2022 June 20 Guiding PrinciplesProcedures

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Guiding Principles and Procedures of

Bakerview Mennonite Brethren Church

Adopted: June 20, 2022

Table of Contents

Part 1 - Purpose of Bakerview Church 3

Part 2 - Changed Lives (Making Disciples) 4

Part 3 - Decision-Making and Leadership 5

3.1 Principles for Decision-Making and Leadership Structures 5

3.2 The Purpose of Leadership 5

3.3 The Role of Council 6

3.4 Relationship Between Congregation and Council 7

3.5 Role of Pastoral Lead Team 7

3.6 Relationship Between Council and the Pastoral Lead Team 8

3.7 Role of the Discernment Team 9

3.8 Appointment of Council Members 10

3.9 Council Member Qualifications 11

3.10 Council Covenant 12

This document serves as a supplement to the Bakerview Church Bylaws. It contains major policies
and procedures that provide guidance to Council and that require approval of the Church
membership at a general meeting.

Part 1 - Purpose of Bakerview Church

1.1 Bakerview Mennonite Brethren Church (the “Church”) is a community of Christians who
participate in God’s Kingdom by organizing and maintaining a Mennonite Brethren
congregation whose Members live as faithful and loving disciples of Jesus Christ, provide
Christian fellowship and are witnesses for the Gospel both in local and global communities.

The mission of Bakerview Church is to be, make, and grow disciples of Jesus Christ in
Abbotsford and everywhere.

The Church accomplishes its mission by:

1. Proclaiming the good news of the of the Kingdom of God and demonstrating compassion
and love for others as outlined by the Mennonite Brethren faith expressed in the Confession
of Faith of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches;

2. Establishing, maintaining and supporting a worshipping community that consistently

seeks to learn more about the meaning of discipleship;

3. Supporting individuals and organizations who are engaged in proclaiming the good news
of Jesus Christ including the establishment of Mennonite Brethren congregations;

4. Creating a caring community that includes teaching and training enabling all those
participating in the Bakerview Church community to become faithful and mature disciples of
Jesus Christ;

5. Supporting and maintaining ministries that care for the needs of the community in the
name and manner of Christ;

6. Supporting and maintaining ministries that engage in peacemaking, reconciliation and

conflict resolution;

1. Collecting and receiving contributions, gifts, legacies, bequests and endowments,

consisting of money or property, whether real, personal or mixed

Part 2 - Changed Lives (Making Disciples)
2.1 As the participants of the Bakerview Church community live out its purpose and values, one
should expect to experience personal discipleship and community transformation, and to see it
in others. People who come in contact with the Church will experience life change through
Jesus Christ and become increasingly effective in the stewardship of their lives. As the vision of
the Church is realized, then

1. People in the surrounding community will become believers in Jesus Christ and will join
this body of believers.

2. Believers who join the Church will experience a supportive community of believers and
will become mature followers of Jesus Christ equipped to live out His calling on their lives.
Accordingly, the goal of Bakerview Church is that:

a. Believers will grow in Christian maturity (Ephesians 4:11-16), in the fruit of the

b. Believers will pray personally and corporately.

c. Believers will worship God, individually and corporately.

d. Believers will study and learn the Bible and apply biblical truths to their lives.

e. Believers will cultivate relationships with other believers that promoteChrist-


f. Believers will understand and utilize their spiritual gifts in ministry to others.

g. Believers will own the ministry of the church.

h. Believers will reach out to others in word and deed as representatives of the

Through the efforts of this community of Christian believers, others in select communities
around the world, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, will respond to Jesus Christ as their personal
Savior and grow in their faith, make disciples and start new churches.

Part 3 - Decision-Making and Leadership

3.1 Principles for Decision-Making and Leadership Structures

1. Decision-making structures and practices must be consistent with Evangelical-Anabaptist

theological convictions and congregational polity.

2. Decision-making structures are always a means to an end, never the end itself. They
must enable individuals so that the energy and vision of the Church community can be
unleashed for ministry. The effectiveness of decision-making structures needs to be
measured by the degree to which they enable a group to accomplish its desired outcomes.

3. Spiritual maturity, godly character, and competency in leadership are the most important
criteria for the selection of leaders.

4. The primary mandate for which Council members are accountable is to ensure effective
governance on behalf and for the benefit of the entire Bakerview Church community and not
as “representatives” for a specific segment or as a platform to promote personal views.

5. Delegated responsibility must always be accompanied by the necessary authority for

decision-making, and by appropriate mechanisms of accountability.

3.2 The Purpose of Leadership

1. DEMONSTRATES EQUALITY AND SERVICE - all individuals are equal in the community
and mutually committed to the lordship of Jesus Christ, and to serving one another.

2. EMBODIES SERVICE - all individuals are gifted differently and called to serve the community
in unique ways, including roles of formal and informal leadership.

3. LISTENS, ENGAGES and PERSUADES - leadership is exercised through listening,

involvement, engagement and persuasion rather than relying on positional power (Mark 10:42-

4. PROVIDES CLARITY - positional roles serve the community by providing clarity for an
individual’s responsibility, accountability and decision-making rather than only serving as the
means of exercising power.

5. DEMONSTRATES GIFTING - people in formal leadership roles have demonstrated the gifts
of leadership (Ephesians 4:11) and exercise their gifts in mutual submission to one another.

6. FOSTERS COMMUNITY - the purpose of leadership is to create the conditions for a healthy,
diverse and dynamic community.

7. ORIENTS TOWARDS MINISTRY - The primary purpose of every church leadership body is
to enable and empower all those persons who are part of the Bakerview Church community to
participate actively in effective ministry.

8. RESOURCES AND EMPOWERS LEADERS - In order for leaders of the Church to

experience empowerment and freedom to lead they will be provided with (a) clearly defined
roles and organizational structures, (b) the necessary authority and accountability to carry out
their delegated responsibilities, (c) encouragement for personal and skill development, and
supportive personal relationships.

3.3 The Role of Council

1. The Council is accountable to the congregation for creating the conditions necessary for
the achievement of the Church’s mission, and for the effective governance and management
of the Church. They are to use their leadership gifts and wisdom to oversee all activities of
the Church. They may delegate certain responsibilities to others. They are the “keepers of
the vision” and therefore lead the Church in major decision-making and strategic initiatives.

2. The primary responsibility of every Council member is to act in the best interests of the
entire Bakerview Church community.

3. The Council shall fulfill all responsibilities outlined in the Bylaws, and ensure that there is
adequate oversight and that risk management policies are in place for the management of
all Bakerview operations and ministries.

4. The Council is responsible for ensuring (directly or through delegation) that there are
appropriate policies and procedures in place for all church activities including staffing,
finance, ministry and all other operations of the church.

5. In partnership with the Pastoral Lead Team and through the engagement with the
membership, Council will actively manage and champion the vision of the Church to be
realized through the development and implementation of the Ministry Plan.

6. The Council is responsible to ensure that the Church is effectively forming Jesus-following

3.4 Relationship between Congregation and Council
The Council is elected by the church membership, but is accountable to the organization as a
whole for all activities of the Church including vision, spiritual health, ministries and
organizational management.

1. Members grant authority to the Council for the ongoing operations and ministries of the

2. Council has an obligation to communicate regularly with the members of the Church
on its activities and on relevant matters.

3. Council will speak to the membership as a single entity.

4. The membership will exercise its authority by choosing leaders with appropriate gifting to
serve on Council.

5. Council will regularly seek input and engagement from those participating in the
Bakerview Church community on significant matters pertaining to the church.

6. Council Members are responsible to serve the whole participating Church community
rather than to represent any group or personal interest.

3.5 Role of Pastoral Lead Team

The Pastoral Lead Team is the primary body responsible for the ongoing management and
ministries of the church. The Pastoral Lead Team is led by the Lead Pastor.

1. The Pastoral Lead Team is formed by the Lead Pastor in consultation with Council. In
partnership with the Council and through the engagement with the membership, the
Pastoral Lead Team will create and shepherd the vision of the church.

2. The Pastoral Lead Team is responsible for the operations and ministries of the
Church on behalf of Council.

3. A primary responsibility of the Pastoral Lead Team is to mobilize and equip all
individuals in the church community for ministry.

4. The Pastoral Lead Team may include salaried pastoral staff as well as non-salaried
members of the church.

5. As required, the Pastoral Lead Team will delegate responsibilities for managing
current and initiating new ministries to other individuals and/or committees.

3.6 Relationship between Council and the Pastoral Lead Team
For the spiritual and operational health of the Bakerview community, it is important that the
Council and Pastoral Lead Team work in close partnership. Accordingly,

1. The Pastoral Lead Team works within the strategic vision and Ministry Plan of the Church.

2. The Pastoral Lead Team will conduct its activities in alignment with any policies and
guidelines created by the Church and by Council.

3. Council will delegate to the Pastoral Lead Team the operations and ministries of the
Church and the Pastoral Lead Team will provide regular reporting to Council.

4. The Pastoral Lead Team will seek Council’s guidance on important aspects of its activities.

5. Council and the Pastoral Lead Team will strive to remain in harmony on matters of
spiritual and operational health of the Church.

6. Council will routinely assess the performance and activities of the Pastoral Lead Team
and will provide ongoing supportive feedback.

7. The Lead Pastor will be present as a non-voting Member of Council.

8. Other Pastoral Lead Team members may also be present at Council, but not as
voting Members of Council.

9. Council will ensure that the Pastoral Lead Team is adequately resourced for its
ongoing activities.

10. The Council will delegate the creation of the Ministry Plan, from the Church’s Vision
Statement, to the Lead Pastor with the Pastoral Lead Team

11. The Council and the Pastoral Lead Team will partner to ensure the approval, oversight
and achievement of the annual Ministry Plan.

3.7 Role of the Discernment Team

The Discernment Team is the key body that ensures the Church recruits, and adequately
discerns for approval, gifted leaders in all Member-elected positions. The Discernment Team
may also be used by Council and the Pastoral Lead Team to identify and call people to non-
elected leadership roles.

1. Members of the Discernment Team are selected annually by the Council and approved by
the membership at the Annual General Meeting.

2. The Discernment Team, which should be a minimum of three (3) persons, will be made
up of both non-Council Members as well as Council Members, with the majority being non-
Council Members.
3. Once approved by the membership, The Discernment Team will receive direction from the
Council on its leadership gaps and the specific gifting it may need for its future leadership

4. The Discernment Team will assess the leadership quality, character and relational
suitability of all individuals it recommends for leadership.

5. The Discernment Team is responsible for identifying suitably qualified candidates to fill
positions on the Council and present them at the Annual General Meeting for approval.

6. The Discernment Team may also be asked by a Ministry Team to find people gifted and
suitable to serve in the ministries of Bakerview Church as needed.

7. The work of the Discernment team will incorporate the vision, strategies and policies of
the church.

8. The Discernment Team will report annually to the membership on its activities.

9. A member of the discernment team may serve successive terms to a maximum of (six) 6

3.8 Appointment of Council Members
The discernment process for the appointment of Council Members is as follows:

1. Based on Council’s assessment of the future needs of the Church and the current mix of
gifting, Council will present an assessment of the types of individuals it needs to the
congregation and the Discernment Team.

2. With biblical and competency principles in mind, the Church Members will be given a
minimum of thirty (30) days after the nomination forms are distributed to submit names to
the Discernment Team.

3. The Discernment Team will prayerfully review all nominees and choose the appropriate
candidates to present to Council, based on giftedness, leadership qualities, competency and
the current needs of council.

4. The Discernment Team will interview the selected candidates and invite them to attend a
Council orientation to provide greater understanding of Council member obligations, as well
as an overview of Council policies and procedures.

5. A nominated member may decline letting their name stand as a candidate.

6. The Discernment Team will prayerfully review and finalize the names of proposed Council
Members with Council, giving consideration ensuring that a diverse composition of church
membership is evident on Council.

7. The names shall be placed before the Church membership for approval.

8. All new Council Members will be commissioned with prayer and laying on of hands.

9. Should a vacancy on Council arise mid-term,

a. Council will inform the Discernment Team and provide them with an assessment of its

b. The Discernment Team will provide Council with a candidate for appointment.

c. Council may then appoint such an individual to serve until the next Annual General
Meeting. In order to continue as a Member of Council the individual must then proceed
through the prescribed discernment process.

3.9 Council Member Qualifications
Council Members must be Members of Bakerview Church. We recognize that we are all broken
and in need of grace before God. Council Members are the overseers of the Church. Council
Members will follow the teachings of Jesus, exhibit mature Christian behaviour and have gifts
and aptitudes for leadership.

1. Be Above Reproach – they must lead by example and demonstrate a lifestyle free of
patterns of sin.

2. In Healthy Relationships - evidence of healthy interpersonal and family relationships inside

and outside the Church.

3. Be Temperate – self-controlled, enslaved to nothing, free from excesses.

4. Be Wise – sober, sensible, balanced in judgment, not given to quick, superficial decisions.

5. Be Generous – unselfish with their personal resources.

6. Be A Good Communicator – able to listen and communicate in a non-argumentative way.

7. Not be a New Convert – must have sufficient longevity as a Christian to demonstrate the
reality of their conversion and depth of their spirituality.

8. Be Reputable – well respected as a person of integrity by all and free from hypocrisy.

9. Be Humble – servant hearted, not stubborn, prone to forcing opinions on others, or abusing

10. Be Devout – dedicated Christ followers seeking to be conformed to His image. Committed
to prayer, worship, the study of Scripture, and the guarding of their own walk.

11. Be Peace Loving - someone who pursues peace and reconciliation in their own lives, as
well as in those around them.

12. Be Gifted - necessary competencies in the area of shepherding and leadership.

13. Be Sufficiently Independent – someone is free of real or perceived conflicts of interest, that is,
someone who is not employed by the Church, or has a significant business relationship with the
Church, or have close family members who are employed by the Church or who have a
significant business relationship with the Church.

3.10 Council Covenant

The Council Covenant provides specific guidance for the spiritual leaders of the Church.
Exemplary godly relationships, attitudes and behavior are essential for trust, credibility,
productivity and good governance. It is vital, therefore, that each person who accepts the
invitation to become a Member of Council carefully considers and sincerely embraces this
Covenant. Members of Council must personally commit themselves to:

1. Holding paramount the integrity, health, safety, and welfare of the Church in all actions;

2. Demonstrating the highest standards of personal integrity, honesty, and fortitude in all
activities in order to inspire confidence and trust in Council leadership and the Church;

3. Working diligently to achieve the Church’s mission and vision;

4. Upholding the Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith;

5. Embodying respect, fairness, dignity, and love in the treatment of all persons, recognizing
them as image bearers of God regardless of any differences such as race, economic
status, religion, education, gender, occupation, age, sexual orientation, marital or family
status, disability, age, or national origin;

6. Striving for personal excellence and participating in Council professional development


7. Coming to meetings prepared, informed and in prayerful dependence upon the Holy Spirit
for wisdom, and actively and respectfully participating in meetings;

8. Disclosing fully any conflict of interest and abstaining from Council deliberations
pertaining to such conflicts of interest;

9. Conducting duties positively with open communication, collaboration, creativity, fortitude,

dedication, and compassion;

10. Holding all Council information and discussions in complete confidence until a Council
consensus to share the information has occurred;

11. Recognizing, appreciating and supporting that Council only speaks with a single voice;

12. Refraining from any attempt to exercise individual authority over the Church or pastors
except as explicitly set forth in Council policies;

13. Respecting the moderator’s, or another designated spokesperson’s role to speak on behalf
of Council;

14. Supporting Council decisions and be willing to resign if unable to do so;

15. Agreeing to resign as a Council Member in the event of repeated violations of this
Covenant, or serious misconduct (for example, sexual misconduct, criminal
behaviour, promoting false teaching, fraudulent activity, addictive behaviour,
undermining the authority of Council, inhibiting the effective operation of Council,
acting divisively, etc.).


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