MHV Module 2 (1) Notes For Study - Module 2

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• Teams are required for achieving the organisational goals.
• Great teams are built on the strength of the values.
• The team building process helps in achieving the objectives of
strengthening of organisation
• Thus, it becomes a priority to infuse fine values in teams and this also
contributes to the organisational growth and development
• Team is a group that is organised to work together in accomplishing
the set objectives which cannot be achieved effectively by individuals.
Thus, team is a group of people working together for accomplishing a
common goal.
• Teams are different from groups, as in case of teams, there is
interdependence among the organisational principles.
• Participative Leadership: In teams there is participative leadership
needed. It must have envisioning leadership and organising
leadership. A clearly defined leadership role enables people to make
choices. The members are bought together in the teams through
shared values and shared norms.
• Aligned on Purpose and Vision: Teams need shared purpose and a
clearly shared vision among them so that they have self-directing and
high morale teams. This would help in aligning with the personal
goals of its members.
• Teams should be Task Focused: The teams must be focused on the
values and norms for which they have been built.

• Shared responsibility: The teams must have shared responsibility
only then they can become an effective team. When the members of
the teams share responsibility then they do not go against each other.
• Problem solving: The teams must confront with the issues and look
for solutions to the problems instead of creating more problems for
the teams. The teams should be built in such a manner that they are
problem solving in nature.
• Innovativeness: The teams should be created in such a manner that
they are creative and innovative. This would help in staying ahead of
the competitors.

• Communication: In teams, communication plays a very significant
role. There is need of proper communication among the team
members so that there should not be conflicts and misunderstandings
among the members of the team.
• Responsive: The team members should be responsive not only
among the team members but also among the other groups of
individuals who come in direct contact with the teams.
Great teams have great value system. Some of the prominent values that all
teams should try to inculcate them among their members are as follows:
• Respect for elders
• Relationship orientation
• Trust
• Faithfulness
• Self-restrain
• Love
• Truth
• God fearing

• Fairness
• Honesty
• Cooperation
• Obedience
• Commitment
• Dignity
• Human worth
• Peace loving
• Tolerance

• Organisational effectiveness is about each individual doing everything

they know how to do and doing it well.
• In other words, organisational efficiency is the capacity for an
organisation to produce the desired results with a minimum
expenditure of energy, time, money and resources both human and
• Organisational effectiveness is the concept of how effective an
organisation is in achieving the outcomes the organisation intends to
Indian values, attitudes and behaviours for
organisational effectiveness
• There are many important values, attitudes and ethics that manifest
the behaviour pattern and moreover these are also enshrined in the
Indian scriptures and these have been imbibed in by a majority of
business organisations to increase the organisational effectiveness.
Some of these important values, attitudes and ethics are as follows:
• Co-operation: Co-operation is the main thing in the organisation’s
success. It fosters closer ties and it is highly valued. The value placed
in the cooperation is strongly rooted in the past; hence cooperation
was necessary for the survival of family and group.

• Group harmony: Groups float and thrive on harmonious relationship.
Emphasis is placed on maintaining harmony within the group. Most Indians
have a low ego level and strive for anonymity. They stress the importance
of personal orientation than task orientation. The needs of the group are
considered over those of the individuals.
• Modesty: Modesty is a great virtue which takes care of emotions of others.
Even when one does well and achieves something, one must remain
• Dignity: Personal dignity should be accorded due consideration in any
organisation. Value is placed on respect for an individual’s dignity and
personal autonomy. People are not meant to be controlled. One is taught
not to interfere in the affairs of another.

• Patience: It is well said that patience always pays and gives you rich
dividends. To have the patience and ability to wait is quietly is
considered a good quality among Indians. Evidence of this value is
apparent in delicate, time consuming works of art.
• Generosity: A generous heart is always valued and welcomed.
Generosity and sharing are greatly valued. Most Indians freely
exchange property and food. The respected persons not one with
large savings, but rather one who gives generously. Individual
ownership of material properly exists but is sublimate

• Careful listening: Indians are generally good listeners and being a
good listener they are highly values. Because Indians have developed
listening skills they have simultaneously developed a keen sense of
perception also that detects insincerity. The listening skills are
emphasised, since Indian culture was traditionally passed on orally,
storytelling and oral recitation of the tribal history and teaching
lessons were also an important source of recounting.
• Careful observation: Indians are perceived to be meticulous
observers. Most of the people have sharp observational skills and
note fine details. Similarly, the non verbal messages such as facial
expressions, tones of voices are also easily perceived. Indians tend to
have easily perceived ideas and feelings through behavior.

• Leadership is a process in which a person or manager influences a

group of people or individuals to achieve a common organizational
• The leader must choose the values that are most important to her /
him, the values that s/he believes in and that define her / his
• They must live them visibly every day at work. Living her / his values is
one of the most powerful tools available to the leader to help her
/him lead and influence others

Leaders who are immoral and non-principled:
• Are difficult to forgive
• Lack moral authority
• Are not trusted or respected
• Leaders’ values determine the rightness and wrongness of what they
• Leader’s actions set the standard for people’s behavior toward one
another and for performance on the job
• Leaders who are honest, unselfish, and dedicated help the group
• Respect :Self-respect and respecting others regardless of differences;
treating others with dignity, empathy and compassion; and the ability
to earn the respect of others.
• Integrity : Moral courage, ethical strength, and trustworthiness;
keeping promises and fulfilling expectations
• Authenticity: Consistency, congruency, and transparency in values,
beliefs, and actions; integrating values and principles to create a
purposeful life and to contribute to the growth of others.

• Courage : Possessing a strength of self to act with intention on behalf
of the common good; taking a stand in the face of adversity; acting
boldly in the service of inclusion and justice.
• Service : Commitment that extends beyond one’s own self-interest;
personal humility for the sake of a greater cause.
• Humility : A sense of humbleness, dignity and an awareness of one’s
own limitations; open to perspectives differ-rent from one’s own
• Belief in human potential: The possibilities human beings are capable
of accomplishing. The idea that with hard work, every person —
regardless of age, background or religion— has the opportunity to
succeed and achieve.

• Today there is widespread lack of confidence in leadership, in
business, government, education and elsewhere.
• Every leader needs to regain and maintain trust. Human values based
leadership goes beyond leveraging strengths and making meaning.
• Values based leaders engage their employees and help them flourish
in life, and for their institutions / organisations they boost
productivity, creativity and financial returns

• Harmonious relationship is one important aspect of a

happy life. Today, with fast life and changing social
structure, sustaining harmonious relationships has
become a challenge
• All of us live in a society. We are anyway related to the
society. In fact, we are related to the whole world
around us.
• We want fulfilling relations with all
Happiness Unhappiness
The state or situation, in which I live, The state or situation, in which I live,

if there is harmony / synergy in it, if there is disharmony / contradiction in

then it is Naturally Acceptable to me to then it is not Naturally Acceptable to me
be in that state / situation to be in that state / situation
To be forced to be in a state / situation
To be in a state / situation which is which is not Naturally Acceptable is
Naturally Acceptable is Happiness Unhappiness

To be in a state of Harmony / Synergy is To be forced to be in a state of

Happiness Disharmony / Contradiction is
Unhappiness = Disharmony
Happiness = To be in Harmony
Happiness Continuity of Happiness
The state or situation, in which I State / Situation in which I live or
live, if there is harmony / expanse of my being:
synergy in it, then it is Naturally 1. As an Individual Human Being
Acceptable to me to be in that 2. As a member of a Family
state / situation 3. As a member of Society
4. As an unit in Nature/Existence
NTo be in a state of Harmony /
Synergy is Happiness
Continuity of Happiness
Happiness = To be in Harmony = Harmony at all levels of being i.e.
1. Harmony in the Human Being
2. Harmony in the Family
3. Harmony in the Society
4. Harmony in Nature/Existence
Happiness in Relationship
• When a human being has lack of physical facility, s(he) becomes
uncomfortable and unhappy
• But once s(he) gets the physical facility, s(he) forgets about it and
starts thinking about many other things
• Physical facility is necessary for human being but something more is
also required
Is the unhappiness in our families
• More due to lack of physical facility or
• More due to lack of fulfillment in relationship?

How much time and effort are we investing:
• For physical facility
• For fulfillment in relationship
• The unhappiness is more due to lack of fulfillment in
• Most of the time and effort is spent for physical facility
• For human being physical facility is necessary but
relationship is also necessary
• On examining carefully, we find that this is a
fundamental difference between animals and human

• For fulfilment in relationship, it is necessary to have right
understanding about relationship

i.e. Right understanding is also necessary for human being

• With right understanding:

• We have clarity about relationship with human being; we are able to fulfil

In the society, we can observe two categories of
human beings
1. Lacking physical facility, unhappy deprived
2. Having physical facility, unhappy deprived
While we want to be – Having physical facility,
happy prosperous
Priority: Right Understanding, Relationship &
Physical Facility
in the self

2 3 For animals:
necessary & largely
- Trust adequate
- Respect
with human with rest of nature For human beings:
being necessary but not


The family is the next larger order – it is the basic unit or building block
of human organisation
In the family, there are parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters,
children, old people, uncles, aunts, cousins; and so many relatives and
Our basic grooming for living in relationship begins in the family
The major issue in family is that of relationship
To live in relationship, it is essential to understand relationship
Without understanding relationship, isn’t possible to fulfil
relationship… e.g. Not speaking to each other… for days… opposition,
• The family is the basic unit or building block of human organisation. It
is a practice ground for living in relationship and harmony (order).
• The four important aspects of relationship:
1. Relationship is – between one Self (I1) and another Self (I2)
2. There are feelings in relationship – in one Self (I1) for the other Self
3. These feelings can be recognized – they are definite
(1. Trust (foundation value) 2. Respect 3. Affection 4. Care 5. Guidance
6. Reverence 7. Glory 8. Gratitude 9. Love)
4. The fulfilment of these feelings and their right evaluation lead to
mutual happiness

• When we have naturally acceptable feelings in the Self, we share
them with the other and when we are both able to evaluate the
feelings rightly, it leads to mutual happiness, i.e. the happiness of
oneself as well as the happiness of the other.

• A society is composed of families living together for the common

human goal. The base of a harmonious society is harmony in the
family, for which the base is harmony in the human being.\
• The goals of human being living in society are:
1. Right understanding and right feeling (happiness) in every individual
2. Prosperity in every family
3. Fearlessness (trust) in the society
4. Co-existence (mutual fulfilment) in nature/existence
Harmony in the Society
Human Goal
Right Understanding Prosperity Fearlessness Co-Existence
& Right Feeling (Trust) (mutual fulfilment)
In Every Individual In Every Family In Society In Nature/
1 2 3 4

Are all 4 required, desirable or we can leave something out?

If all 4 are achieved, would anything else be required?

Are we working for all 4? In the family? In the society?

• The systems or dimensions required for the fulfilment of the four human
goals are:
• Education is to develop the right understanding of the harmony at all levels
of being – from self to the entire existence (individual, family, society,
• Sanskar : The commitment, preparation and practice of living in harmony
• 2. Health-Self regulation
• Health of the Body is indicated by the fact that it is able to act according to
the instruction of the Self and the different parts of the Body are in
• Self-regulation is the feeling of responsibility toward the Body, for
nurturing, protection and right utilization of the Body.

3. Production-Work
• Work is the effort a human being does on the rest of nature and Production
is the physical facility derived from work. What to produce, how to
4. Justice-Preservation
• Justice is recognition of human-human relationship, its fulfilment and
evaluation leading to mutual happiness
5. Exchange-Storage
• Exchange means sharing or exchanging of physical facility with a view of
mutual fulfilment.
• Storage is keeping physical facility with a view of mutual fulfilment and not
with the obsession for profit or for accumulation or exploitation

• If there is effort for these goals in the family, the family is in harmony.
In other words, there is a family order.
• The society is many families living together in a relationship of mutual
• The scope of harmony in the society starts with the family order and
extends all the way to world family order.

A society is composed of families living together, in a relationship of mutual
fulfillment. They have a common goal, which is:
1. Right understanding & right feeling (happiness) in every individual
2. Prosperity in every family
3. Fearlessness (Trust) in society
4. Co-existence in nature/existence

The family is the basic unit in society, i.e. society is composed of family,
group of families, village family, group of village families, town family… and
so on, where every individual is responsible or self-disciplined and self
motivated by common values, participating in the larger order toward a
common human goal

Through the participation of every family in the society, in the 5 dimensions

or social systems, the common human goal is fulfilled for all
– from family order to world family order
– generation after generation

• Nature is the collection of all the units – the air, soil, water, plants,
trees, animals, birds, other human beings and even things that are a
little distant from us like the sun, the moon, the other planets, etc.
• Although the units are innumerable, they can all be classified into just
four groups or four orders:
1. Physical order – this includes units like air, water, metal and so on.
2. Bio order – this includes grass, plants, trees, etc.
3. Animal order – this includes animals and birds.
4. Human order – this includes human being.
Relationship of Mutual Fulfillment
 Physical Order, Bio Order and Animal Order are enriching for Human Order, but Human
Order (without right understanding) is not fulfilling for any of the 4 order
 Human beings have
natural acceptance Bio Order
to be mutually fulfilling Plants, Trees

Physical Animal Order

Order Animals, Birds
Soil, Metal

√? √?
Human Order
Human Being
 Once human beings understand,
they can be fulfilling for all four orders
Participation of Human beings in nature
Preservation (enrichment, protection and right utilization) of nature
Prosperity, fulfilment of human needs (in a manner that preserves
i.e. by:
• Protecting its innateness
• Protecting and enriching its inheritance
• Making right utilization of nature, in line with its activity

(or at least not violating their innateness, inheritance or activity)

Harmony in Nature
 All orders have definite conduct except human order without right understanding

 In human being, the body has definite conduct The Self (I) operating on assuming
without knowing is the source of indefiniteness, problem

 The solution is to ensure knowing Order
The natural acceptance is to know,
to be in harmony
Animal Order
 For this, human education-sanskar
Is required
Bio Order

Physical Order

• The relationship of mutual fulfilment can be observed amongst the first
three orders (other than the human order).
• The first three orders are enriching for the human being. While human
being has a natural acceptance to be fulfilling for all four orders, without
right understanding, it is unable to be fulfilling for any of the four orders.
Rather, it is exploiting all the four orders, including itself
• The human being needs to awaken to the activities of realisation,
understanding and contemplation in the Self to actualize its natural
characteristic, innateness and inheritance. Once this happens, the human
being will also exhibit definite human conduct, i.e. conduct in accordance
with its natural characteristic (perseverance, kindness… compassion).
• The process of education-sanskar is the key to awakening these activities,
thus enabling the transformation.
• Understanding the activity, innateness, natural characteristic and
inheritance of the four orders provides us with a basic guideline for
interacting with them.
• Thus, while interacting with any unit of nature, we need to keep in mind,
its right utilization by understanding its natural characteristic and, at the
same time, facilitate (or at least not violate) it so that it can ensure its
innateness and inheritance.
• Harmony is inherent in nature. It is already there. We do not have to create
it. There is every provision in nature for the human being (who is also a
unit of nature), to live in harmony. All that we human beings need to do is
to understand this existential harmony and live accordingly, ensuring
mutual fulfilment with other human beings as well as with the other orders
Harmony in Existence
Existence = Exist + Essence
Whatever ↓ ↓
Exists is/to be harmony (mutual fulfillment)
(= Co-existence = Units submerged in Space)

Units (Nature) Space (All-pervading)

Limited in size Unlimited
Activity No activity
Recognises the relationship and

Material Consciousness (Self)

Temporary Continuous
Recognising, Fulfilling Knowing, Assuming,
Recognising, Fulfilling

Physical Bio Order

Animal Order
Atom Cell
Human Order
Molecule Plant

Linear – Not Cyclic

Right Understanding

Molecular Structure Animal Body Activity
Living with Right Understanding &
Lump Fluid Human Body
Right Feeling
izek.k iwoZd thuk
No Development Conduct Completeness (Definite Human Conduct)
Human beings have two important things to do:

1. To understand the co-existence

1.1. To understand co-existence – Knowledge (ज्ञान)
1.2. To ensure the feeling, thought of co-existence –
Resolution (समाधान)
2. To live in co-existence
2.1. To live in co-existence with human-beings
–family to world family – Undivided Society
(अखंड समाज)
2.2. To live in co-existence in nature
–family order to world family order –Universal Human Order
(सार्वभौम व्यर्स्था)

By these two being ensured by human beings, the result will be Undivided Society and
Universal Human Order on Earth, in which Harmony and peace are very natural
outcomes (and there is every provision in Existence for it)

• Co-existence in nature means there is a relationship and
complementarity among all the entities in nature including human
• Co-existence is a state in which two or more groups are living
together while respecting their differences and resolving their
conflicts non-violently.
• Co-existence has been defined in numerous ways:
1. To exist together (in time or space) and to exist in mutual tolerance.
2. To learn to recognize and live with difference.
3. To have a relationship between persons or groups in which none of
the parties is trying to destroy the other.
4. To exist together (in time or place) and to exist in mutual tolerance.
• Co-existence is ever-present. The four orders of nature are a natural
expression or unfolding of co-existence, ultimately resulting in universal
order. This universal order is to be completed by human being, through
human being.
• This co-existence expresses itself at different levels as follows:
• Mutual fulfilment among all units is basically an expression of co-existence.
• At the level of nature, this co-existence is expressed in the form of mutual
• At the level of society, the four human goals (happiness, prosperity,
fearlessness and co-existence) are an expression of co-existence at various

• At the level of family, relationship is basically the expression of co-
existence of one human being with another human being. the nine
feelings (trust, respect… love) are an expression of understanding co-
existence and acceptance of co-existence in human-human
• At the level of human being, it expresses itself in the form of co-
existence between the Self and the Body.
• The role of human being in existence is:
1. To understand co-existence
2. To live in co-existence In this way, the universal order can be

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