Rita Process Chart

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Processes and Domains


@ 0his is the only process group

with a set order.) u*., ";;k
I proje.' management
Take action to monitor md
Confum work is done to
Detemine company cuiture Detemine development
*isting P.odr.'e product deliverables control the project Complete final procurement
and systems approac\ life cycle, and I
fprod rit scope) closure
Collect processes, procedures,
howyou will plan for each I Measure performance against
knowledge uea
and historical information
@m;.f--"*"d",I performance measurement Gair fina1 acceptance of

Divide large proiects into

Define and prioritize
requirements I R"q",.;h*;.
-----l baseline product

phases or smaller projects Measure perfomance against

I u.pl" n"nr only approved other mekics in the proiect

Understmd business
benefits management plan
case md
Assess what to purchase and
i try': -----

management plan

create procurement documents I Conr, ,uorrty,-p-*, Analyze and evaluate data and Solicit customer's feedback
Uncover initial requirements, perfor m progressive I
performance about the proiect
assumptions, risks, constraints, elabor rtion

Fqv*** ---l

md *isting agrcements Determine if variances warrant Complete final performance

a corrective action or other reporting
Create WBS and \4BS
Assess proiect and product change request(s)
I Deter nine whether quality
feasibiliry within the given
constraints ffi ]
plan md processes are correct
and rtlective
Influence factors that cause
change Gather final les3ons leamed
Create measurable objectives
@ f P"rf. - o*1t,, ""dt" ""d
and update knowledge bases

and success criteria
I tr."" .,_TlnI r"!o.,. Perform integrated change
Estimate activity durations control
Identify stakeholders and and costs
determine their expectations,
interest, influence, and impact
Update project mmagement
E""1, n" ,"d adtrd""l plan and project doments
perfor mance; provide training
Inform stakeholders of all

Determine qualiry standards,

@;b,ttdr,;,*r,t".l change request results

processes, and metrics E-;s*"*"d;;- Monitor stakeholder

Determine team charter and all [uJ.'*l%'-- - l


Confirm configuration
roles and responsibilities

Plan communications and

l=".,r';""n,;;;il l compliance

stakeholder engagement tR"1-rk*

I Gain customer's acceptance of
Perform risk identifi cation,
qualitative and quantitative [S""d r"..". *f*-r,r"* interim deliverables
risk analysis, and risk response fail s,,licit feedback
[-ry_;p-f"p"-J--* l Perform risk reviews,
f Fro;,"-.t"k"h.ld"t reassessments, and audits
Finalize procurement shategy I ".gug"*"rtu.dmanage
and documents "*p".'.1!i*
Create change and
confi guration mmagement
F.r,i;;;---l Manage, evaluate, and close
plans I Evalu.,te sellers*g"*" r"d
IL contrrctwithsellers Evaluate use ofphysical

knou edge
Develop realistic and suficient J
pro.iect management plan and
baselines F;,,"*.ry"*yeil--l
Gain formal approval ofthe [upa,"p-1*-*a*t
proiect documents
plan l 1!ynd
Rita's Process ChaftTM
Where are we in the project
management process?

@ 2020 RMC Publications, lnc,'" . 952.846.4484. [email protected] . www.rmcls.com

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