Test Construction

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Test Construction

by Maria Lavella Torregosa

• Requires:
• Decision about the nature of the item or
question to which we ask students to
• How we will score the item
• The skill we purport to test

The Mechanics of Test

• Is a specific task test takers are asked to
• Can assess one or more points or
objectives and the actual item itself may
take on a different constellation depending
on the context.

What are Test Items?

• The language skills that test include the
• more receptive skills on a continuum –
listening and reading, and
• More productive skills – speaking and
• Nonverbal skills – gesturing ( both receptive
and productive)

The Skill Tested and the

Intellectual Skills Needed
• Require the domains of learning as identified in
Bloom’s Revised Cognitive Taxonomy:

• Knowledge
• Comprehension
• Application
• Analysis
• Evaluation
• Synthesis

The Skill Tested and the

Intellectual Skills Needed
Four Phases:

• Preparation Phase
• Assessment Phase
• Evaluation Phase
• Reflection Phase

Phases of Evaluation
• Teachers decide what is to be evaluated, the
type of evaluation to be used , the criteria
upon which student learning outcomes will be
judged, and the most appropriate assessment
techniques for gathering information on
student progress.

Phases of Evaluation
Assessment Phase
• Teachers select appropriate tools and
techniques, then collect and collate information
on student progress.
• Teachers must determine where, when, and
how assessments will be conducted, and
students must be consulted and informed.

Phases of Evaluation
Evaluate Phase
• Teachers interpret the assessment
information and make judgments about
student progress.
• Students are encouraged to monitor their
own learning by evaluating their
achievements on a regular basis.

Phases of Evaluation
Reflection Phase
• Allows teachers to consider the extent to
which the previous phases in the
evaluation process have been successful.
• Teachers evaluate the utility, equity, and
appropriateness of the assessment
techniques used.

Phases of Evaluation
1) Planning
a. Goal
b. Format
c. Tasks

Stages of Test Construction

1. Goal
-test’s goal is a vital step in the development process. If
the goal is assigning students to a level before a course
begins, rather than evaluating them afterwards, your
test design will reflect this.
2. Format
- the test developer will have to consider a few
format – related dilemmas, such as paper- based test versus
digital one.

3. Tasks
there are a myriad of possible test
tasks, all of which can be used in different
formats for different levels

2. Design

a. Collecting testing material

Collecting material with an appropriate degree of
situational and/ or interactional authenticity.
Appear both meaningful and realistic to each testee
b. Writing a draft version
This draft will often contain more questions and
items than are taken down to the final test version.

Stages of Test Construction

c. Evaluating the draft version
- the team members that were not involved in
writing the draft version have a close look at the test
and decide which questions will be omitted, which
items need further clarification
d. Rewriting the draft version
- based on the observations and suggestions
made by the reviewers, the draft version is rewritten
and refined until the whole team is happy with the

3. Development
a. Piloting
- the test is distributed among a group of
representative end users in the same settings and
circumstances as the live test.
- by analyzing the results from this piloting
quantitatively and/ or qualitatively the validity and
reliability of the test can be determined and refined.
a. Revising
- based on the results from the piloting and the
test analysis, the final test will be composed.

Stages of Test Construction

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