The COMPLETE Cattle Shed (PDFDrive)
The COMPLETE Cattle Shed (PDFDrive)
The COMPLETE Cattle Shed (PDFDrive)
cattle shed
Where else can you gain more experience in constructing cattle sheds
than where the demand for them is greatest. By tradition, the Allgäu
has a great deal of experience in dairy farming, and HÖRMANN has a
great deal of experience in building cattle sheds. Rudolf Hörmann laid
the company’s foundations as early as 1960 with the production of
sliding gates for dairy cattle, thereby creating the basis for more than
50 years of specialised knowledge.
Today, HÖRMANN is the top choice for complete cattle shed solutions.
We are one of the few production companies in Germany able to provi-
de you with a complete cattle shed from a single source – starting from
the foundations, to construction, roofing, light/air roof ridge vent, ma-
nure removal systems, doors, gates, and shed facilities, right through to
suitable outhouses. Choose HÖRMANN – The COMPLETE cattle shed.
We don’t just build ONE barn to suit all purposes – we build the ONE
barn that exactly fulfils your individual, climatically-dependent, regio-
nal and economical requirements, keeping the comfort of your cattle in
mind and helping to enhance their performance. Please do not hesitate
to contact us if you have any questions. If you would like a local consult,
a member of our field staff will be glad to visit you. If you have a vision
of the perfect cattle shed, we’ll build it for you.
We hope that reading the rest of the leaflet will help you find inspirati-
on. My team and I look forward to hearing from you!
Rolf Hörmann
Company profile
4 4
Pages 30-31 Structures
Pages 32-33 Roof and wall structures
Pages 34-35 Roofing
Pages 36-39 Light/air roof ridge vent
Pages 40-43 Side ventilation
Pages 48-49 Calf sheds
Pages 50-51 Sheds for young stock
Pages 52-53 Sloped-floor sheds; Bull sheds
Shed equipment
Pages 54-55 Self-locking yokes
Pages 56-59 Stalls
Page 60 Floor coverings for cubicles and walking alleys
Page 61 Slatted flooring
Pages 62-63 Accessories; Drinking bowls and drinking troughs
Pages 70-72 Tie-stall barns; Customised buildings; Goat sheds
5 5
The COMPLETE cattle shed
Concrete construction p. 9
Side ventilation p. 42-45
Planning, consulting, field staff
What does the perfect cattle shed look like? as milking, selecting, feeding, lying, manure
How is it equipped and ventilated? Is it used removal, and social interaction.
for dairy farming or meat production? How do
the animals feel most comfortable? What con- We are your competent partner when it co-
ditions of climate and locality are to be taken mes to high-quality, durable and efficiently
into consideration? What is the most practical designed sheds and facilities, from the foun-
way to remove manure? What are the farmer’s dation to roof ridge vents and outhouses.
ideas on architecture, construction, materials Our planning team designs new buildings
and functionality? What is the best way to and extensions, prepares pre-construction
ensure cow comfort and high productivity? drawings, working plans, and structural the main office, the calculation centre and
analysis, and institutes approval procedures. the planning office, which means that you
Your own architect can also conduct the receive speedy replies to your questions.
detailed planning, if you so wish. First, your ideas for new constructions, or
remodelling or extension work, are sketched
Customer contact is crucial for a functioning out and visualised; then the fully-calculated
business relationship. With more than 50 final plan is presented to you on your own
representatives spread throughout a wide premises.
area in Germany, Austria and Switzerland,
we, your agricultural partner, also have a re- During the construction process, our field
presentative in your area, at your service not staff ensure that everything is going to plan.
only before and during your building project, They coordinate the target dates and, due
but also after it has been completed. to the extensive network, always have an
insight into each stage of the production and
Our team of in-house and field staff will take Our field staff are planners, advisers and delivery procedure.
the time to advise you on how to choose the construction managers all in one. They have
most reasonable type of construction that excellent e-mail and internet connections to Competence comes from being well-
offers you the best quality for money. With informed, which is why all of our field and
your cooperation, we can plan and design office staff meet regularly at the company
a cattle-friendly shed that complies with headquarters in Buchloe to compare notes
all your business and labour management and regional, national and international
requirements for all areas of operation such trends and to discuss trade news.
Concrete construction, foundations
Drilled, strip or raft foundation? The choice If you would like to lay your own foun-
of ideal foundation depends on the type of dations, we will be glad to lend you the
building and its intended use, customer re- necessary formwork, or if required, we
quirements and local conditions. HÖRMANN’s can offer you the assistance of a construc-
team of engineers takes into consideration the tion supervisor to provide on-site expert
different types of foundation, the available advice.
time frame and the best value for money, and
works with you to find the perfect solution. If appropriate, we also use precast concrete
elements. This decision requires very careful Hydraulic foundation driller mounted on the
If required, we can provide a complete consideration of speed, cost and on-site customer’s tractor
“ready-to-go” foundation. conditions.
Raft foundation
In conjunction with one floor slab;
low-priced option for frost-free subsoil
Milking parlour made from precast concrete Foundations for a free-stall dairy cattle shed with slurry channel
Timber works
Joinery machine for glued laminated timber and solid wood structures
Interior view of one of our steel production halls Welding robot with two stations for large
and small elements
Automatic tube-cutting saw with drilling unit 320-ton press with feed mechanism for the production of brackets,
joints, etc.
Speed, safety and system, greatly appre- All screwed joints are prepared at the factory,
ciated by our customers, are of utmost hooks for safety nets are already attached
importance when constructing a HÖRMANN to the trusses, and gabled structures are
building. All solid-wood elements (gable tongued.
structures, trusses and other wooden
structural elements) are pre-fabricated at the Safety is guaranteed by the use of netting
HÖRMANN factory, using, as far as possible, throughout the whole building and, if
carpenter-quality joints, so that on-site required, netted scaffolding on the eaves,
construction work can begin immediately walkable running boards or the use of
and without complications. hydraulic hoists. Completed gabled structure
Polyurethane-foam roof elements are quickly We use one of our own mobile cranes for positioning the trusses.
mounted onto pre-fabricated trusses.
Raised platform used to attach the safety netting. Hooks for netting Completely-netted hall, eaves secured with running boards and
pre-attached at the factory. handrails.
Cold-housing sheds
• Truss structure with glued laminated timber top chord and steel
stanchions • Steel stanchions clamped into low-cost drilled foundations
• Roof construction with high trapezoidal roof and ML raisable roof ridge • Glued laminated timber ceiling joists with self-supporting trapezoidal
• Roll-up sidewall ventilation; can be fully opened steel sheeting
• High trapezoidal cross section and minimal use of purlins ensures • Open roof ridge directly above the aisle
optimal air flow
• 3 +3-row free-stall dairy cattle shed with young stock
• Separate insulated milking parlour featuring milking carousel and
integrated holding area
• Non-insulated calf and separation areas beside milking wing
• Purlin/rafter roof with roof-boarding and tiles
• Sheet-metal gable ends
• Roll-up sidewall ventilation
Lying areas Walking areas / Holding area
• Low-cost cattle shed with high trapezoidal saw-tooth roof
Walking areas Milking area / Storage areas
• Sidewalls with roll-up ventilation system
Holding area Milking area / Storage areas • Separate milking parlour
Feed table • Covered holding area
Cold-housing sheds
• 6-row free-stall dairy cattle shed
• 2 outward-facing feed tables facilitate group housing
• No necessity to walk on the feed table
• A separate area for young stock can be adjoined to the feed table on
the outside
• Glued laminated timber trusses with steel stanchions
• Coupling purlins with corrugated roofing panels
Sheds with outdoor run
52.70 5.30
• 3-row free-stall dairy cattle shed
with outdoor stalls
• Front and side walking areas
• Holding area with crowd gate
• Side milking parlour
• ML raisable roof ridge
• High side ventilation
Lying areas Walking areas / Holding area
Walking areas Milking area / Storage areas
Holding area Milking area / Storage areas
Feed table
Partially-insulated sheds
45.00 15.00
• 3-row free-stall dairy cattle shed with single-row young-stock section
• Integrated milking parlour and calf area
• Storage space intended for future extension
Lying areas Walking areas / Holding area Feed table
Walking areas Milking area / Storage areas Wall / Brickwork
Holding area
• Truss structure made of solid wood (joinery work can be carried out
on timber provided by the customer)
• Roof with sandwich panels
• Dual clerestory window panels, adjustable, 180 cm high
• Sliding roof ridge – can be opened on both sides
• Truss structure made of glued laminated wood with steel interior supports
• Single-span purlins with swallow-tail joint
• Roof with sandwich panels
• Dual clerestory window panels, adjustable
• ML raisable roof ridge
Robotically-operated cattle sheds
Cattle sheds featuring robotic milking
devices can be extremely compactly built as
the milking and holding areas require much
less space.
53.30 14.70
2 robotic milking devices at the front of the
shed. The layout of the stalls in 4 rows with
an outward-facing feed table is ideal for
directed cow traffic.
Sheds in mountain regions
• Dairy cattle shed with transversely positioned storage building • Free-stall dairy cattle shed with concrete roof tiles
• Corrugated-sheet roofing with snow guard rail • ML raisable roof ridge, middle-opening
• Walls partially finished with brick work
9.90 20.10
Single-pitch roof sheds
The single-pitch roof is designed to let in as much clerestory window design means that even the shed is often built in an east-west direction so that
light and air as possible on the eaves side. Our largest openings for light and air are possible. The it is exposed to as much direct sunlight as possible.
Particularly where there is an exterior feed table, a projecting roof offering protection from rain, wind and sun is a sensible idea.
Solutions for remodelling and extending
24,00 22,00
If you intend to use an existing building, this requires the particularly
intensive support and advice of our field staff. The critical factors are
always the proportions and basic structure of the building in question.
58 In addition, individual property conditions usually have to be taken
into consideration. Below we have presented a few solutions for many
different alternatives.
Milking parlours
A simple single-pitch roof shed with a holding area along the side is a low-cost solution and is characterised by a good cross-ventilation system with a
row of adjustable clerestory windows.
Two-roomed sheds
2-roomed structures can be extended as required without any adverse affects to the efficient flow of air.
5-row free-stall dairy cattle shed with young stock. The building is separated by the walking area.
Lying areas Walking areas / Holding area Feed table
Walking areas Milking area / Storage areas Wall / Brickwork
Holding area
The narrow design means that a variety of structures and roofing solutions are possible. Here, saw-tooth roofs or open roof ridges are low-cost
Multiple-roomed sheds
Covered stalls
“Ideally extended”
In combination with a feed table roof, it is possible to build low-cost and eye-catching extensions.
Covered stalls
“Self-supporting” model
Truss-free structures
This model has no purlins; supports are clamped into the drilled
Glued laminated timber, self-supporting
Span widths of up to 18 m are possible.
Steel, self-supporting
A version that is normally constructed without tie beams.
Roof and wall structures
Coupling purlins enable an economical Butt purlins with swallow-tail joints are
structure as the purlins overlap, resulting in a optically extremely sophisticated. No metal
relatively small cross-section. joints are visible.
Wall construction
HÖRMANN also builds your exterior walls example, if you are using the building as a scenery often has wooden wall cladding and
to meet your specific requirements. The simple storehouse, a 30 mm sandwich roof a tiled roof. Once the scaffolding has been
choice of roof shape, roofing material and with trapezoidal sheet metal walls fully erected, HÖRMANN customers can brick-nog
exterior wall cladding also depend on serves the purpose. An agricultural machine and board the walls, or cover the roof them-
how you intend to use your building. For hall that should fit in with the surrounding selves, if they so wish.
Roof construction
Polyurethane-foam ceiling
Polyurethane foam with five layers of composite foil. The colour (white)
brightens and cheers up the room. The ceiling can be cleaned with a
high-pressure cleaner. All ceiling panels are already made-to-measure
upon delivery; support fittings are already attached to the trusses in the
factory. Easy assembly and reliable pest-control due to the slightly-
curved and foil-coated longitudinal sides.
Wooden ceiling
Beautifully natural, breathable and durable, made from 20 mm-thick
triple-layer glued spruce panels. The ceiling elements are pre-fabricated
in the factory and attached to the coupling purlins on site. Ceiling
insulation: mineral fibre mats made of basalt or stone wool, insulation
thickness 120 mm = 2 x 60 mm, cross-laid.
Corrugated sheet roof
Corrugated sheets can absorb moisture and are therefore particularly
suitable for cold-housing sheds. As many transparent roofing sheets
as required can be integrated into the roof surface. The truss/purlin
structure is simple and inexpensive.
Purlin-and-rafter roof
Traditional system in conjunction with tile or precast concrete block
cement roofing and roof boarding. The height of the rafters provides
optimum air flow under the roof panels.
Light/air roof ridge vent
Optimal lighting and ideal air flow are impor- are generally used for all ridge roof vents connecting elements. This increases durabili-
tant requirements for perfect cow comfort. apart from raisable and “tabletop” roof ridge ty and prevents dirt accumulation; assembly
HÖRMANN offers a choice of different light/ vents. The sheets are seamlessly clicked requires minimum time expenditure. We can
air roof ridge vents for all situations. Double- together using a special tongue-and-groove also manufacture HÖRMANN light/air roof
layered UV-protected polycarbonate sheets system, without the necessity for any other ridge vents to cope with greater snow loads.
The sliding roof ridge vent has the largest ventilation opening. The one-
sided version achieves a ventilation cross-section area of approx 1.20
m. Optional - the other side of the roof ridge can be fitted with fixed
transparent roofing sheets.
“ML raisable roof ridge vent”
The raisable roof ridge vent is a low-cost option if less direct light is
Vent opening required. It is often used in milking and holding areas as well as in the
max. 74 cm
restructuring of existing buildings.
Light/air roof ridge vent
All HÖRMANN aluminium ridge purlins proofing. Due to the special form of the and high d urability. Additionally, a lateral
are self-supporting up to a distance of 6 aluminium purlin, the transparent roofing end cover can be a ttached or, if this is not
m between the trusses. Inserted rubber sheet is clamped tightly and screws are desired, air discharge can be increased by
sealing strips ensure optimum water- not necessary,meaning quick assembly using larger distance brackets.
“Saw-tooth roof” approx. 1.00 m – 1.70 m
Vent opening
max. 80 cm
Side-ventilation – clerestory windows
Adjustable clerestory windows, providing of double-layered polycarbonate sheets o ptional cable winch or crank – either
ample ventilation, ensure that housing with a tongue-and-groove system manually or electrically. Electrically-
for farm animals is suitable and adequate. for jointless assembly. The windows driven mechanisms can be thermal- and
HÖRMANN clerestory windows are made can be raised or lowered using an wind-controlled.
approx. 1.70 m
hand winch
or motor
Fresh-air channel
Supporting board
mounted on the truss
Fresh-air intake regulated via full-length
flaps (jet effect). Fresh-air intake for rear-
Fresh-air intake
ventilation of the structure and ventilation of
the cattle shed.
max. 1.50 m
BP clerestory windows
• Ventilation height: up to 1.60 m
• Large guide distance due to wide,
horizontal aluminium edging strip
• The crank mechanism makes it possible to
install longer rows of clerestory windows
chain sprocket
max. 5.00 m or motor
Side-ventilation – roller blinds
“Standard” model
• Height of opening: up to 2.50 m
approx. 3.00 m motor
• Length of opening with one drive
mechanism: up to 70 m
• Also available as cable-winch version for
small openings
max. 2.50 m
“Standard double” model
• Height of opening: up to 5.20 m
• Length of opening with one drive mechanism: up to 50 m
approx. 3.00 m
max. 5.20 m
telescopic knuckle
approx. 3.00 m
max. 5.20 m
“Vario” model
• With the addition of a motor, the closing
height and position of the whole unit is
infinitely variable (e.g. shade).
• Height of opening: up to 5.20 m
• Length of opening with one drive
motor guide rails
mechanism: up to 50 m
Doors and gates
The HÖRMANN company manufactures its and exterior surfaces of our products can be fitted with a vapour barrier; models that are
own doors, sliding doors and gates. This covered not only with spruce or larch, but only covered on one side are not insulated.
means that they can be manufactured also with trapezoidal metal sheets, Betoplan In order to ensure that the glass is shatter-
according to individual on-site conditions or galvanised metal sheets. Models that proof, the panes are made of high-quality
and customer requirements. Both the interior are covered on both sides are insulated and twin-wall sheets or plexiglas.
Double-wing doors
Construction The double-winged door is inserted into the reveal at 3-4 cm, so that the sliding door can be
• Z-shaped aluminium door frame; angle installed as close to the wall as possible.
iron or rectangular tubing optional
• Door leaves made from RP profiles
• Hot-dip galvanised after welding process
• Sturdy mortise lock with lever key; if
required, also profile cylinder lock-
• Aluminium-alloy door handle
• Gates: interior top and bottom cane bolts
Sliding doors
• Rectangular-tubing frame 60 x 40 mm
• Hot-dip galvanised after welding process
• Top: closed runner with double set of
ball-bearing rollers
• Bottom: traversable plastic runner
• Cane bolt (floor level) or slide bolt -
• One door handle or recessed grip per door Electrically-operated, remote-controlled sliding door with exterior sliding windows.
min. 2 cm
min. 2 cm
Sectional doors; Roll-up doors; Strip curtains
< 2 months 2-4 months 4-6 months
Cubicle length: 90-95 % of the total length 110 cm 125 cm 150 cm
Cubicle width: 2 x shoulder width 55 cm 60 cm 70 cm
Neck rail height: 70 % of the body height 60 cm 65 cm 70 cm
150 cm
90 cm 110 cm
165 cm 180 cm
1.5 35
1.7 4.5 m² (2-8 weeks) 45
1.8 6 m² (9 weeks +) 50
The self-locking calf yoke can be fitted with a swing arm, which offers
the animals a particular degree of comfort. Foldaway spigot-bucket
holder and feeding trough divider with screw-on bucket rings are
The calves have more freedom with a rear barrier on the calf-feeding available upon request.
station, than with a feed barrier at the front. The standing area can easily
be kept clean due to the self-supporting structure.
11,50 m
• Low-priced self-assembly set
• Ideal room temperature for healthy calves
• Early exposure to stall system
• Self-supporting tube-frame structure with
purlins, roof boarding and trapezoidal sheet
metal roof
• Covered on three sides with a wind-protec-
tion net
protected drinking
1.7 4.5bowl
m² (2-8 weeks) 45
1.8 6 m² (9 weeks +) 50
1.5 35
1.7 4.5 m² (2-8 weeks) 45
1.8 6 m² (9 weeks +) 50
Calf stalls are manufactured in rows or as transportable individual stalls 30 mm-thick PVC profiles. The PVC grid floor is suitable for litter and is more
with a foldaway handle and rear wheels. Side and rear walls are made of hygienic.
Young-stock sheds
In young-stock housing, light and air are also necessary for successful breeding results.
In compartmentalised housing, a 1:1 feed/stall ratio is possible if there Three- or four-tube telescopic gates can be installed in manure aisles
is limited space. and free-stall systems. If required, these can be provided with cut-out
sections for conventional drinking bowls.
Young-stock stalls are available in various
length and widths, depending on the size of
each individual animal. The model featuring
a mounting bar reduces the risk of injury
during mounting. The stalls can easily be
doweled to rubber flooring. The stalls are
available in the following lengths: 1½", 1640
mm and 2", 1800 mm. The young-stock feed
barrier is positioned in height according to
the age of the animal.
If no confinement is required, we recommend a diagonal or tombstone In young-stock housing, light and air are also necessary for successful
feed fence to prevent the animals from crowding each other out. breeding results.
Sloped-floor system sheds
Feed table
Walking/dung passage
Sloped-floor systems are particularly suitable Litter can be spread by hand (e.g. from a wastage is significantly lower than in deep
not only for suckling cows and rearing young platform straw-spreader) or by machine litter housing.
stock, but also for fattening heifers and bulls. (e.g. straw spreader or blower). Straw
Bull sheds
Fully-slatted flooring
The major advantages lie in labour
management.Depending on the type of
housing, an additional crowd alley along the
exterior wall is often planned.
Lying area
area Feed table
Self-locking feed yokes
If the 1½" self-locking feed yoke is fitted with
an extra swing arm, the animals find it easier
to feed and are able to eat more, and there is
more protection from injury.
“Ideal” stalls
Feeding/resting stalls
The drop-down bars of the HÖRMANN “Fallmatik” device automatically The raised neck guard enables the animals to move freely and is often
confine the animals upon entering. used for sick animals.
“HK” stalls
HÖRMANN-Komfort (comfort stalls)
The HÖRMANN comfort stall offers your animals optimal headroom and
can be fitted with neck strap or neck rail. Optional: stabilising bar at the
front or mounting bar at the rear.
Free-standing stalls
with mounting bar
Special fixtures for stainless-steel (V2A) troughs can be supplied. The elastic strap can be quickly and easily retightened using the
clamping device.
Free-standing stalls
without mounting bar
The structure is suitable for raised-floor or deep-litter stalls and can be The positioning of two single stalls directly opposite each other allows
fitted with all standard floor coverings. for a generous amount of headroom and spacious service aisles.
Floor coverings for cubicles and walking alleys
The system that has been common practice in the rearing of young
stock for a long time is increasingly being implemented in dairy
farming. The raised-floor stall that is both labour- and time-saving
can be fitted with low-cost and at the same time extremely high-
quality, comfortable rubber mats. These comfortable and skid-
proof floor coverings make it easier to maintain hygienic conditions
in the lying area and comply with all animal maintenance regu-
lations. HÖRMANN customers can choose from the large range of
products supplied by our partner GUMMIWERK in Kraiburg.
Kura-S and Kura-P rubber mats increase skid resistance and are
exceptionally claw-friendly. The mats are individually cut to size for
each slatted floor. On solid walking areas, such as manure alleys,
individual mats are seamlessly fitted together. The investment in
animal-friendly walking areas is well worth the expense.
plastic (KK)
profiles are used
to cover up the
KEW Plus featuring three functional layers: rub- Due to the special honeycomb profile on The roll mat is made completely of rubber
ber top mat – foam insert – rubber bottom mat the underside, the KKM cosy mat provides with a woven fabric inlay. The upper
guarantees the highest degree of lying comfort excellent lying comfort and is inherently side with its hammerblow-profile and
and the correct positioning of the a nimal, the stable and permanently soft. The sealing the underside with its knobbed profile
ideal degree of suppleness for every pressure lips on the back of the mat reduce the guarantee optimal cushioning and the
load, permanent elasticity, optimal support for amount of dirt on the underside and the highest degree of lying comfort. Available
the animal when standing up, and the return integrated soft gradient at the back of the in widths ranging from 150 cm to 180 cm
of the surface dent, caused by the animal when mat promotes cleanliness. The mat is also and lengths of up to 35 m.
lying down, to its original state. Slightly sloped very easy to lay, clean and disinfect.
at the back to aid cleaning, professionally fitted
with system profiles. Thickness approx. 6 cm,
length 183 cm, width 115/120/125/130 cm.
Slatted flooring
For many years, the HÖRMANN company has Our manufacturers benefit from many years of slatted flooring is made from C35/45 (previously
been co-operating with the companies NAGL experience and guarantee skid-free flooring, B45) quality concrete and is extremely resistant
in Wurmannsquick and BETZ in Kirchardt, both robust quality, durability and animal-friendly to chemical attacks. Planning and implemen
experienced manufacturers of slatted flooring. functionality in accordance with DIN 18908. The tation is carried out by our trained field staff.
Low-noise fan, complete with stainless-steel (V2A) blades. Performance characteristics: 3-phase Insertable protective 2" railings provide
400-V motor, 0.75 kW, fan efficiency 39500 m3/h, dimensions 1378 mm x 1378 mm. 3-phase permanent door protection and prevent the
motors are more reliable than 230-V machines. They last longer and use less power. animals from escaping when the doors are
Claw stands can be mounted on a fixed installation or attached to the stalls at a later stage. The HÖRMANN telescopic brush set adjusts
Immediate claw care is extremely important as the animals’ ability to walk properly ensures automatically according to the size of each
success. WERNER claw stands are robust and durable. animal.
Drinking bowls and drinking troughs
An adequate, animal-friendly water supply is a prerequisite for performance tried and tested over a period of many years –, which are characterised by their
and success in modern dairy cattle sheds. HÖRMANN uses SUEVIA products – functionality and durability. The water receptacles are, of course, frost-proof!
Stainless steel (V2A) flat tip-over troughs allow the animals to drink quickly and are quick and easy to clean. The troughs are available in the following
lengths: 100, 150 and 200, and can be wall- or floor-mounted.
Drinking bowls with a large cast-iron water basin and an easy-to- The double-valve trough reduces the crowding that can be observed at
operate brass tube valve are often used in young-stock or calving areas. long drinking troughs, because two animals can drink at the same time.
Wide-scraper manure removal
This system is ideal for the removal of manure can be fed into a manure press manure scrapers can also be used as an
manure from walking alleys in cattle sheds. using a push-rod system. Remember underfloor system in rabbit hutches and
Slurry is scraped into cross channels; solid that small animals make a mess, too. Our hen houses.
approx. 50 cm
Manure scraper Wide hinged scraper with middle hinge
nar sc ra Heavy, perfectly aligned with the surface
r ow p e r
er t wid
han th 5
ma 0 c m
Standard manure scraper
l l ey with slotted-hole guided
height scraper blades
Pivoted wing scrapers Stainless steel (V2A), there-
Ideally aligned with the curb or edge of the stall; fore extremely durable
no risk of injury to the animal in the lying area
Retractable scrapers
Retract when in reverse mode; adjustable
scraper blade edge with hard rubber lip
One cable winch moves the scraper forwards, the second cable winch portions to a subsequently operated manure press using an additional
moves it backwards. Switching to reverse mode is automatic, the step-by-step control device. Safety cover for the open cable guides: see
scraper returns to the starting point. Solid manure can be added in accessories.
Both sides on Motor
bearing blocks Extremely robust, from 0.37 to 0.75
kW, with flange-mounted gear
mechanism in accordance with the
IEC norm
Top wall-mounted, vertical guide pulley Stand-mounted in a concrete wall Double floor installation, horizontal guide pulley
Wide scraper models
for alleys fitted with rubber flooring
Hinged, front-sloped flap scrapers prevent the cows’ tails from being Stainless steel (V2A) rope lock enables the quick and secure attachment
caught and reduce the risk of injury to the foot. of the stainless steel (V2A) rope.
Different types of manure discharge
The scraper automatically opens the raisable The animals are not hindered in any way
cover and guides the liquid manure into the when the cover is closed.
cross channel.
Computer control
BS Multi Control
• Crowding alley
By means of a separate control unit in the milking parlour, a manure
alley can also be used as a crowding alley in front of the holding
• Automatic switching
of cross conveyors, slurry pump, signal marking the end of the run,
etc., are possible.
Pre-select stepwise stepwise discharge Very easy to operate with four buttons and a
start A or B and return turn switch.
Hydraulische Druck-/Pressentmistung
The advantages of this manure removal system for solid manure are If the dung heap is far away, if there are extreme height differences
obvious: Flexible adaptability to the local conditions, large pile capacity, to be negotiated or if the dung heap is inconveniently located (due to
smooth-running, underground channel, no drafts in the cattle shed, buildings, roads or paths), our hydraulic high-pressure manure press is
totally frost-proof. the ideal system for your cattle shed.
Tie-stall barns
Customised buildings
The barn, auction room and outhouses of the livestock auction building in Wertingen were all built by the HÖRMANN company.
Goat sheds
An insulated sandwich roof with side ventilation for increased light and air circulation provides an An extremely modern milking carousel catering
ideal shed climate, enhancing the health and performance of the goats. for 40 animals has been installed in the milking
parlour attached to the side of the building.
Your Company
Steelworks, Buchloe,
Area Representatives
Germany Switzerland
Subject to technical alterations. Version A 2011
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