4.4.1 Product Safety
4.4.1 Product Safety
4.4.1 Product Safety
0) Introduction
1) Product Safety (IATF16949)
2) SIs & FAQs
3) Supplementary Notes
4) Exhibits
0) Introduction
There is only one applicable clause in this chapter. The reason why a whole chapter is devoted to this
is because the Clause is not commonly misunderstood and/or poorly catered for. Many NCs have been
written on this clause alone.
FAQ IATF Clause Questions and Answers
3) Supplementary Notes
Legend: HOC= Highlights of Clause, CBP= Compliance Best Practice, S&Q= SIs & FAQ, EXH= Exhibits
Clause Section Clarification Subjects CBP SN9.1. Why is safety repeated in so many places in the Standard? CBP SN9.2. Isn’t it repeating, when product safety is already analysed
in FMEA, and Special & Critical Characteristics? CBP SN9.3. Is product safety applicable for all organizations? CBP SN9.4. How best can we do for handling safety products? CBP SN9.5. Why bring in training into safety? CBP SN9.6. Looks like Exhibit 9-1 does not have all the points given in
the Clause.
SN9.2. Isn’t it repeating, when product safety is already analysed in FMEA, and Special
For an IATF-certified organization, FMEA, risk and opportunity analyses, special & critical
characteristics marking, provide a good start to capture safety-related. But they may not be have
identified all. We need to take another look from another angle to exhaust the catch.
SN9.6. Looks like Exhibit 9-1 does not have all the points given in the Clause.
All points are already taken in, but may have been placed in different location. See the below where
the points are found in the steps in Exhibit 9-1. Numeral within parenthesis is the step no of the
4) Exhibits