Paddington Bear

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Pte ae All the way from di PADDIN iit one oF tH world’s best: loved bears with our coeeen ss ET eycusive Bee nm, || MetlciOnS) ce.” | ae See ces. Came kite fesse | gomeone wha otras bemaciers chee. Rigamstaeanee sitacsmnpace | (eS tOeaNy 7s Casto irresistible Wy Natura ess on 56 Pec see | sotoun ong otnee 2 MATERIALS owe owe oc Cnt for 2509 pant RNR DK instal | ith Neural caston? Next ine) row: X3, | fontedgoo snout auatiigeatccrhecamevgmininna | sstovpsoom ee | Eeleae Toes | Coe a batlorFicen ColourPalete Bic iwinca.and | Next (ne) row: cin Shape snout: Cast on 5 Wh Natural cat on 18 "Phas yo has 2759 of wath SORES IT | Statboarnnngsinoes | gocraa Wismmitniting eediataper | 320 ‘ons ee Nom ine! row nein ‘Stradane? Motheranre Walington Soot | Next ine) rome kt, Se 10cows. ch ets end 32 dwvccentcopierson teen meteoen | felines "sisi Se | Shapetepof snout: | S3,ons ‘bonge #em ick area pret iaba’,” | 2 on Catone Rae | Next ine) roweecio Smal pace of hte cra bist bar Nore) row: mart | Begining of newt 2 rows | Seat ond 64, Theod sewing tine “bts Saree" TENSION AND SIZE eelitsend ae” | “ec is at ac ‘Shape for foot: Cart, wonedstatensionotsesiteres ang | os rons nant eros. of Ste a bogning oF seroma to fox tom, over stocking, | ieee Stee tat | genterow esos ‘he come oy poe ene Sem | arora 26 Tiree Sine: | Shape top of ‘ore Se ‘Shape top of Nest ide rome, ABBREVIATIONS Bier GR Sw | Nag ction as Aipunsrevan ren toenering | Shape SSeigpacne” | erat ioe inetoes paca estat conei Sn: | sot Next si Pioan | Next ideetvowe k2, ‘asrasee ying fe togoe recing.t enn ieee Nap steond ‘Ronnghtatandponvmenaaslqse | waar Far oeeet Se ee gor pai on avery ro trsgete 5 TENE Rexel ome oer ecstat | [egttoente: 12s NOTE inv, ‘beonning o | Brea yar, aoving on ations in square backers are wortedas | 29, ‘tated stern ed Brack ret NS seas) cere ae Pi et ae i i eens Hae gern | eoiees a | ea Riarense irises follownng th rows — 40 TSO att Gat 2 rows. Sse ects | Meneame Erase, (Syermok Seer eros Salient, | RSaenbees— Beans | Se ik2t0g) to end — 10 sts ‘Brows for mame Stoel fashap rw Nex eae j \ Senne BLS = a0 in ca oe seca ‘owt ict row, uting sro Esrglssend a rovah Seedrome Name ees con caatgrdeiend [Steg Sena 205 | Seo ith black cast on 10 is NBR fae) row: g Woe | [Karol toend™ 10st, Grartesd hroughs, | Smee cos raw ups ona nee hoes east on 30 ae | fen ot te St Saaiek. 4 cco TO MAKE UP fuscaston | @loincaivecroich | hood same. Saw on fe idrows.” | Sear thensew'soay | pockets vows ¥ aresaenasncy | facetngeer eas the seme wo | a ee a eect mea crema} es Sendes st ascws: [gages eecmener petits | Sale mrerteabsances eve 1Ose, , _fememneagecteech | onesthiec.eavng | off edges o hands | Biuhags on nat ron | Sutin thenfoin | ead several stance { a ppeteaon. | feat = Ser caenr envabae eee smceer | | Biles of oy. genta top ol sultane. | a Seer |Saectaoes | yin wnloacaston 28. eangaseaag™s | coe pees ee here pee eee Serctsepades Pate we | Siena Savara? | etonen = Shonen Ponttyoee Gass | Beemnogelnn? greg upg ond i ‘S2'36 tows. Gst2 rows. | fasten off. Sew eves in rows, 4 times — 28 sts, ——- pie erga SS ceeeenae a are & | wm creoranes on | een Sang cule Coc Soa Seo | Next idee) rows (K2. lightly with scraps of Goes sieelcows ta, | Bhat swe Wamaeneeiag [ealege ser | Reyer mod ows ietsctog|toond_ | grape. speck a Sy eisinhoteeam men Prone cost of Sato ti loning tock or {errow ate pa asian | deegie Rfendregh t abe,

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