Near-Infrared-Fluorescent Erythrocyte-Mimicking Particles: Physical and Optical Characteristics
Near-Infrared-Fluorescent Erythrocyte-Mimicking Particles: Physical and Optical Characteristics
Near-Infrared-Fluorescent Erythrocyte-Mimicking Particles: Physical and Optical Characteristics
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TBME.2018.2866368, IEEE
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
TBME-00445-2018.R1 1
Near-Infrared-Fluorescent Erythrocyte-
Mimicking Particles: Physical and Optical
Jack C. Tang, Allen Partono, and Bahman Anvari
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0018-9294 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
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Recently, we have encapsulated ICG using hemoglobin- To remove intracellular hemoglobin, the isolated RBCs
depleted red blood cells (RBCs), also known as erythrocyte were incubated in increasingly hypotonic conditions.
ghosts (EGs) [54-57]. We refer to these ICG loaded particles Specifically, we incubated the RBCs for 20 minutes in 0.5X
as NIR erythrocyte-mimicking transducers (NETs) since they PBS (1 ml, 4 °C). These RBCs were then collected by
can use NIR light to generate heat, fluorescence, and reactive centrifugation (20,000 × g, 15 minutes, 4 °C), and the red
oxygen species [58]. Several groups, including our own, have supernatant (containing hemoglobin and other intracellular
investigated NETs for imaging, phototherapeutic, and drug- contents) was discarded. The pellet of these erythrocytes with
delivery applications [55-57, 59-62]. EGs have been used to partial hemoglobin depletion was then re-suspended in 1 ml of
encapsulate and deliver other therapeutic and diagnostic 0.5X PBS. This hypotonic treatment in 0.5X PBS was
payloads as well [63-65]. repeated a total of three times. Then, we decreased the tonicity
Native RBCs have long circulation times on the order of of the buffer, and re-suspended the erythrocytes in 0.25X PBS
≈90-120 days, attributed in part to the presence of specific and incubated them for 20 minutes at 4 °C. Then, the particles
“self-marker” membrane proteins such as CD47, that allow were centrifugally washed (20,000 × g, 15 minutes, 4 °C).
them to evade immune cells [66]. We have previously Hypotonic treatment and wash in 0.25X PBS was repeated a
demonstrated that CD47 can remain on the surface of NETs total of three times.
[56]; hence, providing a mechanism for extended circulation Hemoglobin-depleted EGs were then resealed by
of NETs. As constructs that can be fabricated using centrifugally washing the pellet in 1X PBS (20,000 × g, 15
autologous blood or compatible blood types, NETs may prove minutes, 4 °C), and re-suspending the pellet in 1X PBS. The
to be non-toxic materials for biomedical imaging and resulting micrometer-sized EGs (EGs) were diluted to have
therapeutic applications. an absorbance value of two at 280 nm, corresponding to ≈0.04
A useful feature of NETs is that their diameter can be tuned ml of EGs used for each 1 ml of NETs. The 280 nm
to various sizes ranging from nanometer to micrometer scale, wavelength corresponds to the absorption peak of the aromatic
and that their ICG content can be adjusted during the rings found in proteins, which enabled us to control the
fabrication process. Nanometer-sized NETs (nNETs) have amount of EG material in each sample.
relevance to cancer optical theranostics, based on the
enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect [67, 68].
Micrometer-sized NETs (NETs) may be useful for
angiography, and photothermal treatment of vascular
cutaneous diseases, such as the port wine stain.
In this study, we fabricated NETs, and nNETs formed by
two methods based on mechanical extrusion, and sonication.
Our objective was to investigate the effects of changing the
ICG concentration utilized during the fabrication process on
the resulting material properties, including zeta potential, ICG
loading efficiency, and optical absorption and fluorescence
characteristics of both NETs and nNETs. We also
demonstrate that NETs can retain their fluorescence
characteristics for at least up to 12 hours in storage (4 °C) and
at physiological (37 °C) temperatures. The fluorescence
characteristics are particularly important for clinical
translation of NETs for biomedical fluorescence imaging, and
provide the basis for selecting an optimized concentration of Fig. 1. Schematic of the processes to fabricate micrometer- and nanometer-
ICG that can produce NETs and nNETs with maximal sized NETs (NETs and nNETs, respectively). After the formation of
micrometer-sized erythrocyte ghosts (EGs), these particles can be loaded
fluorescence emission. with ICG to form NETs. EGs are mechanically extruded, or sonicated to
reduce their size to the nanometer scale before loading with ICG to yield
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(100,000 × g, one hour, 4 °C) in a Type 90ti rotor (Beckman averaged. This was done for three independent samples, and
Coulter, Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA) and re-suspended in 1X used to estimate the mean and the corresponding SD.
Under the extrusion method, EGs were sequentially E. Fluorescence Microscopy of NETs
extruded through track-etched polyester membranes Fluorescence images of NETs were obtained using a
(Sterlitech Corp., Kent, WA, USA) with defined pore Hamamatsu C9100-13 electron-multiplying charge-coupled
diameters (800, 400, and 200 nm) to form nanometer-sized detector (Hamamatsu, Japan) with a Nikon Eclipse Ti
EGs (nEGs). EGs were passed through each size membrane at microscope (Tokyo, Japan) and a Chroma Li-Cor IR800 filter
least three times. To prevent excessive clogging of the pores, cube (Bellows Falls, Vermont, USA). We used a Nikon oil-
EGs were diluted ten-fold in 1X PBS prior to extrusion and immersion objective lens with 100x magnification (Tokyo,
re-concentrated afterwards. Extrusion was performed using a Japan). The excitation band was 740 ± 20 nm, and the
10 ml LIPEX® extruder (TRANSFERRA Nanosciences Inc., emission was passed through a filter transmitting wavelengths
Burnaby, B.C., Canada). Extruded nEGs were then greater than 780 nm.
centrifugally washed (100,000 × g, one hour, 4 °C), and re- F. UV-Vis-NIR Absorption Spectra of NETs
suspended in their original volume of 1X PBS.
Steady-state absorption spectrum of each formulation of
C. Loading EGs with ICG to form NETs NETs was recorded using a UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer
Each type of EG (micrometer-, and nanometer-sized formed (JASCO V-670, Tokyo, Japan) in transmission mode with a
by sonication or extrusion) was loaded with ICG by incubating quartz absorbance microcuvette (1 cm pathlength). The
the EGs in a hypotonic solution containing ICG. The ICG spectral range for all absorbance measurements was from 230-
loading buffer contained a 1:1:1 volume ratio of EGs, 1100 nm to ensure that both the UV and NIR absorption, from
Sørensen’s phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.4), and a known proteins and ICG respectively, were recorded.
concentration of aqueous ICG. We varied the total The spectral features of ICG provide insight into the
concentration of the ICG loading buffer (0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, conformational states of ICG present within NETs. ICG can
75, and 100 M) and incubated the EGs with the indicated be in either a monomeric form, indicated by an absorption
ICG loading buffers for 30 minutes to form NETs. The total peak at 805 nm, or in an H-like aggregated form [73, 74],
tonicity of the ICG loading buffers was ≈175 mOsm. indicated by a secondary absorption peak at 740 nm. We
Following incubation, excess ICG was removed by define the parameter as the ratio of the monomeric ICG
centrifugation (20,000 × g, 15 minutes for NETs; 100,000 × absorbance to that of the H-like aggregate form of ICG. We
g, one hour for nNETs formed by sonication or extrusion). note that the “absorption” of NETs is effectively a
The supernatant was set aside to quantify the loading combination of optical scattering and photon absorption.
efficiency of ICG into NETs (as described below). The Therefore, the spectra of EGs (formed using 0 M ICG in the
resulting NETs were then washed in 3 ml of 1X PBS to reseal loading buffer) contains both the optical scattering component
the membranes and remove residual ICG. The supernatant of the particles, as well as the absorption component of
from this wash was removed and added to the supernatant for proteins and any residual hemoglobin. To calculate , we first
quantification of the ICG loading efficiency of NETs. NETs removed the contribution of optical scattering and absorption
were then re-suspended in 1 ml of 1X PBS for characterization by other components in NETs by subtracting the baseline
studies. absorption spectrum of EGs (constructs without ICG) from
each absorption spectrum of NETs. Then, we used this
D. Dynamic Light Scattering-Based Measurement of NETs
baseline-subtracted absorbance for the calculation of , as
Diameters and Zeta Potential
The hydrodynamic diameters of each NETs formulation
was measured by dynamic light scattering (DLS) using a A* (λ = 805 nm)
Malvern Zetasizer NanoZS (Malvern, United Kingdom). ψ= (1)
Samples were suspended in 1 ml 1X PBS within a polystyrene A* (λ = 740 nm)
cuvette (1 cm pathlength). Each DLS measurement was
collected at a scattering angle of 90°. We report the size of where A*( = 805 nm) is the absorbance value of NETs at 805
NETs using the z-average diameter, which is the intensity- nm minus the absorbance value of EGs at 805 nm. Similarly,
based harmonic mean of the light-scattering particles [69, 70]. A*( = 740 nm) is the absorbance value of NETs at 740 nm
Eight measurements were taken for each sample, and minus the absorbance value of EGs at 740 nm. Wavelength is
averaged. The average diameters of three independent samples denoted as .
were then used to calculate the mean z-average diameter and G. Quantification of ICG Loading Efficiency of NETs
the corresponding standard deviation (SD).
The zeta potential () of NETs and EGs in 1X PBS were We define the ICG loading efficiency () of NETs as:
also estimated using the Malvern Zetasizer via the msuper
Smoluchowski approximation, which relates the to the ε=1- (2)
observed electrophoretic mobility of the particles [71, 72]. minitial
Each measurement was done in a folded capillary cell at 10
where minitial is the amount of ICG introduced into the loading
°C. Similar to the z-average diameter characterizations, the
buffer, and msuper is the amount of ICG present in the
of each formulation of NETs was measured eight times, and
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supernatant upon completing the fabrication of NETs. The FLuorescence-Assisted Resection and Exploration (FLARE)
supernatant was collected immediately after centrifugation and system [17]. We chose this system as an example since its
stored in a dark refrigerator at 4°C to prevent ICG optical specifications needed for our analyses are readily
photobleaching. Supernatant solutions were contained in available in published scientific literature [17]. The system
disposable polystyrene cuvettes (1 cm pathlength), and their consists of two LED sources for excitation in bands of 656-
absorption spectra (400-1100 nm) were obtained using the 678 nm and 745-779 nm. Fluorescence emission is passed
UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer. To determine msuper, we through two NIR filters with respective bandpass wavelengths
compared the absorbance value of the supernatant at its of 689-725 nm and 800-848 nm. Mathematically, we define ,
spectral peak (780 nm) to a calibration curve (data not shown) the integrated normalized fluorescence emission, as:
that related peak absorbance values of supernatant ICG to
known concentrations of ICG in the same supernatant buffer. λex = 678 nm λem = 725 nm
Currently, the clinical formulation of ICG is free ICG γ= ∑ [ ∫ F(λex , λem ) dλem ]
dissolved in water. In order to compare the optical absorption
λex = 656 nm λem = 689 nm
of NETs with that of free ICG in water, we determined the
equivalent concentration of free ICG that would have the same λex = 678 nm λem = 848 nm
monomer absorbance value as each of the NETs formulations
fabricated using various ICG concentrations in the loading + ∑ [ ∫ F(λex , λem ) dλem ]
buffer. To do this, we first subtracted the baseline spectrum of λex = 656 nm λem = 800 nm
EGs (i.e., particles not loaded with ICG) from the absorption
spectrum of each formulation of NETs. In this manner, we λex = 779 nm λem = 848 nm
eliminated the contribution of optical scattering and protein + ∑ [ ∫ F(λex ,λem ) dλem ] (4)
absorption from each spectrum. We then compared the λex = 745 nm λem = 800 nm
monomeric absorption peaks of baseline-subtracted NETs to a
calibration curve of the monomeric absorption peaks of free
We also determined the relative fluorescence quantum yield
ICG dissolved in water, in the range of ≈1-26 M, to
(NETs) for each of the NETs formulations in response to 780
determine the equivalent free ICG concentration of NETs.
nm excitation wavelength, which corresponds to the
H. Excitation-Emission Mapping of NETs Fluorescence absorption peak of free ICG, as:
To determine the fluorescence characteristics of each
formulation of NETs, we mapped the excitation-emission ϕNETs (λex = 780 nm) = ϕICG (λex = 780 nm)
(ExEm) spectra using a Fluorolog-3 spectrofluorometer
λem = 850 nm
(HORIBA, Ltd., Edison, New Jersey, USA). Solution of NETs ∫λ 𝑓𝑁𝐸𝑇𝑠 (λex = 780 nm, λem ) dλem
em = 800 nm
were contained within a quartz cuvette (1 cm pathlength). The ×[ -ANETs(λex = 780 nm)
excitation wavelengths ranged between 600-830 nm, and were 1 - 10
generated using a 450 W xenon arc lamp. Corresponding to
each excitation wavelength, the bathochromic fluorescence
light was collected by the detector to ensure the collection of 1 - 10-AICG (λex = 780 nm)
×[ λem = 850 nm
] (5)
only the fluorescence, but not the scattered light. ∫λ 𝑓𝐼𝐶𝐺 (λex = 780 nm, λem ) dλem
em = 800 nm
Prior to ExEm mapping, a sample of each NETs
formulation was diluted to have a NIR peak absorbance of 0.2
or lower. To correct for the primary inner-filter effect, which where ICG (ex = 780 nm) is the fluorescence quantum yield (≈
arises from the attenuation of excitation light in strongly 2.58%) [52] of free ICG in water (6.45 M) at 780 nm
absorbing samples [75], the fluorescence intensity values (f) in excitation wavelength, fNETs(ex = 780 nm, em) is the
each ExEm map were normalized with respect to the fluorescence emission intensity of a given NETs formulation
percentage of excitation light absorbed by the sample, as: in response to 780 nm excitation, ANETs (ex = 780 nm) is the
absorbance value of a given NETs formulation at 780 nm, AICG
f(λex , λem ) (ex = 780 nm) is the absorbance value of free ICG in water
F(λex , λem ) = (3) (6.45 M) at 780 nm, and fICG(ex = 780 nm, em) is the
1 - 10-Aex
fluorescence emission intensity of free ICG in water (6.45
where F(ex, em) is the normalized fluorescence emission, ex M) in response to 780 nm excitation wavelength.
is a given excitation wavelength, em is an emission
wavelength in response to excitation at ex, and Aex is the I. Determination of NETs Fluorescence Stability at 4 °C and
absorbance of the diluted NETs formulation at ex. 37 °C
To obtain an estimate of total fluorescence emission for a We investigated the fluorescence stability of the three types
given NETs formulation, we integrated the emission in of NETs fabricated using 20 μM ICG stored at either 4 °C or
response to two bands of excitation wavelengths, 656-678 nm 37 °C for up to 12 hours. Following a given storage time t,
and 745-779 nm. These bands correspond to the excitation each sample of NETs, suspended in 1X PBS, was photo-
light sources utilized in a clinically relevant NIR excited at 780 nm. The normalized fluorescence emission [see
intraoperative fluorescence imaging system, the (3)] at a given t was integrated to yield the quantity I(t) as:
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term storage of nNETs since the particles remain colloidally This sandwich-like, - stacking of individual ICG molecules
stable after freeze-thaw cycling. results in interaction of the individual transition dipole
moments that raises the excited-state energy to produce a blue-
B. Absorption characteristics of NETs
shifted absorption peak [49, 73, 74]. In water, even relatively
The absorption spectra of NETs, nNETs formed by low concentrations of ICG (> 10 M) will begin to form H-
extrusion, and nNETs formed by sonication revealed NIR aggregates [74, 85].
peaks that were centered between 801-805 nm, 797-802 nm, As the ICG concentration in the loading buffer increased,
and 799-802 nm, respectively (Fig. 3). These spectral peaks there was a corresponding non-linear increase in ICG
are attributed to the monomer form of ICG, as indicated in absorption in the range of 600-900 nm for the three types of
previous studies [54-56], and were bathochromically shifted NETs. For example, for NETs [Fig. 3(a)], doubling the
with respect to the absorption peak of free ICG (780 nm) by concentration of ICG in the loading buffer, from 50-100 M,
approximately 20 nm. This shift is consistent with the resulted in an increase in peak NIR absorbance of only 9.4%.
behavior of ICG in emulsions and micellar formulations [52, For nNETs formed by extrusion [Fig. 3(b)], the peak NIR
84], and can be attributed to the intercalation of ICG into the absorbance only increased 27.8% in response to the same
lipid bilayer of NETs and binding to the phospholipids and
increase of 50-100 M ICG in the loading buffer. For nNETs
membrane proteins therein [43, 55, 84], leading to changes in
formed by sonication, this same increase in ICG loading
the conformation of ICG and its electronic states.
buffer did not change the absorption spectrum [Fig. 3(c)]. This
The absorption shoulder in the spectral range of 720-760
result suggests that there is a limit to the amount of ICG that
nm corresponds to the H-like aggregate form of ICG [54, 74].
can be loaded into NETs. Nevertheless, the nNETs formed by
Fig. 3. Optical absorption characteristics of NETs. UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra of: (a) EGs and NETs, (b) nEGs and nNETs formed by extrusion, and (c)
nEGs and nNETs formed by sonication. In panel (d), we present the ratio of the monomer to H-like aggregate absorbance values of ICG ) [see (1)] for NETs
formed using various concentrations of ICG in the loading buffer. The displayed legend (0-100 M) corresponds to the ICG concentration in the loading buffer
to fabricate the three types of NETs and is shared among panels (a), (b), and (c). Each displayed absorption spectrum in panels (a), (b), and (c) is an average of
triplicate samples. Error bars in panel (d) are the SDs associated with the triplicate samples of each formulation.
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values when increasing the ICG concentration in loading excitation wavelengths for these formulations were 678, 678,
buffer [see Fig. 3(d)]. and 676 nm, respectively.
Using (4), we determined the formulations of NETs that
D. Fluorescence Characteristics of NETs
generated maximum fluorescence emission for the detection
Normalized excitation emission (ExEm) maps of NETs bands used in the FLARE intraoperative imaging system [17].
were calculated using (3) based on absorption and To do this, we defined parameter as the integrated
fluorescence spectral data, and are presented as Fig. 5. These normalized emission collected over the excitation and
maps are universal, and can be used by those who may be emission wavelengths used by the system. The two excitation
interested in using a given imaging system. Specifically, by bands were 656-678 nm and 745-779 nm, whereas the two
utilizing these excitation and emission bands, one can select emission collection bands were 689-725 nm and 800-848 nm.
the appropriate NETs formulation suitable for fluorescence NETs with the highest average were fabricated using 10
detection associated with a system of interest. M ICG in the loading buffer [Fig. 6(a)]. This formulation had
We attribute the emission “hot spots” in the range of ≈770-
a value that was statistically different from those associated
830 nm to the monomeric forms of ICG within NETs. The
with the 1 and 100 M ICG loading concentrations. nNETs
most intense monomeric emissions were observed from
formed by either extrusion or sonication had a maximum
NETs and nNETs formed by sonication using 5 M ICG
average when fabricated using 20 M ICG. We also
loading concentration when photo-excited at 778 nm and 780
determined that the maximal values of for the three types of
nm, respectively. Interestingly, 5 M corresponded to the ICG
NETs fabricated using 20 M ICG were not statistically
concentration at which the maximum value of for NETs
was determined [Fig. 3(d)]. nNETs formed by extrusion had different from each other. Therefore, the of NETs and
the highest normalized fluorescence emission intensity value nNETs is effectively maximized when fabricating them using
(F) associated with monomeric ICG when they were 20 M ICG in the loading buffer. The corresponding free ICG
fabricated using 20 M of ICG in the loading buffer and equivalent concentrations for these formulations were 12.3 ±
photo-excited at 780 nm [Fig. 5(b)]. 0.1, 2.8 ± 0.5, and 13 ± 2 M for NETs, nNETs formed by
A general trend associated with all three types of NETs is extrusion, and nNETs formed by sonication [Fig. 4(c)].
that increasing the concentration of ICG in the loading buffer Using (5), we determined the relative fluorescence quantum
beyond their respective values associated with maximum yield, , of NETs in response to excitation at 780 nm, using
monomeric emission as indicated above, produced a second 6.45 M ICG dissolved in water as the reference sample for
emission hot spot associated with the H-like aggregate quantum yield calculations [52]. The maximum values of
emission. Peak values of F associated with H-like aggregate were 4.38%, 3.27%, and 2.98% for NETs, nNETs formed by
emissions were produced using respective ICG loading extrusion, and nNETs formed by sonication, respectively [Fig.
concentrations of 75, 75, and 100 M for NETs, and nNETs 6(b)]. The ICG concentrations used to fabricate NETs with
formed by extrusion or sonication. The corresponding photo- maximum were 10, 10, and 1 M for NETs, nNETs
Fig. 5. Normalized excitation-emission (ExEm) maps for: (a) NETs, (b) nNETs formed by extrusion, and (c) nNETs formed by sonication. NETs were
fabricated using ICG concentrations in the range of 0-100 M. Each displayed ExEm map is an average of three ExEm maps generated using triplicate samples.
The scale bar on the right corresponds to the values of F, [see (3)].
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Fig. 6. Integrated normalized fluorescence emission [see (4)], and relative fluorescence quantum yield [see (5)] of NETs. (a) Values of the integrated normalized
fluorescence emission, , and (b) relative fluorescence quantum yield, , as a function of ICG concentration in the loading buffer for the three types of NETs.
Values of are calculated relative to the of 6.45 M free ICG in water, in response to excitation at 780 nm. Single, double, and triple asterisks indicate
differences of p < 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively. Error bars indicate the SDs associated with triplicate samples.
formed by extrusion, and nNETs formed by sonication, summarize some of the key optical and material properties of
respectively. Encapsulation of ICG into NETs resulted in the three types of fluorescence-optimized NETs in Table I.
values that were up to ≈70, 27, and 16% higher than those for
free ICG for NETs, and nNETs formed by extrusion or
sonication, respectively.
The increase in upon encapsulation of ICG into NETs can
be attributed to the change in the local environment of ICG.
Free ICG has a low value of , partly due to its flexible
polyene bridge that can rotate and fold, providing multiple
pathways for non-radiative decay and relaxation of its energy
from the excited state [86, 87]. ICG, among other cyanine
dyes, is also prone to aggregation and self-quenching [43, 88,
89], which can also reduce . Physical association of ICG
Fig. 7. Time-dependent fluorescence stability, quantified by the metric I* [see
molecules with NETs constituents (e.g., phospholipids and (6)] for NETs and free ICG at (a) 4 °C, and (b) 37 °C. Error bars indicate
membrane proteins) derived from erythrocytes can stabilize normalized SD (SD divided by I(t = 0)) for triplicate samples. Statistical
the polyene bridges and reduce the rate of vibrational significance is evaluated with respect to the initial values at t = 0. Single,
relaxation from the excited state, which can lead to increased double, and triple asterisks indicate differences of p < 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001,
respectively. The excitation wavelength was 780 nm.
E. Fluorescence Stability of NETs and Free ICG
After 12 hours of storage at 4 °C, there were no statistically
significant changes in the values of I* [see (6)] for the three
Type of NETs z-average (mV) (%) (%)
types of NETs (Fig. 7a). However, free ICG showed ≈ 50% diameter (nm)
reduction in I* after 12 hours of storage at 4 °C. Micron-sized
NETs 2090 ± 30 -12.9 ± 0.4 40 ± 2 3.8 ± 0.1
and nano-sized NETs formed by extrusion did not show
statistically significant changes in I* after 12 hours of storage nNETs formed
225 ± 8 -12.0 ± 1.0 22 ± 3 3.2 ± 0.4
at 4 °C or 37 °C (Fig. 7a and b), indicating their fluorescence by extrusion
stability. NETs formed by sonication showed about 15%
nNETs formed
reduction in I* after 12 hours of storage at 37 °C (Fig. 7b), by sonication
181.1 ± 0.5 -15.1 ± 0.9 72 ± 2 1.8 ± 0.4
suggesting that sonication may have resulted in formation of
NETs with weakened membrane, leading to some ICG leakage For the z-average diameter and , the uncertainty values indicate the SD of
or degradation over this time interval. In comparison, free ICG triplicate samples, where each sample was measured eight times and averaged
after four hours of storage showed 40% reduction in I*, which to obtain a single value. The uncertainty of the estimated and values
was further increased to 50% after 12 hours. Finally, we indicate the SD associated with a single measurement for triplicate samples.
0018-9294 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
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TBME-00445-2018.R1 10
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