Idioms and Phrases 2
Idioms and Phrases 2
Idioms and Phrases 2
Beat around the bush Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it as part of a
is uncomfortable sentence
Better late than never Better to arrive late than not to come at all by itself
Get something out of your Do the thing you've been wanting to do so you as part of a
Idiom Meaning Usage
Give someone the benefit of the Trust what someone says as part of a
doubt sentence
Let someone off the hook To not hold someone responsible for something as part of a
No pain, no gain You have to work for what you want by itself
Speak of the devil The person we were just talking about showed by itself
Time flies when you're having You don't notice how long something lasts when by itself
fun it's fun
We'll cross that bridge when we Let's not talk about that problem right now by itself
come to it