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IS-IS Standards History

 ISO 10589 specifies OSI IS-IS routing protocol for
CLNS traffic
 Tag/Length/Value (TLV) options to enhance the protocol
 A Link State protocol with a 2 level hierarchical
 RFC 1195 added IP support
 I/IS-IS runs on top of the Data Link Layer
 Requires CLNP to be configured
 Internet Draft defines how to add IPv6 address
family support to IS-IS
 Internet Draft introduces Multi-Topology concept
for IS-IS
ISIS Levels
 ISIS has a 2 layer hierarchy
 Level-2 (the backbone)
 Level-1 (the areas)
 A router can be
 Level-1 (L1) router
 Level-2 (L2) router
 Level-1-2 (L1L2) router
ISIS Levels
 Level-1 router
 Has neighbours only on the same area
 Has a level-1 LSDB with all routing information for the
 Level-2 router
 May have neighbours in the same or other areas
 Has a Level-2 LSDB with all routing information about
 Level-1-2 router
 May have neighbours on any area.
 Has two separate LSDBs: level-1 LSDB & level-2 LSDB
Backbone & Areas
 ISIS does not have a backbone area as
such (like OSPF)
 Instead the backbone is the contiguous
collection of Level-2 capable routers
 ISIS area borders are on links, not routers
 Each router is identified with Network
Entity Title (NET)
 NET is an NSAP where the n-selector is 0
L1, L2, and L1L2 Routers

Area-2 L2-only
L1L2 L1-only

NSAP and Addressing

 NSAP: Network Service Access Point

 Total length between 8 and 20 bytes
 Area Address: variable length field (up to 13 bytes)
 System ID: defines an ES or IS in an area.
 NSEL: N-selector. identifies a network service user (transport
entity or the IS network entity itself)
 NET: the address of the network entity itself
An Addressing Example
39.0f01.0002.4444.4444.4444.00 Area 3


Area 2

39.0f01.0004.7777.7777.7777.00 Area 4

Area 1

 Hello PDU IIHs are exchanged between
routers to form adjacencies

ISIS adjacency through IIH

 Area addresses are exchanged in IIH PDUs

Link State PDU (LSP)
 Each router creates an LSP and flood it to
 A level-1 router will create level-1 LSP(s)
 A level-2 router will create level-2 LSP(s)
 A level-1-2 router will create
 level-1 LSP(s) and
 level-2 LSP(s)
LSP Header
 LSPs have  The LSP header
 Fixed header contains
 TLV coded contents  LSP-id
 Sequence number
 Remaining Lifetime
 Checksum
 Type of LSP (level-1,
 Attached bit
 Overload bit
LSP Contents
 The LSP contents are coded as TLV (Type,
Length, Value)
 Area addresses
 IS neighbors
 Authentication Info
LSDB content
 Each router maintains a separate LSDB
for level-1 and level-2 LSPs
 LSP headers and contents
 SRM bits: set per interface when router
has to flood this LSP
 SSN bits: set per interface when router
has to send a PSNP for this LSP
Flooding of LSPs
 New LSPs are flooded to all neighbors
 It is necessary that all routers get all LSPs
 Each LSP has a sequence number
 2 kinds of flooding
 Flooding on a p2p link
 Flooding on LAN
Flooding on a p2p link
 Once the adjacency is established both
routers send CSNP packet
 Missing LSPs are sent by both routers if
not present in the received CSNP
 Missing LSPs may be requested through
Flooding on a LAN
 There’s a Designated Router (DIS)
 DIS election is based on priority
 Tie break is by the highest MAC address
 DIS has two tasks
 Conducting the flooding over the LAN
 Creating and updating a special LSP describing
the LAN topology (Pseudonode LSP)
 Pseudonode represents LAN (created by
the DIS)
Flooding on a LAN
 DIS conducts the flooding over the LAN
 DIS multicasts CSNP every 10 seconds
 All routers in the LAN check the CSNP
against their own LSDB (and may ask
specific re-transmissions with PSNPs)
Complete Sequence Number PDU
 Describes all LSPs in your LSDB (in range)
 If LSDB is large, multiple CSNPs are sent
 Used at 2 occasions
 Periodic multicast by DIS (every 10 seconds)
to synchronise LSDB over LAN subnets
 On p2p links when link comes up
Partial Sequence Number PDUs
 PSNPs Exchanged on p2p links (ACKs)
 Two functions
 Acknowledge receipt of an LSP
 Request transmission of latest LSP
 PSNPs describe LSPs by its header
 LSP identifier
 Sequence number
 Remaining lifetime
 LSP checksum
Area-2 Area-1 Area-3
Rtr-A Rtr-B

 L1, L2, L1-L2

 By default cisco routers will be L1L2 routers
 Routers can be manually configured to behave as
 Level-1 only, Level-2 only, Level-1-2
 Configuration can be done per interface or at the router
Configuration L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Interface Loopback0 Rtr-A Rtr-D
ip address L1routers
Interface Pos2/0/0 Router-A
ip address
ip router isis Interface Loopback0
isis circuit-type level-2 ip address
! !
FastEthernet4/0/0 interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address ip address
ip router isis ip router isis
isis circuit-type level-1 !
! router isis
router isis is-type level-1
passive-interface Loopback0 passive-interface Loopback0
net 49.0001.1921.6800.1001.00 net 49.0001.1921.6800.1005.00
Configuration L1L2 routers

Rtr-B Rtr-C

Area 49.0001 Area 49.0002

Interface Loopback0 Rtr-A Rtr-D
ip address L1routers
Interface Pos1/0/0 Router-D
ip address
ip router isis Interface Loopback0
isis circuit-type level-2 ip address
! !
interface Fddi3/0 interface Fddi6/0
ip address ip address
ip router isis ip router isis
isis circuit-type level-1 !
! router isis
router isis is-type level-1
passive-interface Loopback0 passive-interface Loopback0
net 49.0002.1921.6800.2002.00 net 49.0002.1921.6800.2004.00
Status Commands in ISIS
 Show clns
 Shows the global CLNS status as seen on the router,

Rtr-B>show clns
Global CLNS Information:
2 Interfaces Enabled for CLNS
NET: 49.0001.1921.6800.1001.00
Configuration Timer: 60, Default Holding Timer: 300, Packet
Lifetime 64
ERPDU's requested on locally generated packets
Intermediate system operation enabled (forwarding allowed)
IS-IS level-1-2 Router:
Routing for Area: 49.0001
Status Commands in ISIS
 Show clns neighbours
 Shows the neighbour adjacencies as seen by the

Rtr-B> show clns neighbors

System Id SNPA Interface State Holdtime Type Protocol
1921.6800.2002 *PPP* PO2/0/0 Up 29 L2 IS-IS
1921.6800.1005 00e0.1492.2c00 Fa4/0/0 Up 9 L1 IS-IS
Status Commands in ISIS
 Show clns interface
 Shows the CLNS status on a router interface:

Rtr-B> show clns interface POS2/0/0

POS2/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Checksums enabled, MTU 4470, Encapsulation PPP
ERPDUs enabled, min. interval 10 msec.
RDPDUs enabled, min. interval 100 msec., Addr Mask enabled
Congestion Experienced bit set at 4 packets
DEC compatibility mode OFF for this interface
Next ESH/ISH in 47 seconds
Routing Protocol: IS-IS
Circuit Type: level-1-2
Interface number 0x0, local circuit ID 0x100
Level-1 Metric: 10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: 1921.6800.2002.00
Number of active level-1 adjacencies: 0
Level-2 Metric: 10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: 1921.6800.1001.00
Number of active level-2 adjacencies: 1
Next IS-IS Hello in 2 seconds
Status Commands in ISIS
 Show CLNS protocol
 Displays the status of the CLNS protocol on the
Rtr-B> show clns protocol
IS-IS Router: <Null Tag>
System Id: 1921.6800.1001.00 IS-Type: level-1-2
Manual area address(es):
Routing for area address(es):
Interfaces supported by IS-IS:
FastEthernet4/0/0 - IP
POS2/0/0 - IP
Distance: 110
Other status commands
 “show clns traffic”
 Shows CLNS traffic statistics and activity for
the network
 “show isis database”
 Shows the ISIS link state database
 i.e. the “routing table”
Network Design Issues
 As in all IP network designs, the key issue
is the addressing lay-out
 ISIS supports a large number of routers in
a single area
 When using areas, use summary-
 >400 routers in the backbone is quite
Network Design Issues
 Possible link cost
 Default on all interface is 10
 Manually configured according to routing strategy
 Summary address cost
 Equal to the best more specific cost
 Plus cost to reach neighbor of best specific
 Backbone has to be contiguous
 Ensure continuity by redundancy
 Area partitioning
 Design so that backbone can NOT be partitioned
Scaling Issues
 Areas vs. single area
 Use areas where
 sub-optimal routing is not an issue
 areas with one single exit point
 Start with L2-only everywhere is a good choice
 Future implementation of level-1 areas will be
 Backbone continuity is ensured from start
ISIS for IPv6
IS-IS for IPv6
 2 Tag/Length/Values added to introduce IPv6
 IPv6 Reachability TLV (0xEC)
 External bit
 Equivalent to IP Internal/External Reachability TLV’s
 IPv6 Interface Address TLV (0xE8)
 For Hello PDUs, must contain the Link-Local address
 For LSP, must only contain the non-Link Local address
 IPv6 NLPID (0x8E) is advertised by IPv6 enabled
IOS IS-IS dual IP configuration

interface ethernet-1
ip address
ipv6 address 2001:db8:1::1/64
LAN1: 2001:db8:1::/64 ip router isis
ipv6 router isis
interface ethernet-2
Router1 ip address
Ethernet-2 ipv6 address 2001:db8:2::1/64
ip router isis
LAN2: 2001:db8:2::/64 ipv6 router isis

router isis
Dual IPv4/IPv6 configuration. address-family ipv6
redistribute static
Redistributing both IPv6 static routes exit-address-family
and IPv4 static routes. net 42.0001.0000.0000.072c.00
redistribute static
IOS Configuration for IS-IS for
IPv6 on IPv6 Tunnels over IPv4
On Router1:
interface Tunnel0
no ip address IPv6
ipv6 address 2001:db8:1::1/64 Network
ipv6 address FE80::10:7BC2:ACC9:10 link-local
ipv6 router isis
tunnel source IPv6 Tunnel
tunnel destination
router isis
IPv4 IPv6
net 42.0001.0000.0000.0001.00
Backbone Tunnel

IPv6 Tunnel
On Router2: Network
interface Tunnel0 IPv6
no ip address Network
ipv6 address 2001:db8:1::2/64
ipv6 address FE80::10:7BC2:B280:11 link-local IS-IS for IPv6 on an IPv6 Tunnel
ipv6 router isis
tunnel source requires GRE Tunnel; it can’t work
tunnel destination
with IPv6 configured tunnel as IS-IS
router isis runs directly over the data link layer
net 42.0001.0000.0000.0002.00
Multi-Topology IS-IS extensions
 IS-IS for IPv6 assumes that the IPv6 topology is
the same as the IPv4 topology
 Single SPF running, multiple address families
 Some networks may be like this, but many others are
 Multi-Topology IS-IS solves this problem
 New TLV attributes introduced
 New Multi-Topology ID #2 for IPv6 Routing Topology
 Two topologies now maintained:
 ISO/IPv4 Routing Topology (MT ID #0)
 IPv6 Routing Topology (MT ID #2)
Multi-Topology IS-IS extensions
 New TLVs attributes for Multi-Topology
 Multi-topology TLV: contains one or more multi-topology
ID in which the router participates
 MT Intermediate Systems TLV: this TLV appears as
many times as the number of topologies a node
 Multi-Topology Reachable IPv4 Prefixes TLV: this TLV
appears as many times as the number of IPv4
announced by an IS for a given MT ID
 Multi-Topology Reachable IPv6 Prefixes TLV: this TLV
appears as many times as the number of IPv6
announced by an IS for a given MT ID
Multi-Topology ISIS configuration
example (IOS)
Area B interface Ethernet 1
ip address
ipv6 address 2001:db8:1::1/64
ip router isis
ipv6 router isis
LAN1: 2001:db8:1::1/64 isis ipv6 metric 20

Ethernet 1 interface Ethernet 2

ip address
Router1 ipv6 address 2001:db8:2::1/64
Ethernet 2 ip router isis
ipv6 router isis
LAN2: 2001:db8:2::1/64 isis ipv6 metric 20
 The optional keyword transition router isis
may be used for transitioning net 42.0001.0000.0000.072c.00
existing IS-IS IPv6 single SPF metric-style wide
mode to MT IS-IS !
address-family ipv6
 Wide metric is mandated for Multi- multi-topology
Topology to work exit-address-family
 You have learned about:
 ISIS for IPv4
 L1, L2 and L1L2 routers
 ISIS areas
 ISIS configuration and status commands
 ISIS extensions for IPv6

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