Rheological Properties of Microfine Ceme
Rheological Properties of Microfine Ceme
Rheological Properties of Microfine Ceme
A b s t r a c t ~ T h i s paper describes a measuring technique, based on R~sumd--Ce rapport d~crit une technique de mesure, fond~ sur la
rotational viscometry, that can be used to evaluate the flow properties viscomdtrie rotationnelle, qui peut $tre utilisde pour dvaluer les
of grouts. The technique has been used on cement grouts, assuming propridt~s d'dcoulement des enduits de jointoiement. La technique
the Bingham model. The paper discusses field equipment that can est utilisde sur des enduits en ciment, en admettant le module de
be used easily to estimate the flow properties on site. The results Bingham. Le rapport traite de l'dquipement que l'on peut facilement
shown indicate the effect on the flow properties by different admixtures utiliser pour est imer les p ropridt~s d "dcoulement sur site. Les rdsultats
and additives. It is concluded that an increase in specific surface obtenue montrent l'effet de diffdrents m~langes et additifs sur les
and addition of bentonite will increase both the yield stress and the propridtds d'~coulement. Ils rdvglent aprgs analyse q'une
plastic viscosity. Plasticizing admixtures reduce the yield stress augmentation en surface spdcifique et addition de bentonite accrottrait
and the plastic viscosity. By combining bentonite and plasticizers la contrainte de d~bit ainsi que la viscositd plastique. Introduire des
in the grout, improved flow properties (i.e., low yield stress, low mati~res plastiques darts les rn~langes r~duit la contrainte de d~bit
plastic viscosity) can be achieved. et la viscositd plastique. En combinant bentonite et plastificateurs
darts les enduits de jointoisment, les propriL, tds d~coulement (e.g.,
faible contrainte de tidbit, faible viscositd plastique) peuvent ~tre
Introduction Very littleresearch work isreported using grouts based on these cements
R heology is the science of defor- on the rheology of cement grouts;how- because the specificsurface will influ-
mation and flow of matter. In ever, m u c h have been done during the ence the theology.
order to simulate and predict a last20 years concerning cement pastes This paper focuses only on the rheo-
flow situation, it is important to have (forconcrete)and oilwell cement slur- logy ofmicrofine cement-based grouts.
knowledge concerning the theological ries (Banfill 1990). There are m a n y
behaviour, i.e., the constitutive rela- similarities in these fields, although Rheology of Cement Grouts
tionship, of the fluids. In most cases, research in the latter mainly focuses
the behaviour can be expressed by vari- on higher cement concentrations. The rheology of suspensions is very
ous theological models (Bird et al. 1960). W h e n cement grouts (suspensions) complex because of the interplay of
Different types of viscometers (Van are used to permeate into joints or various physical and chemical pro-
Wazer et al. 1963) are used in order to pores, it is not only the rheelogical cesses arising from both the solid and
find the theological model (and inher- propertiesthat are important and that the fluid phases (Nguyen 1985). Inter-
ent parameters) to which the measured influence the success of the grouting particle forces between the solids re-
data best can be fitted. operation, but also: sult in a yield stress (shear strength)
If a theological model can be found that must be exceeded in order to ini-
* The stabilitywith regard to sedi- tiate flow. Below the yield stress, the
(in the range of practical interest), it mentation (bleeding);and
will simplify the calculations signifi- suspension behaves as a (weak) solid.
* The size of the cement particles. Thus, the yield stress can be regarded
cantly, e.g., the volume flow rate as a
function of applied pressure. How- A cement grout is "stable~ if the as the material property that repre-
ever, in all calculations the geometry of sedimentation due to gravity is zero or sents the tranRition between solid-like
the problem must be known, and this kept at a rnlnlmuIn. A commonly used and fluid-like behaviour. Cement
olden is very difficult to achieve when criterion is that the volume of clear grouts are not only suspensions; they
dealing with a geological material. In water on top of a 1000-ml graduated are also chemically reactive during the
the case of both rock and soil grouting, cylinder, divided by the original grout hydration process, in a way that deft-
many simplifications must be made in volume, must be less than 5% after two nitely will influence their behaviour
order to define the geometry of the hours (Deere et al. 1985). It is gener- and introduce changes in their theol-
conduits (Hiissler 1991). ally considered that a stable grout is ogy over time.
more favourable than an unstable grout There are many different theologi-
in practical grouting. cal models that can be used to charac-
Micro-cement is becoming increas- terize suspensions (Nguyen 1985). In
ingly popular in replacing chemical this work, however, we have concen-
Present address: Ulf HEkansson, Royal trated on keeping the model as simple
Institute of Technology, Dept. of Soil and grouts, because the particles are much
RockMechRnics,100 44 Stockholm,Sweden; smaller and therefore can penetrate as possible. Because the geometry of
Lars HRssler, Svenska Golder Associates, into narrower voids. The fineness of the media that is to be grouted is so
Inc., Uppsala, Sweden; and H~Lkan Stille, the particles is often described by their difficultto define, a complex rheologi-
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, specific surface (i.e., surface area by cal model is not considered appropri-
Sweden. weight). Care must be taken when ate at our present stage of knowledge.
Tunnelling and Ur~dergroum]Space Technology, VoL 7, No. 4, pp. 453-458, 1992. 0886-7798/92 $5.00 + .00
Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd 453
The simplest rheelogical model that
includes a yield stress is the Bingham yield stress [Pa]
model. Although simple, it has been
reported by many authors that this : ~: : : [
.... : ..... ~; ....... : ...... : ...... !
model is appropriate for some cement Pl
grouts and slurries (Banfill 1981, . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . : ...... "....... i
---~ . . . . . . ix . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . ~. . . . . .
Littlejohn 1982, Lombardi 1985, Deere . . . . . . . . . . ;.." .\ . . . . . . . . . . . ; ...... ii
et al. 1985, I-I~ssler et al. 1987, and ...! ...... ! .... ~..? ...... ! ...... P2 I~
HSLkansson et al. 1991). 20 M
The Bingham model consists of two ............... -x: ...... "....... i 4 1'
•-~ ...... ~ ....... ~ ..... ~ ...... i L
parameters, a (constant) plastic vis-
cosity component and a yield stress "'" ....... " ....... ".... ~'&" .... i" ....... : ....... " ....... : ....... " ........
l Z
- ~o
When there is flow throughout the
cup, the properties can be evaluated by
(7) according to Eq. 6. Results from each determl, ed by using the fact that there
< method are compared with the mea-
sured data, and the yield stress and the
is no flow when the mA~elmLlmshear
stress is below the yield stress. A pipe,
When the shear stress at the bob is plastic viscosity are stored (after each with a known radius and a rough inner
less than ~ . a stationary zone ap- sequence) for the method that com- wall, is immersed in the fluid to a
• S a m
pears m the cup and the following equa- plies best. certain level (hl). By observing the
tion applies: height that the fluid reaches inside the
Problems Encountered pipe (h 2) (as shown in Fig. 5), the yield
R stress can be estimated. When the
Slip at the bob-fluid interface is fre- propagation inside the pipe stops, the
- % = 2~ ° / n _~o + 2~B ! (8) quently observed when measuring sus-
% "plug" reaches the wall, where the shear
pensions while using a bob with a stress is equalto the yield stress. Math-
It is important to note that R ° is a smooth surface. I f slip occurs, the
e m a t i c a l l y , t h e m e t h o d c a n be
function of~. An increasing shear stress evaluated properties will not be repre- described by performing a vertical force
will increase the effective gap in the cup sentative for the fluid. To reduce the balance, which leads to:
(Ro- Rb). This change of geometry leads effect of slippage, a thin layer of fine
to a curvilinear relationship between ~b sand (silt) is (in this study) attached to
the surface of the bob. •0=YR( ~---~ (9)
and ~b, as can be seen in Figure 4. Eq.
7 is used as a criterion to distingni~h Thixotropic behaviour is commonly 2 ~hl-Ah!
between when Eq. 6; or Eq. 8 can be encountered when using a low water/ where All is (hi-h2) , y is the specific
applied, as shown in Figure 4. cement ratio or when bentonite is weight of the grout, and R is the pipe
The whole measurement is divided added. Thixotropy means that the rheo- radius. It can be noted that if the grout
into a number of sequences whereby logical properties are dependent not reaches all the way up inside the pipe
the a n g u l a r velocity of the bob is only on the shear rate, but also on the (Ah = 0), there is no yield stress. Also,
changed, either from a low RPM to a duration of shear and shear history. If of course, the shorter the penetration
":< • •
<:H• :
~b :.~• +
" ...... " "H" • : • •
i:< ,: ••: i•
hl ::: ::
~b, m i n !
., ,.,..,,, ..,.,,., , :. • :.. I
H..,.....,...,..:.....,...,, .,
• •• •: 7L• •• . ...........
Figure 4. A Bingham fluid will yield a linear and non- Figure 5. The yield stress can be estimated by observing
linear curve when using a concentric-cylinder viscometer. how high the fluid reaches inside the pipe.
which must be known, can be found by ~ 20 " - p = 1600 kg/m 3 Ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :"
using a simple field instrument called
a "mud balance" (Deere 1982). o= 14oo kg/m 3 i / ! ,"
The method can be used in combina- ~ 15 --p = 1200 kg/m 3 i '"" ~ ' . : " ~ : : ' ~ " . . . .
tion with a Marsh cone, using the proce- L . . . . i. . . . .-" ",: :. . . . . . .
dure proposed by Lombardi with the 4_) •
• ...
f •
cone and plate (Lombardi 1985). When 10 ............... .............. ..:.": ; . . . . . . . . . . . ................
a Marsh cone is used, beth the plastic ,---t
*SR = Sulphur-resistant
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
16 ! 0,5
Mikrodur, 1% B Mikrodur, 1% B
...... Alofix, 2% B 0,4 ...... Alofix, 2% B I
I;' i
Cementa, 3% B /
~ 0,3
~" 2
, , • , • : • i , i • , • i 0,0 • i , l , i • ! , ! , , • l •
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
16 0.5
Mikrodur Mikrodur
14 =.==== Mikrodur 1% P
0.4 "=='== Mikrodur 1% P
12 Alofix
i ...... Alofix 2.5% P - - Alofix
0,3 ...... Alofi× 25 ~ P
•~ 0,2
¢% ~ • #,, v %
•~ 0,1
a ~ m. .m. .-. . . . . . . "
0 o,o ~'. " : ' ; ' ? - . . . . . . . . . .
0 3 '0 6'0 s ' 0 " I ~0 1 5' 0 " 1 8' 0 2 1' 0 240 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
t£-~ [mln] time [mln]
16 0,30
14 ' 2% B, 4% P 2% B, 4% P
2% B, 3.5% p 0,25 -" ..... 2% B, 3.5% P
2% B, 3% P 2% B, 3% P
,~ 0,20
-- 10
~ 8 0,15
.,.i !i
> 6
u o.1o
"~ 0,05
{ 2
0 , • , • , • | • , • i • i • , • i , i , 0,00 i ~ , i , |
0 30 6 0 90 1 2 0 1 5 0 1 8 0 2 1 0 2 4 0 2 7 0 3 0 0 0 30 60 90 120150180210240270300
time [m.£n] time [re.in]
Figure 10. The effect of plasticizer (P) and bentonite (B) combined (cement #1).