best performing solutions were found when
the wall absorptance in buildings was reduced to 0.3 (base scenario reduction: 21.86%|2050
Scenario reduction: 20.98%) when the brick wall was substituted by insulated concrete
(40.82%|21.74%), and when the clay roof was replaced by a metal roof with 0.07 m of
insulation and solar absorptance 0.3 (34.07%|23.64%). Note that the thermal mass strategy
provided by the bermed earth-sheltered walls, when compared to the previous strategies,
is more effective at counterbalancing the climate change effects, in turn, reducing the
energy consumption of the building. Thus, as an isolated passive adaptation measure, as
well as the other strategies tested in the previous study, it is not capable of completely
counterbalancing the impact of climate change on cooling energy consumption. However,
when combined with other adaptation measures, as proposed in this research, it may be
an alternative to improve the building envelope and counterattack the effect of global
warming, as observed in this study and previous ones [9,12,13]. For cities under hot
weather conditions, the idealization of climate-responsive design on residential buildings
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 23
Figure annualaverage
and fu-future
ture scenarios
scenarios (colors
(colors in west
in west orientation
orientation for for LIHb
LIHb in the
in the 2050s
2050s waswas changed
changed toto match
match withthe
with thecolors
colors established
established in the in the RTQ-R).
Regarding the performance of the CDH, the same design design recommendation
recommendation for the
orientation of the thermal mass strategy for buildings without the tested strategy should
be followed for the building
building with
with the
the bermed
bermed earth-sheltered
earth-sheltered wall.
wall. CDH reduction is
varying from
expressive, varying from26%26%toto38%,
those observed
observed in in
thethe previous
previous cool-
ing demand
demand analysis.
analysis. For For
LIHLIH implanted
implanted ininSalvador
city, the
the combined adaptation
measures in the current climate resulted in decreasing decreasing in in cooling
cooling degree-hours
degree-hours ranging
between 33% to 68%, compared to the standard LIH, reaching CDH varying
between 33% to 68%, compared to the standard LIH, reaching CDH varying between
higher than ◦ ◦ Ch [12]. Notice that LIHe typology presented
higher than5000
5,000 Ch
°Chand lower
and than
lower 12,000
than 12,000 °Ch [12]. Notice that LIHe typology pre-
◦ Ch) in all orientations evaluated in the
level “A”
sented energy
level efficiency
“A” energy efficiency rating≤
rating (CDH 12,566
(CDH ≤ 12,566 °Ch) in all orientations evaluated
in thescenario, as well as
base scenario, as well
LIHbhad its envelope
which improvedimproved
had its envelope with the implementation
with the imple-
of the partially-bermed earth-sheltered walls.
mentation of the partially-bermed earth-sheltered walls.
The raising of the air temperature, due to climatic conditions that may prevail in future
periods due to climate change, will progressively impact the possibility of transferring heat
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 420 15 of 22
from the indoors to the outdoors environments, reducing the potential use of naturally
ventilated strategy in the residential buildings. In the 2020 scenario, an increase in the
CDH inside LIHe rooms (18% to 30%) was observed, with the best performance strategy
orientation (west) in the base scenario being the most impacted due to global warming
effects. In the LIHb, the scenario was even more drastic, with CDH doubling (reduction
from 61% to 111%). In the 2050 scenario, the CDH exceeded double in some orientations,
when compared to the base scenario, for both LIHe (148% to 173%) and LIHb (227% to
327%) (Figure 6). The impact in the CDH may be assigned to the predicted increasing
of the outdoor air environment (projected rising of 1.5 ◦ C and 3.3 ◦ C for 2020 and 2050,
respectively) and reduction in the humidity, but also due to the elevation of global hori-
zontal radiation. In turn, the rising in ground temperature (see Table 4) also corroborates
degeneration of the building’s thermal performance [9,13].
Despite the observed impacts, LIHb typology is proposed as a climate-responsive
design strategy to counterbalance the effects caused by climate change in a situation where
natural ventilation occurs 24 h per day, However, its impact is lower than that observed
in cooling energy demand, in which the HVAC system is switched on at night when the
indoor temperature is above the thermostat temperature, defined as a baseline thermal
comfort temperature in the RTQ-R [23]. In the 2020 scenario, the reduction provided by
the implementation of the strategy varies from 11% to 16%, depending on the orientation,
when compared to the thermal performance of the building without the strategy. The same
occurs in the 2050 scenario, with a variation between 9% and 12%. The highest reduction
in the thermal performance was shown when the thermal mass strategy was oriented to
the west, with a 13.9% average reduction, even so, less expressive than that shown for
energy consumption. These projections corroborate the previous study conducted with
the same low-income house, but with different types of passive strategies used in building
envelopes and without the bermed earth-sheltered wall. Projections in the CDH indicator
are expected to increase 31.3% and 28.6% in 2020 and 2050 scenarios [13]. However, in the
standard LIH without any adaptation measures and with the use of bermed earth walls,
the reduction in CDH is similar to that observed in this research [45].
The bermed earth-sheltered wall strategy, when compared with other isolated mea-
sures, displays a lower reduction in terms of percentage [12]: the wall with solar absorp-
tance 0.3 (base scenario reduction: 34.28%|2050 Scenario reduction: 25.97%), concrete wall
with insulation (55.55%|37.14%), and clay roof replaced by a metal roof with 0.07 m of
insulation and solar absorptance 0.3 (57.87%|39.88%). Thus, in terms of CDH, the bermed
earth-sheltered strategy in this study is less expressive when compared to the isolated
measures tested in the previous study. One may note CDH is weighted by the areas of the
long permanence rooms, including the living room/kitchen, which has the same area as
the sum of the bedrooms area and is not in contact with the bermed earth-sheltered walls.
Thus, this room reduced the potential strategy impact (by at least half) due to its lower
performance than the ones in contact with the ground. Yet, this behavior may be attributed
to the fact that before simulations, LIH was redesigned to improve original buildings’
thermal and energy performance, which makes it difficult to improve its envelope due to
its already high thermal insulation.
Due to the future trend of air temperature raising, foreseen in the future climate
change scenarios, the building efficiency level, which is “A” for LIHe and LIHb in the base
scenario, decreases when the future potential impacts of climate change are incorporated
into the weather data. In the 2020 scenario, the building energy efficiency is reduced to
level “C”, with an exception in LIHb for west orientation, where level “B” is reached. In the
2050 scenario, all orientation became level “E”, again with an exception in LIHb for west
orientation, with level “D”. Thus, this orientation must be preferred to achieve the best
energy and thermal performance. Similar decreasing in building energy efficiency is also
reported for five-star buildings analyzed in Darwin, Australia, and in Guangdong Province,
South China, due to the raising of the energy requirement in the 2050 scenario [7,10]. This
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 420 16 of 22
fact indicates the need to establish specific design guidelines in the building environmental
certification codes to deal with this potential issue.
above. This way, it requires a more detailed analysis of the bedrooms without a living
room/kitchen thermal influence.
Base Scenario
Figure 7. Annual diary course of outdoor air temperature and indoor long permanence rooms operative temperatures for
the base and future scenarios in (a) LIHe and (b) LIHb.
building thermal performance in the base scenario, increasing the comfort, and reducing
hot discomfort hours inside the building (Figure 8). The west orientation is the most ef-
fective in providing the highest thermal comfort hours (82%), 12% higher than the LIHe
for the same orientation. Therefore, a properly designed bioclimatic passive measure
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 420 may become an alternative to improve the building’s habitability for the researched lo-22
18 of
cation, also, in the current weather conditions.
Figure 8. Weighted percentage of comfort and discomfort hours inside the LIHe and LIHb in the
Figure 8. Weighted
base and percentage of comfort and discomfort hours inside the LIHe and LIHb in
future scenarios.
the base and future scenarios.
Figure 9 depicts thermal comfort conditions inside the bedrooms where the strategy
wasIn future scenarios,
implemented. Notice thermal comfortislevels
that behavior similar have progressively
to that displayed in deteriorated inside
Figure 8; however,
the houses, and the raise in the hot discomfort hours is observed
thermal comfort conditions preponderates in most orientations and time-slices. All building in both typologies with
the projections
orientations established
present by thepercentage
the highest IPCC. Theof small
comfortnumber hours ofthan
discomfortin hours al-
the base
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 23
most vanishes,
and 2020 due However,
scenario. to the forecast outdoor
the west air temperature
orientation is the onlyelevation. Despite that,
one that provides moreinhours
2020 scenario,
of thermal the typologies
comfort conditions are(51%)
still capable
in the 2050s.of providing more hours of thermal comfort
than discomfort. Note that LIHb, on average, provides better thermal habitability for the
users (59%), when compared to LIHe (51%), which is near the borderline to have a warm
environment inside its rooms. The LIHe oriented to the north has higher hot discomfort
hours than comfort (49%). In this sense, the impact of climate change is more pronounced
in LIHe than in LIHb. Therefore, bermed earth-sheltering walls are a climate-responsive
alternative design to help to improve the building’s habitability. In turn, in the 2050 sce-
nario, thermal comfort hours are below 50% in both typologies and orientations, with a
hot environment predominating within the buildings. In the LIHb, this behavior is at-
tributed to the fact that thermal comfort has been assessed considering all the long per-
manence rooms, including the living room/kitchen that does not have the researched
strategy deployed. This room has a hotter environment than the bedrooms, as described
above. This way, it requires a more detailed analysis of the bedrooms without a living
room/kitchen thermal influence.
Figure 9.
9 depicts
9. Weighted
Weighted percentage
of comfortconditions
comfort anddiscomfort
discomfort hours
for thebedrooms
bedrooms thethe
in implemented.
the base and futureNotice that
the base and future scenarios.
behavior is similar to that displayed in Figure 8; however,
thermal comfort conditions preponderates in most orientations and time-slices. All
4. Conclusions
building orientations present the highest percentage of comfort hours than discomfort in
the baseTheand 2020consumption
energy scenario. However,
consumption the west
and thermal orientation
analysis is that
indicated the that
only oneofuse
the use that provides
bermed bermed
more hourswalls
earth-shelteredof thermal
as a as
walls comfort
a thermal conditions
massmass the(51%)
for for bedrooms
the in theis2050s.
bedrooms a successful
is a successfulmeasure
measureto to improve
building performance
building performanceand andhabitability,
habitability,actingactingasasa apotential
climate-responsive strategy
strategy to
to adapt
adapt buildings
buildings to tofacefaceandand counterbalance
counterbalance global
global warming
warming effects
effects that
that might
might prevail
prevail in
in tropical
tropical climate
climate regions.
regions. HigherHigher impacts
impacts are observed
are observed in cooling
in cooling energy energy
demand demand
than inthan
in the thermal
thermal performance,
performance, once theoncespacestheinspaces
the formerin theareformer are nottoexposed
not exposed to the
the thermal thermal
resulting fromresulting
natural from natural
ventilation, ventilation,
since the windows since the windows
remain closed when remain closedsystem
the HVAC when
is operating. Due to the expected increase in air temperature in the region (1.5 °C and 3.3the
the HVAC system is operating. Due to the expected increase in air temperature in °C
region ◦ and 3.3 ◦ C for 2020 and 2050, respectively), the potential use of naturally
for 2020(1.5
and C 2050, respectively), the potential use of naturally ventilated strategy in the resi-
dential strategy
buildings in the residential
is affected, restricting thebuildings is affected,
possibility to transfer restricting
heat fromthe the possibility
indoors to the to
transfer heat
outdoors from the compromising
environments, indoors to thebuilding outdoors environments,
thermal performance. compromising building
thermal performance.
The reduction in cooling energy consumption varied from 34% to 38% between the
base and future scenarios, being more relevant when the bermed earth-sheltered walls
are oriented to the west, that is, the main façade of the building is oriented to the east.
Similar reductions for cooling degree-hours, evaluated when the building is in a natu-
rally ventilated mode, are observed, ranging from 26% to 38%, with better performance
also following the previous results, i.e., the main façade of the building oriented to the
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 420 19 of 22
The reduction in cooling energy consumption varied from 34% to 38% between the
base and future scenarios, being more relevant when the bermed earth-sheltered walls
are oriented to the west, that is, the main façade of the building is oriented to the east.
Similar reductions for cooling degree-hours, evaluated when the building is in a naturally
ventilated mode, are observed, ranging from 26% to 38%, with better performance also
following the previous results, i.e., the main façade of the building oriented to the east.
The effects of climate change impact on both operating modes idealized for the
building long permanence rooms, i.e., when the building environments are operating
naturally ventilated and with the use of HVAC. In the 2020 scenario, the increase in cooling
energy consumption is over 28% for LIH, with and without the implementation of the
bioclimatic strategy of bermed earth-sheltered walls, while in the 2050 scenario, it exceeds
64%. In the thermal performance, the projected increase in cooling degree-hours is more
drastic, reaching 111% and 327% in the 2020 and 2050 scenarios, respectively. In these future
scenarios, the reduction provided by the implemented measure depends on its orientation
and varied between 32% to 36%, compared to the energy consumption of the building
without this passive strategy. Again, the highest reduction in cooling energy consumption
was shown when the thermal mass strategy was oriented to the west, with a 36% reduction,
on average. Thus, because of future potential impacts of climate change, building efficiency
level, which is “A” in the base scenario, decreases to level “E” in the 2050 scenario, an
exception in LIHb for west orientation, in which level remains “D”. However, it should
be pointed out that, for a fair judgment, the energy efficiency benchmarks should also be
corrected for the climate change effects. Based on these potential impacts, specific design
guidelines should be established by the international sustainable building organizations
to enable designers, builders, and stakeholders to anticipate the behavior of the built
environment under the potential future global warming scenarios.
The increase in cooling energy consumption, as well as in the cooling degree-hours,
can be easily seen when the effects of climate change are incorporated into the weather
data and thermos-energetic simulation is performed. However, the building with bermed
earth-sheltered walls (LIHb) always presents better performance than the building without
it (LIHe) in all orientations, demonstrating the positive impact of this measure. It can
be considered as a climate-responsive design strategy because of the improvement in
the housing resilience when facing the global warming impacts, since the cooling energy
consumption in the 2020s on LIHb is on average 12.3% lower than in the base scenario,
compared to LIHe, almost being able to provide full demand in the 2050s (consumption
of LIHb surpassed the LIHe in base scenario only by 10.7%). The same behavior is not
observed for CDH, due to the way this indicator is calculated, weighing the areas of the long
permanence building rooms, including living room/kitchen, which is not in contact with
the bermed earth-sheltered walls. This room, considered in the CDH calculation, presents
lower thermal performance than the bedrooms, which influenced the final performance,
reducing the positive impact of the implementation of the earth-sheltered wall.
LIHb provides better thermal habitability for the users, when compared to LIHe, in all
time-slices researched. Despite the progressive deterioration of thermal comfort conditions
within the building rooms, the bermed earth-sheltered walls are an alternative to partially
neutralize the global warming effects. When its impact, together with environments that
do not have the measure deployed (which reduce the positive impact as described above),
is analyzed, more hours of thermal comfort conditions may be achieved only until the
2020 scenario. However, considering only the rooms where the strategy is deployed, this
condition may be guaranteed until the 2050 scenario by the building’s west orientation.
Thus, given the impacts presented, it is possible to verify that bermed earth-sheltered
walls correspond to an alternative strategy for the adaptation effects of climate change and
should be thought of as an adaptive measure to promote building sustainability, in terms of
cooling energy consumption. Therefore, the use of the thermal mass, combined with other
passive adaptation strategies, may help to counterattack the climatic conditions that may
prevail in future periods due to global warming on tropical climates. A cost–benefit analysis
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 420 20 of 22
between the studied climate change adaptation measure investment and the energy-saving
should be assessed in future work, aiming to evaluate the payback period.
The thermal and energy analysis conducted in this study deals with uncertainties
regarding the internal climate variability related to the climate model and premises adopted
for future scenario definitions. The latter are based on economic growth, social trends,
adaptation/ mitigation policies, technological development, and demographic factors.
Therefore, the evaluation conducted in this study for the future scenarios should be treated
as a possible trend, rather than as absolute values. However, the potential uncertainties in
the future climate data do not invalidate the predictions made by the CCWorldWeatherGen
tool, which can confidently be used to anticipate the behavior of the built environment in
the potential future global warming scenarios.
Author Contributions: Conception and execution of the building simulation—I.J.A.C., R.M.A. and
E.L.A.d.G.; methodology—I.J.A.C., R.M.A. and E.L.A.d.G.; formal analysis—I.J.A.C. and L.C.D.;
writing—I.J.A.C. and R.M.A.; reviewing and editing—L.C.D. and R.M.A.; visualization—F.R.,
K.d.A.C.R. and L.M.d.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) (Edict
number 01/2020, Process N. 23108.066371/2020-11) and by the Mato Grosso State Research Support
Foundation (FAPEMAT) by a master contract granted (Edict number 017/2015).
Institutional Review Board Statement: This study did not require ethical approval.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: Data sharing is not applicable to this article.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the Federal University of Mato Grosso/ Brazil
and the Mato Grosso State Research Support Foundation (FAPEMAT) to support this research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role
in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the
manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.
α Absorptance (dimensionless) LIH Single-family low-income house
ϕ Thermal lag LIHe Efficient Single-family low-income house
Efficient Single-family low-income house with Bermed
A Floor area LIHb
Earth-Sheltered in the bedrooms walls
ABNT Brazilian Association of Technical Standards HadCM3 Hadley Centre Coupled Model version 3
Fourth Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
AR4 HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
Climate Change
Aw Tropical Savannah climate PVC Polyvinyl chloride chloride
CDH Cooling Degree-Hours R-value Thermal resistance
COP Coefficient of performance RTQ-R Energy Efficiency Level of Residential Buildings
CT Thermal capacity (kJ/(m2 K) SF Sun factor
EPS Expanded polystyrene Tint Internal temperature
EPW EnergyPlus Weather file Text External temperature
GCM General Circulation Model Tn Monthly average neutral temperature
GHG Greenhouse gas Top Operative temperature
HDH Heating Degree-Hours TEmed Monthly average outdoor air temperature
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change U Total thermal transmittance
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