622575388-Comparative-Study-Eumind 1
622575388-Comparative-Study-Eumind 1
622575388-Comparative-Study-Eumind 1
Euroschool, Airoli-
Aim- The interview aims to provide a vision as to how can we
minimise the use of energy in our daily life. It encourages the
method of energy conservation by following small steps at an
indivisual level such as switching off the lights and fans etc.
minimising the vertical transport through lift and walk instead
along with adoption of cost-effective methods such as
installation of solar panels and motion sensitive lights.
Lorentz Lyceum-
Aim- The main aim of the interview is to make sure that the
measures and conclusions are executed effectively, it also
gives a detailed explanation and visual representation of what
methods and infrastructure that can be implemented in school
design to save energy.
Euroschool, Airoli-
• Conclusions and recommendations- Use natural
alternatives like replacement of a LED by natural sunlight
during day time.
Minimize use of LED lights during late evenings to save
the large amount of electrical energy.
Minimize vertical transportation from the lifts and walking
instead is a better alternative of saving a lot of energy
occupied by the functioning of the lift.
Minimize usage of lifts with certain time specifications,
avoids the simultaneous usage of both lifts.
Installment of motion sensitive lights is another alternative
that can be implemented.
Upgradation of HVAC system. An HVAC system is
composed of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
equipment and also upgrade all your electronic devices
from time to time.
Lorentz Lyceum-
A specific sort of glass for the windows in the whole
building (high efficiency glass) because this isolates well
and less energy gets lost this way.
There should be taps in the bathroom that shut water
down automatically. When you don’t have your hand
underneath the tap, the sensor will notice when you do
and then there won’t be water coming out again.
Don’t overheat or overcool the temperature in a room, a
huge amount of energy is wasted due to heaters and ACs.
Most of the time you don’t even have to use that much
energy to warm up or cool a room down.