Intro. To Philo

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Barangay Caringo, Mercedes, Camarines Norte


SUMMATIVE TEST (2nd Quarter)

Name: ______________________________________________________ Rating: ___________

DIRECTION: Read the statement carefully. Choose the best answer and write the letter on the space

______1. Which of the following is the best example of inter-subjectivity?

a. Ben has always loved dogs. When his parents let him choose a family pet, he picks a Labrador
puppy from the shelter
b. When Anna was twelve, her sister told her that pickles are rotten cucumbers. Because of this, Anna
now orders all her burgers without pickles
c. When Sarah was fifteen, she went exploring in a cave and became trapped. And she is now afraid
of closed spaces
d. Tony was born with vision in only one eye. Because of this, he sometimes has difficulty perceived
_____2. Which of the following statement is true?
a. Most people with disabilities cannot work
b. Human person can live on his own without the help of others
c. It is impossible to appreciate PWD’s and those underprivileged sectors of the society
d. Everybody deserves to be treated as human being no matter what he/she looks like
_____3. Dialogue is an exchange in which people discover something new. This best means?
a. Dialogue helps people to discover themselves more
b. Dialogue helps people to tolerate others more
c. Dialogue helps people to share understanding of greater truth about life
d. Dialogue helps people to conduct research
_____4. Authentic dialogue includes which of the following?
a. Active Listening b. Empathy c. Respect d. All of the above
_____5. The ability to engage in an authentic dialogue is a key skill for maintaining relationships.
This statement is?
a. True, it builds on inter-subjectivity
b. True, however it is not essential to inter-subjectivity
c. False, it is essential to inter-subjectivity
d. False, it does not build on inter-subjectivity
_____6. Which of the following signifies authentic dialogue towards accepting other people even if
they are different?
a. A boy sarcastically laughs at his friend after knowing about his flaws.
b. Krishna cried on her knees after learning about the pressing problems of the minorities in their
c. The manager rejected the job application of a person with disability even if he is qualified.
d. A and c
_____7. The result of authentic dialogue includes the following except?
a. Unity b. Division c. Peace and order d. Harmony
_____8. It refers to the willingness of a person to be present and be at the disposal of another?
a. Availability b. Empathy c. Ethics of care d. Alienation
_____9. The human person is not just being-in-the-world but being-with-others, or being-inrelation.
One great example of this is
a. Hatred to your enemy b. Sincerity and concern to others
c. Children exploitation d. Bullying
_____10. Refers to ethical theory that emphasizes the moral dimension of relationships and
a. Availability b. Empathy c. Ethics of care d. Alienation
_____11. Which of the following DOES NOT describe society?
A. A place where people meet together.
B. Group of people meeting in a place.
C. People performing social interaction and cooperation.
D. Humans living alone on an island.
_____12. Which of the following best describes Social Contract?
A. A submission of rights to the authority.
B. A covenant is agreed upon by all the members.
C. Individuals came together and submit their rights to an agreement with
the social group.
D. All of the above.
_____13. Which of the following situations DOES NOT perform the concept of
the “consent of the governed”?
I. The President declared Enhanced Community Quarantine in Luzon.
II. People strictly observed and followed physical distancing.
III. Frontliners perform their duties diligently.
IV. People use quarantine passes when traveling outside their abode.
V. Children are playing kite outside their homes.
A. I and II B. I, II, and III C. I, II, III and IV D. V only
_____14. Which of the following situations performed the concept of the “general
I. Buying goods in the market. VI. Obeying traffic rules.
II. Following school policies. V. Posting your sentiments on Facebook.
III. Asking for local clearance.
A. I and II B. II, III and IV C. I, II, III and IV D. I, II, III, IV and V
_____15. Which of the following describes “original position”?
I. A hypothetical situation as a thought experiment to replace the imagery of a savage state of nature.
II. A situation that everyone needs to cooperate.
III. A situation that everyone needs to rationalize.
IV. A situation where society protects its will.
V. A situation wherein the government chooses to prioritize the will of the
A. I, II, III, IV and V B. I, II, III and IV
C. I, II and III D. I and II
_____16. Which of the following describes “self-interest”?
A. Cooperating with your barangay Oplan-Linis program.
B. You filed a police blotter to your friend because of cyber-bullying.
C. You collaborate with the Police Officer who is looking for a drug suspected person.
D. None of the above.
_____17. Which of the following situations performed the concept of the “common
I. The Local Government Units headed by Mayors distributed relief goods to the severely affected
sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic.
II. Frontliners are strictly implementing border control measures to secure the safety and peace and
order of a certain community
III. Some villagers conducted a gift-giving activity to those affected by Typhoon Quinta, Rolly, and
IV. Mang Nestor always going to the street without bringing his facemask and quarantine pass.
V. All private and public companies and offices implemented skeletal force and work from home
arrangements to their employees.
A. I, II, and III B. IV and V
C. I, II, III and V D. I, II, III, IV and V
_____18. The following are examples of “Natural Rights”:
I. Life II. Liberty III. Property IV. Territory V. Government
A. I, II, and III B. IV and V C. I, II, III, and IV D. V only
_____19. Identify the statement below which best describes the reason “How Individuals form
A. The human need to survive. B. Human tends social interact.
C. Humans seek for common good. D. All of the above
_____20. Identify the statement below that DOES NOT describe the reasons “How Individuals are
transformed by societies?”
I. People are observing physical distancing policy.
II. People are wearing facemasks.
III. Some employees follow the work from home policy.
IV. The Government suspended the mass gathering.
V. In the so-called “New Normal” all are expected to obey the rules made by the Inter-Agency Task
Force (IATF) in all aspects of social interaction.
A. I, II and III B. IV and V C. I, II, III, IV and V D. None of the Above
_____21. The following best describes hunting and gathering society, EXCEPT:
I. People in this society depends on the environment.
II. People in this society have no permanent place.
III. People are farming.
IV. People are owning land.
A. I and II B. III and IV C. I, II, and III D. I, II, III and IV
_____22. Which of the following BEST describes pastoral society?
A. There is advanced technology in food production.
B. They are nomadic people and have no permanent place.
C. Dependent on the domestication of fruits and animals.
D. All of the above.
_____23. The following DOES NOT describes horticultural society:
I. Humans are decided to settle in a particular place to plant fruits and vegetables.
II. Surplus of foods is evident and they engage in trading of their goods to other places.
III.Since their population becomes bigger, rulers in society became more vigilant.
IV. This is a society dependent on technology.
V. This is a society focus on the domestication of animals.
A. I and II B. III and IV C. IV and V D. I, II, and III
_____24. The following scenarios below describe agricultural society, EXCEPT:
A. Technology in agriculture becomes evident.
B. The use of animals, agricultural tools, and equipment in cultivating lands
for food production becomes essential.
C. Specialized works started like craftsmen, educators, merchants, and traders.
D. They have no permanent settlement.
_____25. Which of the following BEST describes feudal society?
I. The system of ownership of the land was first introduced.
II. Farming is still part of their lives to earn living and to survive as well.
III. Political leaders such as the king and religious leaders like priests and
bishops became powerful because of their union.
IV. Feudal lords are not the owners of the land but the vassals.
V. Knights are the ones who do the farming of the vassal’s land.
A. I, and II B. III and IV C. IV and V D. I, II and II
_____26. The following are examples of industrial society, EXCEPT:
A. Using of farm tools. B. Owning of lands.
C. Both A and B D. None of the above
_____27. The following are examples of post-industrial society, EXCEPT:
A. Farming is a priority.
B. Food production and manufacturing have become the primary industry.
C. Vehicles are evident in this society.
D. High advanced technology.
_____28. The following are examples of virtual society, EXCEPT:
I. Typewriter III. Infographics V. Teleconference
II. Radio IV. Google Classroom
A. I and II B. III and IV C. I, II and III D. III, IV, and V
_____29. Which of the following is the best role of humans in forming a society?
I. Humans are the best actors in their society.
II. Humans are the ones who shaped and transformed society.
III. Society affects the social life of humans.
IV. Society influence humans to transform it.
A. I B. II C. I and II D. III and IV
_____30. Which of the following are significant in forming a society:
I. The stages of societal transformation help the development and survival of people.
II. There are still living legacies of the past societies which are still evident and applicable in modern
society today.
III. There are advantages and disadvantages to forming a society.
IV. Humans are the reason for conflicts in every form of society.
V. Human survival is the reason for forming a society.
A. I, II, III, and IV B. I, II, III and V C. II, III, IV, and V D. V Only
_____31. The following scenarios describe the social system is:
I. Every Sunday, most Filipinos go to church to worship God.
II. Weekdays are also known as regular days for school and work.
III. Whenever I saw my teacher, I always called them Ma’am and Sir.
IV. I eat anytime I want.
V. I have my study habits in doing my school works.
A. I, II, and III B. II, III, and IV C. I, II, III, and IV D. IV and V
_____32. Which of the following scenarios DOES NOT describes the social change in the “New
I. Most of the people today are going outside with a face mask and face shield.
II. Wherever you go, people are observing physical distancing.
III. When you enter an establishment, you need to observe health protocols.
IV. Only persons with travel orders and IDs can go outside.
V. The mass gathering is prohibited provided only limited persons can attend.
A. I, II, and III C. I, II, III, IV and V
B. I, II, III, and IV D. None of the above
_____33. The following are examples of social transformation in the “New Normal” in the field of
A. Modular Learning C. Distance Learning
B. Blended Learning D. All of the above
_____34. The following scenarios below are transformed by social systems in the aspect of socio-
cultural, EXCEPT:
I. Political leaders today do vote-buying.
II. Most people today have their social media account on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
III. Establishments today are required by the government to have a landscape in their establishment
and following waste segregation policy.
IV. The harvesting of palay in the rice field is now can be done by a harvester in not more than an
hour per hectare.
V. harvester in not more than an hour per hectare.
A.I, III, and IV B. II, III, and IV C. II only D. IV Only
_____35. Which of the following scenarios below DOES NOT transformed by social systems in the
aspect of politics?
I. Political leaders today engaged in vote-buying.
II. Citizens are dependent on the government.
III. Government changes where there is a new leader to take over.
IV. People are not exercising their right to suffrage.
V. Leaders are mandating people to follow orders.
______36. Which of the following scenarios below are NOT examples of the
economic aspect transformed by social systems?
I. Online selling III. Bayad Center and Remittance V. Barter
II. Call center IV. Sari-Sari store
A. I B. II C. III D. V
_____37. Which of the following scenarios below are examples of environmental aspects transformed
by social systems?
I. Housing and Urbanization III. Resort and Farm V. Waste Segregation
II. Amusement Part IV. Landscape
A. I, II, III and IV B. I, II, III, IV and V
C. I only D. None of the above
_____38. Which of the following scenarios below are examples of technological aspects transformed
by social systems?
I. E-Jeepney III. Cart Wheel V. Harvester
II. Sword IV. Cellphone
A. I, IV, and V B. II, III, and IV
C. III, IV, and V D. I, III, and V
_____39. Why it is that human is responsible for social transformation?
I. Because he/she can change society whatever it takes.
II. Because of the necessity brought by the fast-changing society.
III. Because only humans can determine what is essential to his/her society.
IV. Because human is a rational animal who can transform the society to the best suitable place he/she
A. I and II B. III and IV C. I, II, III, and IV D. None of the above
_____ 40. The following are examples of social transformation in the social system of the “new
normal” brought by COVID-19 Pandemic, EXCEPT:
I.Physical Distancing IV. Hand washing
II. Wearing of Face mask V. Face to Face Learning
III. Using thermal scanner VI. Holding party in the public
A. I and II B. III and IV C. V and VI D. I and V

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