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Sharma et al Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development.

2021; 9(2): 57-64

Available online on 15.04.2021 at http://ajprd.com

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Open Access Review Article

Mucoadhesive polymers for buccal drug delivery system: An
Mukesh Sharma*, F.R. Sheeba, Rajkumar Prasad Yadav, Akshay Kumar Patel,
Yeshavantha Kumar.
Department of Pharmaceutics, Mallige College of Pharmacy, Banglore-560090, Karnataka, India.


Pharmaceutical scientists around the globe have been seeking to discover as an alternative to injections over the last few,
transdermal and transmucosal routes decades. The buccal cavity mucosa the most convenient and easily available site for the
distribution of local and systemic therapeutic agents was found to be dosage forms among the numerous transmucosal
sitesavailable.Theories and various polymers used in mucoadhesive drug delivery. Mucoadhesive polymers increases the
residence time, prolong the absorption, enhances solubilityand dissolution characteristics of poorly soluble drugs. In addition,
we are focused on the latest generation of mucoadhesion polymers, led by the latest formulation of mucoadhesive for the
distribution of oral drugs, such as thiolated polymers. A good insight into mucoadhesion polymers, the mucoadhesive
phenomenon and the factors that can affect polymer mucoadhesion is given in the current analysis. The systematic drug
delivery has been investigated for buccal mucosa and local drug treatment or therapy is subjected to first pass metabolism. Oral
mucosa drug delivery by discussing the structural features of mucosa, mechanism of mucoadhesion. General consideration in
design of mucoadhesive buccal dosage forms, permeation enhancers and the various evalution method along with literature
survey of the buccal mucoadhesive.
Keywords: Mucoadhesive polymer, oral mucosa, enhances solubility, drug delivery, permeation enhancer.

A R T I C L E I N F O: Received 14 Jan 2021 ; Review Complete 21 Feb 2021; Accepted 25 March 2021; Available online 15 April. 2021
Cite this article as:
Sharma M, F.R. S, Yadav RP, Patel AK, Kumar Y, Mucoadhesive polymers for buccal drug delivery system: An overview, Asian
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2021; 9(2):57-64. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/ajprd.v9i2.938

*Address for Correspondence:

Mukesh Sharma, Department of Pharmaceutics, Mallige College of Pharmacy, Banglore-560090, Karnataka, India


I n the oral cavity, the site of drug administration

comprises the mouth floor the interior of the cheeks
(buccal) and the gums (sublingual), (gingival). The
delivery of a drug involves the release of a drug in some
kind of dosage form found in the oral cavity. The delivery
and stability problems in the gastrointestinal environment,
such as gastric pH irritation instability and mucosal
membrane complexation. These drug delivery system, a
great deal of attention has been paid to in pharmaceuticals a
great deal of attention has been paid to increase residence
of a drug requires some type of dosage form, present in the time and maintain a high drug concentration gradient across
oral cavity, to release a drug. This then extends into the the entire drug with epithelium. Mucoadhesive formulation
local blood circulation through the mucosa and is then contain one or more hydrophilic polymers along with drug.
carried further to the systemic blood circulation. 1Recently, When it comes in contact to saliva, it wets, swells up and
mucoadhesive polymers have gained popularity among release drug from the system. Mucoadhesive polymers are
scientists in pharmaceutics as a means of enhancing drug water soluble and water insoluble in nature. They form
delivery by encouraging dosage from residence time and swellable networks, jointed by cross linking agents by the
Period of interaction with mucous membranes and different processes such as wetting, mutual adsorption and
Forms of oral, nasal, ocular, muco-adhesive and vaginal interpenetration of polmer mucins.3
drug delivery system.2The biggest obstacle to the
absorption of a drug taken orally vast first pass metabolism
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Sharma et al Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2021; 9(2): 57-64

ADVANTAGE3 Mucus Composition

 Prolong the time of residence and dosage form thus Buccal mucus epithelial cells are surrounded by mucus with
enhances absorption and therapeutic efficacy of drug. a thickness of around 40 mm-300 mm.Just 10 percent of
 Excellent accessibility. saliva can be produced by the sublingual gland, parotid
 Improved patient compliance gland and other salivary gland, combined with mucus. It is
 Ease of administration secreted by goblet cell with mucus cell acini or by a special
 Increase drug bioavilability due to prevention of first exocrine gland.
pass metabolism. Water: 95%
 Quicker onset of operation is achieved due to high
vascularization of mucosal membrane. Glycoprotein and lipid: 0.5-5%

DISADVANTAGE 3 Mineral salt: 1%

 They are non-suitable for high dose of drug. Free protein: 0.5-1%
 It should be non-uniform toxic and non-absorbablefrom Mucus glycoproteins are high molecular proteins
the site of absorption such as buccal, vaginal etc. possessing attached oligopolysaccharide units. They are the
 It should be non-irritant to the membrane of mucus.
a. L-fructose medication
 It should have an optimum degree of cross linking
b. Galactose-D
density, pH and hydration.
c. Sialic acid
 It should bind to moist tissue easily and have some site
 In the handling of the dosage form or during its shelf Functions of mucus-
life, it is not necessary for the polymer to decompose. • Cell-cell adhesion
Overview of oral mucosa [4, 5] • Lubrication
The total surface area of oral cavity 100cm2 and is lined
with mucous membranes. The several distinict maturation Mucoadhesive Dosage Forms [2, 6]
trends, referring to the tissue's functional demands. The mucoadhesive dosage forms are providing intimate
Kertatinized epithelium (dehydrated, chemically resistant to contact with the dosage form in order to extend the drug
mechanical toughness) is found to less flexible forms the action, the absorbing surface and to increase the dosage
matisfactory the gingiva mucosa and part of the rough part residence time type at the absorbing surface. There are
of the guma Plate Sheet. The surface of the pavement various mucoadhesive dosage form are given below.
distensible lining of the mucosa of the soft palate, mouth
floor, lips and cheek is formed by non-keratinized 1. Gastrointestinal drug delivery.
epithelium (flexible).There are three layer layers of the 2. Nasal delivery system
epithelium of the mucosa is basement membrane and 3. Ocular delivery system.
connective tissue.The membrane of the basement forms a 4. Buccal and sublingual delivery system.
distinctive layer between the connective tissue and the 5. Vaginal and rectal delivery System.
epithelium. These tissues, which are also reffered to as the
lamina propria, consist of collagen fibers, a connective Gastrointestinal drug delivery:
supporting layer tissue, vessels in the blood and smooth
muscles. It is also a viscous elastic hydrogel, and primarily The concept of mucoadhesives started with the simple need
consists of 1– 5% of the above mentioned, Water insoluble to locate a drug at some GI locations tract. Therefore, by
glycoproteins, 95-99 percent water, and small amounts of obtaining a substantial increase in the residence time of the
some other elements, such as proteins, enzymes drug for local drug effect and allowing once-daily dosing,
electrolytes, nucleic acids and Based on the origin of the the primary objective of using mucoadhesive systems orally
mucosal secretion in the body, This composition can differ. would be achieved. The turnover of mucus, that is, the
continuous development of mucous by the gastric mucosa
to replace the missing mucous by contractions and also
dilution of the stomach material limits the possibilities of
mucoadhesion as a gastro retentive force.
Nasal drug delivery system:
It is one of the most important features of the nasal route is
avoids first-pass hepatic metabolism, thereby reducing
metabolism. Addition of mucoadhesive excipient such as
chitosan results in a decreased clearance rate. The nasal
mucosa has a surface area of about 150-200 cm2 and the
residence time in the nasal mucosa is between 10 to 30 min.

Figure:1 Anatomy of oral mucosa

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Ocular drug delivery system: Consodilation stage:

Opthalmic dosage forms can be improved by increasing the The consodilation stage is also characterized by
time the active ingredients remain in contact with eye Mucoadhesive compounds are activated by the presence of
tissues. The in situ gelling polymer is another interesting humidity. Moisture plasticizes the device, causing the
delivery system that due to ionic change, pH change or mucoadhesive molecules to break loose and bind with
temperature change after application. hydrogen bonds and weak van der Waals.The consolidation
phase is explained by two theories:
Buccal and sublingual drug delivery system:
 Diffusion theory
The buccal area appears more appropriate for the
continuous delivery using mucoadhesive systems due to the  Dehydration theory.
existence of a smooth and relatively immobile surface for
the positioning of a mucoadhesive dosage type.The buccal Diffusion theory:
and sublingual routes avoid firstpass metabolism. The
buccal cavity has about 45 cm2 of surface area. But the According to the principle of diffusion, mucoadhesive
accessibility of the site makes it preferable for delivering molecules and mucus glycoproteins interact with one
therapeutic moieties another by interpenetrating their chains and forming
secondary bonds. Hydrogen bond forming groups (-OH,-
Vaginal and rectal drug delivery system: COOH) molecules, for example, with an anionic surface
Vaginal and rectal routes have been explored for the charge, high molecular weight, and surface-active
delivery of the active agents both locally and systemically. properties, which cause their distribution across the mucus
Also it’s avoid hepatic first-pass, resulting in decreased layer.
hepatic side effects and avoids pain, tissue damage, and
The mechanism of adhesion of certain macromolecules at
the surface of mucous tissue is not well understand yet.
Attraction and repulsion forces arise and for a
mucoadhesion to be successful, the attraction forces must
be dominate. Thus, the mechanism of mucoadhesion is
generally divided in two steps,
 Contact stage
 Consodilation stage

Fig.3: Secondary interactions that result from the interdiffusion of

bioadhesive polymer chains and mucus.

Dehydration theory:
Materials that can quickly gelify in an aqueous atmosphere
when put in contact with the mucus can cause dehydration
due to the difference in osmotic pressure, according to the
dehydration principle. This method contributes to the
formula and mucus mixture and will thereby increase the
time of contact with the mucous membrane. For solid
formulas or extremely hydrated forms, the dehydration
principle does not apply.

Figure: 2 The two steps of the mucoadhesion process.

Contact stage:
Themucoadhesive drug delivery systems and the interaction
between the mucoadhesive and the mucous membrane, with
the spreading and swelling of the mucoadhesive membrane,
characterize the point formulation initiatingthe profound
interaction with mucus layer.In these cases, peristalsis, the
motion of organic movement, may explain mucoadhesion
fluids in the organ cavity, or by Brownian motion. If the
particle reaches the mucous surface, repulsive forces
(osmotic friction, electrostatic repulsion, etc.) and attractive
forces will come into contact with it (van der Waals forces
and electrostatic attraction). Figure: 4 The mucoadhesion hypothesis of dehydration.

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MUCOADHESION THEORIES create a semi-permanent adhesive bonds.The degree of

penetration depends on the coefficient of diffusion, stability
There are six classical hypotheses adapted from
and character of the mucoadhesive strings, mobility and
experiments on the efficiency of many materials and
touch time,the interpenetration depth needed to create an
polymer-polymer adhesion that describe the phenomenon.
effective bioadhesive bond is within the range of 0.2-0.5
The chemical and physical foundation of mucoadhesion is
not well understood.
L= (tDb)1/2 …………………………..3
Electronic theory
Where t is the moment of touch and Db is the time of
This hypothesis is based on the assumption that there are
contact, mucoadhesive material diffusion coefficient in the
competing electrical charges for both mucoadhesive and
mucus and It is necessary to have good mutual solubility of
biological materials. Since all materials come into contact,
the materials involved, i.e. that both the bioadhesive and the
as the enticing forces within this electronic double layer
mucus have similar chemical structures.
determine mucoadhesive distribution, they pass electrons
contributing to the construction of a double electronic layer
at the interface.
Adsorption theory
The mucoadhesive system adheres to the mucus by
secondary chemical interactions such as van der Waals and
hydrogen bonding, electrostatic attraction or hydrophobic
interactions in the adsorption principle.
Wetting theory
The principle of wetting refers to liquid systems that
display preference for the surface in order to spread over it.
By using measuring approaches such as the touch angle,
this affinity can be identified. In order to have sufficient Figure: 6 Secondary interactions that result from the interdiffusion of
spreadability, the angle should be equal to or above zero. bioadhesive polymer chains and mucus.

Mechanical theory
This hypothesis assumes adhesion to be due to the filling by
a mucoadhesive solvent of the irregularities on a rough
surface. Such roughness increases the interfacial region
available for contacts, thereby helping to dissipate energy
and can be considered the most relevant process
phenomena. Intrinsic the polymer's variables are related to
its molecular weight, concentration and stability in the
chain. Mucoadhesion increases with molecular weight for
linear polymers, but for nonlinear polymers the same
relationship does not hold. In the mucus layer, the thickness
will range from 50 to 450 μm stomach. Less than 1µm
located in the oral cavity and mucoadhesion which occurs
in an array of different situations.
Figure5: Schematic diagram of the touch angle impactdevice and mucus Muco-adhesive polymers: 8
membrane on Bioadhesion.
Muco-adhesive polymers are mainly water soluble in
The spreadability coefficient, SAB, can be calculated from nature. These polymers have swellable networks. These
the difference between the surface energies γB and γA and cross-link agents have various important properties, such as
the interfacial energy γAB, as indicated in equation are fast wetting, better mutual adsorption, and better ability to
given below: penetrate and interpenetrate within the polymer and oral
SAB = YB –YA-YAB mucus, which are essential for muco-adhesion.These muco-
adhesive polymers which have ability to bind with the
The greater the individual surface energy of mucus and mucus present on the epithelial cells surfaces can be
device in relation to the interfacial energy, the greater the divided in three classes
adhesion work, WA, that the greater the energy needed to
separate the two phases. When polymers are put in water, they have the potential to
become sticky. In order to attain greater stickiness, these
WA = YA + YB –YAB ……………………..2 polymers also have their own muco-adhesion
Diffusion theory strength.Examples are collagen, gelatin, starch, alginate,
and agarose Polymers which, because of their electrostatic
Diffusion theory explains the interpenetration to an nature, are capable of adhering to the epithelial surface
appropriate extent of both polymer and mucin chains to (Hydrogen bonding can play significant role in these
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Sharma et al Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2021; 9(2): 57-64

polymers in order to accomplish more adhesion).Examples Chitosan:

are, carbopol, sodium alginate. Chitosan are widely used for medicine, delivery by various
pharmaceutical researchers. These polymers are ideal for
Polymers which have ability to bind with the specific
biocompatibility, low toxicity, biodegradability, non-
receptors and it will thus be helpful in order to achieve.
immunogenicity, relatively low cost, solubility in water,
Classification of muco-adhesive polymers gelling capability, high viscosity and stabilization
properties and the study, the investigators do the in Vitro
These muco-adhesive polymers can be divided into two
analysis and characterization of polymeric gels based on
broad categories:
chitosan were performed to assess the action of the
Natural Polymers: formulation in the epithelial cells of the buccal mucosa. A
cone-plate rheometer was used to measure the rheological
Derived from natural origin for example: collagen, properties of the prepared gels.The in vitro showed better
albumin, alginates, gelatin, cyclodextrins, chitosan, dextran, drug release and high permeability on pig cheek mucosa.
starch, agarose, cellulose, hyaluronic acid extra. Using a universal testing machine, the mucoadhesion
Synthetic polymers: capability was testedthe results showed the prepared gels
containing chitosan a better candidate to treat the pral
These are divided further into two categories: disorder.
A. Bio-degradable polymers: polylactic acid,
polyhydroxyl butyrate, polyglycolic acid, Table No 1: List of polymers used in formulation of various drug delivery
polycaprolactone, poly-doxanones, polyadipic acid.
Name of polymer Formulation
B. Non-biodegradable polymers: ethyl cellulose,
polydimethyl siloxane, HPMC cellulose acetate, silica Guargum Guargum based sustained realease.
Tragacanth Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food,
Natural polymers Drugs and Cosmetics.
Chitosan Propranolol hydrochloride, buccal film
Collagen: Metoprolol tartarate, buccal patches
One of the natural protein polymers that is commonly used Cetylpyridinium chloride.
for muco-adhesion is collagen. There is a triple helical Gum Arabic As sustained-release, natural gums and modified
structure of the collagen polymer. There are about nineteen natural gums.
different kinds of collagen monomers for both Fenugreek gum The Potential of Trigonella foenumgraecum.
pharmaceutical and medical interests that have been
Pectin On the gelling activity of low metholoxyl
isolated, characterized, and test. Collagen has various pectinin (Opuntia ficus indica) 'nopal'
attractive properties like good biocompatibility,
degradability, low antigenicity which makes the collagen Xanthan gum Sustained-release and swelling characteristics of
injection moulded matrix tablets based on
polymer to be used widely in various pharmaceutical, tissue xanthan gum/ethylcellulose: evaluation in vitro
and medical applications in drug delivery systems.The and in vivo
Investigator used the elevated chitosan concentration in the
films of chitosan/gelatin since there is the lowest water Table No 2: List of buccal mucoadhesive drug delivery systems10
percentage absorption potential using an elevated volume
of chitosan, which is found to be around 235.1±5.3 percent. Dosage forms Active Polymers
The residence time it was revealed to be about 240±13 min. ingredients
When tested with porcine buccal mucosa, the use of Buccoadhesive Tablets Propranolol HCl SCMC, CP-934
mannitol in prepared formulations demonstrated greater
Buccoadhesive Tablets Atenolol CP 934p,
drug permeation. Near about 80% drug permeation was
found when tested on porcine buccal mucosa when applied Buccal adhesive tablets nystain HPMC
for around 5 h. Buccal adhesive tablets Fluconazole HPMC , sodium
Gelatin: Buccal adhesive tablets Tizanidine HPMC K4M
Gelatin is an example of natural polymers commonly found
in nature. Gelatin is a water soluble polymer which is Buccoadhesive Films Progesterone Chitosan
basically produced through the process known as Buccoadhesive Films Lidocaine HPC
denaturation. It is biocompatible, biodegradble and of low
Buccoadhesive Patches Propranolol HCl CP 934 and
antigenicity. The formulations in which gelatin is used have PVP-K30
the power toincorporate just as well as the release the
bioactive agents like drugs proteins and peptides. Buccal adhesive patches Atenolol CP 934 P,
It is first changed by conjugating with the PEG in order to Buccal adhesive patches Oxytocin CP 974P
prepare muco-adhesive gels using albumins. These are still Buccoadhesive Gels Lidocaine PEG, CP 934P,
being seen in tissue engineering applications. These and PVP
polymers have adequate biocompatibility, low toxicity,
gelling strength, high and stabilizing viscosity properties.
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Factor Affecting Of Mucoadhesive Drug Delivery11 Applied strength:

Polymer related factors: Buccal mucoadhesive drug delivery system, sufficient
strength should be applied in order to provide a good
Molecular weight:
bioadhesive property. There is no attractive forces between
The mucoadhesion strength of a mucoadhesive the polymer and mucus, then application of high pressure for
polymer depends primarily on its molecular weight and its sufficient long time make the polymer become bioadhesive
polymeric linearity. Linear polymers are derived from (e.g., with mucus.
Polyethylene glycol glycol). Because In the case of a
Initial contact time:
nonlinear polymer, the strength of the mucoadhesive
polymer may or may not be dependent on its strength The initial time of touch between the muco-adhesive
molecular weight. That is mainly because the helical or polymer and the mucus layer results in the increased
coiled some of the adhesive group, which is primarily swelling as well as muco-adhesive polymer interpenetration
responsible for the adhesive, may shield the structures of chain. Hence, there is increases the mucoadhesion strength
such polymerproperty. of the polymer chain.
Concentration of polymer: Physiological factors
The concentration of a mucoadhesive polymer is a Disease state:
significant factor to determining its mucoadhesive strength.
The mucus secretion from the mucus membrane is reduced
For some highly concentrated polymeric systems, beyond
by (e.g., in Dry Mouth Syndrome and in old age).There is
the optimum level of polymer, the polymer's mucoadhesive
not sufficientquantity of mucus present at the site of
ability starts to fall down significantly because the
mucoadhesive dosage type attachment. This may be leads
concentration of polymer molecules starts rising over the
improper polymer moistening and swelling. There is
molecular concentration of the liquid medium in such a
decreased mucoadhesive strength mucoadhesive dose
way that there is no further chain formation between liquid
medium and polymer.
Concomitant diseases:
Flexibility of polymer chains:
Its can alter the physicochemical properties of mucous or
The flexibility of the chain of muco-adhesives causes the
its quantity (for example, hypo and hyper secretion of
greater diffusion into the mucus network of buccal cavity.
gastric juice), increases in body temperature, ulcer disease,
The polymer chain flexibility decreases with increase in the
colitis, tissue fibrosis, allergic rhinitis, viral or fungal
concentration of polymer. For an effective bioadhesion, the
infection and inflammation.
polymer chain should effectively diffuse into the mucus
layer. The polymer chain flexibility depends on the EVALUATION OF BUCCAL DRUG DELIVERY
viscosity of theand diffusion coefficient of that chain. SYSTEMS12
Hydrogen bonding capacity: Interaction experiments of drug-excipients:
Hydrogen bonding is another significant element in a Drug-excipient interaction experiments play an important
polymer's mucoadhesion. For polymers need to have role in the design and creation of the solid dosage form.
functional groups capable of forming hydrogen Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), X Ray
bonds.Ability to form hydrogen bonds is owing to the Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrum
presence of (COOH, OH etc.). Flexibility of the polymer is (FTIR) and thin layer chromatography can be used for drug
important to improve its hydrogen bonding potential. interaction studies.
Polymers such as polyvinyl alcohol, hydroxylated
methacrylate and poly (methacrylic acid) as well as all their Physical evaluation
co-polymers are having good hydrogen bonding capacity. It involves uniformity of material, uniformity of weight,
and uniformity of thickness. The measurement of weight
Cross linking density:
variance was carried out by comparing the average weight
The cross connecting the density of polymer determines its of ten randomly selected patches with individual patches
higher molecular weight. The cross linking density from each sample. Five positions (center and four corners)
indicates the number of average molecular weight of the should be measured for film thickness, and the mean
cross linked polymer, which determines the average pore thickness is determined.Sample with nicks or tears, having
size. When the cross linking density of polymer is higher, it air bubbles and having mean thickness variation of greater
reduces the pore size of polymer chain which results in than 5% are removed from analysis.
reduced diffusion of water into the polymer network.
Surface pH:
Environment related factors
To investigate the risk of any side effects in in-vivo, the
Interface pH of the polymer-substratum: surface pH buccal patch of the body was determined.It is
important to preserve the surface pH as close to neutral as a
The pH of the interface with polymer-mucin should be the
basic or acidic pH may cause inflammation to the buccal
same as possible, because, the difference the transfer can
mucosa as possible.The oral patches were placed in contact
result in pH between the two systems of charge due to the
with 1 ml of purified water (pH 6.5 ± 0.05) and allowed to
higher pH gradient. That may be affect the bucoadhesive.
swell at room temperature for two hours, and the pH was
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Sharma et al Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2021; 9(2): 57-64

found to be reduced by putting the electrode into contact of a pH buffer of phosphate 6.8. The research was
with the surface of the patch and allowing it to balance for conducted at 37° C ± 0.5 ° C, with a rotating speed of 50
1 minute. rpm. Buccal tablet backing layer membrane attached to the
glass disk with instant adhesive adhesive (cyanoacrylate
Swelling studies
adhesive). 5 ml of sample is removed as a fixed interval of
Swelling lifts the patch's weight: time and supplemented with fresh medium. The samples
were screened into Whatman filter paper and analyzed by
On a pre-weighed cover slip, a drug-loaded patch of 1x1
UV spectrophotometry at a suitable nm after sufficient
cm2 was retained and weighed, and then 50 ml of
phosphate buffer (pH 6.6) was applied. After five minutes,
the cover slip was cut and measured for up to 30 minutes. In vitro drug permeation:
Owing to water absorption and swelling of the patch, the
The in vitro oral drug permeation study of drugs via the
weight difference results in a weight rise.
oral mucosa of sheep or goat is performed at 37 ° C ± 0.2 °
Ex vivo mucoadhesive strength: C using Keshary-Chien or Franz type glass diffusion cell. It
contains the fresh buccal mucosa donor and receptor
Determing the ex vivo mucoadhesive strength a modified
compartments that have been connected. The core side of
balance method is used. The fresh mucosa buccal of goat
the mucosa and the compartments were facing the oral
or sheep obtained and used within 2 hours of slaughter. The
tablet clamped together. One ml buffer with phosphate (pH
mucosal membrane was cleaned at 37 °C with distilled 6.8). It is positioned in the donor compartment and the
water and then with a phosphate buffer (pH 6.8). The oral receptor compartment is located in the phosphate buffer
mucosa was cut into small pieces and washed again with a
(pH 7.4).One ml sample can be removed at a predetermined
phosphate buffer (pH 6.8). A piece of buccal mucosa was
time interval and tested for drug content at suitable nm
attached to the glass vial, which was packed with a
using a UV spectrophotometer.
phosphate buffer. Prior to the study, the two sides of the
modified balance were made equal by putting a 5 g weight Study of Stability in Human Saliva:
on the right side of the pan. A weight of 5 g was removed
According to the ICH guidelines stability study of fast
from the right side of the pan, lowering the pan over the
dissolving films is carried out for all the batches. After the
mucosa along with the tablet. The balance was kept in this
predetermined interval of time, the films were evaluated for
position for a contact time of 5 minutes. Equivalent to
the disintegration time, drug content and physical
weight, with an infusion set of 100 drops per minute on the
appearance. Optimized mucoadhesive patch formulation
right side of the pan, the water was added at a slow rate
stability studies were performed at percent 40° C, 37 ± 5°
until the tablet separated from the mucosal surface. Buccal
C& 75 ± 5 % RH up to three months◦. After three months,
tablet's power of mucoadhesive in grams. At 37 °C ± 1 °C,
the worth of all of the parameters remains the same as their
the glass vial was closely fitted into a glass beaker filled
values and there are small improvements in the value of the
with a phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) so it barely reached the
efficiency of volume trapping, percent elongation & percent
surface of the mucosa.
drug release after eight hours.
Ex- vivo mucoadhesive time:
Determining ex vivo mucoadhesion time conducted on
Mucoadhesive has innumerable advantages in terms of
newly cut buccal mucosa after application of the buccal
accessibility, administration and low enzymatic activity and
patch of goat or sheep. The fresh buccal mucosa was tied
high enforcement with patients. Researchers are also
on the glass slide and 1 drop of phosphate buffer was
looking at novel drug delivery mechanisms beyond
moistened on the mucoadhesive core side of each tablet.
conventional polymer networks to discover some. In order
(pH 6.8) and stuck to the buccal mucosa of the sheep by
to understand the different processes of mucoadhesion and
applying light force at the tip of the finger for 30 seconds.
increased permeation of active agents and dosage types,
The glass slide was then mounted in a beaker which was
mucoadhesive drug delivery systems are being introduced
filled with 200 ml of pH 6.8 phosphate buffer and held at
to provide sustained interaction at the site of administration.
37 °C ± 1 °C.After two minutes, a stirring rate of 50 rpm
The formulation of method of mucoadhesive drug delivery
was applied to mimic the condition of the oral cavity, and
depend on the selection of suitable polymer with excellent
tablet adhesion was tracked for 12 hours. The time taken to
mucoadhesive properties and biocompatibility.
remove the tablet from the buccal mucosa was noted as the
Mucoadhesive polymers have seen dramatic progress in
time for mucoadhesion.
both individual treatments and more general patient
In vitro drug release: compliance to maximize contact time with a wide range of
medications and routes of administration. Mucoadhesive
Pharmacopoeia (USP) XXIII in the United States rotating drug delivery has diverse applications including
paddle method used for studying the release of drugs rate development of novel mucoadhesive, design of the novel
from the bilayered tablets. The dissolution medium consists
devices, mechanism and permeation enhancement.
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