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WHAT IS ETHICS ALL PHILOSOPHY- Greek word that translate to “Love of

ABOUT? wisdom” Philia translated into English as “friendship or

love” Sophia translated into english word “wisdom”
 Generally speaking, is about matters such as the good
thing that we should pursue and Bad thing that we METAPHYSICS- Wonders as to what constitutes the whole
should avoid. of reality.

 As a subject for us to study is about determining the EPISTEMOLOGY- Ask what is our basis for determining
grounds for the values with particular and Special what we know. (study of Knowledge)
significance to human life.
AXIOLOGY- Refers broadly to the study of value, often
KINDS OF VALUATION AESTHETIC divided into aesthetics.

 Derived from the Greek word aesthesis (sense or DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF ETHICS
feeling) and refers to the judgments of personal  Reports how people particularly groups, make their
approval or disapproval that we make about what we moral valuations without making any judgment either
see, hear, smell or taste. for or against these valuation.


 Concerned with right and wrong actions this goes  As often done in philosophy or moral theology
hand-in-hand with ETHICS as it’s retainer. engages the question: What could or should be
* more specific aspect of ethics, certain rules and considered as the right way of acting? This prescribes
regulation that applies only in a specific environment. what we ought to maintain standards or bases for
moral valuations.
 Greek word “techne” used to refer to a proper way of ISSUE- Often used to refer those particular situations that
doing things, but a technical valuation. are often source of considerable and inclusive debate.
* may importansya o halaga, proper way of doing
things. MORAL DECISION- When one is placed in a situation and
ex. process of applying to work confronted by the choice of what act to perform, she is
called to make a moral decision.
MORAL JUDGMENT- When a person is an observer who
 War makes an assessment on the actions or behavior of
 Capital Punishment someone.
 Abortion
MORAL DILEMMA- When an individual can choose only
MATTERS THAT CONCERN HUMAN WELL BEING one from a number of possible actions.

 Poverty REASONING- What reasons do we give to decide or to

 Inequality judge that certain way.
 Sexual Identity
MORAL THEORY- Is a systematic attempt to establish the
MORAL- Used to refer to a specific beliefs or attitudes that Validity of maintaining certain moral principles.
people have or to describe acts that people perform.
ETHICS- As the discipline of studying and understanding  Refers to the different rules and regulations that are
ideal human behavior and ideal ways of thinking. posited or put forward by an authority figure that
MORAL = (+) require compliance.
AMORAL = (+/-)
ETHICAL = (+)  A foundation for ethical values.
UNETHICAL = (-)  If we presume that taking another's life is wrong. That
this is so only because god commanded it. "Thou shall
not kill " we consider such an act is wrong. On that
basis and nothing further, we have the distinction
between right from wrong. We were to accept that  Self-Benefiting/Self-Serving
killing is wrong, then we acknowledge that there are Ex.
standards if right and wrong that we can refer to “Volunteers for a charity because they seek recognition or
independently of god. It is a good thing to abide by the attention”
teaching if her particular religion. But the divine  Can claim that it’s for the betterment of other but is
command theory demand identify the sense if right doing it only for themselves
and wrong with what religion dictates.
 It expresses a claim the many people of a religious  The theory that the morally right action is the one that
sensibility find appealing and immediately valid: The produces the most favorable balance of good over evil
idea that one is obliged to obey her God in all things. for oneself.
As a foundation for ethical values, this is referred to as  Focuses on the long term effects of the act.
the divine command theory. The divinity called God,  It’s okay to act out of self-interest.
Allah, or Supreme Being commands and one is obliged  IT IS NOT SELFISHNESS.
to obey her Creator.  Can still be considered GOOD/Ethical.

 Cultural relativism promotes a sense of humility, that
is, urging us not to imagine that our own culture is  Is an ethical theory that argues for the goodness of
superior to another. pleasure and the determination of right behavior
based on the usefulness of the action’s consequences.
 Unfortunately, what happens in cultural relativism is
that is basically renders us incapable of discerning  This means that the pleasure is good and that the
about the values we may wish to maintain as we are goodness of an action is determined by its usefulness.
forced to simply accept whatever our culture give us.
 It is utilitarian because we argue that some individual
 It keeps us from exploring whether there are values right can be sacrifice for the sake of the greater
that are shared between cultures: it keeps us from happiness of the many.
comparing and judging—either positively or negatively
—the valuations that are made by different culture.


 People have different opinions, but where morality is

concerned, there are no facts and no one is right.
 The Idea that moral opinions are based on our feelings
and nothing more.
 There is no right or wrong.


 Refers to the notion that human conducts are always

done out of self interest.

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