Educational Emphases
Educational Emphases
Educational Emphases
Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner of Harvard has identified seven distinct intelligences. This theory has
emerged from recent cognitive research and "documents the extent to which students
possess different kinds of minds and therefore learn, remember, perform, and
understand in different ways," according to Gardner (1991). According to this theory,
"we are all able to know the world through language, logical-mathematical analysis,
spatial representation, musical thinking, the use of the body to solve problems or to
make things, an understanding of other individuals, and an understanding of ourselves.
Where individuals differ is in the strength of these intelligences - the so-called profile of
intelligences -and in the ways in which such intelligences are invoked and combined to
carry out different tasks, solve diverse problems, and progress in various domains."
Gardner says that these differences "challenge an educational system that assumes
that everyone can learn the same materials in the same way and that a uniform,
universal measure suffices to test student learning. Indeed, as currently constituted, our
educational system is heavily biased toward linguistic modes of instruction and
assessment and, to a somewhat lesser degree, toward logical-quantitative modes as
well." Gardner argues that "a contrasting set of assumptions is more likely to be
educationally effective. Students learn in ways that are identifiably distinctive. The broad
spectrum of students - and perhaps the society as a whole - would be better served if
disciplines could be presented in a numbers of ways and learning could be assessed
through a variety of means." The learning styles are as follows:
Visual-Spatial - think in terms of physical space, as do architects and sailors. Very
aware of their environments. They like to draw, do jigsaw puzzles, read maps,
daydream. They can be taught through drawings, verbal and physical imagery. Tools
include models, graphics, charts, photographs, drawings, 3-D modeling, video,
videoconferencing, television, multimedia, texts with pictures/charts/graphs.
Bodily-kinesthetic - use the body effectively, like a dancer or a surgeon. Keen sense of
body awareness. They like movement, making things, touching. They communicate well
through body language and be taught through physical activity, hands-on learning,
acting out, role playing. Tools include equipment and real objects.
Musical - show sensitivity to rhythm and sound. They love music, but they are also
sensitive to sounds in their environments. They may study better with music in the
background. They can be taught by turning lessons into lyrics, speaking rhythmically,
tapping out time. Tools include musical instruments, music, radio, stereo, CD-ROM,
feedback. Learner characteristics such as error proneness and anxiety should influence
media selection.
Testing which traditionally is accomplished through print, may be handled by electronic
media. Media are better able to assess learners' visual skills than are print media and
can be used to assess learner performance in realistic situations.
from "The Distance Learning Technology Resource Guide," by Carla Lane
Like most teachers, you're probably familiar with Howard Gardner's theory on multiple intelligences that there are
eight different types of intelligence and that these intelligences guide the way we learn and process information. What
you may not be as familiar with is how to apply a multiple intelligence approach to learning in your classroom.
Start with this checklist. Use it to refresh your memory on each of the intelligences and pinpoint learning activities that
will appeal to your students based on their particular strengths. To involve students in identifying their multiple
intelligences, invite them to complete The Connell Multiple Intelligence Questionnaire for Children. They will find
it exciting to see the areas they are strongest in, and to understand how these might be affecting their schoolwork.
Playing math games like mancala, dominoes, chess, checkers, and Monopoly.
Searching for patterns in the classroom, school, outdoors, and home.
Conducting experiments to demonstrate science concepts.
Using math and science software such as Math Blaster, which reinforces math skills, or King's Rule, a logic
Interviewing people with knowledge about content-area topics (such as a veteran to learn about World War
II, a lab technician to learn about life science, or a politician to understand the election process).
Tutoring younger students or classmates.
Using puppets to put on a puppet show.
In his 1983 book called Frames of Mind, Howard Gardner of Harvard University identified seven
intelligences we all possess. Because our understanding of the brain and human behavior is constantly
changing, the number of intelligences is expanding. Two to three new intelligences
had been added recently. Gardner claims that we all have all the intelligences, but
that no two people are exactly alike.
Read Concept to Classroom: Multiple Intelligences.This web project answers a
series of common questions about Howard Gardner's Multiple
Go to Project Zero to learn more about Howard Gardner's projects at Harvard. Then
learn more about Howard Gardner. For some insights into the way the theory has
evolved, read his PDF article titled Multiple Intelligences after Twenty Years.
Originally, Gardner developed the list as a theoretical model about the psychology of the mind, rather than
a practical way to address individual differences. However, by understanding a student's strengths and
weaknesses in each intelligence, we can help students become more successful. He also notes that
integrating multiple intelligences into the classroom involves changing our idea about teaching and
learning. It requires addressing individual differences and providing a range of activities and experiences
to facilitate learning.
Technology can be used to facilitate learning in each intelligence area. There is no "right way" to integrate
intelligences or technology into the classroom. The key is to provide the most effective learning
environment for students.
Read The Key Learning Community: Cultivating "Multiple Intelligences" from Edutopia. Watch the
Quicktime videos. You'll need aQuickTime player to view videos.
Currently, Howard Gardner has identified nine intelligences. Click on each intelligence below to learn
more about it and technology tools that support classroom activities (Teacher Tap Pages.
Multiple Intelligence
If you'd like to learn more about Multiple Intelligence, use the following resources.
Creating 'Windows into Learner's Minds': Multiple Intelligences and Portfolios - This article
highlights a new book and provides some examples.
Project Zero - About Howard Gardner - This page provides basic information about Howard Gardner
and his ideas
M.I. Smart! Program - This is the best place to start your exploration of Multiple Intelligences. It contains
a great overview, links to each intelligence, a MI Diagram and Links to Multiple Intelligence articles.
Multiple Intelligences - This single page site provides an overview of each intelligence and examples for
teachers and parents.
Multiple Intelligences: A Theory for Everyone - This Education World page provides an overview of
Multiple Intelligences.
Multiple Intelligences: It's Not How Smart You Are, It's How You're Smart! - Another Education World
NEA Today Interview with Howard Gardner - This interview provides a nice overview of the model and
the perspectives of Howard Gardner.
Research Results of a Multiple Intelligences Classroom by Bruce Campbell - This short article
provides an overview of research in multiple intelligences in the classroom.
Some MI Links - This page provides some great links.
Tapped Into Multiple Intelligences - This online workshop takes you through descriptions, examples,
and discussion.
Use All Your Smarts: Multiple Intelligences for Diverse Library Learners - This website by Katherine
Holmes of Lesley University Library explores how to use multiple intelligences to address diverse needs.
Multiple Intelligences and Technology - Find ways to link technology and multiple intelligences
Multiple Intelligences and Technology - This online article focuses on the theory behind multiple
intelligences and technology.
Science, Multimedia, & Multiple Intelligences - This page defines multimedia and multiple intelligences
and gives examples of these in the classroom.
Using Multiple Intelligences in Project-based Learning - This website provides checklists, ideas, and
assessments related to multiple intelligences and project-based learning.
Teacher Inventory
Build A Project
Select a topic and brainstorm outcomes and technology-rich activities that fit all the
choral speaking
problem solving
hands on experiments
making visual
changing room
critical thinking
making visual
creative movement
mapping stories
making 3D projects
physical education
reading aloud
collecting data
book making
solving puzzles
using charts
using cooperative
nonfiction reading
using organizers
using manipulatives
process writing
using money
visual puzzles
writing journals
using geometry
classroom parties
personal response
reading outside
peer editing
individual study
cloud watching
playing background
cooperative learning
identifying insects
individual projects
building habitats
group work
identifying plants
forming clubs
personal choice in
using a microscope
playing instruments
peer teaching
independent reading
social awareness
conflict mediation
build a garden
bird watching
study group
collecting rocks
Naturalist Intelligence
Students with naturalist intelligence are those who seem to be in love with the
natural world. They like to spend time there, they thrive there, they are skilled and
confident and comfortable there, and they learn best there in short, they are
nature smart.
Helping all students develop their "nature smarts" is a transformative gift we
teachers can give to the world.
Many educators know of young students who know all there is to know about dinosaurs,
butterflies, fish, rocks, etc. They have a deep interest in and fascination with something in
nature and are driven to investigate and become an "expert" in a particular natural subject.
These are the students who exhibit naturalist intelligence.
Karen Roth, in The Naturalist Intelligence: An Introduction to Gardner's Eighth
In 1983, Harvard University's Howard Gardner proposed a theory that there are multiple
intelligences, seven in all. He has since added an eighth, the naturalist intelligence (and
more recently, the "existential intelligence": the ability and proclivity to pose and ponder
questions about life, death, and ultimate realities).
teachers can extend their teaching repertoire to honour all the intelligences, and
teach in ways that help students develop strength in all the intelligences
the curriculum can be broadened to give value and status to all the intelligences (not
just verbal/linguistic and logical/mathematical)
feel satisfaction in learning names of flowers, trees, rocks and minerals, dinosaurs,
birds, volcanoes, cloud formations, etc.
show a sense for detail, noticing and delighting in the smallest of nature's gifts
nurture living things, through gardening or taking care of pets or bringing home
stray animals
choose to read books and watch programs about animals and ecosystems
make crafts and projects out of natural materials (using shells, driftwood, plant
like using equipment to find out more about the natural environment (butterfly nets,
water and soil quality testing kits)
readily follow cyclic patterns in nature such as tides, seasons, moon phases, and
name zoos, farms, wildlife parks, aquariums and pet stores as "special places" for
enjoy recreational activities in the outdoors, such as hiking, rock climbing, cross
country skiing, camping, sailing, scuba diving, etc.
(adapted from Discovering the Naturalist Intelligence: Science in the School Yard, with
thanks to Jenna Glock, Susan Wertz and Maggie Meyer)
Students show they are nature smart when they have a keen awareness of the
natural world and phenomena, discriminate natural items like animals, insects,
birds, fish, rocks, minerals, plants, trees, flowers, stars, [or] planets.... They often
learn best when the content may be sorted and classified or is related to the
natural world.
Kagan Publishing, Multiple Intelligences Smart Card
Teachers can help their students develop or enhance their naturalist intelligence
by providing learning experiences that encourage:
discerning changes outdoors over the course of the school year (weekly
walkabouts are wonderful for these students)
listing data about characteristics (size, colour, form, function, habitat, etc.)
performing role plays or skits about cycles in nature, animal behaviour, plants
growth, etc.
reading stories or articles about the natural world or the fields of biology and
the possibilities for student success and create the opportunity to, in Margaret Meads
words, "weave a social fabric in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place."
cooperative learning skills as they solve problems, answer questions, create learning
games, brainstorm ideas and discuss that days topic collaboratively.
In the Music Center (Musical Intelligence), students compose and sing songs about
the subject matter, make their own instruments, and learn in rhythmical ways.
In the Art Center (Spatial Intelligence), they explore a subject area using diverse art
events, and dance, all in ways that relate to the content of that days subject matter.
In the Reading Center (Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence), students read, write, and
learn in many traditional modes. They analyze and organize information in written
In the Math & Science Center (Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence), they work
with math games, manipulatives, mathematical concepts, science experiments,
deductive reasoning, and problem solving.
Following their work at the centers, a few minutes are set aside for groups and individual
students to share their work from the centers. Much of the remainder of the day is spent
with students working on independent projects, either individually or in small groups where
they apply the diverse skills developed at the centers. The daily work at the seven centers
profoundly influences their ability to make informative, entertaining, multimodal
presentations of their studies. Additionally, it is common for parents to comment on how
much more expressive their children have become at home.
In addition, a Classroom Climate Survey was administered 12 times during the year, a
Student Assessment Inventory of work at the seven centers was administered nine times
during the year, and a Center Group Survey was administered eight times during the year.
The research data revealed the following:
1. The students develop increased responsibility, self-direction and independence over the
course of the year. Although no attempt was made to compare this group of students with
those in other third grade classes, the self-direction and motivation of these students was
apparent to numerous classroom visitors. The students became skilled at developing their
own projects, gathering the necessary resources and materials, and making well-planned
presentations of all kinds.
rather than for them. I explore what they explore, discover what they discover, and often
learn what they learn. I find my satisfaction in their enthusiasm for learning and
independence, rather than in their test scores and ability to sit quietly. And most
importantly, because I am planning for such a diversity of activities, I have become more
creative and multimodal in my own thinking and my own learning. I can now comfortably
write and sing songs. I am learning to draw and paint. I see growth and development within
myself. I sometimes wonder who is changing the most, my students or myself.
clarifying to have such a focus and, indeed, any efforts at reform are doomed to fail unless
they concentrate on the properties and potentials of the individual learner. My own work on
multiple intelligences has partaken of this general focus; colleagues and I have sought to
foster a range of intellectual strengths in our students.
But after several years of active involvement in efforts at educational reform, I am convinced
that success depends upon the active involvement of at least four factors:
Assessment * Unless one is able to assess the learning that takes place in different
domains, and by different cognitive processes, even superior curricular innovations are
destined to remain unutilized. In this country, assessment drives instruction. We must
devise procedures and instruments which are "intelligence-fair" and which allow us to look
directly at the kinds of learning in which we are interested.
Curriculum * Far too much of what is taught today is included primarily for historical
reasons. Even teachers, not to mention students, often cannot explain why a certain topic
needs to be covered in school. We need to reconfigure curricula so that they focus on skills,
knowledge, and above all, understandings that are truly desirable in out country today. And
we need to adapt those curricula as much as possible to the particular learning styles and
strengths of students.
Teacher Education * While most teacher education institutions make an honest effort to
produce teaching candidates of high quality, these institutions have not been at the forefront
of efforts at educational improvement. Too often they are weighted down by students of
indifferent quality and by excessive and often counterproductive requirements which
surround training and certification. We need to attract stronger individuals into teaching,
improve conditions so that they will remain in teaching, and use our master teachers to help
train the next generation of students and teachers.
Community Participation * In the past, Americans have been content to place most
educational burdens on the schools. This is no longer a viable option. The increasing
cognitive demands of schooling, the severe problems in our society today, and the need for
support of students which extends well beyond the 9-3 period each day, all make it essential
that other individuals and institutions contribute to the educational process. In addition to
support from family members and other mentoring adults, such institutions as business, the
professions, and especially museums need to be involved much more intimately in the
educational process.
Too often, Americans have responded to educational needs only in times of crisis. This is an
unacceptable approach. Education works effectively only when responsibility is assumed
over the long run. We have made significant progress in this regard over the past decade.
There is reason to be optimistic for students of the future, as dedicated individuals continue
to collaborate in solving the challenging educational problems of our time.
Dr. Howard Gardner is a Professor of Education and Co-chair of Project Zero at Harvard
University. He is the author of nine books, including Frames of Mind: The Theory of
Multiple Intelligences (1983), and To Open Minds: Chinese Clues to the Dilemma of
Comtemporary Education (1989).
Language arts classes reading Civil War literature visit re-enactments and build a
topographical map.
As educators explore more effective methods of assessment, they frequently encourage their students
to demonstrate understanding through M.I. activities.
Elementary school students compose and perform songs about math concepts which satisfy
the rubrics they and their teachers have developed.
High school students demonstrate mastery of self-formulated research questions through art,
writing portfolios, and giving speeches before panels of local citizens.
Other events, artifacts, content and activities you might incorporate into the subject matter
you teach.
Counting, calculating,
theorizing, demonstrating,
programming computers
Drawing, painting,
illustrating, graphic design,
collage making, poster
making, photography
Movies, animations,
exercises, physicalizing
concepts, rhythm exercises
Collecting, classifying,
caring for animals at nature
Community service
The ultimate goal of M.I. theory -- to increase student understanding -- is something for which good
teachers have long striven. Excellent educators have always addressed the needs of their variously
intelligent students. In this sense the real values of M.I. theory are:
To legitimize the powerful and wide-reaching curricula many teachers have always delivered.
Classroom activities frequently activate and utilize more than one of the multiple intelligences. Now
consider how you would add to and interpret the items on the following list:
Various theories on learning have been developed with increasing frequency in the last few decades. In
order to understand the relationship between these theories, Curry's onion model (Curry, 1983) was
developed with four layers -- personality learning theories, information processing theories, social learning
theories, and multidimensional and instructional theories.
Personality learning theories define the influences of basic personality on preferences to acquiring and
integrating information. Models used in this theory include Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which measures
personality in dichotomous terms -- extroversion versus introversion, sensing versus intuition, thinking
versus feeling, and judging versus perception, and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, which classifies
people as rationals, idealists, artisans, or guardians.
Information processing theories encompass individuals' preferred intellectual approach to assimilating
information, and includes David Kolb's model of information processing, which identifies two separate
learning activities: perception and processing.
Social learning theories determine how students interact in the classroom and include Reichmann's and
Grasha's types of learners: independent, dependent, collaborative, competitive, participant, and avoidant.
Multidimensional and instructional theories address the student's environmental preference for learning
and includes the Learning Style Model of Dunn and Dunn and the multiple intelligences theory of Howard
Gardner. This chapter focuses on this type of learning theory by Howard Gardner.
know, and what they learned at the end of a lesson. This activity is completed as a class. The students
take turns sharing the tidbits of information that they already know about the Civil Rights movement. This
information is on major figures, events and places involved in the Civil Rights movement. Upon
establishing what basic prior knowledge the students possess, it is now time to begin discovering new
information and confirming previously held information about the Civil Rights movement. Ms. Cunningham
then lectures on the basic events, people, and places involved in the majority of the Civil Rights
movement in order to provide students some framework within which to begin placing their new
She closes the first lesson by asking the students to create a timeline using the dates of events she has
provided. This will be a working outline to be used throughout the unit. During a subsequent lesson,
students are asked to share their outlines with their classmates in small groups. They should make
corrections and comments on the outlines as needed. Ms. Cunningham gains class consensus of the
proper order for their working outline as she places an enlarged version on the classroom wall.
The culmination of this unit will be a final project in which students create a portfolio containing work on
three mini-projects. All students will listen to the same guest lecturers, view the same video taped footage
and participate in the same class discussions during the first half of each class. The remainder of each
class period will be reserved for work on personal exploration pertaining to their portfolio pieces. Ms.
Cunningham has provided a list of possible activities and a rubric for each suggested activity in order to
support and to guide the student's work. She has also arranged her room so that "art" materials are in a
central location; mapping and graphing information is grouped together and there is a section replete with
reading and research materials.
Mrs. Cunningham's students will have many options for creating something chat can be included in their
portfolios. Students will have the option to write letters to members of the community who were teenagers
during the Civil Rights Movement, asking them to share their memories and experiences about life during
the time period. Students may work in teams to prepare speeches based on period issues for their fellow
classmates. Students may consult with the school's Media Specialist or more knowledgeable other to find
resources for the class, including popular music from the time period. They may also learn and share
dances that were popular during the 1950's and 1960's. If they choose, students may include music in the
plays they write and act out for their classmates. With the assistance of the Art instructor, students may
opt to work together to create a mural that represents key figures of the Civil Rights Movement such as
Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr., with accompanying biographical information about each leader.
Students may also create a map representing key events. Students may also work in groups to prepare
short plays to enact for the class based on the readings and what they learn from the guest speakers.
Afterwards, Mrs. Cunningham will moderate discussion sessions about the plays. All students will keep a
record of their thoughts and feelings about the mini-lessons they completed. This journaling process will
provide a synthesis of the materials with which they dealt. As one final measure, students present their
portfolios to their classmates.
James, a student whose proclivities lean towards creative visual projects expresses interest in working on
the mural of Civil Rights leaders. Mrs. Cunningham feels that James needs to shift gears and concentrate
on other activities in the classroom. The teacher suggests that James work on creating the map and / or
timeline. At the teacher's encouragement, James begins to work on the other projects, but his attention
continues to drift towards the students painting the mural. He contributes some excellent ideas and shows
so much interest in the details and creation of the mural, that the teacher allows him to shift his focus
back towards the visual project.
In another seventh grade classroom, Mr. Smith taught a unit on the Civil Rights Movement by assigning
textbook readings and lecturing the students on the historical events surrounding the Movement. Students
were given sentence completion pop quizzes throughout the course of the lesson. The teacher showed
videotaped programs to the class and each student wrote a short research paper about a Civil Rights
leader or prominent figure. At the end of the unit, students were given a multiple choice and essay test.
Gardner's theory challenges traditional, narrower views of intelligence. Previously accepted ideas of
human intellectual capacity contend that an individual's intelligence is a fixed entity throughout his lifetime
and that intelligence can be measured through an individual's logical and language abilities. According to
Gardner's theory, an intelligence encompasses the ability to create and solve problems, create products
or provide services that are valued within a culture or society. Originally, the theory accounted for seven
separate intelligences. Subsequently, with the publishing of Gardner's Intelligence Reframed in 1999, two
more intelligences were added to the list. The nine intelligences are outlined in more detail in the section
below. Listed below are key points of Gardner's theory:
The nine intelligences may operate in consort or independently from one another.
Gardner, a Professor of Education at Harvard University, and other researchers and educators continue to
work towards a more holistic approach to education through Project Zero. For more information on the
projects and research involved in Project Zero, visit the website at
Although the theory was not originally designed for use in a classroom application, it has been widely
embraced by educators and enjoyed numerous adaptations in a variety of educational settings Teachers
have always known that students had different strengths and weaknesses in the classroom. Gardner's
research was able to articulate that and provide direction as to how to improve a student's ability in any
given intelligence. Teachers were encouraged to begin to think of lesson planning in terms of meeting the
needs of a variety of the intelligences. From this new thinking, schools such the Ross School in New York,
an independent educational institution, and the Key Learning Community, a public magnet school in
Indianapolis emerged to try teaching using a Multiple Intelligences curriculum. The focus of this part of the
chapter will be on lesson design using the theory of Multiple Intelligences, and providing various
resources that educator's may use to implement the theory into their classroom activities.
discussion. People with strong rhetorical and oratory skills such as poets, authors, and attorneys exhibit
strong Linguistic intelligence. Some examples are T.S. Elliot, Maya Angelou, and Martin Luther King Jr.
Traditionally, Linguistic intelligence and Logical/Mathematical intelligence have been highly valued in
education and learning environments.
Logical/Mathematical intelligence refers to an individual's ability to do things with data: collect, and
organize, analyze and interpret, conclude and predict. Individuals strong in this intelligence see patterns
and relationships. These individuals are oriented toward thinking: inductive and deductive logic,
numeration, and abstract patterns. They would be a contemplative problem solver; one who likes to play
strategy games and to solve mathematical problems. Being strong in this intelligence often implies great
scientific ability. This is the kind of intelligence studied and documented by Piaget. Teachers can
strengthen this intelligence by encouraging the use of computer programming languages, critical-thinking
activities, linear outlining, Piagetian cognitive stretching exercises, science-fiction scenarios, logic
puzzles, and through the use of logical/sequential presentation of subject matter. Some real life examples
people who are gifted with this intelligence are Albert Einstein, Niehls Bohr, and John Dewey.
Visual/Spatial intelligence refers to the ability to form and manipulate a mental model. Individuals with
strength in this area depend on visual thinking and are very imaginative. People with this kind of
intelligence tend to learn most readily from visual presentations such as movies, pictures, videos, and
demonstrations using models and props. They like to draw, paint, or sculpt their ideas and often express
their feelings and moods through art. These individuals often daydream, imagine and pretend. They are
good at reading diagrams and maps and enjoy solving mazes and jigsaw puzzles. Teachers can foster
this intelligence by utilizing charts, graphs, diagrams, graphic organizers, videotapes, color, art activities,
doodling, microscopes and computer graphics software. It could be characterized as right-brain activity.
Pablo Picasso, Bobby Fischer, and Georgia O'Keefe are some examples of people gifted with this
Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence refers to people who process information through the sensations they feel
in their bodies. These people like to move around, touch the people they are talking to and act things out.
They are good at small and large muscle skills; they enjoy all types of sports and physical activities. They
often express themselves through dance. Teachers may encourage growth in this area of intelligence
through the use of touching, feeling, movement, improvisation, "hands-on" activities, permission to squirm
and wiggle, facial expressions and physical relaxation exercises. Some examples of people who are
gifted with this intelligence are Michael Jordan, Martina Navratilova, and Jim Carrey.
Naturalistic intelligence is seen in someone who recognizes and classifies plants, animals, and minerals
including a mastery of taxonomies. They are holistic thinkers who recognize specimens and value the
unusual. They are aware of species such as the flora and fauna around them. They notice natural and
artificial taxonomies such as dinosaurs to algae and cars to clothes. Teachers can best foster this
intelligence by using relationships among systems of species, and classification activities. Encourage the
study of relationships such as patterns and order, and compare-and-contrast sets of groups or look at
connections to real life and science issues. Charles Darwin and John Muir are examples of people gifted
in this way.
Musical Intelligence
Musical intelligence refers to the ability to understand, create, and interpret musical pitches, timbre,
rhythm, and tones and the capability to compose music. Teachers can integrate activities into their
lessons that encourage students' musical intelligence by playing music for the class and assigning tasks
that involve students creating lyrics about the material being taught. Composers and instrumentalists are
individuals with strength in this area. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Louis Armstrong are examples.
Although Gardner classifies interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences separately, there is a lot of
interplay between the two and they are often grouped together. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to
interpret and respond to the moods, emotions, motivations, and actions of others. Interpersonal
intelligence also requires good communication and interaction skills, and the ability show empathy
towards the feelings of other individuals. Teachers can encourage the growth of Interpersonal
Intelligences by designing lessons that include group work and by planning cooperative learning activities.
Counselors and social workers are professions that require strength in this area. Some examples of
people with this intelligence include Gandhi, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton.
Intrapersonal Intelligence, simply put, is the ability to know oneself. It is an internalized version of
Interpersonal Intelligence. To exhibit strength in Intrapersonal Intelligence, an individual must be able to
understand their own emotions, motivations, and be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses.
Teachers can assign reflective activities, such as journaling to awaken students' Intrapersonal
Intelligence. Its important to note that this intelligence involves the use of all others. An individual should
tap into their other intelligences to completely express their Intrapersonal Intelligence. Authors of classic
autobiographies such as Jean Paul Satre and Frederick Douglas are examples of individuals who
exhibited strong Interpersonal Intelligence in their lifetimes.
There is a ninth intelligence that has yet to experience full acceptance by educators in the classroom.
This is Existential intelligence, which encompasses the ability to pose and ponder questions regarding the
existence -- including life and death. This would be in the domain of philosophers and religious leaders.
The table below summarizes the strengths, learning preferences, and needs that correspond to the
Verbal /
Writing, reading,
memorizing dates,
thinking in words,
telling stories
Visual /
Working with
relationships and
working with the
Draw, build,
design, create,
daydream, look
at pictures
Working with
pictures and colors,
visualizing, using
the mind's eye,
Touching, moving,
knowledge through
bodily sensations,
Question, work
Math, logic, problemMathematical/
with numbers,
solving, reasoning,
solve problems
Learns best
Bodily /
Athletics, dancing,
crafts, using tools,
Move around,
touch and talk,
body language
Picking up sounds,
melodies, rhythms,
Rhythm, singing,
Sing, play an
melody, listening to
instrument, listen
music and
to music, hum
Leading, organizing,
resolving conflicts,
strengths and
Work alone,
weaknesses, setting reflect pursue
goals, understanding interests
nature, making
identifying flora and
Talk to people,
relating, sharing,
have friends, join
Working alone,
Secret places, time
having space,
alone, self-paced
reflecting, doing
projects, choices, etc.
self-paced projects
Working in nature,
Be involved with exploring living
nature, make
things, learning
about plants and
natural events
Order, same/different,
connections to real life
and science issues,
It is important for teachers to carefully select activities that not only teach to the intelligences, but also
realistically mesh with the subject matter of the lesson or unit. Multiple Intelligences theory should
enhance, not detract from what is being taught.
Disney's website entitled Tapping into Multiple Intelligences suggests two approaches for implementing
Multiple Intelligences theory in the classroom. One is a teacher-centered approach, in which the instructor
incorporates materials, resources, and activities into the lesson that teach to the different intelligences.
The other is a student-centered approach in which students actually create a variety of different materials
that demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter. The student-centered approach allows
students to actively use their varied forms of intelligence. In a teacher-centered lesson, the number of
intelligences explored should be limited to two or three. To teach less than two is nearly impossible since
the use of speech will always require the use of one's Verbal/Linguistic intelligence. In a student-centered
lesson, the instructor may incorporate aspects of project-based learning, collaborative learning, or other
inquiry-based models. In such a case, activities involving all nine intelligences may be presented as
options for the class, but each student participates in only one or two of the tasks.
Ms. Cunningham incorporates both student-centered and teacher-centered activities into her unit on the
Civil Rights Movement. The teacher-led lecture is a standard example of a teacher-centered activity. The
lecture teaches to students' Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence. The viewing of the videotape is another
example of a teacher-centered activity. This activity incorporates Visual/Spatial Intelligence into how the
unit is learned. It is important to note that many activities, although designed to target a particular
intelligence, may also utilize other intelligences as well. For example, in Ms. Cunningham's classroom the
students may work together on creating a mural of Civil Rights Leaders. This is a student-centered activity
that directly involves Visual/Spatial intelligence, but also gives students a chance to exercise their
Interpersonal Intelligence. The journal assignment, also a student-centered activity, is designed to
enhance students' Intrapersonal Intelligence by prompting them to reflect on their feelings and
experiences in relation to the Civil Rights movement. This activity also taps into Verbal/Linguistic
Intelligence. The timeline and map assignments are student-centered activities that are designed to
enhance students' Logical/Mathematical Intelligence, but they also delve into Visual/Spatial Intelligence.
Students must collect and organize information for both the timeline and the map therefore using their
Logical/Mathematical intelligence. In creating these items, students must think visually as well. By
incorporating dance into one lesson, Ms. Cunningham is able to promote awareness of her students'
Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence. By showing videos of popular dances from the time period, or inviting an
expert from the community to talk about the social aspects of dance, Ms. Cunningham might incorporate
a teacher-centered activity. Having students learn and perform dances is a student-centered way of
teaching through Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence. The short plays that students prepare involve BodilyKinesthetic intelligence, as well as Interpersonal and Verbal/Linguistic intelligences. Class discussions
provide an opportunity for students to exercise both areas of their personal intelligences, as well as to
reinforce the subject matter.
is allowing students to make choices. Teachers should encourage students to exercise their weaker
intelligences, but allow them to explore their stronger areas as well. In Ms. Cunningham's class, the
student named James is very strong in Visual/Spatial Intelligence and always leans towards this type of
project. The teacher encourages James to participate in other activities, but when it is obvious that his
interest lies in working on the mural Ms. Cunningham allows him to work on the project.
Listed below are steps to implement a student-centered lesson or unit:
Consider activities that you can integrate into the lesson or unit that teach to the different
intelligences. Teachers need not incorporate all nine intelligences into one lesson.
When gathering resources and materials, consider those which will allow students to explore their
multiple intelligences.
Allow for considerable element of student choice when designing activities and tasks for the
Provide a rubric for student activities. You might consider having students help create rubrics.
In an effort to maximize students' interest in both the subject matter and their own learning proclivities,
teachers may wish to teach their students a little bit about Multiple Intelligences. Teachers can brief the
class about each type of intelligence and then follow up with a self-assessment for each student. In this
way, students will be able to capitalize on their strengths and work on their weaker areas. Disney's
Tapping Into Multiple Intelligences website includes a self-assesment.
Consider teacher-centered activities that teach to students' Multiple Intelligences. In a teachercentered lesson, limit the number of activities to two or three.
Consider what resources and materials you will need to implement the lesson. For example, will
you need to schedule a museum visit or to consult the Media Specialist for videos or other media?
Assessment is one of the biggest challenges in incorporating Multiple Intelligences in the classroom. Ms.
Cunningham's students are given the option of working on several mini-projects during the course of the
Civil Rights unit. At the end of the unit, their performance is assessed through a portfolio that represents
their work on these projects. It is very important for assessment to be integrated into the learning process.
Assessment should give students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the subject
matter. One of the main goals of acknowledging and using Multiple Intelligences in the classroom is to
increase student understanding of material by allowing them to demonstrate the ways in which they
understand the material. Teachers need to make their expectations clear, and may do so in the form of a
detailed rubric.
As a teacher and learner you realize that there are many ways to be "smart"
By having students create work that is displayed to parents and other members of the community,
your school could see more parent and community involvement.
A sense of increased self-worth may be seen as students build on their strengths and work
towards becoming an expert in certain areas
Students may develop strong problem solving skills that they can use real life situations
Multiple Intelligences: Classroom Application (Table added by Brandy Bellamy and Camille Baker, 2005)
Table 2. Multiple Intelligences: Classroom Application (Table added by Brandy Bellamy and
Camille Baker, 2005)
Teacher Centered
Student Centered
Students categorize
information in logical sequences
for organization.
Students participate in
webquests associated with the
question "why?"
to examine
When presenting the information, use
visuals to explain content:</br>
remember things
Encourage collaboration
among peers
Encourage classroom
Encourage journaling as a
portfolios of work
Create a positive
Claire thinks that the city employees would benefit the most from a multimedia presentation as well as a
CD-ROM with links to other useful information. She also wants the employees to go into the field and see
some of the streets that were used as models in the new program. If that is not possible, pictures could be
provided as examples to give the employees a concrete idea of the improvements.
Learning Styles
The term "learning styles" is commonly used throughout various educational fields and therefore, has
many connotations. In general, it refers to the uniqueness of how each learner receives and processes
new information through their senses. The National Association of Secondary School Principals defines
learning style as, "the composite of characteristic cognitive, affective, and physiological factors that serve
as relatively stable indicators of how a learner perceives, interacts with, and responds to the learning
environment." Other phrases are used interchangeably with learning styles. Some include perceptual
styles, learning modalities, and learning preferences.
Each person is born with certain preferences toward particular styles, but culture, experience, and
development influence these preferences. The four most common learning styles are visual, aural,
reading/writing, and kinesthetic/tactile. Most people learn through all modalities, but have certain
strengths and weaknesses in a specific modality. Some people have an equal propensity for more than
one style, which is titled as the multimodal style. This preference can be determined through various
testing instruments. Once a person's learning style is ascertained, accommodations can be made to
increase academic achievement and creativity, as well as improve attitudes toward learning.
What is your learning style? Take the VARK Questionnaire!
Copy key points onto large writing surfaces (i.e. chalkboard or easel board).
Take in information through field trips, laboratories, trial and error, exhibits, collections, and
hands-on examples.
Click Here to Play the Presentation Caption: This PowerPoint presentation shows several concrete
examples of the VARK learning styles applied to math, language arts, social studies and science.. By
Rebecca Homan, Troy Perkins, Jean Pirkle, and Kathy Traylor (2005)
Teachers that rely on learning styles have opened their classrooms to more than one approach to
intellectual work. The activities planned by these teachers are more student-centered than traditional
activities and have engaged in learning-style based instruction.
The first step in implementing learning style-based instruction is diagnosing the individual learning styles
of each student. A variety of methods exist for testing learning styles in a relatively quick manner. Many
are available online, like the VARK Questionnaire listed above.
The second step is profiling group preferences and weaknesses. Are most of the students visual
learners? Does your class have very few kinesthetic/tactile learners?
The third step is assessing current instructional methods to determine whether they are adequate or
require more flexibility. If modifications need to be made, various activities can be developed and/or
adapted to conform with learning styles. Three techniques have been proposed.
1. Teachers can add alternative activities that could replace or supplement ones. This could create
increased opportunities for students to use different styles. For example, hands on activities can
be conducted after a lecture to confirm abstract concepts.
2. Teachers can also challenge students to develop skills in other areas by completing assignments
that utilize all learning styles. For example, the students can complete multidimensional packets,
which contain activities from each learning style.
3. Another approach to include learning styles in an education curriculum is to organize activities
around complex projects. These projects would require that students use all learning styles. An
example of a complex activity would be a project-based learning project.
When teaching an individual, teachers should present the most difficult concepts in the preferred style.
Easier concepts should be introduced in a different style. When teaching an entire class, teachers should
use all learning styles in their presentations if they are to reach every student. This can be fairly simple.
For example, Mrs. Erwin, a fifth grade teacher is going to teach a unit on Charlotte's Web. In order to
accommodate all learning styles, she will have the students read sections of the book silently and out loud
to others, act out various scenes, and complete a timeline of events on the bulletin board. Mrs. Erwin
understands that students must be exposed to the concepts in a variety of ways to ensure full
Armstrong, T. (1994). Multiple Intelligences in the classroom. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development.
Campbell, L., & Campbell, B. (1992). Teaching and learning through Multiple Intelligences. Seattle, WA:
New Horizons for Learning.
Curry, Lynn. (1983). An organization of learning style theory and constructs. ERIC Document, 235, 185.
Dunn, R., and Dunn, K. (1978). Teaching students through their individual learning styles. Reston, VA:
Reston Publishing Company, Inc.
Fogarty, R. (1997). Problem-based learning and other curriculum models for the Multiple Intelligences
classroom. Arlington Heights, IL: IRI/Skylight Training and Publishing.
Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: the theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York, NY: Basic Books.
Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st century. New York, NY: Basic
Zhang, Li-Fang. (2002). Thinking styles: Their relationships with modes of thinking and academic
performance. Educational Ps
Concept to Classroom: Cooperative and Collaborative Learning
Concept to Classroom: Tapping into Multiple Intelligences
Education World: Multiple Intelligences: A Theory for Everyone
Gardner's Eight Criteria for Identifying Multiple Intelligences
Multiple Intelligences
Project Zero
Technology and Multiple Intelligences
APA Citation: Giles, E., Pitre, S., Womack, S. (2003). Multiple intelligences and learning styles. In M. Orey
(Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved <insert date>,