Atieh2016 Article AValueStreamMappingAndSimulati
Atieh2016 Article AValueStreamMappingAndSimulati
Atieh2016 Article AValueStreamMappingAndSimulati
DOI 10.1007/s00170-015-7805-8
Received: 14 July 2015 / Accepted: 2 September 2015 / Published online: 19 September 2015
# Springer-Verlag London 2015
Abstract This paper introduces a condensed version of simulation model. Not only did the implementation of
lean manufacturing implementation toward improving the prescribed scheme in the glass fabrication company
manufacturing processes in a small to midsize glass fab- revealed a hidden bottleneck, but also the suggested
rication company in Jordan. While the company suffers changes reduced the manufacturing lead time by 6 %
from long manufacturing lead times and unbalanced pro- and increased the performance of the primary bottleneck
duction line, it is almost impossible to convince the tradi- by 32 %. Finally, the computerized relative allocation of
tional administration of this small to midsize manufactur- facilities technique (CRAFT) was used to identify the op-
ing plant to adopt the completely revolutionizing, costly, timal layout of the expanded system.
and risky (at such level) lean manufacturing approach.
Therefore, a much lower cost and verified scheme of en- Keywords Value stream map . Simulation . Process
hancement is provided. The scheme starts with value flowchart . Bottleneck detection . Glass fabrication case study
stream mapping (VSM) to visualize the process flow as
well as identify production status and any potential alerts.
Then, the scheme employs a discrete event simulation 1 Introduction
model to accurately estimate the impact of these potential
alerts. The results of the simulation is then used to iden- Surrounded by energy-rich countries and located in a country
tify all the possible primary and secondary bottlenecks that adopts near open market policy, Jordanian industries suf-
using multiple approaches such as utilization method, fers severe competition and thus are asked to rise over it through
waiting time method, and scenario-based method. An im- improved and sustainable manufacturing plants. In order to be
proving algorithm is then utilized to systematically sug- sustainable and competitive, companies are required to identify
gest changes aiming to relieve the system and produce a every potential area of improvement. Minimizing waste and
better manufacturing lead time and/or increase its increasing efficiency is the only way for a company to move
throughput taking into consideration feasibility. These forward. However, identifying sources of waste in companies
changes are evaluated each time using a modified built on traditional systems is not a trivial task. Lean thinking
concepts have gained a lot of attention in terms of identifying
and removing waste. Researchers’ interest in lean manufactur-
* Anas M. Atieh
ing has even grown in the last two decades [1–3].
[email protected] Lean manufacturing is a revolutionizing philosophy that
defines every non-value adding activity as waste and ultimate-
ly aims to eliminate such activities from all processes [4].
School of Applied Technical Sciences, Industrial Engineering
Department, German Jordanian University, Amman Madaba Street,
Many tools have been used to achieve lean manufacturing,
Amman, Jordan such as cellular manufacturing [5], just-in-time [6], total pro-
School of Applied Technical Sciences, Mechanical and Maintenance
ductive maintenance (TPM) [7], and 5S [8]. Despite their ef-
Engineering, German Jordanian University, Amman Madaba Street, fectiveness, the implementation of such tools usually requires
Amman, Jordan making drastic changes to current setups, which proves costly.
1574 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 84:1573–1586
Therefore, convincing management to commit to lean thinking processes [20]. By visualizing the flow of materials and infor-
concepts proves to be a major roadblock. To provide enough mation, it provides companies with a “blueprint” for strategic
evidence for management to commit to changes, we take into planning to facilitate companies’ transformation into lean en-
account using tools that are capable of monitoring and quanti- terprises [21]. It has proved very effective in identifying and
fying potential gains once changes are implemented. eliminating waste [22]. Moreover, it can reduce the inventory
In this paper, we approach a glass manufacturing company pipeline and lead to reduction in throughput time [23]. In
in Jordan that suffers from long manufacturing lead times and addition, VSM can be applied practically in any business ac-
constant delays in customer orders delivery. To analyze the tivity and expanded upstream or downstream [24].
operations, we infuse value stream mapping (VSM) with sim-
ulation. Value stream mapping gives a process-oriented view 1.2 Simulation supporting VSM overview
of the company that can help evaluate the current situation and
identify areas of improvement. In addition, we use a simula- One of VSM’s fundamental limitations is its manual nature,
tion model and bottleneck detection methods to further en- which produces a static model that makes the observation and
hance our view of the company’s processes. Building on the evaluation processes of the map difficult [9]. Therefore, it
findings of the VSM and simulation model, we suggest chang- cannot be used—being a static tool—to study a dynamic prob-
es to improve the productivity of the plant. Using the simula- lem [25]. It also suffers from only being capable on analyzing
tion model, we can evaluate the potential gains of the sug- one product or product family image [26]. In addition, lean
gested changes. Afterwards, we build a future state as an extra manufacturing often requires making dramatic changes to the
evaluation of the changes suggested to the system. organization [27]. Therefore, evaluation of the changes sug-
gested by VSM is essential before implementation. This leads
1.1 Value stream mapping overview to the need of a complementary tool with VSM to quantify
gains during the early planning and assessment phase [28]. A
Value stream mapping became popular since the publication complementary tool is also required alongside VSM to handle
of the book Learning to See—Value Stream Mapping to uncertainty and model the dynamics between system compo-
Create Value and Eliminate Muda [9]. It was initially devel- nents for different future state maps [29].
oped with an underlying rationale for the collection and use of Researchers have been trying to overcome its limitations
the suite of tools as being “to help researchers or practitioners and enrich it using additional tools and techniques. For exam-
to identify waste in individual value streams and, hence, find ple, Gurumurthy and Kodali [30] used benchmarking to aid the
an appropriate route to its removal” [10]. It was used primarily VSM. However, many researchers used simulation to enhance
in several industries, including automotive [11], pharmaceuti- VSM. Solding and Gullander [26] pointed out that using a
cal [12], healthcare [13], and service industries [14]. simulation-based VSM can overcome the limitation of analyz-
The traditional supply chain refers only to the specific parts of ing one product and can provide a real-time view of the system
the firm that added value to the product or service under consid- instead of a snapshot. Lian and Van Landheghem [31] trans-
eration while the value stream includes the complete activities of formed data obtained from simulation results into current and
all companies involved [15]. VSM provides a very effective future state maps in order to make VSM dynamic. Braglia et al.
method for visualization, analysis, and redesign of the production [32] built simulation models for current and future states as an
and supply chain processes [16, 17]. The result is a single-page evaluation for VSM. Swallmeh et al. [33] integrated simulation
map that graphically documents the processes in the current state. with VSM to improve an emergency department. Parthanadee
The map contains data such as cycle time, changeover time, and Buddhakulsomsiri [34] used VSM and simulation to im-
work-in-process (WIP) levels, and equipment reliability data. prove batch production in the coffee industry.
After analyzing the current state map and identifying its sources Simulation is capable of enhancing VSM by providing in-
of waste, the process of constructing the future state map starts. formation about the nature of the production process, thus,
The goal is to build a chain of production where the individual overcoming its static nature [35]. Using simulation would
processes are linked to their customer(s) either by continuous provide a way to explore the various opportunities of process
flow or by pull, and each process gets as close as possible to improvement and the impact of the proposed changes before
producing only what its customer(s) need when they need it [9]. implementation [36]. Using recent simulation software can
This is achieved by answering a set of questions to further un- improve the quality of solutions in a relatively short period
derstand the processes and construct a system that minimizes [37–40]. Simulation is not just capable of assessing the rela-
WIP inventory and consequently, manufacturing lead time. tive difference between the process in its current form and the
Value stream mapping is an excellent tool for any enter- suggested form but it can also confirm and strengthen our
prise to become lean [18]. It provides a method for analysis view of all areas that need improvement. This occurs due to
and design of production processes which will address these being able to obtain information that VSM simply cannot
rapid changes [19]. It can serve as a guide to standardize provide, such as resources utilization and queuing times.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 84:1573–1586 1575
demand. Following is a summary of the processes car- the procurement process and production plant selection. In the
ried out at the company: analysis below, we only consider one plant.
bottom expresses production-waiting time at the top (non- in Table 1. Since some processes deal with surface area as a
value adding) and processing time at the bottom. The upper metric in contrast to others dealing with length (e.g., edging)
timeline shows times when inventory is insufficient and the or number of drills in drilling, we used the number of panels as
lower one shows the average times. Waiting time is calculated a metric throughout the system. This is done in a straightfor-
according to Little’s law, which asserts that the average num- ward manner in processes that work on the surface area.
ber of entities in a queue, L, is equal to the rate at which However, and for processes like edging and drilling, there
customers arrive and enter the system, λ, multiplied by the was a need to estimate a relation between area and edges
average time an entity spends in the system, ω. Therefore, length or number of drills. This was achieved using averages
waiting time was calculated by dividing the WIP inventory calculated from historical data. Example of these can be found
by daily production rate. For example, 348 m2 before pencil in the last column in Table 1.
edging divided by 170 m2 (daily production) equates to 2 days The simulation model starts with the order dispatch (cur-
of waiting time. The bottom part of the timeline expresses rently at 30 glass panels on a daily basis). The glass is loaded
processing time of each process. In this case, we have onto the cutting machine by workers, the cutting then starts
32.9 days of waiting time when inventory is insufficient and and once finished, the workers unload the glass. All glass is
10.9 days on average while the processing time is 612 s in then routed to the edging station. The edging station includes
both cases per 1 m2. The difference is noticeably big, which the three types of edging described earlier; flat, pencil, and
suggests many activities carried out at the company are con- arising. The glass is split between the three types by a separate
sidered as waste according to the lean concepts. It should be module that sends 45 % of glass to flat edging, 50 % to pencil
noted that the data on the map is only for orders that was sent edging, and the last 5 % are sent to arising. The percentages
to production. The company has more orders that entered the were decided based on the average output from historical data.
system and are yet to commence production, which would As soon as a glass panel departs a station, it enters a separate
increase the effect of increasing the production rate of the module that decides if a panel is sent to either drilling or
plant. washing. The percentage was also decided based on the aver-
The map highlights the inventory control at the start to be a age output. Panels sent for drilling are set up by workers and
big factor in increasing the manufacturing lead time. On the then enter the drilling process. Afterwards, all panels enter a
manufacturing level, the tempering process is causing the lon- separate module that sends 1 % of panels for a rework in the
gest waiting time. In the next section, we build a simulation workshop to amend scratches. All of the panels are then sent
model to further investigate the causes of waiting time and to the washing station. After washing, panels enter a series of
either confirm or deny the findings of the VSM. separate modules to decide which processes are done to which
panels, as shown in Fig. 3.
All separate modules are governed by percentages extract-
3 Simulation model ed from the average output of each process. After each panel is
sent to its respective process, the process is performed and
In order to evaluate different alternatives and to further inves- then panels are transferred to the delivery station and leave
tigate the system, we built a simulation model. A simulation the system. Note that glass panels that exit the tempering pro-
model would provide a dynamic picture of all processes in- cess could go to the lamination station before moving to de-
volved and allow evaluating the performance of each process livery and exiting the system.
based on historical data. The model supports the VSM as it After checking that the logic of material flow in the
would assess its output and confirm the potential sources of simulation model matches the actual flow in the company,
waste. It would be used later on to identify bottlenecks in the the system must be validated such that the simulation
system and test changes and proposed solutions. model mimics real-life performance. To achieve that, a
The model was built using discrete event simulation, where comparison was made for the output of the model per
events occur at discrete points of time on the simulation clock. day to the average output of the company over the last
The flowchart built earlier (Fig. 1) was used as an input with 4 months. Table 2 shows the results in terms of panel out
the historical data collected at the company. For simplification per day for each process. Although the model does not
reasons, we assumed the raw material entering the system is of mimic the real system perfectly, the difference is relative-
one size only (3.66 m×2.44 m). The assumption was backed ly small, specially in relation to the popular processes.
by the fact that over 75 % of the used materials are of the However, the error should be taken into consideration
selected dimensions, in addition to the other variants being when applying changes on the real system after testing
very similar in dimensions. The input to the system was set on the simulation model. For further evidence, the tem-
to a constant flow of 30 panels per day. pering furnace, which was observed to be utilized almost
Using the data collected about the setup and processing 100 % of available time, was shown to be utilized 98 % of
time in each process, a range was set to each one as shown the time in the simulation model.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 84:1573–1586 1579
4 Bottleneck detection whole workstation is active because both need to be free for
throughput to be affected.
After the simulation model was built and validated, the output The results shown in Table 3 suggest that the tempering
data can be used to identify the bottleneck in the system. First, workstation is the primary bottleneck and the pencil edging
we define a bottleneck to be the machine whose throughput workstation is the secondary bottleneck. Next, we use the
affects the overall system throughput. waiting time method and compare results.
According to Lemessi et al. [41], bottleneck detection
methods can be studied by numerous methods such as: (1) 4.2 Waiting time method
static-calculation method, (2) coefficient-based methods, and
(3) scenario-based methods. Using the simulation output, we This method uses the waiting time of parts in the queue before
will use two methods based on coefficients, the utilization each process to determine the bottleneck. It defines the
method, and the waiting time method. To confirm the results,
we use a scenario-based method as suggested by Roser et al.
[42]. For further validation, we used the static-calculation Table 1 Setup and processing times per panel
method. The method uses the data input into the simulation Process Setup time (min) Processing time (min) Assumptions
instead of the output data.
Cutting 2–3 0.75–1
Flat edging 0–10 15–25 17 m/panel
4.1 Utilization method Pencil edging 15–60 15–25 17 m/panel
Arising – 7–15 17 m/panel
The utilization method measures the percentage of time a ma- Drilling 5–10 6–10 5 drills/panel
chine is active and defines the machine with the highest active Silk screening 15–20 5–10
percentage as the bottleneck [43]. Tempering 5–10 20–30
The discrete event simulation is capable of providing the Double glazing 10–20 5–10
utilization of all machines as an output. It is worth noting that Lamination 5–8 5–10
utilization is taken for workstation and not individual re- Assembly – 15–90
sources (i.e., machines and workers). This assumes that when Sandblasting 5–15 5–10
a worker is active in a workstation and the machine is free, the
1580 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 84:1573–1586
Cutting 31.4 30 4
Flat edging 13 13 0
Pencil edging 17 15 12
Arising 0 2 –
Drilling 8 10 25
Silk screening 3 4.5 50
Tempering 18 19 5
Double glazing 6 5 17
Lamination 5 6 20
Assembly ** 0.4 –
Sandblasting ** 0.1 –
bottleneck to be the workstation before which parts wait the independently and run the simulation model to analyze the
longest time [44]. We use the output of the simulation model effect each improvement has on the overall system output
to assess the waiting time before all processes in the system [45]. In this case, we improve the setup and cycle time of both
(Table 4). processes by 30 %. Table 5 shows the results of each improve-
According to this method, the pencil edging workstation is ment on the overall system.
the primary bottleneck and the tempering workstation is the Since the improvement to both was with the same percent-
secondary bottleneck. The contrast in results between the two age, and tempering improved the system more, we can con-
methods can be attributed to the difference in processing time; clude that the tempering is the primary bottleneck and pencil
tempering is causing a bottleneck due to long processing times edging is the secondary bottleneck.
while the pencil edging machine is causing a bottleneck due to
long setup times. However, we use the scenario-based method 4.4 Static-calculation method
to confirm which one is the primary bottleneck.
This method compares the processing time of each worksta-
4.3 Scenario-based method tion to the takt time [43]. The takt time is the average unit
production time needed to meet customer demand. Any work-
Previous methods returned different results; however, both station whose processing time exceeds takt time is considered
found that tempering and pencil edging are the top two bot- to limit the pace of overall production, hence, is a bottleneck.
tlenecks in the system. To identify which of the two is the In order to make this comparison, each workstation’s process-
primary bottleneck, we use the scenario-based method. In this ing time needs to be representative of both setup and actual
method, we theoretically improve each workstation processing time. Afterwards, the takt time is calculated based
Table 3 Utilization data for all processes Table 4 Average waiting time for all processes
Cutting 23 Cutting 0
Flat edging 43 Flat edging 55
Pencil edging 82 Pencil edging 1030
Arising 4 Arising 2
Drilling 35 Drilling 9
Silk screening 23 Silk screening 7
Tempering 94 Tempering 160
Double glazing 17 Double glazing 24
Lamination 21 Lamination 0
Assembly 1 Assembly 0
Sandblasting 1 Sandblasting 55
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 84:1573–1586 1581
production line and increase failure probability. Therefore, an achieved results gave it the edge over other more sophisticated
increase of an additional 20 %, i.e., 12 h per day availability, options in small companies that are reluctant to adopt lean
was tested. After increasing the availability to 12 h per day, the manufacturing fully with all its cost and risks. In addition,
waiting time and utilization decreased. Table 7 shows the out- the combination of the static VSM and the dynamic
put of each process before and after the modifications, assum- Simulation made it a multidimensional approach that can
ing the same input. The changes caused the output of temper- identify multiple sources of waste, which is a unique feature
ing to increase by 32 %. Moreover, although the pencil edging in lean manufacturing. It could also be used as a monitoring
output remains almost unchanged, the waiting time before it tool, which makes it a valuable tool in all continuously im-
decreased 10 times. This decrease brought it closer to flat proving environments.
edging and made the line more balanced. The decrease of
waiting time and utilization decreases the effect of the process
on the overall system output and makes it more capable of 6.3 Facility layout adjustments
handling higher demand. This is further confirmed in Table 8,
which shows the difference in utilization and waiting time. To benefit the most from the added pencil edging machine sug-
gested above, we conduct a facility layout analysis. The analysis
would evaluate the facility layout if the new machine was added
6.2 Evaluation via future state map next to the old pencil edging machine and look for better solu-
tions. The facility layout problem in manufacturing plants is
Using the modified simulation model, we construct a future concerned with finding the most efficient arrangement of a spe-
state map as to further validate the impact of the suggested cific number of departments in a specific number of locations.
modifications introduced to the system. We start with the cur- As shown in Fig. 5, the facility contains 12 departments
rent state map as a base and then edit values based on the and they are:
changes incurred in the modified simulation model. Figure 4
shows the resulting future state map. The WIP levels were 1. Storage 4. Pencil Edging 7. Washing 10. Double Glazing
modified based on the changes that happened to the average 2. Cutting 5. Arising 8. Silk screening 11. Tempering
waiting queues in the modified simulation model, shown in 3. Flat Edging 6. Drilling 9. Lamination 12. Bending
Table 8. The daily uptime of tempering was increased to 12 h
instead of 8 h. The WIP before pencil edging decreased dra- However, not all facilities can be moved due to large size
matically from 348 to 31.6 m2 and the WIP before tempering and integration into the building. Those departments are lam-
has decreased from 635 to 437 m2. The changes decreased the ination, silk screening, tempering, and bending. To solve the
manufacturing lead time when inventory is insufficient to 30.8 problem, we used the computerized relative allocation of fa-
down from 32.9 days; 6 % enhancement. Moreover, the aver- cilities technique (CRAFT) method developed by Buffa,
age lead time decreased from 10.9 to 8.8; a 20 % enhance- Armour, and Vollmann [46]. It calculates the centroids of all
ment. To incorporate this finding, we modify the facility lay- departments and finds the Euclidean distance between each
out to incorporate the added pencil edging machine. one. It then considers all possible department switches and
This approach is a comparatively low-cost technique to chooses the switch, which results in the lowest distance trav-
identify waste and start the process of achieving lean eled. The method stops and reaches the final solution when no
manufacturing. The ease of implementation and quickly other solutions are available. It is capable of considering the
Table 6 Comparison of
processing times to takt time Process Simplified processing time (m) Percentage of takt time (%)
Cutting 3.375 21
Flat edging 24.5 153
Pencil edging 54 338
Arising 9 56
Drilling 14.3 89
Silk screening 25 156
Tempering 32.5 203
Double glazing 22.5 141
Lamination 14 88
Assembly 55 344
Sandblasting 17.5 109
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 84:1573–1586 1583
Cutting 30 30.00 0
Flat edging 13 14.2 9
Pencil edging 15 14.5 −3
Arising 2 1.21 −40
Drilling 10 9.64 −4
Silk screening 4.5 3.76 −16
Tempering 19 25 32
Double glazing 5 4.43 −11
Lamination 6 8.2 37
Assembly 0.4 0.26 −35
Sandblasting 0.1 0.21 110
cost of material handling and flow between departments, Constructing the current state map helped identify the
which is the primary concern in this case. It can also take into major products or processes in the system. It also helped
account departments that cannot be moved; which is a major in quantifying the performance of the company based on
constraint in the problem. As input, the method requires an the key performance indicator (KPI) of manufacturing
initial layout and flow matrix between departments. lead time. All other information included in the map make
To apply the method, an MS Excel add-in [47] was used. a significant base that can be used for any improvement
The flow between each department was expressed as percent- efforts. Using simulation as a complementary tool to
ages of 100 to represent the flow in the simulation model. VSM adds a dynamic dimension to the tool. It helped in
Although the tool is capable of considering cost, it was exclud- judging changes for a VSM on several products or pro-
ed because the company uses a forklift for transfer between all duction lines instead of the one-dimensional effort VSM
departments, which makes cost irrelevant. Afterwards, the ini- focuses on. Simulation also serves as a check and evalu-
tial layout was expressed in spreadsheet format. After running ation tool in findings extracted from a VSM, in addition
the tool to optimize for the lowest Euclidean distance traveled to evaluating potential improvements in different scenari-
between departments, a layout was constructed. The suggested os, i.e., incrementally modifying the tempering process
layout decreases distance traveled by 5 %. Figure 6 shows the until waiting time is decreased.
changes suggested on a blueprint. The bottleneck detection methods made extra use of
information extracted from the simulation model to
7 Conclusion and future work recommendations Table 8 Modifications effect on waiting time and utilization
accurately identify primary and secondary bottlenecks. quantifying the effect of changes suggested by the use
This paper made use of three approaches to find potential of the manufacturing lead time KPI.
areas of improvement in the company. Identifying bottle- Combining the three tools, and the flowchart described
necks accurately ensures that improvement efforts are not earlier, can provide a building stone for any future improve-
spent in the wrong area. This important aspect helps avoid ment efforts. The flowchart can simplify the process. The
the wasteful use of resources. It also highlights the signif- VSM visualize the processes and rates their performance ac-
icance of certain departments on the output of the system. cording to their effect on lead time. Keeping the VSM updated
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