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Statement Problem 1

Table 1.
Profile of the Respondents of the Study, n = 115

Demographic Profile F %


Male 40 34.8

Female 75 65.2

Developmental Age

Early Adulthood (20-40 yrs old) 88 76.5

Middle Adulthood (41-65 yrs old) 27 23.5

Number of Years in Service

5 years and below 84 73.0

6 – 10 years 18 15.7

More than 10 years 13 11.3

Table 2.
Level of Organizational Commitment of Underemployed Workers in Antique when taken as a
whole and grouped according to demographic variables
Demographic Variable M SD Verbal Description
As a whole 3.37 0.40


Male 3.39 0.35

Female 3.36 0.42

Developmental Age

Early Adulthood 3.37 0.39

Middle Adulthood 3.38 0.46

Years in Service
3.37 0.40
5 years and below
3.48 0.35
6 – 10 years
3.25 0.48
More than 10 years


Sex Mean SD Description

Male 3.39 0.35
Female 3.36 0.42


Sex Mean SD Description

Male 61 6.37
Female 61 7.72
Table 3. Level of organizational commitment of underemployed workers in Antique when taken
as a whole and grouped according to developmental age


Developmental Age Mean SD Description

Early Adulthood 3.37 0.39
Middle Adulthood 3.38 0.46


Developmental Age Mean SD Description

Early Adulthood 61 6.94
Middle Adulthood 61 8.36

Table 4 Level of organizational commitment of underemployed workers in Antique when taken

as a whole and grouped according to number of years in service


Years in Service Mean SD Description

5 years and below 3.37 0.40
6 – 10 years 3.48 0.35
More than 10 years 3.25 0.48


Years in Service Mean SD Description

5 years and below 61 7.17
6 – 10 years 63 6.37
More than 10 years 58 8.67
For Problem Statement 2
Table 1. Level of job satisfaction of underemployed workers in Antique as a whole and when
grouped according to sex
Demographic Variable M SD Verbal Description
As a whole 60.66 7.26


Male 4.13 0.45 Satisfied

Female 4.21 0.53 Satisfied

Developmental Age
4.18 0.52 Satisfied
Early Adulthood
4.20 0.48 Satisfied
Middle Adulthood

Years in Service
4.20 0.50 Satisfied
5 years and below
4.14 0.59 Satisfied
6 – 10 years
4.15 0.45 Satisfied
More than 10 years


Sex Mean SD Description

Male 4.13 0.45 Satisfied
Female 4.21 0.53 Satisfied


Sex Mean SD Description

Male 149 16.28 Satisfied
Female 152 19.29 Satisfied
Table 2. Level of job satisfaction of underemployed workers in Antique as a whole and when
grouped according to developmental age


Developmental Age Mean SD Description

Early Adulthood 4.18 0.52 Satisfied
Middle Adulthood 4.20 0.48 Satisfied


Developmental Age Mean SD Description

Early Adulthood 150 18.63 Satisfied
Middle Adulthood 151 17.39 Satisfied

Table 3. Level of job satisfaction of underemployed workers in Antique as a whole and when
grouped according to number of years in service

Years in Service Mean SD Description

5 years and below 4.20 0.50 Satisfied
6 – 10 years 4.14 0.59 Satisfied
More than 10 years 4.15 0.45 Satisfied


Years in Service Mean SD Description

5 years and below 151 18.08 Satisfied
6 – 10 years 149 21.29 Satisfied
More than 10 years 149 16.19 Satisfied
For Problem Statement 3:
Table 1. t-test result on the difference on the level of organizational commitment of
underemployed workers in Antique when classified according to sex

Sex Mean t-value p-value

Male 3.39
0.280 0.780
Female 3.36

*there is no significant difference

Sex Mean t-value p-value

Male 61
0.284 0.777
Female 61

*there is no significant difference

Table 2. t-test result on the difference on the level of organizational commitment of

underemployed workers in Antique when classified according to developmental age

Developmental Age Mean t-value p-value

Early Adulthood 3.37

-0.123 0.902
Middle Adulthood 3.38

*there is no significant difference

Developmental Age Mean t-value p-value

Early Adulthood 61
-0.125 0.900
Middle Adulthood 61

*there is no significant difference

Table 3. ANOVA test result on the difference on the level of organizational commitment of
underemployed workers in Antique when classified according to number of years in service

Sum of
Sources df Mean Square F-value p-value
Between Groups 0.430 2 0.215 1.332 0.268
Within Groups 18.079 112 0.161
Total 18.509 114
*there is no significant difference

Sum of
Sources df Mean Square F-value p-value
Between Groups 140.23 2 70.115 1.339 0.266
Within Groups 5863.544 112 52.353
Total 6003.774 114
*there is no significant difference

For Problem Statement 4:

Table 1. t-test result on the difference on the level of job satisfaction of underemployed workers
in Antique when classified according to sex


Sex Mean t-value p-value

Male 4.13
-0.778 0.438
Female 4.21

*there is no significant difference

Sex Mean t-value p-value

Male 149
-0.770 0.443
Female 152

*there is no significant difference

Table 2. t-test result on the difference on the level of job satisfaction of underemployed workers
in Antique when classified according to developmental age


Developmental Age Mean t-value p-value

Early Adulthood 4.18

-0.166 0.868
Middle Adulthood 4.20

*there is no significant difference

Developmental Age Mean t-value p-value

Early Adulthood 150

-0.169 0.866
Middle Adulthood 151

*there is no significant difference

Table 3. ANOVA test result on the difference on the level of job satisfaction of underemployed
workers in Antique when classified according to number of years in service


Sum of
Sources df Mean Square F-value p-value
Between Groups 0.072 2 0.036 0.138 0.871
Within Groups 29.261 112 0.261
Total 29.333 114

*there is no significant difference

Sum of
Sources df Mean Square F-value p-value
Between Groups 95.831 2 47.916 0.141 0.868
Within Groups 37983.091 112 339.135
Total 38078.922 114

*there is no significant difference

 The three variables has no significance difference

For Problem Statement 5

Table 1. Result of Pearson’s r correlation coefficient between organizational commitment and
job satisfaction of underemployed workers in Antique


Variable Mean Correlation p-value

Organizational Commitment 3.37
0.163 0.082
Job Satisfaction 4.18

*There is no significant relationship


Variable Mean Correlation p-value

Organizational Commitment 61
0.163 0.083
Job Satisfaction 151

*There is no significant relationship

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