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MYP Year: 5 Unit 2:

Work Sheet 2
Subject: English Language and Literature Criteria Assessed:
Read the following quote by Stephen Chbasky , from the film, The perks
of being a Wallflower
So I guess we are who we are for lot of reasons. And maybe we will never
know most of them. but even if we don’t have the power to choose where
we come from , we can still chose where we go from there. We still can do
things . and we can try to feel okay about them
Write a post for your school blog using the quote as a prompt . Be sure to
include personal experience in your post.

Writing a blog
A blog must have a title as well as date, time writer details. it needs to be
set out like a real web page, with the address bar and other features such as
archive, share and subscribe. Remember that a blog is a public, interactive
space, so invite readers to leave comments at the end.

• Eye catching title, for example “you don’t know me- until n

•  Write in first person

• Use an informal style

• Use short sentences and catchy phrases to grab your readers

• Use the following links to help you more with it.;

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Learn from These Mistakes Before You Learn Life.

Jan 27, 2017
1:05 am
By – Varun Chutani
Its upon us on how we choose to think, positive or negative. This choice
has a significant impact on how we behave, the result has an impact on
everything we do. There is no starting point in life for becoming positive.
Mistakes helps us get up and give full attention on an issue which is going
on in our life like a flashing sign that says, “fix this issue”. The created
problem causes us to focus on issues or problems that make us feel off
track. Then we experience the values of mistakes, we get a clear message
about which of our efforts are working and which are not. The feedback
we get from our mistakes can be the most specific, pointed, and powerful
feedback we’ll ever get.
Grade MYP2


Different styles of Writing


Language and Literature

45 mins

Personal and Cultural Expressions

Exploration: Artistry, craft, creation, beauty
Genre, Purpose, Context and Style
Different expressions create style in context to a specific genre to serve a specific

Task 1: You have been asked to write a story for your School’s Library
project. The project’s goal is that these stories will be saved and not read
for 100 years. Using one of the images, create the opening of your story.
In your opening, you must consider focusing on any of the following
literary features.
Narration, setting, characterization, conflict, plot, and/or theme.
Image 1:
Image 2
UNIT 2: We Impact Our World
SUBJECT: English Language and Literature
GLOBAL CONTEXT: Fairness and development Formative
Assessment 1

Recommended Time: 30 Minutes

LEARNING GOAL – To enable students to:

i. Iden=fy and comment upon significant aspects of texts

ii. Jus=fy opinions and ideas, using examples, explana=ons and


ATL SKILLS: Communica=on skills Read cri=cally and for comprehension

Paraphrase accurately and concisely SUCCESS CRITERIA:

• -Making a connect with the ques=on while answering.

-  Quo=ng phrases from the text wherever required. Command
Terms Explana=on:

Iden.fy: Provide an answer from a number of possibili=es.
Recognize and state briefly a dis=nguishing fact or feature.

• Comment: Give a judgment based on a given statement or result of

a calcula=on

• Interpret: Break down in order to bring out the essen=al elements

or structure

• Jus.fy: Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or

Task: Analysis

Iden.fy the technique used to persuade the audience in the

adver=sement given below.
(i. iden(fies and comment upon significant aspects of text)

Adver.sement Source: Google Images

2. Commenton the effect created by the visuals on the audience in
adver=sement given below.

3. Given below is an excerpt from a speech by former First Lady and

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to the fourth World Conference
of the United Na=ons. Clinton speaks about the rights of women around
the world.

“Women comprise more than half of the urban popula=on, 70% of

world’s poor, and two-thirds are those who are not taught to read and
write. If women are healthy and educated their families will flourish. If
women have chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in
society, their families will flourish.”

Interpret the effect of the persuasive appeal used in this excerpt.

4. Jus.fy the use of persuasive appeal in the adver=sement given below.

(iii. jus(fy opinions and ideas, using examples, explana(ons and terminology)

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