Gray 2009
Gray 2009
Gray 2009
Summary or may not be centered in the wellbore, such as, for example,
A wellbore cement sheath is expected to provide zonal isolation casing lying on the low side of the hole in an inclined well.
and borehole integrity during well construction and well life. At the inside boundary, conditions are well known. Pressures
Mechanical interactions of the cement sheath to existing and inside the casing are readily measured, and the mechanical beha-
operationally induced stresses, along with other elements in pro- vior of the casing is well documented. From the casing/cement
ximity to the wellbore, have increasingly large technical, econo- interface outward through the cement, mudcake, plastic zone, and
mic, and environmental ramifications. formation, the stresses, displacements, fluid transport, and other
Staged-finite-element procedures during well construction behavioral features often are not known. Very little information
consider sequentially the stress states and displacements at and is available for quantifying interactions between and among
near the wellbore. The model replicates complicated stress states the several components. Outer interface stresses, displacements,
arising from simultaneous action of far-field stresses, overburden fluid-transport parameters, and coupling conditions change con-
pressure, cement hardening and shrinkage, debonding at the inter- tinuously as the formation pore pressure changes with fluid pro-
faces, and plastic flow of cement sheath and rock formation. At duction or injection. These 3D and time-dependent changes are
present, temperature, flow, and poroelasticity effects are not manifested through all of the system components, interfaces, and
included. The technique tracks the time-dependent behavior of component couplings or interactions.
cement slurry, curing (with or without shrinkage), and hardened The cement sheath is the heart of any oil or gas well. It is
cement during the critical period after slurry placement. expected to provide mechanical support to the casing string in
Material models for casing, cement, and rock formation and general; but in particular, the cement sheath should provide both
failure criteria for cement, formation, and interface bonds were mechanical and hydraulic isolation for all production horizons
calibrated using published information and experimental data. during well construction and for the operational life of the well
Calculations were conducted for various loading and unloading (life-of-well). Cement sheaths interact mechanically with other
scenarios, geometric configurations, properties of rock forma- physical elements in the wellbore region in response to pre-
tions, and cement-slurry formulations. Results are discussed in existing stresses from geological processes and to stressed from
terms of field implication;, for example: (1) Interface microchan- operational activities. Quantifying these interacting physical
nels may or may not develop, depending upon shrinkage magni- components and processes has technical, economic, and environ-
tudes; and (2) simplifying modeling assumptions that are often mental implications of great and growing significance.
used, such as 2D stresses and/or deformations, may obscure criti- This paper is part of a series to quantify behaviorally coupled
cal casing, cement, and formation behavior in the wellbore region physical components and processes at, and in close proximity
and in the producing horizon. to, the well bore. Comparisons are made of analytical results
This paper, part of a series quantifying the interacting physical and field implications from simple to increasingly more realistic
components and processes at and near the wellbore region, initiates and complex assumptions (i.e., isotropic/directional-stress states;
useful comparisons of analytical results and field realities. The ser- isotropic/anisotropic casing, cement, and formation material
ies illustrates and compares results and practical implications from parameters; stress and temperature cycling; time-dependent para-
simple to increasingly complex, but more realistic, assumptions, meters; rock-mechanics/cement-testing standards; static and
such as isotropic/directional-stress states and isotropic/anisotropic dynamic poroelasticity; and quantitative results and methods
casing, cement, and formation-material parameters. using analytical and numerical simulators).
Fig. 2—Convergence studies. Left: Dependence of stress in the vicinity of the borehole on the size of the modeling domain.
Distribution of radial stress along direction of maximum horizontal stress for rectanglular domains 4, 5, and 6 diameters of the
borehole in size. Right: Distribution of radial stress along direction of maximum horizontal stress for regular and fine mesh.
elements in each direction. The results of this study confirm the Hardening. Figs. 4 and 5 illustrate the proposed method for the
described selection of the mesh size, as illustrated in the right- staged finite-element analysis. The left side of Fig. 4 shows the
hand side of Fig. 2. distribution of Von Mises stress by the end of the Cementing Step,
Solution Procedure. To implement the transformation from when the cement elements are still deactivated and the slurry is
slurry to solid accurately, “nonlinear-geometry analysis” was applying hydrostatic pressure to the formation. The right side of
assumed throughout the entire history of the loading. The problem Fig. 4 shows the same distribution by the end of the Hardening
is highly nonlinear because of the contact condition at the cement/ Step, when slurry hydrostatic pressure is replaced by pressure
casing interface and because of the presence of nonlinear-elastic applied to the formation by the cement elements. The distribution
materials; therefore, the Newton solver is used throughout the of stress in the formation does not change; the solid cement
analysis. At least 50 increments are requested during the Shrink- elements are activated and are free of shear strain.
age Step to capture the evolution of the stress state in the vicinity Stress distribution in the formation is not axially symmetric
of the wellbore accurately. because the minimum and maximum horizontal stresses are not
equal. Stress distribution in the slurry is hydrostatic and, therefore,
is axially symmetric, even for the studied case of asymmetric
Results loading.
Using the staged-finite-element-analysis model described, the The left side of Fig. 5 shows radial-stress distribution by the
stress states in the cement and in the formation in the vicinity of end of the Cementing Step. The right side shows radial-stress
the wellbore were analyzed for various combinations of cement distribution by the end of the Hardening Step. Stress distribution
and rock-material properties. The summary of the analysis is in the formation does not change, even though the radial load
reported in the following subsections. caused by slurry pressure is replaced by pressure applied by the
Fig. 5—Equivalent-Von Mises-stress distributions at the end of Cementing and Hardening Steps. Left: Casing and cement
are deactivated, uniform pressure applied to the wall of the borehole. Right: Cement and casing are in hydrostatic compression,
which is transmitted to the wall of the borehole.
Future Work Oil- and Gas-Well Zonal Isolation in a Full-Scale Annular Geometry.
Based on the method discussed in the previous section, the follow- SPEDC 20 (1): 44–53. SPE-87195-PA. DOI: 10.2118/87195-PA.
ing modeling studies are ongoing, and results will be included in Chenevert, M.E. and Jin, L. 1989. Model for Predicting Wellbore Pres-
future publications: sures in Cement Columns. Paper SPE 19521 presented at the SPE
• Inclined wells and horizontal wells Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas,
• Eccentric casing USA, 8–11 October. DOI: 10.2118/19521-MS.
• High-temperature effects Chenevert, M.E. and Shrestha, B.K. 1991. Chemical Shrinkage Properties
• Anisotropic-material behavior of Oilfield Cements. SPEDE 6 (1): 37–43. SPE-16654-PA. DOI:
• Time-dependent material models 10.2118/16654-PA.
• Damage and failure Dean, G.D. and Torres, R.S. 2002. Novel Cement System for Improved
• Debonding at the formation/cement interface Zonal Isolation in Steam Injection Wells. Paper SPE 78995 presented
• Poroelasticity at the SPE International Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Sym-
• Fluid flow posium and International Horizontal Well Technology Conference,
Subsequent publications will also take into account experi- Calgary, 4–7 November. DOI: 10.2118/78995-MS.
mental results from the life-of-well program on oilfield cements di Lullo, G. and Rae, P. 2000. Cements for Long Term Isolation—Design
regarding shrinkage; mechanical behavior during loading/ Optimization by Computer Modelling and Prediction. Paper SPE
unloading processes; stress/strain paths; uniaxial, biaxial, and 62745 presented at IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology,
triaxial strengths; and static and dynamic moduli. Kuala Lumpur, 11–13 September. DOI: 10.2118/62745-MS.
Fleckenstein, W.W., Eustes, A.W., and Miller, M.G. 2000. Burst Induced
Stresses in Cemented Wellbores. Paper SPE 62596 presented at the
Acknowledgments SPE/AAPG Western Regional Meeting, Long Beach, California, USA,
The authors would like to thank Ametek/Chandler Engineering, 19–23 June. DOI: 10.2118/62596-MS.
BJ Services, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and Schlumberger for support Fourmaintraux, D., Bois. A.-P., Franco, C., Fraboulet, B., and Brossollet, P.
of this work in “Casing, Cement, and Formation Interactions 2005. Efficient Wellbore Cement Sheath Design Using the SRC (Sys-
During Drilling, Completion, and Production Operations,” Life- tem Response Curve) Method. Paper SPE 94176 presented at the SPE
Of-Well Rock, Fluid, and Stress Systems Research Program at Europec/EAGE Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain, 13–16 June. DOI:
The University of Texas at Austin. 10.2118/94176-MS.
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ing and Cement Designs for HP/HT Wells in East Texas. Paper SPE
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