2 Standard C Ug 2021-22 Final

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File No: / Assessment No.:

Name of Course :

Name of Subject :

Name of College :

Name of University :

Place of examination :

Date/s of examination :


Sl. Name Official address Mobile No. email address

Assessment order/letter number:



Deficiencies pointed out in the last Remarks
Assessment/ if any

A. Scheme of Examination Marks allotted Minimum passing marks

1. Theory:
Final examination :
Internal assessment :
Total for Theory :

2. Clinical/practical:
Final examination :
Internal assessment :
Total for Practical :

3. Viva-voce :
Final examination :
Internal assessment :
Total for Viva-voce :

Grand Total :

B. Theory (Attach 1 copy of each of the papers)

1. Theory paper: Subject: Time: _ _ Hrs. Date of exam:
No. 1:
No. 2:
2. Place of conduct of exam. :
3. Invigilation arrangements :
4. No. of candidates appeared :


C. Remarks by the Assessor/s regarding:

a) Nature of the questions–MCQs/SAQs/Structured Essay type/Long answers:

b) Type of Questions – Recall based/Application based/Problem based:

c) Standard of questions - level of difficulty: Easy / Moderate / Difficult:

d) Do they broadly cover the prescribed curriculum?

e) Standard of the answers: (On a scale of 10 where 0 = Very poor and 10 = Outstanding)

f) Internal assessment marks (to be reviewed by the assessors) that have contributed to final

g) Method/pattern of examination of internal examinations conducted during the course of

training/study (to be clearly stated):

h) Have the Internal assessment marks influenced the final examination?


a) Conduct of the practical examination (provide details including OSCE).

b) Does the practical examination broadly cover the discipline?

c) Time allotted for different sections of the examination (Provide details).

d) Details of examiners: (please attach brief cv of the examiners).

Note: Provide this information in a sealed envelope marked confidential).
Names Qualification Designation Years of Experience as UG Teacher
/ Examiner
Internal examiners

External examiners

e) Mode of practical examination: In batches or otherwise and number of students per

day (Provide details)


f) Are there other examinationcenters in the same University: Yes /No

• If yes, provide details.
g) Do the same examiners conduct the examination in other centers too? Yes/No
• If not. what steps are taken to ensure uniformity of standards? Are meetings of
theexaminers being conducted and guidelines are given by the University)
h) Date of Examination in different centers

i) Date and time when the examination was inspected by the assessors

j) Are the invigilation arrangements satisfactory?

k) No. of candidates appeared.

l) Number and type of practical exercises allotted to candidates (enclose copy of


m) The standard displayed (On a scale of 10 where 0 = Very poor and 10 = Outstanding)

n) Minimum marks required for passing:

1. No of Long cases
2. No of Short cases
3. How many cases were given to each candidate – longand short cases?
4. Type of cases given (attach list of long and short cases)
5. Average time for (long cases and short cases) for each Candidate.
a. Time for examining the patient
b. Time for discussion fixed time or changed as per the answers of the candidate.
6. How was the assessment done?
7. Standard displayed by candidates in general in the clinical part of the
examination.(On a scale of 10 where 0 = Very poor and 10 = Outstanding)
8. Nature of Discussion of case by the candidate – level of difficulty of questions (On a
scale of 10 where 0 = Very easy and 10 = very difficult)
a. Number & type of questions (a copy of the question asked by the examiners
may be attached)


b. Have all the candidates been uniformly examined and grades or marks
awarded as per merit of the question?
c. Was the discussion fair, searching and sufficient for the assessment of
practical knowledge and skills?
d. Was the atmosphere friendly and allowed the candidates to express themselves
e. Were supplementary questions asked by the examiners to gauze the depth of
knowledge of the candidates?
9. Was the assessment done jointly by more than one Examiner?

10. How may marks are allotted for clinical examination?

11. What is the minimum percentage for passing the clinical part?

12. Are marks obtained in regular internal examinationsadded on to the marks obtained in
the final clinical examination?

13. Were any other marks from their course of training, or clinical works done in the
wards added to the marks obtained in thefinal clinical examination?

14. If so, to what extent(in percentage of marks)?

15. Has it influenced the result at the final examination?

(Method of assessment of clinical work in the wards may be clearly stated).


1. The content of the interaction (Give extent of coverage of subject)

2. How was it conducted (provide details)?

3. What was the standard? (On a scale of 10 where 0 = Very poor and 10 = Outstanding).


4. What was the nature of assessment?

5. Was it done jointly by more than one examiner?

6. How are the marks obtained in different parts of the examination grouped?

7. What is the minimum for passing in each section and in the grand total?

8. Results for the last three years.

9. No. of students appeared?

10. No. of students passed?

11. Other remarks if any.

Conclusions :
Was the standard sufficient for the M.B.B.S. examination as required by Regulations of
the Medical Council of India/National Medical Commission?

Was the examination conducted satisfactorily to the assessor?

If not, the reasons to be mentioned:

Observations of the assessors are to be madein assessment report only.

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