Chang 2004

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9, SPETEMBER 2004 1165

Regularized Image Reconstruction Algorithms for

Positron Emission Tomography
Ji-Ho Chang, John M. M. Anderson*, Member, IEEE, and John R. Votaw

Abstract—We develop algorithms for obtaining regularized es- to implement, but nonnegative estimates cannot be guaranteed
timates of emission means in positron emission tomography. The and, like many existing algorithms, convergence is an open
first algorithm iteratively minimizes a penalized maximum-like- issue. In [7], Lange’s goal was to modify the OSL algorithm
lihood (PML) objective function. It is based on standard de-cou-
pled surrogate functions for the ML objective function and de-cou-
in such a way that the modified algorithm converges to the
pled surrogate functions for a certain class of penalty functions. MAP estimate. It should be pointed out that Lange’s algorithm
As desired, the PML algorithm guarantees nonnegative estimates requires line searches, which can be computationally expensive.
and monotonically decreases the PML objective function with in- In [15], Alenius et al. suggested a Gaussian “type” prior that
creasing iterations. The second algorithm is based on an iteration depends on the median of pixels within local neighborhoods.
dependent, de-coupled penalty function that introduces smoothing
while preserving edges. For the purpose of making comparisons, Researchers have used an optimization algorithm, called the
the MLEM algorithm and a penalized weighted least-squares al- iterative coordinate descent algorithm [20], to obtain estimates
gorithm were implemented. In experiments using synthetic data for various penalty functions [14], [21]. Convergence results are
and real phantom data, it was found that, for a fixed level of back- given for the penalized weighted least-squares (PWLS) method
ground noise, the contrast in the images produced by the proposed [21] and both algorithms (i.e., [14] or [21]) enforce the nonneg-
algorithms was the most accurate.
ativity constraint.
Index Terms—Positron emission tomography (PET), regular- De Pierro derives MAP algorithms by minimizing certain sur-
ized image reconstruction, penalized maximum-likelihood (PML)
method. rogate functions that he constructs by exploiting the fact that the
log likelihood function is concave and penalty functions, such
as the quadratic penalty function, are convex [8], [13]. Closed
I. INTRODUCTION form expressions for the minimizers of the surrogate functions
do not exist, except for the quadratic penalty function. Con-
I N 1982, Shepp and Vardi proposed a Poisson model for
positron emission tomography (PET) emission data and
an algorithm, known as the maximum-likelihood expecta-
sequently, an optimization method, such as Newton’s method
[22], is needed to minimize the surrogate functions. De Pierro
tion-maximization (MLEM) algorithm, for reconstructing presents some convergence results, however the utility of his
maximum-likelihood (ML) emission images [1]. Although methods is unclear because no experimental results were pro-
the ML estimator has several nice theoretical properties [2], vided. A fast MAP method, based on the ordered subset-EM
images produced by the ML method have the drawback that algorithm [23], was proposed by De Pierro and Yamagishi [16].
they are extremely noisy. Currently, the most popular way The authors show that if the sequence generated by the algo-
to address the ill-posed nature of the image reconstruction rithm converges, then it must converge to the true MAP solu-
problem is through the use of penalty functions. Numerous tion. Recently, Ahn and Fessler proposed algorithms [18] that
penalized maximum-likelihood (PML) methods [also known are based on the ordered subset-EM algorithm [23], an algo-
as Bayesian and maximum a posteriori methods (MAP)] have rithm by De Pierro and Yamagishi [16], and an algorithm by
been proposed [3]–[18]. Erdoğan and Fessler [24]. Like other algorithms based on the
In 1990, Green proposed a MAP algorithm, known as the ordered subset-EM algorithm, there is some uncertainty as to
one-step-late (OSL) algorithm [6], that can be viewed as a fixed how the subsets are to be chosen. In [18], the algorithms are said
point iteration derived from the Kuhn-Tucker equations [19] for to converge to the nonnegative minimizer of the PML objective
the PML optimization problem. Incidentally, Shepp and Vardi function for certain penalty functions by using a relaxation pa-
showed that the MLEM algorithm could be derived from the rameter that diminishes with iterations. Open issues are how the
Kuhn-Tucker conditions. The OSL algorithm is straightforward parameters are to be chosen in practice and how they affect the
performance of the algorithms. Convergence rate varies with the
relaxation parameter.
Manuscript received March 26, 2003; revised March 2, 2004. The Associate
Editor responsible for coordinating the review of this paper and recommending
We present the Poisson model and provide some background
its publication was D. W. Townsend. Asterisk indicates corresponding author. on PML estimation in Section II. Then, in Section III, we
J.-H. Chang is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, propose a PML algorithm where the PML objective function
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 USA.
*J. M. M. Anderson was with the Department of Electrical and Computer
decreases monotonically with increasing iterations and non-
Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 USA. He is now with negative estimates are guaranteed. The PML algorithm follows
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Howard University, from De Pierro’s surrogate functions for the log likelihood
Washington, DC 20059 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). function [8], [13] and a judicious choice for the surrogate
J. R. Votaw is with the Department of Radiology, Emory University, Atlanta,
GA 30322 USA. functions of a certain class of penalty functions. Unlike De
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMI.2004.831224 Pierro’s algorithms, the proposed PML algorithm has a closed
0278-0062/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE

form expression. We also introduce an algorithm that produces influence. In the remainder of this paper, it is assumed that is
regularized estimates of the emission means in Section IV. The nonnegative.
algorithm preserves edges through certain de-coupled penalty
functions that depend on the current estimate. Finally, in Sec- III. PENALIZED MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ALGORITHM
tion V, we present experimental results using synthetic data
At each iteration, we construct a surrogate function for the
and real phantom data that illustrate the utility of the proposed
penalty function, denoted by , that satisfies the following
for all ;
Shepp and Vardi assumed that the emission data is an ob- where is the th iterate of . The penalty functions we
servation of a random vector that is Poisson distributed with consider are of the form
mean , where is an unknown vector and
is a known matrix. All elements in the random vector (3)
were assumed to be independent each other. The th compo-
nent of , is the number of photon pairs recorded by the th
where is a set of voxels in a neighborhood of the th voxel,
detector pair. In addition, the th component of , is the un-
the constants are nonnegative weights that satisfy
known mean number of emissions from the th voxel and ,
the th element of , denotes the probability that an anni- for all and , and is a function that
hilation in the th voxel leads to a photon pair being recorded satisfies the following assumptions:
by the th detector pair. It is assumed that the probability ma- is symmetric;
trix accounts for errors due to attenuation, scatter, detector is everywhere differentiable;
inefficiency, and detector penetration. When accidental coinci- is nondecreasing;
dences (i.e., randoms) are considered, the Poisson model must is nonincreasing for ;
be modified so that now the emission data is an observation is finite and nonzero.
of a random vector that is Poisson distributed with mean
An example of a function that satisfies AS1)–AS5) is the log-
, where the th component of , is the mean
cosh function [6]. Regarding the neigh-
number of accidental coincidences for the th detector pair. Usu-
borhoods in the definition of the penalty function, the th
ally, it is assumed that the mean accidental coincidence rate, ,
voxel is excluded from the set and, if the th voxel is in ,
is known. In practice, the mean accidental coincidence rate is
then the th voxel is in .
estimated using a “delayed” time window technique [25].
Under assumptions AS1)–AS5), Huber developed a surrogate
Since it is assumed that the data are independent, it follows
function for in [27] (see also [28]). Given an arbitrary point
that the likelihood function is given by
, Huber’s surrogate function for , which is defined by


The ML estimate of is defined to be
subject to , where is the log has the property that and
likelihood function. In the MAP method, is assumed to be an for all . For , it follows that a surrogate
observation of a random variable with known distribution and function for is
the a posteriori distribution is maximized. After some manip-
ulations (see [26]), the MAP estimate is found to be the maxi- (5)
mizer of the log likelihood function plus the log of an assumed
prior distribution
where .
(2) Using as a starting point, we will now construct a surro-
gate function for that has a more convenient form. By the con-
where the function is the a priori distribution. It is through vexity of the square function, we have the following inequality
the prior distribution that MAP methods have the ability to reg- (see example 9 in [29] by Lange et al.)
ularize the image reconstruction problem.
A common form of the prior distribution is
, where the function is a scalar valued function and
and are constants. The constant is chosen such that
the area under equals one. Given the definition of , the MAP
or PML estimate is the nonnegative minimizer of , where
. The penalty function is designed
in such a way that it forces the estimates of neighboring pixels The approach for obtaining (6) has been applied by De Pierro
to be similar in value, while the constant , known as the [13] and Hsiao et al. [17] to the quadratic function for emission
penalty parameter, controls the penalty function’s degree of tomography, and by Erdoğan and Fessler [24] to a nonquadratic

convex function for transmission tomography. Motivated by (6), From the properties of and , it is clear that the surro-
we define gate function has the following properties:
for all .
Given , the next iterate is found by minimizing

Defining the iterates in this way insures that the objective func-
tion decreases with increasing iterations. To prove this fact,
By construction, it is clear that we first note that by P2). Since
and, from (6), for all and . Given by (13), it follows that
this fact, a surrogate function for that satisfies C1) and C2) is

(8) (14)
All that remains now is to solve the optimization problem in
The difference between and is that is de-coupled (13). To this end, we write as
in the sense that it does not have terms of the form . This
difference is important because, as shown below, using en- (15)
ables us to construct surrogate functions for that have closed
form expression for their minimizers.
A surrogate function for the log likelihood function was de-
veloped by De Pierro under the assumption of no accidental co- (16)
incidences [8], [13]. De Pierro’s surrogate function for the log
likelihood function can be easily modified to account for acci-
dental coincidences. Observe that can be written as a
convex combination and is independent of (our derivation of (15) is shown in
the Appendix). Since and are de-coupled, can
be written as


Using the concavity of the log function and the fact that (18)
, the surro-
gate function at the th iteration for the log likelihood function where
can be expressed as


and is independent of . Since is de-coupled, it fol-
lows that the solution to (13) is given by

(11) where
The surrogate function has the property that
Fortunately, the function is convex for all and . We
and for all . Now, using
will prove this statement by showing that the second derivative
and , the desired surrogate function at the th iteration for
of is nonnegative. Easy calculations show that

(12) (24)

Since the data and are nonnegative and is a probability log likelihood iterate (i.e., minimizer of ) toward the min-
matrix, it follows that . Now, the fact that fol- imizers of . The degree of influence that the func-
lows from the nonnegativity of the function , weights ,
tions possess is controlled by their apertures and
and the penalty parameter . To see why for all ,
the penalty parameter .
recall that is a symmetric, convex function by AS1) and
To highlight the role of the function , we fix and
AS3). It follows that over and over
assume for all and . This assumption means that the
. Using the fact that is finite and
nonzero [see AS5)], we have that for all . aperture of equals . For the quadratic penalty
To solve (22), we compute the first derivative of and set function (i.e., ), the aperture of is a constant for
it to zero. Since and , the iteration that all , and . Consequently, for all , the function
preserves the nonnegativity constraint is has the same degree of influence regardless of the absolute dif-
ference between and . Practically speaking, this means
that the quadratic penalty will overly smooth edges.
To preserve edges, it would be helpful to lessen the degree
of influence of the functions whenever the absolute
difference between and is sufficiently large. Fig. 1 is
where we implicitly assume that if . Observe, a plot of when is used in the penalty
as , (25) approaches by L’Hospital’s function . From the figure, it can be seen
rule. Thus, when the iteration in (25) is equivalent to that becomes very small compared with for .
the MLEM algorithm. This means that, when will have a “very
Remark 1: The iteration in (25) and an algorithm by Levitan small” aperture, and consequently will not have much in-
and Herman [4] are similar in form, but the two algorithms are
quite different. In [4], the authors assumed that the a priori dis- fluence on . Said another way, the log-cosh penalty func-
tribution of the true emission means was a multivariate Gaussian tion helps preserve edges whose “heights” are on the order of .
distribution. The assumption led to a penalty function that was We will now move the discussion from the aperture of
in the form of a weighted least-squares distance between and the function to the minimizer of . As stated previ-
a reference image. Consequently, the penalty part of their iter- ously, the minimizers of the functions play an
ation depends only on the reference image. On the other hand, important role in the regularization procedure. More specif-
the penalty part of the iteration in (25) depends on the current it- ically, when the aperture of is sufficiently large, the
erate, even when the quadratic penalty function (i.e., ) st iterate is biased toward the minimizer of , which
is used. An algorithm proposed by Wu [10] also has the same
is . As a result, there is inherent
form of the iteration in (25), but it arises from a wavelet de-
averaging that takes place with the PML algorithm.
composition formulation. Specifically, the author assumed that a
Consider a penalty function, where, for certain functions
vector consisting of the wavelet coefficients of the true emission
, it is of the form
means is a zero-mean Gaussian random vector with a known co-
variance matrix. From this assumption, an a prior distribution
for the emission means was derived. The a prior distribution is (28)
a zero-mean Gaussian random vector with a covariance matrix
that depends on the choice for the wavelet transform and the as- In order to better preserve edges, we believe an improvement
sumed distribution for the vector of wavelet coefficients. would be to construct so that it has the same aperture as
, but a different minimizer. The minimizer of , which
IV. QUADRATIC EDGE PRESERVING ALGORITHM depends on whether an edge is present, is given by
For the discussion to follow, it will be convenient to express (29)
in a different form
where is a function such that
and is a parameter that represents the “heights” of the edges
(27) that are to be preserved. An example of a function that can be
used is . In order for to be the mini-
and does not depend on . The function is quadratic mizer of , we define this function to be
(see (16)) so its aperture, , and minimizer,
, are expected to play key roles in the regularization process
(for a quadratic function, is called the Using , when the absolute difference between and
aperture of the function). Intuitively speaking, it is evident that is less than (i.e., no edge present), smoothing takes place be-
the functions act to bias from the “pure” cause . On the other hand, when the absolute differ-

Fig. 1. The function is shown when (t) = log(cosh((t= ))) is used as the penalty function with: (a)  = 10, (b)  = 50, (c)  = 100, and (d)  = 500.

ence between and is greater than (i.e., edge present), where

less smoothing takes place because there are upper and lower
bounds for . To help make our idea clearer, consider Fig. 2.
In the figure, and are plotted as a function of , Defining the iterates in this way insures that
where is fixed and . It can . To see this fact, note that
be observed that is approximately when is because for all . Since
by (32), it follows that
larger than and is approximately
when is less than . The function prevents
from being overly biased toward when the abso- (34)
lute difference between and is greater than 250.
Repeating the steps used to derive (25), we get the desired iter-
Using , an algorithm for obtaining regularized estimates ation
of the emission means follows.
Step 1) Let be the initial estimate.
Step 2) Construct from the current estimate
using (28)–(31). (35)
Step 3) Compute sub- where
ject to .
Step 4) Iterate between Steps 2) and 3). (36)
It turns out that a closed form expression for the problem in Step
3) is not possible. An alternative to Step 3) is and and are defined in (19) and (20), respectively.
Step 3a) Find such that ,
The problem in Step 3a) can be solved by defining as To evaluate the proposed algorithms, we applied them to
real thorax phantom data and computer-generated synthetic
data, and compared them quantitatively and qualitatively to the
(32) MLEM algorithm and a PWLS algorithm [21]. Two ad hoc

Fig. 2. Plots of m and  versus x are shown, where x = 800 is fixed and (t) = 250 tanh((t=250)).

forms of regularization include the post-filtering of MLEM es- injected transmission scan data was collected for three minutes
timates and early termination of the MLEM algorithm (usually and the attenuation correction method by Andersonet al. [30] was
quite far from the MLEM estimate). Given their simplicity, we employed. Anormalization file was used to correct for detectorin-
also compared the post-filtering (MLEM-F) and early stopping efficiency. Finally, the randoms were used as noise free estimates
(MLEM-S) strategies to the proposed algorithms. of the mean numbers of accidental coincidences.
Thorax phantom data was obtained from the PET laboratory The phantom used in the simulation study consists of two tu-
at the Emory University School of Medicine. The phantom mors (1.7 cm and 2.4 cm in diameter) in a uniform circular back-
was filled with 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose ( FDG) and ground with a diameter of 30.5 cm. Dimensions of the image
scanned using a Siemens-CTI ECAT EXACT [model 921] space follow the corresponding ones of the real phantom image
scanner in slice-collimated mode (i.e., septa-extended mode). space. Two tumors and background intensities are 7 74 and
Fifteen independent data sets were generated from multiple 74, respectively, and the total number of counts was 500 000.
scans of duration 7 and 14 minute. The FDG concentration In the simulation study, fifty realizations were used. First, the
for the heart wall, heart cavity, liver, three tumors, and thorax software phantom was forward projected (i.e., ) using the
cavity of the thorax phantom by Data Spectrum Inc. were matrix, where it was assumed that there are no errors except
0.72 Ci/ml, 0.23 Ci/ml, 0.72 Ci/ml, 2.01 Ci/ml, and 0.24 accidental coincidences. Then, for each bin, the prompts and
Ci/ml, respectively. The lungs, which contained styrofoam randoms were generated using pseudo-random Poisson variates
beads, were filled with a 0.25 Ci/ml solution of FDG. with mean and , respectively. The constant was
The concentrations were chosen to mimic those observed in chosen such that the mean accidental coincidence rate was ap-
whole-body scans. The tumors were of size 1 cm, 1.5 cm, and proximately 10%. The mean number of prompts and randoms
2 cm. The sinogram consists of 160 radial bins and 192 angles. are about 550 000 and 50 000, respectively.
The physical dimensions of the image space is 43.9 43.9 cm We will refer to the algorithms in Sections III and IV by the
and the reconstructed images contain 128 128 voxels (voxel acronyms PML and QEP, respectively. For all of the experi-
size is 3.43 3.43 mm ). The intrinsic resolution of the scanner ments and simulations, we used a uniform initial estimate and
is 6 mm [25]. The plane considered contains activity due to the the weights, , are one for horizontal and vertical nearest
heart, two tumors (1.5 cm and 2.0 cm), and background. On neighbors and for diagonal nearest neighbors. In the pro-
average, the total number of prompts and randoms are about posed algorithms, we used the log-cosh penalty function
340 000 and 41 000, respectively, for the 14 min data sets. with , while the quadratic penalty func-
The system matrix was computed using the angle-of-view tion was used in the PWLS algorithm. For the QEP algorithm,
method [1] with corrections for errors due to attenuation and de- was used with 250, 500, and 1000 for
tector inefficiency. To get the attenuation correction factors, post- the synthetic data, 7 min real data, and 14 min real data, respec-

tively. We varied because the data sets lead to reconstructed

images that have different edge “heights”.
Quantitative comparisons were made using contrast as a


where and denote the mean of a chosen region-of-

interest (ROI) and background, respectively. We define another
figure-of-merit that quantifies the distinguishability of the two


where and denote the mean activity of the two tumor re-
gions and intermediate region between the two tumors, respec-
tively. If two tumors overlap each other, then and
the distinguishability will be zero. On the other hand, if inter-
mediate region between the two tumors has the same mean as
the background, then the distinguishability will be one.
For image comparisons, converged images were used for the
MLEM, PML, and PWLS algorithms, and QEP images were
chosen from the same number of iterations of the PML images.
For the PML, QEP, and PWLS images, the penalty parameter,
, was chosen in such a way that the standard deviation of the
soft-tissue regions were equal. In this sense, the algorithms are
“balanced” with respect to . For the MLEM-S and MLEM-F Fig. 3. Comparison of emission images when the synthetic phantom in Fig. 4
was used: (a) MLEM image, (b) MLEM-S image, (c) MLEM-F image, (d) PML
images, early MLEM iterates and filtered converged MLEM im- image, (e) QEP image, and (f) PWLS image. The images in (a) and (b) are from
ages were obtained that matched the standard deviation of the 500 and 20 iterations, respectively, while the images in (d), (e), and (f) are from
soft-tissue regions in the PML, QEP, and PWLS images. To filter 200 iterations. The image in (c) was obtained from filtering the MLEM image
the MLEM image, we used 5 5 Gaussian filters.
once with a 5 5 Gaussian filter with standard deviation of 1.35 in voxels. For
the PML, QEP, and PWLS images, was chosen in such a way that the standard
deviation of the background is approximately 12. Specifically, = 2 ; 2 ,
A. Synthetic Data and 0:007 for the PML, QEP, and PWLS images, respectively. The standard
deviation of the background of images in (b) and (c) is also approximately 12.
In this subsection, we present simulation results for the soft- For display purposes, all the images were adjusted so that they have the same
ware phantom case. Fig. 3, is a plot of the images obtained by dynamic range.
the MLEM, MLEM-S, MLEM-F, PML, QEP, and PWLS algo-
rithms. The MLEM image is the 500th MLEM iterate and 200
iterations were used to reconstruct the PML, QEP, and PWLS
images. For the PML, QEP, and PWLS images, was chosen
such that the standard deviation of the background was approx-
imately 12. The MLEM-S image is the 20th MLEM iterate. To
get the MLEM-F image, the MLEM image in Fig. 3(a) was fil-
tered once using a 5 5 Gaussian filter with standard deviation
of 1.35 in voxels. As stated, all of the images in Fig. 3, have
the same background standard deviation except for the MLEM Fig. 4. The software phantom that was used to generate the images in Fig. 3.
image. The MLEM image in Fig. 3(a) is considerably noisy The regions surrounded by the dotted and dashed lines define the tumor
(background standard deviation is about 80) compared to the intermediate region (i.e., M ) and background region, respectively.
other images. Fig 3(d) and (e) illustrates that the PML image
and the QEP image are smooth and, at the same time, the tumors two tumors consists of 14 voxels and the large and small tumors
in the images are resolvable and differ greatly from the back- consist of 45 and 21 voxels, respectively.
ground. On the other hand, Fig. 3(c) and (f) demonstrate that For the images in Fig. 3, the contrast of the QEP image
the images generated by the MLEM-F and PWLS algorithm are was %, 6%, 16%, 5%, and 17% higher than the MLEM,
too smooth, especially near the boundary of the tumors. Fig. 3(b) MLEM-S, MLEM-F, PML, and PWLS images, respectively, for
shows that edges of the tumors in the MLEM-S image are not the large tumor. The increased contrast of the QEP image for the
as clear as the ones in the PML and QEP images. small tumor with respect to the MLEM, MLEM-S, MLEM-F,
Fig. 4 shows the software phantom that was used in the sim- PML, and PWLS images was %, 9%, 25%, 8%, and 30%,
ulation. The image also depicts regions for contrast and distin- respectively. The increased tumor distinguishability of the
guishability calculation. The intermediate region between the QEP image with respect to the MLEM, MLEM-S, MLEM-F,

Fig. 5. Plots of the average contrast of the large and small tumors versus the average background standard deviation are shown in (a) and (b), respectively. A plot
of the average standard deviation of the large tumor versus the average background standard deviation is shown in (c). In (d), a plot of the average distinguishability
of two tumors versus the average background standard deviation is shown. Fifty synthetic data realizations were used in the study. For the MLEM-S curves, the
images from iterations 5–200 were used. For the MLEM-F curves, the MLEM images were filtered once by 5 5 Gaussian filters with standard deviation of
0.44–1.56 in voxels. For the PML, QEP, and PWLS algorithms, the images were reconstructed using two hundred iterations for = 2 0 2 ;2 0 2 , and
2 02 , respectively.

PML, and PWLS images was %, 7%, 26%, 8%, and 35%, scans. Fig. 6 is a plot of the images for plane 21 obtained
respectively. The MLEM image outperformed the QEP image by the MLEM, MLEM-S, MLEM-F, PML, QEP, and PWLS
in contrast and distinguishability comparison. However, as can algorithms. The number of iterations used to reconstruct the
be seen in Fig. 3(a), the MLEM image is extremely noisy. MLEM, PML, and PWLS images was 1000, 500, and 500,
Fig. 5(a) and (b) shows the plots of the average contrast respectively. Fig. 7 shows that the PML and QEP images from
of the large tumor and small tumor versus the average back- different number of iterations when a 14 min data set was
ground standard deviation using fifty realizations, respectively. used. As can be seen in Fig. 7, early iterates of the PML and
Further, a plot of the average standard deviation of the large QEP algorithms can be used because 100th iterates are not
tumor versus the average background standard deviation for the much different from 500th iterates. As in the simulated data,
fifty realizations is shown in Fig. 5(c). Finally, in Fig. 5(d), a the number of iterations for the QEP algorithm was set to the
plot of the average distinguishability of two tumors versus the number of PML iterations.
average background standard deviation for fifty realizations is
shown. As can be seen from Fig. 5(a), (b), and (d), the contrast For the PML, QEP, and PWLS images in Fig. 6, was chosen
curves and the distinguishability curve of the QEP algorithm lie so that the standard deviation of their backgrounds are approx-
above the curves of the other algorithms for comparable “back- imately same (background standard deviation is approximately
ground noise”. Thus, for a fixed level of comparable background 63). Using 8 iterations and repeating the application of a 5 5
noise, the QEP images, on average, have the greatest contrast Guassian filter two times yielded the MLEM-S and MLEM-F
and distinguishability. The average standard deviation curves of images with a background standard deviation of 63. Fig. 6(d)
the PML and QEP algorithms in Fig. 9(c) generally lie below and (e) illustrates that the tumors in the PML image and the
the corresponding curves of the other algorithms for reasonably QEP image are resolvable and differ significantly from the back-
small background noise. ground. On the other hand, the tumors are not as distinct in the
images produced by the MLEM-S, MLEM-F, and PWLS al-
B. Real Data gorithms [see Fig. 6(b), (c), and (f)]. As expected, the MLEM
In this subsection, we present experimental results using image in Fig. 6(a) is considerably noisier and grainier than the
real phantom data. Unless noted, the data are from 14 minute other images.

Fig. 7. Iteration comparison of emission images reconstructed from using a

Fig. 6. Comparison of emission images when a 14 min real phantom data 14 min real phantom data: (a) PML image using 100 iterations, (b) QEP image
was used: (a) MLEM image, (b) MLEM-S image, (c) MLEM-F image, (d) using 100 iterations, (c) PML image using 200 iterations, (d) QEP image using
PML image, (e) QEP image, and (f) PWLS image. The images in (a) and (b) 200 iterations, (e) PML image using 500 iterations, and (f) QEP image using 500
are from 1000 and 8 iterations, respectively, while the images in (d)–(f) are iterations. For the PML and QEP images, = 0:0176 and 0:0088, respectively.
from 500 iterations. The image in (c) was obtained from filtering the MLEM
For display purposes, all the images were adjusted so that they have the same
image two times with a 5 5 Gaussian filter with standard deviation of 5 in dynamic range.
voxels. For the PML, QEP, and PWLS images, was chosen in such a way
that the standard deviation of the background is approximately 63. Specifically,
= 0:0176; 0:0088, and 0:000 18 for the PML, QEP, and PWLS images,
respectively. Note, the standard deviation of the background of images in (b) and
(c) is also approximately 63. For display purposes, all the images were adjusted
so that they have the same dynamic range except the MLEM image because it
has very wide dynamic range.

In the large and small tumor ROI’s and intermediate region,

the number of pixels were 32, 12, and 16, respectively. The
image in Fig. 8, which was produced by averaging 15 converged Fig. 8. The mean of 15 MLEM emission images reconstructed from 14
min data. The boxes indicate the regions used to compute the contrast and
MLEM images, depicts the regions that were used in the con- distinguishability of the tumors. The solid and dashed lines define the tumors
trast and distinguishability calculations. and background regions, respectively. The region surrounded by the dotted
The true contrast of the small and large tumors was 7.38. lines defines the tumor intermediate region (i.e., M ).
Due to finite resolution effects, all of the algorithms underes-
timate the contrast [31]. Consequently, the algorithm that pro- background standard deviation for the 15 realizations are shown
duces the greatest contrast is to be preferred. For the images in Fig. 9(c) and (d), respectively. Just like the contrast curves in
in Fig. 6, the large tumor contrast of the QEP image was 0%, the synthetic data simulations, the contrast curves of the QEP
40%, 32%, 5%, and 34% higher than the MLEM, MLEM-S, algorithm lie above the corresponding curves of the other algo-
MLEM-F, PML, and PWLS images, respectively. The increased rithms. Thus, for a fixed level of background noise, the QEP im-
contrast of the QEP image for the small tumor with respect ages, on average, have the greatest contrast. Not too surprising,
to the MLEM, MLEM-S, MLEM-F, PML, and PWLS images the large tumor average standard deviation curves of the QEP
was %, 50%, 51%, 10%, and 48%, respectively. The in- algorithm in Fig. 9(c) generally lie above the corresponding
creased tumor distinguishability of the QEP image with respect curves of the PML algorithm. The PWLS algorithm produced
to the MLEM, MLEM-S, MLEM-F, PML, and PWLS images large tumor standard deviation curves that lie below the corre-
was %, 26%, 61%, 7%, and 44%, respectively. Although the sponding curves generated by the other algorithms. However,
contrast for “true” MLEM images (i.e., images obtained when the degree of smoothing produced by the PWLS algorithm was
the MLEM algorithm is not terminated early) can be quite large, too great. This claim is supported qualitatively by Fig. 6(f) and
the noisiness of these images limits their practical use. quantitatively by the contrast plots in Fig. 9(a) and (b). The
Fig. 9(a) and (b) shows the plots of the average contrast of distinguishability curves of the PML and QEP algorithms lie
the large tumor and small tumor versus the average background above the curves of the other algorithms when the background
standard deviation using 15 realizations, respectively. Further, standard deviation is less than 300. Above that point, the distin-
plots of the average standard deviation of the large tumor and guishability curves of the PML and QEP algorithms lie below
the average distinguishability of two tumors versus the average the curves of the other algorithms except the MLEM-F curve.

Fig. 9. Plots of the average contrast of the large and small tumors versus the
average background standard deviation are shown in (a) and (b), respectively. Fig. 10. Plots of the average contrast of the large and small tumors versus the
A plot of the average standard deviation of the large tumor versus the average average background standard deviation are shown in (a) and (b), respectively.
background standard deviation is shown in (c). In (d), a plot of the average A plot of the average standard deviation of the large tumor versus the average
distinguishability of two tumors versus the average background standard background standard deviation is shown in (c). In (d), a plot of the average
deviation is shown. Fifteen realizations were used and 14 min real phantom distinguishability of two tumors versus the average background standard
data was used in the study. For the MLEM-S curves, the images from iterations deviation is shown. Fifteen realizations were used and 7 min real phantom data
5–200 were used. For the MLEM-F curves, the MLEM images were filtered was used in the study. For the MLEM-S curves, the images from iterations
once by 5 5 Gaussian filters with standard deviation of 0.44–1.56 in voxels. 5–200 were used. For the MLEM-F curves, the MLEM images were filtered
once by 5 5 Gaussian filters with standard deviation of 0.44–1.56 in voxels.
For the PML, QEP, and PWLS algorithms, the images were reconstructed using
two hundred iterations for = 2 0 2 ;2 0 2 , and 2 0 2 , For the PML, QEP, and PWLS algorithms, the images were reconstructed using
two hundred iterations for = 2 0 2 ;2 0 2 , and 2 0 2 ,

However, images with background standard deviation greater

AS1)–AS5), in Section III. Although the tradeoff between res-
than 300 are too noisy for practical use. Thus, for practical noise
olution and noise can be controlled by certain regularization
levels, the PML and QEP images, on average, have the greatest
parameters (i.e., and ), like many researchers, we have not
contrast and distinguishability.
determined a way to choose the parameters so that the data-fit
To see how the algorithms would perform in shorter du- and a prior knowledge are optimally “balanced”. Under certain
ration protocols, we now consider 15 realizations of 7 min conditions (e.g., the log-cosh penalty function is utilized and
real phantom data. For this case, we do not include the corre- , where denotes transpose and is a column vector
sponding images because the visual comparisons were similar of ones), the PML objective function is strictly convex ([18],
to those observed in the 14 min images. Fig. 10(a) and (b) Lemma 1). For the case where the PML objective function is
shows the plots of the average contrast of the large tumor and strictly convex, our conjecture is that the PML algorithm con-
small tumor versus the average background standard devia- verges to the global minimum of the PML objective function.
tion using 15 realizations, respectively. A plot of the average However, at this time, a proof of convergence is still under in-
standard deviation of the large tumor versus the average back- vestigation.
ground standard deviation for the 15 realizations is shown in We also introduced an algorithm, called the QEP algorithm,
Fig. 10(c). Also, in Fig. 10(d), we provide a plot of the average that obtains regularized estimates through the use of an iteration
distinguishability of two tumors versus the average background dependent penalty function that serves to preserve edges in the
standard deviation for 15 realizations. As in the experiments reconstructed images. Because the QEP algorithm does not have
with the 14 min real phantom data, it is evident that the PML an objective function, the usual mathematical tools for investi-
and QEP algorithms outperform the MLEM-S, MLEM-F, and gating convergence are unavailable. However, the algorithm per-
PWLS algorithms in terms of contrast recovery and tumor formed extremely well in experiments with computer-generated
distinguishability. phantom data and real thorax phantom data and outperformed
the PML and PWLS algorithms in terms of contrast.
In experiments, the images produced by the PML and QEP
VI. CONCLUSION algorithms had greater contrast and “distinguishability” than
the MLEM-S and PWLS images for a fixed level of background
We developed an algorithm for reconstructing emission im- noise. Moreover, qualitatively speaking, tumors within the
ages in PET that generates nonnegative emission mean esti- thorax phantom were more easily resolved with the PML and
mates and monotonically decreases the PML objective func- QEP images. Since the QEP algorithm yielded the greatest
tion. The algorithm is straightforward to implement and can contrast for a fixed level of background noise, it may be partic-
incorporate any penalty function that satisfies the assumptions, ularly well suited for tumor detection applications.

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