IMO PSPC - Winners and Loosers
IMO PSPC - Winners and Loosers
IMO PSPC - Winners and Loosers
Michael Hindmarsh
International Paint
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For internal use only, contains confidential and proprietary information. Not to be circulated outside Akzo Nobel
IMO MSC.215(82) Performance Standard for Protective Coatings
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IMO MSC.215(82) Performance Standard for Protective Coatings
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The effects of the adoption of IMO PSPC
• Shipyards
– IMO PSPC developed in period of unprecedented fleet growth.
– NB orderbooks have consistently risen over the past 10 years
– Shipyards are producing record number of vessels.
– New shipbuilding nations are emerging
– Fast delivery of vessels is a key operational driver for
shipyards who want to remain competitive
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The effects of the adoption of IMO PSPC
• Shipyards
– Common global standard for the painting of water ballast tanks
• Steelwork
• Surface preparation
• Application and inspection
• Documentation
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The effects of the adoption of IMO PSPC
• Shipyards
– Productivity issues
• The hand preparation
standard debate
• The stripe coating
• The salt level debate
• The maximum film
thickness debate
• The edge preparation
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The effects of the adoption of IMO PSPC
• Ship owners;
– Same coatings (in the main)
– Consistent Newbuilding coating standards worldwide
– Higher asset re-sale value
– Reduction in un-planned maintenance
– Better qualified coating inspectors
– Little opportunity to challenge the standard of the work in any
yard (though they still hold the cash!!)
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The effects of the adoption of IMO PSPC
• Coating companies
– All products for WBT‟s must have a Type Approval Certificate
• Main coating testing
• Shop primer cross-over testing (including competitors)
• Central formulation location audit
• Manufacturing location audit
– Qualified inspectors
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Type Approval Certificates – The Procedure
Demonstration of performance
1. Documented 5 years in-service performance as “good” in
accordance with IMO Resolution A744
2. Use existing Marintek or DNV B1 test reports provided the
formulations now supplied are the same as those tested (verified
by IR finger print and SG measurements).
3. Full test of system in accordance with Annex 1* of MSC.215(82)
• Are all „Approved laboratories‟ able to interpret the test method and
test results in the same consistent way?
• Test laboratory should also have a PR34 (Z17) audit by each class
society!!! Is this being done?
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Type Approval Certificates – The Procedure – As an aside
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Type Approval Certificates – The Procedure – As an aside
• How much water is put into the tank and what angle is the tank
• How long do you wait after the test before carrying out the tests
– Is the flexibility of the heated panel measured when it is still
hot or after it has cooled down? The two results would be
– Same for the creep testing – We believe that NACE testing
requires that panels are rested for 2 weeks prior to testing.
• How do you measure undercutting from the scribe on shop
primers? We can imagine lots of confusion here.
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Type Approval Certificates – The Procedure
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Type Approval Certificates – Approval of manufacturing sites
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Type Approval Certificates – Formulation changes
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Type Approval Certificates – Formulation changes
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Type Approval Certificates – Shop primer validation
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Type Approval Certificates – Shop primer validation
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Type Approval Certificates – Shop primer validation
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Type Approval Certificates – Shop primer validation
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Approval of Inspector Training
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Approval of Inspector Training
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The effects of the adoption of IMO PSPC
• Class societies
– IACS members as „Recognised Organisations‟ have a big
• They ultimately decide what is acceptable and what is not
• They ultimately decide the interpretation of the standard
• They ultimately decide what is „equivalent‟ and what is not
• They ultimately have authority to approve coating systems
• They ultimately have responsibility to approve laboratories
• They ultimately have responsibility to approve paint
manufacturers facilities
• They are also in a competitive environment and are not
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The effects of the adoption of IMO PSPC
• Class societies
– IACS members as „Recognised Organisations‟ have a big
– Inundated with Z17 (PR34) manufacturing sites audits (not all
class societies have procedures in place for doing this)
– Inundated with requests for Type Approval Certificates for
every combination of epoxy system and shop primer including
all possible competitors shop primers
• Huge delays in getting reports and TAC‟s
• Inconsistent requests from class (e.g. IR spectra)
– Opportunity to offer services
• Training courses
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The effects of the adoption of IMO PSPC
• Overall
– We must not forget that IMO PSPC was implemented to save
lives (SOLAS regulation)
– The condition of water ballast tanks coated in accordance with
the IMO PSPC should last for 15years and longer with minimal
routine maintenance
– Vessels should maintain a higher asset value
– Reduction in the requirement for „special‟ surveys due to water
ballast tank condition
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Is 15 years lifetime is achievable
• How can we be sure that the test in the IMO PSPC that lasts 6
months can predict the condition of a coating in 15 years?
• We can‟t………
• However, the test adopted was the only recognised industry test at
the time and has been developed over many years
• Are there coatings out there that we know will have a 15 year
• Proof that careful selection and sensible application of a good
quality coating can achieve the desired result…………………
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9 years and counting
9 years in service
For internal use only, contains confidential and proprietary information. Not to be circulated outside Akzo Nobel
10 years and counting
10 years in service
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13 years and counting
13 years in service
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So who are the winners and who are the losers?
• Winners
– Seafarers
– Owners
– Class societies
• Losers
– Shipyards
– Coating companies
– Class societies
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• The adoption of the IMO PSPC is a good thing for the marine
shipping industry
• All interested parties are working hard to ensure that
implementation occurs smoothly
• There are still issues to be resolved
• There still needs to be dialogue
• Mutual recognition by IACS members would help everyone
• And finally, we must not lose sight of why this standard was
introduced and what it is trying to achieve.
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IMO PSPC – Winners and Losers
Michael Hindmarsh
International Paint
For internal use only, contains confidential and proprietary information. Not to be circulated outside Akzo Nobel