CH 4 2831.p65
CH 4 2831.p65
CH 4 2831.p65
B.Com. (Hons.) (Fourth Semester)
Examination, 2015
Banking Operations Management
Time Allowed : Three Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 70
(2) (3)
2. Explain Indian Financial System. Discuss its ob- ment? Explain main features of Promis-
3. What is Credit Control? Discuss the quantita- (b) Define Indorsement. Discuss the various
tive and qualitative methods to control it. 10 requisite of a valid indorsement. 10
Unit - II Unit-IV
4. What do you understand by “Collecting 8. What do you mean by Securities? Discuss the
Banker”? Discuss the position of a collecting
various types of securities and precautions
banker as : 10
which a bank should take in lending against it?
(a) A Holder for value
(b) An agent of his Customer
9. Briefly explain the revised framework of
5. Explain the following: 10
Basel-II Committee. 10
(a) Different Kinds of Crossing of a Cheque
CH-4/2831 CH-4/2831