One Way and Two Way Slab Example
One Way and Two Way Slab Example
One Way and Two Way Slab Example
1) A monolithically casted reinforced concrete floor composed of rectangular panels with plan
dimensions is shown in the figure below. The floor carries a live load of 3kN/m2 and
floor finish and partition wall loads are estimated to be 2.5 kN/m2. The materials used
are C20/ 25 concrete and S 300 steel. Design all panels of the floor and the stair case (h=3m).
Use Cnom 20mm.
Assuming As,req = As,prov, multiplication factor for “L/d” ratio for fyk 500MPa is
Multiplication factor for “L/d” (m) = 500 /(fykAs,req / As,prov) = 500 /fyk = 500/300 = 1.67
Overall depth of the slab (D) = d + CC + /2 = 138.19 + 20 + 12/2 = 164.19mm, Assuming 12
main reinforcement
Step - 4) Loading
Panel Slab Pd
Type Support condition Lx (m) Ly/Lx System ai (KN/m2) (KNm/m)
4.00 axs = 0.084 13.38 Mxs 17.98
4.00 axf 0.063 13.38 Mxf 13.49
4.00 ays = 13.38 Mys 0.00
1 4.00 1.5 Two way ayf 0.044 13.38 Myf 9.42
6.00 axs = 0.037 13.38 Mxs 17.82
6.00 axf 0.028 13.38 Mxf 13.49
6.00 ays = 0.032 13.38 Mys 15.41
2 6.00 1.1 Two way ayf 0.024 13.38 Myf 11.56
Unadjusted Moment
( )
Since the adjustment is b/n two way and one way slab, the maximum of the two values will be
taken. Ms=17.82 KNm/m
Since the adjustment is b/n two way and one way slab, the maximum of the two values will be
taken. Ms=26.97 KNm/m
Since the adjustment is b/n two way and cantilever slab, the maximum of the two values will be
taken. Ms=17.82 KNm/m in the shorter direction and Ms = 15.41 in the longer direction.
If the support moment is increased, no adjustment shall be made to the span moments. If the
support moment is decreased, the span moments Mxf and Myf are then increased to allow for
the changes of support moment.
( )
( )
Ly/Lx = 1.5
Cx = 0.421, Cy = 0.310
Ly/Lx = 1.1
Cx = 0.356, Cy = 0.220
3. Adjusted Moment
Shear force analysis for each panel is shown in the following table.
5 Cantilever
√ √
⁄ ⁄
[ ( ) ( ) ]
As is less than that no shear reinforcement is required.
Step – 11) Load on beams
h) Effective depth
Shorter span
Longer span
f ctm 2.2104
min 0.26 0.26 0.00192
f yk 300
Smax {
Smax = 400mm
Smax {
Smax = 450mm
Asmax = 0.04Ac
=[ √ ]*
Msup 17.82 144 1000 0.00343 0.0019 0.00343 493.89 12 229 220 513.82
Mspa 5.02 144 1000 0.000938 0.0019 0.00192 276.48 12 409 400 282.60
Mxs 26.97 144 1000 0.005311 0.0019 0.00531 764.85 12 148 140 807.43
Mxf 20.89 144 1000 0.004051 0.0019 0.00405 583.32 12 194 190 594.95
Mys 20.78 144 1000 0.004028 0.0019 0.00403 580.09 12 195 190 594.95
4 Myf 17.75 132 1000 0.004099 0.0019 0.00410 541.01 12 209 200 565.20
Msup 15.41 144 1000 0.002949 0.0019 0.00295 424.65 12 266 270 418.67
L 0 0
[ √ √ √ ]
f ck 20
0 0.00447
1000 1000
Check for deflection for each panel is shown in the following table
Panel Support multiplication Lx/d L/d
Type Lx (mm) Condtion Slab System K-Value Lx (mm) d (mm) ρ ρo factor (m) (actual) (limitting) Lx/dact L/dlim
1 4000.00 End Span Two way 1.3 4000.00 144 0.0025693 0.00447 1.70 27.8 70.12 OK
2 6000.00 Interior span Two way 1.5 6000.00 144 0.0025693 0.00447 1.70 41.7 80.90 OK
3 3000.00 Interior span One way 1.5 3000.00 144 0.0009377 0.00447 1.70 20.8 377.19 OK
4 6000.00 End Span Two way 1.3 6000.00 144 0.0039166 0.00447 1.67 41.7 42.16 OK
5 1500.00 Cantilever Cantilever 0.4 1500.00 144 0.00192 0.00447 1.68 10.4 32.68 OK