Credit Risk Assessment 1 - May 2015
Credit Risk Assessment 1 - May 2015
Credit Risk Assessment 1 - May 2015
1 This paper consists of TWO Sections, A and B.
2 Section A consists of 20 multiple choice questions, each question carries 2
marks. Answer ALL questions.
3 Section B consists of 5 questions, each question carries 20 marks. Answer
ANY THREE questions.
4 You will be allowed 10 minutes to go through the paper before the start of the
examination when you may write on this paper but not in the answer book.
5 Begin each answer on a new page.
6 Please write your examination number on each answer book used.
Answer sheets without examination numbers will not be marked.
7 All persons writing examinations without payment will risk expulsion from the
8 If you are caught cheating, you will be automatically disqualified in all subjects
seated this semester.
Briefly discuss three characteristics of each of the following personalities that have an
effect on the credit assessment conducted by banks. The characteristics should be on
legal status, liabilities for debt and borrowing needs.
a) Individual
b) Sole Proprietor
c) Partnership
d) Registered Company
e) Trusts Co-Operative (Total 15 marks)
In July 2014, Mr Gianopolis a Greek Tobacco farmer in Thuchila approaches your
bank for advice on financing programs that can be availed to him for his farming
c) In light of the recent heavy rains and flooding in the country, mention three of the
credit risks impacting Mr. Gianapolis and their effect on the facility extended to the
bank. (3 marks)
(Total 15 marks)
a) Define fixed and variable costs providing two examples for each. (4 marks)
(4 marks)
d) Discuss the importance of break-even analysis to credit risk assessment.
(5 marks)
(Total 15 marks)
b) Mr. Dimba has operated his stationery business for the past 12 months since
inception. In the first year he had turnover amounting to MK0.5 million and capital
of MK0.1 million. However, of late he has experienced a large increase in orders
amounting to MK7.9 million without a growth in capital. He has since gone to the
bank to apply for a loan to finance his business and Ms. Ntere, the Credit Analyst
at NBH, has advised him that the loan may not be granted as the bank has
concerns of overtrading on the part of Mr. Dimba.
a) Briefly explain four components mentioned below of working capital that requires
managing and how each one of them should be managed.
Current Liabilities
Payables 30,400
Accruals 8,600
Bank Overdrafts 3,600
Income Taxes Payable 1,000
Final Dividend proposed 3,000
b) Discuss the key differences between the operating cycles of a retailing business
and manufacturing business. (6 marks)
c) Malambe Co buys raw materials from suppliers that allows Malambe 2.5 months
credit. The raw materials remain in stock for a month, and it takes the business 2
months to produce goods. The goods are sold soon after production and
customers take on average 1.5 months to pay. Calculate the operating cycle for
Malambe Co. (8 marks)
Discuss how these reports would impact on the credit assessment of the client.
(4 marks)
(Total 20 marks)
Compare the business risk of XYX Bank and Shoprite in light of their cost structures.
Your discussion should highlight why cost structure is important in the discussion of
business risk, and how different cost structures increase or decreases business risk.