JICA Climate Change Leaflet English

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JICA's Assistance in the Field of Climate Change

Photograph: Kenshiro Imamura / JICA

JICA's Assistance Toward Low-Carbon Growth and Strengthening Resilience for Climate Change in Developing Countries
November 2015

Ethiopia(Technical Cooperation) India(ODA Loan) Mitigation Vietnam(ODA Loan) Adaptation Philippines and Peru(ODA Loan)
Adaptation Mitigation
Rural Resilience Enhancement Project Delhi Mass Rapid Transport System Project Phase 3 Adaptation Support Program to Respond to Climate Change Stand-by Emergency Credit for Urgent Recovery ("SECURE")
The southeast of Ethiopia is included in This project is planned to construct a mass This program is supporting Vietnam's response to climate change by Stand-by Emergency Credits for Urgent Recovery were established by the
the "Horn of Africa" portion of the rapid transport system in the Delhi promoting policy and system improvements, greater collaboration Japanese government in 2013. Known as "SECUREs", these are
northeast of the African continent. This metropolitan area. The subway cars employ among government ministries. More specifically, the program is shaping arrangements with particular countries in order to provide rapid support for
region is heavily prone to droughts "power-regenerative braking", which is an policy actions for three priority issues: (1) mitigation (promotion of their funding needs that arise in the recovery stage following a disaster. A
and food crises, and in 2011 suffered energy-saving technology in use in Japan. renewable energy and energy-saving, forest management, waste loan ceiling is agreed in advance with the country concerned, so that
drought damage thought to have Since this technology saves power by around treatment, etc), (2) adaptation (water resource management, integrated funding can be implemented promptly in response to a request from the
been the worst for past 60 years. Given such situation, there 33 percent compared with ordinary subway cars, the project has been coastal management, etc), and (3) multidisciplinary issues (introduction country when a disaster occurs. Thus far, SECUREs have been concluded
are calls for medium- and long-term efforts that will strengthen registered with the UN's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of financial mechanisms for climate-change response, mainstreaming of with the Philippines and Peru. SECURE funding was supplied to the
endurance and resilience with regard to natural disasters. This Secretariat as a CDM Project. The project contributes to development and education on climate change response), and carrying out financial Philippines for recovery and reconstruction after Typhoon Yolanda, which
project has been providing support, via implementation of of the local economy, improvement of the urban environment, and support while assessing the state of implementation of those actions. struck the country in November 2013.
surveys and verification operations, for strengthening mitigation of climate change.
resilience to climate change such as drought in the rural
regions of Oromia and Somali Provinces.
Costa Rica(ODA Loan) 
Guanacaste Geothermal Development Sector Loan

Costa Rica is the first non-industrialized nation to

have pledged "carbon neutrality", and early
announced a basic policy of mainstreaming
Southern Africa renewable energy for its electricity sector
(Science and Technology Research Partnership development. Geothermal power generation is
for Sustainable Development) especially regarded as having high potential in this
Adaptation Establishment of an Early-warning System for
nation, and expected to be a domestic energy source capable of a stable
Infectious Diseases in Southern Africa Incorporating supply throughout the year. This project aims to mitigate the impacts of
Climate Predictions climate change, and thus contribute to the country's sustainable
development, by supporting construction of geothermal power plants so as
Infectious diseases including malaria, to augment the proportion of renewable energy in its electric power supply.
pneumonia and diarrhea are prevalent
in southern Africa. It is highly probable
that under the impacts of climate
change over recent years, these Chile(Third Country Training)
disorders are spreading into other Adaptative Watershed Management with Emphasis
regions than previously and on a larger scale. This project aims, in Environmental Services and Climate Change
on the basis of climate change prediction models, to develop an
infectious disease epidemic prediction model for malaria, JICA has been implementing assistance for Chile in
pneumonia and diarrhea, and use such model to construct an the field of river basin management for 20 years.
Infectious Diseases Early-Warning System (iDEWS) in order for Putting the fruits of that to use, and in order to
effective implementation of measures to counter infectious spread the insights built up in Chile across the
diseases. Central and South American region, JICA is
implementing training in this field for some 19
Central and South American countries. JICA aims to enhance the
capabilities for climate change adaptation measures and comprehensive
river basin management of the official agency staff responsible for forestry
management, and environmental conservation in this region.
Mauritius(Technical Cooperation)
Adaptation Project for Capacity Development on Coastal
Protection and Rehabilitation
The island country of Mauritius is
Indonesia(Technical Cooperation) Tonga(Grant Aid)
vulnerable to climate change. Due to
Mitigation Thailand(Technical Cooperation) Mitigation
Mitigation Project for Introduction of Micro-Grid System with
Adaptation Bangkok Master Plan on Climate Change 2013 - 2023 Adaptation Project of Capacity Development for
rise in sea level, increase in the intensity Renewable Energy for the Tonga Energy Road Map
Climate Change Strategies
and frequency of cyclones and serious Tonga formulated the "Tonga Energy Road Map
The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is Climate change mitigation is a high-priority
coastal erosion caused by increasing 2010-2020" as a means of reducing its GHG
proceeding with the Bangkok Master Plan on issue for Indonesia, as can be seen in the
man-made structure brought by emissions and enhancing its energy security, and
Climate Change (2013 to 2023). This project has presidential decree to reduce GHG emissions.
tourism, there are many coasts that require urgent has been working to introduce greater amounts of
supported the formulation of the Master Plan, which There is also a need to mainstream adaptation
countermeasures for the medium and long term. In this renewable energy. But there have been the
covers five areas: transport, energy, solid waste measures at the national and local levels,
assistance, a coastal protection plan combining tangible and difficulties that if large amounts of solar, wind and
management and wastewater treatment, green considering the country's high vulnerability to
intangible measures was formulated, and support was given for similar power were introduced, it would be hard to obtain a stable supply of
urban planning, and adaptation initiatives. It has also contributed to climate change. This project has provided comprehensive support
verifying the efficacy of gravel beach nourishment operations via electricity and, since the grid's frequency would fluctuate, maintaining
strengthening capabilities for implementing the Master Plan by to promote climate change policies, via three components: (1)
verification projects, and for raising the capacities of the relevant electricity quality would be problematic. This project is supporting for the
establishing a framework to cooperate with external agencies and Mainstreaming of mitigation and adaptation in development
official agency staff. Community-participation management provision of solar power generation modules, micro-grid control
maintaining consistency with national-level policies. planning, (2) Capacity development for climate change adaptation
system including shore cleaning was also developed and equipment, grid stabilization equipment/systems and so forth, thus
actions in agriculture and other relevant sectors, and (3) Capacity
contribution to conservation of the coastal area is expected contributing to stabilization of the country's power grid and promotion of
development for national GHG inventories.
through implementation of the protection plan. renewable energy.
Direction of Low Carbon and Resilient Development Cooperation by JICA

Based on the policies adopted by the Government of Japan, JICA will actively support measures regarding mitigation and
adaptation to tackle climate change in developing countries according to the following principles by making the most of
Japanese technology and the experiences and fruits accumulated in its support for developing countries.

Guiding Principles

Climate Compatible Sustainable Development

Comprehensive Assistance using an Array of Schemes

Collaboration with Development and Climate Partners

Photograph: Kaku Suzuki / JICA

Support Regarding Climate Change

Mitigation Mechanisms to Accelerate

Mitigation and Adaptation

Towards a low carbon society, Towards a resilient society,

formulating national plans and sector formulating national plans and sector Policy and institutional reform,
strategies, building efficient social and strategies, enhancing adaptive finance mechanism, and human
economic system, and developing and capacity for climate related disasters, resource development
diffusing low carbon technologies and developing resilient infrastructure

Climate Finance Impact Tool for Mitigation and Adaptation (JICA Climate-FIT)

JICA has prepared Climate Finance Impact Tool (JICA Climate-FIT) ,

Target sectors for the tools
a reference document which contains the following components
in order to facilitate consideration of policies and formulation of Mitigation
projects for assisting climate change related measures in developing
■Forest and natural resources conservation
■Traffic and transportation
■Energy conservation (Industry)
(1)Methodologies for implementing measurement, reporting ■Energy
and verification (MRV) related to quantitative evaluation of
■Renewable energy
mitigation projects that contribute to reduction or
sequestration of greenhouse gases (GHG) ■Sewerage and urban sanitation

(2)Concepts and guidelines for mainstreaming adaptation
considerations into projects that contribute to reduction of ■Water resources
vulnerability against climate change, and sustaining and ■Agriculture
increasing adaptive capacity and resilience
■Forestry and natural resources conservation
■Disaster management

Website: ■Urban-regional development

overview.html ■Sanitary improvement

Global Environment Department, Office for Climate Change

Nibancho Center Building, 5-25 Niban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8012 Japan
URL: http://www.jica.go.jp/english/our_work/climate_change/index.html Email: [email protected]

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