Pac Cli

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Install PAC CLI on our computer

Installation on our standalone computer is only available for Windows 10 and

Windows 11.

To download this command line we will access the following link provided by

Download Microsoft Power Platform CLI

This link will download an msi type installer that will guide us during the

pac auth create -n {{profile-name}} -u {{url-dynamics}}

pac auth list

pac solution export -p {{local-directory}} -n {{export-solution-name}}
pac solution unpack -z {{zip-file-path}} -f {{unpacked-local-directory}}
pac solution version -bv {{build-value}}

pac solution version -rv {{revision-value}}

pac solution pack -z {{zip-file-path}} -f {{unpacked-local-directory}}

pac solution import -p {{packaged-local-directory}}

This command has several modifiers:

-f: Force overwriting of unmanaged customizations.

-ap: Activates plugins and workflows.

-pc: Publish the changes when the import has gone well.

-cm: Makes the solution managed

To check the solution and detect possible bad practices or receive advice from
Microsoft in the customizations of our solution.
pac solution check -p {{packaged-local-directory}}
New Applications Existing Applications being upgraded
Who is the application owner, and who is Are any new connectors being used by the
involved in maintaining it? application?
Who are the users of the apps? Are they Are there any new Canvas, Flows added in this
already licensed? update?
Source Environment Any changes to how users are assigned security
Are there different security roles for different
types of users?
How will users report problems or
How frequently do you plan to do updates?

Azure AD Group – consider if having a group that had all the app users would help with sharing the
applications with them (good for canvas apps)

Ongoing application maintenance

Here are a few things to consider while you are between updates.

 PowerApps canvas applications need to be periodically republished for best performance

and stability. About every six months you should re-publish your deployed PowerApps
canvas applications even if they haven’t changed. This ensures the application picks up the
latest runtime changes in the environments.
 Keep an eye on your CDS instance storage usage as well as your Flow quotas and adjust
resources and licensing as needed.


Persona Details Environment has CDS Environment does not

have CDS
Environment Admin Can perform all System Administrator Environment Admin
administrative actions (predefined) security role assignment
on an environment. role
Environment Maker Can create resources Environment Maker Environment maker
(e.g., apps and flows) (predefined) security role assignment
in an environment but role for Canvas and
cannot make Power Automate.
administrative actions System Customizer
on the environment (predefined) security
itself. If CDS is role for Model/CDS
provisioned, they can customization.
optionally be assigned
maker access to the
End user Can access assets like Customized security Users are shared
apps and flow buttons role that provide access to the canvas
that are shared with access to assets in the app (no environment
them but cannot environment (such as role assigned)
create assets CDS and Model Driven
themselves. Note that apps). If using canvas
end users are not apps, access is shared
given permission to the same as non-CDS
the environment environments–at the
itself, they’re only app level. Custom
shared access to the security roles are
applications and created to support
database that are applications built in
located in an your organization.
environment. Custom security roles
can also come with
applications you
install from AppSource
or if your users sign up
for Dynamics 365.


1. Power Platform Tool Installer

2. Power Platform Publish Customizations
3. Power Platform Set Solution Version (1.0.0.$(Build.BuildNumber)
4. Power Platform Export Solution (U) - $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\$(SolutionName).zip
5. Power Platform Unpack Solution (U) - $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\Solutions\$
6. Power Platform Export Solution (M) - $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\$
7. Power Platform Unpack Solution (M) - $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\Solutions\$
8. Commit
echo commit all changes
git config "$(UserEmail)"
git config "Automatic Build"
git checkout -b main
git add –all
git commit -m "$(CommitMessage)"
echo push code to new repo
git -c http.extraheader="AUTHORIZATION: bearer $(System.AccessToken)" push origin
9. Publish Artifacts

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