Analytical Practical

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The is then drlanfned haion th Nas,g ake a
la» Snptered end otHe oknpawr, sume
(Edhiosdphat) n0-300 hl)and h amp
Nle ashpold be hopud q ee atr he herper
Son tles Ctne-300 mi
lanq andus_ulphaia Seluaiay Opghe bttle and pour 2ah d oxnanaan s
Disso lve, loo.9 angansus, dulphade m
Sulphade and alkaline potashum indid Sluts
2ngna peieu boledAissilled ader R bina- deparate Pipetes.
lter he dSolukm
he volume oSanple is Trer A00 md. ada 2m eoch
Atkaline potaiunm indide Snlution eaqent insttad Im.
iah 50 potasum indide and too J

ntasstu hdr s 8, A_precipitate tal|_appear. plats the Stopper and Shake

snle he Chenitads y 200 hl o prieuy o l e he bale thoroughlu
_disiilled Water Sonsple ot his SHant siorsd for 4ad days
3. Sodium hinsulphate oludion CD-025 n-
Dissaly 6205qSodiurq Hiosulphatt n 4 dd Rd Sulphusia aid n distohe the bresipitade,
litre pris oiled disklled. tater ond Add-
NanH a a breenakye
allet o
keep Coloured botle. 5rassr qendu Caxhiolinubbling) whila tontora
nouoin aut i da Cital. task
5.SHareh maicator- Yat a eu_droe bSthrch dicadáir .
Disalveq sipee to8 m ualun
dille water and pdd'a. f drasa tvate aind Sneiurm nsulphate Gnhlmand nat th
oluene ODnkiye: Pnd ninf hm ntial blue' Coloun disapaaxi
C. Coqeanhatd uphsda acid Sp grankk 1:84.

GterlbLsed ai,
D0 h/L N x 8 X100D

i rcin f the Canlends tbed or
Doma: vaX3 x looD

here D.0 Dissolved osuaa

Vglurma Dampln boteoter plainatha
pper i mk)
Lblurme bmaahDuUs ulphote +otatsurm
indide Dadded tml).

nlemu o racha_otne Contt sed or

iaknn m).
Anmakile tityant.D.025)
h Aalunt kight Rupn is. 3

e hmcal ugen
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he eead dagen demand
a tqed (cop mrasun
measures hr amand
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pasen. in aler by tmean Compaund»
aeliona, deloing Dhidlbsing cmital
Telashuy dichrale ard dubatan e adeh
Dalamiurn rrmanaanae
tbtassiun diehreaBe is. the doesi Suitable
or attr halind Daore tha Didant, but
pdasiunm permansanate is bed chlnides,
alhsugh he reuls
a t dnore axiablehacane the latHer s 8el
Most h e Croanic nter odtconmposes ond
rndues Chrbn dioxide and ater tihan s hoiledt h

adviure ooasiud dicronyade and Qulphulhit


A Sonnple is retuxedDitk aknsusn amaunto kr,Oqm

ulphuwte aid Madium andh ekce D
dichromatt is titoktd agan ertoun ahamwenium
lpate CEAS)
lhe drmauntodichromate thus Conbumed is rsiiona to
he ugun
ugen rsgured o Doidise the Drmanic' mate
t h e dampl

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