Periodic Classification of Elements MCQs

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1. How many periods and groups are present in the periodic table?
a) 7 periods and 18 groups

b) 8 periods and 7 groups

c) 7 periods and 7 groups

d) 8 periods and 8 groups

2. Which of the following forms the basis of the modern periodic table?
a) Atomic mass

b) Atomic number

c) Number of nucleons

d) All of these

3. What happens to the electropositive character of elements on moving from left to

right in a periodic table?
a) Increase

b) Decreases

c) First increases than decreases

d) First decreases than increases

4. The electronic configuration of an element M is 2, 8, 4. In modern periodic table, the

element M is placed in
a) 4th group
b) 2nd group
c) 14th group
d) 18th group

5. Which of the following is the correct order of the atomic radii of the elements oxygen,
fluorine and nitrogen?
a) O < F < N

b) N < F < O
c) O < N < F
d) F < O < N

6.What is the other name for group 18th elements?

a) Noble gases

b) Alkali metals

c) Alkali earth metals

d) Halogens

7. Which of the following is the most reactive element of the group 17?
a) Oxygen

b) Sodium

c) Fluorine
d) Magnesium

8. Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl2, which is a solid with a high melting
point. X would most likely be in the same group of the Periodic Table as
a) Na

b) Mg

c) Al

d) Si

9. Which group elements are called transition metals?

a) Group number 1 to 2

b) Group number 13 to 18

c) Group number 3 to 12

d) Group number 1 to 8

10. Which of the following elements has 2 shells and both are completely filled?
a) Helium

b) Neon

c) Calcium

d) Boron

11. Which of the following is the atomic number of an element that forms basic oxide?
a) 18
b) 17
c) 19

d) 15

12. The elements A, B and C belong to group 2, 14 and 16 respectively, of the periodic
table. Which of the two elements will form covalent bonds?
a) A and B

b) B and C

c) C and A

d) None of these

13. Which of the following does not decrease while moving down the group of the
periodic table?
a) Atomic radius

b) Metallic character

c) Number of shells in the atom

d) Valence electron

14. An element X belongs to the 3rd period and 1st group of the periodic table. What is
the number of valence electrons in its atom?
a) 1

b) 3

c) 6

d) 8

15. An element M is in group 13th of the periodic table, the formula for its oxide is
a) MO

b) M2O3
c) M3O2
d) None of these

16 The group number and period number respectively of an element with atomic
number 8 is.
a. 6,2
b. 16,2
c. 6,8
d. 16,4
17. An element belongs to period 2 and group 2 th number of valence electrons in the
atoms of this element is.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 3
d. 1
18. In the third period of the periodic table the element having smallest size is
a. Na
b. Ar
c. Cl
d. Si
. Identify the group which is not a Dobereiner triad
a. Li, Na, K
b. Be, Mg, Cr
c. Ca, Sr, Ba
d. Cl, Br, I
19. Which is not true about the noble gases?
a. They are non metallic in nature
b. They exist in atomic form
c. They are radioactive in nature
d. Xenon is the most reactive among these
20. Identify the wrong sequence of the elements in a group
a. Ca, Br, Ba
b. Cu, Au, Ag
c. N,P, As
d. Cl, Br, I
21. An element with atomic number will form a basic oxide________
a. 7
b. 17
c. 14
d. 11

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