Reported Speech
Reported Speech
Reported Speech
Reporting Statements
We use the Reported Speech (or Indirect Speech) when we are telling what someone says or said.
The reporting verb may be in the Present or in the Past:
- if it is in the present tense, there are no tense changes.
- if it is in the past tense, there are tense, person and place changes.
Ex.: Direct speech: Sarah: “I am a journalist.”
Reported speech (Present): Sarah says (that) she is a journalist.
Reported speech (Past): Sarah said (that) she was a journalist.
The conjunction “that” can be omitted;
To report a statement we use the reporting verbs:
- Say + something: Tom said he loved being a surgeon.
- Tell + someone + something: Tom told me he loved being a surgeon.
- Other reporting verbs: reply, explain, promise, claim, announce and declare.
Time Changes
Direct Speech Reported Speech
now then / at that moment
today / tonight that day / night
tomorrow the next day / the following day
yesterday the day before / the previous day
this (morning) that (morning)
last (week) the (week) before / the previous (week)
next (week / month / year) the following (week / month / year)
ALC - Rabat HAND-OUT Advanced 1
Place Changes
Direct Speech Reported Speech
here There
this That
Exclamations become statements in the reported speech.
Ex.: Jane: “What a wonderful job!”
Jane said that it was a wonderful job.