No 6
No 6
No 6
Abstract : This research aims to determine the impact of transparency and accountability of the church's financial
reporting on the interest of the congregation to donate to the church. However, the transparency and
accountability of church finance reporting is something that absolutely must be done to keep the faith of the
congregation. Management of church finances that are not transparent and accountable will be able to cause
problems in the future between the congregation and the church administrators so that among the
congregation itself. The sample used is determined based on the criteria of ever donating more than the
amount set by the church and has been a member of the church for at least three years. So the sample is 150
people congregation spread in seven wik. Methods of data analysis used are the classical assumption test,
hypothesis test and multiple regression analysis with the help of computer program SPSS version 20.0. The
results show that partially transparency has a negative effect while accountability has a positive effect on the
interest of the congregation to donate to the church. And, after simultaneous testing, the results show that
both simultaneously affect the congregation's interest in donating to the church. Transparency is not an
element that can influence the interest of the congregation to donate to the church. Accountability of
financial reporting influences the interest of the congregation because this variable is still important for the
congregation to know the financial accountability of the church for the congregations’ donation.
1. INTRODUCTION at that time was far greater than the amount needed
The amount of donations expected to be
1.1 Background Research collected by the church from congregations at the
time of the construction of the church building three
The Church is one of the nonprofit organizations
years ago is Rp 200,000,000 (Rp 500,000 / family).
that acquire the full resources from donation who are
But, beyond the estimates the figure can even be
members of the church or other parties. This
skipped because it can be triple more than targeted.
donation is used by church to finance church
This much money could have built a better church
activities. The donors who have donated, of course
than it had been designed in the beginning. But the
never expect to receive any form of reward on their
fact is not the case. Shortly after the construction
donation. But, the transparency of the financial
was completed the church ceiling had been damaged
statements of the church becomes an absolute thing
and even until this research was implemented, the
to do to maintain the trust of the church.
ceiling damage had not been fixed yet.
The financial management of the church that is
On the other hand it can also be stated that, with
not transparent and accountable will make a problem
the amount of money that has far exceeded the target
later in the day between the church and the
should all parts of the church have been built
congregation and among the congregations. In
including the bathroom and church office (meeting
compare to the interest of the congregation donating
room). Situation 3 years ago is inversely this year in
three years ago with this year in which the church
which the church plans to improve the bathroom and
has to repair the bathroom and church office, the
the room. Of course the targeted donation figure will
interest of the church was still higher donating to the
be smaller in number. But, based on the information
church three years ago although the amount needed
H1; t= -0,535
Transparency (Xt)