Finalsubmittedpaper 2012
Finalsubmittedpaper 2012
Finalsubmittedpaper 2012
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3 authors:
Raid Al-Aomar
Abu Dhabi University
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Raid Al-Aomar
College of Engineering & Computer Science
Abu Dhabi University
Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Lean manufacturing has been adopted in a number of industries including electronics, automotive, and consumer
products manufacturing. Several industries are questioning the applicability of lean manufacturing principles. One
such industry is sewing industry. This research is focused on extending the scope of lean application by
implementing lean manufacturing in sewing industry. A sewing factory is selected for a case study. Characteristics
of sewing are first identified. Value Stream Mapping is developed to identify wastes. Five types of wastes are
identified and analyzed in one sewing production line: defects, inventory, overproduction, transportation, and
waiting time. Applied lean techniques include line balancing, layout redesign, and quality-at-the-source. The
impacts of these techniques on production are analyzed and an improved future state VSM is developed. Results
show a reduction of 96% in production wastes and 43% in lead time.
Keywords: Lean manufacturing, value stream mapping, sewing industry, waste reduction
1. Introduction
In a highly competitive global marketplace characterized by decreasing profit margins, waste reduction has become
an essential element in companies’ effort to thrive or in some cases to just survive. Muda is a Japanese word for
waste, “specifically any human activity that absorbs resources but creates no value” [1]. Wastes include defects,
inventory, overproduction, transportation, waiting time, overprocessing, and excessive motion [2]. The cost of such
wastes contributes to the total production cost, reduces profits, and decreases competitiveness.
One of the initiatives that companies have been trying to implement to maintain competitive in the global market is
lean manufacturing. The main focus of lean manufacturing is on cost reduction by eliminating or reducing wastes.
Lean manufacturing has been spanned in many sectors including electronics, automotive, and consumer products
manufacturing. Examples can be found in [3-5]. Sewing industry is one important section of textile industry. It
includes a wide range of operations such as cutting fabric, using different machines to assemble fabric pieces,
attaching different accessories such as buttons, checking, and packaging. Details on sewing can be found in [6, 7].
This paper reports implementation of lean in sewing industry. A case-based approach is used to identify the different
key wastes in sewing industry and to prescribe suitable lean techniques to reduce wastes, and result in better overall
financial and operational performance. A sewing plant in Jordan referred to as AB sewing throughout the paper is
used as a case study. The study is focused on one production line that produces one product. Value stream map
(VSM) is firstly used to map the current state of the line and to identify different types of wastes in sewing process.
Formulas are developed to quantify each type of waste and guide the improvement. Relevant lean techniques are
applied to reduce wastes. Future state VSM is then developed to illustrate the improvement achieved. Actual results
are used to verify lean benefits.
Obeidat, Pei, and Al-Aomar
Figure 1: V436 line details (process, machine type, and cycle time)
Similarly, operation target (OT) can be calculated based on the number of workers in the operation (OW) and
operation cycle time (OCT). OT is calculated for a shift of 8 hours as expressed in Equation 2. Worker produced
quantity (WPQ) which was used to calculate workers efficiency (WE) is calculated based on Equation 3.
Obeidat, Pei, and Al-Aomar
100% (3)
The company costing system expresses production cost in term of time spent by products in sewing processes. Each
hour spent on product processing or handling cost an amount (Ch) which is $3.54/ hour. Wastes are also converted
into time. The processing cost (PC) for a quantity (Q) for any product on a sewing line is determined by Equation 4.
%&& '&
All data for the current state VSM for V436 line were collected, starting from receiving and analyzing customer
orders, and ending with shipping. The overall collected data include ordering amounts and their frequency, materials
flow, information flow, inventory level, and shipping time and capacity. Specific data at each production operation
include cycle time, number of workers in each operation, daily available time, and inventory levels between
operations. Data is collected through direct observation, from production manager, line supervisor, and workers.
Figure 2 represents the current state VSM for V436 line. Production operations are mapped using a data box for
each operation. The number at the top of each data box represents operation number based on Figure 1. Inventory
triangles represent the level of materials between operations. Arrows in the map represent the flow of information
between the plant sections. The timeline at the bottom of the current state VSM has two components; one for delay
(in days) and the other is the operation cycle time (in minutes). Inventory is converted into NVA time by dividing
inventory level in front of each operation by the daily demand. For example, in Figure 2, the inventory level in front
of operation 2 is 827 pieces, and the daily demand from V436 product is 1500 pieces, so the NVA time is 0.551 day.
Another source of NVA time is the quality inspection time. In AB sewing there are two final quality inspections, one
for product quality (inspecting samples from product lots), and the other is the packaging quality (inspecting 100%
product packaging). The total NVA time for V436 line is 5.31 days, VA time is 5.48 minutes, and the total lead time
is 5.322 days.
3.1.1 Defects
Defects can be defined as “frequent errors in paperwork or materials, product quality problems resulting in scrap or
rework, as well as poor delivery performance” [12]. Defects in AB sewing plant are measured using two daily
measures: the quality level percent (QL%) and the rejection percent (R%). Equations 5 and 6 describe how both
measures are obtained, respectively. QL% is used in the plant to give management an idea about quality level in the
company. According to Equation 5, for each product, the size of all samples being inspected during a day are added
together, the number of defects found in these samples is recorded and totaled, and at the end of the day QL% is
obtained by dividing the total number of defects by the total size of samples. In AB sewing plant, sample size is
determined by management according to the quantity lot size that needs to be checked. For example, if 5 samples for
the same product were inspected with a size of 150 pieces each, the total sample size will be 750 pieces, and if 15
Obeidat, Pei, and Al-Aomar
defective pieces from those five samples were found, the QL% will be 2% by dividing the total number of defects
(15) by the total size of samples (750). Based on Equation 6, for each product, the sizes of all lots being inspected in
a day are added together, the sizes of all lots being rejected (if any) is added together, and R% is obtained by
dividing the total rejected lots by the total lots being inspected in the same day. For example, if 4 lots from V436
product with 750 pieces each were inspected, (3000) in total, and if one of those lots was rejected by final quality
inspection, then R% will be the result of dividing the rejected lot size (750) by the total size of the 4 lots (3000) to be
25%. Defects cost (DC) is calculated based on Equation 7. These lots need to be repaired by operations 10 and 12
with a 0.85 minute cycle time in total. Table 1 shows the current defects waste and their cost.
123 ./
+,+ % )%
100% (5)
123 .
123 6!
% 4%
100% (6)
123 !
': (7)
Where SD is sample defective pieces, S is the sample size, RQ is the size of the rejected lot, LQ is the lot size, and
RCT is the total operations cycle time involved in reworking.
3.1.2 Inventory
Inventory is defined by “more materials, parts or products on hand than the customer needs” [5]. The actual
inventory level during the period of studying for V436 line is shown in the current state VSM in Figure 2. These
amounts are converted into NVA time by dividing each inventory quantity (IQ) by the customer daily demand (D),
and then converted into cost using Equation 8. Table 2 shows the NVA time cost due to inventory during the study
8 ': (8)
3.1.3 Overproduction
Overproduction is producing items that are no more demanded [1]. In quantifying overproduction waste during the
study period, the daily operations production (Q) was monitored and recorded. Overproduction quantities can be
calculated by subtracting the daily operation’s target (OT) that being calculated based on Equation 2 from the daily
operation’s production. A Positive result means there is an overproduction. Operations that had overproduction
during the study period were 4 and 9 with overproduction quantities of 10330 and 11310, respectively. The
overproduction cost is calculated using Equation 9. Table 3 shows the overproduction cost.
': (9)
3.1.4 Transportation
Transportation waste is defined by “excessive movement of people, information or goods, resulted in wasted time
and cost” [12]. Figure 3 shows the current layout of V436 line in the study period, where numbers inside boxes are
Obeidat, Pei, and Al-Aomar
related to operations number in Figure 1. To quantify transportation waste, movement number in the line can be
assumed if we know worker number in the first operation (Ni-1) and in the next one (Ni) as in Equation 10.
& *@A BC
DGE CD?E CD (10)
Based on Equation 10, the total workers movements to produce one batch from V436 product was 37. This was also
calculated referring to Figure 1. To measure the waste associated with transportation, the predetermined time
standard system was used to determine the movement time. During the study period, we noticed that the walking
distance was around 4.5 meters per batch. We considered worker’s walking distance only and neglected other
components of movement such as reaching, and grasping. In the predetermined time standard system, walking 3.048
meters requires 0.04 minute [8]. As a result, 0.0591 minute is required for walking 4.5 meters. The cost of moving
one batch can be obtained using Equation 11. The batch size was 25 pieces. Equation 12 explains the process of
calculating transportation cost. AB sewing management assumes 50% of transportation in lines as waste, because
workers went to pick a batch with free hands and come back loaded. Table 4 shows the transportation cost.
': (11)
H' CH (12)
Where; AWD is the average walking distance by worker, TAWD is the time during the AWD in minutes, and NB is
the number of transported batches.
@ &
DGE ': (13)
4.3 Quality-at-the-Source
A new quality policy was implemented aiming to increase quality level by focusing on products quality in the
sewing line rather than relying on quality procedures after packaging. To this end, workers were trained to inspect
one piece out of five at their operations; this procedure was easy for them because each one is an expert in his or her
operation. Moreover, workers were convinced to call their supervisor or quality monitor (the one responsible on
selecting samples from all operations hourly) if there is any defective piece passed to them from any operation
before. In addition, line supervisor was asked not only to meet production level, but also to select samples from all
workers randomly from all operations. Furthermore, we installed a new final quality inspection inside the line; the
function of this is to select a sample from the finished products before sending them to packaging, which had a good
effect in reducing reworking time for rejected lots, and increasing the control on quality.
5.1.1 Defects
This waste was reduced by implementing quality-at-the-source approach, where quality became everyone’s
responsibility in the plant. During the improvement period, both quality level percent and rejection percent had been
reduced. Table 7 shows the quality measures and the cost of quality during the period of study after improvement;
reworking time includes operations 10 and 12 times (0.85 minute) as shown in Figure 1.
5.1.2 Inventory
The applied lean techniques contributed together to reducing inventory waste. Lead time reduction was the main
benefit. Implemented lean techniques assisted in the reduction of WIP as well. Table 8 shows the NVA time due to
inventory and its cost based on Equation 8.
5.1.3 Overproduction
Line balancing and layout redesign played a great role in reducing overproduction cost. The monthly overproduction
quantities were identified in operations 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, and 11 with quantities of 1004, 13, 470, 678, 685, and 137,
respectively. According to Equation 9, the new overproduction cost is shown in Table 9.
5.1.4 Transportation
Transportation waste was reduced by implementing line balancing and layout redesign lean techniques. Line layout
was improved by sequencing sewing operations according to the result of line balancing and the flow of product
shown in Figure 1. In the improvement period, workers walked about 1 meter on average to pick a batch, and
according to the predetermined time standard system, 0.013 minute is required to walk this distance [8]. We used the
management information mentioned before about plant transportation, the average batch size that used in the plant
was 25, and the least number of movements remains 37. Table 10 shows the transportation waste cost based on
Equation 11.
6. Conclusions
This study shows a great evidence of the applicability of lean manufacturing implementation in sewing industry. In
this study, lean manufacturing implementation resulted in a 96% saving in the wastes cost comparing to before
implementing lean techniques, as shown in Table 12. Moreover, Lean manufacturing implementation in sewing
resulted in reducing process lead time, 43% reduction in process lead time was obtained after lean manufacturing
implementation, as shown in Table 13.
The most effective lean techniques in sewing are layout redesign, line balancing, and quality-at-the-source. These
techniques might work together to reduce five types of wastes in sewing: defects, inventory, overproduction,
transportation, and waiting time.
Table 13: Lead time comparison before and after lean implementation
Lead time (days) before Lead time (days) after Reduction %
5.322 3.04 43
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