Reading and Writing 1st Sem FINALS

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LANGUAGE OF RESEARCH; Advertising campaign - a series of

CAMPAIGNS AND ADVOCACIES advertisement messages that share a single

idea and theme.
- Is a systematic investigation and
● The word “advocacy” comes from
study of materials and sources in
the Latin ‘advocare’ and literally
order to establish facts and reach means ‘to call out for support’
new conclusions (Oxford
Dictionary) ● Advocacy involves promoting the
- Through research, you can interests or cause of someone or a
investigate an issue then discuss group of people. It generally involves
findings and propose solutions or speaking or acting with the intention
options to address the issue. You of affecting or changing specific
can extend your efforts through policies, systems, or ideas.
campaigns and advocacies.
● This change can occur in an array of
settings: governmental, health,
social, economic and legal, among
BASICS in the language of others.
Campaigns and advocacies
● Advocacy is also about helping
● A campaign is any series of actions people find their voice.
or events that are meant to achieve
a particular result.
Some of the many types of advocacy to
enact change include:
● All campaigns, despite varying
purposes, are created using similar Mass advocacy - organized and
structures as well as through the use orchestrated large groups (i.e. polls,
of language and persuasive protests).
techniques in order to convince
audience to perform a certain action. Media advocacy - using media as the
primary means to promote a specific cause.

Health advocacy - supporting the rights of

Some of the many types of campaigns
patients and improving the community of
people who care about patients.
Civil society campaign - a project intended
to mobilize public support in order to Self-advocacy - motions taken by
instigate social change. individuals to support their own rights in the
workplace, schools, etc.
Political campaign - an organized effort
which seeks to influence the decision ● Advocacies can be delivered
making process within a specific group. through campaigns in Social Media,
TV, Commercials, YouTube and What specific steps can you take as a
other internet platforms. Just like the student/Filipino citizen to address the issue
project smile’s advocacy introduced that struck you the most?
earlier, campaign activities were
conducted through facebook and Plan for an advocacy
instagram accounts.
Here are the standards to follow:

Goal: Offer solutions or options to pressing

Think, Share and Act for an Advocacy social concerns brought by the pandemic
Role: researcher, advocate
COVID-19 Pandemic
● Food production and distribution Audience: Filipino Youth
● Devastating effects on health Situation: you are requested by the
outcomes national youth commission of the
● Women’s gain at risk and increased Philippines to pass an advocacy plan. You
levels of violence against women can choose from these types of advocacy:
● Loss of income leading to vulnerable mass advocacy, self-advocacy and health
segments of society and families to advocacy.
fall below poverty line.
● Travel restrictions and tourism Product: Advocacy Plan
● Business closures, less work time Standard: Detailed/accomplished
and unemployment for certain worksheet advocacy plan
● Delay of classes and remote Advocacy worksheet plan
learning not accessible to some
● Restriction of outdoor leisure Purpose of the advocacy:
activities Introduction
● Developing of anxiety and emotional ● Start with the big idea.
stress ● Think of a device that will get the
attention and interest of the
THINK audience
What is other issues caused by COVID 19 ● Highlight the significance of your
pandemic were not mentioned? research by relating your topic to
your evidence.
SHARE ● Discuss the significance of the
Which of the issues struck you the most? research and literature review.
What do you want to share about this
issue? Body
● Outline the findings of the research
ACT ● Use graphs and illustrations to
present your points clearly.
A text is made of signs and symbols
Conclusion systematized by grammar and organized in
● Provide options or recommendations logical language to properly present the
concerning the issue you have intended message.
● Highlight your call to action. A text presents content with the primary
● Talk about specific steps that your purpose to communicate, and may come
audience can take in addressing the in physical printed form, transferred oral
issue locally. form, and other forms.



The ability to use language is a unique
characteristic humans have. One of
language’s main functions is to denote

Meaning attached in different forms of

language use is called context.

Context is created based on social,

situational, and cultural factors. Thus, it is
dynamic and dependent on learned - William Henry, A Great Time
Some texts are transferred orally and have
Example: no written form. Examples of these are folk
A woman in her thirties, working from 5pm songs, urban legends, myths, and epics.
to 8 am buys a 200-peso worth cup of
coffee Example:
“The Iliad”, a narration of events that
A teenage girl, malling from 5pm to 8pm happened in the war between the Greeks
buys a 200-peso worth cup of coffee and the Trojans, was believed to have come
from a number of shorter poems, and is now
In the example, two people are put in almost proven to be derived from centuries of oral
the same situation, but meaning varies tradition.
greatly simply because these two people
have automatically different learned Context of Text
experiences. A text cannot be interpreted without
context and context can not be expressed
Text without a text.
Context of Text: Context of Situation
- Five For Fighting, Superman
Context of Situation or the register is
defined as the situation of the text where the
member of the culture associates meaning

➔ Field Mode refers to the function of language in

➔ Tenor the organization of the text where the
➔ Mode member of the culture associates meaning.

Field concerns the kind of action taking Example:

place and its social nature where the …Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the
member of the culture associates meaning. saddest are these: “It might have been!”
- John Greenleaf Whittier, The
Example: Saddest words from the poem Maud


- Robert Browning, Grow Old Along

With Me

Tenor regards the interactive roles

involved in text creation where the member
- Ben Jonson, The Hour Glass
of the culture associates meaning.

Example: Field - extramarital affair, tragic love, and


Tenor - one that loved and mistress;


Mode - poetic language, strong imagery,

as depicted by word choice.
Context of Text: Context of Culture

Context of Culture or genre is defined as

the actions and the meanings produced and
associated by the members of a social
group in a certain environment.

Context of Culture or genre is the

perspective of the general belief, value
system, cultural paradigm, or ideology.



- Ben Jonson, The Hour Glass

Given the register, we can conclude that the

genre of the poem shows the negative view
of society towards extramarital affair and
those who take part in such.

From this, we learn that context is viewed

based on:

1. Context of Situation - register,

immediate context, the social LANGUAGE OF RESEARCH,
situation in which the text is used; CAMPAIGNS AND ADVOCACIES

2. Context of Culture - genre, outer Research

context, the cultural environment in - Is an imperative area in not just the
which it functions. field of education, but in other fields
as well.
- It primarily focuses upon improving
quality and is a research for
knowledge (Kapur, 2018)
- It shows how to make provisions of ● A “double-blind” experiment gets its
solutions to a problem in a scientific name because both the researchers
and methodical manner. and the participants are “blind”
during the test.
❖ Learning the language of research
can help you understand research ● Nobody knows until the experiment
answer to important problems. has finished which group got the
treatment and which group got an
❖ It can also help you read academic inactive placebo.
texts (and tests) more easily.
● That helps prevent people’s
The Research Process expectations from distorting (twisting
- Research starts with a question or a or changing) the results.
- Researchers first find out what ● The treatment being tested should
others have already learned about give significantly better results than
the subject. the placebo.
- If the question has not been fully
answered, they figure out a way to ● If not, any apparent difference it
get more information. makes may be due to people’s
- They may do further observations or hopes and expectations.
perform an experiment to test their
idea. ● So, a double-blind trial is a way to
- Next, they analyze the data check the effectiveness of a
(information) they have collected. treatment.
- Then they publish their procedures,
data, and conclusions. ● You will be encountering these
- This allows other scientists to repeat words in a research, like design,
the experiments and double-check data, significance, evidence
the conclusions. treatment, experiment, conclusions,
observations and statistics.
The “COVID-19 injectables” (best proof) of ● Let us have them briefly for you to
clinical research is a double-blind trial. That be familiarized with these words of
is an experiment with two (or more) groups research.
of people in which only one group receives
the drug or treatment being tested, the other ❖ Design - it is to plan (or a plan of)
group gets a placebo. (A placebo is a “sugar how something will be made or
pill” or other treatment that looks and feels done.
like the experimental treatment but has no ❖ Data - these are collected facts or
active ingredients. Any effect it has are information.
psychological - because participants expect ❖ Significance - these are important
it to work.) data and meaningful findings in a
❖ Evidence - observations or
information that can help solve a
crime or show whether something is
true or false.
❖ Treatment - it is the course of action
designed for research.
❖ Experiment - it is a test to see what
happened when all factors
(variables) but one is controlled.
❖ Conclusion - it is a summary of what
has been learned or shown at the
end of a study.
❖ Observation - it is looking carefully at
❖ Statistics - it is the organization and
study of numerical data.

➢ There are several reasons research

results can be misleading
➢ There may be flaws in the research
➢ Researchers may make mistakes
during the experiment or when
analyzing the data.
➢ They may even be biased; wanting
certain results so much that they
influence the results.
➢ Sometimes groups that might profit
from the results pay for the research
but only report it if they get the
results they want.
➢ Well, we have more research
languages. You can read more on or
from the internet to expand your
learnings about research.

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