Packet of JR Livestock Case

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San Juan County JR Livestock Program

26 March 2014

RE: Commissioner Adams fund raising techniques and spending of the money he raises.

Commissioner Adams sent out a letter (Item 1A) dated April 20, 2012 on county letterhead representing
the county commissioners asking the companies that San Juan County does business with on contracts
and things to donate money to the JR Livestock Program. The information that I received was that if you
were not part of Commissioner Adams family and friends your animals didn’t make as much money
because Adams would not bid on them.

The way this all worked was Commissioner Adams would send out the letter asking for donations. The
companies would make their donation to the county clerk where the money was just put in some county
account. Then when it was time for the auction Commissioner Adams would have Norm Johnson the
county clerk make out a check for the amount they collected. Adams then would take the check to the
secretary of the JR Livestock Program and give them the money.

Commissioner Adams would then use the donated money to bid on animals for the businesses that had
donated. Most companies didn’t want the animals so the JR Livestock had a buyback program where if
the company didn’t want it then they would sell the animal again. Commissioner Adams did tell me that
he did buy his grandsons bull with the donated money for a lady and there was some type of confusion
because he ended up with part of the animal. He said he didn’t keep the meet he donated it to different

I did a GRAMA request to the county asking to see what companies had donated and the amounts. I
eventually was given records from 2011 to 2013 showing the companies name and the amount they
contributed. I then contacted the JR Livestock secretary Amanda Freestone and asked her for a copy of
the records showing whose animals Adams had purchased and for how much. Within a few hours
Commissioner Adams called me to meet with him. I met him at the county building where he told me
his side of the issue. At one point he said the he had talked to Walter Bird the county attorney and
asked him if the JR Livestock had to give me the records. He said that Walter advised him that they
didn’t have to share them with me.

I asked Adams why the county attorney was advising a non-profit private business on county time.
Adams said he wasn’t Adams stated that he had just asked him as a friend in passing. A couple days late
Amanda Freestone refused to give me the list of purchases. Prior to Adams talking with Walter Bird she
was willing to give them to me as was the previous secretary who had just been released.


1. Adams sent out the letter in 2012 without the approval of the commission and without
disclosing what he was doing in a public meeting.
2. I think the way Adams has gone about soliciting money from these private companies puts them
in a position of wondering if they will keep getting work if they refuse to contribute.
3. I also think there is something wrong with funneling private donations through the county and
the clerk’s office.
4. Adams taking the money he solicited and then spending it on the animals he wants and on his
own kids, grand kids, and friends appears to be conflict of interest and using his position in order
to financially benefit his family and friends.

Monte J Wells

PO Box 192
216 W Center St
Monticello UT 84535
[email protected]
~~~~ .
Bruce B. Adams - Chairman
Kenneth Maryboy - Vice-Chairman
Phil Lyman - Commissioner Rick M. Bailey - Administrator

Blanding, UT 84511

April 20, 2012

Regarding: Contributions to the San Juan County Junior Livestock Program

Dear sir or madam,

The San Juan County Commission believes that we should support youth
programs, especially the invaluable Junior Livestock Program. We are asking
companies that do business with San Juan County to contribute to a bid pool, so
that the San Juan County Commission can bid on the children's animals during
the County Fair. The Commission will represent you, and bid on your behalf
during the event. Your business will be recognized as a buyer of an animal at
the fair, and the sellers and their family will contact you with a proper "thank you"

In previous years other businesses have contributed from $100 to $10,000.

Please let us know by May 25 what your business can contribute, and send your
contribution by July 13, so that we can have it on hand at the beginning of the
fair. The fair will be held around the first part of August.

We appreciate doing business with you, and look forward to continuing our
favorable working relationship in the future. Thank you very much for your


Chairman, San Juan County Commission

-------_.._ - - - - -
P.O. 80x 9 • 117 South Main Street #202 • Monticello, utah 84535-0009 .. 435-587-3225 .. Fax 435-587-2447
'I+I'SAN JUAN COUNTY :rl *9 r.i-

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<) - ? , zo/i VOUCHER NO.SJC

Ail c.lajms against the county must be presented within a year from date of last jtenr.


\ccount No. lloc n ri I n*

y u iI nn
vr I Amount

lo' ssgo }e. LtoesYdck ?/e/.e. 42aa Oo

rr r' ,$/o*tt E-7-tt
SS 7e,^ Bn
County of San Juan

I solemnly swear that the within amount ;-r5 JUSLlJ

;,,-+1,, neither the whol any part
thereof has been paid"
mmAfluffnR wAnnAn{r 81Se6
[ilOt'ffAA$i]*UI t| 8ffi lr. Liveetock Chack lssue Date: 08/09/2013
FO Box 382 Chack No: 81$26
Amount: .$ 3.400.00
Monticello UT 84533 Check

Vendsr Number: 42S40

08/09/2013 2013080S090802 Pledges for Jr. Livestock 3.400.00


m.Iflil,*l lhrfrrrr sofrililt erv.4t - CCI Tol F{s l-gr'f-7r$'4{O7 FINflI.EIIIIT.[A
Solicitation Inv or ltr Receipt
Vendor Pledge Received Date Received
letter sent sent sent
Brown & Caldwell 5t7t2013 $ 500.00 5t24t2013
Chamberlin Architect 5t7t2013 $ 100.00 5t24t2013
reamer & Noble Enoineers 5t7t2013 $500 5t1712013 $ 500.00 6t24t2013
Four States Tire 5t7t2013
Holland &Hart LLP 5t7t2013 $ 500 00 7 t15t2013
Honnen Equipment Co. 5t7t2013
Jones & DeMille Enqineerino 5t7t2013 , $ 1.000.00 6t25t2013
Kenworth 5t7t2013
LeGrand Johnson Construction 5t7t2013
Nicholas & Comoanv 5t7t2013
Peterbilt of Utah, lnc. 5t7 t2013
Questar 5t7t2013
Quill 5t7t2013
Regence BlueCross BlueShield 5t7t2013
Rockv Mountain Power 5t7t2013 $ 500.00 5t28t2013
Ross Equipment Company, Inc. 5t7t2013
Welch. Shawn 5t7t2013 $ 300.00 7t15t2013
Wheeler Machinerv 5t7t2013

5s00 S 3,400.00
Auction Total Sale
Name Tre* tft Market Cost Per lb Buver Pril:e
-ios - Mini Grand Champion Z Pehrson, Tyler'./ 104 276 $ 117.00 \i,b 35L,cm )n
loo - Mini 1st Reserve Z lvins. Averie ",/ 94 24 $ 102.75
'{oo - Mini2nd Resene Z Snyder, Parker v/ 105 n1 $ 102.00
Hoq - Blue Ribbon Z Lyman, Cohen v/ 90 n3 $ l1s.m
Hoq - Blue Ribbon Z Wheeler, Shaylie pz 65 x3 $ 134.00
Hoo - Blue Rifut ZWhitals. Sadb-,/- 86 M $ 105,00
Hm - Blue Ribbon Z Grover. Rvlan 108 253 $ 116.00
Hoo - Blue Ribbon Z Welch. Soren w-- 84 b5 $ 131.00
-{oq - Blue Ribbdl Z fvins. Jake -,: 93 z}2 t 98.00
rloq - Blue Ribbon Z Westcott Darrirr*/ 88 N1 $ 116.m
loq - Blue Ribbon Z Shumway, Hayden 102 241 $ 121.m
loo - Blue Ribbon Z Lvman, /
Olivia t 95 $ 91.m
Hoo - Blue Ribbon lThayn, Zach -/ 92 257 $ 116.00
r-loc - Blue Ribbon I Herrino. Tee.tan ,-- 75 304 $ 132.00
rloo - Blue Ribbn Z Chadwick. Tare / 106 278 $ 116.m
Ster - Grand Champion vins. Dvlan ,,/ 7 1305 $ 1.174.50 1"00 zle,,AV,nn k \dn.
Ster - 1st Reserve vins. Jessie / 1270 $ 1.143.00 <.'45 UL Hu"* Tru.k,
Steer - 2nd Reserve Shumwav. )@h '/ 1 f7a s 1.053.00 ,LD A"
3rover, Brithny ,,2' 1M $ //J G.n.e,..^
Steer - Star Ctass
Steer - Star Class vins. Javen \/
8 $
LA ( (.,a-.
Ster - Star Class I dY*lw..Ad r/ z5 1M $ 1,084.50 / +L- lnrthF. n'd&, i {nog E* t'rtpof i, i,; lf
Steer - Sbr Chs 'timryn q'^ 5 't190 $ 1,071.m .L\ &.ru oh*
Steer - Star Class Reeve, Alyssa ..," 2 11m $ 1.H4.00 z.-50 D. 8,. L-
3ieer- Biue Ribbon 3rover. Krista .-: t6 1175 $ 1.057.50 "l .. i0 Bl'o,fi4+n i-lzx
Ster - Blue Ribbon Palrner. Jade 27 I 195 i$ 1.075.50 r. t5 An,L..^n t a'-
Steer - Blue Ribbon Grover, Arnanda 9/ 25 1270 $ 1.143.00 2,.oD OA. a-,rnn".
Steer - Blue Ribbon f,ffidffiffiF.--- 24 1380 $ 1,242.00 L\ Lr/i tl f *tr I :r,t I-1 "J''''
Steer - Blue Ribbon Bunker, A*arn ..-.2 32 1N $ 1,13850 /. Lt f .r .].
Steer - Blue Ribhon sffiiFw*R,/ 2 1M $ 1,161.m r- t I \\"n A&nr*s M,1il rl\6 tc''
Ster - Blue Ribbon Grover, Brooklyn .2 to 1375 $ 1.237.50 r.50 *r*:t Vemuh
12'tO $
I n('
Steer ^ Blue Ribbon Palmer, Connor '\./ 26 '1.089.00 t r-t i,' fu^'i b{r,,i,! ,trc /_.'- t
S@r- Rd Ribbon Palrner, Emilie 28 1000 $ 981.00 l. *6 hlr, (-<,.lurC^n
,.1 l 3
Steer - Red Ribbon iffiffiffi* 10 1265 $ 1.138.50 z,+o k-r,t{ '[phrer, 'i:r'
Steer - Red Ribbon lvins, Taylor 4 1275 $ 1.147.S z-.,1c) i l'Jr , d"l.
Steer - Red Ribbon Palmer. Kade 21 't345 $ 1.210.50 . , t,t) AA rr rfi.., , , rr, i),
Ster - Red Ribbsl Jak. Trason 29 1180 $ 1.S2.00 1eo , t,it.iv' , i'' l .'r l.
Steer - Red Ribbon Palmer. Maddison 15 1275 $ '1.147.S J- ,8t) f,..1-L n.,,1-..1^. - ;1.

Steer - Red Ribbon -aais. SleHon 31 1305 $ 1.174.50 ?r r-.,<. tl"-[.'.. la:.
Steer- Rd Ribbon 3radford. Asa 20 1285 $ 1.156.50 L ', {;-' (;,2
Steer - Red Ribbon foung, Rac.e ? 1285 $ 1.156.50 .,- i

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