The Pig Method Lesson 2

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The P.I.G. Method

Module #1.2 Summary and Assignments

The Deep, Irrational Desires of your Market

Demographics represents age, race, ethnicity, gender, income, education and employment.
Demographics matter because most people in a demographic group are similar. Psychographics is
the study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other
psychological criteria.

This assignment will focus on Demographics and (a starting place Physcographics.

Some ways to get demographic info…

1. Look at other offers in the space and see who is represented in their marketing.
2. Talk to media buyers because they have ALL this stuff.
3. Survey potential buyers
4. Take a guess! You might not have access to the above yet and that’s OK. Just get started.

How to figure out what the market needs right now (psychographics) by understanding a few
simple but nasty things about human beings:

● Important Thing #1: Nobody is a special snowflake

● Important Thing 2: Humans Are The Only Animal Stupid Enough to Think We’re Rational
(And that makes us REALLY easy to manipulate.)
● Important Thing 3: Every Market Pretty Much Wants The 7 Deadly Sins. (Gluttony, Sloth,
Lust, Greed, Envy, Pride, Wrath)

● People are motivated by concrete consequences and results and ignore existential or far
consequences and results.
● What your market consciously wants and what they unconsciously want are not the same.


#1- Create an avatar! Give he or she a name. Draw a picture of them, or make a picture in your
#2 - Demographic info as best as you can guess. At a minimum this should include age, race,
sex, geographic location, economic category (white or blue collar)
#3 - Identify 1-2 conscious/unconscious desires of your market.
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Avatar Creation Worksheet

Hey folks . . .

The goal of this worksheet is to give you specific instructions on how to come up with your Avatar/perfect customer
just by following a few simple steps. It’s important to get your Avatar feeling as much like a “Real person” as you can
so don’t skip this step =-)

Creating Your Avatar

Creating badass and high converting sales videos is largely about EMPATHY. You need to be able to really get into
the head and the heart of your market and figure out what makes them tick, what they REALLY want and what
SCARES THE BEJEEZUS out of them so you can solve their problems.

I like to get REALLY specific with my avatars. (For instance, my Avatar for my “Text Your Wife Into Bed” product is
named Jim. He’s 43 years old and has two kids. He has a job he doesn’t like very much, doesn’t see his wife as often
as he’d like and longs for the days when they just had fun together. He finds his eye straying more and more as the
years go on and wishes he knew how to ignite a real spark in his wife’s heart (and pants.)

Who Is Your Customer?

(Get as deep with this as possible. And don’t worry about “excluding people out.” The weird fact is that getting
SPECIFIC increases your overall sales even to people who aren’t in your avatar group.)

To make this as easy as possible, I’m first going to list out the big questions we’re going to ask about your avatar and
then I’ll tell you how to actually GET the information you’re looking for.

Step 1 - Demographics

Is your avatar male or female?

How old is he/she?

Is he/she part of a particular ethnic group? (Might not matter. Then again, it might.)

Step 2 - Psychographics

Is your avatar “liberal” or “conservative?

Is your avatar religious or non religious? (Note: Niching a product for a religious market can be a great way to
differentiate yourself.)

What PREJUDICES or preconceived ideas does your avatar have about your niche/topic?

Step 3 - DESIRE

What’s the particular problem you’re going to solve for your avatar? (If you don’t have a product yet, you may want to
hold off on this part.)

When it comes to your particular niche or problem, what does your avatar WANT? (Ex. Back pain - to be free from
pain. Make money - “more money than I need.” etc.)

OK, now DIMENSIONALIZE their desire. What do they REALLY want deep in their private hearts? What do they want
that the wouldn’t necessarily even admit to themselves or their closest friends?

(Ex. “A body that makes the skinny bitch at the gym choke on her tofu.”, “Enough money and success to finally prove
to my father in law that I’m worth something.”
Remember the 7 deadly sins . . .
Sloth (People are lazy - automatic results)
Greed/Extravagance (Wealth/Status)
Gluttony (More than just food.)
Anger (Revenge. Prove yourself better.)

NOTE - In the actual writing section we’ll talk about how to use these “sins” in a “positive” way. But for now we need
to get “dirty” in our thinking.

What FRUSTRATES them about getting what they want?

(Tried and failed before? Too “lazy?,” Low self esteem? Been ripped off?)

What SCARES your avatar about this particular problem? What HORRIBLE RESULTS
do they think are going to happen if they stay on the path they’re on now or don’t solve their problem?

How To Find This Stuff Out . . .

OK, now it’s time to actually fill all this stuff in. Read through the questions a couple times so they’re really solid in
your mind.

Then . . .

1. Rip off the “Competition.” (I don’t really believe in competition. I believe in partners. But that’s another

Go to and click the “marketplace” tab at the top. Dig around and find the top 5 products
(sorted by Gravity) in your niche or that solve problems very similar to yours. It doesn’t need to be a product selling
the SAME THING as you, but it’s got to be something that addresses the same core desire or problem. (So the top
“Weight loss” products out there. The top “Get your Ex Back” products. Etc.

Analyze their copy (or watch their video). What CORE desires are they hitting over and over again? Which of the
“deadly sins” are they appealing to (even in a subtle way?) What desires do you feel welling up in yourself as you
watch or read their copy?

1. Fish Where The Fish Are.

The great thing about the internet is there are blogs and forums for EVERY possible niche out there. Do a web
search for forums and blogs related to your niche. For forums, pay particular attention to the “Sticky” topics and the
topics with a LOT of comments. This is a great way to get a feel for sex and general age of your market (even if they
don’t say their ages) as well as the hopes and fears that plague them.

1. Actually TALK to A Person In Your Niche (OMG SCARY!!)

OK, this is a bit hard for some folks but it’s SO worth it. If you KNOW someone in your niche with your particular
problem just call them up and have an intimate conversation. You’ll be amazed at how easily they open up. (Promise
them you won’t use their name in anything you write.)

1. If YOU are a member of your niche, have a friend interview YOU.

You need to go deep and you need someone who can ask you deep questions. I recommend you find someone else
in the course to ask you since they’ll know what they’re doing.

1. EMPATHY Exercises.

OK, this is kind of advanced mojo but it’s what I do, what Jeff Walker does and what a lot of top marketers do.
Basically, I you need to just take a deep breathe and IMAGINE what it’s like to be your Avatar.

Putting It All Together

OK, now it’s time to take all this and create a real “character” for your Avatar. You want to make this (as much as
humanly possible) into a living, breathing person.

Give him/her a name. Write out how old they are, how many kids they have, and get a really solid idea of them as a
person. Heck, you may even want to go out and find a picture of somebody who “fits the bill” to tape up near your
computer. Sounds hokey, but it works really well.

Once you’ve done all that we’ll get into the BIG PROMISE and BIG IDEA of your Product and your sales video.

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