Accounting History Timeline UPMP
Accounting History Timeline UPMP
Accounting History Timeline UPMP
Abraham Moreno González
Introducción a la contabilidad
Old accounting There was more than one
-Double-entry bookkeeping developed in banking firm in Mesopotamia,
14th century Italy rather than in ancient which used standard measures
Greece or Rome of gold and silver and granted
The reasons for which it was created were: credit in some transactions.
-Private property -Capital -Commerce
-Credit -Writing -Money -Arithmetic
Accounting in these times was to Pacioli system: memorandum, journal and ledger.
allow the government or The journal was the merchant's private account
property owner to monitor those book. Entries consisted of a narrative debit, credit,
in the lower portions of the and explanation in one running paragraph.
socioeconomic pyramid The newspaper had only one column, which was
not totaled. There were no compound entries
Meaning of the sum (1500 BC)
In the first century after its publication, Towards the 20th century
the summa was translated into 5 In 1920 business practices began
languages and numerous books came to change when the US
out falsifying the same knowledge as experienced an inventory slump in
Pacioli and not giving a reference to the which wholesale prices fell 40
author. percent.
1940 1971