Accounting History Timeline UPMP

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Accounting history

Abraham Moreno González
Introducción a la contabilidad
Old accounting There was more than one
-Double-entry bookkeeping developed in banking firm in Mesopotamia,
14th century Italy rather than in ancient which used standard measures
Greece or Rome of gold and silver and granted
The reasons for which it was created were: credit in some transactions.
-Private property -Capital -Commerce
-Credit -Writing -Money -Arithmetic

1330-1400 3500 B.C

Accounting in Mesopotamia, around A typical transaction of

3500 BC the time was to use clay
and write on it the
The cities of Babylon and Nineveh transactions that made
became the centers of regional trade,
and Babylonian became the language
of business and politics throughout
the Near East.
Accounting in ancient Egypt, China,
Greece and Rome
Accounting in ancient Egypt was
developed similar to the In the 5th century BC Greece used
Mesopotamians. They used papyrus chartered accountants to allow its
instead of clay and this accounting did citizens to maintain royal authority
not advance due to the shortage of and control over their government's
coins and illiteracy finances.

1122-256) B.C.) 600 B.C

A level of sophistication was

The most important Greek
reached during the Chao
contribution to accounting
dynasty (1122-256) B.C.)
was the introduction of
coined money around 600
Medieval accounting
Medieval agency accounting laid the Luca Pacioli and the Summa (1494)
foundation for the doctrines of He wrote his fifth book which was intended
management and conservatism, and to claim that he never created double entry
the medieval era set the stage for the bookkeeping and the book was also written
rapid advance in accounting technology as a compendium and guide to existing
that occurred during the Renaissance. mathematical knowledge, accounting being
only one of the five topics covered.

1400 B.C 1494 B.C

Accounting in these times was to Pacioli system: memorandum, journal and ledger.
allow the government or The journal was the merchant's private account
property owner to monitor those book. Entries consisted of a narrative debit, credit,
in the lower portions of the and explanation in one running paragraph.
socioeconomic pyramid The newspaper had only one column, which was
not totaled. There were no compound entries
Meaning of the sum (1500 BC)
In the first century after its publication, Towards the 20th century
the summa was translated into 5 In 1920 business practices began
languages ​and numerous books came to change when the US
out falsifying the same knowledge as experienced an inventory slump in
Pacioli and not giving a reference to the which wholesale prices fell 40
author. percent.

1500 B.C 1905 1920

Scotland - Birthplace of the

modern profession (1905)
In Scotland there are the
oldest public accounting
societies that exist.
In the 1940s the accounting
profession increasingly used the
funds statement to measure the
actual flow of money, rather than
simply the sum of changes in
working capital between balance
sheet dates.

1940 1971

In 1971, the American Institute of Certified

Public Accountants began requiring its
inclusion in annual reports of shareholders.
Today, with more than 330,000 members,
AICPA is the leading national professional
association for CPAs in the United States.

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