Chemistry Notes Form 4 Chapter 4

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Physical quantities GROUP 18 GROUP 1 GROUP17

ATOMIC RADIUS Increases Increases Increases

down the when going when going
group down group down group
Because one. 17
number of Because Because
shells fileed number of number of
with electrons shells fill shells filled
increases with with
electrons electrons
increases increases
MELTING AND Increases Decrease Atomic
BOILING POINT down the when going radius
group down group increases
Atomic 1 when going
radius Atomic down the
increases radius group
when going increases The force of
down group when going attraction
18 down group between
The force of 1 molecule(Va
attraction Forces of n Der
between attraction Walls)increa
particles(Va between ses
n Der particles More heat
Walls)increa (Metallic energy is
ses bond)beco required to
More heat mes weaker overcome
energy is Less heat the force of
required to energy is attraction
overcome required to Hence, the
the force of overcome melting
attraction. the weak point and
forces of boiling point
attraction increases
DENSITY Increases Increases Increases
when going when going when going
down group down group down group
18 1 Because the
Because the Because increment
increment the in mass is
in mass is increment bigger than
bigger than in mass is the
the bigger than increment
increment the in volume
in volume increment
in volume

SOLUBILITY Soluble in Soluble in Dissolve in

organic water organic
solvent Insoluble in solvent
Insoluble in organic Does not
water solvent dissolve in
ELECTRICAL Does not Good Cannot
AND HEAT conduct conductor conduct
CONDUCTIVITY electricity of heat and electricity
Poor electricity Poor
conductor conduct of
of heat electricity

1.Nobel gases have maximum number of
valence electron in the outermost shell,
which is duplet(2)or octet(8)
2.The duplet or octet electron arrangement is
very stable since its filled with maximum
number of electrons
3.Hence, noble gases do not need to donate,
receive or share electrons among themselves
or with other elements.
4.Therefore, Nobel gases are chemically
5.Due to this , Nobel gases exist as
monoatomic gases.


1.All atoms of alkali metals have one valence

electron. The atoms tend to donate the
valence electron to form a positive ion.
2.The tendency to loose electrons to form
positive ions is called Electropositivity
3.The easier an atom donates electrons, the
more electropositive the metal is.
4.The atomic radius increases when going
down group 1 .The distance between
nucleus and the valence electron
increases .Hence,the force of attraction
between nucleus and valence electron
become weaker.
5.It is easier for atoms 10 donate 1 valence
electron to become a positive ion.
Therefore, the electropositivity increases
when going down.
6.Alkali metals are highly reactive and shows
similar chemical properties.
7.Chemical reaction only involves valence
electron. All the elements of group 1 have
similar chemical properties because they
have the same number of valence electron.

1.All halogens have 7 valence electrons.
Halogen atoms will gain/receive 1 electron to
achieve stable electron arrangement and
becomes a negative ion.
2.The tendency to gain electrons to form a
negative ion is called Electronegativity.
3.The easier an atom gains electron, the more
electronegativity it is.
4.When going down group 17 ,the atomic size
increases .Hence the distance between
nucleus and the outermost shell
increases.Therefore,the strength of the
nucleus to attract one more electron into the
outermost shell decreases.
5.The electronegativity decreases when going
down the group 17
6.All halogens have a similar chemical
properties because they have the same
number of valence electron.

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