Expanding Application of Perforated Metal

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IMST 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 251 (2017) 012027 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/251/1/012027

Expanding Application of Perforated Metal Materials in

Construction and Architecture

V Mironovs1, A Tatarinov1 and S Gorbacova1

Riga Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Kipsalas Street 6a, Riga,
LV–1048, Latvia

E-Mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Perforated metal materials (PMM) combine a range of properties, including rigidity,
strength, lightweight, small thickness, a dosed transparency and decorative attractiveness. All
these bring new application effects in construction industry and architecture. Nowadays, PMM
are widely used in design of facades and interiors all over the world, becoming more popular in
Latvia as well. The paper touches several aspects of PMM applications, including its decoration
function, shadowing of sunlight, sound and noise barrier function and the problem of corrosion
when exploited outdoors. Possible perfection may include using different coatings, multi-layer
design variants and integration with other constructional materials in order to provide better
sound absorption, corrosion resistance and functionality.

1. Introduction
Among a variety of applications of perforated metal materials (PMM), the architectural one is the most
prominent. It includes but is not limited to cladding of facades, decoration of interiors, covers of
columns, staircases design and arrangement of protective walls and enclosures [1]. In addition to
decorative aesthetic design, PMM provide architects and builders with additional benefits such as
sunshade, noise reduction, lightweight fencing, energy saving and access control.
a b

Figure 1. Architectural facades of student’s service building in Perth (Australia) (a) and of private
house in Portugal (b) decorated by PMM.

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IMST 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 251 (2017) 012027 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/251/1/012027

Perforated facades amaze with its diversity and artistic imagination. PMM are used not only to
decorate buildings of commercial companies and social infrastructure, but also to create new image of
private houses. Two samples of modern trends are shown in figure 1. The first one shows Ngoolark
Student Services building in Perth, Australia designed by JCY Architects & Urban Design [2]. Made of
the Alucobond aluminum composite material the perforated exterior provides similarly shimmering and
light-changing abilities. Several shades of gold shimmer from dark to light, metallic to rose, depending
on the way the sun hits the building. In contrast, architects José Cadilhe and Emanuel Fontoura
(Portugal) used almost oblique stainless steel panels perforated with pattern of certain symbols. These
panels have not only decoration function, but also practical – they act like shutters, allow to open the
windows and doors [3].
An interesting transformation experienced Dream Downtown Hotel in New York [4]. Originally,
building was designed for the Maritime Unions in 1966 with heavily featured porthole type windows on
its facade, but in 2006 Handel Architects using idea of the circular theme in facade and interior, made a
number of adjustments. On the south, the skin of the building is constructed of two perforated stainless-
steel layers, which perfectly reflects both – daylight and artificial lighting what gives a good contrast of
the hotel and environment (figure 2a). Top sheet of the southern facade replicates northern facade
punched - window design (figure 2b), but the inner sheet is a regular perforation pattern.

Figure 2. South (a) and north (b) sides of facade facing in Dream Downtown Hotel in New York.
PMM may perform a significant role in regulation of temperature and air ventilation of buildings,
along with a dosed light permeability providing illumination from outside. One of such cases is
successfully illustrated by the new building of the Military History Museum in Dresden (figure 3).

IMST 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 251 (2017) 012027 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/251/1/012027

Figure 3. Military History Museum in Dresden from outside (a) and inside (b).
PMM are becoming more common in architectural design in Latvia too. PMM are used as facade
facing material, fencing construction for motorways and sidewalks, benches, enclosure for garbage cans
or shed for bicycles. There is a growing tendency to introduce PMM as decorative elements in building’s
facades, windows and constructive elements (figure 4).
a b

Figure 4. Examples of use of decorative PMM panels in Latvia: private house in Jurmala (a);
department store “Riga Plaza”, Riga (b).
In a laboratory of the Building Production Department at the Riga Technical University, a certain
experience is gained in studying of steel PMM applicability for solving a number of technical issues,
including: reinforcing brick masonry, junction connecting, floor concreting and others [5]. Perforated
metal sheet is technological and can be used for noise reduction, since the holes in the metal sheet are
involved in sound absorbing. Perforated material can also be effectively used for shielding
electromagnetic fields [6]. A great effect of PMM can be achieved when they are used as barrier for
solar radiation and wind.

IMST 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 251 (2017) 012027 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/251/1/012027

a b

Figure 5. Mobile sunshades of PMM in dwelling house (a) and Henning Larsen Architects (Denmark)
design of geometric facade transform to regulate daylight (b).

2. Reduction of solar radiation and sunshading

Nowadays, glass panels of building’s windows and doors are well insulated and therefore in cold seasons
of the year less energy is consumed for heating premises. The use of perforated material not only serves
as a shielding, but also is able to contribute to the formation of the necessary cooling to reduce energy
consumption with using solar screens. Investigation of the direction of solar radiation on the windows
of the building at different times of the year and day shows that quite often sun rays directly shining
right into the windows of the building. Well-known oblique horizontal constructions separating loggias
and balconies can not prevent from the direct sunlight entering the room, especially in the morning
hours, since the sun’s rays during this period are much lower.
PMM can scatter direct sunrays and provide better comfort protecting from the excess of direct light.
There are two solutions possible. The first one is to make curved PMM canopy-type shells for movable
or permanent shutters shadowing the window all daytime or all seasons. The second one is to design
PMM shutters on the windows opening or closing depending on falling sunrays. Both solutions are
depicted in figure 5. The last presented solution radically transforms the facade view being closed or
open. It allows to vary angle of opening thus to regulate amount of light entering the room.

3. Formation of PMM elements for decorative function

By now, designers have tried numerous techniques and forms to enhance decorativeness of PMM. Some
expressive examples from Internet classified by approach are presented in figure 6. Different patterns
of perforations along with regular round holes can form a texture of PMM sheets in serial production
proposing to a customer a certain choice. By variation of size and density of perforations by the surface
area purposeful artistic effects are achieved ranging from abstractions to specific visual forms
reproducing architectural elements or photographic images. These art works are mostly designed by
orders. By managing the spatial orientation of PMM sheets, including mutual arrangement of the sheets
at angles, bending them or making curved surfaces, facades and walls are transformed from the flat type
to a structured one, where characteristic spatial patterns are featured by light and shadows play. This
may favorably enrich view of public buildings with large open surfaces and give them a unique view.
Another approach of modifying PMM surfaces is shaping by depth. It can be achieved either by periodic
indentation or by creating structures consisting of two or more layers of PMM sheets of the same or
different textures. Along with decorative purpose, this brings concomitants beneficial properties such as
increased rigidity, thickening and modified permeability.

IMST 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 251 (2017) 012027 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/251/1/012027

Modification of
perforation pattern

Variation of size and

density of perforations
by area

Bent, inclined and

curved surfaces of
perforated sheets

3D shaping of surface
of perforated sheets,
layered structures

Figure 6. Different techniques applied by designers to enhance decorative function of PMM.

(Examples borrowed from Internet).
Experiments conducted at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Riga Technical University were aimed
at creation of spatial structures of two or more superimposed perforated sheets or by deformation of
elastic thin-walled PMM elements (figure 7). The goal was to impact decorative properties of PMM
obtained as waste products from metal processing at the Ditton factory (Daugavpils, Latvia) for further
use as constructive elements in local construction works. In both cases, a change of through
transmittance of light by reducing the clearance area and increase of the stiffness were achieved. The
structures were fixed by periodic contact welding.

IMST 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 251 (2017) 012027 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/251/1/012027

Figure 7. Changes of the area of through holes by superimposing perforated sheets (a) and by
deforming the sheet (b).

4. Sound and noise barrier function

One of the PMM functions is related to shielding of sound waves in specific frequency ranges. The
acoustic function of PMM is illustrated in figure 8. There are two possible mechanisms of obstruction
of sound propagation – reflection of sonic waves by the facial surface and absorption of sound energy
by the internal structure transforming it into thermal energy. The effectiveness of sound barrier is
estimated by the ratio of intensities of incident and transmitted waves. Since the acoustic impedances of
a metal (steel or aluminum) surface of PMM and of air differ in several orders, the largest portion of
sound energy should reflect from the surface if the latter is continuous. It has a positive shielding effect
on the protected side but can enhance noise level at the side from where sound is emitted due to summing
with the echo. Presence of perforations allows some portion of sound waves come in and involve
absorption mechanisms. In the case of PMM, these are two. The first one is damping of sound energy
by passing the wave through perforated holes due to friction losses of oscillating air molecules
interacting with the hole’s walls. The efficiency of damping is greater the larger is the contact area,
which is determined by the ratio of PMM thickness T to the hole’s diameter D. In thin-walled PMM, D
should be comparable or lesser than T to make the effect notable. Amount of holes per square determined
by its spacing S also plays role in the variation of the ratio reflected sound energy and passed though
PMM. It was found that micro-perforated PMM where the perforations are reduced to millimeter or sub-
millimeter size present very effective sound absorption without any additional classical absorbing
material. Micro-perforated sheets are widely applied in machinery, aerospace, aircraft construction and
different industrial enclosures. The second mechanism is of Helmholtz resonator type. In this case, a
rigid wall stands behind a PMM sheet at a distance L, reflecting sound waves. The absorption occurs
due to oscillation of the air column enclosed between the wall and the hole. The oscillations are
supported by springy response of air volume compressed by the sound wave coming through the hole
from one side and reflected from the wall from another side. Maximum absorption occurs at a frequency
of resonance, determined by geometrical parameters of the system L, D and T. To make barriers the
most soundproof, the construction implies additional absorbers from porous or woven materials having
a substantial thickness ranging from a few centimeters to more than ten centimeters. In such type of
panels, PMM take mainly protective and decorative functions, whilst the main sound absorption is
performed by the absorber. The acoustical shielding panels are used in industry, offices, and acoustical
buildings, as well as at highways and railways shielding the dwelling environment from noise.

IMST 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 251 (2017) 012027 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/251/1/012027

Figure 8. General layouts of sound absorption by PMM (explanation in text).

At the present, there are numerous manufacturers all over the world proposing acoustical panels with
PMM combining the durability of a perforated metal shell and the superior noise control provided by
customized absorbing materials inside. Some examples of such products are shown in figure 9.

a b c

Figure 9. Examples of commercial PMM as acoustic absorbers: microperforated acoustic ceilings

Silk MetalTM of Architectural Surfaces Inc (a); modular PMM acoustic panel with mineral wool core
of Custom Audio Designs Ltd for industrial use (b); customized AcoustimetalTM shells of Acoustical
Surfaces Inc for indoor and outdoor use (c).
Despite achieved high performance, different types of acoustic panels have one of certain limitations:
not enough lightweight, contain degradable absorbing material, not transparent or not air-permeable.
Single PMM without absorbers are not enough effective as acoustic barriers in broadband audible range.
That is why there is a demand and ongoing research for creation of new types of PMM with high sound
absorbing, frequency selective and frequency band broadening properties. In particular, it is dealt with
application of multi-leaf PMM [7], investigation of variations of holes shape [8] and design of new
PMM with extended tubes from the perforations in order to move absorption peak to low frequencies

5. Environmental impact assessment.

The most common manufacturers offered PMM are: 1) cold-rolled steel; 2) hot-rolled steel; 3)
galvanized steel; 4) stainless steel; 5) aluminum; 6) copper; 7) titanium zinc. PMM that are used as
decorative and protective elements are exposed to the environment. There is need to protect the surface
as long as possible to maintain the original appearance of the facade. Atmospheric corrosion is a process
that occurs in the metal layer and at its surface at the same time. A higher degree of corrosion will occur
under humid climatic conditions and with long-term exposure to moisture (ISO 9223: 1992). Perforated
metal elements are more likely to undergo corrosion if they are exposed to the open air under the
influence of polluting gases or aerosols. Sulphates and chlorides also increase corrosion development
probability. A higher probability of corrosion is appearing when relative humidity is above 80% at
medium temperatures near to 0° С [10]. The data of research showed that using the screen dyeing

IMST 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 251 (2017) 012027 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/251/1/012027

technology from 1.0 mm thick perforated steel sheet weight loss is 4-6 times greater than in the case of
preliminary galvanizing.
Inspection of fences in new maintained area of the Riga Technical University for a year of
exploitation get significant damage because of corrosion (figure 10). It showed that a little attention was
paid to corrosion before the installation of galvanized steel sheets. Inadequate anticorrosive primer
thickness whether it is provided by zinc coatings or galvanizing is the major cause of edge corrosion
and the major cause of coating failure generally on steelwork.

Figure 10. Fence from PMM: general view (a) and a fragment (b) after exploitation.

6. Conclusion
PMM are good choice to use them in architectural design possessing such advantageous properties as
decorativeness, lightweight, partial transparency, rigidity, durability and diversity of shapes. In addition
to cladding function, it can provide such helpful features like sun shading, noise protection, and
ventilation. Its limitations are corrosivity if not well protected against and insufficient sound protection
if applied without classical absorbers. This opens new rooms for perfection, particularly, of using
different coatings, multi-layer design variants and integration with other constructional materials.

[1] Industrial Perforators Association 1993 Designers, Specifiers And Buyers Handbook For
Perforated Metals
[2] Innovative Student Services Building Clad in Shades of Gold Alucobond. Available from:
[3] House L27 / DIONISO LAB. Available from: http://www.archdaily.com/office/dioniso-lab
[4] Dream Downtown Hotel. Handel Architects. Available from:
[5] V Mironovs and M Lisicins 2011 Šūnu struktūras no perforētās metāliskās lentes un to
izmantošana. (Cellular structures from perforated metal bands and its uses) (in Latvian) (RTU,
Riga, Latvia)
[6] V Mironovs, M Lisicins, I Boiko, T Koppel, V Zemčenkovs, V Lapkovskis and A Šiškins 2014
Cellular structures from perforated metallic tape and its application for electromagnetic
shielding solutions Agronomy Research (Tartu, Estonia) pp 279–284
[7] K Sakagami, M Yairi and M Morimoto 2010 Multiple-leaf sound absorbers with microperforated
panels: an overview Acoustics Australia 38(2) pp 76-81
[8] X Wang, W Zhang and L Ying 2014 Acoustic performance of a plate with varying perforations
Inter-noise (Melbourne, Australia) pp 1-6

IMST 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 251 (2017) 012027 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/251/1/012027

[9] D Li, D Chang, B Liu and J Tian 2015 A perforated panel sound absorber for low frequencies 22
Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration (Florence, Italy) pp 1-7
[10] C Dolling, R Hudson and C Plc 2003 Corrosion Protection Steel Buildings ed R Pope (London:
The British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd) chapter 12 pp 107-113

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