Big 4 Content
Big 4 Content
Big 4 Content
Target Market
• Who: Who, exactly, are you trying to reach with the copy? What do they look
like? What do they do every day? What do they read, watch, and listen to?
Where do they live? What are their hobbies?
• Why: Why are you trying to reach them? Why do they do what they do? Why do
they read, listen, and watch what they do? Why do they live where they live?
• Beliefs: What do they believe to be true? What do they disbelieve? What do
they love? What do they hate? Who do they trust? Who do they NOT trust?
(Ask Why on all of these for greater insight)
• Desires: What do they like? What do they dislike? What are their goals? What
don’t they care about? (Again, ask Why)
• Identifications: What do they identify as? What do they identify against? What
do they consider important about their identity vs. expendable to their identity?
What brands, people, and products help them create and reinforce their
• Demographics:
o These are less important than they used to be, but they serve a purpose
and can help you target your best customers and prospects. Most lists
and segmentation occurs from demographics, so try to figure out the
demo of your audience.
• Psychographics:
o All of the questions above help create a psychographic profile of your
audience. There is no “right” way to do this…just a way to keep all the
information contained in a way that makes it easier for you to work.
ALWAYS create your own systems rather than using others…because we
all work differently, and trying to learn someone else’s system takes time
that could be used for other things.
• What To Do If:
o Brand New Offer + Product
§ Competitor Research (Direct and In-Direct)
§ Hyperniche
o You don’t know the market
§ Immersion
§ Interviews
§ Deep Dive Surveys
§ Amazon Hacking
§ Reddit
§ Forums
o You get it wrong
§ Test. Get as much data as possible.
• Heat maps
• Bounce rates
• Clicks
o Super easy…BUT
§ There is a LOT of money to be made doing the basics for people
who aren’t savvy. This is what Frank Kern does with his 10k per
month clients…basic shit.
§ SUPER valuable to people who aren’t promoting properly (mostly
6 and 7 figure business owners)
• Level 2 – Solution Aware
o The customer knows of the product but doesn’t want it yet…
§ Not completely aware of what all the product does
§ Isn’t convinced how well it does it.
§ Hasn’t been told how much better it is than the other options.
o 7 Tasks
§ Reinforce Desire
• Association
• Example
• Sensory Sharpening
• Illustration
§ Sharpen Image
• Physical attributes
• Mechanism description
§ Extend Image
• Where
• When
§ Introduce New Proof
• Research
• Endorsements
• News
§ Announce New Mechanism (better)
• New feature makes it better
§ Announce New Mechanism (Fixed)
• New Feature fixes past problem
§ Change the Image
• Stage 5 Sophistication…we’ll go over it later
• Level 3 – Problem Aware
o Prospect knows, or recognizes immediately, that he has the problem he
has; but he doesn’t know there are products that solve it.
o 2 Steps
§ Find the vague desire/problem
§ Crystallize it
o 3 Needs
§ Analysis
§ Intuition
§ Verbal Creativity