Camote Roll Not So FINALLLLLL
Camote Roll Not So FINALLLLLL
Camote Roll Not So FINALLLLLL
Executive Summary
Aniñon’s Delicacy named their product Camote roll. Camote roll is a combination of a smash
camote, margarine, condensed milk, wrapped in a Lumpia Wrapper. Aniñon’s Delicacy tends to
The target market are the students and staffs of PHINMA COC, our competitors are the
fellow students of Entrepreneurship. Aniñon’s Delicacy advertised their product through social
Five years from now, Aniñon’s Delicacy will be a successful business and has branches all
over the city of Cagayan de Oro. There will be improvement in the product by adding new flavors
which will then present new taste of the Camote roll to catch the taste and preference of the
Aniñon’s Delicacy sold the Camote roll for a price of Php. 8.00 /stick or Php 15.00/ two roll
sticks, the days that the product was sent to the students and staffs of PHINMA COC was during
weekdays. Approximately one hundred and twenty(120) pieces of the product was sold every day.
So for the first five days of selling, it covered to Php 1,502.00 with the sales of Php 3, 152.00. In the
last day of selling, the money reached up to Php 7, 352.00 with the profit, Php 3, 602.00.
The sole source of funding our business has loans from the accumulated capital that each
member provides. The nature of the business and the properties of the product give our company a
II. Business Description
Aniñon’s Delicacy originated on this current year. Cook aspirants and Food enthusiast members
comprises this company who seeks to bring the spectacular and mild caressing taste of a Camote
roll. The individuals behind this company came from the institution of PHINMA Cagayan de Oro
College specifically from the Grade 12 STEM 04B; the persons behind this company are not just an
agent to bring something special but rather to innovate a simple specialty into a mesmerizing and
superb delicacy.
Camote roll is the name of the product that the Aniñon’s Delicacy has made. It is a combination
of smash camote, margarine, condensed milk, wrapped in a Lumpia Wrapper. One Camote roll is
enough to make a person feel satisfied after consuming. It is very affordable and has a milky
Aniñon’s Delicacy created this kind of business for them to bring out happiness from within.
Camote roll is a kind of snack that will bring you back in the presence of your home. Everyone can
consume it anytime; having a chat with friends, watching movies or doing some important stuff.
Camote roll is a one of a kind snack. It was based on the reality for this snack will surely suit the
taste of everyone
B. Goods and Services Offered
Aniñon’s Delicacy offered its best, special camote roll. Camote roll contains high amounts of
fiber and potassium due to the presence of sweet potato or camote. Camote have more grams of
natural sugars than regular potato but more overall nutrients with fewer calories. It is good for the
vision, immunity, fertility, and digestion. It does minimize diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure.
The company build a food stall at the quadrangle of PHINMA COC Campus. Facilities upon
building the said food stall includes: plywood, wood as the brace, nails, hammer, and saw. It is to
achieve a more comfortable environment. On the other hand, stove, pan, plates, mortar and pestle,
strainer, paper tray and BBQ stick are the facilities needed to produce the product to sell. Sanitation,
proper hygiene and attire for cooking are also essential towards the business to have a good
Five years from now, Aniñon’s Delicacy will be a successful business and has branches all over
the city of Cagayan de Oro. There will be improvement in the product by adding new flavors which
will then present new taste of a camote roll to catch the taste and preference of the costumers. New
equipments so that the production of the product will be easier and faster. And five years from now
Aniñon’s Delicacy, producer of the product camote roll will be a successful business tycoon. They
will create and innovate the satisfying product for everyone who loves the varieties of food, taste,
III. Marketing and Sales Plan
i. Marketing Plan
The company implemented a variety of ways to promote the product, these includes: hanging
Hanging of tarpaulin and posting on social media sites (Facebook)was scheduled every week
Aniñon’s Delicacy exposed and sold their product which is the Camote roll to the students
and staffs of PHINMA COC at Php 8.00 for a one camote roll stick, and Php 15.00 for two camote
roll sticks. Furthermore, the exposition of the product was presented with the use of smartphones. In
which through smartphones, Aniñon’s Delicacy showcased their product by accessing the social
media specifically Facebook. Product selling was every weekdays. Every Monday and Wednesday,
product selling started at 10 am- 2:30 pm, Tuesday and Thursday, at 9 am to 1:30 pm and on Friday,
at 9 am- 12 pm.
Each day the company’s budget ranged from Php 180.00 to Php 450. 00 for the production. It
includes the ingredients and materials, namely: camote, margarine, condensed milk, oil, lumpia
IV. Financial Plan
Kitchen Ware – ₱300.00
Stove/LPG – ₱300.00
Stall – ₱1,000.00
Rent – ₱500.00
Production – ₱560.00
Fare – ₱150.00
Total: ₱2,810.00
₱2,810.00/ 50= ₱56.2 per person
₱6.00 + ₱2.00
Sales Forecast
February 06, 2019 PICTORIAL (for those who did not make it to the assigned time)
February 11, 2019 Completion of the lacking performance tasks that needs to be
Company and Management Plan
Members Members
Management Team & Function
The managerial roles that mainly focus on directing and supporting the whole group are
given to our most responsible member, namely Josiah Anthony Lim Malinis, Divine Salon, and
Vanessa Bucol. They have succumb to any kind of pressure and always exert composure making
them suitable for this roles that requires them to direct a business and lead their group mates.
Auditors are responsible for checking the financial records of the business to make sure
they are accurate. There is no one better in this position other than Arth Bermudo and Roselle Espra.
The Finance head is responsible for handling how much money will be used. The money
that is present in our company will be directed by the financial head, that is why John Paul Ordeniza
was chosen. He, who have great financial and business sense will allow the business to thrive,
The marketing head is responsible for all the advertisement our group will conduct, who
is not a stranger in air of manipulation was Kayessie Marie Suga. She, who has interpersonal skills.
The Operation head is responsible for selling the product. The operation head of the
company was Shaira Mae Dala, she is good in selling that is why the company chose her, she has
The Procurement head is responsible for preparing the supplies needed for our stall and
for our product. Crisjay Racines has wise budgeting skills thus allows us to buy cheap ingredients.
The production head is the one who will create our product. Rubie Sumo is worthy of
being the versatile cook. With her talents in cooking there is no doubt that our product will be a new
Personnel & Management Future Plans
After a years of effort, dedication and passion to expound our business, Aniñon’s Delicacy
will become one of the most prominent business company in the city of Cagayan de Oro. After 5
years there will be an increase in the number of employees as well as the salary. Most specially the
product Camote roll will have various and diverse flavors to be added which will also bring a twist
to the former product itself. Our business also will going to have branches in the city and hopefully