Corneal Topography A Guide For Clinical
Corneal Topography A Guide For Clinical
Corneal Topography A Guide For Clinical
Topo aphy
A Gu e f Cl cal Appl ca
he Wavef Ea
Ed it o r : Mi Wa , MD, PhD
Co -Ed it o r : T ac y Sc h o d Swa tz , OD, MS, FAAO
SLACK Incorporated
Ming Wang, MD, PhD
Director, Wang Vision Cataract and LASIK Center
Clinical Associate Professor of O phthalmology, University of Tennessee
International President, Shanghai Aier Eye Hospital
Tracy Schroeder Swartz, OD, MS, FAAO
Center Director, VisionAmerica
Huntsville, Alabama
ISBN: 978-1-55642-970-5
Cover images compliments of Ryan Vida, OD, Wang Vision Cataract and LASIK Center, Nashville, TN.
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Corneal topography : a guide for clinical application in the wavefront era / edited by Ming Wang ; co-editor Tracy S. Swartz.
-- 2nd ed.
p. ; cm.
Rev. ed. of: Corneal topography in the wavefront era / edited by Ming Wang ; coordinated by Tracy Swartz. c2006.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-55642-970-5 (alk. paper)
1. Corneal topography. 2. Cornea--Pathophysiology. 3. Cornea--Surgery. I. Wang, Ming X., 1960- II. Swartz, Tracy
Schroeder. III. Wang, Ming X., 1960- Corneal topography in the wavefront era.
[DNLM: 1. Corneal Topography--instrumentation. 2. Cornea--anatomy & histology. 3. Cornea--physiology. 4. Corneal
Diseases. WW 220]
RE336.C685 2012
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Ded icat ion
To: Professor Zhen-Ping Zhang
Professor Zhang, my dear friend and colleague, your untimely departure has left a void in the hearts of all of us who
care for you. We miss you, Lao Zhang.
Con ten t s
Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
About the Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Contributing Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Foreword by Renato Ambrósio Jr, MD, PhD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Artemis Epithelial Thickness Profile: A Surrogate for Stromal Surface Topography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Dan Z. Reinstein, MD, MA(Cantab), FRCSC, FRCOphth;
Timothy J. Archer, MA(Oxon), DipCompSci(Cantab); and Marine Gobbe, MST(Optom), PhD
Chapter 7 Topography and Wavefront Combined Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
The iTrace Combination Corneal Topography and Wavefront System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Tracy Schroeder Swartz, OD, MS, FAAO and Joe S. Wakil, MD
The Nidek OPD Scan II: A Comprehensive Diagnostic and Planning Platform for Intraocular and
Refractive Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Phillip M. Buscemi, OD; Harkaran S. Bains, BSc; Murray McFadden, MD, FRCSC, DABO;
and Katherine E. Paton, MD, FRCSC, DABO
Topo-Aberrometry With Keratron Onda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Renzo Mattioli, PhD; Massimo Camellin, MD; and Nancy K. Tripoli, MA
Topcon KR-1W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Naoyuki Maeda, MD
Tracy Schroeder Swartz, OD, MS, FAAO currently serves as Center Director of
VisionAmerica in Hunstville, AL where she practices consultative optometry, specializing in
ocular surface disease and dry eye. Originally from Wisconsin, Dr. Swartz attended Indiana
University in Bloomington for her undergraduate education. During optometry school, she
served as an assistant instructor for the Biology department and became interested in pedi-
atrics and strabismus.
After completing her doctorate, she pursued a master’s degree in Physiological Optics,
specializing in pediatrics. She served as faculty at the IU School of Optometry for 4 years,
and earned the Indiana Chapter of the American Academy of Optometry Gordon Heath
Fellowship in 1996.
After completing her master’s, she relocated to Metro DC, where she specialized in refrac-
tive and corneal surgery, and earned her Fellowship in the American Academy of Optometry.
xii Ab o u t t h e Ed it o r s
She later joined Wang Vision Cataract and LASIK Center in Nashville, TN. Here she served as Director of Clinical
Operations, Residency Director for the Optometric Residency Program, and adjunct faculty to Indiana University School
of Optometry. While there, she edited 2 textbooks with Ming Wang, MD, PhD: Corneal Topography in the Wavefront
Era: A Guide for Clinical Application (SLACK Incorporated: Thorofare, NJ; 2006) and Irregular Astigmatism: Diagnosis
and Treatment (SLACK Incorporated: Thorofare, NJ; 2008), as well as authored numerous book chapters on refractive
surgery, topography, aberrometry, and anterior segment disease. She served as Co-Editor for the literature review column
for Cataract and Refractive Surgery Today from 2003 to 2008, and now serves on the editorial board for Optometry Times.
She left Nashville for Huntsville, AL where she became the Center Director for VisionAmerica. She edited 2 textbooks,
Keratoconus and Keratoectasia: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment (SLACK Incorporated: Thorofare, NJ; 2010)
followed by Cornea Handbook (SLACK Incorporated: Thorofare, NJ; 2010). She is a board member of the Optometric
Council for Refractive Technology, is a diplomat of the American Board of Optometery, serves as Adjunct Faculty for the
University of Waterloo School of Optometry in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and tries to be the best soccer mom she can.
Con t r ib u t in g Au t h or s
Ashkan M. Abbey, MD (Chapter 2) Ilan Cohen, MD (Chapter 3)
Miami, Florida New York, New York
Amar Agarwal, MS, FRCS, FRCOphth (Chapter 8) Sonya M. Dakin, COT (Chapter 5)
Chennai, India Houston, Texas
Noel Alpins, FRANZCO, FRCOphth, FACS (Chapter 12) Michael J. Endl, MD (Chapter 5)
Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia Buffalo, New York
Amherst, New York
Renato Ambrósio Jr, MD, PhD (Chapters 5, 6, 11)
Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro Zhengjun Fan, MD (Chapter 11)
Beijing, China
Dianne Anderson, OD, FAAO (Chapter 5)
Naperville, Illinois Claus M. Fichte, MD (Chapter 5)
Amherst, New York
Timothy J. Archer, MA(Oxon), DipCompSci(Cantab)
(Chapters 6, 11) Marine Gobbe, MST(Optom), PhD (Chapters 6, 11)
London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom
Michael W. Belin, MD, FACS (Chapter 6) Mirko R. Jankov II, MD, PhD (Chapters 5, 6)
Nashville, Tennessee Belgrade, Serbia
Ana Laura C. Canedo, MD (Chapters 5, 6) Randy Kojima, OD, FAAO, FOAA (Chapter 9)
Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Xiangjun Chen, MD, MS (Chapters 6, 11) Matthew Lampa, OD, FAAO (Chapter 9)
Oslo, Norway Silverton, Oregon
• Against-the-rule astigmatism, plus inferior steepening, the “C” pattern, suggesting peripheral marginal degenera-
Topography-based FFKC detectors:
• Tomey: positive KC score with either the KC index or KC suspicion index
• EyeSys: I-S > 1.3
• Pentacam: red indicators
• Humphrey Atlas Pathfinder: red zone
Ch a p te r 1
Histo ry
he interface of air with the tear layer on the human Two techniques, keratometry and keratoscopy, were used
cornea accounts for approximately two-thirds of during the past century before merging into the present-day
the eye’s refractive power. The typical cornea is computer-assisted video keratography or, as it is commonly
responsible for 43 D of the 60 D of the refractive power of called, corneal topography (CT). A comprehensive review
the eye. The average radius of curvature, 7.8 mm, generates can help us to understand the real meaning of keratometric
the majority of the refractive power of the cornea (about readings and topographic color maps.
+48.00 D). The posterior surface, with its concave shape
and stromal index similar to that of the aqueous, contrib-
utes about -5.00 D. In addition, the majority of astigmatism
originates from the corneal shape. It is not surprising that H ISTORY OF KERATOMETRY
great effort has been put forth to measure this surface of
the eye. In 1796, Ramsden created a telescope to magnify images
A normal cornea is not spherical but rather asphero- reflected off the cornea to measure corneal curvature.
torical, vaguely like a bell with flat sides that have been Magnification of the reflected images also magnifies the
slightly “squeezed” vertically. “With the rule” (wherein the normal instability of eye movements that becomes a serious
vertical axis is steeper and horizontal axis flatter) corneal issue in making accurate measurements. Ramsden is cred-
astigmatism from around 0.50 to 1.00 D is usually compen- ited with developing a doubling device that eliminates the
sated by the natural tilt of the crystalline lens. The central problems arising from normal instability of eye movements.
6- to 7-mm “apical cap” is ellipsoidal, with nearly constant Not until 1839 was another such instrument used, when
curvature only at its apex. The surrounding periphery is Kohlrausch used a telescope with adjustable mires. In 1881,
considerably flatter. Finally, in some corneas, a small steep Javal and Schiotz improved the instrument by using mires
junction to the limbus (like the bell’s edge) can be found. that were adjustable in size, and this model is still used
Corneal curvature measurement has been the subject clinically as the Haag-Streit ophthalmometer (Haag-Streit
of study since Father Christoph Scheiner’s works on the USA, Mason, OH). The modern configuration is shown in
human eye (1619).1 Ophthalmologists have tried to measure Figure 1-1. Since this and similar instruments measure the
corneal topographic characteristics for more than 150 years, curvature and astigmatism of the cornea, they were renamed
when A. Placido designed the keratoscopy target still in use “keratometers.” Bausch & Lomb (Rochester, NY) improved
today. on the keratometer in 1932 by adding a Scheiner’s disk
Modern corneal topographers calculate a simulated development of modern CT. These include Dekking,6 who
keratometry reading that incorporates the same paraxial in 1930 devised the first “cone,” and Bonnet,7 who in 1964
assumptions of traditional keratometry. These “simulated edited a book on CT, reporting elevation maps obtained
K” readings have been enriched by reporting curvature by stereo-photographic measurement of eyes sprayed with
along “semi-meridians” of the steepest and flattest merid- talcum, a technique more recently replaced by fluores-
ians at different zones (usually 3, 5, and 7 mm) to evaluate cein.8 Mandel published several works on corneal shape
irregular astigmatism in the peripheral cornea. models and contact lens fitting in the 1960s.9-11 In 1979,
Kuyama12 made 3-dimensional isometric computerized
maps, which were subsequently adopted by Sun/Nidek
* In their proposed standards, the ANSI committee has recently qualified the curvature map as “meridional curvature” to distinguish it from Gaussian and
other nondirectional measures. Unfortunately “meridional,” besides being an uncommon term, neglects a more important distinction between curvature
and axial power, both of which are measured along meridians. Therefore, while waiting for an eventual acceptance by CT manufacturers and by ISO, we
will refer only to “curvature” in this text.
** Although the precise boundaries and terminology of the “zones” are controversial among authors in the clinical literature, they are usually referred
to as a change in the corneal curvature.
8 Ch a p t e r 1
11. Mandell RB. Mathematical model of the corneal contour. Brit J 26. Wilson SE, Verity SM, Conger DL. Accuracy and precision of
Physiol Opt. 1971;26(3):183-197. the corneal analysis system and the topographic modeling system.
12. Kuyama H, Sasamoto K, Maruyama S, Itoi M. A new photokeratom- Cornea. 1992;11:28-35.
eter for contact lens in clinic. J Jpn C L Soc. 1979;21(3):80-84. 27. Roberts C. Characterization of the inherent error in a spherically-
13. Maguire LJ, Singer DE, Klyce SD. Graphic presentation of biased corneal topography system in mapping a radially aspheric
computer-analyzed keratoscope photographs. Arch Ophthalmol. surface. J Refract Corneal Surg. 1994;10:103-116.
1987;105:223-230. 28. Cohen KL, Tripoli NK, Holmgren DE, Coggins JM. Assessment of
14. Klein SA. A corneal topography algorithm that produces continuous the height of radial aspheres reported by a computer-assisted kerato-
curvature. Optom Vis Sci. 1992;69:829-834. scope. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (suppl). 1993;34:1217.
15. Roberts C. The accuracy of “power” maps to display curvature 29. Cohen KL, Tripoli NK, Holmgren DE, Coggins JM. Assessment
data in corneal topography systems. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. of the power and height of radial aspheres reported by a computer-
1994;35:3524-3532. assisted keratoscope. Am J Ophthalmol. 1995;119:723-732.
16. Gersten M, Mammone RJ, Brunswick NJ, Larchmont NY. System 30. Tripoli NK, Cohen KL, Holmgren DE, Coggins JM. Assessment of
for topographical modeling of anatomical surfaces. US patent radial aspheres by the Keratron keratoscope using an arc-step algo-
4,863,260. September 5, 1989. rithm. Am J Ophthalmol. 1995;120:658-664.
17. Olsen T. On the calculation of power from curvature of the cornea. 31. Tripoli NK, Cohen KL, Obla P, Coggins JM, Holmgren DE. Height
Br J Ophthalmol. 1986;70:152-154. measurement of astigmatic test surfaces by a keratoscope that uses
18. Koch DD, Foulks GN, Moran CT, Wakil JS. The corneal EyeSys plane geometry reconstruction. Am J Ophthalmol. 1996;121;668-
system: accuracy analysis and reproducibility of first-generation 676.
prototype. J Refract Corneal Surg. 1989;6:423-429. 32. Carones F, Gobbi PG, Brancato R, Venturi E. Comparison between
19. Wilson SE, Wang JY, Klyce SD. Quantification and mathematical two computer-assisted keratoscopes in measuring aspheric surfaces.
analysis of photokeratoscopic images. In: Shanzlin DJ, Robin JB, Invest Ophtalmol Vis Sci (suppl). 1994:3748.
eds. Corneal Topography: Measuring and Modifying the Cornea. 33. Brancato R, Carones F. Topografia corneale computerizzata. Milan,
New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1991:1-9. Italy: Fogliazza; 1994.
20. El Hage SG. The computerized corneal topographer EH-270. In: 34. Mattioli R, Carones F, Cantera E. New algorithms to improve the
Shanzlin DJ, Robin JB, eds. Corneal Topography: Measuring and reconstruction of corneal geometry on the Keratron videokeratogra-
Modifying the Cornea. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1991:11- pher. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (suppl). 1995;36:1400.
24. 35. Mattioli R, Tripoli N. Corneal geometry reconstruction with the
21. Doss JD, Hutson RL, Rowsey JJ, Brown R. Method for calcula- Keratron Videokeratographer. Optom Vis Sci. 1997;74:881-894.
tion of corneal profile and power distribution. Arch Ophthalmol. 36. Kraff CR, Robin JB. Normal corneal topography. In: Shanzlin DJ,
1981;99:1261-1265. Robin JB, eds. Corneal Topography: Measuring and Modifying the
22. Wang J, Rice DA, Klyce SD. A new reconstruction algorithm for Cornea. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1991:33-38.
improvement of corneal topographical analysis. J Corneal Refract 37. Bier N. A study of the cornea in relation to contact lens practice. Am
Surg. 1989;5:379-387. J Optom. 1956;33(6):291-304.
23. van Saarloos PP, Constable IJ. Improved method for calculation of 38. Holladay JT. Corneal topography using the Holladay diagnostic
corneal topography for any photokeratoscopic geometry. Optom Vis summary. J Cataract Refract Surg. 1997;23:209-221.
Sci. 1991;68:957-965. 39. Barsky BA, Klein SA, Garcia DD. Gaussian power, mean sphere,
24. Hannush SB, Crawford SL, Waring GO III, Gemmill MC, Lynn MJ, and cylinder representations for corneal maps with applica-
Nizam A. Accuracy and precision of keratometry, photokeratoscopy tions to the diagnosis of keratoconus. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.
and corneal modeling on calibrated steel balls. Arch Ophthalmol. 1996;37(suppl):558.
1989;107:1235-1239. 40. Barsky B, Klein S, Garcia D. Gaussian power with cylinder vector
25. Maguire LJ, Wilson SE, Camp JJ, Verity SM. Evaluating the field topography maps. Optom Vis Sci. 1997;74:917-925.
reproducibility of topography systems on spherical surfaces. Arch
Ophthalmol. 1993;111:259-262.
Ch a p te r 2
Co rneal
Anato my and Optics
he cornea is the transparent, avascular anterior por- significant refractive power so that light may be appropri-
tion of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and ante- ately focused upon the retina. In fact, the anterior surface of
rior chamber. It comprises the external layer of the the cornea and its associated tear film account for 44 D of
eye along with the sclera, with which it is continuous. The the total 64 D of refractive power in the eye.4 With respect
transition area between the cornea and sclera is the limbus, to protection, the cornea provides both a barrier to fluid
a highly vascularized area of pluripotent stem cells. Fluid loss through tight junctions in apical epithelial cells and a
covers both its anterior (tear film) and posterior (aqueous) barrier to pathogens through membrane-spanning mucins
surfaces. The average horizontal diameter of the oval- at the apical surface. The cornea’s rigidity and ability to
shaped cornea is 11.7 mm, while the vertical diameter is quickly regenerate from mitotically active basal epithelial
10.6 mm, providing an overall area equivalent to one-sixth cells make it well-suited to act as a natural physical shield
of the circumference of the eyeball.1 The cornea is thinnest against ocular trauma.
at its center and undergoes progressive thickening toward
the periphery. On average, corneal thickness ranges from
0.5 mm centrally to 1 mm peripherally.2 The overall corneal
thickness tends to increase with age. ANATOMY AND P H YSIOLOGY
With respect to shape, the cornea is aspheric. The central
one-third (optic zone) of the cornea is almost spherical, and The normal cornea consists of 5 layers, listed from ante-
asymmetric flattening occurs with extension to the periph- rior to posterior: the epithelium, Bowman’s layer, stroma,
ery. The nasal superior portion of the cornea displays more Descemet’s membrane, and endothelium (Figure 2-1).
extensive flattening than the temporal inferior portion.
The cornea serves 2 primary functions in the eye: vision
and protection. With respect to vision, the cornea acts as a Ep it h eliu m
transparent tissue to allow light to be transmitted to the lens
and the retina. Its transparency is dependent on several fac- The corneal epithelium is composed of 5 to 7 layers
tors, including regularity and smoothness of the epithelium, of stratified, squamous epithelial cells and has an overall
its avascularity, and the size and arrangement of extracellu- thickness of 50 to 52 µm.5,6 It is a smooth, regular surface
lar and cellular components in the stroma, which are depen- to which the tear film adheres, and it plays an integral role
dent on the state of hydration, metabolism, and nutrition of as a barrier to pathogens and fluid and solute loss.
the stromal elements.3 Furthermore, the cornea provides
The primary cell type found within the corneal stroma is The average thickness of the tear film is approximately
the keratocyte, which is a type of fibroblast or specialized 7 µm, the majority of which is the aqueous layer.17 The tear
cell of connective tissue. The keratocyte is a flattened cell film serves the following functions: lubricates the anterior
that is interposed between lamellae, and its elongated pro- surface of the eye; acts as a smooth, transparent refractive
cesses often attach through gap junctions to those of other surface for the transmission of light; transfers nutrients and
keratocytes. Keratocytes secrete and maintain the collagen oxygen to the corneal epithelium; protects against infection;
and proteoglycans that form the majority of the corneal and removes desquamated epithelial cells from the surface
stroma. They also produce enzymes that are able to degrade of the eye.18 The lipid layer is produced by meibomian
older collagen fibrils in need of replacement. Furthermore, glands as a means by which to increase surface tension
keratocytes migrate to areas of stromal injury in order to and therefore prevent evaporation of the aqueous layer.
assist with scar formation and collagen repair.11 The aqueous layer is secreted by the main lacrimal glands
In normal corneal stroma, collagen fibrils are arranged and the accessory lacrimal glands of Wolfring and Krause
along the vertical and horizontal meridians, orthogonal and primarily serves to lubricate the corneal epithelium.
to one another.12-15 Furthermore, stromal collagen mass The mucin layer is manufactured by the goblet cells of the
progressively increases from the center of the cornea to conjunctiva and serves to reduce the surface tension of the
the periphery. Both of these characteristics of the corneal aqueous tear layer so that it may adsorb to the epithelium
stroma are integral to the maintenance of appropriate cor- and remain intact between blinks.
neal shape.
aberrant rays, which decreases the effect of oblique rays. The size of angle Kappa in reference to the ablation zone
Essentially, the same problem occurs if the pupil is not becomes important when this angle is large (Figure 2-8).
centered.20 If the visual axis is far from the geometric center of the
Pupil size is uniquely suited to limited aberrations, such cornea, the ablation will be effectively decentered. This is
as spherical aberration and diffraction. The pupil size that most often problematic with a hyperopic treatment where
is best for limiting higher-order aberrations and minimizing the central cornea is steeped around the visual axis.25 With
diffraction is 2.5 mm. The average pupil size is 5 mm, with a refractive surgery, pupil size related to the treatment zone
younger patients naturally having larger pupils.24 remains important. Patients with pupil sizes greater than
8 mm should be identified and appropriately educated about
visual side effects before undergoing keratorefractive surgi-
Cor n ea l Op t ics After cal correction.
Physiologically, the response of the cornea is com-
Keratorefract ive Su rger y plex following ablative procedures. The amount of tissue
removed can be predicted by Munnerlyn’s formula:
Keratorefractive surgery changes the natural shape of
the cornea, typically decreasing the natural safeguards T= 3
against aberrations. Keratorefractive surgeries are suc-
where S is the diameter of the treatment optical zone, D is
cessful because the optical properties of the eye can be
the refractive correction, and T is the maximum amount
manipulated by changing the shape of the cornea. With
of corneal tissue removed in microns. Clinically, for every
radial keratotomy, the central cornea is flattened due to
diopter of correction, approximately 12 µm of tissue are
relaxing incisions (Figure 2-5). When using excimer proce-
removed when using a 6-mm ablation.
dures, the prolate structure of the cornea is changed by the
Ablative, incisional, and INTACS all change keratomet-
removal of a convex positive meniscus for myopic ablations
ric readings. A 0.8-D change in K is associated with a 1-D
(Figure 2-6), a concave positive meniscus for hyperopic
change in refraction.23 This is important for surgical plan-
corrections (Figure 2-7), and a toric positive meniscus in
ning because creating a cornea that is too flat (less than
astigmatic corrections.
35 D) or too steep (more than 52 D) can result in a disabling
loss of visual quality.22
16 Ch a p t e r 2
Figure 2-7 (continued). (B) Hyperopic LASIK creates negative spherical aberration. (Reprinted with per-
mission from Trattler WB, Majmudar PA, Luchs JI, Swartz T. Cornea Handbook. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK
Incorporated; 2010.)
Ks Preop 45.00 (Average) 45.50 (Average)
MR Preop -6.00 -4.50
MR Postop -0.25 -0.50
Ks Postop 40.75 41.25
REΔsp = MRpostop REΔsp = -0.25 – REΔsp = (-0.50) –
Figure 2-8. A large angle Kappa may complicate keratorefrac-
+ MRpreop (-6.00) = +5.75 D (-4.50) = +4.00
tive procedures.
Ksp = Kpreop 45.00 – 5.75 = 45.50 – 4.00 =
– REΔsp 39.25 D 41.50 D
Note the ratio of refractive change to keratometric
change is not 1:1. The mismatch is thought to result from To determine the change in corneal power based on the
the change in posterior corneal curvature following kera- refraction in the corneal plane, the change in refraction
torefractive surgery. In myopic ablative procedures, the must be converted using the following equation:
posterior corneal surface is thought to become more nega- REΔ sp
REΔcp = 1-(0.014*REΔ )
tive at the same time the anterior corneal surface becomes sp
less positive. The natural power ratio between the 2 surfaces
This value can then be subtracted from the preoperative
is altered, and the assumptions used in keratometry create
keratometry value to determine the keratometry value for
significant errors in power measurements.
the corneal plane (Kcp).
The contact lens method uses the known values of power
and base curve combined with over-refraction to determine
In t rao cu la r Len s Ca lcu lat ion s the power of the cornea.26
After Refract ive Su rger y
A considerable amount of research has been done to ORsp = MR with ORsp = -3.00 + ORsp = -1.50 +
improve the ability to calculate intraocular lens (IOL) CL+CL power (-3.00) = -6.00 (-1.50) = -3.00
powers after a refractive procedure. Several methods are
available to cataract surgeons to aid them in IOL power BC of CL = 337.5/7.4 = 45.61 337.5/7.5 = 45.00
calculation. The clinical history method, sometimes referred 337.5/BC (mm)
to as the refraction-derived method, involves subtracting ORcp = ORsp / -6.00/1+(0.014* -3.00/1+(0.014*
the change in refractive error induced by refractive surgery 1+(0.014* ORsp) -6.00) = -5.55 -3) = -2.13
from the average corneal power measured prior to surgery. KCL = BC of CL 45.61 + (-5.55) = 45.00 + (-2.13) =
The equation to determine the change in the corneal power + ORcp 40.06 D 42.87 D
from the known pre- and postoperative refractive and kera-
tometric values is
18 Ch a p t e r 2
Videokeratography measures the central corneal power profiles, significant treatments in less-than-ideal patients
inside the approximately 3-mm zone measured by keratom- may result in undesirable topographical abnormalities.
etry and may give a more accurate power to use in IOL cal-
culation formulas. For eyes that have had refractive surgery,
the corneal power derived from clinical history, contact
lens refraction, or videokeratography should be used in a R EFERENCES
third-generation theoretic formula, such as the Hoffer Q,
Holladay, or SRK/T, to calculate the IOL power used during 1. Duke-Elder S, Wybar KC. Cornea. In: Duke-Elder S, ed. System of
cataract surgery.27 Ophthalmology, Vol. 2: The Anatomy of the Visual System. London,
UK: Henry Kimpton Publishers; 1961:95-131.
Cheng and Lam28 investigated the K-value obtained
2. Gipson IK, Joyce NC, Zieske JD. The anatomy and cell biology
from the Gaussian optics formula (CalK) based on postop- of the human cornea, limbus, conjunctiva, and adnexa. In: Smolin
erative corneal topography by Orbscan II (Bausch & Lomb, G, Foster CS, Thoft RA, Azar DT, Dohlman CH, eds. Smolin and
Rochester, NY) and ultrasound pachymetry, comparing Thoft’s the Cornea: Scientific Foundations & Clinical Practice.
them to those obtained from the clinical history method Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005:1-17.
3. McMenamin PG, Steele C, McGhee CNJ. Cornea: anatomy,
(estK). A high correlation was noted between the K-value
physiology, and healing. In: McGhee CNJ, Taylor HR, Gartry DS,
obtained by the clinical history method and the Gaussian Trokel SL, eds. Excimer Lasers in Ophthalmology: Principles and
optics formula (R = 0.97, P < 0.001). The mean difference Practice. London, UK: Martin Dunitz; 1997:41-45.
between the 2 methods was 0.13 D. However, Preussner and 4. Davson H. Physiology of the Eye. 5th ed. New York, NY: Pergamon
colleagues found that ray tracing is superior to Gaussian Press; 1990.
5. Maurice DM. The Cornea and the Sclera. London, UK: Academic
optics in calculating corneal power, the purpose of IOL
Press; 1985.
calculation.29 6. Warwick R. Eugene Wolff’s Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit. 8th ed.
Aramberri recommends adjusting the SRK/T formula London, UK: Chapman & Hall Medical; 1997:235.
using the double K method. He found using the preopera- 7. Vracko R, Benditt EP. Basal lamina: the scaffold for orderly cell
tive K value from keratometry or topography for the effec- replacement. Observations on regeneration of injured skeletal
muscle fibers and capillaries. J Cell Biol. 1972;55(2):406-419.
tive lens position calculation and using the clinical history
8. Hogan MJ, Alvarado JA, Wedell JE. Histology of the Human Eye.
method with the vergence formula improved the accuracy Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 1971.
of IOL calculation S/P keratorefractive surgery.30 Gimbel 9. Krachmer JH, Mannis MJ, Holland EJ. Cornea, Vol I: Fundamentals,
and Sun31 evaluated target refractions based on measured Diagnosis and Management. 2nd ed. London, UK: Elsevier-Mosby;
and refraction-derived keratometric values by comparing 2005.
10 Farrell RA, McCally RL. Corneal transparency. In: Albert DM,
them with postoperative achieved refractions. Differences
Jakobiec FA, eds. Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology.
between target refractions were calculated using 5 IOL for- Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 2000:629-643.
mulas and 2 A-constants. Refraction-derived keratometric 11. Arffa R. Grayson’s Diseases of the Cornea. 4th ed. St Louis, MO:
values led to more accurate IOL power calculations, along Mosby; 1997.
with using the Holladay 2 or Binkhorst 2 formula. 12. Meek KM, Boote C. The organization of collagen in the corneal
stroma. Exp Eye Res. 2004;78:503-512.
Chen and colleagues32 suggested using the flattest
13. Daxer A, Fratzel P. Collagen fibril orientation in the human corneal
keratometry value by calculation and aiming for -150 rather stroma and its implications in keratoconus. Inv Ophthal Vis Sci.
than plano in lens calculation to reduce the likelihood of 1997;38:121-129.
hyperopia after cataract surgery following keratorefractive 14. Meek KM, Tuft SJ, Huang Y, et al. Changes in collagen orienta-
surgery. Gimbel and colleagues33 also recommended using tion and distribution in keratoconus corneas. Inv Ophthal Vis Sci.
the smaller of the actual or refraction-derived keratometric
15. Hayes S, Boote C, Tift SL, Quantock AJ, Meek KM. A study of
values for calculating IOL power. As increasing numbers of corneal thickness, shape and collagen organization in keratoconus
baby boomers who are S/P keratorefractive surgery qualify using videokeratography and X-ray scattering techniques. Exp Eye
for cataract surgery, it is likely that specific parameters will Res. 2007;84:423-434.
develop to avoid hyperopic postoperative results. 16. Joyce NC, Meklir B, Joyce SJ, Zieske JD. Cell cycle protein
expression and proliferative status in human corneal cells. Invest
Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1996;37:645-655.
17. Holly FJ, Lemp MA. Tear physiology and dry eyes. Surv Ophthalmol.
C ONCLUSION 1977;22:69-87.
18. Stein HA, Slatt BJ, Stein RM, Freeman MI. Fitting Guide for Rigid
and Soft Contact Lenses: A Practical Approach. Philadelphia, PA:
Mosby; 2002:3-12.
The understanding of natural corneal optics and how 19. Müller LJ, Marfurt CF, Kruse F, Tervo TM. Corneal nerves: struc-
they are changed with keratorefractive surgery is required ture, contents, and function. Exp Eye Res. 2003;76:521-542.
for all corneal surgeons. Surgical planning must incorporate 20. Robin JB, Rich LF, Elander RE. Principles and Practice of
the knowledge to safeguard the patient from visual quality Refractive Surgery. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Co; 1997.
21. Fannin TE, Grosvenor T. Clinical Optics. 2nd ed. Boston, MA;
issues arising from drastic changes in corneal architecture.
Butterworth-Heinemann; 1996.
While night vision issues, glare, and distortion are mini- 22. Klyce S. Night vision after LASIK. Ophthalmology.
mized by increased ablation zones and improved ablation 2004;111(1):1,2.
Co r n e a l An a t o my a n d O p t ic s 19
23. Munnerlyn C, Koons S, Marshall J. Photorefractive keratectomy: 29. Preussner PR, Wahl J, Lahdo H, Dick B, Findl O. Ray tracing for
a technique for laser refractive surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg. intraocular lens calculation. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2002;28:1412-
1988;14:46. 1419.
24. Baikoff G, Lutun E, Ferraz C, Wei J. Analysis of the eye’s anterior 30. Aramberri J. Intraocular lens power calculation after corneal
segment with optical coherence tomography: static and dynamic refractive surgery: double-K method. J Cataract Refract Surg.
Study. J Fr Ophtalmol. 2005;28(4):343-352. 2003;29:203-206.
25. Freedman KA, Brown SM, Mathews SM, Young RS. Pupil size and 31. Gimbel HV, Sun R. Accuracy and predictability of intraocular
the ablation zone in laser refractive surgery: considerations based on lens power calculation after laser in situ keratomileusis. J Cataract
geometric optics. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2003;29(10):1924-1931. Refract Surg. 2001;27:571-576.
26. Haigis W. Corneal power after refractive surgery for myopia: con- 32. Chen L, Mannis MJ, Salz JJ, Garcia-Ferrer FJ, Ge J. Analysis of
tact lens method. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2003;29:1397-1411. intraocular lens power calculation in post-radial keratotomy eyes. J
27. Hoffer KJ. Intraocular lens power calculation for eyes after refrac- Cataract Refract Surg. 2003;29:65-70.
tive keratotomy. J Refract Surg. 2004;20(6):783-789. 33. Gimbel HV, Sun R, Furlong MT, van Westenbrugge JA, Kassab
28. Cheng CK, Lam DS. Keratometry for intraocular lens power cal- J. Accuracy and predictability of intraocular lens power calcula-
culation using Orbscan II in eyes with laser in situ keratomileusis. tion after photorefractive keratectomy. J Cataract Refract Surg.
J Refract Surg. 2005;21(4):365-368. 2000;26:1147-1151.
Ch a p te r 3
orneal topography depicts the variations on the how it relates to scaling. The same map may appear differ-
surface of the cornea. Because the cornea is not ently depending on the scale used. Thus, determining which
perfectly spherical, nor does it perfectly coincide scale to use in a particular situation is the key to success.1
with any other geometrical abstraction, we need to consider Initially, a standardized absolute scale was proposed,2
the characteristics on each point along its surface in order to ranging from 9.0 to 101.5 D. The central portion of the range
understand its properties. was measured with 1.5-D step intervals and the extreme
The cornea has 2 surfaces responsible for the refraction limits of the range in 5.0-D step intervals. Although this
of light: the anterior and the posterior. The anterior surface range covered the entire power spectrum seen in corneal
is more important because approximately 90% of refraction practice, salient topographic features were occasionally lost
occurs there. The posterior surface contributes roughly 10% within the 5.0-D intervals, particularly at the low end of
of the total corneal power in a virgin eye. This assumption the scale. Hence, this was modified by the Klyce/Wilson
could lead to significant errors in eyes with keratoconus or Scale,3 which ranged from 28.0 to 65.5 D in equal 1.5-D
postkeratorefractive surgery. step intervals. It has still been argued that the 1.5-D interval
Numerous topographers enable measurement of the sur- is so wide that irregularities in corneal topography may be
face characteristics of the cornea. Each one uses slightly masked. An example of changes in topographic patterns
different formulas or techniques to derive the topographical associated with increased step size is shown in Figure 3-1.
map. To complicate matters, each topographer offers a wide Figure 3-1A shows more detailed irregularity compared to
range of plots to display the information obtained using its counterpart (Figure 3-1B) due to smaller step size.
similar but not identical scales, based on user preferences. However, it has been demonstrated that the 1.5-D scale
When evaluating a topographical map, one must note the can detect all the topographic characteristics identified
scale used and the type of map displayed to avoid misinter- by a more sensitive 1.0-D scale in a consecutive series
pretation. of patients that included contact lens-wearing corneas,
early to moderate and advanced keratoconus, penetrating
keratoplasties, extracapsular cataract extraction, excimer
Figure 3-1. (A) An axial curvature map using a step size of 0.5 D. (B) The same axial curvature map using a step size of 1.0 D.
Note the detail changes as the step size changes.
TABLE 3-1.
Differences Between the American National Standards Institute and Universal Standard Scale
ANSI 1.5 29 to 59 99.2
ANSI 1.0 34 to 54 96.6
ANSI 0.5 39 to 49 86.2
USS 1.5 30 to 67.5 99.9
This standard was anticipated to encompass the presenta- 1.5-D interval gives the best sensitivity, specificity, and
tion of information, the standardized scale, scale interval, range.7
and the representative color palette used for curvature and Table 3-2 describes the ability of topography scales to
elevation maps. It would allow users of corneal topogra- display corneal powers by relating interval size to dioptric
phers to directly compare the topography maps produced range. There is no standardization of topographic scales
by different manufacturers. However, Annex B of the ANSI between commercial companies. This makes it more diffi-
standard, which defines scale intervals, the scale center, and cult to compare examinations performed using different
a color convention, does not specify a single, well-defined systems. For example, in the absolute/standardized scale
color palette but rather suggests a variety of numeric and default mode, the Humphrey Atlas (Carl Zeiss Meditec,
color scale combinations.5 Jena, Germany) ranges from 38.5 to 50.0 D in 0.50-D inter-
In an effort to overcome this potential point of confusion, vals, while the out-of-the-box absolute default scale for the
an alternative color scale was proposed—the Universal Tomey TMS-4 (Tomey Corporation, Nagoya, Japan) ranges
Standard Scale (USS). The USS was able to overcome the from 9 to 101.5 D.
problems encountered with the ANSI standard by associat-
ing a single, well-defined numerical scale with a single,
well-defined color palette. Table 3-1 highlights the differ-
ences between the ANSI and USS scales. This method has I NTERPRETATION
been shown to produce maps that were consistent and could
be rapidly and correctly interpreted. The USS displays a When evaluating a topographic display either through
range of powers that encompass 99.9% of both naturally a printed report or on the instrument’s screen, one should
occurring and surgically induced corneal shapes. The USS study maps in a structured way to avoid mistakes in
is based on 1.5-D intervals and a well-defined color scale interpretation. The guidelines that follow will aid in suc-
that would be most relevant for average clinical uses.7 The cessful interpretation of the maps.8 Once a topographic
Ma p s a n d Sca le s 23
TABLE 3-2. A
Figure 3-3. (A) An axial map. (B) A tangential map of the same eye. Note the focal changes seen with this map are more detailed
than those of the axial map.
Axial curvature maps are obtained by measuring the direction relative to the other points on the particular ring.
curvature of the cornea at each point relative to a specified For this reason, they may be referred to as “meridional
axis, usually the visual axis. The local radius for a corneal maps.” Tangential maps are also sometimes referred to as
surface point can be measured as the distance from the “local curvature” or “instantaneous curvature.” Because
point to the optic axis along the normal. Unfortunately, the axis of reference is different for each point, there is a
this requires the assumption that the center of curvature for higher degree of variability from point to point.9 There is
the specific surface point is located along the optic axis. also a smaller number of mathematical assumptions (ie, the
This radius is then called the axial radius of curvature. The sphericity of the cornea) used in this formula. The tangen-
center for all surface points is on the optic axis for spheri- tial map can recognize sharp power transitions more readily
cal surfaces only, and the cornea is an aspheric surface. than the axial map and eliminates the “smoothing” appear-
While this assumption was acceptable for keratometry, it ance that appears on the axial map for most topographers.
introduces significant error in the corneal periphery. This Because tangential maps are more likely to illustrate focal
effectively smooths small variations on the surface of the irregularities, they are useful in contact lens fitting.
cornea and provides a less irregular map that is easier to When reading a curvature map, it is important not to
read and understand.8 The axial map gives a global view confuse “steepness” (typically pictured by hotter colors)
of the corneal curvature as a whole. However, axial maps with height. Curvature simply means that the shape of the
tend to ignore minor variations in the local curvature. A cornea is changing, but it does not tell the direction of the
comparison between an axial map and a tangential map for change. For example, a curvature map of a keratoconic cor-
the same eye is shown in Figure 3-3. Figure 3-3A is an axial nea characteristically shows red inferiorly, corresponding to
map, which is less irregular than Figure 3-3B, a tangential the inferior distortion of the cornea inherent to the disease.
map. The elevation map of the same eye in Figure 3-4 shows
The tangential map uses calculations based on a different that the inferior portion is not actually elevated, but rather
mathematical approach to more accurately determine the is depressed below that of the reference sphere, due to the
peripheral corneal configuration. Tangential maps represent sharp curve of the cornea inferiorly.
the local curvature of the cornea at each point in meridional
26 Ch a p t e r 3
Figure 3-5. Many systems incorporate several maps into a
single display. This patient reported visual distortion and glare,
which was most easily explained by the refractive power map
(lower right).
ELEVATION M APS Figure 3-6. O perator choices for alignment of anterior eleva-
tion map displays include (A) float alignment, where there are
no constraints assigned to the reference sphere and (B) cen-
A topographical map of a landscape depicts each point tered alignment, where the center of the sphere is constrained
to the viewing axis. (continued)
on the map in relationship to sea level. In corneal topog-
raphy, an elevation map needs to be depicted with relation
to a reference plane. This plane is often a sphere with a
diameter that most closely resembles the overall diameter of Changing the size, shape, or alignment of the reference
that specific cornea. Each point on the cornea that coincides sphere will have an impact on the topography map, just as
with the reference sphere is represented by the color green. changing the sea level would impact the heights of struc-
Warmer colors represent points that are higher than the ref- tures on the land surface. For practical applications, the
erence plane, and cooler colors represent points lower than reference plane is usually set to a sphere. The size of the
the reference plane. Remember that the refractive power of sphere is chosen such that it best fits the cornea in question.
the cornea is not represented by the elevation itself but by Choices for alignment vary, but often include float, cen-
changes in elevation. tered, pinned, or apex. In Figure 3-6, the same eye has been
In refractive surgery, elevation maps are extremely mapped using the 4 choices. When using float alignment,
important. Because removing tissue most directly affects there are no constraints assigned to the reference sphere.
the elevation of the cornea, we have to understand eleva- The diameter and the location of the sphere are chosen to
tion topography in order to grasp the effects that we are maximize the area of contact between the reference sphere
imparting on the cornea. The cornea is usually prolate, not and the cornea. This is the default alignment for most
perfectly spherical. Therefore, in order for a topographical topographers. When using centered alignment, the center
map to have a quantitative and qualitative meaning, we need of the sphere is constrained to the viewing axis with the
to know how the reference sphere correlates to the corneal ability to move along that axis. Pinned alignment imposes
surface. This attribute may be fixed in some topographers the pin (P) constraint, which forces the reference sphere and
and can be chosen by the user in others. the data surface to intersect on the viewing axis. The sphere
Ma p s a n d Sca le s 27
Figure 3-8. (A) Elevation maps rather than curvature maps should be used to identify decentered ablations. (B) Curvature maps
tend to exaggerate the decentered area and should not be used to identify decentered ablations.
Figure 3-9. O perator choices for alignment of posterior elevation map displays include (A) float alignment, where there are no
constraints assigned to the reference sphere; (B) centered alignment, where the center of the sphere is constrained to the view-
ing axis; (C) pinned alignment, which forces the reference sphere and the data surface to intersect on the viewing axis; and
(D) apex alignment, which imposes both the center and pinned constraints.
Ma p s a n d Sca le s 29
Top ograp h ic Map A corneal scar can interfere with the data acquisition
by a slit-scan topographer. The slit-scanning unit may
In ter p ret at ion misinterpret the opacity as a corneal surface, resulting in
errors in both pachymetry and posterior elevation maps.
When looking at a topography map, you need to consider A disrupted tear film can interfere with the reflection of
the clinical picture and interpret the map in that perspec- light from the cornea, create artificially steepened areas,
tive. Correct identification of the type of map is crucial—is or lead to miscalculations based on missing data points.
it a curvature map or elevation map? When comparing Irregularities resulting from a dry eye can be seen in
maps over time, it is necessary to examine the scale. Some Figure 3-13. INTACS corneal ring segments (Valley Eye
clinical entities that commonly interfere with the accuracy Associates, Appleton, WI) can also result in loss of data in
of topographic maps include corneal opacities, dry eye and certain systems, as seen in Figure 3-14.
insufficient tear film, eye movements, and contact lens
Ma p s a n d Sca le s 31
Minimal eye movements are required for data collection, surgeon who assesses the eligibility of a candidate for elec-
especially for the slit-scanning systems where data capture tive surgery to understand the characteristics of the different
requires more time. Some topographers may accomplish types of maps for proper interpretation and clinical utility.
this process faster than others, and this may be helpful in
patients who have difficulty opening their eyes or who can-
not maintain fixation for long.
Contact lens wear may distort the shape of the cornea. R EFERENCES
An example of contact lens warpage in a gas-permeable
lens wearer is shown in Figure 3-15. This is not uncommon 1. Lebow KA, Grohe RM. Differentiating contact lens induced warp-
in hard contact lens wearers and in prolonged soft contact age from true keratoconus using corneal topography. CLAO J.
lens wearers. These eyes may resemble early keratoconus
2. Maguire LJ, Singer DE, Klyce SD. Graphic presentation of com-
on topography. For this reason, it is recommended that puter-analyzed keratoscope photographs. Arch Ophthalmol.
contact lens wear be discontinued for a sufficient duration 1987;105:223-230.
to allow the cornea to return to its natural shape. A com- 3. Wilson SE, Klyce SD, Husseini ZM. Standardized color-coded
mon rule of thumb is 1 week plus 1 week for each decade of maps for corneal topography. Ophthalmology. 1993;100:1723-1727.
4. Oshike T, Klyce SD. Corneal topography: basic concepts. In:
gas-permeable lens wear. Tomographers facilitate this dif-
Brightbill FS, ed. Corneal Surgery—Theory, Technique, and
ferential diagnosis, but careful ultrasound in all 4 quadrants Tissue. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: CV Mosby; 1999.
can be used as well. 5. Smolek M, Klyce SD, Hovis JK. The universal standard scale: pro-
Epithelial surface irregularities such as superficial punc- posed improvements to the American National Standards Institute
tate keratitis, recurrent corneal erosions, and abrasions can (ANSI) scale for corneal topography. Ophthalmology. 2002;109:361-
also interfere with topography. They typically cause focal
6. Secretariat, Optical Laboratories Association. American National
irregularities or loss of data (seen as white spots on maps). Standard for Ophthalmics—Corneal Topography Systems:
It is important to let such irregularities heal before impor- Standard Terminology, Requirements. Merrifield, VA: Optical
tant topography-based decisions are made. Laboratories Association. American National Standards Institute;
1999:ANSI Z80.23-1000.
7. Corbett MC, Rosen ES, O’Brart DPS. Presentation of topo-
graphic information. In: Corbett M, O’Brart D, Rosen E. Corneal
C ONCLUSION Topography: Principles and Applications. London, UK: BMJ
Books; 1999:31-59.
8. Applegate RA. Comment on characterization of the inherent error in
a spherically-biased corneal topography system in mapping a radi-
Topography has become an indispensable tool for the
ally aspheric surface. Refract Corneal Surg. 1994;10:113-114.
clinician in assessing the qualities of the corneal surface. 9. Roberts C. Characterization of the inherent error in a spherically-
The ability to interpret and understand various topographi- biased corneal topography system in mapping a radially aspheric
cal maps can be complex given the variety of technol- surface. Refract Corneal Surg. 1994;10:103-116.
ogy available. It is especially important for the refractive
Ch a p te r 4
To p o grap hic
Te chno lo gie s
Tracy Schroeder Swartz, OD, MS, FAAO ; Zuguo Liu, MD, PhD;
Xiao Yang, MD; and Mei Zhang, MD
he principles of topography are based on the reflec- and a computer for image analysis. The number, position,
tions of a concentric ring of light upon the cor- color, and thickness of the rings vary between systems.
nea. Variations in curvature and astigmatism are Placido systems are typically divided into 2 types: near
represented as an asymmetry of the keratographic pat- (also called small targets) or distance (called large targets).
terns. Modern keratoscopes incorporate complex images Near target systems typically allow for imaging with lower
in the analysis of topographic anomalies. Refractive sur- illumination and enjoy greater corneal coverage. However,
gery and the quest for better understanding of corneal they are sensitive to focusing adjustments, and facial anato-
shape (versus curvature) resulted in new technologies with my may hinder measurement. Large target systems require
increased precision in evaluating complex corneal shapes. more illumination and are less sensitive to focusing error
Technologies include Placido disk imaging, PAR, slit scan- but cover less of the cornea.1
ning, Scheimpflug imaging, ultrasound, interferometric, Most systems project images of illuminated keratoscope
and optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems. This rings onto the corneal surface to produce a virtual image
chapter contains a brief overview of each technology. of the Placido disk about 4 mm behind the corneal vertex.2
An example is shown in Figure 4-1. They directly measure
the curvature of the cornea and calculate the elevation map
P LACIDO D ISK I MAGING using a coordinate system from the curvature data. This
requires assumptions about the corneal geometry, however.
Elevation is generated by fitting slope data to a predefined
Placido imaging is based on the overlay of concentric mathematical model, which may be spheric, aspheric, or a
mires on the cornea. Keratoscopes permitting the direct conical section. While this practice is reasonable in normal
observation of illuminated mires upon the cornea demon- corneas, it may result in serious error in diseased eyes or in
strate the Placido ring. The closer the mires, the steeper the eyes having undergone keratorefractive surgery.3
axis. The wider the rings, the flatter the axis. It was the first Studies regarding the accuracy of early Placido disk sys-
technology to be used to evaluate the shape of the cornea tems found acceptable levels of accuracy and reproducibil-
in conjunction with computer analysis. While systems may ity. However, most test objects were spheres.4 Systems tend
differ somewhat, all contain a transilluminated Placido tar- to be more accurate centrally than peripherally, and defocus
get in the shape of a cone or disk, an imaging system con- increases errors. Clear surfaces are required for clear mires.
taining an objective lens and camera, a video frame grabber, Reported accuracy of dioptric power varies from 0.1 to
The PAR CTS can provide elevation, curvature, and 45 degrees to the right and left of the video axis. Twenty
keratometry maps. Unlike Placido disk-based videokera- slits are projected from the left and 20 from the right.
toscopes, the PAR CTS produces a true elevation map and Proprietary software image registration attempts to mini-
requires neither a smooth reflective surface nor precise mize the influence of involuntary eye movements during
spatial alignment for accurate imaging.10 Based upon the data acquisition.
fact that the cornea is an asymmetric refractive surface, the The typical display used by the Orbscan incorporates
PAR corneal elevation map can be obtained by comparing 4 images: the anterior and posterior elevation maps, the cur-
corneal height with a spherical reference surface, which is vature (axial) map, and the pachymetry map. An example
the average cornea elevation or a certain preset standard is shown in Figure 4-4. When used for screening, Tanabe
height. The actual corneal surface is either above or below and colleagues recommended using 10- or 20-µm scales for
this reference surface measured at individual points. elevation maps, which best identified abnormal corneas.14
Unlike Placido disk-based videokeratoscopes, the PAR Modis and colleagues investigated the anterior and pos-
System requires neither a smooth reflective surface nor pre- terior corneal shape, curvature, and thickness of normal
cise spatial alignment for accurate imaging.11 The system human corneas using the Orbscan. Scanning slit topogra-
demonstrated the ability to image irregular, de-epithelial- phy seems to be a reliable technique for the evaluation of
ized, and keratectomized corneas. The PAR CTS can be normal corneas not only for anterior shape and curvature,
installed on slit-lamp microscopes, surgical microscopes, or but also for a real pachymetry gradient recording.15 This
automatic optometry instruments, allowing topographical was the first system to yield pachymetry data. However, the
examination intraoperatively. accuracy of these measurements remains controversial. It is
Currently, there is limited information on the normal generally accepted that Orbscan measurements of central
corneal topography with the PAR CTS, and it is rarely used corneal thickness are greater than ultrasonic pachymeter
in clinical practice. Naufal and colleagues12,13 investigated measurements in virgin eyes.16 The role of the Orbscan
corneal elevation maps in 100 normal eyes of 50 subjects pachymetry is limited by lack of repeatability for peripheral
using the PAR system. Five categories were identified in measurements, however, and is recommended for central
their study: unclassified, regular ridge, irregular ridge, CT measurements only.17
incomplete ridge, and island. They found the surface of the Kawana and colleagues compared central corneal thick-
normal cornea was not smooth and spherical, and surface ness measurements of 3 pachymetry devices in eyes after
irregularities ranged from small central islands of eleva- laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). They found in post-
tion to complete, elevated bands crossing the cornea. Priest LASIK eyes, Orbscan II scanning slit topography sig-
and colleagues13 investigated the accuracy and precision nificantly underestimated corneal thickness. Noncontact
of the elevation topography from the Tomey Topographic specular microscopy gave smaller thickness readings than
Modeling System (TMS-1) and the PAR CTS. Based on ultrasonic pachymetry, but these 2 units showed an excel-
quantitative analysis of elevation measurements, they con- lent linear correlation.18
cluded that the CTS represented surface topography more
accurately than the TMS-1.13
Sch eim p flu g Im agin g
Scheimpflug imaging is based on a principle named
TOMOGRAPH Y after and patented by Austrian Theodor Scheimpflug in
Vienna in 1904. To best appreciate the advantages of this
Tomography is the creation of a 3-dimensional model modality for ophthalmologic imaging, let us review basic
from 2-dimensional images and is accomplished using principles and limitations of an ordinary camera.
slit scanning, Scheimpflug imaging, OCT, and ultrasound A typical camera uses 3 imaginary surfaces, referred to
systems. as planes: the film plane, the lens plane, and the plane of
sharp focus. A camera’s film is fixed upon the film plane.
The lens plane passes through the optical center of the lens
Slit-Sca n n in g and is perpendicular to the lens axis. The lens will depict
any object that is positioned on the plane of sharp focus
Slit-scanning technology is currently used by a single crisply onto the film plane. For an ordinary camera, these
system, the Orbscan. The Orbscan uses a scanning slit- 3 planes are all parallel to each other, and, therefore, all
beam similar to the parallel pipes used in biomicroscopy 3 planes are perpendicular to the lens axis. As long as a
and direct stereotriangulation to measure the anterior cor- given application only calls for limited depth of focus,
neal surface. During the 1.5-second examination, 2 scan- this setup works well. The depth of focus is the range over
ning slit lamps project a series of 40 slit beams angled at which the film plane can be moved while maintaining an
image of acceptable sharpness.
38 Ch a p t e r 4
This technology, which originally was used to evaluate
the posterior pole and retina, has been adapted for use on
the anterior segment. OCT uses cross-sectional scanning
based on reflection and scattering of light from the struc-
tures within the anterior segment. The light source is split
into measurement and reference beams. Ocular structures
reflect the measurement beam and interrelate with the Figure 4 -11. O CT yields a cross sectional image of the
reference light reflected from the reference mirror, creat- cornea.
ing interference. The coherent or positive interference, an
increased resulting signal, is measured by the interferom-
eter and allows determination of the reflecting structure’s
A cross-sectional image of the anterior segment struc-
tures anterior to the lens is produced (Figure 4-11). It is
also more functional than confocal microscopy because
it can provide images of the entire anterior portion of the
eye quickly, including pachymetry maps (Figure 4-12).
Additional advantages include it being a noncontact test and
that it uses no coupling medium.
The use of light as an analysis medium also has disad-
vantages. The depth of penetration is limited to the anterior
segment, and image quality may be greatly reduced in cases
of scarring or pannus. Initial clinical use of anterior seg- Figure 4-12. O CT pachymetry mapping.
ment OCT was mainly focused on measurement of phakic
IOL placement, angle analysis in glaucoma, and flap detec-
tion after LASIK.21,22
To p o gra p h ic Te c h n o lo gie s 41
C ONCLUSION 10. Belin MW, Cambier JL, Nabors JR, Ratliff CD. PAR Corneal
Topography System (PAR CTS): the clinical application of close-
range photogrammetry. Optom Vis Sci. 1995;72(11):828-837.
11. Belin MW, Zloty P. Accuracy of the PAR corneal topography sys-
Understanding topographic technology and how each tem with spatial misalignment. CLAO J. 1993;19(1):64-68.
system derives the maps is important for clinical interpreta- 12. Naufal SC, Hess JS, Freidlander MH¸Granet NS. Rasterstereography-
tion. Placido disk is the most widely used and understood by based classification of normal corneas. J Cataract Refract Surg.
clinicians. Tomographers are gaining popularity and offer 13. Priest D, Munger R. Comparative study of the elevation topography
views of both surfaces as well as optical pachymetry, attri- of complex shapes. J Cataract Refract Surg. 1998;24(6):741-750.
butes appreciated by both refractive and cataract surgeons. 14. Tanabe T, Oshika T, Yomidokor A, et al. Standardized color-coded
scales for anterior and posterior elevation mapping of scanning slit
corneal topography. Ophthalmology. 2002;107(7):1298-1302.
15. Modis L Jr, Langenbucher A, Seitz B. Evaluation of normal corneas
R EFERENCES using the scanning-slit topography/pachymetry system. Cornea.
16. Giraldez Fernandez MJ, Diaz Rey A, Cervino A, Yebra-Pimentel
1. Corneal topography. Ophthalmology. 1999;106(8):1628-1638. E. A comparison of two pachymetric systems: slit-scanning and
2. Binder PS. Videokeratography. CLAO J. 1995;21(2):133-144. ultrasonic. CLAO J. 2002;28(4):221-223.
3. Mandell RB. The enigma of the corneal contour. CLAO J. 17. Cho P, Cheung SW. Repeatability of corneal thickness measure-
1992;18:267-273. ments made by a scanning slit topography system. Ophthalmic
4. Koch DD, Foulks GN, Moran CT, Wakil JS. The Corneal EyeSys Physiol Opt. 2002;22(6):505-510.
System: accuracy analysis and reproducibility of the first generation 18. Kawana K, Tokunaga T, Miyata K, Okamoto F, Kiuchi T, Oshika T.
prototype. Refract Corneal Surg. 1989;5:424-429. Comparison of corneal thickness measurements using Orbscan II,
5. Mejia-Barbosa Y, Malacara-Hernandez D. A review of methods for non-contact specular microscopy, and ultrasonic pachymetry in eyes
measuring corneal topography. Opt Vis Sci. 2001;78:240-253. after laser in situ keratomileusis. Br J Ophthalmol. 2004;88(4):466-
6. Litoff D, Belin MW, Wynn SS, Smith RS. PAR technology cor- 468.
neal topography system. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1991;32(4 19. Reinstein DZ, Silverman RH, Trokel SL, Coleman DJ. Corneal
suppl):922S. pachymetric topography. Ophthalmology. 1994;101(3):432-438.
7. Arffa RC, Warnicki JW, Rehkopf PG. Corneal topography using 20. Reinstein DZ, Silverman RH, Raevsky T, et al. Arc-scanning very
rasterstereography. Refract Corneal Surg. 1989;5(6):414-417. high-frequency digital ultrasound for 3D pachymetric mapping of
8. Nemeth J, Erdelyi B, Csakany B. Corneal topography changes the corneal epithelium and stroma in laser in situ keratomileusis.
after a 15 second pause in blinking. J Cataract Refract Surg. J Refract Surg. 2000;16(4):414-430.
2001;27:589-592. 21. Hirano K, Ito Y, Suzuki T, Kojima T, Kachi S, Miyake Y. Optical
9. Belin MW, Litoff D, Strods SJ, Winn SS, Smith RS. The PAR coherence tomography for the noninvasive evaluation of the cornea.
Technology Corneal Topography System. Refract Corneal Surg. Cornea. 2001;20(3):281-289.
1992;8(1):88-96. 22. Belin M, Holladay J, Michelson M, Woodhams JT, Ahmed I. The
Pentacam: precision, confidence, results and accurate “Ks.” Insert
to Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today. 2007;55:341-347.
Ch a p te r 5
Placid o
Disk-Base d To p o grap hic
Syste ms
he ATLAS 9000 Model (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, photopic (with light) pupil images. With the exception of
Germany) corneal topographer (CT) is a large cone the keyboard and printer, the ATLAS system integrates all
Placido disk system designed to measure corneal hardware components in a single unit, including the image
curvature and produce color-coded maps for the detection acquisition optics, the system computer, and a flat panel
of corneal conditions and pathologies. This system also aids display screen.
in the screening and postoperative management of refrac-
tive procedures such as laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
(LASIK), photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), and multifo- Im age Acq u isit ion
cal and toric intraocular lenses (IOLs) and in the selection
and fitting of rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lenses. The patented Cone-of-Focus technology used by the
The field of view of the camera system is large enough to ATLAS system is the most critical part of the system’s
capture the limbus boundaries of the eye, thus allowing alignment and focusing mechanism.1 The 22 rings of the
white-to-white (limbus-to-limbus) measurements, as well large cone are separated by a smaller Cone-of-Focus at
as the determination of the geometric center of the eye for the location of the 9th ring. This smaller cone protrudes
better contact lens fitting and eye registration. outward and reflects on the eye at a fixed, known distance
The ATLAS 9000 Placido disk-based system projects a from the camera. This reflection appears on the live video
series of 22 concentric infrared (950 nm) light rings onto image as a larger separation between the rings surrounding
the cornea of the eye. An image of the reflected rings is the small cone. As the cone is brought closer to the cornea,
captured with a digital camera. The ATLAS system ana- the cone ring moves closer to the inner ring. As the cone
lyzes thousands of data points in the image to measure the is brought further from the cornea, the cone ring moves
distances between rings and their relationships with each closer to the outer ring. The properly focused image results
other in order to reconstruct the corneal surface into a color- in even separation between the rings surrounding the cone.
coded topography map. The ATLAS system can display the ATLAS’ Cone-of-Focus uses a triangulation method to find
image of the cornea in a variety of ways, including curva- the exact location and distance of the rings. A “triangle”
ture, elevation, and aberrations. The ATLAS system also is formed between the cone, the corneal surface, and the
has the ability to capture both scotopic (without light) and Placido rings.
Wang M. Co rn e al To p o g rap h y: A Gu id e f o r Clin ical
43 A p p licat io n in t h e W ave f ro n t Era, Se co n d Ed it io n (p p . 43-102)
© 2012 SLACK Incorporated
44 Ch a p t e r 5
Figure 5-3. Elevation View displays the difference in height of Figure 5-4. Irregularity View uses nonspherical surfaces as the
the cornea in micrometers (µm) from a reference sphere. reference object rather than the reference sphere used in the
elevation map.
The Tangential View does not force the center of cur- Irregu larit y View
vature of the best-fit sphere to lie along the optical axis.
The location of the center of curvature for each point is The Irregularity View takes the best-fit surface meth-
calculated by a best-fit sphere to the local neighborhood at odology of the Elevation View one step further by using
the point of interest on the corneal surface. The distance nonspherical surfaces as the reference object (Figure 5-4).
from the point of interest to the center of the locally best-fit A best-fit toric ellipsoid surface is subtracted from the
sphere represents the tangential (or instantaneous) curva- corneal elevation data to yield the irregularity that cannot
ture. The Tangential View may be a better representation of be described by a reference ellipsoid that accounts for both
true local curvature. the asphericity and toricity of the cornea. The Irregularity
View shows how different the cornea is from a normal eye,
Elevat ion View representing the elevation difference between the “normal”
best-fit ellipsoid surface and the actual measured corneal
The Elevation View displays the difference in height surface.5
of the cornea in microns (µm) from a reference sphere
(Figure 5-3). ATLAS superimposes a reference sphere onto Rin gs Im age View
the corneal surface, measuring the difference between the
reference and the real corneal surface. Elevation is mea- The Rings Image View or photokeratoscopic image dis-
sured as differences in height from the reference sphere as plays the actual captured image of the eye with the reflected
positive and negative µm. The corneal surface may be above rings (Figure 5-5). In addition to the Rings Image, Scotopic
the reference sphere, resulting in a positive difference and (no light, large pupil) and Photopic (with light, small pupil)
appear red in the Standard Colors, or below the reference images may also be displayed if captured at image acquisi-
sphere, resulting in a negative difference and appear blue in tion. Overlay options include Zoom Rings Image to display
the Standard Colors.4 a zoomed-in rings image to 10 mm; Limbus Contour to
The reference sphere may be automatically computed or display green markings at the location of the limbus contour
created using parameters entered by the user. It is important and to measure the horizontal visible iris diameter (HVID);
to keep in mind that the elevation is measured in µm, not Geometric Center to display a crosshair enclosed by a
D, and that Axial and Elevation Views cannot be directly circle designating the point on the cornea corresponding to
compared. The value of measuring the corneal surface in the center of the limbus contour; and Rings to outline ring
µm is that small elevations or depressions on the corneal edges. Data options in the display include pupil diameter,
surface created by surgery or pathology can be carefully HVID, and photopic and scotopic pupil diameter.
documented, giving a level of detail not possible using the
curvature views. Because the shape of the normal cornea is Keratom et ry View
aspheric (ellipsoidal) rather than spherical, it is challenging The Keratometry View simulates the data obtained
to locate subtle deviations in elevation maps even in normal using a standard keratometer (Figure 5-6). This view pro-
eyes, as well as those with nonpathologic corneal shape vides readings for each semi-meridian in 3 zones: central
changes, such as astigmatism. (0 to 3 mm), midperiphery (3 to 6 mm), and periphery
(6 to 9 mm). The steepest semi-meridians in each zone are
displayed in red D values, and the flattest meridians are
46 Ch a p t e r 5
Figure 5-5. The Photokeratoscoptic Image displays the actual Figure 5-7. Refractive Power View shows the power of the eye
captured image of the eye with its reflected rings. Scotopic (no in its refractive state, measured only in D.
light, large pupil) and Photopic (with light, small pupil) images
may also be displayed. O verlays such as limbus contour may
be used to determine the horizonatal visible iris diameter.
Figure 5-9. Corneal wavefront represents aberrations based Figure 5-10. The Zernike table view displays the names and
upon topography, and described using Zernike Polynomials values of the Zernike coefficients (up to order 4), along with
like total eye aberrometry. horizontal bar graphs of the Zernike coefficients values.
PathFinder II’s clinical database for the hyperopic LVC • The 2-Difference Display shows 2 exams for the
category include corneas that have undergone hyperopic same eye and illustrates their difference. The top
LVC (LASIK, PRK, or LASEK). exam (Exam 1) is subtracted from the bottom exam
PathFinder II’s clinical database for the “other” category (Exam 2).
include corneal diseases, pathologies, or surgeries that can • The 3-Difference 5-Map Display provides informa-
potentially affect the corneal surface, such as postoperative tion regarding changes between multiple exams, help-
corneal transplant, intracorneal ring segments, radial kera- ful in monitoring healing following corneal surgery.
totomy, post-LASIK ectasia, corneal scars, etc. It is also useful to follow contact lens-induced change
The PathFinder II display incorporates 4 views. The over time to determine the effect that the lens is hav-
Probability View displays the previous 5 categories with ing on the cornea. Three exams for the same eye are
blue color bars representing the 2 highest probabilities. The selected, and 2 differences are calculated. Exams 1,
Parameters View consists of bar graphs of the 3 statisti- 2, and 3 are shown, respectively, left to right on the
cal data parameters: CIM, TKM, and Shape Factor. The top of the display. Exam 1 will be subtracted from
User-Selectable View default is the Axial Curvature View Exam 2, and a difference map will be calculated and
and is customizable. The Mean Curvature View, a special displayed on the lower left. Exam 2 will be subtracted
mean curvature view with 9 additional parameters, cannot from Exam 3, and a difference map will be calculated
be customized. and displayed on the lower right.
• The Trend with Time Display shows the currently
active exam and up to 3 previous exams for the same
Im age An a lysis: Disp lays eye (Figure 5-15). The exams are always displayed in
The ATLAS software lets you select 8 different display chronological order (left to right, top to bottom).
types for the exam data: • The Trend Analysis Display shows up to 4 exams
• The Single View Display shows a single view of a for the same eye, along with a table of data analysis
single exam for the selected patient. parameters (Figure 5-16). By default, only the current
day’s exams for the same eye are displayed, if pos-
• The Overview Display shows 4 different views of the
sible. However, you can select any 4 exams to include
same exam for the selected patient.
in the Trend Analysis Display. The exams are always
• The OD/OS Compare Display shows 2 different displayed in chronological order (left to right). The
views of left and right eye exams for the same patient Trend Analysis Data Parameters Table displays api-
on the same display. Two views on the left side of cal radius (Ro), sagittal height (for a specified chord
the display are for the right eye (OD) exam, and the length); eccentricity along either the flat, steep, or
same views for the left eye (OS) are on the right side. custom meridian; flat and steep Sim Ks; HVID; and
ATLAS automatically selects the exam of the other pupil diameter values for each image. The mean and
eye based on the date of exam, but manipulation of standard deviation values for these parameters are
the exam is easily performed. also displayed for the images.
50 Ch a p t e r 5
Ma sterFit II
Con t act Len s Soft w a re
The optional MasterFit II Contact Lens Software enables
the user to design RGP contact lenses and to simulate the Figure 5-17. MasterFit II Fitting Rules are set to these default
resulting fluorescein pattern on the cornea. MasterFit II values. Users can reset these values to personal preferences.
features both topographic- and keratometric-based lens fit-
ting methods.9 Based on customizable fitting preferences,
MasterFit II will recommend the most appropriate lens
type, including spherical, aspheric, front toric, back toric,
and bitoric designs, and designs a custom lens that best
achieves the desired fitting preferences (Figure 5-17).
MasterFit II also features region-specific databases of
stock (finished) lenses that may be used as an alternative to
creating custom lens designs.
The Fluorescein Map is a green color map of simulated
fluorescein tear film layer thickness (between the back
surface of the contact lens and the cornea) for the current
selected lens design shown over the ring image of the eye
(Figure 5-18). The shades of green correspond to the values Figure 5-18. MasterFit II Simulated NaFl Pattern Display shows
the recommended RGP lens based on the chosen fitting rules.
(µm) shown on the scale at the left of the screen—darker
Lens design thumbnails on the left allow the user to add
green areas have small tear film thicknesses, while brighter and edit up to 5 lens designs to the recommended design.
greens areas have larger tear film thicknesses. The software Horizontal and vertical tear film thickness graphs appear
will initially place the lens at the geometric center of the below and to the right of the simulated image, respectively.
Pla c id o D isk-Ba se d To p o gra p h ic Syst e m s 51
cornea. You can manually move the lens by clicking inside • There should be midperipheral clearance of approxi-
it and dragging up-down and/or left-right. mately 40 µm, allowing for unobstructed movement
MasterFit II’s topography-based fitting optimizes the along the vertical meridian (Sim K axis closest to
tear film clearance. The topographic fitting algorithm 90 degrees).
attempts to create a contact lens design that will provide The user may create multiple lens designs per topography
the selected tear lens thickness using the methodology exam to simulate the effect of adjusting the available lens
described in Figure 5-17: parameters on the fluorescein pattern. After finalizing the
• The center of the lens should clear the central cornea lens design, the user may print the lens design using the order
by approximately 20 µm. form templates provided, or the order form may be saved as a
• There should be a midperipheral clearance of approxi- PDF and sent by e-mail to the preferred laboratory.
mately 8 µm along the horizontal meridian (Sim K
axis closest to 180 degrees).
he analysis of corneal topography is now the stan- in the measured surface become much greater than a
dard of care in anterior segment practices. The few wavelengths of the measuring light wavelength, the
first CT commercially available was the Computed fringes produced will merge and become indistinguish-
Anatomy, Inc (New York, NY) Corneal Modeling System able. In essence, interferometry is too sensitive a mea-
(CMS) in 1987.10,11 It incorporated many of the Louisiana surement technique to apply to the imperfect optics of
State University Eye Center research laboratory findings in the eye. Profilometry is the technique used by slit-based
its implementation.12 Of greatest impact was the incorpora- topographers and fluorescein-stained tear film techniques
tion of the color-coded display of corneal surface curva- (rasterstereography). The early version Orbscan I used
ture.13 This device had limited commercial success owing anterior corneal surface data obtained with a scanning
to its cost but was remarkable in that it measured both ante- slit to estimate corneal topography, while the Pentacam
rior corneal curvature as well as corneal thickness profiles, (OCULUS, Wetzlar, DE) uses a rotating slit to obtain these
capabilities subsequently available in the Bausch & Lomb data. However, direct measurement of the corneal profile
(Rochester, NY) model Orbscan II. Computed Anatomy does not provide sufficient resolution for accurate depiction
was acquired by the Tomey Corporation (Nagoya, Japan) in of corneal topography. The Placido reflective technology
the early 1990s following the introduction of the Computed appears to have the requisite sensitivity of measurement
Anatomy Topography Modeling System (TMS-1). This and is employed by all of the commercially successful CTs,
model became the earliest “work horse” CT, supplanted including the upgraded Orbscan IIz. Developing technolo-
eventually by subsequent Tomey models. At this writing, gies like high-frequency ultrasound and high-speed anterior
the Tomey TMS-4a (“TMS-4”) is commercially available segment optical coherence tomography continue to evolve,
with software version 5.2D. This section will review the but at present have limited utility in clinical practice in
features of the TMS-4 as well as the capabilities of the measuring corneal topography.14,15
software. It should be noted that not every capability of the There are 2 basic approaches used with the Placido
TMS-4 software can be covered here; priority is given to disks. Some use a large faceplate with a large working dis-
those of most frequent clinical use. tance to project images of mires onto the corneal surface.
This approach has the advantage of less critical focus and
the disadvantage of corneal shadows created by the brow
Gen era l Ch a racter ist ics and the nose of the patient, which can obscure portions of
the peripheral mire images. Other CTs use a small cone-
Several methodologies have been used to measure cor- shaped Placido disk target with a short working distance.
neal curvature, including interferometry, profilometry, and The advantage of this arrangement is a greater potential
Placido disk reflective methods. While interferometry has coverage of the corneal surface, with the disadvantage of
the greatest potential sensitivity of measurement, interfer- being more sensitive to error in focus. Both types have seen
ence produces fringes according to the deviation of a mea- commercial success. All of the Tomey models have used the
sured surface from a reference surface. If the distortions small cone-type Placido disk.
52 Ch a p t e r 5
within 2 standard deviations from the normal average. A overall global shape factor. The newest software version
yellow-colored index indicates a caution (ie, that an index also permits the user to obtain eccentricity values for each
is 2 to 3 standard deviations from the normal average). A meridian on the corneal surface. A positive (normal) value
red-colored index indicates a value that is more than 3 stan- is obtained for a prolate surface, a nil value for a sphere,
dard deviations away from the normal average. Some of the and a negative value is used to indicate an oblate surface.
statistical indices can be displayed on the standard maps as Higher-than-normal values are found with keratoconus, and
in Figure 5-19. More extensive statistics are found on the negative values are often found with symptomatic contact
statistics display (see Figures 5-20 through 5-22). lens wear and MRS corrections.
The first indices enumerated for the TMS-4 and now The standard deviation of corneal power (SDP) is
standard on all CTs are those associated with simulated calculated from the distribution of all corneal powers in
keratometry (SimK).17,18 SimK1 gives the dioptric power an examination.21 The coefficient of variation of corneal
and associated angle of the principal meridian, SimK2 power (CVP) is calculated from SDP divided by the grand
gives the dioptric power and associated angle of the merid- average of corneal powers. This fundamental statistic is
ian orthogonal to the principal meridian, and MinK gives high when there is a broad range of powers in the corneal
the dioptric power and associated angle of the meridian surface and has been found to be a good measure of corneal
with the lowest overall dioptric power. The simulated kera- multifocality. High values of CVP are found in moderate to
tometric cylinder of the corneal surface (Cyl) is obtained severe keratoconus corneas, as well as during corneal trans-
from the SimK readings. plants in the early postoperative period. Manifest refraction
The surface asymmetry index (SAI) measures the of an eye with high CVP will be difficult to achieve, but
difference in corneal powers at every ring (180 degrees attention to refraction is important in such a patient to attain
apart) over the entire corneal surface.19,20 The SAI is often spectacle tolerance. The CVP value given has been scaled
higher than normal in keratoconus, PKP, decentered MRS up by a factor of 1000.
procedures, trauma, and contact lens warpage. Adequate The irregular astigmatism index (IAI) is an area-com-
spectacle correction is often not achieved when SAI is high. pensated average summation of inter-ring power variations
The surface regularity index (SRI) is a correlate to potential along every meridian for the entire corneal surface ana-
visual acuity (PVA) and is a measure of local fluctuations lyzed.22 The IAI increases as local irregular astigmatism
in central corneal power.17,18 When SRI is elevated, the in the corneal surface increases. IAI is high in corneal
corneal surface ahead of the entrance pupil will be irregu- transplants shortly after surgery; persistence often heralds
lar, leading to a reduction in best spectacle-corrected visual suboptimal best spectacle-corrected vision. The analyzed
acuity. High SRI values are found with dry eyes, contact area (AA) gives the fraction of the corneal area covered by
lens wear, trauma, and PKP. the mires that could be processed by the TMS-4 software.
The PVA is derived from a clinical correlation18 of SRI AA is lower than normal for corneas with gross, irregular
versus the best spectacle-corrected visual acuity. The PVA astigmatism, which causes the mires to break up and not
is given as the range of best spectacle-corrected Snellen be resolved. A lower-than-normal AA is found with early
visual acuity that might be expected from a functionally postoperative corneal transplants, advanced keratoconus,
normal eye with the topographical characteristics of the and trauma. AA can also be artificially low during a squint
analyzed cornea. Diagnostic evaluation should consider or when the eyes are not opened wide.
the fact that tear film breakup can greatly influence PVA The elevation/depression diameter (EDD) is the equiva-
(and SRI). Prolonged gazing at a fixation target by a patient lent diameter of the area found to contain powers within
without blinking can produce tear film breakup, transiently the pupil 1 D or more from the mode. It is calculated from
reduced vision, and abnormal values of PVA and SRI. twice the square root of this area divided by pi. The units
With proper blinking, abnormal values of PVA are associ- are millimeters. The elevation/depression power (EDP)
ated with true irregular corneal astigmatism as is often calculates the average power of apparent islands (or pen-
observed with keratoconjunctivitis sicca, contact lens warp- insulas) and valleys for those areas of the cornea that are
age, lamellar keratoplasty, and herpes keratitis. SRI and within the demarcated pupil. If the pupil is not available
PVA are extremely valuable diagnostically to differentiate for a given exam, EDP is calculated from an area 4 mm
visual deficit; if an eye exhibits good corneal potential but in diameter centered on the CT axis. Together with EDD,
suffers visual loss when best-corrected, the deficit will be EDP can be used to estimate the size of so-called central
associated with compromised internal optics, retinal dis- islands after excimer laser sculpting. Any power within the
ease, or neural deficit. pupil that is 1 D or more beyond the mode (most frequently
The average corneal power (ACP) is an area-cor- occurring power) is multiplied by the cornea local area it
rected average of the corneal power ahead of the entrance represents (area compensation); this total is then divided
pupil.19,20 This value is generally a more accurate mea- by the total area of the summed powers. The units are D.
surement to use for IOL calculations than keratometry Normal corneas with high cylinder, corneal grafts, and
values, particularly in postsurgical corneas. The corneal clinical keratoconus will also exhibit degrees of abnormal
eccentricity index is a measure of corneal eccentricity, an EDP and EDD.
Pla c id o D isk-Ba se d To p o gra p h ic Syst e m s 55
Screen in g Soft w a re
The presence of keratoconus or suspect keratoconus pat-
tern in corneal topography is a contraindication for standard
refractive surgery as it puts the cornea at risk for developing
keratectasia. This is a particular concern for LASIK, where
keratectasia can occur 6 to 18 months or more after surgery Figure 5-23. The TMS-4 keratoconus screening tool analyzing
in corneas exhibiting suspect keratoconus topography23 as a cornea with moderate keratoconus. The statistical indices
well as for PRK, where keratectasia can occur 4 to 5 years presented are fully described in the text.
after surgery in such corneas (personal communication, R.
Zaldivar, 2005). Corneal topography is the most sensitive
method for detecting suspect keratoconus24,25 and, because
of this, often there are no other signs, although careful reti-
noscopy may reveal a slight scissoring of the light reflex in
these cases. Suspect keratoconus topographic patterns often
present as a subtle asymmetry in corneal power. Because
all corneas exhibit some degree of asymmetry, in order to
differentiate between these normal variations and changes
consistent with suspect keratoconus, a quantitative analysis
is indicated.24,25 The TMS-4 has 2 keratoconus screening
programs (Figure 5-23). The Klyce/Maeda method22 uses
discriminant analysis and a decision tree to report the simi-
larity in percent of a corneal topography to clinical kerato-
conus. The Smolek/Klyce26 method extends this approach
Figure 5-24. The TMS-4 keratoconus screening tool analyz-
using neural networks to assign a similarity value to corneas ing a cornea that is suspect keratoconus. Note that the Klyce /
with clinical keratoconus and gives a severity index of the Maeda method reports the absence of clinical keratoconus,
pathology. In addition, the latter method was also trained on while the Smolek/Klyce method reports the presence of sus-
suspect keratoconus topographies (Figure 5-24). A number pect keratoconus. This is not a contradiction: the Klyce /Maeda
of complementary corneal topographic indices were devel- method only recognizes clinical keratoconus; suspect kerato-
oped to aid in the discrimination of keratoconus from other conus was not part of its training.
corneal pathologies in order to increase the specificity of
the tests.22 The opposite sector index represents the maxi- report the absence of keratoconus, with keratoconus indices
mum difference between average corneal powers between colored green. Therefore, it is important that these utilities
any 2 opposite sectors. The differential sector index rep- not be used as general screening programs for refractive
resents the maximum difference between average corneal surgery because abnormal corneal conditions other than
powers between any 2 sectors. The center/surround index is keratoconus are also contraindications for conventional
the difference in average corneal power between the central refractive surgical techniques.
3-mm diameter of an analyzed area and an annulus sur- Hjortdal and co-workers27 were the first to show the util-
rounding this central area from an inner radius of 1.5 mm to ity of Fourier decomposition in corneal topography analy-
an outer radius of 3 mm. This index is used to capture cen- sis. They demonstrated that the average power, cylinder, and
tral keratoconus. These and other indices already described irregular astigmatism could be extracted from each mire.
are used in the calculation of the keratoconus index (KCI) The TMS-4 implements a Fourier decomposition display
and the keratoconus severity index. (Figure 5-25) along the lines suggested by these authors.
Here is one caveat in the use of these screening utilities: With this implementation, the power values along each of
although the training sets of topography examinations con- the mires are fit sequentially with a 1-dimensional Fourier
tained a number of different types of corneal topographic Series analysis, which provides a radial micro-zonal analy-
anomalies in addition to normal corneas and those with sis. This routine decomposes corneal power data into zonal
keratoconus, they were trained to detect only keratoconus. spherical equivalent, zonal cylinder, zonal asymmetry, and
Hence, presented with a clear example of topographic pellu- zonal higher-order irregularity. In addition, each of these
cid marginal degeneration, the screening utilities will each variables is also given for 3- and 6-mm zones. These data
56 Ch a p t e r 5
Michael J. Endl, MD and Claus M. Fichte, MD
ver the past decade, the number of corneal refrac-
tive procedures has reached an all-time high.
Increasingly, eye-care providers have become aware
of potential postoperative complications. One of the most
feared outcomes following subtle laser procedures is the
development of progressive corneal ectasia. If the physician
is to fulfill his or her primary goal of “do no harm,” then
prevention is the key.
Although various authors have published risk criteria as
a guide to practitioners,36 preoperative screening for corne-
al ectasia presently has no standardized detection methods.
Clinicians currently rely on keratometric, slit lamp,
and standard topographic “red flags” when evaluating the
candidacy of a keratorefractive patient. Some CTs—like
the Magellan Mapper from Nidek (Fremont, CA)—provide
refractive surgeons with a helpful tool to avoid unwanted
The Magellan features new software that includes a neu-
ral network application capable of predicting various cor-
neal diseases and postsurgical outcomes. Based on corneal
statistics derived from topographic data, the software clas-
sifies and predicts the probability of several categories in an
easy-to-read bar graph below the traditional axial map. This
is the first application of an artificial intelligence system
that uses a previously trained set of logic rules “learned”
from sets of ectatic and normal patient topographies.36
Unlike previous keratoconus screening programs, the Figure 5-27. This topographical map has the characteristics of
Magellan is able to differentiate between astigmatism, a normal cornea (99.0%).
keratoconus suspects (KCS), true keratoconus, and pellucid
marginal degeneration. In addition, the mapper’s neural net-
work is able to assign a percentage of probability, or grade, values. In addition, an easy-to-interpret bar graph with clas-
to these disease states. This will potentially allow users to sification categories is displayed that includes a percentage
better document and follow their patients for progression of that category’s probability. Placing the computer mouse
over time. Lastly, the software can also detect the probabil- over any of the abbreviated indices or classifications reveals
ity of previous myopic and hyperopic refractive surgery, as a full explanation of the title and its significance.
well as PKP. Refractive surgery is no longer just in the realm of the
Another feature of the Magellan software is the high LASIK surgeon, as cataract/IOL surgery now requires the
resolution of the map displays, made possible through same precise results. The dramatic technology advances
improvements in the dual-edge ring-finding algorithms. As in small-incision phacoemulsification, aspheric multifocal
a cone-based Placido system, the mapper enjoys a smaller IOLs, and diagnostic instrumentation have led our patients
working distance than traditional Placido disk systems; this to demand the same “freedom from glasses” that our
improves corneal coverage. The cone features a streamlined LASIK patients have come to expect. The new paradigms
30-ring projector. However, the system can locate both require results that are within ±0.25 D sphere with ≤0.50 D
edges of each ring, which allows the Magellan’s new algo- cylinder as well as good contrast sensitivity and functional
rithm to detect 60 rings of data. This provides an astound- reading vision. Expectations often exceed what current
ing 21,600 data points. As these are evenly distributed IOLs can provide unless we are “right on the money.” To
across the cornea, that translates to twice the resolution of this end, the authors have found a second application of the
traditional topographers. Magellan Mapper extremely useful.
Figure 5-27 illustrates a typical Magellan printout with Aspheric IOLs have been shown to effectively reduce
the traditional axial map, a grouping of indices, and their SA in implanted eyes, with improved optical quality over
58 Ch a p t e r 5
It should be noted that the previously mentioned char- from the best-fitting sphere, and the difference between the
acteristics for Orbscan screening compliment the outlined thinnest region and the 7-mm zone on corneal pachymetry
Magellan statistical classification. This is illustrated in is more than 100 µm. Again, these characteristics are con-
Figures 5-32 and 5-33. Both show cases where the Magellan sistent with early keratoconus-like changes, and this is a
topographical maps are consistent with mild KCS, while patient who perhaps should be followed without any refrac-
the Orbscan maps appear unassuming at first glance. Upon tive surgery until further information is gathered.
further review, the “hottest” region on the Orbscan poste- As refractive technology continues to evolve, wavefront-
rior float (upper right of quad map) is greater than 40 µm based excimer ablations are emerging as the procedure of
60 Ch a p t e r 5
Len s-Based Refract ive Su rgery minor decentration or tilt in the capsular bag. The previous
generation of IOLs from all manufacturers induces various
The bouquet of IOL choices are ever expanding so that amounts of positive SA.
the concept of “one size fits all” has become a historical Patients with previous MRS (including radial kera-
artifact. At the present time, IOL surgeons must choose totomy, lamellar procedures, and excimer laser ablations)
from lenses that are aberration neutral or correct for nega- typically have a significantly increased value to their posi-
tive or positive SA. tive corneal SA above +0.28 µm. Conversely, those patients
In general, HOAs degrade optical quality. Although with a prior history of hyperopic refractive surgery tend to
there may be some benefits, such as a natural defense present with corneas measuring overall negative SA.
against ocular chromatic aberrations44 or a decrease of As each patient’s corneal shape and wavefront profile is
image deterioration by myopic defocus,45 most clinicians unique, our practice has found the corneal-HOA calcula-
agree that, for HOAs, “the lower the better.” tion feature of the Magellan Mapper extremely valuable
The cornea, with its high refractive power, is a primary in choosing the best IOL to match the patient’s anatomy.
contributor to HOAs. Based on a typical 6-mm papillary Figure 5-36 is an example of the corneal aberrometry page
diameter, the cornea produces about + 0.28 µm of SA.46 available for the surgeon’s review. The corneal aberrometers
The AMO Tecnis family of lenses (ie, ZA00 multifo- module adopts a model based on the Zernike decomposition
cal; ZB00 monofocal) induces -0.275 µm of SA to attempt to derive aberrometric terms from corneal surface wavefront
to neutralize the “average” positive SA produced by the analysis. All of the aberrometry work was part of a larger
cornea. Dr. Holladay has suggested that a small amount of software program created with Dr. Stephen Klyce during
residual negative SA may be beneficial in presbyopes as it his long-term scientific consultancy for Nidek Technologies
can increase the cornea’s central power at near with pupil- (personal communication, Cesare Tanassi, April 10, 2010).
lary constriction.47 Starting from the topographic map, the software com-
The Alcon family of lenses uses different negative SA putes the most significant Zernike terms (up to the 30th
factors based on research attempting to approximate the order). Thanks to a technique of wavefront approximation
residual SA measured in the emmetropic youthful eye. with Zernike polynomials, typical wavefront aberrations
The ReStor (3.0) SN6AD1 corrects -0.10 µm of SA and the (such as SA, coma, trefoil, 2-degree astigmatism, and other
aspheric wavefront IQ monofocal and toric (SN6 series) HOAs) can be expressed as weighted sums of Zernike
lenses adjust for -0.20 µm. The intent here is to produce a terms. Wavefront deformation maps are built and plotted in
small residual amount of positive SA as seen in young adult coded colors. For each aberration, the chromatic PSF and
eyes of athletes and US Navy pilots at their peak visual the simulated eye-chart are calculated and plotted.
performance.48,49 As illustrated in Figure 5-36, the aberrometry page
The Bausch & Lomb AO platforms (Crystalens, Akreos) displays several components: the selected topography,
are aberration “neutral” or without any positive or negative wavefront deformation maps related to typical aberrations
aberration induced. Thus, these lenses are less sensitive to (SA, coma, trefoil, 2-degree astigmatism, irregularities,
62 Ch a p t e r 5
and other HOAs), the residuals map, PSF, and simulated IOLs available were calculated based on the cornea’s posi-
eye charts. For each aberrometric term, the following are tive SA at a 6-mm pupil, we recommend that the maps also
illustrated: wavefront deformation map, color-coded RMS be set at 6 mm to attempt to best use the wavefront data
value (bad, suspect, normal depicted as red/yellow/green), collected.
PSF, and simulated eye chart. Following are examples of how we have used our
The surgeon can review the PSFs and simulated eye Magellan in deciding what IOLs to implant in our cataract
charts (Figure 5-37) in either photopic or scotopic mode. patients. Figure 5-38 of patient PR shows the right eye has
For each aberration term, the simulated eye chart will be RMS = +0.177 µm corneal SA and very low other HOAs,
calculated and displayed below the corresponding wave- a “good match” for one of the Alcon platforms. The OS
front deformation. (Figure 5-39) has RMS = + 0.30 µm and low other HOAs, a
The effect of pupil size can be varied from 3 to 9 mm. It “good match” for one of the Tecnis platforms. The surgeon
is important to measure and correctly set the patient pupil can now decide whether to “mix and match” or just choose
parameters as HOAs become significant (>4 mm) and large one of these platforms.
(increase ≥6 mm). Moreover, as the negatively aberrated
Pla c id o D isk-Ba se d To p o gra p h ic Syst e m s 63
Figure 5-40 of patient VK’s OD shows negative SA RMS other factors? Her OS “virgin” cornea shows rms of only
of -0.021 and high amounts of other HOAs. This patient +0.185 SA with medium other HOAs. The OS is theoreti-
had no previous eye surgery, and if an “average” positive cally a candidate for one of the Alcon wavefront platforms
corneal SA had been assumed, the surgeon may have actu- (set for -0.20 SA). Having this HOA information and
ally induced more HOAs by implanting a negative SA lens. evaluating the effects of SA as well as of the other HOAs
An aberration-free (Akreos) platform was chosen here to can be helpful to making a better IOL decision and makes
attempt to avoid further changes to the low measured SA it less likely that you will be surprised by an unanticipated
and not exacerbate the higher degrees of coma if the lens outcome in vision quality.
were to tilt or decenter. Figure 5-43 of patient JW’s OD shows the classi-
Figures 5-41 and 5-42 are of patient JH who had “old” cal topographical pattern post-RK surgery. Observe the
LASIK in her OD and left her OS untreated for monovision. 4 flatter regions over the old corresponding RK cuts. Note
Her OD shows high rms of +0.85 SA and very high rms for the extremely high HOAs in all categories. The patient ada-
other HOAs. A decision now has to be made. Does one want mantly wanted multifocal visual rehabilitation. After exten-
to go SA neutral with an aberration-free platform or choose sive counseling, the best option for him was the aberration-
a negatively aberrated lens (such as Tecnis set at -0.275 SA), free Crystalens AO.
reducing the +SA somewhat but risking an increase in the
64 Ch a p t e r 5
Figure 5-43. (A) Classical topographical pattern following radial keratotomy. Note the 4 flatter regions corresponding to the
RK incisions and extremely high HOAs in all categories. The patient adamantly wanted multifocal visual rehabilitation. (B) The
Magellan uses the indices to categorize the patient and correctly identified this as an eye with a history of MRS. The patient
wanted to undergo implantation of a presbyopia-correcting lens, but multifocal I classical topographical pattern post-RK surgery.
O bserve the 4 flatter regions over the old corresponding RK cuts. Note the extremely high HOAs in all categories. The patient
adamantly wanted multifocal visual rehabilitation. IO Ls are contraindicated in eyes with this amount of irregular astigmatism.
Pla c id o D isk-Ba se d To p o gra p h ic Syst e m s 65
Figure 5-44. (A) This patient was referred for surgery O D due to a PSC cataract. Refraction and manual Ks were “spherical,”
but the Magellan found topography with 99% artificial intelligence-based association with keratoconus with a severity index of
2.9% . Note the inferior steepening, but the central mires are quite regular, consistent with his refraction and Ks (both manual
and IO L Master, Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany). (B) The navigator view shows very high HOA RMS in almost all categories. An
aberration-free IO L platform was the most reasonable choice. Multifocal IO L implantation should be avoided.
Figure 5-45. (A) This patient presented for cataract surgery with a history of hyperopic LASIK. Note the well-centered excimer
ablation on the axial map with the neural network indices correctly identifying the previous hyperopic refractive surgery (96.6%
HRS). (B) The aberration map shows a high degree of negative corneal SA (-0.311). An aberration-free IO L or perhaps an earlier-
generation spherical IO L that will induce some positive SA would be beneficial.
Figure 5-44 is of patient MK, a 54-year-old man Figure 5-45 illustrates patient CB presenting for cataract
referred for OD surgery for a PSC cataract. His refraction surgery with a history of hyperopic LASIK. Note the well-
and manual Ks were close to “spherical.” His past ocular centered excimer ablation on the axial map with the neural
history was not contributory. The Magellan aberrometer network indices correctly identifying the previous hyper-
view shows topography with 99% artificial intelligence- opic refractive surgery (96.6% HRS). Here, the aberration
based association with keratoconus with a severity index map (Figure 5-45B) shows a high degree of negative corne-
of 2.9%. Note the inferior steepening, but the central mires al SA (-0.311). The surgeon can consider an aberration-free
are quite regular, consistent with his refraction and Ks IOL or perhaps in this case an earlier-generation spherical
(both manual and IOL Master, Carl Zeiss Meditec). The IOL that will induce some positive SA to best match this
navigator view shows very high HOA RMS in almost all wavefront.
categories. In our view, the aberration-free Akreos AO
platform was the most reasonable choice.
66 Ch a p t e r 5
+ (dz/dx) 2) 3/2
hardware/software configuration; and (5) using the con- Ri =
figuration to demonstrate as much information as possible
where z is sagittal height and x is the distance from the
to the clinician. This section describes the challenges of
axis. The sphere used to measure axial power does not have
Placido-based CTs and the Keratron’s design implementa-
the same instantaneous curvature as the cornea at the same
tions to meet those challenges.
reflective position unless the cornea is spherical. Unlike the
sphere, the center of curvature does not necessarily lie on
Clin ical In form at ion in a Corn eal the CT axis. Axial power at any point has been shown to be
Top ograph y Color-Coded Map the average of the instantaneous curvature from the center
Prior to the introduction of the Keratron, the leading to that point.53
commercial CTs showed maps of “corneal power” as mea-
sured along a number of radials. The unit shown was axial Trad it io n a l “Sp h er ica lly Bia sed ”
power whose mathematical definition is the power of a Met h od s to Deduct Axial Power From
sphere, centered on the CT axis that has the same tangent Placido Reflect ion s
as the cornea at each measurement position on a corneal
profile. Axial power is inversely proportional to the radius Prior to the Keratron, the leading commercial CTs
337.5 derived axial power by (1) measuring the power of the
of the sphere, using the “thin lens law” (D = _____
), and that
radius is the distance from the surface position to the CT’s cornea to magnify the image of a mire54 or (2) matching
axis measured along a surface normal. Mathematically, it the size of a reflected mire to the sizes of mires reflected
is defined as from a series of spheres.55,56 Figure 5-47, left, shows the
(1 + (dz/dx) 2)1/2
x_____________ problems of these methods. The diagram shows rays from
Ra = (dz/dx) a mire reflecting from a cornea (solid line) and a sphere
where z is sagittal height and x is the distance from the (dotted line). A point on the sphere (A) and a point on the
axis. Axial power represents the “tilting” of the surface cornea (B) will reflect the same ray to the lens and form
downward from apex to periphery. Its historical relevance the same image in the reflected mire pattern. However, the
lies in its use in the ophthalmometer, and its scientific rel- sphere and the cornea have different axial radii, heights,
evance is derived from the fact that the tangent to a surface and instantaneous curvatures. Traditional axial power mea-
determines refraction. surement records the radius of the sphere as the radius of
Because the corneal surface is smooth, its height changes curvature of the cornea. This results in mild error for axial
gradually from position to position. The surface’s rate of radii and more extreme error for height and instantaneous
change, the tangent, reveals more detail about corneal shape curvature.
than does height. However, the “bending” of the cornea The false assumption that a sphere and a cornea, which
reveals even more details. The geometric unit that describes reflect the same ray to the lens, have the same powers and
the bending of the cornea in a given direction through a heights is called “spherical equivalency” or “spherical
given point is the local, also called tangential, meridional bias.”55 When axial power is measured by mire magnifi-
or instantaneous curvature, which is the inverse of the cation or mire size, corneal height cannot be determined
radius of a circle whose profile matches the profile of the because, for a selected reflection position, an infinite fam-
corneal surface at each measurement position. The radius of ily of combinations of tangents and heights can produce
the sphere (Ri) is defined as the same axial power. It has been definitively demonstrated
68 Ch a p t e r 5
Figure 5-60. Using the Keratron move-axis feature (C) produces the same result as asking the patient to change fixation (B).
laser link. The user is also permitted to clean a ring pattern CLMI was evaluated on 132 normal and 112 keratoconic
by erasing artifactual areas but is not allowed to add rings eyes in 2005 by Twa87 who applied a receiver operator
or segments of rings arbitrarily. characteristic curve analysis. He found that CLMI accu-
racy could be 90% at second place after his proposed C4.5
In t raop erat ive Fu n ct ion s decision tree, with a specificity as high as 99% and a 79%
sensitivity. This statistical analysis of screening had optimal
The Keratron Scout can be fit into an optional weight-
results with axial maps.87
balanced trolley (see Figure 5-46C), and sterile accessories
The CLMI were implemented in Scout software in
allow the surgeon to take intraoperative corneal topography
2005.89 In scout.exe terminology, axial magnitude (Ma) is
(ie, before and after a treatment). While the Keratron Scout
used for screening, and curvature (Cc) is used for descrip-
is sterile sleeved, the surgeon can position and use upside-
tion (Figure 5-61). The screening panel includes Ma and
down buttons to start acquisition for either eye, capture an
a statistic, percentage probability of keratoconus (PPK).
image, and even browse in the database and save the topog-
If PPK is lower than a criterion, then a green circle indi-
raphy without needing to touch the PC keyboard. The intra-
cates that the eye is not keratoconic. If PPK is higher than
operative Keratron Scout has proved very useful in adjust-
a criterion, either a yellow (for suspect) or red (for highly
ing sutures after PKP and LKP,84 during PTK treatments,
probable) button allows the user to get a description panel
and in measuring preoperative and/or de-epithelialized
on the map. The description includes the “C1” circle (2-mm
corneas before and after LASEK topo-link treatments.85
steepest zone), the circle’s location relative to the vertex
in polar coordinates, and the average D in that circle, Cc,
Ca, Cg for tangential, axial, or Gaussian curvature maps,
Con e Lo cat ion a n d Magn it u d e respectively (top left, top right, and bottom left in Figure
In d ices, Gau ssia n Map , a n d 5-61). The main advantage of CLMI over other indices is
that it locates the keratoconus and shows the clinician exact-
Follow -Up Feat u res ly where CLMI located the presumed cone apex, rather than
using a hidden process. The clinician can look at the map
Th e Con e Lo cat ion an d Magn it u d e to decide if the Ma or PPK could be due to an artifact or
In d ices some clinical or surgical reason other than a keratoconus.
Furthermore, the Cc parameter, which is the average diop-
The Cone Location and Magnitude Indices (CLMI), tric power in the steepest circle C1 on curvature maps, is an
introduced by Drs. C. Roberts and A. Mahmoud in 2001,86 especially valuable quantifier to follow the keratoconus, as
were created to automatically distinguish keratoconic from described in a later section.
normal corneas. CLMI is calculated by an algorithm that
locates the steepest 2-mm diameter circular area of a diop- Th e Gau ssian Map
tric map (axial, tangential, or Gaussian curvature). The cen-
tral keratoconus index (KCI) is the difference between the The Gaussian is the product of the steepest and flattest
average value within the steep circle and the average value curvature in a plane perpendicular to a point of a surface.
of the remaining corneal area within 8 mm. The peripheral According to the Theorema Egregium by Carl Friderich
KCI measures the asymmetry of the cornea87 as the differ- Gauss (1828), this product is invariant for a flexible non-
ence between the average within the steep circle and the elastic surface. Gaussian curvature is therefore an intrinsic,
average within a circle on the opposite side of the cornea. invariant property of surfaces.90 To illustrate the prop-
A recently introduced calculation88 allows continuous mea- erty, the Gaussian curvature of a flat sheet of paper is 0.
surement from central to peripheral keratoconus. When the paper is bent to any curvature in one direction,
Pla c id o D isk-Ba se d To p o gra p h ic Syst e m s 75
(C1 x C2)
it will remain straight (0 curvature) in the perpendicular M= 2
direction. The steep times flat product will be 0, so the
It can be easily demonstrated that the square of the
Gaussian curvature will remain 0. Squeezing a spherical
2 measures differs by the square of astigmatism:
surface, as shown in Figure 5-62, will make it steeper in one
direction and proportionally flatter orthogonally. Surgeons G2 = M2 + (C1 – C2) 2
who fit sutures on a donor cornea after PKP know that
“Mean curvature” maps may appear quite similar to
nonuniform tension will create astigmatism in the axial
Gaussian if astigmatism is not high, but they are not
and (tangential) curvature maps. But, unless the wound is
invariant for the surface because they do not fulfill Gauss’
stretched to introduce cornea elasticity or permanent inelas-
Theorema Egregium.
tic mechanical distortions, the Gaussian map will remain
Figure 5-63 shows differences between Gaussian maps
(lower row) and curvature maps (upper row). Note the pair
Unlike axial and tangential curvature calculations, the
of maps of an astigmatic cornea on the left. On the Gaussian
Gaussian curvature calculation is independent of the dis-
curvature map (bottom, left), the regular astigmatism
tance from the corneal vertex. Therefore, Gaussian maps
cannot be seen, and the map appears no different from a
can unequivocally show the apex of a keratoconus. This
rotationally symmetric cornea. Similarly, neither the blue
application was first proposed in 1997 by Barsky and col-
sides nor the astigmatism in the apex of the keratoconus are
visible in the middle and bottom right maps. Gaussian maps
Gaussian curvature as implemented in the Scout soft-
with vectors at points around the cornea allow visualization
ware in 200790 is not actually the product, but the geomet-
of astigmatism and its pattern (eg: Figure 5-61, bottom left).
ric average in D, the square root of the product C1 x C2:
However, a curvature unit that hides astigmatism, as well as
G = (C1 x C2)1/2 the flat sides that surround keratoconus apices, is not ideal
for a complete clinical evaluation. Gaussian maps should
where C1 and C2 are the 2 principal curvatures in that point.
always be viewed in conjunction with maps that depict other
Some authors have proposed a “Mean curvature” unit,92
units and should never replace them.
which is the arithmetic average of the same curvatures:
76 Ch a p t e r 5
In the new Scout software release, the CLMI applies if a Gaussian map had been computed at least once. Moving
Gaussian measurement to better locate the keratoconus the axis will affect all of the maps on the screen and the
apex as Cg, the CLMI circle C1 on the Gaussian map, and Sim-K readings but will not affect CLMI nor the aberra-
the unbiased location of the ectasia. There is a move axis to tions. Corneal wavefront maps can also be shown with pupil
Gaussian apex option that places the map center of any type size and aberrations chosen from the Zernike pyramid.
of map (curvature, axial, and spherical offset) on the center In Figure 5-64, we see the history of a keratoconic eye
of circle C1. This option can be applied automatically to a over almost 2 years and after 2 kinds of treatments. In the
number of maps, taken at different dates, in order to better first 3 topographies, the progression of the cone steepness
evaluate Sim-K and other shape factors within the follow- is evident by the increase of Cc (ie, the average curvature in
up feature. D within the circle at the apex). After CXL treatment (test
#8-3), Cc regressed by more than 2 D. After implantation of
Th e Scout Follow-Up Feat u re ICRs, the apical steepness dropped even more dramatically,
by more than 6 D. Figure 5-65 shows the same patient’s
When a patient has undergone a series of 3 or more tests,
tests, for which the clinician has selected the Corneal WA
rather than comparing them in pairs (eg, with “pre-post”
(bottom tab, red circle, high orders maps) and to plot their
differences like those in Figure 5-52), the clinician can
RMS value (upper tab, red circle).
look at all the tests in a single window in order to evaluate
This figure gives us a different perspective than Figure
over time the changes of the various maps and parameters
5-64. Rather than changes in the corneal shape, it shows the
including CLMI, Sim-K and other indices, or individual
changes in the quality of vision. It explains why, in this par-
corneal and ocular aberrations.
ticular case, the patient could not appreciate the regression
Figures 5-64 through 5-67 show some examples of the
of cone steepness after CXL, but recognized the greater
Scout follow-up window. In this window, the clinician can
improvement after ICR, which dramatically reduced HOAs,
choose 1) the patient’s eye OD/OS (tabs on the left side);
especially coma.
2) the map type (circled in red, bottom left); and 3) the
Critical to the decision of whether a keratoconic patient
parameter (circled in red, top-left) to be plotted. The maps
should have a CXL treatment or not, in addition to corneal
are updated in real-time and are shown in the middle of the
thickness, is whether his or her ectasia is stable or progress-
window, just below the plot of the selected measurement
ing. This assessment is not an easy task when changes are
unit. Their axes can be moved to the entrance pupil (button
slower or smaller than in the case shown in Figures 5-64
at the bottom left) or to the “Gaussian apex” (Cg), but only
Pla c id o D isk-Ba se d To p o gra p h ic Syst e m s 77
Figure 5-77. Examples of CALCO lens designs including early Figure 5-78. The popular WAVE program
stage keratoconus, post-hyperopic PRK treatment, and a rare ( is shown in a
superior keratoconus. screen shot. (Reprinted with permission from
Renzo Mattioli, PhD.)
nnovation and technology advancement has afford- corneal elevation with a range from 0.00 to 2.60 mm and
ed ophthalmologists and optometrists with diagnostic accuracy to ±1 µm. AstraMax acquires images in less than
equipment of unprecedented sophistication. As such, cli- 0.2 seconds, eliminating the need for software or straps to
nicians expect more measurements and diagnostic capabili- compensate for eye movements. AstraMax also generates
ties from modern-day topographers. LaserSight’s AstraMax anterior and posterior axial, instantaneous curvature maps
(Winter Park, FL) multi-camera topographer is designed for and different comparative options of the displays, process-
this purpose with hardware and software integration that ing data within 10 to 15 seconds. Information can also be
gives the system a variety of corneal and pupil diagnostic displayed as point spread and modulation transfer functions
functions.129 One of AstraMax’s most critical measure- (PSF and MTF), Zernike coefficients, plus a variety of
ments for custom ablation is the anterior and posterior physician-adjusted preferences to customize the software.
84 Ch a p t e r 5
Figure 5-81. The corneal PSF illustrates the superior resolving capability of a prolate-shaped cornea.
Figure 5-83. SA analysis with respect to the asphericity (Q value) of the corneal models, including spherical,
prolate and oblate ellipsoid, toroid, and astigmatic oblate and prolate models.
directions are captured and processed. For concentric asymmetrical objects, critical information is missing along
rings and axial symmetrical objects, measurement and the circumferential direction with concentric ring-only
analysis are performed only along radial directions. For Placido.
86 Ch a p t e r 5
Figure 5-84. (A) The pattern used in AstraMax is a combined concentric ring and polar grid pattern. (B) The target used to cre-
ate reflections on the cornea.
Figure 5-85. (A) Image of the anterior Placido reflection image of the patented grids for a sphere or axial symmetrically aspheric
surface. Reflected image of a cornea with 4 D of corneal astigmatism. (B) Axial image of a cornea with 4 D of corneal astigma-
O rt h ogon al Polar Grid an d Ax ial A sphere is an axial symmetrical surface where con-
centric rings alone are adequate to measure the anterior
Asym m et rical Objects surface. An astigmatic surface, however, best illustrates the
For axial asymmetrical objects, AstraMax performs effectiveness of the polar grid to address torsional twist.
analysis using concentric rings as well as spokes. For radial Figure 5-84 is the image of the anterior Placido reflection
direction, concentric rings are used. For circumferential image of the patented grids for a sphere or an axial symmet-
direction, a new measurement parameter, the twist angle rical aspheric surface. The spokes are roughly 10 degrees
map, is obtained to further illustrate the complex nature apart. Figures 5-85 and 5-86 are the reflected images of 4 D
of optically axial asymmetrical objects. Measurement and astigmatic and 8 D astigmatic surfaces of the polar grid pat-
analysis are performed along both axial and circumferential terns. The 10-degree spokes are “twisted” toward the flat
directions. Image is stretched differently in all directions, axis (horizontal axis). The amount of twist varies according
and image is twisted according to the twist angle. AstraMax to the magnitude of the astigmatism and the angular region
captures the reflective twist, and, likewise, refractive twist of the surface. Figure 5-87 is a summary of the twist angle
measurement can be obtained using optical ray tracing of for various astigmatic surfaces with respect to a no-twist
the anterior twist measurements. spherical or axial symmetrical aspheric surface. It can be
Pla c id o D isk-Ba se d To p o gra p h ic Syst e m s 87
Figure 5-86. (A) Reflected image of a cornea with 8 D of corneal astigmatism. Note the 10-degree spokes are “twisted” toward
the flat axis (horizontal axis). The amount of twist varies according to the magnitude of the astigmatism and the angular region
of the surface. (B) Axial image of a cornea with 8 D of corneal astigmatism.
Figure 5-88. Image twist occurs where the twist bends toward
the flat axis. The minimum twist occurs at the steep and flat
axis, while the maximum twist occurs in the middle of the
steep and flat axis.
Figure 5-87. A summary of the twist angle for various additional image-forming complexity to the imaging
astigmatic surfaces with respect to a no-twist spherical optical system (in this case, the astigmatic reflective
or axial symmetrical aspheric surface. or refractive surfaces).
Figure 5-89. The accumulated twist angle within 0 - Figure 5-91. By taking the derivative of the accumulated twist
and 90-degree region where the horizontal axis is angular angle, we can get the twist rate of change of this 4-D astig-
direction theta and the vertical axis is the accumulated twist matic surface, where the range of the twist rate is between
angle. For this 8 D astigmatic surface, the maximum twist approximately 1 to -1 degree for the angular range of 0 and
angle is 4.8 degrees at 45-degree location. Note that the 90 degrees.
accumulated twist angle fits a second-order polynomial quite
well, and its coefficients are proportional to the magnitude of
the astigmatism as can be seen from this figure, in this case,
a factor of 2.
The accumulated twist angle within the 0- and 90-degree the illumination angle allows for detailed capture of the
region is documented in Figures 5-89 and 5-90, where the pupil and iris and iris recognition. This important infor-
horizontal axis is angular direction theta and the vertical mation, when combined with the simultaneously acquired
axis is the accumulated twist angle. The accumulated twist topography data, is crucial to the alignment and registration
is clockwise, toward the flat axis. There was no twist at of the eye during laser refractive surgery.131-133
0 and 90 degrees. The maximum twist happens at about AstraMax is capable of using controlled illumination
45 degrees. Please note that the accumulated (whole body) light sources and capturing the pupil size and location with
twist is bending toward the flat axis (0 degrees), and the respect to the visual axis under various conditions. Figure
maximum bending occurs at about 45 degrees and slowly 5-93 is the captured scotopic pupil data. In Figure 5-94, the
returns to zero twist at 90 degrees. Therefore, the rate of same eye captured the pupil data under photopic conditions.
twist (twist angle per angular section) has to change sign Both the pupil size and location are dynamic, changing
where the maximum twist occurs (see Figures 5-89 and with time and illumination condition. Proper assessment is
5-90). By taking the derivative of the accumulated twist important to determine the nominal pupil offset under the
angle, we can get the twist rate of change as shown in proper conditions when data are to be used in laser refrac-
Figures 5-91 and 5-92. tive surgery.
Due to AstraMax’s unique design of illumination and
Dyn am ic Pupil Measu rem en t an d Iris imaging optics, iris patterns are distinctively revealed,
recorded, and analyzed under programmable illumination
Recogn it ion intensity as shown in Figure 5-95. Iris registration and
AstraMax uses programmable infrared illumination alignment capabilities are important, particularly when
to allow the image capture and measurement of the pupil treating patients with significant astigmatism.133,134
parameter of diameter and location. The unique design of
Pla c id o D isk-Ba se d To p o gra p h ic Syst e m s 89
Figure 5-93. Captured scotopic pupil data showing the Figure 5-95. Iris patterns are distinctively revealed, with
pupil size (7.18 mm). pupil diameter, which is used to align the patient eye
during surgery.
Figure 5-96 (continued). The 3-camera system uses 8 radial acquisition meridians to optically measure the
corneal thickness along normal direction. (B) This is the view from the side camera. (C) This is the view from
the other side camera.
combination of anterior topography and whole-eye optical function of astigmatism, and the distribution is highly
pachymetry. correlated to the optical transfer function of the cornea.
Simultaneous and dynamic pupillometry, iris recognition,
and corneal topography are critical to the overall assess-
Con clu sion ment of the patient’s eye and, in particular, to the clinicians
involved with laser surgery when alignment of the eye and
An instantaneous and simultaneous comprehensive diag- visual axis is of significance. A comprehensive diagnostic
nostic instrument is clinically important, particularly in workstation with instantaneous and simultaneous measure-
laser refractive surgery. Polar grid, combined with concen- ment capabilities provides effective tools in topo-guided
tric rings, offers additional information not available from laser refractive ablation for particularly problematic and
a concentric ring-only Placido system. Twist angle is a complex corneas.131
Mirko R. Jankov II, MD, PhD; Renato Ambrósio Jr, MD, PhD; Diogo L. Caldas, MD;
Ana Laura C. Canedo, MD; Leonardo N. Pimentel, MD; Bruno F. Valbon, MD;
and Sissimos Lemonis
he Allegretto Topolyzer (Alcon, Fort Worth, TX; The Topolyzer has 11 rings of the Placido disks that
Figure 5-97) is a Placido disk corneal topography are projected on the cornea (Figure 5-98), so that up to
system with an integrated autokeratometer, which 22 reflection edges are recorded by a CCD camera and
facilitates best focusing on the reflected mires on the cor- up to 22,000 measuring points are detected by the soft-
nea and allows for an automatic acquisition of the Placido’s ware (Figure 5-99). Basically, the reflected image of the
image. This provides quick, precise, and very repeatable Placido’s disk is captured, and the slope (distance) of the
data with excellent image centration. The instrument has rings is computed for calculating the topographical maps.
a software link with the Alcon WaveLight excimer laser The distance between the reflected rings will be smaller in
platform for custom topographic-guided treatments.135-137 steeper corneas and larger in flatter surfaces. The integrated
Pla c id o D isk-Ba se d To p o gra p h ic Syst e m s 91
Another parameter is the percentage of the imaged image. The corneal apex is defined in cartesian polar coor-
or measured area compared to the full available image dinates as x = 0 and y = 0. This is the center of the Placido’s
(abbreviation used by the software is analyzed area [AA]). reflex, and it is very important to have the patient adequate-
Depending on the settings, the software either extrapolates ly fixating to the fixation light inside the central inner ring.
the area that is not really measured, based on the surround- The pupil is identified, and its center is positioned accord-
ing measured ones, marking that area with black points, or ingly to the apex. The limbus edge (or iris edge, as defined
it will simply be omitted and left as a white area without by the software) is also identified, and the best circle is fit
any information. such that its center is also characterized (see Figure 5-102).
Only the area with uninterrupted Placido rings (Figure The overview display provides most of the relevant
5-102) and without the black dots will be considered for clinical information (Figure 5-103). This display contains
T-CAT. The measured area should be at least 60%. As this the photokeratoscopic image with the edge detection layer
figure strongly depends on preoperative Ks, as well as the (upper left) along with the sagittal or tangential curvature
surface quality, one should aim to have at least enough data map (upper right). The real (not simulated) central kerato-
to cover the area of the intended ablation optical zone, typi- metric readings from a built-in keratometer for horizontal
cally 6.0, or 0.5-mm smaller in cases of the patients with and vertical axis (or steeper and flatter, depending on the
smaller pupils. As an additional safety measure, the treat- software settings), together with the astigmatism and its
ment planner portal software will automatically exclude axis, are also displayed (lower left) and color coded: any
measurements not providing adequate amounts of data for data related to the flatter axis are displayed in blue, while
the desired optical zone. data showing the steeper axis are marked in red. Next is
the white-to-white measurement of the limbus (or corneal
diameter, as defined by the software), and finally the cor-
Disp lay Mo d es neal eccentricity (ecc), another conic constant to describe
asphericity (Q). The formula for converting ecc to Q is as
The Topolyzer exam provides relevant clinical informa- follows:
tion, starting from the evaluation of the photokeratoscopic
Q = -ecc2
Pla c id o D isk-Ba se d To p o gra p h ic Syst e m s 93
Figure 5-103. O verview display—an example of pure myopic Figure 5-105. O verview display—an example of the patient
astigmatism, sagittal map with relative O CULUS color scale in Figure 5-104 3 days after the implantation of 2 intracorneal
and 0.25-D interval. ring segments of 200 and 250 µm (nasally and temporally,
respectively). Tangential map shows absolute O CULUS color
scale and 0.50-D interval. Note the remarkable decrease of the
corneal curvatures and astigmatism, as well as formation of a
relatively regular optical zone of approximately 4.5 mm on the
keratometric profile map (lower left).
Figure 5-107. O verview display—an example of myopic Figure 5-109. Fourier display—topography of a significant
LASIK of +4.0 D, tangential map shows absolute O CULUS superior decentration of a myopic LASIK treatment. (Map on
color scale and 0.50-D interval. Note a regular optical zone the left with the absolute O CULUS color scale and 0.50-D
of approximately 4.5 mm represented as a straight line on the interval next to it.) The same curvature map is decomposed
keratometric profile map (lower left). Deflection circle of a into 4 different components: spherical (upper middle), decen-
hyperopic transition zone can be seen as a circular area of tration (upper right), regular astigmatism (lower middle), and
the missing rings on the raw image (upper left). That area is irregularities (lower right). Note a significant decentration
erroneously interpreted by the software as extremely flat and, component, while other components are quite low.
therefore, color-coded with light blue on the curvature map
(upper right).
Figure 5-111. Keratoconus indices display—topography of a Figure 5-113. Height map display—topography (upper right)
mild case; together with the curvature map (upper right with of a significant superior decentration of a myopic LASIK treat-
the absolute O CULUS color scale and 0.50-D interval next ment (the same as in Figure 5-109); software automatically
to it), a map of the decentration component from the Fourier chooses the best-fit reference toric ellipsoid for a “pinned”
analysis is displayed (upper left). In the upper middle, between fit, where the reference shape touches the corneal map in its
the maps, a series of indices with their respective values is center (an asphere with a radius of 0.27 mm and eccentricity
displayed (red being outside normal limits), as well as the clas- of 0.26 in this example).
sification of the keratoconus level (KC stage 1-2 in this case).
Figure 5-114. Main topography display. Figure 5-115. Holladay display. Note the corneal parameters
listed at the bottom: Sim Ks, radial power values, pupil mea-
surements, asphericity, CU index, I-S value, and PC acuity.
To ensure ideal vision correction, matching the available
surgical procedures or corrective lens choices in addressing
each patient’s visual deficits depends heavily upon perform- corneal indices to comprehensively analyze the cornea and
ing the correct diagnosis of the aberration sources in each simplify corneal diagnosis (Figure 5-115). These indices
patient’s eyes. The EyeSys is designed to meet this goal for include the inferior-superior (I-S) index, a corneal unifor-
every patient in an easy-to-use and comprehensive format, mity index (CUI), an aspheric Q factor of the cornea, and
creating a new standard of visual function analysis well the unique potential corneal acuity (PCA) measurement that
beyond the antiquated Snellen refraction. provides a direct objective measure of mire quality related
to the tear film of the eye, in effect helping measure poten-
tial dry eye problems.
Disp lays Beyond the numeric data of K readings, refractive
power readings, and other corneal indices, color maps
The corneal topography calculations and displays are are provided to depict the unique features of each cornea.
generated from the EyeSys 3000 and Vista Placido image of With the 2-dimensional images, there are a number of
the cornea and are fully customizable within the software. algorithms available, providing complete corneal analysis.
Using advanced edge detection software, the Placido image These include the Axial Map, Local Radius of Curvature
of the cornea is analyzed across all of the ring edges from Map (Tangential), Refractive Map, Z Elevation Map, High-
center to periphery. Along with patient name and identifi- Order Aberration, Contact Lens Map, and Wavefront Map
cation number, OD/OS label, and time of exam, standard (Figures 5-116 and 5-117).
keratometric readings are generated at the 3-mm zone of The Vista hardware is used to capture the Placido image
the cornea to accurately measure its central curvature and automatically upon centering and focusing of the video
simulate keratometer measurements for routine use. These image as the patient fixates upon a coaxial fixation point.
K readings are provided with every corneal topography This automatic capture occurs through triangulation of a
display, as shown in Figure 5-114. low-power laser beam reflected off of the corneal vertex at
Additionally, a refractive power reading of the cornea a calibrated distance from the Placido. Once captured, the
is calculated for the 3-mm zone in similar fashion to the Placido image is displayed to the user with the ring edge
K readings, but based on Snell’s law of refraction to more detection highlighted, so that the user can easily confirm
accurately describe the refractive power of the central cor- correct image processing. This helps avoid artifacts and
nea. A single effective refractive power reading is given errors in processing that can sometimes be problematic
for the entire central 3-mm zone of the cornea to be used in very irregular corneas, such as those following corneal
primarily for IOL calculations. This number has been transplantation. Figure 5-118 shows a typical Placido image
popularized by Jack Holladay, MD, as an improvement in capture verification screen with the edge detection clearly
understanding central corneal refractive power contribution shown, confirming correct analysis to the user. Also, the
in more accurately calculating the necessary IOL power user can obtain the K readings and refractive power read-
for eyes postrefractive surgery. The Holladay Diagnostic ings from this immediate display following image capture.
Summary available with the compatible EyeSys software The Corneal Topography Summary Displays can be cus-
package to the Vista hardware has become an industry tomized to allow for any of the color maps available to be
standard—a single-page display that provides additional displayed with up to 4 maps at once.143 The EyeSys Vista
98 Ch a p t e r 5
Figure 5-116. Comprehensive mapping display including Figure 5-118. Verification display. The clinician is able to
tangential, refractive, elevation, and corneal wavefront aber- check the rings to ensure the capture if well done.
rations maps.
Figure 5-120. The comparison map compares topography over Figure 5-121. Holladay diagnostic summary in a patient with
time, such as in this case of corneal stabilization after contact early keratoconus.
lens removal in a patient planning for excimer laser surgery.
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Ch a p te r 6
To mo grap he rs
he Bausch & Lomb Orbscan II/IIz Anterior Segment are used to construct mathematical representations of the
Analysis system (Rochester, NY; Figure 6-1) per- true topographic surfaces of the anterior segment, including
forms a complete anatomical analysis of the anterior maps of elevation (z) versus horizontal and vertical (x and
segment of the eye. The system combines 2 technologies: a y) coordinates. The mathematical surface representations,
calibrated video and scanning slit-beam system that mea- which typically have continuous second-order derivatives,
sures anterior segment geometry and an advanced Placido are used to calculate slope and curvature at any point and
disk system that measures the curvature of the anterior in every direction. A tracking system measures involuntary
surface of the cornea. eye movement and is used to accurately assemble the math-
During an examination, the patient fixates on a blinking ematical surface representation from the 40 slit images. The
light source, which is coaxial with a calibrated video imag- resulting calculations are used to describe 4 elements of the
ing system. The video imaging system performs 40 scans anterior segment: anterior and posterior corneal elevations,
through light slits projected at a 45-degree angle. In two corneal power, and corneal thickness. Keratometric power
0.75-second periods, 20 slits are projected sequentially on is calculated using a standard keratometric index.
the eye from the left and right sides of the video axis. The The Orbscan system acquires, analyzes, and presents
5-mm central zone of the cornea is sampled twice, once in the calculated data. Displays use a color scale to show rela-
each direction, through these overlapping slits, as illustrated tive elevations, providing a 3-dimensional view of surface
in Figure 6-2. Before the slit scans, an additional image is topography. In all elevation maps, green is the reference
captured using the Placido rings. surface, or zero level. Red is high, positive, and anterior
The Orbscan performs noninvasive measurements of to the reference surface, while blue is low, negative, and
thousands of points on 4 surfaces of the anterior segment posterior to the reference surface. A commonly used view
of the eye: the anterior cornea, posterior cornea, ante- of surface topography is the quad map, which presents
rior iris, and anterior lens. An example of a raw image is anterior elevation, posterior elevation, corneal power, and
shown in Figure 6-3. The system measures 9600 points pachymetry maps in one view. Figure 6-4 is a quad map
(240 from each of the 40 slits). These point measurements showing typical with-the-rule astigmatism. In this figure,
Wang M. Co rn e al To p o g rap h y: A Gu id e f o r Clin ical
103 A p p licat io n in t h e W ave f ro n t Era, Se co n d Ed it io n (p p . 103 -166)
© 2012 SLACK Incorporated
104 Ch a p t e r 6
Diffu se Reflect ion s required to accurately locate internal surface points when
they lie behind an optical interface that refracts the slit
When a slit beam intercepts an optically smooth surface,
beams and the conjugate image rays. The planar slit beam,
it is split into a specular reflection and a refracted beam that
diffusely reflected from the convex corneal shell, appears
penetrates the surface and is volume scattered by internal
as an annular arc in the video image. The outer and inner
scattering centers. Like surface diffuse reflection, volume
edges of this arc correspond to the anterior and poste-
scattering is omnidirectional. This important property
rior surfaces of the diffusely reflected volume, shown in
allows surface points to be independently observed and
Figure 6-5.
triangulated and gives Orbscan the capability to measure
To locate a point on the anterior surface, an outer edge
arbitrary surface shapes—convex or concave, aspheric or
point is first detected to sub-pixel accuracy. From the video
irregular. Volume (or diffuse) scattering is typically negli-
calibration, the detected edge point is then translated into its
gible from liquids such as the tear film and aqueous humor
conjugate 3-space ray. An example is shown in Figure 6-6.
because the constituent molecules are very small compared
This ray is represented mathematically as:
to the illuminating wavelength. In contrast, volume scatter-
ing is significant from the lens, the iris, and the cornea. For y = U + Vr
that reason, Orbscan sees through the tear film and captures
where the (x, y, z) vector U defines the ray origin at the prin-
the image of the diffusely scattered light from the corneal
ciple/nodal point of the camera optics; the vector V defines
volume that is directly illuminated by the slit beam.
its direction; and the scalar r specifies the distance of a ray
Because typical internal scatters are generally smaller
point from the origin.
than the wavelength of visible light, the magnitude of
Direct triangulation is used to locate points on the
scattering is inversely proportional to the third or fourth
external surface of the cornea. In direct triangulation, a
power of the optical wavelength (Rayleigh scattering: λ 4 for
ray is intersected with the calibrated outer surface of the
spherical particles, λ3 for cylindrical fibers). As a conse-
illuminating slit beam. This surface can be mathematically
quence, the diffusely scattered return consists of the short-
represented as:
est wavelengths found in the interrogating beam (the rea-
sons that Tyndall reflections from the cornea appear blue). S(x) = 0
Calculations of the beam and ray refraction depend on the
where the vector x represents the (x, y, z) coordinates of any
physiologic refractive indices of the various ocular tissues
valid point on the outer beam surface. Direct triangulation
and humors. Orbscan assumes that the standard physiologic
finds r such that S(U + Vr) = 0.
refractive index of air is 1.000; aqueous is 1.336; and cornea
Surfaces are triangulated one at a time, from front
is 1.376.
to back. Thus, all of the refracting surfaces in front of a
desired surface point are known a priori and can be used to
Trian gu lat ion of Com plex Su rfaces calculate all the necessary refractions.
Triangulation is required to map complex surfaces,
such as those of the anterior eye. Raytrace triangulation is
106 Ch a p t e r 6
TABLE 6-1.
Figure 6 -7. True elevation, also known as topographic elevation, is the perpendicular distance Z of a point on the
cornea from the system reference plane. (Reprinted with permission of Bausch & Lomb.)
seen after a reference surface is mathematically removed. fit error with no additional constraints. Axial and pinned
Changes in the reference surface, like changes in sea level, alignments each add one additional constraint (indicated
can dramatically affect the perceived topography of the below by the X in Figure 6-8). Axial alignment forces the
corneal landscape, while its true topography (z as a func- sphere center to lie on the view axis, while pinned align-
tion of x and y) remains unchanged. Figure 6-7 illustrates ment forces the sphere surface to include the view center.
true elevation, also known as topographic elevation. It is Axial pinned alignment employs both constraints.
the perpendicular distance Z of a point on the cornea from The advantage of displaying elevation with respect to a
the system reference plane. True elevation data are used to best-fitting sphere is that a sphere is rotationally symmetric,
determine pachymetry. and thus it is completely described by its radius and center.
A reference sphere may be oriented with a surface in Unfortunately, corneal surfaces are not spherical. To view
3 different ways: floating, axial, or pinned, demonstrated elevation asymmetries with respect to the axisymmetric
in Figure 6-8. Floating alignment minimizes the surface surface that fits the cornea no matter what its shape, it is
108 Ch a p t e r 6
necessary to select a rotor reference surface (Figure 6-9). An terior Segm en t an d Ch am ber Dept h s
The name rotor is derived from its method of construction,
which is to find a surface of revolution by spinning the data The anterior chamber depth (ACD) from the posterior
surface around the view axis. A rotor (without modifiers) is cornea to the anterior lens or iris is calculated differently
the mean surface of revolution. The high rotor (or low rotor) as the straight-line axial distance between anterior chamber
is the surface of revolution lying just above (or below) the surfaces. Anterior chamber volume is easily determined by
data surface. Orbscan setup options and parameters that integrating this distance across the cornea. In addition, the
affect the relative elevation of a single topographic surface rate of change of this distance in radial directions can be
include surface rotation from the instrument axis; reference used to estimate the anterior angle.
surface type (plane, sphere, cone, or rotor); reference sur-
face size, shape, and alignment (floating, axial, or pinned); Su rface Slop e an d Su rface Cu rvat u re
and elevation direction (normal to the reference surface or Surface slope measures the rate of change of surface ele-
axially directed). vation in a particular direction. Determination of the radi-
ally directed slope of the corneal surfaces is important in
Pach ym et ry contact lens fitting and in the implantation of intracorneal
Corneal thickness is calculated as the distance from the rings for refractive correction. Surface curvature measures
anterior to the posterior surface, in the direction perpendicu- the bending (or rate of change of slope, or second deriva-
lar to the anterior surface. Orbscan pachymetry calculations tive) intrinsic to a curve or a surface. Because curvature
have been correlated with manual ultrasound pachymetry; is inversely related to radius of curvature, a small radius
in general, Orbscan determinations of corneal thickness sphere has a large curvature.
are several percent thicker than ultrasound measurements Surface curvature can be described as cutting the sur-
of the same corneas. Orbscan pachymetry measurements face of an object with a plane and then fitting a circle to
can be automatically converted to their acoustic equivalent the plane intersection. The inverse radius of the circle
values; the correlation factor can be set individually for gives the surface curvature in the direction of the plane.
each Orbscan system. The refractive surgeon can overlay Obviously, the value measured is highly dependent on the
the intended radial and astigmatic keratotomy (RK and AK) orientation of the cutting plane. Every surface point has an
cuts on any Orbscan anterior corneal map. The values of infinite number of surface normal planes, each containing
minimum corneal thickness are shown on each incision. the local surface normal, but each cutting the surface in a
To m o gra p h e r s 10 9
TABLE 6-2.
different direction. Thus, every point on a smooth sur- to understanding Orbscan maps is that curvature expressed
face has a direction-dependent curvature, whose complete in D is proportional to an assumed refractive index differ-
description is captured by a mathematical object known as ence. The assumed index difference may be physiologic
a tensor. Orbscan calculates the complete curvature tensor (the real value averaged over the population), or it may be
field from the derivatives of the fitted topographic surfaces. invented (eg, the standard keratometric index). Table 6-2
From this tensor field, the curvature at any surface point lists the assumed posterior indices (air = 1) for each optical
and in any direction can be directly calculated. surface in the anterior segment, together with their typical
A theorem of differential geometry states that every curvatures, expressed in both geometric and D units. Note
point on a smooth surface has a minimum and a maximum that the curvature (in D) of the posterior cornea is nega-
curvature (called principle curvatures), which lie in perpen- tive, not because the geometric curvature is negative, but
dicular surface normal planes. Thus, the curvature at any because the interfacial index difference is negative (Δn =
smooth surface point can be completely specified by 3 inde- -0.040 = 1.336 – 1.376). The standard keratometric index is
pendent quantities: the minimum and maximum (principle) applicable only to the anterior cornea. When so applied, the
curvatures and their direction. Two curvatures at a point in anterior cornea is referred to as the keratometric cornea.
nonprinciple directions do not contain sufficient informa-
tion to construct the complete curvature tensor. Mean an d Ast igm at ic Cu rvat u re
Curvature of an optical surface is directly related to the
Mean curvature is a measure of absolute local sphericity.
focusing power of a normally incident bundle of light rays.
A local sphere is the one that best fits a point and its surface
Because of this property, curvature is often expressed in
derivatives. The inverse radius of this sphere is an absolute
diopters (D; the unit of optical power) and is often referred
measure of the local spherical component of curvature.
to as power, which is a potential cause of confusion.
Because it is absolute, mean curvature is intrinsic to the sur-
Orbscan emphasizes the distinction between curvature and
face and is independent of surface alignment. Absoluteness
power by exclusively reserving the name power for opti-
is important in the diagnosis of certain corneal diseases like
cal properties. Curvature, whether expressed in standard
keratoconus, as it ensures that any geometric abnormality
geometric units (inverse meters, 1/m) or radius of curvature
will appear as it exists. Hence, keratoconus appears as a
units (millimeters, mm), or scaled by D, is always called
symmetric local maximum because the mean curvature of
curvature by Orbscan.
a cone increases toward its apex.
Three concepts are important in understanding Orbscan’s
Maps of mean curvature display the variation of local
mapping of surface curvature. First, curvature applies only
sphericity. Thus, the mean curvature of a normal cornea
to a single surface. In contrast, optical power is generally
is typically very uniform, even when its astigmatism is
calculated for a sequence of surfaces (always beginning
significant. Mean curvature typically filters out global
with the anterior cornea). Second, surface curvature is not
astigmatism in favor of the local spherical component. As
single-valued, but direction-dependent. A complete specifi-
a rule, any residual astigmatism seen in a mean curvature
cation of curvature requires 3 values: the 2 principle curva-
map is greatly reduced and rotated 90 degrees from the
tures and their orientation. As a color contour map (without
real astigmatism. To see the local axes of astigmatism, the
overlays) can only show the variation of one value, many
principle directions overlay is used.
different curvature maps are used to display combinations
Astigmatic curvature is a measure of absolute local cyl-
of the 3 principle values in useful ways. These maps are
inder. Astigmatic curvature typically filters out the global
grouped into 2 families: absolute local curvatures (mean,
spherical component in favor of astigmatism or local cylin-
astigmatic, and irregular) and relative axis-based curvatures
der. As maps of astigmatic curvature display the variation
(axial, tangential, and sagittal). The third concept important
110 Ch a p t e r 6
and paraxial optical power are equivalent. Hence, normal surfaces that rotate with the eye and any reference objects,
power is the paraxial portion of optical power as seen from whereas movable centers are dependent on the rotational
any point on the cornea. point of view (eg, entrance pupil center). Nine centers used
by Orbscan are defined in Table 6-3. The tabulated accu-
Opt ical Axes racy reflects the theoretical precision with which these cen-
ters can be calculated from a set of topographic surfaces.
An optical axis can be defined for any 2 surfaces by
the alignment of a point source and its 2 catoptric images.
Thus, an optical axis is the refracted light ray oriented
perpendicular to both surfaces. In tilted optical systems,
Op t ica l Su r face Ir regu la r it y
like the human eye, the optical axis is not a straight line, Irregularity is a statistical term that describes the vari-
but is bent or curved by refraction occurring between the ation of values in a data set. Optical surface irregularity
2 defining surfaces. is proportional to the standard deviation of surface cur-
Normal pachymetry and normal anterior segment depth vature. As applied to the Orbscan, it is a spatial variation
are both distances measured along the refracted light ray in curvature, quantified as the statistical combination of
that is initially perpendicular to the anterior corneal sur- the standard deviations of the mean and toric curvatures.
face. Maps of these quantities each show a local extreme, Irregularity is calculated for a specific area using the fol-
which locates a 2-surface optical axis. The local minimum lowing formula:
in corneal thickness is the origin of the corneal optical axis,
Irregularity = I = [(σ (κ)) 2 + (σ (Δκ)) 2] ½
as defined by its anterior and posterior surfaces. Similarly,
the local maximum in anterior segment depth is the origin
σ = standard deviation
of the anterior optical axis, as defined by the anterior cor- κ1 + κ 2
nea and lens. κ = mean curvature = ______ 2
Both of these optical axes lie close to the traditional opti- Δκ = toric curvature = |κ1 – κ 2|
cal axis of the eye, which is defined by the confluence of κ1 and κ 2 represent the principle curvatures
the 4 Purkinje images. However, because 4 images cannot
The Orbscan system calculates irregularity using the
generally be brought into alignment, the traditional axis is
following method. First, initial parameters are set using
undefined for many eyes. When the traditional axis exists,
default values that can be changed in an initialization file.
it is coincident with both the corneal and anterior segment
The beginning default pupil diameter is 3 mm, and the
optical axes, which always exist.
increment for increasing the diameter is 2 mm. With these
settings, there are 4 possible irregularity zones on the pupil
(3, 5, 7, and 9 mm). Next, the algorithm defines the sam-
Ocu la r La n d m a rk s pling rules for each zone. Nine concentric rings are defined
Used b y Orb sca n in the 3-mm zone; each ring is divided into segments using
a formula to ensure uniform sampling density (eg, the cen-
In general, a surface center is any well-defined point on ter ring has 3 segments, the second ring has 9 segments, the
a surface—usually the anterior cornea. A landmark center third has 15 segments, etc.) The center point of each seg-
is any uniquely defined physical or optical point of the eye, ment is defined. In the third step, the algorithm calculates
whereas a reference center is defined by the arbitrary refer- all of the map zone statistics at each center point, including
ence object employed. Fixed centers are points on ocular the principle and mean, toric curvatures, etc. Then, the
112 Ch a p t e r 6
TABLE 6-3.
Fixation reflex Corneal reflex point of a fixating patient, measured Fixed High Oblique cross,
by a coaxial optical system and corrected for acqui- landmark x
sition misalignment
Pachymetry Anterior corneal point with minimum normal thick- Fixed Low C
minimum ness; defines the 2-surface optical axis of the cornea landmark
Anterior segment Anterior corneal point with maximum normal ante- Fixed Low S
maximum rior segment depth; defines the 2-surface optical landmark
axis of the anterior cornea and lens combination
Anterior corneal Geometric center of the cornea, or the location Fixed Low Triangle
apex where the axis of best anterior symmetry intersects landmark
the anterior surface
Entrance pupil Physical pupil of the eye imaged through the cor- Movable Medium Dot
nea. Its center is taken to be the geometric centroid landmark
of the pupil image
Sphere center (of View-axis projection of its apical center of curvature Movable Exact Circle
an axisymmetric reference
reference object)
View center Point at which the view axis pierces the surface; Movable Exact Black cross
placed at the map center in standard alignment reference (map center)
Summit Highest surface point measured with respect to the Movable High
current view axis; placed on the view center (and reference
therefore at map center) in standard alignment of a
convex surface
Instrument or Point at which the instrument axis (defined by the Fixed High
system center video camera) pierces the data surface; if located on reference
the unrotated anterior cornea, is a measure of acqui-
sition misalignment
algorithm calculates the standard deviation of these values difference, which is 0.3375 for the keratometric surface.
for the first zone and applies the formula for calculating Thus, the D equivalent of irregularity is about one-third the
irregularity. These calculations are repeated for each zone. curvature measure in reciprocal meters.
Optical surface irregularity is proportional to the stan-
dard deviation of surface curvature. Consequently, only Clin ical Im plicat ion s of Irregu larit y
axis-independent surface curvatures are used in the calcula- Calcu lat ion s
tion, as only they are true surface properties. These include
the mean curvature, which is a measure of local surface Optical surface irregularity is important to the refractive
sphericity, and astigmatic curvature, which is a measure of surgeon because it often represents a loss in best-corrected
local cylinder. As both curvature variations are important, visual acuity (BCVA). Regular astigmatism has a low
the standard deviations of the mean and astigmatic curva- irregularity, while irregular astigmatism has a high degree
ture are statistically combined (their variances are added) of irregularity. Higher-order aberrations (HOAs) may also
to yield the irregularity in standard curvature units (recip- have a high degree of irregularity. Measures of irregular-
rocal meters). Curvature in reciprocal meters can be con- ity may also be useful as a supporting indicator (but not
verted to D by multiplying it by the surface refractive index the sole indicator) in evaluating keratoconus. A 3-mm
To m o gra p h e r s 113
but raises suspicion to look for other signs, such as the An terior Ch am ber Map
number of abnormal maps or a posterior float greater than
0.050 mm (50 µm). Irregularity at 3.00 and 5.00 mm may The anterior chamber map, which shows the depth of
simply indicate the presence of HOAs without pathology, the anterior chamber, can be useful in surgical planning for
so this index should only be used in conjunction with other phakic intraocular lenses (IOLs). The endothelial anterior
findings to diagnose keratoconus. map (Figure 6-15) shows the true available space. This map
In the pachymetry map, shown in Figure 6-14, the lower is likely to grow in its usefulness in the future as the use of
left corner of this quad map, the thinnest area is more than phakic IOLs increases.
30 µm thinner than the central cornea (marked in red).
Peripheral pachymetry measurements in which the periph- Post-LASIK Follow-Up
eral cornea is not at least 20 µm thicker than the central Approximately 1 month following LASIK, the Orbscan
cornea may be a sign of keratoconus, which should be cor- system may be used to assess problems such as dry eye
roborated with other observations. Another potential source and corneal edema and to map the change in corneal shape
of concern is a cornea in which the thinnest point is outside as a reference for an enhancement procedure. Earlier than
the central 5 mm of the cornea.1 1 month, reflections from the recovering tear film or corne-
One abnormal map on the Orbscan normal band scale al edema may produce an Orbscan reading that incorrectly
does not usually indicate forme fruste keratoconus, but suggests ectasia.
requires patient education or having the patient return for
monitoring of changes in 6 to 12 months. Two abnormal Dry Eye an d Corn eal Edem a
maps may indicate early keratoconus; or, if the posterior
float is abnormal with a slightly thinner cornea (less than Dry eye that continues for more than 1 month after
500 µm), 2 abnormal maps may still indicate keratoconus LASIK can be evaluated in a distinctive Orbscan map,
depending on other variables described in this chapter. If shown in Figure 6-16. Note the irregularity on the kerato-
a patient has 2 abnormal maps but no indication of forme metric mean power map as well as the significant missing
fruste keratoconus, surface ablation would likely be a bet- data points. These anomalies confirm that the maps are
ter procedure than LASIK for this patient. Three or more not reliable. After artificial tears were instilled, the images
abnormal maps is a contraindication to corneal surgery and were normal. An Orbscan map with irregularity on the
often indicates a high risk of post-LASIK ectasia.2 anterior elevation map and thinning on pachymetry are
A difference of more than 1.00-D cylinder between the indicators of dry eye.5
eyes or increasing cylinder over time is also a risk factor Corneal edema also produces a distinctive Orbscan map
for keratoconus that can be detected with the Orbscan.3 (Figure 6-17). The specular reflection from corneal edema
Because keratoconus is known to be an asymmetric condi- might be interpreted as Descemet’s layer, and, therefore, the
tion, one eye usually progresses faster than the other.4 A edema will often look similar to a case of ectasia.
higher risk of keratoectasia is also suggested by a K reading
of more than 46.00 D at the steepest point on the Orbscan
keratometric mean power map.
To m o gra p h e r s 115
Stephen S. Khachikian, MD and Michael W. Belin, MD, FACS
ith the increased popularity of refractive sur- system from curvature data by making geometric assump-
gery and the high success rates for corneal tions about the cornea and its position relative to the Placido
transplantation, there has been an increasing disk.7
need to understand corneal contour. Computerized corneal There are significant limitations in trying to describe the
topography has advanced our knowledge of the complex cornea with a Placido-based curvature map (Figure 6-22).
corneal surface beyond what was previously possible with The area of corneal coverage is limited to about 60% of the
earlier examination equipment. Traditional computerized corneal surface, eliminating important data for many periph-
corneal analysis relied on the processing of a Placido-type eral or paracentral pathologies. Placido maps provide no
reflected image. This precludes obtaining data from the information about the posterior corneal surface. Without mea-
posterior corneal surface. True topography implies shape surement of the anterior and posterior surfaces, pachymetric
and requires the generation of an x, y, and z coordinate maps depicting the distribution of corneal thickness cannot
system. Placido-based systems create such a coordinate be made. Additionally, there are limitations in attempting to
118 Ch a p t e r 6
Figure 6 -32. Four-view refractive display of a cornea with iso- Figure 6 -33. Four-view refractive display of a cornea showing
lated posterior elevation. an abnormal displacement of the thinnest point.
such as astigmatism or conical protrusion (ectasia or kera- ultrasound pachymetry and Placido-based topography. The
toconus). A reference surface, such as a toric-ellipsoid, will sagittal curvature (lower right), the map most commonly
more closely fit the astigmatic cornea or the conical cornea displayed on a Placido system, is completely normal. The
and will effectively mask the pathology. Keratoconus, for curvature map is symmetric and shows minimal astigma-
example, is a progressive disorder, the hallmarks of which tism. The simulated keratometry readings are in the mid
are stromal thinning, conical protrusion, corneal scarring, 40s. Central ultrasound pachymetry readings were 520
decreased spectacle-corrected visual acuity, Fleischer ring, µm. All of these values would be considered well within
and, in advanced cases, Vogt’s striae.18 The composite the normal range. This is, however, an incomplete picture.
screening display outlined previously (see Figure 6-31) has The pachymetric distribution is distinctly abnormal with a
significant advantages for identifying ectatic change. marked inferior displacement of the thinnest region. The
Figure 6-32 is a 4-view composite map of an asymptom- thinnest area of the cornea is 499 µm, significantly thin-
atic patient presenting for refractive surgical evaluation. ner than the central reading. The posterior elevation map
The map demonstrates the importance of both the posterior shows a well-circumscribed, clearly demarcated, island of
corneal surface and the pachymetric distribution map. The positive elevation representing the area of ectatic change.
patient had 20/20 best spectacle-corrected vision, normal The area of posterior ectasia and the thinnest corneal region
Placido topography, and central ultrasound pachymetry coincide. This patient has subclinical keratoconus in spite of
of 540 µm. The Pentacam composite display reveals the normal Placido topography and normal ultrasound pachym-
limitations of relying on anterior curvature and central cor- etry. The Pentacam clearly reveals the shortcomings of the
neal thickness measurements alone. The anterior elevation original incomplete corneal analysis.
(upper left) and anterior sagittal curvature (lower right) are
all normal, both maps displaying a small amount of astig-
matism. The pachymetric map (lower left) shows a normal Refract ive Screen in g
central reading of 539 µm. The pachymetric distribution is
significantly displaced, however, where the thinnest region While the basis for the development of ectasia may ulti-
(501 µm) is inferotemporal to the central cornea. The dif- mately be a structural, genetic, or biochemical abnormality
ference between the thinnest reading and the apical reading of the cornea, measurable structural components, such as
is 38 µm. The posterior elevation (upper right) is distinctly elevation and pachymetry, should be thoroughly evaluated.
abnormal. The posterior map shows a well-demarcated, With subclinical disease, curvature alone may not provide
paracentral island of positive elevation (>34 µm) off the enough information to detect early corneal abnormality.
BFS representing an ectatic change. The pachymetric dis- The goal of the Belin/Ambrósio Enhanced Ectasia
tribution also corresponds to the area of posterior elevation, display (Figure 6-34) is to combine elevation-based and
further increasing its significance. pachymetric corneal evaluation in an all-inclusive display.
Similarly, the patient depicted in Figure 6-33 would This gives the clinician a global view of the structure of the
have a completely normal exam if one relied solely on cornea and allows the physician to quickly and effectively
122 Ch a p t e r 6
screen patients for ectatic disease. The elevation maps and ectasia in patients reportedly with normal preoperative
pachymetric data are placed side-by-side in a comprehen- exams.23 How many of these so-called “normal” exams are
sive display. By evaluating these measurements from dif- truly normal and how many had undiagnosed changes on
ferent perspectives, the ability to identify abnormalities is their posterior corneal surface is unknown. Additionally,
increased. The elevation and pachymetric components of reported residual bed computations based on central ultra-
the display are designed to be complimentary. sound readings may significantly overestimate the actual
The creation of a pachymetric map allows for the identi- residual bed. Like flap thickness unpredictability, pachy-
fication of the true thinnest point and can contrast the thin- metric distribution inconsistency may represent a previ-
nest point with the geometric center of the cornea. In 12% ously unrecognized confounding variable.
of normal patients, the pachymetry difference between
the thinnest point and the geometric center of the cornea
is more than 10 µm.19 The distance between the thin- Cor n ea l Mor p h olog y
nest point and the geometric central point is significantly
higher in keratoconus patients. A reliable pachymetric map The Pentacam’s complete corneal analysis is also
is therefore essential for determining the localization and advantageous in characterizing keratoconus morphology.
value of the cornea’s thinnest point. Along with the thin- Traditionally, the morphology of the cone was categorized
nest point evaluation, the data from a full pachymetric map by descriptions based solely on anterior curvature analysis.
enable characterization of the thickness profile of the cor- Sagittal curvature, however, is a very poor indicator of cone
nea. Because the absolute central (or thinnest) pachymetry location and morphology. Figure 6-35 reveals the limita-
value varies significantly among a normal population, the tions of curvature analysis in the assessment of cone loca-
relationship between the central and peripheral cornea can tion. Sagittal curvature maps, whether generated by Placido
be an indicator of pathologic thinning. The normal cornea systems or by elevation systems, do not depict shape nor do
is thinner at the center, with a gradual increase in thick- they accurately locate the cone. One can see that the sagit-
ness toward the periphery.20-22 These concepts and the tal curvature map (lower right) would incorrectly place the
ability to accurately measure the corneal thickness limbus- apex of the cone below the limits of the 9.0-mm display.
to-limbus add significantly to our diagnostic capability. The true apex of the cone, however, is slightly below the
These data can only be obtained with an elevation-based pupillary margin as shown in both the pachymetry map and
topographer and accurate measurement of the posterior the anterior and posterior elevation maps. Accurately iden-
corneal surface. tifying cone location and size are crucial in planning Intacs
The Belin/Ambrósio display allows the clinician to view surgery and corneal transplantation. Elevation maps are
the pachymetric profile and view the corneal elevation as it inherently more accurate than sagittal curvature displays in
appears with an optimized reference surface. The literature depicting the morphology of the cone and should be used to
is replete with numerous articles of iatrogenic post-LASIK classify keratoconus.
To m o gra p h e r s 12 3
In d ividu al Displays
Pentacam Corneal Indices
Single map displays are available for corneal thickness, Steep (K2/Rs): Simulated keratometry value for the
anterior and posterior elevations, and anterior and poste- steepest meridian on both the anterior and posterior
rior sagittal and tangential curvatures. They are selected by surfaces computed at the central 3-mm zone.
choosing the “1 Large Color Map” option and then select- Flat (K1/Rf): Simulated keratometry value for the
ing the map from the drop-down list. All of the single maps flatest meridian on both the anterior and posterior
share a common presentation of corneal indices, which is surfaces computed at the central 3-mm zone.
shown on the left side of the display (Figure 6-36).
Rf/K1: Flat central radii in the 3-mm zone.
Corn eal In d ices Rs/K2: Steep central radius in the 3-mm zone.
Rm/Km: Mean central radius, arithmetic average of
The steep (K2/Rs) and the flat (K1/Rf) simulated kera-
Rf and Rs.
tometry values are shown for both the anterior and posterior
surfaces. These are computed at the central 3-mm zone and QS: Stands for “quality statement” and is a check on
are always orthogonal (ie, 90 degrees apart). The orienta- the image acquisition quality. Here “OK” means the
tion of the major and minor meridians is shown in the small acquired image was of sufficient quality.
diagram on the left side of the field. It should be noted that, Axis: Axis of corneal astigmatism (red for steep,
even in highly irregular corneas, the simulated K values blue for flat and user selectable).
will be reported as orthogonal and that this does not suggest
Astig.: Corneal astigmatism in the central 3 mm.
that the cornea is regular. Other values depicted are listed
in Table 6-4. Q-val.: Corneal shape factor of the cornea in
30 degrees.
Com pare Exam s Rper : The mean radii of the zone between the 7- and
9-mm ring.
These displays allow the user to show different exams
from the same patient to compare and to observe the differ- Rmin: Minimum radii of the cornea.
ences between exams such as pre- and post-LASIK (Figure For the conversion of the curvature readings into refractive power on
6-37). Any of the available single maps may be selected, the anterior surface, a refractive index of n = 1.3375 is used and for
and their differences will be computed. Additionally, the the posterior surface the refractive index n = 1.376 for cornea and
user may left-click on any of the maps, and the correspond- 1.336 for aqueous is used.
ing individual point value will be displayed on all the maps.
This display is particularly useful for showing surgical
effect or following a progressive disease.
124 Ch a p t e r 6
TABLE 6-5.
Curvature Indices
Index of Surface Variance (ISV): Gives the deviation
of individual corneal radii from the mean value. This
index is elevated in all types of irregularity of the cor-
neal surface (scars, astigmatism, deformities caused by
contact lenses, keratoconus, etc).
Index of Vertical Asymmetry (IVA): Gives the degree of
symmetry of the corneal radii with respect to the horizontal
meridian as axis of reflection. Elevated in cases of oblique
axes of astigmatism, in keratoconus, or in limbal ecstasies.
Keratoconus Index (KI): Elevated especially in kera-
Figure 6 -37. Comparison of 2 examinations using the Pentacam. toconus.
Center Keratoconus Index (CKI): Elevated especially
in central keratoconus.
Index of Height Asymmetry (IHA): Gives the degree
of symmetry of height data with respect to the horizon-
tal meridian as axis of reflection. Analogous to IVA,
although sometimes more sensitive.
Index of Height Decentration (IHD): This index is
calculated from Fourier analysis of height and gives the
degree of vertical decentration. Steeper in keratoconus.
Radii minimum (RMin): Gives the smallest radius of
curvature in the entire field of measurement. Elevated in
Topographical Keratoconus Classification (TKC):
Based on anterior corneal data the keratoconus is classi-
fied based on the Amsler/Muckenhirn staging.
Note: This classi cation ignores the degree of thinning and ectatic
changes on the posterior surface. This classi cation would classify as
normal eyes with signi cant posterior changes associated with thinning
if the anterior surface was uninvolved and is also prone to false positives
Figure 6-38. Topometric display on the Pentacam. in corneas with a displaced apex.
Figure 6 -39. Pentacam Individual Pachymetric display. Figure 6 -40. The Holladay Equivalent Keratometry Readings
detailed report.
Figure 6 -41. Pentacam phakic IO L simulation program. Figure 6 -42. Contact Lens Fitting display on the Pentacam.
of imaging more of the corneal surface that is typical of a designs. The lens selection can then be modified based on
reflective Placido-based system. If the total corneal shape the simulated lens/cornea alignment and predicted fluores-
is known, rigid gas-permeable lenses can be “fit” to the cein pattern.
corneal surface and the lens/corneal relationship can be The development of elevation-based imaging systems
predicted. The lenses can be adjusted both in overall diam- that allow assessment of both the anterior and posterior cor-
eter, base curve, and peripheral curves, and a simulated neal surfaces marks an evolutionary change in computer-
fluorescein pattern can be produced. ized corneal analysis. Accurate assessment of both corneal
The Contact Lens Fitting Display (Figure 6-42) allows surfaces and complete pachymetric distribution significant-
the practitioner to either design a custom lens or to select ly enhances our knowledge and should allow for better and
from a large number of commercially available rigid lens more complete corneal and refractive evaluations.
recisio (Figure 6-43) is a modern corneal topogra- and the focus camera—and is further converted to a digital
pher/tomographer that measures limbus-to-limbus format for analysis. The main camera is mounted on a rota-
elevation of the anterior and posterior corneal sur- tional wheel, perpendicular to the projection of the slit, to
faces, corneal pachymetry, as well as the ACD, using the capture the images of the anterior and posterior surfaces of
Scheimpflug principle. It is designed as a custom surgical the cornea, the anterior surface of the iris, and the crystal-
data acquisition device to be used as a part of the iVIS-Suite line lens, while the focus camera, mounted on the rotational
laser system. Its resolution, sensitivity, and specificity are axis, detects the positional data of the examined eye and
fine-tuned for detecting the details of corneal morphology monitors the fixation (Figure 6-44). For each examination
with accuracy and repeatability suited for use in custom lasting 1 second, the main camera acquires 50 images dur-
ablation treatments. ing its 360-degree rotation, generating 39,000 data points
During the examination, Precisio projects a rotating on both the anterior and posterior surfaces. The elevation
slit onto the anterior segment of the eye at an angle of data captured by the main camera are paired with the posi-
20 degrees from its rotational axis, which coincides with tional data from the focus camera. The focus camera also
the visual axis of the examined eye. The slit image is captures the iris and limbal vessel architecture with the help
captured by 2 integrated CCD cameras—the main camera of a secondary illumination system consisting of 4 infrared
To m o gra p h e r s 127
Figure 6-47. Precisio’s default maps—anterior elevation (left), Figure 6 -49. Posterior curvature maps—axial (left), tangential
posterior elevation (right superior), and pachymetry (right infe- (right superior), and total power (right inferior).
rior) in a case of preclinical keratoconus.
Amin Ashrafzadeh, MD
new era was ushered in with the advent of optical
TABLE 6-6.
coherence tomography (OCT). Initially, the OCT
was recognized for the diagnostic capabilities in
the treatment of retinal disorders. The Stratus OCT has an
Maps Included in the Predefined Themes
820-nm diode that was optimized to reach the retina and STANDARD ALTERNATE HOLLADAY
reduce light scatter. The 820-nm light, however, is not opti-
mal for anterior segment. The 1310-nm light has increased Anterior axial Anterior mean Anterior axial
water absorption, allowing the Visante OCT to have a curvature curvature curvature
20-fold increase in light intensity with decreased retinal (ATLAS) (ATLAS) (ATLAS)
exposure. This allows for faster scanning at the same signal- Pachymetry Pachymetry Pachymetry
to-noise ratio, reducing motion artifacts. Additionally, the (Visante OCT) (Visante OCT) (Visante OCT)
1310-nm light has reduced scattering of the light, allowing Anterior eleva- Anterior eleva- Anterior eleva-
for better penetration into turbid and more opacified tis- tion sphere tion toric ellip- tion toric ellip-
sue. This increased signal-to-noise ratio allows for a faster (ATLAS) soid (ATLAS) soid (ATLAS)
processing with increased detail of structures, such as the
cornea, sclera, and the anterior chamber angle.29 Anterior mean Posterior mean Anterior mean
curvature curvature (Both) curvature
Tech n ica l In for m at ion Relative Relative Relative
pachymetry pachymetry pachymetry
Visan te An terior Segm en t OCT (Visante OCT) (Visante OCT) (Visante OCT)
The Visante Anterior Segment OCT (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Posterior eleva- Posterior eleva- Posterior eleva-
Dublin, CA) is a real-time, low-energy infrared laser, time tion sphere tion toric ellip- tion toric ellip-
domain OCT employing a 1310-nm light. Images may be (Both) soid (Both) soid (Both)
acquired using 3 modes. The Anterior Segment Mode,
referred to as “Ant Seg,” is a 16-mm by 6-mm image with
256 optical “A Scans” in a span of 0.125 seconds. The High
Resolution Mode, referred to as the “Hi Res” mode, is a The pachymetry scans are performed in either the
10-mm by 3-mm image with 512 optical “A Scans,” in a standard pachymetry mode, which performs 8 sequential
span of 0.25 seconds. The Pachymetry Mode is a modified images in rotating fashion spaced every 22.5 degrees apart,
Hi Res Mode, 10-mm by 3-mm image, however, with only or a Global Pachymetric Map, where 16 sequential pachy-
128 optical “A Scans” in a span of 0.0625 seconds. The metric images are acquired spaced every 11.25 degrees
axial (depth) resolution of the Visante OCT is 18 µm, and apart. The Pachymetric Map is acquired in 0.5 seconds,
the lateral (transverse) resolution is 60 µm. This information and the Global Pachymetric Map is acquired in 1.0 seconds.
is presented in Table 6-6. The repeatability of the pachymetric map in the standard
The Visante is capable of rotating the OCT drum mode was noted to be 7 µm standard deviation in the cen-
360 degrees. The images can then be acquired using ter and 14 µm standard deviation in the periphery.30 The
2 modes: Ant Seg or Hi Res Scans may also be per- central corneal 10-mm circular pachymetric map provides
formed in the “Enhanced” mode where 4 sequential images 2048 data points.
are acquired and then compressed into a single image. The relative pachymetric map compares the patient’s
Additionally, the Ant Seg or the Hi Res modes can also be corneal pachymetric map against a standard normal cornea
performed in a dual- or quad-scan mode. The dual-scan with a central pachymetry of 550. This relative pachymetric
mode is performed at the 20- to 200-degree axis and at map produces a percent deviation compared to the norm.
the 160- to 340-degree axis. This dual-scan mode is also This map provides a rapid visual analysis of abnormality.
capable of being rotated, but the degree separation remains This information is directly calculated by the Visante and
constant. In the quad scan mode, the 4 scans are in equal is presented in the middle, lower position.
45-degree separations. The Visante 3.0 software also allows The Visante is also equipped with an optometer that
for customization of the scan in terms of the number of ranges from +20 to -35 D. The optometer is used to bring the
scans and also the degrees and the type of scans. focusing reticle into view for patients with refractive error.
132 Ch a p t e r 6
TABLE 6-7.
Scan Modes
Scan Size 16 mm by 6 mm 10 mm by 3 mm 10 mm by 3 mm
# of A-Scans 256 512 128
Acquisition 0.125 seconds 0.25 seconds 0.0625 seconds per B-scan; 0.5 seconds for regular
time pachymetry, 1.0 second for global pachymetry
Modes Single, double, Single, double, quad, 8 scan regular pachymetry or 16 scan global
quad, single single enhanced pachymetry
Additionally, it can also be used to induce accommodation. ATLAS Corn eal Top ograph er
The ability to induce accommodation allows for studying
the movement of the anterior surface of the crystalline lens The ATLAS corneal topographer is a Placido disk-based
or the accommodating IOLs. The capacity to evaluate the system. Models 993, 995, and 9000 are capable of link-
anterior surface lens information in the setting of phakic ing with the Visante 3.0. The ATLAS topographers have a
IOLs is important as the vault distance may dramatically 22-ring Placido disk, 18 superior, and 22 inferior to the point
change with accommodation. of fixation. The latest model, the 9000, uses a 950-nm light
The Visante is also equipped with several software source, which is not visible to the patient, is well-tolerated
modules. The refractive module allows for placement of by dilated or light-sensitive patients, and does not induce
“Residual Stromal Bed” line in the Hi Res modes using any alteration in pupil size.
standard, enhanced, or combined scans that can be adjusted Because the information obtained by the ATLAS topog-
to the desired amount as a set distance from the endothe- rapher is from the reflection of light from the Placido disk,
lial surface. This module may be either used for surgical all data pertain to the anterior surface. The Visante 3.0 ver-
planning, patient education, or postoperative evaluation of sion is upgraded with a tracking device to ensure corneal
outcomes. pachymetric mapping occurs with sequential scans centered
In the Anterior Segment (Ant Seg) modes, the “Anterior to the same location. Additionally, the vertex of the cornea
Chamber Rainbow” provides standardized lines of 0.5, is recognized as the point with greatest signal in a verti-
1.0, and 1.5 mm distances into the anterior chamber from cal scan. The vertex of the ATLAS scans and the Visante
the endothelial surface. This tool is very useful for the pachymetric scans are matched to represent the same loca-
evaluation of the anterior chamber when considering phakic tion. By using the corneal thickness map (pachymetric
IOLs. data), with known anterior surface curvature data from the
The “Phakic IOL” tool has a list of Artisan lenses ATLAS, the posterior corneal curvature data are calculated.
(Ophthec, Groningen, Netherlands) and models including
the 202 (5-mm Verisyse) and 204 (6-mm Verisyse) that are
approved by the US FDA. The “Safety Distance” tools mea- Disp lays
sure the distance from the endothelial surface to the edge of
To ease clinical use, various displays may be chosen.
either the model or the real postoperative anterior chamber
The ATLAS supplies the axial, tangential, mean curvature,
implant. Additionally, the “Vault Distance” tools are used
anterior elevation, corneal refractive, and corneal wavefront
to measure the distance from the posterior surface of the
maps. The Visante supplies pachymetry data and enables
implant to the anterior surface of the crystalline lens.
calculation of posterior surface topography and power.
The “Irido-Corneal” tools allow for measurement of the
Table 6-7 presents preset formats of presentation; however,
angles with more precise tools. The tool is manually placed
they can also be personalized.
at the scleral spur. Once placed, the Visante will auto-
matically calculate the distance along the internal corneal
surface at 500 and 750 µm. Then, the tool will continue to Th e Hollad ay Rep ort
calculate the appropriate angle-opening distance (AOD) at In cooperation with Jack T. Holladay, MD, MSEE,
500- and 750-µm marks along with the trabeculo-iris sur- Houston, TX, the Holladay Report has been created to
face area (TISA) at the 500- and 750-µm areas. produce a single page of information that provides all per-
tinent information in evaluating candidacy for refractive
To m o gra p h e r s 13 3
Figure 6 -57. A normal, spherical cornea. Figure 6 -58. A normal toric cornea.
procedure. The axial curvature map, placed in the top left surface is then represented as points of elevation above (red)
corner, is imported directly from the ATLAS. The mean or below (blue) such theoretical best-fit surface. Sphere and
curvature map, placed in the bottom left corner, is also toric ellipsoid are 2 such surfaces, and they provide vari-
imported directly from the ATLAS. The anterior elevation able data. Figure 6-58 illustrates the variations between the
map is directly imported from the ATLAS and is presented BFS and the best-fit toric ellipsoid for both the anterior and
in the top right corner. The elevation data, combined with the posterior surfaces. The BFS model over such astigmatic
the pachymetric data, allow for calculation of the posterior cornea has areas that fall below (blue) such sphere surface
surface, and the posterior elevation map is presented in the on the vertical meridian and areas that are above (red) such
right lower corner. The pachymetry map is in the middle. sphere surface on the horizontal meridian. By taking such
reference surface and altering it to a best-fit toric ellipsoid,
Refract ive Evalu at ion the curvatures of the astigmatic cornea are now compared
to a more similar geometric surface shape. This example
The evaluation of the LASIK patient both preoperatively
for this patient points out the lack of ease in “user friendli-
and postoperatively is enhanced with the Visante Omni.
ness” of BFS data. The best-fit toric ellipsoid represents a
Accurate posterior surface information may detect early
modified model that takes into account a regular astigmatic
ectasia in candidates as well as those who are postkeratore-
fractive surgery.
Figure 6-59 demonstrates forme fruste keratoconus.
A normal, spherical cornea is presented in Figure 6-57.
A 36-year-old Hispanic woman presented for consider-
The Holladay Report of a 25-year-old White woman with
ation of refractive surgery. Her manifest refraction was
plano refraction and 20/15 visual acuity in both eyes is
-0.50 -3.25 x 018 in her right eye (20/20) and -1.25 -2.75 x
shown. It is to be noted that because her corneal pachym-
175 in her left eye (20/25). Her ultrasound corneal pachym-
etry is 506 µm by the Visante, her relative corneal pachy-
etry values were 531 µm OD and 521 µm OS. Despite a rela-
metric map uniformly shows an 11% deviation from the
tively normal axial map, the Visante Omni demonstrated an
normal 550-µm cornea. Clearly, her corneas are normal,
elevation of greater than 10 µm above the reference best fit
but the percent deviation data are used to spot not only eyes
toric ellipsoid on posterior elevation maps. The threshold
with uniform deviation, but more importantly the eyes with
for concern on the posterior elevation map is 10 µm. Note
abnormal pattern deviation.
the correlation between the slightly heavier inferior bow tie
A normal toric cornea is presented in Figure 6-58. A
on the axial map, highlighted inferior temporal area on the
33-year-old White woman presented with a history of stable
mean curvature map, the inferotemporal displacement of
refraction. Her manifest refraction resulted in 20/15 in each
the thinnest point, and the elevation inferotemporally on the
eye with -0.50 -4.00 x 003 OD and -0.50 -4.00 x 180 OS.
anterior and posterior elevation maps. The plus sign on all
Corneal ultrasound pachymetry was 550 µm OD and
6 maps indicates the same anatomical location. Typically,
549 µm OS. The Visante Omni presented a regular bow-tie
3 indicators of ectasia contraindicate LASIK, and this
astigmatism with a regular pachymetry map. Mean curva-
patient has 6. The patient was diagnosed with forme fruste
ture and the anterior elevation maps were unremarkable.
The calculated posterior elevation presented the highest
Figure 6-60 demonstrates keratoconus. A 37-year-old
elevation point at 4.32 µm in the best-fit toric ellipsoid map.
White man presented for consideration of refractive sur-
The purpose of the elevation map is to compare a
gery. His manifest refractions were -1.00 -1.50 x 025 OD
patient’s cornea to some theoretically perfect geometric
(20/25) and -1.50 -1.25 x 152 OS (20/30). Ultrasound
surface that should nearly match. Deviation from such
corneal pachymetry found 430 µm OD and 427 µm OS.
134 Ch a p t e r 6
C at a ract Evalu at ion an d Su rgica l Figure 6-68. A patient with a CrystaLens implant, seen here
Plan n in g where there is no movement of the optics when provoked with
the optometer to induce “accommodation.”
Cataract is the clouding of the crystalline lens. It is
the most commonly performed refractive procedure with
more than 2 million surgeries per year in the United States. however, are all 820- to 840-nm light technology with some
Although cataract is not the main central focus of this sec- limitations in what structures they can observe. With the
tion, it is important to note a few cases. 820- to 840-nm technology, the ability to view intraocular
In postcorneal refractive surgery patients, the ATLAS implants, the healed LASIK flaps, and healed endothelial
corneal topography can provide data for the 0-, 1-, 2-, and keratoplasty interfaces are significantly reduced compared
3-mm zones, which can be used on the postrefractive sur- to the 1310-nm light technology.
gery calculators such as the one on the American Society The other limitation of the 820- to 840-nm technologies
of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Web site (www.ascrs. is the size of the acquired image. For example, the Cirrus
org).32 OCT is, at the time of the writing, limited to 2- by 4-mm
The Visante can also be used to evaluate the images. That image size is far too limiting to fully evaluate
postkeratorefractive surgery patients, as well as those the cornea. The Spectralis (Heidelberg Engineering, Vista,
with complex cataracts, such as a posterior polar cata- CA), although not FDA approved for anterior segment OCT
ract with adhesion to the posterior capsule (Figure 6-67). at the time of this writing, is providing claims of ability to
Additionally, new technologies can be evaluated. A patient provide 16- by 3-mm images. Such images become invari-
with a CrystaLens (Bausch & Lomb) implant is noted here, ably difficult in acquiring as the narrow window requires
and there is no movement of the optics that can be noted exquisite patient cooperation. With the capacity to provide
even when provoked with the optometer to induce “accom- the 16- by 6-mm images, the Visante still remains the most
modation” (Figure 6-68). comprehensive imaging device.
The side viewing screen and the small footprint of the
Fut u re Developm en ts instrument also make it a practical device. The ability to
Visante anterior segment OCT gained FDA approval scan the patient as the family watches and to analyze the
in 2005. Its limitations are accentuated by the rapidly images along with the patient creates a very sophisticated,
growing field of technological advances in the OCT field. elegant real-time patient evaluation and education tool.
The Visante is a time domain technology capable of Visante’s capacity to link with the ATLAS topographer
2048 A-scans in 1 second. Competing technologies such as along with refractive and iridocorneal software capabilities
the spectral domain instruments provide 10 times or more makes this instrument truly unique and the most compre-
scans, resulting in an exquisitely more-detailed image. The hensive anterior segment imaging device.
current commercially available spectral domain OCTs,
To m o gra p h e r s 137
Renato Ambrósio Jr, MD, PhD; Diogo L. Caldas, MD; Ana Laura C. Canedo, MD;
Leonardo N. Pimentel, MD; Bruno F. Valbon, MD; and Mirko R. Jankov II, MD, PhD
he Oculyzer (Alcon-WaveLight, Fort Worth, TX;
Figure 6-69) is a comprehensive cornea and anterior
segment analyzer based on the same hardware plat-
form as the Pentacam, with customized software capability
for planning customized corneal photoablations based on
corneal front elevation data. The system uses a rotating
Scheimpflug camera for a 3-dimensional scanning of the
cornea and anterior segment, which is aligned to a second
frontal pupil camera.
The Scheimpflug image is based on the principle named
after the Austrian Captain Theodor Scheimpflug (1865-
1911). In 1904, Cap. Scheimpflug described and patented
a geometric rule that describes an innovative orientation of
the plane of focus of a camera, in which the lens plane is not
parallel to the image plane. The technique uses the 3 imagi-
nary planes: the film plane, the lens plane, and the plane of
sharp focus in nonparallel manner, so that they intersect in a
line (Scheimpflug intersection), with a virtual point of inter-
section (Figure 6-70A). Thereby, in a Scheimpflug camera,
the lens is tilted in a way that the resulting lens plane
intersects the film plane and the plane of focus in a form
of a line. This setup extends the depth of focus, providing
more sharpness to points of the image located at different
planes, with the cost of having minor distortion of the image
(Figure 6-70B), which is, in the case of the Pentacam and Figure 6 -69. The O culyzer Instrument (Alcon-
Oculyzer exams, compensated by the software calculations. WaveLight).
In a normal or ordinary camera, the film plane, the lens
plane, and the plane of sharp focus are all parallel to each
other, and, therefore, all 3 planes are perpendicular to the
lens axis (Figure 6-71). This generates a limited depth of
focus when compared to the Scheimpflug image (Figure
The Oculyzer is a corneal tomography system, from
the Greek words “to cut or section” (tomos) and “to write”
(graphein), because it provides a 3-dimensional reconstruc-
tion of the corneal picture. It is capable of capturing 25 (in Figure 6-70A. (A) Scheimpflug’s principle. (B) Image distortion
1 second) or 50 (in 2 seconds) Scheimpflug images during by the Scheimpflug system.
1 scan for a 3-dimensional tomographic reconstruction.
It is also capable of acquiring single Scheimpflug images
for documentation (Figure 6-73). Up to 500 points are The images are obtained in slit thickness of 80 µm and
measured per single image during a scan, which generates the range of 14 mm, allowing a complete image through
up to 25,000 true elevation points that are measured and the cornea (Figure 6-74). To avoid the shadows of the nose,
analyzed by the Oculyzer software. The system integrates a the slit images are photographed from the temporal side
second frontal pupil camera, which serves the purposes of at angles from 0 to 180 degrees (Figure 6-75), in order to
controlling fixation and alignment compensation, as well as reconstruct a 3-dimensional model of the anterior segment
the correction of eye movements. The frontal pupil camera of the eye (Figure 6-76). More measurements are per-
is also important for the acquisition mode and enables the formed around the corneal center because this is the point
detection of the size and orientation of the pupil image. of intersection of the images. The range for corneal radius
138 Ch a p t e r 6
treatments, unless the T-CAT treatment is planned imme- Figure 6 -78. (A) Total internal reflection of light at the iris-
diately afterward, presumably with the same pupil size. corneal angle. (B) Extrapolation of edge detection from the
Dilation of the pupil is necessary only for diagnostic pur- software for angle measurements.
poses in the case with interest in examining IOLs or the
crystalline lens.
The 3-dimensional Scheimpflug image scanning pro-
vides data from the anterior and posterior surfaces of the
cornea, the anterior iris, and the lens (see Figure 6-73).
Because the system uses the visible blue light (custom-
designed 475-nm, UV-free), it is sensitive to any corneal
opacity rendering hyper-reflective images and inaccurate
contour analyses by the Oculyzer software. This also makes
the images optically sensitive to total internal reflection at
the peripheral cornea, thus not enabling visualization of the
anterior chamber angle, as well as anything posterior to the
iris (Figure 6-78A). Although the exam does not provide a
direct visualization of the iris-corneal angle, the sophisti-
cated extrapolation software is capable of providing a value
for angle estimation with high accuracy. Very importantly,
the clinician should re-evaluate the extrapolation calcula-
tion on the Scheimpflug image for ensuring proper clinical
evaluation of the anterior chamber angle (Figure 6-78B).
However, this approach has been successfully used in clini- Figure 6 -79. (Top) Narrow angle in a patient with glaucoma
cal practice to screen narrow angle cases and to document prior to cataract surgery. (Bottom) The same eye post-cataract
surgery. Note the widening of the angle in the absence of the
the improvement after cataract surgery (Figure 6-79).
crystalline lens.
To m o gra p h e r s 141
The Oculyzer is a powerful diagnostic tool that also and served as the basis for classic screening parameters
serves therapeutic purposes. The exam provides detailed such as the Rabinowitz-McDonnell,33,34 which are based
corneal tomographic information, along with anterior on the steepness of the cornea, superior-inferior asymmetry,
chamber maps and Scheimpflug images for optical scatter- and between-eyes asymmetries.
ing densitometry of the cornea and crystalline lens. The clinical value for the curvature maps from the pos-
The Oculyzer is a corneal tomography system, and terior corneal surface relies on the more accurate corneal
the Scheimpflug scanning provides considerably larger power measurements, mainly for assessing IOL calcula-
area measurement of the cornea compared with Placido’s tions. There are, however, different approaches for calculat-
topography systems. It is also not sensitive to irregularities ing the relationship between the radii of curvature of the
on the corneal reflex and interference from the tear film. anterior and posterior cornea. The BESST formula,35 the
Having measured the true elevation raw data of the front true net power, the keratometric power deviations, and other
and back corneal surfaces, this exam generates curvature methods36,37 have been described. However, it still remains
maps using a sagittal (axial) and tangential (instantaneous) controversial if K values from Scheimpflug photography do
algorithm. In the sagittal map, the curvature of the cornea is improve accuracy for routine IOL power calculations.38
determined at each measured point at a normal (90-degree) The Oculyzer provides a corneal thickness map with
angle to its surface referenced to the mid-line (axis), while accuracy and repeatability within less than 3 µm.39 Central
tangential maps evaluate the local radius at each measured thickness and thinnest pachymetry data are provided. In
point of data (Figure 6-80). This highlights differences addition, the CTSP and the PTI graphs are calculated from
among the measured points and results in a more “noisy” the pachymetry map (Figure 6-82). Starting from the thin-
color pattern for the tangential maps, which facilitates diag- nest point outward, the CTSP describes the rate of increase
nosis of keratoconus (Figure 6-81). Sagittal curvature maps of corneal thickness by noting the averages of pachymetric
have been more popular for screening refractive candidates values within imaginary annular rings concentric to the
142 Ch a p t e r 6
thinnest point with increasing diameters in 0.1-mm steps. The diameter of the cornea used for calculating the best fit
The PTI takes the percentage of increase from the thinnest impacts the calculation. We advise setting a fixed zone of
point for the average at each ring.22,40,41 9 mm or preferably 8 mm. Guidelines for interpretation of
A pachymetric progression index (PPI) is also cal- elevation maps have been well-described by Belin.46,47
culated for every 1-degree meridian along the complete The Oculyzer exam also provides an analysis of corneal
360 degrees, starting at the thinnest point. The average of wavefront. Zernike polynomial decomposition of the ante-
all meridians and the one with lower and higher values are rior and posterior surfaces of the cornea provides lower-
presented. In a normal population, the averages and SD of order aberrations and HOAs. The understanding of corneal
PPI of the minimal, maximal, and average of all meridians spherical aberrations may be used for customizing aspheric
(PPI-Ave, PPI-Max, PPI-Min) are 0.58 ± 0.3, 0.85 ± 0.18, IOLs in cataract surgery.48 The impact of the posterior cor-
and 0.13 ± 0.33.22,40 The pachymetric index will be higher neal wavefront is still not well understood. Also, coma and
if the cornea gets thicker more abruptly from the thinnest other HOA terms may be useful for diagnosing keratoconus
point out to the periphery (PTI and CTSP graphs falling and related conditions.
down). The graphs enable the diameter zone where the From the 3-dimensional model created, the Oculyzer
increase in thickness is higher than the mean of a normal allows a detailed assessment of anterior chamber angle,
population. height, volume, and depth,49 becoming a useful tool to
The best parameters developed for diagnosing kerato- complement the study of glaucoma and for planning the
conus are the “relational” thinnest, which is the thinnest implantation of anterior chamber lenses.50-52
pachymetric value divided by the pachymetric progression. The Scheimpflug images also enable the documentation
The “Ambrósio Relational Thinnest” (ART) is thereby cal- and quantification of corneal and lens opacity and other
culated for the minimal (ART-Min), average (ART-Mid), abnormalities. For example, the increased reflectivity in
and maximal (ART-Max). The “ART” concept combines the posterior surface of the cornea may be an indication of
thinnest with the pachymetric distribution, which facilitates cornea guttata (“sign of the camel” in the densitogram).53
the identification of an abnormal cornea despite its thin- Scheimpflug documentation of cataract has also been very
nest value. The ART-Mid and ART-Max have AUROC of useful for supporting and also planning refractive lens sur-
0.98 and 0.99, with cut-offs of 426 and 339 µm, respec- gery indications.54
tively.42,43 For practical reasons, we have opted not to The Oculyzer is a very powerful diagnostic tool, but
perform LASIK if ART-Max is lower than 400 µm. This one of the most important applications of the Oculyzer is
tomographic approach for pachymetric characterization planning customized ablations for laser vision corrections
has been useful for increasing the sensitivity to detect very with the Alcon WaveLight laser system. Although the exam
subtle abnormalities in refractive candidates who may be at provides a 3-dimensional model of the cornea, the link for
higher risk for ectasia.44,45 customization currently only considers front elevation and
The anterior and posterior elevation maps are a gener- corneal apex-pupil centroid relation data. We have used this
alized form of comparing the true corneal shape with a approach for all therapeutic cases as well as for most hyper-
reference shape, usually a (best fit) sphere or toric ellipsoid. opic procedures with very successful outcomes.55
To m o gra p h e r s 14 3
ptical coherence tomography (OCT) is a real-
time, high-resolution, high-speed, noninvasive, and
noncontact optical device that provides 2- and
3-dimensional visualization of anterior segment morphol-
ogy. This technique generates unique imaging capabilities
for the cornea and anterior segment and provides valuable
information for both keratorefractive and lenticular surgery,
including flap architecture analysis, residual stromal bed
thickness determination, keratoconus screening, and IOL
power calculations.
are pachymetry map, cornea power validation, cross-sec- edge of the LASIK flap is determined by direct visualiza-
tional scan line (CL-line), cross line (CL-cross line), ante- tion of the area of increased reflectivity corresponding
rior chamber angle (CL-angle), raster scan (CL-raster), and with the flap-stroma interface.67-69 The flap tool of the
3-dimensional view of all corneal layers (CL-3D Cornea). high-resolution cross-line scan may be used with the add-on
Users can program a series of scan types for imaging strate- lens to measure flap thickness. The anterior surface of the
gies such as clinical trials, specific corneal diseases, and cornea and the flap-stroma interface are used as anatomical
postoperative follow-up. landmarks for this purpose. In addition to the central flap
Image acquisition is obtained while the patient sits thickness, the overall flap architecture can be evaluated
in front of the scanning device with the forehead and (Figure 6-84). Using the OCT, a recent study demonstrated
chin stabilized by a head rest. External illumination and that some modern mechanical microkeratomes make essen-
scan optimization can be adjusted by clicking “Auto P,” tially planar flaps, similar in architecture to flaps created
which automatically adjusts for differences in polarization. with the femtosecond laser.69
Patients are asked to fixate on the target light source, and Previous studies have suggested actual residual stromal
consecutive scans are performed of the operated eye using bed (RSB) thickness may vary significantly from predicted
the high-resolution scanning mode. values due to variation in flap thicknesses.70-73 Further, a
The “Analyze” menu activates the view and tools for nonuniform meniscus-shaped mechanical microkeratome
manual measurements of the captured images. Editing flap can lead to deeper disruption of collagen lamellae
tools include removal of tracing lines, area of interest in the corneal periphery, resulting in peripheral corneal
selection, zoom, and “Undo/Redo.” Measurement tools steepening and central corneal flattening.74 The OCT can
include distance tool, area tool, point line, text annotation, provide important information, such as the overall RSB,
zoom, OCT noise level, snapshot, and video. Diagnostic and may prove especially useful when determining if there
tools include progression, symmetry, and comparison is sufficient RSB for LASIK retreatments. Some cases of
analysis. ectasia after LASIK may be due to excessive, irregular flap
thickness (Figure 6-85).
Although many topographic indices have been described
Clin ica l Ap p licat ion s for the diagnosis and progression of keratoconus,24,75-78 one
of the most important findings in keratoconus detection is
Refract ive Su rgery focal corneal thinning.34,79,80 The OCT pachymetry maps
have shown high reproducibility in detecting eccentric and
Fourier domain OCT is a useful tool when evaluating asymmetric corneal thinning.81 Li and coworkers have dem-
LASIK flaps, stromal bed thickness prior to enhancement, onstrated higher repeatability in the 0- to 5-mm central area
and preoperative evaluation for keratoectasia. The posterior of the OCT pachymetry map and have suggested keratoconus
To m o gra p h e r s 14 5
7 months post-LASIK despite a normal clinical appear- Optovue RTVue-CAM can also produce high-resolution
ance. The diagnosis of interface fluid was made with images of intrastromal corneal rings, allowing for accurate
OCT. Figure 6-89A illustrates a case of a patient who depth and position of the intrastromal ring. Superficial
developed progressive irregular astigmatism after phakic implant of corneal ring segments may cause epithelial-stro-
IOL implantation. Fourier domain high-resolution CL-line mal breaks, fibrosis, and extrusion, while very deep implants
scan demonstrated irregular wound healing. After wound can result in anterior chamber perforation. Figure 6-90
revision, the patient’s symptoms resolved. The apposition illustrates a case where the corneal ring segment was placed
of the surgical wound 1-week postwound revision is dem- too deep (bottom) and one example of stromal and epithelial
onstrated in Figure 6-89B. irregularities surround the implant (top).
To m o gra p h e r s 14 7
he corneal epithelium is a highly active, self-renew- Currently, the only validated method capable of measur-
ing layer; a complete turnover occurs in approxi- ing epithelial thickness continuously over a 10-mm area is
mately 5 to 7 days.93 Despite this high turnover VHF digital ultrasound.115,116 The first confirmed measure-
rate, the epithelium must maintain the same thickness ment of the epithelium of the cornea in vivo was reported
profile over time to maintain corneal power and, hence, by our group in 1993 using VHF digital ultrasound, dem-
ocular refraction. The epithelium accounts for an average of onstrating that acoustic interfaces that were being detected
1.03 D of corneal power at the central 2-mm diameter were indeed located spatially at the epithelial surface and
zone.94 The corneal epithelium is known to have the ability at the interface between epithelial cells and the surface
to alter its thickness profile to try and re-establish a smooth, of Bowman’s layer.117 In 1994, we reported the first high-
symmetrical optical surface to compensate for changes to precision 3-dimensional thickness mapping of the corneal
the stromal surface.95,96 For example, central epithelial epithelium for the central 3-mm diameter.118 The area of
thickening after myopic excimer laser ablation has been acquisition was increased to 10 mm using the Artemis VHF
widely reported,97-101 while epithelial breakdown over an digital ultrasound (ArcScan Inc, Morrison, CO) in 2000.115
advanced cone in keratoconus demonstrates that the epithe- The Artemis has since been used to measure the epithe-
lium must have thinned over the cone.26,102-104 Epithelial lial thickness in a wide variety of situations, the majority of
changes such as these will have an impact on the ocular which are summarized in this section, and the effect these
refraction; however, the biggest clinical impact of epithelial changes have on ocular refraction and the implications
changes is to corneal front surface topography. Because for misdiagnosis by corneal front surface topography are
the epithelium compensates for stromal irregularities, the discussed. This section will focus on the diagnosis of early
presence of an irregular stromal surface is either partially keratoconus, epithelial thickness changes after refractive
or totally masked from corneal front surface topography. surgery and Intacs, and establishing a true diagnosis after
Therefore, corneal front surface topography does not always complicated LASIK.
tell the whole story and in some cases does not provide the
necessary information to establish a correct diagnosis.
Ideally, we would like a method of directly measuring Ar tem is Tech n olog y
stromal surface topography. Some have suggested measur-
ing topography after epithelial removal and have shown All the epithelial thickness data set out in this section
an increase in irregularity.105 However, this is not a clini- were obtained using the Artemis 1 VHF digital ultrasound
cally feasible test. Alternatively, the anterior stromal surface arc-scanner. Artemis VHF digital ultrasound is carried
shape can be appreciated by an examination of its proxy— out using an ultrasonic standoff medium, and so provides
the epithelial thickness profile. Based on an understanding the advantages of immersion scanning (eg, the tear film
of the pattern of the normal epithelial thickness profile, any is not incorporated into the corneal or epithelial thickness
localized abnormal epithelial changes can be relied upon as measurement, and there is no physical contact of the trans-
a mirror of a relative localized stromal surface irregularity. ducer with the cornea). The patient sits and positions the
Therefore, the epithelial thickness profile can be thought of chin and forehead into a headrest while placing the eye in a
as a form of stromal surface topography. soft-rimmed eye-cup. Warm sterile normal saline (33°C) is
Different methods have been used to measure corneal filled into the darkened scanning chamber. The patient fix-
epithelial thickness: OCT,106,107 slit-lamp-adapted OCT,108 ates on a narrowly focused aiming beam, which is coaxial
confocal microscopy,109,110 optical pachymetry,111 and with the infrared camera, the corneal vertex, and the center
focusing confocal microscopy.112 However, these techniques of rotation of the scanning system. The technician adjusts
only allow single-point measurement of epithelial thickness, the center of rotation of the system until it is coaxial with
so they cannot be used to investigate the epithelial thick- the corneal vertex. In this manner, the position of each scan
ness profile. Most studies have reported central epithelial plane is maintained about a single point on the cornea, and
thickness measurements, and a few studies also provided corneal mapping is therefore centered on the corneal vertex.
epithelial thickness in the peripheral cornea, but the number A speculum is not required as patients find it comfortable
of points measured in the periphery is limited.111,113,114 to open the eye without blinking in the warm saline bath
To m o gra p h e r s 14 9
Ep it h elia l Th ick n ess correlation between the thickness of the thinnest epithelium
and the difference in thickness between the thinnest and the
Profile in Kerato con ic Eyes thickest epithelium. This indicated that, as the epithelium
thinned, there was an increase in the irregularity of the
In keratoconus, the epithelium is known to thin in the epithelial thickness profile. These factors demonstrate that
area overlying the cone, and in advanced keratoconus, there the degree of potential epithelial compensation is dependent
may be excessive epithelial thinning leading to a breakdown on the severity of the keratoconus and that the epithelium
in the epithelium. Epithelial thinning over the cone has changes with the progression of the disease.
been demonstrated using histopathologic analysis of kera- Figure 6-92 also shows a B-scan for a keratoconic cor-
toconic corneas,102 while Haque and colleagues103 found nea, which demonstrates the lack of homogeneity in epi-
that central epithelial thickness was thinner in keratoconus thelial thickness as well as central corneal thinning. There
than in normal corneas using OCT. Transmission electron is epithelial thinning over the cone and relative epithelial
microscopy (TEM) has demonstrated that the epithelium thickening adjacent to the stromal surface cone.
was irregular in thickness in keratoconus.104 As with the epithelial thickness profile seen in a normal
In 2009, we published a study that characterized the population, the reason for the presence of an epithelial
in vivo epithelial thickness profile in a population of doughnut pattern in keratoconus could also be explained
54 keratoconic eyes.26 The subjects included for study had by eyelid mechanics and blinking. In keratoconus, because
previously been diagnosed with keratoconus, and the diag- the cone is protruding, the apex would be the first point
nosis was confirmed by clinical signs such as microscopic of contact with the eyelid, resulting in increased chafing
signs at the slit-lamp, corneal topographic changes, high and therefore thinning of the epithelium at the apex of the
refractive astigmatism, reduced best-corrected visual acu- cone. As the cone becomes more severe and the protrusion
ity and contrast sensitivity, and significant level of HOAs, becomes more pronounced, it makes sense that the epithe-
in particular vertical coma. The epithelial thickness profile lium at the apex of the cone becomes thinner. This theory
was measured across the central 10-mm diameter of the is supported by the finding that the thinnest epithelium
cornea for 54 keratoconic eyes of 30 patients, and the data in the central zone of the epithelial doughnut pattern was
were averaged. Epithelial thickness values for left eyes were thinner for eyes with steeper keratometry (more advanced
reflected in the vertical axis and were superimposed onto keratoconus). As the cone becomes more severe, we also
the right eye values so that nasal/temporal characteristics found that the surrounding annulus of epithelium in the epi-
could be combined. thelial doughnut pattern is thicker. The presence of annular
The average epithelial thickness profile in keratoconus epithelial thickening suggests that the eyelid is applying less
(see Figure 6-92) revealed that the epithelium was signifi- force during blinking around the sides of the cone, allowing
cantly more irregular in thickness compared to the normal the epithelium to grow up to the inner surface template of
population. The epithelium was thinnest at the apex of the the eyelid; in a sense, the eyelid inner surface is tented over
cone, and this thin epithelial zone was surrounded by an the apex of a bulging cone, producing lateral valleys that
annulus of thickened epithelium. The location of the thin- are then filled with thickened epithelium. The epithelial
nest epithelium within the central 5 mm of the cornea was reaction can be thought of in terms of draping a cloth over
displaced 0.48 mm (±0.66 mm) temporally and 0.32 mm an irregular surface with the edges pulled taut. A taut cloth
(±0.67 mm) inferiorly with reference to the corneal vertex. would not lie evenly across the surface; rather, it would be
The mean epithelial thickness for all eyes was 45.7 ± 5.9 µm in contact with the peaks of the irregular surface and tent-
(range: 33.1 to 56.3 µm) at the corneal vertex, 38.2 ± 5.8 µm shaped above the surface on either side of the peaks before
at the thinnest point (range: 29.6 to 52.4 µm), and 66.8 ± gradually returning to the surface in areas without irregu-
7.2 µm (range: 54.1 to 94.4 µm) at the thickest location. The larities. The anterior surface of the cornea can be seen to be
epithelial thickness was outside the range observed in the similar to such a tent shape in the B-scan in Figure 6-92.
normal population in both the thinnest and thickest regions,
demonstrating the extent of the change in epithelial thick- Diagn osin g Early Kerato con u s Usin g
ness in keratoconus.
While all eyes exhibited the same epithelial doughnut Epit h elial Th ickn ess Profiles
pattern, characterized by a localized central zone of thin- As we have just shown in the previous 2 sections, there
ning surrounded by an annulus of thick epithelium, the is a distinct difference in the epithelial thickness profile in
thickness values of the thinnest point and the thickest point keratoconus compared to that of normal corneas. We have
as well as the difference in thickness between the thinnest also shown that the epithelial thickness profile changes with
and the thickest epithelium varied greatly between eyes. the progression of the disease. Therefore, we can assume
There was a significant correlation between the thinnest that the epithelial doughnut pattern would be observed in
epithelium and the steepest keratometry (D), indicating that early keratoconus, where the degree of epithelial thick-
as the cornea became steeper, the epithelial thickness mini- ness changes would be expected to be relatively small, and
mum became thinner. In addition, there was a significant epithelial thickness profiles can be used as a screening tool
152 Ch a p t e r 6
corneal resistance factor was 7.1 mm Hg, which are low, but as well as the level of vertical coma (coma = 0.066 µm).
these could be affected by the low corneal thickness. The Corneal hysteresis was 8.9 mm Hg, and corneal resistance
combination of inferior steepening, an eccentric posterior factor was 8.8 mm Hg, both within normal limits. In this
elevation BFS apex, and thin cornea raised the suspicion case, only the slightly eccentric posterior elevation BFS
of keratoconus, although there was no suggestion of kera- apex and the low-normal corneal thickness were suspicious
toconus by refraction, keratometry, or PathFinder corneal for keratoconus, while all other screening methods gave no
analysis. Artemis epithelial thickness profile showed a pat- indication of keratoconus. However, the epithelial thickness
tern typical of keratoconus with an epithelial doughnut profile showed an epithelial doughnut pattern characterized
shape characterized by a localized zone of epithelial thin- by localized epithelial thinning surrounded by an annulus
ning displaced inferotemporally over the eccentric posterior of thick epithelium, coincident with the eccentric posterior
elevation BFS apex, surrounded by an annulus of thick elevation BFS apex. Epithelial thinning with surrounding
epithelium. The coincidence of an area of epithelial thin- annular thickening over the eccentric posterior elevation
ning with the apex of the posterior elevation BFS, as well as BFS apex indicated the presence of probable subsurface
the increased irregularity of the epithelium, confirmed the keratoconus. In this case, it seems that the epithelium had
diagnosis of early keratoconus. fully compensated for the stromal surface irregularity so
Case 2 (OD) represents a 31-year-old woman with a that the anterior surface topography of the cornea appeared
manifest refraction of -2.25 -0.50 x 88 and a best spectacle- perfectly regular. Given the regularity of the front surface
corrected visual acuity of 20/16. Atlas corneal topography topography and the normality of nearly all other screening
demonstrated a very similar pattern to case 1 of inferior parameters, it is feasible that this patient could have been
steepening, therefore suggesting that the eye could also be deemed suitable for corneal refractive surgery and subse-
keratoconic. The keratometry was 44.12/44.75 D x 148, and quently developed ectasia. As we were able to also consider
PathFinder corneal analysis classified the topography as sus- the epithelial thickness profile, this patient was rejected for
pect subclinical keratoconus. Orbscan II posterior elevation corneal refractive surgery. This kind of case may explain
BFS showed that the apex was slightly decentered nasally. some reported cases of ectasia “without a cause.”27
Corneal pachymetry minimum by handheld ultrasound Knowledge of the differences in epithelial thickness
was 538 µm. Contrast sensitivity was in the normal range. profile between the normal population and the keratoconic
There was 0.32 µm (OSA notation) of vertical coma on population allowed us to identify several features of the
WASCA aberrometry. Corneal hysteresis was 10.1 mm Hg, epithelial thickness profile that might help to discrimi-
and corneal resistance factor was 9.8 mm Hg, which are nate between normal eyes and keratoconus-suspect eyes.
well within normal range. The combination of inferior Mapping of the epithelial thickness profile may increase
steepening, against-the-rule astigmatism, and high degree sensitivity and specificity of screening for keratoconus
of vertical coma raised the suspicion of keratoconus, which compared to current conventional corneal topographic
was also noted by PathFinder corneal analysis. Artemis screening alone and may be useful in clinical practice in
epithelial thickness profile showed a typical normal pattern 2 very important ways.
with thicker epithelium inferiorly and thinner epithelium First, epithelial thickness mapping can exclude the
superiorly. Thicker epithelium inferiorly over the suspected appropriate patients by detecting keratoconus earlier or
cone (inferior steepening on topography) was inconsistent confirming keratoconus in cases where topographic chang-
with an underlying stromal surface cone, and therefore es may be clinically judged as being “within normal limits.”
the diagnosis of keratoconus was excluded. This patient Epithelial information allows an earlier diagnosis of kera-
would have been rejected for surgery given a documented toconus as epithelial changes will occur before changes on
PathFinder corneal analysis warning of suspect subclinical the front surface of the cornea become apparent. Epithelial
keratoconus, but given the epithelial thickness profile, this thinning coincident with an eccentric posterior elevation
patient was deemed a suitable candidate for LASIK. BFS apex, and in particular if surrounded by an annu-
The anterior corneal topography in case 3 (OD) bears no lus of thicker epithelium, is consistent with keratoconus.
features related to keratoconus. The patient is a 35-year-old Excluding early keratoconic patients from laser refractive
woman with a manifest refraction of -4.25 -0.50 x 4 and a surgery will reduce and potentially eliminate the risk of
best spectacle-corrected visual acuity of 20/16. The refrac- iatrogenic ectasia of this etiology and therefore increase the
tion had been stable for at least 10 years, and the contrast safety of laser refractive surgery. From our data, 136 eyes
sensitivity was within normal limits. The keratometry was out of 1532 consecutive myopic eyes screened for refrac-
43.62/42.62 D x 74, and PathFinder analysis classified the tive surgery demonstrated abnormal topography suspect
topography as normal. Orbscan II posterior elevation BFS of keratoconus. All 136 eyes were screened with Artemis
showed that the apex was slightly decentered inferotempo- VHF digital ultrasound arc-scanning, and individual epithe-
rally, but the anterior elevation BFS apex was well-centered. lial thickness profiles were mapped. Out of 136 eyes with
Corneal pachymetry minimum by handheld ultrasound suspect keratoconus, only 22 eyes (16%) were confirmed as
was 484 µm. Pentacam keratoconus screening indices were keratoconic.126
normal. WASCA ocular HOAs were low (RMS = 0.19 µm)
154 Ch a p t e r 6
Second, epithelial thickness profiles may be useful -3.40±1.63 D (range: -0.75 to -6.00 D). The average post-
in excluding a diagnosis of keratoconus despite suspect LASIK epithelial pachymetric map in the population (see
topography. Epithelial thickening over an area of topo- Figure 6-92) showed that the epithelium was thicker in a
graphic steepening implies that the steepening is not due central, circular region approximately 6 mm in diameter.
to an underlying ectatic surface. In such cases, excluding The central epithelial thickening can also be seen on the
keratoconus using epithelial thickness profiles appears B-scan. The central zone of epithelial thickening was sur-
to allow patients who otherwise would have been denied rounded by an annulus of epithelial thinning between the
treatment due to suspect topography to be deemed suitable 6- and 8-mm diameter. The mean thickest epithelial thick-
for surgery. From our data, out of the 136 eyes with suspect ness for all eyes was 64.3±2.7 µm (range: 58.7 to 69.1 µm).
keratoconus screened with Artemis VHF digital ultrasound The thickest epithelial point was displaced 0.45±0.68 mm
arc-scanning, 114 eyes (84%) showed normal epithelial temporally and 0.66±0.70 mm inferiorly on average with
thickness profile and were diagnosed as nonkeratoconic reference to the corneal vertex. Measurement of epithe-
and were deemed suitable for corneal refractive surgery. lial thickness profile provided evidence that the epithelium
One year post-LASIK, follow-up data126 and preliminary appears to behave as to reverse the change in stromal cur-
2-year follow-up data127 on these demonstrated equal sta- vature and return the cornea to its preoperative curvature
bility and refractive outcomes as matched control eyes. by remodeling itself to mirror the volume of stromal tissue
Randleman et al, in their paper assessing risk factors for removed.
ectasia, reported that ectasia might still occur after uncom- In a separate study, we investigated changes in epithe-
plicated surgery in appropriately screened candidates.128 lial thickness profile as a function of myopia treated in a
Mapping of epithelial thickness profiles might provide an group of 37 eyes after myopic LASIK. The eyes were split
explanation for these cases; it could be that a stromal sur- into low myopia (-1.00 D to -4.00 D), moderate myopia
face cone was masked by epithelial compensation and the (-4.25 to -6.00 D), and high myopia (-6.25 to -13.50 D).132
front surface topography appeared normal. We demonstrated that the amount of epithelial thickening
was dependent on the level of myopia. There was more
Ep it h elial Ch an ges After Refract ive epithelial thickening for high myopia than for low myopia
Su rgery with maximum thickening centrally and progressively less
thickening centrifugally in the low myopia group, whereas
The importance of epithelial changes in corneal refrac- a more homogenous thickening in the moderate myopia
tive surgery has probably been underestimated. Significant and high myopia groups within the 5-mm diameter was
changes in epithelial thickness profiles in both PRK97,98 noted. Knowledge of the epithelial thickness profile change
and LASIK99-101 have been demonstrated and implicated between the pre- and postoperative epithelium is of interest
in regression as well as the inaccuracy of topographi- as it will affect the refractive power of the epithelium. The
cally guided excimer laser ablation.129 The curvature of increased epithelial thickening at the corneal vertex could
Bowman’s layer in the center of the normal cornea is on partly explain the myopic shift described in the early period
average greater than that of the epithelial surface.130 As the after myopic LASIK. Interestingly, we demonstrated that
refractive index of epithelium and stroma are sufficiently the myopic refractive shift due to epithelial profile changes
different (1.401 versus 1.377),131 the epithelial-stromal was more significant for low than high myopic ablations
interface constitutes an important refractive interface with- because the gradient of epithelial thickening from center to
in the cornea, with a mean power contribution estimated at periphery was steeper for low myopia than moderate and
approximately -3.60 D.130 Thus, unpredicted changes in the high myopia, although the epithelium thickened progres-
epithelial lenticule after surgery will result in unplanned sively with increasing central ablation depth.
refractive shifts. This is one of the reasons why current These studies show that consideration of epithelial thick-
ablation depths and profiles (“nomograms”) differ from ness changes might help improve the accuracy of myopic
theoretical ablation profiles—they incorporate the average LASIK as epithelial healing and thickness changes play a
change of epithelial power for a given level of stromal sur- role in the final refractive result.
face flattening (level of myopia treated). Thus, the under-
standing of epithelial dynamics and their patterns begins to Lo n git u d in a l Ep it h elia l Th ick n ess
unfold,100,101 and these factors may potentially be used to
improve the accuracy of corneal refractive outcomes.
Ch an ges After Myopic LASIK
The epithelial thickness profile was measured in a popu-
Ep it h elial Th ickn ess Profile After lation of 24 eyes at 1 day, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months,
Myopic LASIK and 12 months after myopic LASIK. The mean preopera-
tive spherical equivalent was -3.40±1.63 D (range: -0.75 to
We have characterized the epithelial thickness pro- -6.00 D). The average epithelial thickness map at each
file in a population of 24 eyes 12 months after myopic time point (Figure 6-94) demonstrated a large change in
LASIK. The mean preoperative spherical equivalent was epithelial thickness overnight, characterized by a central
To m o gra p h e r s 15 5
Figure 6 -94. Top row: Maps of the average epithelial thickness before and 1 day, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months
after myopic LASIK. Middle row: Maps of the change in epithelial thickness between each pair of time points. Bottom row: Maps
of the t-test p -value comparing the change between each pair of time points; the areas in blue indicate a statistically significant
change (p <0.05). The difference maps show that there was a change overnight with central epithelial thickening and peripheral
epithelial thinning, followed by epithelial thickening until 3 months, after which the epithelial thickness stabilized.
zone of thickening of approximately 1 to 2 µm within the equivalent was -5.45±3.0 D (range: -2.00 to -9.50 D),
5-mm diameter, surrounded by an annulus of epithelial although preoperative data were not available for 4 eyes.
thinning of approximately 4 to 6 µm between the 5- and The average epithelial pachymetric map in the popula-
8-mm diameters. This demonstrates the speed at which the tion (see Figure 6-92) showed that the epithelium became
epithelium responds to stromal surface changes. Between thicker in a central, circular region approximately 4 mm in
1 day and 1 month, the epithelium had thickened across diameter. The central zone of epithelial thickening was sur-
the 7-mm diameter zone by up to 5 µm, with more pro- rounded by an annulus of epithelial thinning. Interestingly,
nounced thickening within the central 4 mm. Between the epithelial thickness profile was very similar to that
1 and 3 months, the epithelium had continued to thicken of eyes after myopic LASIK ablation, although the surgi-
in the central 7-mm diameter zone by approximately an cal techniques were completely different; the epithelium
additional 1 µm. The t-test p-value maps shown in Figure responded to changes in curvature alone after RK without
6-94 highlight the regions where the changes were statisti- tissue removal. The exaggerated change in curvature after
cally significant between each pair of time points. There RK can be visualized in the B-scan shown in Figure 6-92,
were no further changes in epithelial thickness at the 6- and where the cornea appears like a tabletop. The central zone
12-month visits, supported by the t-test difference map that of epithelial thickening was slightly smaller for eyes after
showed no regions of statistically significant difference RK than for eyes after LASIK, indicating that the size of
between 3 and 6 months and between 6 and 12 months. the optical zone was smaller for eyes after RK than for eyes
This demonstrated that the epithelium had become stable after LASIK.
3 months after LASIK. These epithelial changes partially
explain the regression seen after myopic LASIK in the first Ep it h elial Th ickn ess Profile After
3 months and agree with the common finding that refractive Hyp eropic LASIK
stability is attained after 3 months.133
We have previously published a study that character-
Ep it h elial Th ickn ess Ch an ges After ized the epithelial thickness profile in a population of
65 eyes at least 3 months after hyperopic LASIK using a
Rad ial Keratotom y 7-mm ablation zone with the MEL80 excimer laser (Carl
The epithelial thickness profile was measured in a popu- Zeiss Meditec).134 The average epithelial pachymetric
lation of 14 eyes after radial keratotomy for myopia. The map in the population (see Figure 6-92) showed that the
mean time of measurement after surgery was 17±6 years epithelium was thinner in a central, circular region approxi-
(range: 1.6 to 26 years). The mean preoperative spherical mately 4 mm in diameter with the thinnest epithelium in the
156 Ch a p t e r 6
superior half of this region. The mean thinnest epithe- retreatments might be performed without risk of apical
lial thickness for all eyes was 39.7±5.6 µm (range: 26.9 to syndrome while also allowing some patients to have retreat-
52.7 µm). The thinnest epithelial point was displaced ment who would otherwise have been rejected for further
-0.19±0.64 mm temporally and 0.93±0.82 mm superi- surgery due to high keratometry postoperatively.
orly on average with reference to the corneal vertex. The
central, thin epithelium was surrounded by an annulus of Ort h okeratology
thicker epithelium, with the thickest epithelium temporally.
We previously described epithelial, stromal, and corneal
The mean thickest epithelial thickness for all eyes was
thickness changes in a patient before and during ortho-
89.3±14.6 µm (range: 63.6 to 124.6 µm). The thickest epi-
keratology treatment and were able to demonstrate that
thelial point was displaced -2.49±1.04 mm temporally and
refractive changes were mainly due to epithelial thickness
-0.73±1.42 mm inferiorly on average with reference to the
changes.136 The epithelial thickness changes appeared to
corneal vertex. The mean radial distance of the location
reveal the pattern of compression produced by orthokeratol-
of the thickest epithelium from the corneal vertex was
ogy lenses. In both eyes, there was a zone of central epithe-
3.12±0.25 mm (range: 2.3 to 3.6 mm). The diameter of the
lial thinning within the central 1.5-mm radius, surrounded
annular zone of maximum epithelial thickening was 6.8 mm
by a midperipheral annulus of epithelial thickening at the
in the horizontal meridian and 6.7 mm in the vertical merid-
2-mm radius. The Artemis epithelial thickness profile and
ian, which matches the programmed laser ablation optical
B-scan of the right eye is shown in Figure 6-92. There also
zone diameter of 7 mm where the maximum ablation depth
appeared to be a degree of central stromal thickening and
was at the 7-mm diameter. This demonstrates that the
midperipheral stromal thinning, although the magnitude of
epithelium was compensating for the paracentral stromal
the stromal changes was less than one-third of the magni-
tissue removal due to the hyperopic ablation. Knowledge
tude of the epithelial changes. Using epithelial thickness
of the epithelial thickness profile after hyperopic LASIK
mapping, we were able to differentiate epithelial thickness
may partly explain hyperopic regression and could be used
changes from stromal thickness changes to understand the
to improve the accuracy of hyperopic ablation, particularly
mechanism of refractive changes and demonstrate that the
with respect to induced cylinder.
majority of the refractive correction in orthokeratology is
In this study, we also suggested that central epithelial
caused by changes to the epithelial thickness profile, which
thickness may be a more useful indicator than keratometry
explains the temporary nature of the effect.
to determine whether further treatment may be attempted.
The epithelial thickness changes observed add more
There was a statistically significant and strong correlation
weight to the theory that the epithelium remodels to fit
between the attempted spherical equivalent refraction and
the template in front of the cornea. In orthokeratology,
both the thinnest (R2 = 0.350, p<0.001) and thickest epithe-
the template normally provided by the posterior surface
lium (R2 = 0.765, p<0.001). This indicated that the mini-
of the semi-rigid tarsus is replaced by a contact lens that
mum epithelial thickness was thinner and the maximum
is designed to fit tightly to the center of the cornea and
epithelial thickness was thicker in eyes after higher refrac-
loosely paracentrally. Therefore, the epithelium is chafed
tive ablations. It is currently assumed that hyperopic LASIK
and squashed by the lens centrally while the epithelium is
should be limited according to postoperative curvature as
free to thicken paracentrally where the lens is not so tightly
too much steepening can result in epitheliopathy or apical
syndrome; it is generally accepted that the postoperative
curvature should not exceed 49.00 to 50.00 D.135 However,
the results from the present study suggest that epithelial Ectasia Diagn osis
thickness might be a better indicator. Whereas the thinnest Ectasia is one of the most devastating potential conse-
epithelium is correlated with the postoperative curvature quences of LASIK, and it behooves us to prevent it from
(R2 = 0.210, p<0.001), the postoperative curvature alone happening in every possible way. In the first section, we
can be misleading. In an example case from the study,134 described the use of epithelial thickness mapping for the
the maximum simulated keratometry of 50.80 D would most early diagnosis of keratoconus as an aid in the determi-
likely prevent the surgeon from treating further hyperopia; nation of candidacy for LASIK with the aim of avoiding
however, the central epithelial thickness of 41.7 µm would ectasia given that the majority of post-LASIK ectasia has
suggest that the cornea could be steepened further without been caused by undetected keratoconus.128,137-140 Epithelial
resulting in epithelial breakdown. On the other hand, anoth- thickness maps can also be used to confirm and monitor the
er case from the present study demonstrates that the epithe- diagnosis of post-LASIK ectasia. The example in Figure
lial thickness can be thin (33.7 µm) although the cornea was 6-92 shows the epithelial thickness profile of an eye with
still relatively flat postoperatively (46.40 D). The curvature post-LASIK ectasia. The epithelial thickness profile dem-
limit would allow further hyperopic ablation, whereas the onstrates similar features to that of a keratoconic eye, char-
thin, central epithelium would indicate that further steepen- acterized by localized central thinning coincident with the
ing might increase the risk of apical syndrome. Therefore, back surface cone on topography, surrounded by an annulus
using epithelial thickness measurements, hyperopic of thick epithelium.
To m o gra p h e r s 15 7
We have also hypothesized that epithelial thickness and LASIK worldwide, it is becoming increasingly evident
profile maps could be a useful adjunct to topography in that there is a distinct need for a method of determining the
monitoring patients after collagen corneal cross-linking layered anatomy of the changes induced. Without an accu-
(CXL) treatment. We have used Artemis to measure epi- rate anatomical diagnosis, topography or wavefront-guided
thelial thickness profile in vivo across the central 10-mm treatments may lead to a suboptimal treatment plan.
corneal diameter of a patient before CXL for post-LASIK Here, we show some examples where the epithelium
corneal ectasia and at intervals up to 2 years after CXL. masked true topographic and/or wavefront error to be cor-
The epithelial thickness profile was altered, with a slight rected, and the Artemis provided essential information for
reduction of the area of epithelial thinning and decreased treatment planning.
peripheral thickening. This resulted in minimizing the dif-
C ase 1: Ph otot h erap eu t ic Keratectom y
ference between the thinnest and thickest epithelium and
Treat m en t fo r Ir reg u la r Ep it h elia l
might indicate an improvement of the condition. However,
little change was seen on front corneal surface topography, Th ickn ess Profile
which suggests that the epithelium remodeling masked We have previously published a case of a 60-year-old
the stromal surface changes. This suggests that epithelial male NASA employee who was referred to our clinic with
thickness profiles might be a more sensitive tool to monitor severe visual difficulties in his dominant left eye.95 The
changes in ectasia than front corneal surface topography patient complained that the vision in the left eye was not
and keratometry alone. compatible with that of the right eye and that he felt as
if “everything is coming in from the side.” The patient
In t racorn eal Rin g Segm en ts also complained of reduced contrast sensitivity. These
symptoms meant that the patient preferred to keep his left
We have also previously published a case report show-
eye closed, sometimes wearing an eye patch. His original
ing the epithelial thickness changes that occur after the
manifest refraction in his left eye was -6.25 -0.50 × 180.
insertion of intracorneal ring segments.141 The Artemis
He underwent automated lamellar keratoplasty (ALK),
scan showed that the epithelium was thinner directly over
which resulted in a residual astigmatism of -1.50 D. He
the intracorneal ring segment and thicker to the side of the
was later retreated by arcuate keratotomy (AK) proce-
ridge caused by the intracorneal ring segment. The epitheli-
dures. He then underwent LASIK with a newly created
al reaction is another example of the eyelid tenting effect of
flap to treat residual compound hyperopic astigmatism of
a ridge, which allows the epithelium to grow into the space
+2.50 -1.75 × 95 and a second LASIK procedure with a fur-
created on either side of the ridge, while also thinning on
ther flap cut to treat -1.00 -0.75 × 75. Finally, he underwent a
top of the ridge due to the localized eyelid contact.
LASIK enhancement by relifting a flap to treat a refraction
of +1.00 -1.00 × 65.
Epit h elial Th ickn ess Mappin g for True His UCVA in the left eye was 20/32, improving to 20/25
Diagn osis of Irregu lar Ast igm at ism with -0.50 -0.50 × 80. Topography was irregular with a
While LASIK and PRK are already relatively safe pro- central flattened optical treatment zone of approximately
cedures today, we are constantly striving to make them even 4 mm in diameter, slightly displaced inferiorly (Figure
safer. We need to prevent complications, and when these do 6-95A). Within this central zone, there was an outer ring of
occur, we need methods for correcting them and restoring extreme flattening to a power of about 37.5 D surrounding
visual function. In keeping with basic principles of surgery, a central area with a power of about 39 D at a diameter of
accurate imaging and biometry will be the cornerstone of approximately 1.5 mm. Higher-order aberrations were sig-
these goals because accurate diagnosis enables optimal nificantly raised. The Artemis epithelial profile (see Figure
treatment planning. 6-95A) revealed a central area of thin epithelium (44 µm)
Surface topography has been the mainstay of diagnostic covering a diameter of approximately 1 mm surrounded by
testing in complicated LASIK. Recently, the introduction concentric rings of thick (up to 75 µm) and thin (down to
of aberrometry has greatly enhanced our diagnostic capa- 32 µm) epithelium. The horizontal cross-sectional B-scan
bilities in being able to understand in a quantitative way (Figure 6-95B) shows the undulations of the surface of
how irregular astigmatism and other shape irregularities Bowman’s layer accompanied by partial epithelial com-
produce visual complaints. However, neither the under- pensation within the troughs. It was found that each ring of
standing of the optical defect nor the surface shape of the thickened epithelium coincided with the rings of flattening
cornea will necessarily provide a diagnosis for the cause of on topography. This is an example of the known phenomena
the problem.129 This is due to the fact that internal corneal of the epithelium remodeling itself to try to regularize the
refractive interfaces (such as epithelial-stromal interface) front surface of the cornea142 ; it had become thicker to fill
are not being measured independently. The anatomical in troughs in the stromal surface and thinner over peaks
cause of a surface abnormality may only be understood at in the stromal surface. However, the irregular topography
an internal corneal level (eg, irregularities in the flap versus shows that the epithelium had not been able to completely
the stromal bed). With burgeoning surgical rates of PRK compensate for the stromal irregularities.
158 Ch a p t e r 6
Figure 6 -95. (A) TMS-3 front corneal surface topography before and after Artemis-assisted transepithelial PTK plotted on the
same scale. The topography is significantly more regular postoperatively, with a relatively normal optical zone. The map on the
right shows the change in the topography following the PTK treatment. Bottom row: Artemis epithelial thickness profile before
and after Artemis assisted transepithelial PTK plotted on the same scale. The concentric rings of thin and thick epithelium
have been significantly regularized. The map on the right shows the change in the epithelium following the PTK treatment.
(B) Non-geometrically corrected horizontal B-scans through the visual axis of a cornea before and 3 months after Artemis assist-
ed transepithelial PTK. There is a large z-axis zoom in scale (2.1 mm represented horizontally on the image) relative to lateral
distance (10 mm represented vertically on the image). The concentric rings of epithelial thinning and epithelial thickening are
marked on the pre-PTK B-scan. The epithelium has become significantly more regular as a consequence of the Artemis-assisted
trans-epithelial PTK smoothing of the stromal surface irregularities.
In this case, topography and wavefront analysis did not superiorly of the pupil margins with the aim of improving
provide information on the etiology of the surface irregu- the near function, similar to a presbyopic correction. Six
larities. Mapping of the epithelial thickness map allowed months after the second procedure, the surgeon recom-
the diagnosis of irregular stromal surface to be made. The mended a lamellar graft, which the patient refused. Since
visual symptoms were most probably due to micro-optical then, the patient sought advice from several surgeons to
scattering within the cornea as well as HOAs. Therefore, improve his quality of vision in the left eye.
the treatment plan was split into 2 parts: (1) perform a VHF On presentation to the London Vision Clinic in February
digital ultrasound-assisted transepithelial phototherapeutic 2009, the patient’s refraction was +6.50 -8.00 x 110 achiev-
keratectomy (PTK) using the epithelium as a mask to focus ing CDVA of 20/50. ATLAS front corneal surface topogra-
the laser ablation on the areas of raised stroma in order to phy was irregular showing an asymmetric bow-tie pattern
regularize the stromal surface and (2) remove any remain- decentered superiorly (Figure 6-96A). Simulated central
ing epithelium and perform a wavefront-guided ablation to keratometry was 42.12 x 4/36.75 x 94. The bow-tie pat-
attempt to correct the higher-order aberrations also present. tern was surrounded inferiorly by a crescent-shaped zone
The treatment successfully regularized the stromal surface, of corneal steepening, extending nasally and temporally.
confirmed by the regularization of the epithelial thickness Higher-order aberrations were raised. The Artemis epithe-
profile (see Figure 6-95A), which can also be seen on the lial thickness profile (see Figure 6-96A) was very irregular
postoperative B-scan (see Figure 6-95B). The HOAs were in thickness with up to 35 µm variation within the central
dramatically reduced, the contrast sensitivity was improved 4-mm corneal diameter. The epithelial thickness map dem-
from below normal to high normal, and the BSCVA was onstrated 2 small zones of thin epithelium (40 µm), approx-
improved to 20/20. imately 1 mm in diameter each, at a 2-mm radius inferiorly
and superiorly from the corneal vertex; these regions of thin
C ase 2: Ph otot h erap eu t ic Keratectom y
epithelium were coincident with the trapezoidal incisions.
Treat m en t fo r Ir reg u la r Ep it h elia l
The epithelium was thicker (up to 75 µm) along the horizon-
Th ickn ess Profile tal meridian centrally, extending nasally, and at the 3-mm
A 50-year-old man was referred to our clinic complain- radius inferonasally. In this case, the epithelial thickness
ing of poor vision in his left eye following several refractive profile was masking a significant proportion of the stromal
procedures. His original manifest refraction was approxi- irregularity from front corneal surface topography, mean-
mately -5.50 D. He underwent a radial keratotomy proce- ing that this proportion of the stromal irregularity would
dure in June 1982, followed by another surgery 2 months not be taken into account by a topography-guided ablation
later consisting of trapezoid stromal incisions inferiorly and algorithm. Therefore, the optimal treatment plan was to
To m o gra p h e r s 15 9
Figure 6 -96. (A) Atlas front corneal surface topography before and after Artemis-assisted transepi-
thelial PTK plotted on the same scale. The superior astigmatic flattening has been significantly
reduced postoperatively, highlighted by the bow-tie pattern seen on the difference map showing
up to 3.50 D of steepening. Bottom row: Artemis epithelial thickness profile before and after
Artemis-assisted transepithelial PTK plotted on the same scale. The superior and inferior regions
of thin epithelium have become thicker postoperatively, and the epithelium has also become
thinner centrally, resulting in a significantly smoother epithelial thickness profile. The map on
the right shows the change in the epithelium following the PTK treatment that highlights the
10 µm to 15 µm of thickening in the regions where the epithelium was thinnest before surgery.
(B) Artemis digital subtraction pachymetry simulation of the pattern of remaining epithelium after
45 µm of epithelial tissue removal by PTK. The white areas indicate where the stromal surface
would be exposed (ie, the areas where stroma would be ablated). The stromal surface would first
be exposed in these areas because the epithelium was thinner to compensate for the raised areas
on the irregular stromal surface. Middle: Intraoperative photograph showing the epithelial pattern
after 45 µm of PTK ablation. O n inspection, the pattern of exposed stroma closely resembles
the Artemis-predicted pattern. Right: Predicted stromal ablation profile calculated based on the
Artemis epithelial thickness data. The stromal ablation profile shows the greatest ablation of
25 µm was in the superior and inferior regions where the epithelium was thinnest, coincident
with the location of the extra trapezoidal incisions performed during the second RK procedure.
perform an Artemis-assisted transepithelial PTK proce- shows the simulated epithelial pattern next to the actual
dure to target the component of the stromal irregularity intraoperative photograph of the cornea after 45 µm of
compensated for by the epithelium. Once the irregularity is ablation. These images show that the pattern of remaining
reduced, the epithelium should become sufficiently smooth epithelium matched that predicted by the Artemis epithe-
for a topography-guided ablation to be used to correct the lial maps, with stroma exposed in the 2 regions where the
remaining irregularity. epithelium was thinnest, 2 mm superiorly and inferiorly of
The epithelial thickness profile was used to generate a the corneal vertex. The concentration of stromal ablation
simulation of the pattern of epithelium after regular inter- superiorly and inferiorly in the vertical meridian meant that
vals of ablation, which were used to monitor the progress the stromal ablation pattern (see Figure 6-96B) was similar
of the PTK ablation during the procedure. Figure 6-96B to a hyperopic astigmatic ablation.
160 Ch a p t e r 6
Nine months after the procedure, the astigmatism had also on the Orbscan BFS surface shape map. Beneath
been halved so that the manifest refraction was +4.50 -4.50 the raised (R) area, the epithelial thickness is seen to be
x 101 and the CDVA had improved to 20/20. The post- reduced, due to invagination by the underlying Bowman’s
operative Artemis epithelial thickness profile (see Figure layer (B). Bowman’s (B) is highly irregular, showing
6-96A) showed that the epithelium was much more regu- 3 major ultrasonic discontinuities (*) representing either
lar in thickness. The epithelial thickness difference map cracks or microfolds in the flap surface. Pachymetric maps
(see Figure 6-96A) demonstrated that the epithelium had of the epithelium, residual stroma, and stromal component
become thicker in the superior and inferior regions where of the flap are shown in Figure 6-97A. The epithelial thick-
the maximum ablation was performed and had become ness profile is seen to vary continuously, filling in and
thinner centrally where the epithelium was thickest before smoothing out the surface of Bowman’s layer. The thin-
the procedure. The change could also be seen on ATLAS nest point within the residual stromal bed, determined by
front corneal surface topography (see Figure 6-96A) where 3-dimensional thickness mapping, was 223 µm. The resid-
the difference map showed a significant astigmatic change. ual stromal layer thickness profile appears slightly asym-
The PTK procedure had succeeded in reducing the stromal metric or decentered in the nasal direction. Inspection of
irregularity, and the presence of a smoother epithelium the stromal component of the flap map showed the reason
meant that the impact of epithelial masking on front corneal for this—the stromal component of the flap was thicker
surface topography was also reduced. Therefore, the patient temporally than nasally.
was then suitable for treatment using a topography-guided A diagnosis was made of flap malposition and possible
ablation as the majority of the remaining irregularity was asymmetric biomechanical shift. In addition, the residual
apparent on front corneal surface topography. stromal thickness was noted to be too thin for further
This case demonstrates the influence the epithelium can under-the-flap ablation, despite the fact that the preopera-
exert on the manifest refraction; in this case, a refraction tive parameters would have implied that there was room for
change of +2.24 -3.97 x 120 was achieved with a trans- further treatment.
epithelial PTK ablation alone. This example shows that the This case clearly illustrates the importance of anatomi-
pattern of irregular epithelium and the associated refrac- cal diagnosis, in contrast to a topographical description,
tive effect must be taken into account when planning PTK in planning the management of LASIK complications. By
and/or custom ablation (topography guided or wavefront topography alone, this case may well have been diagnosed
guided). as a decentration. The eye may well have then undergone a
topographically guided treatment under the flap. Given the
C a se 3: To p o grap h ic D iagn o sis o f
low residual stromal thickness, it is conceivable that further
D ecen t rat io n : Is It Rea lly a La ser
tissue removal would have led to further mechanical shifts
Decen t rat ion ? and an unpredictable result, with a high possibility of induc-
Decentration is a diagnosis made postoperatively by ing progressive ectasia.143
inspection of topography. Decentration denotes off-center
ablation. We have found that what appears to be decentra-
tion by topography is not always due to off-center ablation. Con clu sion
In the following example, a patient presented to us com-
plaining of monocular double vision after LASIK. The ini- In this section, we have demonstrated that knowledge
tial refraction was -6.50 D. Treatment was carried out with of the epithelial thickness profile is a useful tool in under-
the Moria LSK-One microkeratome and the Nidek EC5000. standing and planning corneal refractive procedures. We
Preoperative corneal thickness by Orbscan was measured have shown that the epithelium always remodels itself to fit
as 516 µm. With an ablation depth of 90 µm, the predicted a template (normally provided by the eyelid) and that this
postoperative residual stromal thickness was 266 µm. On mechanism results in compensation for stromal irregular-
examination, UDVA was 20/70, and manifest refraction ity, which then impacts the validity of front corneal surface
was +3.00 -3.75 x 96, yielding a CDVA of 20/40+2. Slit- topography. Therefore, the epithelial thickness profile needs
lamp examination showed a clear cornea, with an unre- to be considered alongside front corneal surface topography
markable flap possessing a few very faint, faded shallow- to build a picture of true stromal irregularity.
appearing vertical microfolds. Orbscan anterior elevation We have described the major areas where the epithelium
BFS map (Figure 6-97A) provided a differential diagnosis can make a significant difference. Mapping of the epithelial
of decentration of the ablation zone or ectasia. Aberrometry thickness profile may increase sensitivity and specificity of
demonstrated coma-like HOAs. screening for keratoconus compared to conventional front
Horizontal 3D Artemis VHF digital ultrasound B-scan corneal surface topography. This should help reduce cases
cross-section of the cornea revealed anatomical features of post-LASIK ectasia and therefore improve the safety of
that provided further diagnostic information. Figure 6-97B LASIK. Knowledge of epithelial thickness profile changes
shows the B-scan demonstrating a flatter (F) nasal side of after myopic and hyperopic LASIK may partly explain
the cornea, with a raised (R) surface temporally as found refractive regression and could be used to improve the
To m o gra p h e r s 161
accuracy of corneal ablations. In cases of complicated cor- pachymetry will be skewed by the epithelial changes that
neal refractive surgery, knowledge of epithelial thickness will have occurred after tissue removal (eg, achieved depth
profile is crucial in establishing the correct diagnosis and after a myopic ablation will be underestimated due to the
planning further treatment. epithelial thickening that will have occurred).148 Epithelial
There are numerous other situations where the epi- changes should also be considered in flap thickness mea-
thelium should be taken into account that have not been surement after excimer laser ablation. A postoperative mea-
covered in this chapter. We have also published numerous surement of flap thickness will include epithelial changes;
other reports demonstrating epithelial compensation for therefore, a more accurate method of measuring flap thick-
stromal irregularities in cases of asymmetric resection in ness at the time of flap creation is to combine the stromal
automated lamellar keratoplasty,129 asymmetric LASIK component of the flap (measured postoperatively) with
flaps,129,144,145 microfolds,144,145 flap malposition,144-146 the preoperative epithelium.149,150 This method effectively
short flap,144-146 and free cap malrotation.147 This weight resets the epithelium to the thickness profile at the time of
of evidence for epithelial compensation proves that it always surgery.
occurs and that the epithelium must be considered in rela- Orthopedic surgery was practiced without pre- and post-
tion to any corneal interaction. operative anatomical imaging until the discovery of X-ray
Consideration of epithelial changes also applies to imaging in 1895, by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen. Perhaps,
corneal measurements. For example, an estimation of epithelial imaging will have a similar impact on corneal
achieved ablation depth derived from the change in corneal refractive surgery.
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Ch a p te r 7
To p o grap hy
and Wave fro nt Co mb ine d
Syste ms
he iTrace system manufactured by Tracey Soviet military applications and was developed by scientist
Technologies Corp (Houston, TX) is uniquely Vasyl Molebny, PhD,1 and his team of engineers in Kiev,
designed to combine full-surface Placido corneal Ukraine in collaboration with ophthalmic surgeon Ioannis
topography with the advantages of ray-tracing aberrometry, Pallikaris, MD, and his colleagues in Crete, Greece. The
a robust wavefront technology to measure quality of vision. combination of this aberrometry information with corneal
The iTrace incorporates the Placido components manufac- topography in a compact, cost-efficient package provides
tured by EyeSys Vision, Inc, (Houston, TX) with integrated valuable clinical information in elucidating the ocular
software application produced by Tracey Technologies to sources of aberrations, primarily as to whether they are
deliver corneal topography and total eye aberrometry data corneal or lenticular for added diagnostic power.
acquisition and analysis (Figure 7-1).
At the core of this instrument is the unique technology
providing optical ray tracing of the eye, as is evidenced by iTrace En gin eer in g
the product name, the iTrace. A sequential series of thin,
infrared beams or rays of light on the order of 100 µm each Ad va n t ages
is projected into the entire entrance pupil of the eye using a
Important in any system design is the philosophy behind
software-programmable, scanning pattern measuring hun-
it and the utility goals for its practice and use. The iTrace
dreds of points within milliseconds. Each of these points
features a dual-purpose system with full corneal topography
represents the entrance of parallel, sampling light rays into
and wavefront capabilities along with integrated software
the eye, which become refracted by the eye’s optical power
analysis on a single computer platform. This device dem-
eventually focusing on the retina. By locating the spot on
onstrates the far greater power of the combination of these
the retina where each thin beam of light is focused, a direct
2 technologies.
aberration measurement is made leading to calculations
In addition, the slim engineering allows the eye under
for a complete aberration profile and optical performance
measurement to fixate directly through the instrument’s
examination of the eye. This technology stems from former
transparent optics at a distance target. For example, the
Wang M. Co rn e al To p o g rap h y: A Gu id e f o r Clin ical
167 A p p licat io n in t h e W ave f ro n t Era, Se co n d Ed it io n (p p . 167-198)
© 2012 SLACK Incorporated
168 Ch a p t e r 7
Figure 7-1. The iTrace unit’s slim profile enables true distance
target measurement binocularly for strong control of accom-
modation. (Reprinted with permission of Joe S. Wakil, MD.)
Figure 7-4. Axial map in a patient with keratoconus. Figure 7-5. Local radius of curvature map, otherwise known as
the tangential or instantaneous radius of curvature map, in a
patient with keratoconus.
However, in applying the simple keratometric formula, this
map only provides accurate curvature data and corneal
refractive power data in the central corneal region. The data
outside of the 3-mm zone is simply not accurate in terms
of either the true curvature of the cornea or the refractive
power generated in the peripheral cornea.
The Local Radius of Curvature Map, otherwise known
as the Tangential Map or Instantaneous Radius of Curvature
Map (Figure 7-5), is used to accurately depict the true cor-
neal shape in terms of millimeter radius of curvature from
center to periphery. This map is a mathematical derivative
of the axial color map and can be most useful in appreciat-
ing the detail of corneal surface features both centrally and
peripherally. Contact lens fitters will derive more accurate
curvature measurements in the periphery to better fit con-
tact lenses, while refractive surgeons will better appreciate Figure 7-6. Refractive map in the same patient with kerato-
the sharpness of transition zone edges from excimer laser conus.
ablations that commonly generate halos and glare to post-
surgical eyes with small effective optical zones using this
map. Also, for the critical diagnosis of keratoconus, the The Z Elevation Map (Figure 7-7) illustrates the physi-
Local Radius of Curvature Map will emphasize the true cal nature of the cornea in terms of its height difference in
size and nature of an ectasia as observed in the slit-lamp microns from a reference sphere. The algorithms used to
microscope. This is very important to note as it is necessary choose a reference sphere are important, as one can gener-
to know the actual apex location and severity of curvature ate a number of different elevation measurements based
generated by the keratoconus to treat appropriately. The solely upon the particular reference sphere. iTrace uses an
Local Radius of Curvature Map is typically the best source algorithm that uses a reference sphere based on the best
of information for such corneal shape information. fit to the central cornea. The Z Elevation Map illustrates
The Refractive Map (Figure 7-6) accurately calculates depressions and elevations from a best-fit sphere. The user
the refractive power across the entire corneal surface as can modify the reference sphere to obtain more detail in
it applies Snell’s Law of Refraction instead of the basic some cases. Without providing a reference sphere, the abil-
keratometric formula, which once again is only correct for ity to discern the very subtle height differences across the
the limited central corneal region. The Refractive Map is cornea would be difficult. Because the cornea is generally
always presented in diopter units. The Refractive Map pro- aspheric, there will always be some differences in the height
vides the clinician with appreciation for the greater refrac- from a sphere. Elevation mapping is critical for planning
tive power of the normal cornea in the periphery than in the excimer laser enhancement surgeries, including surgical
center despite the fact that the normal cornea does flatten correction of decentered ablations, and in studying corneal
in the periphery. This map is an accurate source of data to disease progression.
truly understand corneal optics and their contribution to the The corneal wavefront (CW) map (Figure 7-8) is an
total ocular power. extension of wavefront analysis of the eye applied strictly
170 Ch a p t e r 7
Figure 7-7. Z elevation map in the same patient with kerato- Figure 7-9. Verification display including simulated keratom-
conus. etry, spherical aberration values, and corneal astigmatism
(delta) value to aid IO L selection.
Figure 7-10. CT summary display included for maps and Figure 7-13. Corneal topography comparison display of higher
commonly used indices. This is an example of a patient with order aberrations in a LASIK patient prior to (top) and following
keratoconus. (bottom) dry eye treatment. The improvement in the inferior
portion of the cornea was significant enough to bring the
uncorrected acuity from 20/30 to 20 /20.
Figure 7-16. Wavefront for myopic optical system. (Reprinted
with permission of Joe S. Wakil, MD.)
Ad va n t ages of Com b in ed Figure 7-22. Schematic eye and retinal spot pattern illustrating
the resulting spot pattern (256 points). (Reprinted with permis-
Wavefron t / Cor n ea l sion of Joe S. Wakil, MD.)
Top ograp h y Disp lay
The iTrace system measures total ocular aberrations formula across the cornea’s surface. By subtracting the
of the eye (aberrometry) using ray tracing and calculates corneal aberrations from the total ocular aberrations of the
corneal anterior surface aberrations from the corneal topog- eye, the aberrations of the internal optics (primarily the
raphy data acquired through the Placido image. This cal- lens) are generated. This is a good first approximation of
culation involves simply performing a Zernike polynomial aberrations attributed to the internal optics of the eye. This
computation on the data generated from the refractive map also provides clinical insight into the optical relationship
of the cornea using the classic Snell’s Law of Refraction between the crystalline lens and cornea.
To p o gr a p hy a n d Wa ve fr o n t Co m b in e d Syst e m s 175
orneal topography was the first technology that severely aberrated eyes, and refractive wavefront maps that
objectively allowed ophthalmologists to perform separate corneal from lenticular aberrations.7
pre- and postoperative assessment of the cornea, Additional software programs are available for use with
which contributes the greatest magnitude of HOAs to the the OPD Scan family of instruments that allow enhanced
eye. While this technique was an indirect assessment, clini- diagnostic ability, visual quality simulation, and IOL
cal wavefront aberrometry enabled direct measurement of power calculations. For example, corneal disease screening
the optical effects of intraocular surgery and corneal sur- software using the Corneal Navigator detects keratoconus,
gery. Combining these 2 techniques allows greater analysis keratoconus suspect, pellucid marginal degeneration, and
for preoperative planning and postoperative assessment of postsurgical corneas. Modulation transfer functions (MTFs)
vision. For example, the separation of internal aberrations of the ocular, corneal, and internal and HOAs allow the
(mainly lenticular) from corneal aberrations allows the evaluation of visual performance before and after surgery.
surgeon to determine whether lenticular or surface aberra- The IOL Station software has recently been introduced for
tions are the source of visual blur. Isolation of the source IOL power calculations and for selection of spherical and
of the aberrations enhances surgical planning and provides aspheric IOLs for virgin corneas and postrefractive surgery
greater diagnostic insight. cases.
The Nidek OPD Scan II and the new OPD Scan III The combined use of the OPD SCAN II and OPD Station
combine aberrometry and corneal topography to allow the will be described here with attention to clinical examples
separation of corneal front surface aberrations and internal that are commonly encountered. Explanation of the full
aberrations. Corneal topography is measured using Placido clinical utility of the data and exam sets available would
disk technology. Measurement of ocular (whole eye) aber- occupy several chapters. For example, the OPD Scan II
rations is performed with spatial dynamic skiascopy, a plots 20 different maps; the OPD Station plots an addi-
technique that allows a wide dynamic range of measure- tional 30 maps. We have therefore limited the examples to
ment of spherical refractive error ranging from -20 to those that are clinically pertinent to a general ophthalmic
+22 D and ±12 D of astigmatism, the ability to measure practice.
178 Ch a p t e r 7
TABLE 7-1.
In t rao cu la r Su rger y
Preop erat ive Plan n in g
Refractive surgery is rapidly incorporating IOL surgery
(phakic and toric lens implantation). This shift in attitude
is due to patient expectations, the increased accuracy of
IOLs, and the introduction of wavefront IOLs. For example,
aspheric IOLs are designed to compensate for corneal
spherical aberration that addresses the loss in visual quality
after spherical IOL implantation. Aspheric accommodating
IOLs incorporate wavefront principles to allow better visual
performance than standard accommodating lenses. Hence,
the need for wavefront assessments is rapidly becoming a
clinical necessity for many cataract surgeons and general
Aspheric IOLs are implanted based on the compensation
of corneal and aspheric IOL spherical aberration. However, Figure 7-32. Internal O PD maps of the normal (top left) and
the selection of the correct aspheric IOL requires measure- cataractous eyes.
ment of the corneal spherical aberration. The distribution
of corneal spherical aberration across a population is
widespread, following a bell-shaped curve.17 Additionally, present with emmetropia or mild myopia centrally sur-
differences in HOAs across ethnic groups has been report- rounded by hyperopia (Figure 7-32). Cataractous eyes
ed.17 Hence, implanting one type of aspheric IOL in all present with increasing myopia anywhere on the internal
patients is unrealistic. For example, significantly increasing map along with flecks of power randomly distributed on
negative ocular spherical aberration in a patient with pre- the internal OPD map (see Figure 7-32). Progression of
existing negative corneal spherical aberration may result the cataract can be followed with serial measurements and
in a diminution of visual quality akin to keratoconic eyes comparison of the internal OPD maps.
or posthyperopic ablation, both of which can cause high The axial corneal topography map, keratometry, and
negative spherical aberration. The aspheric IOL needs to be autorefraction from the OPD Scan II will assist the surgeon
tailored to the individual’s preoperative corneal spherical in planning the placement of the phaco incision, limbal
aberration. The OPD Scan II provides the corneal spherical relaxing incisions, and toric IOLs and toric phakic IOLs.
aberration values for aspheric IOL selection calculated from
the corneal topography. Postop erat ive Evalu at ion
Baby boomers are the largest subset of the population Postoperatively, the OPD Scan II can be used to evaluate
to undergo laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) or pho- toric IOL alignment, tilt, and torque. Serial corneal topog-
torefractive keratectomy (PRK) worldwide. As this demo- raphy will allow the assessment of corneal wound healing
graphic ages, the need for accurate postrefractive surgery and of the effect on corneal astigmatism over time.
IOL calculations will increase, along with the need for a In cases of refractive surprise or dysphotopsia post-
selection of specific aspheric monofocal IOLs or presbyopic implantation, the effect of an incorrectly placed limbal
IOLs. Hyperopic LASIK tends to induce negative spherical relaxing incision, phaco-incision, or IOL can be determined
aberration, and myopic ablations tend to induce positive by comparing corneal topography, the OPD map, and
spherical aberration. The magnitude of induction varies the internal OPD. This enables the surgeon to determine
based on aspheric or conventional ablation algorithms.18 surface versus internal sources and plan the appropriate
The distribution of residual postoperative corneal spheri- retreatment. Figure 7-33 presents a case of a patient who
cal aberration in refractive surgery patients will likely be complained of shadowing and ghosting after IOL implan-
abnormal, leading to the introduction of more aspheric tation. Slit-lamp examination indicated a well-centered
IOLs. Corneal topography to measure corneal spherical IOL in the capsular bag. OPD Scan II measurement shows
aberration and postoperative keratometry will be instru- the corneal topography was normal, yet the internal OPD
mental in patients who have undergone LASIK and PRK. maps show myopic and hyperopic areas bisecting the pupil,
Additionally, postrefractive surgery IOL calculations are creating 2 focal planes on the retina resulting in ghosting.
available on the Nidek IOL Station for such cases with the The 2 refractive planes were due to a subtle tilt of the IOL,
Camellin-Callosi formula. resulting in coma, a common cause of ghosting and diplopia
Cataracts cause typical patterns on the internal OPD (see Figure 7-33).
map. For example, the phakic eye of a young adult will
182 Ch a p t e r 7
he Keratron Onda (Figure 7-38) is a combined instru- (CT) and aberrations of the total OW contemporarily. The
ment, developed and produced by Optikon 2000 instrument also tracks and measures the pupil in photopic
SpA (Rome, Italy) to measure corneal topography and scotopic or mesopic conditions and performs dynamic
To p o gr a p hy a n d Wa ve fr o n t Co m b in e d Syst e m s 18 5
Figure 7-42. The new Keratron O nda cone with ADC com-
pared to a Keratron traditional cone.
Figure 7-45. In this case, due to a bad sensor image, the recon-
struction of gradients and the OW map are affected by “phase
jump” artifacts.
Figure 7-47. The operator acquired the same case as in Figure Figure 7-49. Dynamic pupillometry can be shown as a slow-
7-45 again. This time, in spite of opacities in the crystalline motion movie. Here, one of the author’s pupils changes from
lens, the reconstruction of gradients and the O W map are scotopic to photopic conditions over 800 ms. The changes
correct. have been transferred to the Scout software. Pupil size versus
time response to visible light is plotted on the right.
Pupillom et ry
In addition to corneal topography and wavefront aber-
rometry, the Keratron Onda acquires and measures the
patient’s pupil in 2 extreme conditions: “scotopic,” which
is taken in infrared light under mesopic conditions, and
“photopic,” taken about 1 second after turning on the LEDs
(Figure 7-48). Actually, the instrument captures an entire
movie sequence of images under these changing conditions,
an example of which is shown in Figure 7-49. After turning
the LEDs on, we can see that it takes about 800 millisec-
onds for the pupil to go into miosis. This sequence can be
recorded at up to 50 fps and saved in the PC for further
Figure 7-50. Acquisition of a topo-aberrometry test. The
analyses. operator can align the patient’s eye and view: the live image
of the topography CCD (1) and of the wavefront sensor (3),
Acqu irin g Top o -Aberrom et ry the position of the light beam on the entrance pupil (2), and
the Z distance of the eye according to the EPCS (4). He can
When “Topo-Aberrometry” (corneal topography + select the near/far distance cone detectors (5) and the defocus
wavefront aberrometry) is selected with the Keratron Onda compensation (7) and can activate or deactivate “Auto-RX” (6)
display touch screen, the “Acquisition” screen appears and “fogging” (7) functions.
(Figure 7-50).
To p o gr a p hy a n d Wa ve fr o n t Co m b in e d Syst e m s 18 9
Figure 7-51. The corneal and OWs are shown side by side. Figure 7-52. Curvature or axial maps and Sim-K can be shown
The Rx refractive data at the bottom-center can be calculated on the Keratron O nda display before transferring the topo-
at either a selected, photopic (VL), or scotopic (IR) pupil, with aberrometry to the external PC with the Scout software.
a single click.
Naoyuki Maeda, MD
ith the advancements in refractive surgery, cata-
ract surgery, and contact lenses, there is a
huge demand to evaluate the quality of vision
objectively. Corneal topographic analysis is very useful to
show the optical quality of the corneas following refractive
surgery or with corneal diseases such as keratoconus.43-45
Interpretation of color-coded maps reveals the corneal
irregular astigmatism qualitatively.46 Topographic indi-
ces such as SRI47 or the results of Fourier analysis48 and
Zernike analysis45 can show the effects of corneal irregular
astigmatism on vision quantitatively.
Recently, the compensational association between cor-
nea and internal optics became obvious not only for regular
astigmatism but also for irregular astigmatism or HOAs.49
For this reason, instruments that measure both corneal and
ocular HOAs may be useful for the comprehensive evalua-
tion of the optical system of the eye.
Figure 7-56. The Topcon unit provides 4 functions: autokera-
tometry, autorefractometry, videokeratography, and wavefront
Ma in Feat u res
The Topcon KR-1W (Figure 7-56) provides 4 functions:
autokeratometry, autorefractometry, videokeratography, Top ograph y
and wavefront sensing, sequentially in a session. Table 7-2 This machine uses Placido rings for corneal topography.
indicates the specifications of the machine. Many original Infrared illumination is used to project the Placido rings,
articles and reviews have already been published with improving the patient’s fixation during measurements by
the previous machine (KR-9000PW) or prototype of this reducing the luminance and minimizing miosis of the pupil
instrument.50-77 The machine is capable of fully-automated during the wavefront sensing.
measurement including autofocus and X-Y alignment, Output display for corneal topography consists of a mire
enabling measurements for both eyes by just touching the image, corneal power map, and corneal HOA map (Figure
center of the pupil on the instrument’s touch screen. 7-57). The axial power and instantaneous power map with
the Smolek/Klyce scale79 are set as the default. An absolute
Keratom et ry an d Refractom et ry scale with 1.5-D steps best illustrates clinically significant
Keratometry and refractometry are performed like con- abnormality in corneal shape, while screening for clinically
ventional autorefractometers or autokeratometers. In addi- insignificant differences in topography.80 Conventional
tion to this conventional autorefractometry, this machine videokeratoscope users easily perform visual inspection of
may provide better objective refractions than conventional topographic maps using a standard scale.
ones with the aid of wavefront technology, especially fol- In addition to the conventional display of corneal power
lowing refractive surgery or corneal surgeries.78 Although distribution, the KR-1W enables assessment of corneal
conventional autorefraction obtains sphere and cylinder HOAs both qualitatively and quantitatively. Figure 7-57
values based on paracentral values (from 1.4- to 3.0-mm illustrates the color-coded map of corneal HOAs in addi-
diameter), this wavefront sensor can calculate sphere and tion to the corneal indices and corneal HOAs for 4 mm,
cylinder using the whole data inside the defined pupil: from 6 mm, and actual pupil size. The absolute scale is used for
inside 2 mm (minimum) to 8 mm (maximum) diameter the display of the corneal HOA map to show the clinically
and default 4 mm for day vision and 6 mm for night vision. significant HOAs or irregular corneal astigmatism with the
The difference between these 2 methods may be small in rapid pattern recognition. Different from the conventional
normal eyes but increases dramatically in cases following power maps, irregular astigmatism is easily differentiated
refractive surgery with optical zone abnormality or in post- from sphere and cylinder with the corneal HOA map. By
keratoplasty cases. comparing the corneal HOA map and the ocular HOA map,
the origin of irregular astigmatism can be identified.
192 Ch a p t e r 7
TABLE 7-2.
Specifications of KR-1W
Auto-refractometry Spherical refractive power: -25 to +22 D
Cylindrical refractive power: 0 to 10 D
Measured minimum pupil diameter: 2 mm
Auto-keratometry Corneal curvature radius: 5.00 to 10.00 mm
Corneal refractive power: 67.50 to 33.75 D
Corneal astigmatic power: 0 to 10 D
Ocular HOAs Hartmann-Shack wavefront aberrometer
HOA: Zernike polynomial up to 10th or 4th order
Aberration display: Total aberration, HOA
Measuring range: -25 to +22 D
Measuring area: 8.0 mm
Corneal topography/corneal HOAs Numbers of Placido rings: 19
Corneal curvature radius: 5.00 to 10.00 mm
Corneal refractive power: 67.50 to 33.75 D
Cornea shape measurement area: 0.8 mm to 9.2 mm
Axial power map, Instantaneous power map
HOA: Zernike polynomial up to 10th or 4th order
Range of pupil distance measurement 20 to 85 mm
External connection terminal USB (input/output, output), RS-232C (output),
LAN (input/output)
Figure 7-58. Comparison of the topography with corneal and Figure 7-60. A typical emmetropic eye is displayed. Mire
whole eye aberrations aids in diagnosis. The ocular HOA map image (upper left) consists of a smooth concentric circle, and
(lower right) eliminates lower-order aberrations and isolates axial power map (upper center) indicates no astigmatism.
HOAs, highlighting irregular astigmatism. BSCVA may be esti- Corneal HOA map (upper right) shows the relatively flat
mated using the HOA map. wavefront without clinically significant irregular astigmatism at
the anterior corneal surface. The Hartmann image (lower left)
shows the regular grid pattern. A uniform pattern is seen in the
ocular total aberration map (lower center) indicating emmetro-
pia, with minimal irregularity in the HOA map (lower right).
Figure 7-63. For each pair of the standard Zernike terms, a sin-
gle magnitude and axis value are calculated using Campbell’s
simplified Zernike functions
Figure 7-64. In a myopic patient, the map for total HOA (top)
Zer n ike Vector Map shows mild but complex patterns. Zernike vector maps (bot-
tom row) clearly show that the pattern is due to the combina-
HOA maps are a combination of several Zernike terms. tion of a small amount of coma and spherical aberration.
It is sometimes difficult to perform visual inspection of
wavefront maps. Pairs in the Zernike terms (Figure 7-63)
such as in trefoil and coma make it difficult to analyze the
characteristics of ocular HOAs quantitatively. Describing
the Zernike terms as vector components with a magnitude
and orientation similar to the cylinder power and axis may
be helpful. For each pair of the standard Zernike terms,
a single magnitude and axis value are calculated using
Campbell’s simplified Zernike functions81 as shown in
Figure 7-63.
In the Zernike vector map, the magnitudes and orienta-
tions of coma, trefoil, secondary astigmatism, and tetrafoil
in addition to the spherical aberration were shown. At a
glance of the map, the character of the HOA in each clinical
case can be easily understood. In a myopic patient (Figure
7-64), the map for total HOA (top, left) shows mild but com-
plex patterns. On the other hand, Zernike vector maps (bot-
tom) clearly show that the pattern is due to the combination Figure 7-65. Zernike vector analysis in a patient with kerato-
of a small amount of coma and a small amount of spherical conus. Zernike vector maps indicate magnitudes and angles
aberration. Figure 7-65 reveals the Zernike vector analysis for each term. Coma is the dominant aberration, followed by
in a patient with keratoconus. The output of Zernike vector trefoil and secondary astigmatism.
maps indicates the magnitudes and angles for each term.
To p o gr a p hy a n d Wa ve fr o n t Co m b in e d Syst e m s 19 5
Figure 7-66. The IO L selection map can be used as a screening Figure 7-67. Sequential HOA measurements were obtained as
tool for premium IO L candidates. It highlights corneal irregular subjects were asked to inhibit blink for 10 seconds and maps
astigmatism, regular astigmatism, and spherical aberration. were captured every second.
It is obvious that coma aberration is dominant followed by Last, evaluate the amount of corneal cylinder (Figure
trefoil and secondary astigmatism in this eye.68 7-66; bottom right). Surgical correction of regular astigma-
tism using toric IOL, touch-up with excimer laser, or limbal
relaxing incisions should be considered for the cases with
In t rao cu la r Len s Select ion high corneal cylinder.
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Ch a p te r 8
To p o grap hy
in Co rneal Disease s
orneal topography is a vital tool in the assess-
ment of the diseased cornea. Many disorders of
the cornea, such as keratoconus, are identified by
subtle changes in the topography before there are visual Keratoconus is a bilateral, noninflammatory disorder
symptoms or clinically visible signs in slit-lamp biomi- of the cornea that, despite years of study, is not com-
croscopy. As topography looks at the central as well as pletely understood. Early researchers focused on the opti-
the peripheral cornea, many disorders that can be missed cal and clinical signs, morphology, and rehabilitation by
on central evaluation by the keratometry can instead the means of glasses, contact lenses, and keratoplasty.15,16
be diagnosed by an astute clinician using a topography With increasing application of corneal topography, multiple
device.1-7 indices have been described to diagnose cases with early
However, measurement technique, diurnal variation of or forme fruste keratoconus, ranging from simple grading
the corneal hydration, calibration of the device, position- scores to advanced algorithms to monitor progression.17-25 It
ing of the patient’s head, post-LASIK status, and use of is important to be comfortable with a grading system and use
anesthetic drops can influence topographic evaluation, it in sequential follow-ups in the patients. The indications of
and therefore it is essential to reduce these factors to a topography are not limited to diagnosis and monitoring pre-
minimum.8-12 In the case of subclinical disease, there is a intervention progression. With the advent of intrastromal
narrow zone of high sensitivity and low specificity neces- ring implantation and collagen cross-linking, postoperative
sitating consistent and precise measurements. Recent topog- follow-up with topography can provide vital information in
raphy devices, such as the Pentacam, have been found to be collecting more information on the disease process.
more accurate than Orbscan when measuring corneas with Keratoconus is generally associated with adolescents and
certain conditions.13-15 The most classical corneal disorders young adults and has been historically known to stabilize
identified by topography are corneal ectasias: keratoconus, in older age groups, probably because of increased cross-
pellucid marginal degeneration, or post-LASIK ectasia. In linkage in the cornea with growing age.26 It can occur both
addition, the irregular astigmatism resulting from corneal sporadically or inherited as a genetic disorder. Keratoconus
dystrophies, degenerations, scarring, inflammatory condi- may be associated with atopy, corneal dystrophies, cata-
tions, pterygium, or dry eye can also be quantified with the racts, Lebers’, as well as systemic disorders such as Pierre
help of topography. Robins’ sequence, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Turner’s
syndrome, and Noonen syndrome.27-47 Syndromic associa-
tions, although rare, should be ruled out in all cases.
Figure 8-4. A case of moderate keratoconus. Note the asym- Figure 8-6. A case of atypical keratoconus with superior
metric bowtie, high posterior elevations, and low central meridians being steeper than the inferior. Note that other signs
corneal thickness. The extremely low pachymetry readings in of keratoconus, such as asymmetric bowtie, thin cornea, and
the superior cornea are artifactual, due to a superior corneal high posterior elevation, are present.
nebulomacular haze.
(in primary keratoconus) or central (in secondary kerato- ring implantation and collagen cross-linking topography
conus); however, the steepening involves more than one can be used to monitor treatment efficacy, stability, and
quadrant as the disease progresses. A difference in the pow- improvement in the keratometric power of the anterior cor-
ers of the interior and superior cornea is called inferosupe- neal surface.61-64
rior power asymmetry. Skewing of the steepest radial axes
above and below the horizontal meridian may also occur.
Increased posterior elevation may be noted on tomography,
where the area of maximum steepening corresponds with
the area of reduced corneal pachymetry. In pellucid mar-
ginal degeneration, the maximal thinning is just below the Unlike keratoconus, keratoglobus characterizes a more
area of maximum dioptric power. An asymmetric bow-tie, diffuse involvement of the cornea.65,66 Generalized thin-
or “kissing bird” appearance, may be seen in some patients, ning is seen extending from limbus to limbus (Figure 8-7).
while others will demonstrate a globus type of cone or, Features suggestive of keratoconus, keratoglobus, or pellu-
rarely, superior keratoconus where steeper values may be cid marginal degeneration can be found in the fellow eyes,
found superiorly rather than inferiorly (Figure 8-6). suggesting a similar etiology for the 3.67,68 Clinical find-
In addition to topographic signs, higher-order aberra- ings in keratoglobus include the lack of a specific bowtie
tion (HOA) profiles in early keratoconus are being inves- or similar pattern but rather a diffusely steep cornea with
tigated.57-60 Alio and Shabayek have suggested grading irregular keratometry values, a high posterior elevation,
criteria for the same.60 Topography following intrastromal and reduced pachymetry. Keratoglobus has been associated
204 Ch a p t e r 8
Figure 8-8. Mooren’s ulcer must be differentiated from pel-
lucid marginal degeneration.
Figure 8-10. A topographically normal LASIK candidate with Figure 8-11. Note the low amount of astigmatism and slightly
moderate astigmatism, normal keratometry values, good decentered ablation in this post-LASIK patient. The clinical
corneal thickness, and low posterior elevation. The refrac- picture is stable for 2 years without progression of astigmatism,
tive error was stable at -4 D sphere and -1.75 D cylinder for change in uncorrected or best-corrected vision, increase in
3 years. Based on topography and refraction, he is a good posterior elevation, or reduction in pachymetry.
candidate for LASIK.
In such cases, ultrasound pachymetry validates measure-
ment. Furthermore, all cases of post-LASIK astigmatism
should not be automatically linked to keratoectasia. Flap
contraction, surface irregularity, and severe dry eyes may
result in topographic findings that incorrectly suggest kera-
Dry eye disease comprises a constellation of symptoms
and signs resulting from primary or secondary reduction in
the amount or quality of the tear film or problems with the
ocular surface. Inferior steepening in the absence of thin-
ning pachymetry is often seen (Figure 8-15). A review study
noted the prevalence ranged from 7% in the United States
to 33% in Taiwan and Japan and summarized risk factors
as advanced age, female gender, smoking, extreme heat or Figure 8-15. (A) Dry eye disease. Inferior steepening with
normal pachymetry is a common sign. (Reprinted with permis-
cold weather conditions, low relative humidity, use of video
sion of Tracy Schroeder Swartz, O D, MS, FAAO.) (B) In severe
display terminals, history of refractive surgery, contact lens cases of dry eye, melts, scarring, and neovascularization occur.
wear, and certain medications.100 The features of dry eye
range from nonspecific difficulty in reading and near work
and tired eyes to paradoxically increased tearing.
to change because of fluctuation of tear film stability has
Topography using Placido imaging is a noninvasive
previously been used.103-105
method to assess the tear break-up time (TBUT), a test that
requires a smooth anterior corneal-tear film-air complex.
Cases of unstable tear film can be screened using topogra-
phy. In a study comparing noninvasive and invasive TBUT,
short average tear break-up values are associated with small
differences between these 2 methods, whereas long average
tear break-up values are associated with large differences The phenomenon where habitual contact lens wear alters
between the methods.101 High-speed videokeratoscopy has corneal topography is called “corneal warpage.” Warpage
been used as an investigational tool in the evaluation of dry has been reported with all lens types: PMMA, gas perme-
eyes.102 A new tear film stability analysis system (TSAS) able, and hydrogel. Clinical signs include reduced vision,
based on the phenomenon that topographic maps are subject irregular keratometry mires, and irregular topography.
To p o gr a p hy in Co r n e a l D ise a se s 207
C ORNEAL D YSTROPH IES Several corneal degenerations may alter corneal topog-
raphy. Most commonly known to affect topography are
Anterior corneal dystrophies affecting the epithelium, Mooren’s ulcer, Terrien’s ulcer, band keratopathy, and
Bowman’s membrane, and anterior stroma may alter the Slazmann’s nodules. Mooren’s ulcer, a peripheral ulcerative
cornea’s topographical landscape. The 3 main epithelial condition typically presenting in patients older than 40, is
dystrophies include epithelial basement membrane dystro- often rapidly progressive. Terrien’s ulcer, another peripheral
phy (EBMD), Reiss-Buckler dystrophy, and Meesman’s ulcerative condition, occurs more in men and at a younger
dystrophy, with EBMD being the most common (Figure age than Mooren’s ulceration.
8-17). Stromal dystrophies may have more severe effects on Band keratopathy results from calcium salts in Bowman’s
vision due to loss of transparency, but may also cause RCE layer causing opacification of the anterior cornea. It can
and dry eye. These include granular, lattice, Schnyder’s, and cause severely irregular topography and poor tear film
macular dystrophies. distribution.
208 Ch a p t e r 8
Immune-mediated disorders often cause corneal pathol-
ogy and irregular astigmatism. Diseases range from the
Figure 8-19. Corneal scarring, in this case from a corneal very mild to devastatingly severe and include atopic kerato-
ulcer corresponding to the flat blue area, may cause irregular conjunctivitis, marginal corneal infiltrates associated with
astigmatism. (Reprinted with permission of Tracy Schroeder blepharoconjunctivitis (Figure 8-21), nonulcerative keratitis,
Swartz, O D, MS, FAAO.)
ocular mucous membrane pemphigoid, peripheral keratitis,
and peripheral ulcerative keratitis associated with systemic
immune-mediated diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis,
Salzmann’s nodular degeneration may cause irregular Wegener granulomatosis, systemic lupus erythematosus,
astigmatism (Figure 8-18) and scarring and may require and inflammatory bowel disease. Treatment includes topical
surgical removal. steroids and systemic immunosuppressive agents, but clini-
cal findings may progress despite aggressive treatment.
Opacification of the cornea may result from infection,
trauma, chronic inflammation, and surgery. Infectious kera- Pterygium (Figure 8-22) is an elastotic disorder of the
titis can cause severe corneal scarring with severe corneal cornea, occurring more frequently in the nasal area of the
irregularity (Figure 8-19). Particularly devastating infec- bulbar conjunctiva than the temporal. UV light may induce
tions include Acanthamoeba keratitis, bacterial keratitis, corneal invasion of matrix metalloproteinases, express-
fungal keratitis, and sclerokeratitis. ing altered limbal epithelial basal cells.107,108 Without the
Herpes keratitis, caused by the herpes simplex virus advent of topography, the indications for pterygium removal
(HSV), is a leading cause of corneal blindness in indus- included cosmetic complaint, encroachment on the pupil-
trialized nations. A single severe infection, or repeated lary axis, or increasing cylindrical power. With topogra-
infections, may result in scarring and irregular astigmatism phy, early changes such as increasing irregularity within
(Figure 8-20). Prior to surgical correction, irregular astig- the central 5-mm zone prior to it affecting the refraction
matism should be addressed cautiously with a gas-permeable indicate surgical intervention. Correction can occur earlier,
contact lens and frequent lubrication. In some cases, corneal preventing a dissection affecting the pupillary axis. Both
opacification limits visual prognosis, and corneal thinning topographic profile and manifest astigmatism have been
may limit laser treatment options. Penetrating keratoplasty shown to improve after removal of the pterygium.109,110
To p o gr a p hy in Co r n e a l D ise a se s 209
Figure 8-21. (A) Marginal keratitis causing superior data loss and irregular astigmatism. (B) Slit-lamp view of the superior cornea.
Incisional procedures alter corneal curvature resulting
in a change in the refractive error. Unfortunately, it is not
uncommon for astigmatism to increase in magnitude and
Figure 8-24. Intralase endothelial keratoplasty with a glued irregularity. Patients with a history of RK often demonstrate
IO L—1-year postoperatively. excessively small optical zones and severe central flattening
with a loss of best-corrected vision (Figure 8-26).
Excimer procedures ablate tissue, altering corneal shape
to reduce the refractive error and allow the patient lens
independence upon refractive correction. Resulting topo-
graphical patterns should be easily recognizable. Normal
myopic treatments ablate centrally, resulting in central
thinning corresponding to the ablation area and a central
plateau. This creates positive spherical aberration (Figure
8-27). Hyperopic treatments result in central steepening
Figure 8-25. Postkeratoplasty astigmatism. Note the high
irregular astigmatism due to tight sutures and the abrupt shift and negative spherical aberration (Figure 8-28). Decentered
in the pachymetry due to graft-host size disparity. myopic and hyperopic ablations, when significant, result in
polyplopia (Figure 8-29).
To p o gra p hy in Co r n e a l D ise a se s 211
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Ch a p te r 9
To p o grap hy-
Guid e d Co ntact Le ns
Shawna Hill Vanderhoof, OD, FAAO ; Randy Kojima, OD, FAAO, FOAA;
Jason Jedlicka, OD, FAAO ; Matthew Lampa, OD, FAAO ;
and Tracy Schroeder Swartz, OD, MS, FAAO
he topographer has become an indispensable tool to staff comprehensively on the need to take good photos. This
understand the anterior surface shape of the cornea means slow, steady movements with the instrument, a com-
and give much information about corneal power, cur- fortably seated patient, wide fissure size, and an even tear
vature, elevation, and disease. It is also an incredible asset to film. Always check the Placido rings prior to finishing the
our contact lens practice for the fitting of specialty contact mapping process to be sure a good image has been taken.
lenses. Traditionally, topography gave us a starting point in Take multiple images when building GP contact lenses so
choosing the initial diagnostic lens. Now, using topography there are many to choose from if 1 or 2 captures should be
and its contact lens fitting software, we can actually design less than ideal.
a gas-permeable (GP) lens more efficiently. A software-gen- Most cameras require light to bounce off the object, and
erated GP lens can be created to compare with an actual trial this reflection is recorded as an image. A corneal topogra-
on the eye of the same parameters. These programs can help pher bounces its own light (the Placido rings) off the hydrau-
in the initial lens design selection and aid in the efficiency lic fluid layer on the corneal surface and records the image
of choosing the optimal parameters for each individual eye. of the Placido reflection on the tear film.1 Considering that
This is infinitely beneficial when dealing with diseased or we must capture a photo reflected from the corneal surface,
asymmetrical eyes, which are challenging to start. it becomes imperative that the fluid covering the surface
The software is not limited to topographers or GPs alone; is smooth, even, and devoid of tear break-up or dryness.2,3
we will also discuss specialty soft and GP contact lens Figure 9-1 exhibits these imperfections caused by tear film
design cases from aberrometers to tomographers. break-up, dryness, or inconsistencies in the fluid layer in
the Placido reflection. The instrument determines the shape
and elevation of the eye by analyzing the ring reflection off
R AW I MAGES TO ANALYZING the corneal surface. If any number of these rings should
distort, break, or collapse on one another, the accuracy of
M APS the instrument will be hindered.
When analyzing the maps, use an axial interpretation to
understand corneal power or astigmatism and tangential to
For this instrument to provide the practitioner with valu- measure shape or curve at a particular point. To appreci-
able information, a good capture is required. Train your ate the acuity that is derived from the anterior surface, a
Wang M. Co rn e al To p o g rap h y: A Gu id e f o r Clin ical
215 A p p licat io n in t h e W ave f ro n t Era, Se co n d Ed it io n (p p . 215 -230)
© 2012 SLACK Incorporated
216 Ch a p t e r 9
Figure 9-1. Note the distorted rings inside the red circle. This would
result in analysis error (extrapolation error). A quality topography cap-
ture should exhibit rings that look even and parallel, as most appear
outside the red circle.
refractive power map can be helpful to understand asym- asphericity, and lens diameter/corneal diameter.6 Scleral
metries within the virtual pupil. Last, an elevation map is contact lenses completely vault the cornea and rest upon the
the best way to discern where the peaks and depressions in bulbar conjunctiva. The difference in sagittal depth between
the cornea exist. Topographers use the elevation display to the contact lens and the eye determines this relationship.
calculate the height differences across the cornea by plac- Using anterior segment OCT at the Pacific University
ing a reference sphere and then displaying the elevation of College of Optometry, the corneal-scleral tangential angle
the cornea above or below the reference surface across the between 10.00 mm and 15.00 mm (the limbal angle) was
entire map display. The reference sphere is the curve that measured as well as the angle from 15.00 mm to 20.00 mm
aligns with the most number of points on the cornea. Each (the scleral angle).5 This would suggest that toric and/or
instrument has built into it the parameters of many contact quadrant-specific scleral designs could lead to better fit-
lenses and then takes the difference between the known sur- ting characteristics and possibly better lens comfort. While
face of the contact lens (based on the individual parameters keratometry values might be the same between patients, a
for that lens) and the elevation display. smaller eye will result in significantly less sagittal depth
Some topographers also have sagittal depth information. and marked difference in the limbal/scleral angles. This is
Corneal sagittal depth (z-value) is defined as a measure- in contrast to corneal GP lenses for which you determine the
ment in mm or µm of the distance between the geometric fit by the base curve-to-keratometry measurement because
center of the cornea and the intersection of a specified they are fit to align with the cornea.
chord length (y-value) 4 as seen in Figure 9-2. Scleral lens
fitting is based on the sagittal depth as the sclera cannot be
described in curvature or shape factors as the cornea can.
Van der Worp and colleagues found the shape of the limbus TH E “RULES” OF G AS-
and anterior sclera to be tangential in shape, showing that
the sclera is nonspherical and nonrotationally symmetric P ERMEABLE LENS FITTING
in nature.5 Factors that affect the sagittal depth for the lens
and cornea, respectively, include base curve radius/kera- The following set of rules to guide the fitting of GP lens-
tometry (K) values, peripheral curves/peripheral corneal es will facilitate fitting and minimize the time required7:
To p o gra p hy-G u id e d Co n t a c t Le n s Fit t in g 217
Figure 9-7. O D lens design box for DS. Note lens param-
might offer better vision than the soft lenses he had been
using. A GP lens fitting was undertaken, which produced
visual acuities approaching 20/20, but with an unstable fit.
What was needed was a reverse geometry lens design, but
one with a smaller optic zone and steeper base curves than
most commercially available reverse geometry lens design
options. To achieve the desired fit, an FForm Wave lens was
designed for each eye.
The Wave lens design for each eye is shown in Figures
9-13 and 9-14. For the right eye, a lens diameter of 10.7 was
chosen, while the left eye, due to the steeper midperiphery,
was fitted in a 10.3 diameter. The lenses were dispensed,
and ZB was able to adapt to the lenses and achieve 20/20- Figure 9-14. ZB’s WAVE lens design O S.
2 vision in each eye. Minor adjustments were made to the
peripheral curves in each eye to facilitate tear exchange,
but the end result was an acceptable fit and vision in each but recently felt his vision deteriorating. He had seen several
eye. The actual lenses on the eye are shown in Figures 9-15 eye care providers seeking improved vision, and though the
and 9-16. lenses he had tried had provided better visual acuity, he
Another lens fitting challenge is the post-radial kera- could not tolerate those lenses. His entering acuity uncor-
totomy (RK) patient. These patients often have somewhat rected was 20/60-2 in each eye. All entrance tests were
sensitive corneas as well as a small, very flat area centrally normal. His refraction was:
with a steeper midperiphery. LJ is a 42-year-old man with a OD: +2.00 +3.25 x 90 20/25-2
history of RK in 1993. He had done well for several years, OS: -1.75 +1.75 x 75 20/30
To p o gra p hy-G u id e d Co n t a c t Le n s Fit t in g 2 21
TABLE 9-1.
Figure 9-23. RM’s corneal topography O D showing high with- Figure 9-25. RM’s simulated fluorescein pattern O D.
the-rule astigmatism.
Figure 9-26. RM’s simulated fluorescein pattern O S. Figure 9-29. BW’s corneal topography O D showing keratoco-
nus. Apical radius is 53.00 D (6.35).
showed keratoconus, more in the left eye than the right eye.
After educating BW on his options, we decided that GPs
were his best option.
Computer software suggested the parameters listed in
Table 9-2 based on topography. The simulated fluores-
cein patterns of these lenses can be seen in Figures 9-31
and 9-32. The keratoconus bi-aspheric (KBA) lens from
Essilor Contact Lens is a 10.2-mm diameter GP design
with a 9.2-mm back surface optic zone. The large optic
zone combined with a custom aspheric back surface allows
Figure 9-28. RM’s Medmont lens design O S. for centration over the pupil and, thus, reduced flare and
glare.8 Also, the KBA enables you to match its eccentricity
(e-value) to that of the cornea. Aspheric lenses have a vary-
interested in contact lenses and was diagnosed with kerato- ing base curve defined by the back optic zone eccentricity.
conus at his last eye exam 2 months ago. BW’s uncorrected Corneas that flatten at a significant rate from their
vision was 20/25 in the right eye and 20/50 in the left eye. geometric center outward have high e-values, and those
Slit-lamp examination showed clear corneas in both eyes. that flatten mildly from the geometric center have low
His corneal topography in each eye (Figures 9-29 and 9-30) e-values.6
To p o gra p hy-G u id e d Co n t a c t Le n s Fit t in g 225
TABLE 9-2.
TABLE 9-3.
was able to achieve 20/20 vision with the aspheric GPs and
was able to adapt to the lenses after building up his wear
time over the first 2 weeks. He also understands that refit-
ting will be necessary if the keratoconus progresses.
Zeiss At la s 9 0 0 0 a n d
Ma sterFit II Soft w a re
The Atlas 9000 topographer (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena,
Germany) and optional MasterFit II Contact Lens Software
enable the user to design GP contact lenses and to simulate
the resulting fluorescein pattern on the cornea.9 MasterFit
II features both topographic and keratometric-based lens-
fitting methods. Based on customizable fitting preferences,
Figure 9-35. FC’s corneal topography O D showing with-the-
MasterFit II will recommend the most appropriate lens
rule astigmatism.
type (including spherical, aspheric, front toric, back toric,
and bitoric designs) and will design a custom lens that best
achieves the desired fitting preferences. MasterFit II also
Her last eye exam was 2 years ago. Her ocular and medical
features region-specific databases of stock (finished) lenses
history is unremarkable. After a complete examination, we
that may be used as an alternative to creating custom lens
determined her refraction as described in Table 9-3.
Her corneal topography in each eye (Figures 9-35 and
The user may create multiple lens designs per topogra-
9-36) showed with-the-rule astigmatism, greater in the left
phy exam to simulate the effect of adjusting the available
eye. Computer software suggested the parameters based on
lens parameters on the fluorescein pattern. After finalizing
topography, which are listed in Table 9-3. The simulated
the lens design, the user may print the lens design using the
fluorescein patterns of these lenses can be seen in Figures
order form templates provided, or the order form may be
9-37 and 9-38. A Computer Aided Design (CAD) GP lens
saved as a PDF and sent by e-mail to the preferred labora-
from Valley Contax (Springfield, OR) was selected due to
her low to moderate with-the-rule astigmatism. This lens
The MasterFit II software also displays tear film thick-
has a spherical optical zone and an aspheric periphery.
ness profile graphs. To the right of the fluorescein map is
The right eye shows a lens 0.50 D steeper than flat K,
the vertical (90 degrees) tear film thickness profile graph,
and the apical clearance is right under the 20-µm mark so
which plots the tear layer thickness (µm; solid green area)
the final lens is steepened by 0.25 (see Figure 9-37). The
along the corneal surface. Below the fluorescein map are
left eye shows a lens virtually on flat K with the horizontal
the horizontal (180 degrees) tear film thickness profile
and vertical tear film thickness less than adequate (see
graph, which plots the tear layer thickness (µm) along the
Figure 9-38). The left lens was also steepened. Actual lens
corneal surface, and white profile meridian (white graph)
parameters are listed in Table 9-3. The contact lenses of the
on the fluorescein map.
actual lenses ordered were dispensed to the patient (Figures
This case demonstrates the software in a patient having
9-39 and 9-40). The patient was able to see 20/20 with her
with-the-rule astigmatism. A 36-year-old woman presented
GPs. If there was residual with-the-rule astigmatism in
to the office complaining of blur at distance in both eyes.
either eye, a bitoric could be ordered.
To p o gra p hy-G u id e d Co n t a c t Le n s Fit t in g 2 27
TABLE 9-4.
TABLE 9-5.
Figure 9-43. Visual function analysis for each eye prior to lens Figure 9-44. Visual function analysis for each eye with the lens
fitting. in each eye.
over-refraction of +0.50 in the right eye and 20/25 in the closely agree in a high percentage of cases. If this is true,
left eye. The patient reported significant improvement in diagnostic lens fitting may not be necessary on normal
vision, illustrated by Figures 9-44 and 9-45. The lenses corneas. Instead, the practitioner can design lenses with the
were adjusted by +0.50 in the right eye, and the patient is best possible tear layer profile from the GP (or soft) fitting
doing well with 10 to 12 hours of daily wear long-term. software and custom order. However, if the theoretical and
actual do not consistently agree, then the instrument still
serves to offer a diagnostic lens starting point and will
C ONCLUSION reduce the number of modifications or remakes and, there-
fore, the number of office visits and lost chair time.
Software can be used to design the most simple as well
If your aberrometer, topographer, and/or tomographer as the most complex lens designs. Quality of the topo-
are accurate, the theoretical fitting and actual fitting will graphical image is crucial to success with the lens design
230 Ch a p t e r 9
1. Maeda N. Topcon KR-9000PW. In: Wang M, ed. Corneal
Topography in the Wavefront Era: A Guide for Clinical Application.
Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated; 2006:259-268.
2. Kojima R. Validating corneal topography maps. Contact Lens
Spectrum. July 2007.
aspx?article=100638. Accessed July 20, 2011.
3. Erdélyi B, Csákány B, Németh J. Spontaneous alterations of the cor-
neal topographic pattern. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2005;31(5):973-
4. Anderson D. Map out your lens fitting. Optometric
Management. October 2008.
aspx?article=102235. Accessed July 20, 2011.
5. Van der Worp E, Graf T, Caroline P. Exploring beyond the corneal
Figure 9-45. Wavefront aberration comparison O D. borders. Contact Lens Spectrum. June 2010. http://www.clspec- Accessed July 20, 2011.
6. Sindt C. Basic scleral lens fitting and design. Contact Lens
software. For the user who wishes to make full use of this Spectrum. October 2008.
aspx?article=102163. Accessed July 20, 2011.
sophisticated lens design system, time is required to study 7. Kojima R, Caroline P. Designing GPs from corneal topography.
lens design videos and programs, as well as some trial and Contact Lens Spectrum. October 2009. http://www.clspectrum.
error in the early stages. com/article.aspx?article=103490. Accessed July 20, 2011.
8. Anderson D, Kojima R. “Eccentricity” is in against thin. Optometric
Management. November 2008.
aspx?article=102288. Accessed July 20, 2011.
9. Atlas Corneal Topography System User Manual System Software
Version 3.0. Dublin, CA: Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.
Ch a p te r 10
J. Bradley Randleman, MD
valuation of corneal curvature and biomechanical shape and strength; in these patients, a combination of
integrity is critical in preoperative patient evaluation technologies may be needed to generate a thorough overall
for a variety of surgeries, including keratorefractive evaluation.
and intraocular lens-based refractive procedures. Operating
on irregular corneal curvatures can produce unpredict-
able and unstable refractive outcomes, while operating on
biomechanically weak corneas can have untoward results, C ORNEAL TOPOGRAPH Y
including unstable refractions, induced irregular astigma-
tism, and postoperative ectasia.1 Corneal topographic images are generated from Placido
As we have seen in previous chapters, there are a vari- ring reflections from the corneal surface; the distance
ety of different techniques and technologies for obtaining between these rings indicates focal curvature changes.
unique information about the cornea that prove useful This ring pattern is then converted into color-coded maps
in producing a thorough picture of preoperative corneal (Figure 10-1). Appropriate topographic evaluation requires
characteristics. These include corneal topography, corneal a systematic approach to the scans produced (Tables 10-1
tomography, and ocular hysteresis measurements. Corneal and 10-2).
topography is essential to evaluate anterior corneal cur- When evaluating a topographic image, it is first essen-
vature. Corneal tomography (with scanning slit beam or tial to determine the color scale used. Most surgeons use
Scheimpflug systems and high-resolution anterior segment a 0.5-D to 1.0-D color scale for keratorefractive surgical
optical corneal tomography) provides regional corneal epi- evaluations, although a 1.5-D scale has been advocated for
thelial and stromal thickness profiles and elevation data. consistency.2 Color step identification is critical because
Corneal hysteresis measurement may provide direct mea- identical topographies can look significantly different based
surements of corneal “strength” via hysteresis measures on the color step used (Figure 10-2).
obtained with the ocular response analyzer. Once the color step is identified, the topographic pattern
Corneal topography is essential for keratorefractive can be evaluated. There are a variety of established pat-
evaluation and remains the primary technology used in terns3 (Figure 10-3) that can be grouped into 4 major pat-
screening. However, in some cases, additional testing may terns in an otherwise healthy cornea (Figures 10-4 through
provide important supplementary details on overall cornea 10-11) 4:
Wang M. Co rn e al To p o g rap h y: A Gu id e f o r Clin ical
231 A p p licat io n in t h e W ave f ro n t Era, Se co n d Ed it io n (p p . 231-242)
© 2012 SLACK Incorporated
232 Ch a p t e r 1 0
TABLE 10-1.
TABLE 10-2.
Figure 10-2. Placido image. The same topographic image is shown in the following color steps: (A) 0.25 D, (B) 0.5 D, (C) 1.0 D,
and (D) 1.5 D. Note the apparent difference in pattern based on the color step used.
Figure 10-16. (A) Placido image: irregular astigmatism pattern
secondary to dry eye (B) that appears more normalized follow-
ing aggressive lubrication and repeat topographies.
poor corneal exposure, data drop-out from debris in the tear thickness. While no absolute ratio between peripheral cor-
film or eyelashes, and tear lake irregularities. neal thickness has been determined, in one study, popula-
tion average inferior corneal thickness measurements were
more than 60 µm thicker than central corneal measurements
C ORNEAL TOMOGRAPH Y in a normal population.33 A reduction in the peripheral/
central corneal thickness ratio may be an early indicator of
an abnormal cornea.34 Ambrosio and colleagues reported
In addition to anterior curvature data generated by significant differences in corneal thickness spatial profiles
topography, technologies that generate corneal tomographic and corneal volume distribution between keratoconic and
data may be useful for preoperative screening. There are normal corneas,35,36 and these metrics may be useful in
numerous machines available clinically today that measure screening, especially in eyes with borderline topographies.
the cornea using slightly different techniques, including Corneal thickness profiles and elevation data can also
scanning slit beam (Orbscan II, Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, be generated by Scheimpflug imaging technology (Figure
NY), Scheimpflug imaging (Pentacam, OCULUS, Inc, 10-18).37-39 The Pentacam generates corneal thickness
Wetzlar, Germany and Galilei, Ziemer Ophthalmics, Port, spatial profiles that may indicate early corneal pathology
Switzerland), and high-resolution ocular coherence tomog- (Figure 10-19).
raphy (OCT). With scanning slit beam and Scheimpflug Corneal thickness profiles can also be generated by
technologies, both corneal thickness profiles and corneal high-resolution ultrasound40-42 and ocular coherence
elevations as compared to best-fit spheres are generated in tomography (Figure 10-20).43,44 Subtle changes in epi-
an attempt to better characterize overall corneal shape. thelial and stromal thickness may have implications for
The Orbscan II device incorporates both Placido imag- screening, as compensatory epithelial thinning overlying
ing and scanning slit beam-based imaging to generate an ectatic region may be an early sign of a corneal ectatic
both standard topographic and tomographic data. Overall, disorder.45-47
corneal thickness profiles are measured, and from these The relative weight given to tomographic data ver-
anterior and posterior elevation data are generated. These sus topographic data is still hotly debated; however, the
are measured against a “best-fit sphere” to give an overall 2 together are likely additive. Anterior curvature changes
impression of focal elevations (Figure 10-17). There have with concomitant elevation abnormalities and abnormal
been reports discussing the value of these individual param- corneal thickness profiles increases the odds that a cornea
eters, especially posterior float metrics29-32 ; however, these is biomechanically weaker and should be excluded for kera-
remain to be validated clinically. Another useful metric torefractive surgery.
is the relationship between central and peripheral corneal
238 Ch a p t e r 1 0
Figure 10-21. Placido image of (A) right and (B) left eyes. In the right eye, note the symmetric bowtie pattern oriented along the
110-degree meridian in the right eye combined with the moderate asymmetry oriented along the 30-degree meridian. In the left
eye, note the focal steepening inferotemporally.
Further evaluation of the left eye with scanning slit beam and appropriate peripheral thickening in relation to the cen-
technology (Orbscan II) confirms the Placido pattern (see tral thickness. Neither anterior nor posterior elevations are
Figure 10-22, lower left, also in 0.5 D color scale). The cor- overly remarkable (see Figure 10-22, upper left and right,
neal thickness profile (see Figure 10-22, lower right) appears respectively); however, there is some increased elevation in
normal, with the thinnest portion of the cornea in the center the far inferior periphery that warrants further evaluation.
Pr e -r e fra c t ive Su r ge r y To p o gra p h ic Eva lu a t io n 2 41
Figure 10-24. Scheimpflug image (Pentacam): The corneal thickness spatial profile (upper middle image) exhibits a gradual rela-
tive reduction toward the periphery.
4. Randleman JB, Woodward M, Lynn MJ, Stulting RD. Risk assess- 29. Quisling S, Sjoberg S, Zimmerman B, et al. Comparison of
ment for ectasia after corneal refractive surgery. Ophthalmology. Pentacam and Orbscan IIz on posterior curvature topography mea-
2008;115(1):37-50. surements in keratoconus eyes. Ophthalmology. 2006;113(9):1629-
5. Rabinowitz YS, McDonnell PJ. Computer-assisted corneal topogra- 1632.
phy in keratoconus. Refract Corneal Surg. 1989;5(6):400-408. 30. Rao SN, Raviv T, Majmudar PA, Epstein RJ. Role of Orbscan II in
6. Maguire LJ, Klyce SD, McDonald MB, Kaufman HE. Corneal screening keratoconus suspects before refractive corneal surgery.
topography of pellucid marginal degeneration. Ophthalmology. Ophthalmology. 2002;109(9):1642-1646.
1987;94(5):519-524. 31. Sonmez B, Doan MP, Hamilton DR. Identification of scanning slit-
7. Lee BW, Jurkunas UV, Harissi-Dagher M, et al. Ectatic disorders beam topographic parameters important in distinguishing normal
associated with a claw-shaped pattern on corneal topography. Am J from keratoconic corneal morphologic features. Am J Ophthalmol.
Ophthalmol. 2007;144(1):154-156. 2007;143(3):401-408.
8. Varssano D, Kaiserman I, Hazarbassanov R. Topographic patterns 32. Tabbara KF, Kotb AA. Risk factors for corneal ectasia after LASIK.
in refractive surgery candidates. Cornea. 2004;23(6):602-607. Ophthalmology. 2006;113(9):1618-1622.
9. Klein SR, Epstein RJ, Randleman JB, Stulting RD. Corneal ectasia 33. Liu Z, Huang AJ, Pflugfelder SC. Evaluation of corneal thickness
after laser in situ keratomileusis in patients without apparent preop- and topography in normal eyes using the Orbscan corneal topogra-
erative risk factors. Cornea. 2006;25(4):388-403. phy system. Br J Ophthalmol. 1999;83(7):774-778.
10. Randleman JB, Trattler WB, Stulting RD. Validation of the Ectasia 34. Randleman JB, Banning CS, Stulting RD. Corneal ectasia after
Risk Score System for preoperative laser in situ keratomileusis hyperopic LASIK. J Refract Surg. 2007;23(1):98-102.
screening. Am J Ophthalmol. 2008;145(5):813-818. 35. Ambrosio R Jr, Alonso RS, Luz A, Coca Velarde LG. Corneal-
11. Fogla R, Padmanabhan P. Bilateral keratectasia after unilateral laser thickness spatial profile and corneal-volume distribution: tomo-
in situ keratomileusis. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2004;30(10):2033- graphic indices to detect keratoconus. J Cataract Refract Surg.
2034. 2006;32(11):1851-1859.
12. Wang JC, Hufnagel TJ, Buxton DF. Bilateral keratectasia after uni- 36. Ambrosio R Jr, Klyce SD, Wilson SE. Corneal topographic and
lateral laser in situ keratomileusis: a retrospective diagnosis of ectatic pachymetric screening of keratorefractive patients. J Refract Surg.
corneal disorder. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2003;29(10):2015-2018. 2003;19(1):24-29.
13. Ambrosio R Jr, Wilson SE. Early pellucid marginal corneal degen- 37. Khachikian SS, Belin MW. Posterior elevation in keratoconus.
eration: case reports of two refractive surgery candidates. Cornea. Ophthalmology. 2009;116(4):816, e1; author reply -7.
2002;21(1):114-117. 38. Belin MW, Khachikian SS. An introduction to understanding eleva-
14. Fogla R, Rao SK, Padmanabhan P. Keratectasia in 2 cases with tion-based topography: how elevation data are displayed—a review.
pellucid marginal corneal degeneration after laser in situ keratomi- Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2009;37(1):14-29.
leusis. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2003;29(4):788-791. 39. Ciolino JB, Khachikian SS, Belin MW. Comparison of corneal
15. Sridhar MS, Mahesh S, Bansal AK, Rao GN. Superior pellucid thickness measurements by ultrasound and Scheimpflug photogra-
marginal corneal degeneration. Eye (Lond). 2004;18(4):393-399. phy in eyes that have undergone laser in situ keratomileusis. Am J
16. Bower KS, Dhaliwal DK, Barnhorst DA Jr, Warnicke J. Pellucid Ophthalmol. 2008;145(1):75-80.
marginal degeneration with superior corneal thinning. Cornea. 40. Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M, et al. Epithelial thickness in the
1997;16(4):483-485. normal cornea: three-dimensional display with Artemis very high-
17. Cameron JA, Mahmood MA. Superior corneal thinning with frequency digital ultrasound. J Refract Surg. 2008;24(6):571-581.
pellucid marginal corneal degeneration. Am J Ophthalmol. 41. Reinstein DZ, Couch DG, Archer T. Direct residual stromal thick-
1990;109(4):486-487. ness measurement for assessing suitability for LASIK enhancement
18. Chiang CC, Lin JM, Tsai YY. Superior keratoconus with inferior by Artemis 3D very high-frequency digital ultrasound arc scanning.
paracentral corneal thinning and inferior peripheral pellucid mar- J Cataract Refract Surg. 2006;32(11):1884-1888.
ginal degeneration. Eye (Lond). 2007;21(2):266-268. 42. Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Silverman RH, Coleman DJ. Accuracy,
19. Weed KH, McGhee CN, MacEwen CJ. Atypical unilateral repeatability, and reproducibility of Artemis very high-frequen-
superior keratoconus in young males. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. cy digital ultrasound arc-scan lateral dimension measurements.
2005;28(4):177-179. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2006;32(11):1799-1802.
20. Prisant O, Legeais JM, Renard G. Superior keratoconus. Cornea. 43. Li Y, Meisler DM, Tang M, et al. Keratoconus diagnosis with opti-
1997;16(6):693-694. cal coherence tomography pachymetry mapping. Ophthalmology.
21. Eiferman RA, Lane L, Law M, Fields Y. Superior keratoconus. 2008;115(12):2159-2166.
Refract Corneal Surg. 1993;9(5):394-395. 44. Li Y, Shekhar R, Huang D. Corneal pachymetry mapping with
22. Bansal AS, Randleman JB. Corneal ectasia after LASIK in a patient high-speed optical coherence tomography. Ophthalmology.
with superior pellucid marginal degeneration. J Refract Surg. 2006;113(5):792-799, e2.
2009;25(2):172-174. 45. Reinstein DZ, Gobbe M, Archer TJ, et al. Epithelial, stromal, and
23. Rao SK, Fogla R, Padmanabhan P, Sitalakshmi G. Corneal total corneal thickness in keratoconus: three-dimensional display
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24. Abad JC, Rubinfeld RS, Del Valle M, et al. Vertical D: a novel 46. Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M. Corneal epithelial thick-
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25. Wilson SE, Lin DT, Klyce SD, et al. Topographic changes in contact 47. Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M. Stability of LASIK in topo-
lens-induced corneal warpage. Ophthalmology. 1990;97(6):734-744. graphically suspect keratoconus confirmed non-keratoconic by
26. De Paiva CS, Harris LD, Pflugfelder SC. Keratoconus-like Artemis VHF digital ultrasound epithelial thickness mapping: 1-
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by rosacea. Cornea. 2001;20(6):668-669. 2006;113(5):742-746.
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2003;110(6):1102-1109. 2006;32(8):1395-1398.
Ch a p te r 11
To p o grap hy-
Guid ed Custo m Ab latio n
here are a variety of etiologies for irregular astigma- Correcting irregular astigmatism caused by refractive
tism, directly measured as irregularity on topograph- procedures is complex, as most devices used to perform
ical maps and manifesting as increased higher-order refractive procedures are unable to correct the problems they
aberrations (HOAs) using wavefront analysis. Mild ocular may cause. These problems include a small optical zone,
surface changes such as dry eye and contact lens warpage decentered ablation, severely prolate or oblate corneas, and
are usually correctable by treating the dry eye and discon- irregularly irregular astigmatism induced by laser-assisted
tinuing the lenses. More severe ocular surface changes such in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), photorefractive keratec-
as scarring, corneal dystrophies, and degenerations such tomy (PRK), radial keratotomy, conductive keratoplasty,
as anterior basement membrane dystrophy and pterygium cataract surgery, and deep lamellar keratoplasty. Several
may require surgery to remove the scarring, address the systems have been used to correct these problems.1-5 The
dystrophy, or remove the pterygium. Refractive procedures following sections illustrate how several systems surgically
including radial keratotomy, excimer ablation, and conduc- address correction of irregular astigmatism.
tive keratoplasty can also create irregular astigmatism.
David D. Liu, PhD; Zhengjun Fan, MD; Junhua Xiao, MD; and Bing Liu, MD
ven with the advancement of technologies and clini- such as decentered ablations and other irregular corneas.
cal applications, difficult corneal cases do occasion- AstraPro 2.2Z uses precise 3-dimensional elevation data
ally prove to be a challenge in laser refractive sur- obtained from AstraMax, a 3-dimensional topographer,
gery. To address such a challenge, LaserSight Technologies, and subjective refraction data to calculate an ablation pat-
Inc, has developed a 3-dimensional topography-based tern that allows the restoration of both the desired shape of
custom ablation product, AstraPro 2.2Z, to repair problems, the postenhancement cornea and the desired visual axis of
Ca se 1
A 24-year-old female patient underwent LASIK in May
2009 in a different hospital on the right eye. The patient
complained of poor vision with ghost images. Uncorrected
visual acuity was 40/100. The patient was referred to our Figure 11-2. The arrowed line from the origin indicated the
hospital in May 2010. Upon examination with the AstraMax shift direction of the predicted post-enhancement visual axis.
and manifest refraction, it was observed that a signifi- The shift amount is very small, typically well below 0.1 mm by
cantly decentered ablation existed, as shown in Figure 11-1. 0.1 mm, and never exceeds 0.2 mm by 0.2 mm. The shift is
always in the direction of the flat area of the pre-enhancement
We evaluated the patient’s cornea and decided to use
cornea, indicating that the measurement bias for the problem
LaserSight’s AstraPro 2.2Z to plan an enhancement on the cornea is toward the steep axis.
cornea. LaserSight AstraPro 2.2Z allows significant tissue
saving over a standard algorithm. More importantly, it is
effective in optimally choosing the post-enhancement tar-
and the patient achieved 20/20 uncorrected visual acuity.
get corneal visual axis, typically along the direction of the
The corrected topography map and the difference map of
flat portion of the cornea, as indicated in Figure 11-2. The
the pre-enhancement and post-enhancement are displayed
relatively small change of predicted postoperative visual
in Figure 11-3. As can be seen, the enhancement ablation
axis allows for significant tissue saving and dramatically
was custom designed to just compensate for the ablation
improved enhancement effectiveness. After the enhance-
deficiency caused by the decentration.
ment, the major complaint of double vision was resolved,
To p o gra p hy-G u id e d Cu st o m Ab la t io n 24 5
i Ca se 1
VIS Technologies (Taranto, Italy) has pioneered topogra-
phy-guided custom ablation since the mid-1990s by intro-
ducing Corneal Interactive Programmed Topographic A 57-year-old woman had her right eye treated with
Ablation (CIPTA) software. The software was used for PRK in 1997. She was retreated because of regression/
custom ablation planning based on Orbscan topography undercorrection with LASIK in 1999. The baseline refrac-
(Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY) and for treatment on tive error was -4.25 -0.25 x 90 degrees, and best-corrected
LaserSight 100-Hz, small-flying-spot laser (LaserSight distance visual acuity was 20/20. Blurred vision, starburst
Technologies Inc, Orlando, FL). Since then, the company halos, and multiple images were noted after the PRK and
developed its own Scheimpflug-based topographer, the increased after her LASIK. Irregular astigmatism due to
Precisio, as well as a dynamic pupillometer (pMetrics) and decentered ablation and oblate asphericity were diagnosed.
a 1000-Hz, 0.6-mm flying-spot excimer laser (iRES), com- Topography-guided cTEN ablation with iVIS suite was
pleting the “iVIS Suite” topography-guided custom ablation planned and performed in October 2008.
system. Prior to corrective treatment, the patient’s uncorrected
In the iVIS Suite, corneal anterior and posterior eleva- distance visual acuity (UDVA) was 20/30, and subjective
tion, pachymetry, pupil as well as iris and scleral vessel refraction of +1.50 -0.25 x 90 degrees failed to improve
registration-data from the Precisio, pupillometry-data from vision. Central ultrasound pachymetry (Corneo-Gage Plus,
the pMetrics, and the patient’s refraction are fed to the Sonogage Inc, Cleveland, OH) was 517 µm. Slit-lamp
CIPTA software. CIPTA then compiles a custom ablation microscopy was unremarkable except for central grade 1
plan with the aim of transforming the actual corneal shape subepithelial haze within the LASIK flap. Precisio floating-
into a regular aspheric shape of desired curvature, within elevation and axial curvature maps showed irregular astig-
the treatment zone suggested by pupillometry. The volume matism (Figure 11-7). Asymmetry within the central 3 mm
of the ablation is defined by the intersection between the was 1.5 D, while the Q-value was +0.56. Wavefront aber-
corneal anterior surface as detected by Precisio and the rometry measured at 6 mm with the Allegretto Analyzer
targeted aspheric surface, determined by CIPTA. The cur- (Wave-Light, Erlangen, Germany) showed total root-mean-
vature of the targeted surface is determined by subtracting square HOA of 0.95 µm (coma 0.67 µm and spherical aber-
the amount of desired dioptric change from the preoperative ration 0.44 µm). pMetrics dynamic pupillometry showed
curvature. Hence, the corneal topography and the subjective 3.95, 6.59, and 8.75 mm as photopic, “ideal,” and scotopic
refraction are used as bases for treatment of higher- and pupil sizes.
lower-order aberrations, respectively (the former is limited The treatment goal was an aberration-free corneal
to the HOAs originating from the corneal surface). surface and emmetropia using a single ablation involving
The CIPTA-generated ablation plan is then transferred the epithelium and the stroma (including the haze). After
to the iRES excimer laser, which employs a synchronized importing the patient’s Precisio topography/tomography
x,y and cyclotorsional tracking. To reduce the high-frequen- and manifest spherocylindrical refraction, the CIPTA soft-
cy laser’s thermal effect and the ablation-rate difference ware computed the desired regular aspheric postoperative
between the corneal epithelium and the stroma, delivery of surface with a curvature change, which compensated for
constant local frequency (number of pulses per second) per the manifest spherocylindrical error within the optical zone,
area is implemented into iRES, allowing the use of inte- matching the “ideal” pupil size. The ablation plan showed
grated transepithelial ablation as the system’s recommended maximum ablation depth of 34 µm and the outer transition
operative technique. The technique merges laser epithelium zone of 8.75 mm. The ablation plan is shown on Figure 11-8.
removal and stromal ablation into a single, uninterrupted A detailed surgical protocol is described elsewhere.7
custom ablation, termed “cTEN” (custom transepithelial Twelve months after the treatment, slit-lamp micros-
“no-touch”). Such integrated, topography-guided ablation copy showed a clear cornea, with no trace of haze. The
seems to be especially suited for therapeutic purposes for patient’s uncorrected and corrected visual acuity were
cases with irregular astigmatism, where epithelial remodel- 20/25 and 20/20, respectively, and manifest refraction was
ing plays a significant role and has to be addressed.6 +0.50 -0.25 x 50 degrees in the right eye. Wavefront aber-
The following case illustrates the use of iVIS Suite’s rometry showed total root-mean-square HOA of 0.33 µm
topography-guided cTEN ablation in treatment of irregular (coma 0.22 µm and spherical aberration 0.18 µm) for
astigmatism after decentered PRK/LASIK. 6-mm diameter. Floating elevation and axial curvature
To p o gra p hy-G u id e d Cu st o m Ab la t io n 24 7
Figure 11-7. Floating elevation (left) and axial curvature map Figure 11-9. Floating elevation (left) and axial curvature map
(right) before the topography-guided ablation using the iVIS (right) 12 months after the topography-guided ablation with
Suite. iVIS Suite.
opography-guided ablation profiles are derived from B-scans, comprising 8 hemimeridians. This is our standard
front surface corneal topography, and the algorithms scanning protocol as it provides a sufficiently high density
are designed to calculate the tissue removal required of information in the central cornea with a lower density of
to return the cornea to a regular aspheric shape. Therefore, information in the periphery, where it is less needed. The
the ablation profiles are usually irregular and nonsymmet- Artemis has been described in detail previously.8-14
ric. The results of topography-guided treatments are usu- Contrast sensitivity was well below the normal range;
ally evaluated by inspection of the change in front surface the patient was not able to see more than 2 patches at 3, 6,
corneal topography; however, the shape of ablated stromal 12, or 18 cpd. Analysis of front surface topography showed
tissue has not been confirmed by direct measurement of that the optical zone was decentered inferotemporally rela-
stromal change. The Artemis very high-frequency digital tive to the visual axis; the Atlas axial map is presented in
ultrasound arc-scanner (ArcScan Inc, Morrison, CO) is Figure 11-10. Wavefront analysis showed significant HOAs
capable of obtaining a map of the stromal thickness across with a higher-order RMS of 1.63 µm and spherical aber-
the central 10-mm diameter in vivo.8-10 The change in stro- ration of 1.30 µm (OSA notation15). The Artemis epithe-
mal thickness can be calculated as the difference in stromal lial thickness profile showed that the epithelium was up to
thickness before and after surgery to evaluate the achieved 84-µm thick centrally, significantly thicker than normal,14
central ablation depth in conventional myopic ablations,11-13 surrounded by an annulus of thinner epithelium (down to
as demonstrated by the following case. 44 µm) at a radius of 5 mm. This annulus of thinner epithe-
A 45-year-old man was referred to our clinic complain- lium, over the midperipheral “knee” characteristic of radial
ing of ghosting and increasing blur in both eyes, but more keratotomy, was also decentered inferotemporally, match-
pronounced in the right eye. Prior to undergoing radial ing the irregularity seen on topography.
keratotomy, the preoperative refraction was approximately A topography-guided PRK procedure was performed
-9.50 D in both eyes. The left eye was treated first using using the MEL80 excimer laser and CRS-Master custom
the “American” method, and the right eye was treated ablation programming software (version 2.1), which has
2 weeks later using the “Russian” method. Sixteen incisions been described previously.1 The CRS-Master algorithm
were created in both eyes. Clinical records were not avail- uses corneal elevation data, captured by the Atlas topogra-
able postoperatively, but the patient explained that he did pher, to calculate the ablation required to obtain an aspheric
not need to wear glasses for the first 10 years and was able surface. The algorithm also analyzes the corneal wavefront,
to obtain a private pilot’s license. After 4 years, the patient derived from the corneal topography data, together with the
noticed his vision deteriorating, and the patient sought sur- clinical manifest refraction to calculate the refractive error
gical correction of the right eye. correction. The algorithm takes into account that the mani-
Uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/40+1 improved fest refraction possesses a component that compensates for
with a manifest refraction of +0.75 -2.00 x (20/32+2). corneal HOAs and is able to discriminate this component to
Further testing included topography, whole eye wavefront determine the HOA-free manifest refractive error.
using the WASCA aberrometer (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Numerous Atlas examinations were obtained, and the
Germany) both undilated and after cycloplegia using tropi- exam to use for treatment was selected by the surgeon
camide 1%, pupillometry, corneal biomechanical analysis, (DZR). The criteria for selecting the examination to use
handheld ultrasonic pachymetry, and tonometry. Vertical for treatment were for the exam to a) be in focus, b) have
sinusoidal grid contrast sensitivity testing was obtained smooth, regular mires rings, and c) have continuous data
at 3, 6, 12, and 18 cycles per degree (cpd) using the CSV- within sufficient diameter. The Atlas topographic data were
1000 (VectorVision Inc, Greenville, OH). The Artemis 1 imported into the CRS-Master. The CRS-Master automati-
VHF digital ultrasound arc-scanner was used to determine cally selects the center of the pupil as found by the Atlas to
the thickness profile of each corneal layer. The reproduc- use as the center for the ablation generation algorithms. The
ibility of pachymetric topography of the Artemis has CRS-Master also allows the surgeon to shift this location,
been shown to be 0.58 µm for the epithelium, 1.78 µm for and the corneal vertex was chosen for this case according
the stroma, and 1.68 µm for the cornea.10 Pachymetric to our standard protocol of centering all ablations on the
profiles were calculated based on data from 4 meridional corneal vertex.1,16,17 The corneal vertex was determined
To p o gra p hy-G u id e d Cu st o m Ab la t io n 24 9
he use of OCULUS tomography with Allegretto fourth-generation fluoroquinolone and prednisolone acetate
excimer treatment has reportedly been successful 1% six times a day until complete epithelialization. One
in cases of irregular astigmatism.4 A 42-year-old week after surgery, uncorrected distance visual acuity was
female physician with a corneal scar following contact lens- 20/30, the contact lens was removed, and the patient started
related Acanthamoeba keratitis presented with uncorrected topical cyclosporine twice daily and was instructed for ste-
distance visual acuity of 20/400 and manifest refraction of roid tapering.
+0.50 -4.50 x 20, improving the vision to 20/60 in the left One month after surgery, uncorrected distance visual
eye. acuity was 20/25+. Four months after surgery, uncorrected
Advanced Therapeutic Surface Ablation was performed distance visual acuity was 20/25, and manifest refraction
with the Alcon-WaveLight Allegretto Eye Q. Epithelial was plano -1.25 x 165, giving 20/20.
removal was accomplished using a 50-µm PTK ablation Figure 11-11 illustrates the subtraction sagittal curvature
with a 7.0-mm optical zone and transition to 8.9 mm. map from preoperatively and 4 months postoperatively. Note
Topography-guided ablation was planned based on Oculyzer the reduction of keratometric astigmatism from 5.4@178 to
data. Mitomycin C at 0.005% was applied for 1 minute, fol- 0.7@55. Note the subtraction map is very similar as the
lowed by 50 cc of chilled BSS irrigation. A soft contact ablation TCAT plan (Figure 11-12).
lens was placed, and the patient was instructed to use a
1. Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M. Combined corneal topography 9. Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M, Silverman R, Coleman DJ.
and corneal wavefront data in the treatment of corneal irregularity Stromal thickness in the normal cornea: three-dimensional display
and refractive error in LASIK or PRK using the Carl Zeiss Meditec with Artemis very high-frequency digital ultrasound. J Refract
MEL 80 and CRS-Master. J Refract Surg. 2009;25(6):503-515. Surg. 2009;25:776-786.
2. Wu L, Zhou X, Ouyang Z, Weng C, Chu R. Topography-guided 10. Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M, Silverman RH, Coleman DJ.
treatment of decentered laser ablation using LaserSight’s excimer Repeatability of layered corneal pachymetry with the Artemis
laser. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2008;18(5):708-715. very high-frequency digital ultrasound arc-scanner. J Refract Surg.
3. Lin DT, Holland SR, Rocha KM, Krueger RR. Method for 2009;Nov:1-14.
optimizing topography-guided ablation of highly aberrated eyes 11. Reinstein DZ, Srivannaboon S, Archer TJ, Silverman RH, Sutton H,
with the ALLEGRETTO WAVE Excimer Laser. J Refract Surg. Coleman DJ. Probability model of the inaccuracy of residual stro-
2008;24(4):S439-S445. mal thickness prediction to reduce the risk of ectasia after LASIK
4. Jankov MR 2nd, Panagopoulou SI, Tsiklis NS, Hajitanasis GC, part I: quantifying individual risk. J Refract Surg. 2006;22:851-860.
Aslanides M, Pallikaris G. Topography-guided treatment of irregu- 12. Reinstein DZ, Srivannaboon S, Archer TJ, Silverman RH, Sutton H,
lar astigmatism with the WaveLight excimer laser. J Refract Surg. Coleman DJ. Probability model of the inaccuracy of residual stro-
2006;22(4):335-344. mal thickness prediction to reduce the risk of ectasia after LASIK
5. Toda I, Yamamoto T, Ito M, Hori-Komai Y, Tsubota K. Topography- part II: quantifying population risk. J Refract Surg. 2006;22:861-
guided ablation for treatment of patients with irregular astigmatism. 870.
J Refract Surg. 2007;23(2):118-125. 13. Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M. Corneal ablation depth readout
6. Reinstein DZ, Silverman RH, Sutton HF, Coleman DJ. Very high- of the MEL80 excimer laser compared to Artemis three-dimension-
frequency ultrasound corneal analysis identifies anatomic correlates al very high-frequency digital ultrasound stromal measurements.
of optical complications of lamellar refractive surgery: anatomic J Refract Surg. 2010;26(12):949-959.
diagnosis in lamellar surgery. Ophthalmology. 1999;106:474-482. 14. Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M, Silverman RH, Coleman DJ.
7. Stojanovic A, Jankov MR. Treatment of irregular astigmatism: Epithelial thickness in the normal cornea: three-dimensional dis-
developing an ideal corneal surface with the iVIS suite. In: Wang play with Artemis very high-frequency digital ultrasound. J Refract
M, ed. Irregular Astigmatism: Diagnosis and Treatment. Thorofare, Surg. 2008;24:571-581.
NJ: SLACK Incorporated; 2008:211-218. 15. Applegate RA, Thibos LN, Bradley A, et al. Reference axis selec-
8. Reinstein DZ, Silverman RH, Raevsky T, et al. Arc-scanning very tion: subcommittee report of the OSA Working Group to establish
high-frequency digital ultrasound for 3D pachymetric mapping of standards for measurement and reporting of optical aberrations of
the corneal epithelium and stroma in laser in situ keratomileusis. the eye. J Refract Surg. 2000;16:S656-S658.
J Refract Surg. 2000;16:414-430.
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16. Reinstein DZ, Couch DG, Archer TJ. LASIK for hyperopic astig- 17. Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M. LASIK for myopic astigma-
matism and presbyopia using micro-monovision with the Carl Zeiss tism and presbyopia using non-linear aspheric micro-monovision
Meditec MEL80. J Refract Surg. 2009;25:37-58. with the Carl Zeiss Meditec MEL 80 Platform. J Refract Surg.
Ch a p te r 12
Ke rato re fractive
Treatme nts Using Wave fro nt
and Co rneal To p o grap hy
Noel Alpins, FRANZCO, FRCO phth, FACS
and George Stamatelatos, BScO ptom
he differences that frequently exist between corneal because treatment by refractive parameters alone will leave
parameters measured by keratometry or topography the neutralization of this internal optical aberration (ORA)
and the refractive astigmatism values, as measured on the cornea. In approximately 7% of cases, this amount
by manifest or wavefront techniques, have become increas- can be worse than the preoperative corneal astigmatism,1
ingly evident to the practicing refractive surgeon. The potentially leading to increased aberrations and associated
importance of preoperatively quantifying this parameter is visual symptoms, particularly under mesopic conditions.
a key ingredient in successful refractive astigmatism treat- Equally, treatment by topographic parameters alone will
ment. The ocular residual astigmatism (ORA), defined as leave all the ORA postoperatively remaining in the manifest
the vectorial difference between the corneal and refractive refraction, again reducing the potential satisfactory visual
astigmatism, singly takes into account the angular as well outcome.
as the magnitude difference.1-5 This should form part of Ideally, a treatment paradigm incorporating both refrac-
any routine eye assessment prior to performing refractive tive and topographic parameters in a systematic manner
surgery that includes astigmatism treatment. would leave the minimum possible total astigmatism in the
In the excimer laser field, the perplexing decision wheth- eye, distributed in an optimal proportion between the cor-
er to treat based on refractive, topographic, or a combination nea and refraction.
of both parameters continues to be of relevance.6-8 This is
Figure 12-1A shows on a polar display the second-order
spherocylinder of the wavefront or the positive cylinder of
the manifest refraction measurements, together with the
topography or keratometry measurements for corneal astig-
matism. Doubling the axes of the astigmatism while leaving
the magnitudes unchanged allows for the conversion of polar
coordinates to Cartesian coordinates (Figure 12-1B). The
ORA, determined on the double-angle plot, is then trans-
ferred to the origin (x=0, y=0) and halved to simulate how it
would exist within the eye (Figure 12-1C—polar diagram). Figure 12-2. The iAssort software program for corneal astigma-
This vectorial difference, measured in diopters and degrees tism analysis. Simulated keratometry parameters are exported
and calculated using simple trigonometric principles, has from the topography system (in this example, 2.95 D @ 130)
a proportional relationship to astigmatism—meaning that, and are compared to the refractive astigmatism (-1.29 D x 37
while the astigmatic differences between refractive and cor- at the corneal plane) to calculate the O RA, which in this case
neal astigmatism increases in either magnitude and/or angle is 1.68 D Ax 42. This is high in magnitude as displayed by the
red cross, which indicates that it lies outside the normal range
difference, so too increases the magnitude of the ORA. As a
of 0.00 D to 1.00 D.
result, treatment using refractive parameters alone neutral-
izes the internal ocular astigmatism quantified by the ORA
on the front corneal surface, leading to increased aberra-
simulated keratometry parameters exported directly from
tions and a reduction in the quality of vision achieved.9,10
topography and refractive cylinder at the corneal plane.
There are currently software programs available that will
Conveniently, these can be used directly from the analytical
calculate the ORA (Figure 12-2, from
outputs generated within the topography device.
Pla n n in g Ke ra t o r e fra c t ive Tr e a t m e n t s U sin g Wa ve fr o n t D a t a 2 55
By quantifying the vectorial difference between the with normal (emmetropic) vision can suffer from aberra-
corneal and the refractive astigmatism using the ORA, tions that affect functional vision.14
the maximum possible correction of astigmatism can be Alternatively, topography-guided treatments do not con-
determined. The distribution of the remaining ORA, which sider that the amount of corneal astigmatism often differs
is the best outcome possible for an individual eye, needs from the refractive (second-order) astigmatism. Omitting
to be considered carefully. Caution needs to be given to this phenomenon during planning can result in refractive
whether to treat the eye as is customary practice, leaving the astigmatism surprises.
astigmatism totally on the cornea by treating with manifest The advantages of preoperatively addressing both cor-
or wavefront refraction, or ascertaining if it is better to dis- neal and refractive astigmatism reduces the level of astig-
tribute the unavoidable remaining astigmatism between the matism that is left on the cornea compared to using refrac-
two in an optimized manner to achieve the most favorable tive parameters alone, and, as a result, fewer second- and
outcome. third-order aberrations are likely to remain.2,3,9
Figure 12-3. The ASSO RT treatment screen displays both the Figure 12-4. The emphasis shown here relates to topography-
manifest refraction and the corneal astigmatism by topography. guided treatment where all the O RA (1.68 D) remains in the
The emphasis shown here is that of conventional treatment, manifest refraction (100% topography/0% wavefront refrac-
0% topography/100% wavefront refraction leaving all the tion), shown as the “Target = 0.84/-1.68 x 132.”
O RA on the cornea as displayed by the “Target = 1.68 @ 132.”
Figure 12-5. ASSO RT Treatment Planning shows how the Figure 12-6. Linear relationship of surgical emphasis for
O RA of 1.68 D Ax 42 is apportioned 47% to eliminating the sphericity versus orientation of target topography based on
topography astigmatism and 53% to the refractive cylinder. the notion that with-the-rule astigmatism is favorable and
The O RA is neutralized by an equivalent 0.89 D at the cornea against-the-rule is unfavorable. This graph displays that, as
and -0.79 DC at the spectacle refraction but at an orientation the targeted corneal astigmatism approaches 90 degrees, the
90 degrees away of 132 degrees. target refractive cylinder is reduced, so if the targeted corneal
astigmatism is at 90 degrees, all the O RA will be corrected on
the cornea.
Using the Alpins method of vector planning to combine 6. Holladay JT, Bains HS. Optimized prolate ablations with the
information from the refraction (manifest or wavefront) NIDEK CXII excimer laser. J Refract Surg. 2005;21(5 Suppl):S595-
as well as the topography can help minimize astigmatism 7. Mrochen M, Jankov M, Bueeler M, Seiler T. Correlation between
remaining on the cornea and in the optical system of the corneal and total wavefront aberrations in myopic eyes. J Refract
eye. This optimizes visual outcomes, particularly in low Surg. 2003;19(2):104-112.
light and reduced-contrast environments. The ORA and 8. Kohnen T. Combining wavefront and topography data for excimer
the resultant astigmatism remaining on the cornea are the laser surgery: the future of customized ablation? J Cataract Refract
Surg. 2004;30:285-286.
essential parameters to guide the astigmatism optimization 9. Alpins NA, Stamatelatos G. Clinical outcomes of laser in situ
in the vector planning process. keratomileusis using combined topography and refractive wave-
front treatments for myopic astigmatism. J Cataract Refract Surg.
10. Kugler L, Cohen I, Haddad W, Wang MX. Efficacy of laser in
R EFERENCES situ keratomileusis in correcting anterior and non-anterior cor-
neal astigmatism: comparative study. J Cataract Refract Surg.
1. Alpins NA. New method of targeting vectors to treat astigmatism. 11. Alpins NA, Stamatelatos G. Combined wavefront and topography
J Cataract Refract Surg. 1997;23:65-75. approach to refractive surgery treatments. In: Wang M, ed. Corneal
2. Alpins NA. Astigmatism analysis by the Alpins method. J Cataract Topography in the Wavefront Era: A Guide for Clinical Application.
Refract Surg. 2001;27:31-49. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated; 2006:139-143.
3. Alpins NA. Wavefront Technology: a new advance that fails to 12. Alpins NA, Stamatelatos G. Customized PARK treatment of myo-
answer old questions on corneal vs. refractive astigmatism correc- pia and astigmatism in forme fruste and mild keratoconus using
tion. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2002;18:737-739. combined topographic and refractive data. J Cataract Refract Surg.
4. Alpins NA, Walsh G. Aberrometry and topography in the vec- 2007;33:591-602.
tor analysis of refractive laser surgery. In: Boyd BF, Agarwal A, 13. Lipshitz I. Thirty-four challenges to meet before excimer laser tech-
eds. Wavefront Analysis, Aberrometers and Corneal Topography. nology can achieve super vision. J Refract Surg. 2002;18:740-743.
Panama: Highlights of Ophthalmology; 2003:313-322. 14. Williams D, Yoon GY, Porter J, Guirao A, Hofer H, Cox I. Visual
5. Alpins NA, Schmid L. Combining vector planning with wave- benefit of correcting higher-order aberrations of the eye. J Refract
front analysis to optimize laser in-situ keratomileusis outcomes. Surg. 2000;16:S554-S559.
In: Krueger RR, Applegate RA, MacRae SM, eds. Wavefront 15. Alpins NA. Vector analysis of astigmatism changes by flattening,
Customized Visual Correction; The Quest for Super Vision II. steepening, and torque. J Cataract Refract Surg. 1997;23:1503-
Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated; 2004:317-328. 1514.
Ch a p te r 13
Co rneal To p o grap hy
What Will the Up co ming Decad e Bring?
n the 5 years since the first edition of this book was pub- predictable result. Despite these limitations, there is still
lished, there have been tremendous advances in the tech- room for improvement in the precision of excimer laser
nology used and understanding of corneal topography, ablation profiles. Such improvement will depend upon our
wavefront analysis, ocular biometry, and biomechanics. Such ability to combine preoperative topographic, wavefront, and
advances have led to our ability to determine the anatomi- biomechanical data to generate enhanced ablation profiles
cal shape and optical behavior of the eye in unprecedented and then link such profiles to excimer lasers that can deliver
detail. The volume of data generated by modern diagnostic the profile in a consistent, reproducible manner.
instruments is staggering and, at times, overwhelming. By
combining technologies, such as wavefront with topography
or biomechanics with Scheimpflug imaging, we increase
the value and clinical relevance of the data. Despite the R EFINEMENT OF
volume of diagnostic data at our disposal, the precision
with which we can surgically alter the optical performance M EASUREMENT
of the cornea has not kept up with our ability to define its
shape. It seems archaic in this era of advanced topography, Devices that combine corneal topography with wave-
tomography, aberrometry, biometry, and biomechanics that front aberrometry are uniquely able to define the source
the major determination of an ablation profile remains of an optical aberration (Figure 13-1).1,2 AMO’s iDesign
refraction. Modern excimer lasers are remarkably precise, platform is another example of this technology that has not
yet when used perioperatively, modern corneal topographers yet been released commercially. These systems subtract the
and aberrometers illustrate the limitations of current excimer corneal aberrations from the total or whole eye aberrations
laser surgery. Postoperative aberrometry reminds us of our measured to precisely identify the source of the optical
limited ability to remove higher-order aberrations (HOAs) so aberration and guide the clinician as to the best approach
beautifully described preoperatively by our devices. for surgical correction. In the context of refractive surgery
The technology gap is partly due to the speed by which screening, current devices are dependent upon relatively
diagnostic devices gain clinical and regulatory acceptance crude pattern recognition on the part of the clinician and
relative to surgical devices. However, it has been sug- are not able to reliably quantify the magnitude of the aber-
gested that excimer lasers have reached their peak in terms rations in question to the degree required for precise surgi-
of precision of laser-tissue interaction, and wound heal- cal correction. The future will undoubtedly lead to further
ing remains the largest and least-controllable barrier to a refinement of these combined devices.
surgery now needing cataract extraction present further Direct measurement of the structure in question is the
challenges in the realm of IOL calculations. It is becoming goal of topography-guided excimer ablation. As the ocular
increasingly clear that our traditional methods of IOL cal- structure most responsible for refraction of light, the ante-
culation are not robust enough to handle postkeratorefrac- rior cornea is the surface from which the majority of HOAs
tive eyes.7-10 Traditional formulas require a few measured arise. By directly measuring this surface with corneal
biometry values and derive the rest of the anatomy based topography, and applying treatment based on the results, an
upon assumptions. These assumptions are no longer valid optically superior surgical result is possible. Topography-
following keratorefractive surgery and result in refractive guided ablations are promising for the treatment of irregu-
surprises following surgery. lar astigmatism, which remains one of the most elusive
As our understanding of ocular biometry and its relation- post-LASIK complications to correct. A valiant effort was
ship to IOL power and IOL position continue to improve, made toward this treatment modality by the Topolink sys-
so must our ability to accurately measure these values. tem in the late 1990s; however, results were disappointing.
For example, the refractive power of the posterior cornea A more recent generation of topography-guided platforms,
becomes clinically relevant for IOL calculations in eyes including the iVIS (LIGI Tecnologie Medicali, Taranto,
that are postkeratorefractive surgery. Initial attempts at Italy), Allegretto WaveLight (Alcon, Fort Worth, TX), and
incorporating posterior corneal power in the determination Zeiss MEL 80 (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany) show
of corneal power, such as the Holladay EKR report on the promise toward refinement of topo-guided technology.
Oculus Pentacam, will continue to be refined as the instru- As promising as topography-guided treatments may be,
ments allow for more reliable and reproducible posterior excimer ablation guided by a combination of corneal topog-
power measurements. Biometry may be incorporated into raphy and wavefront aberrometry will be the treatment
topographic systems, and tomographers will likely develop approach of the future.
improved algorithms for IOL power calculation. Overall, the theme of the next decade will be integra-
tion. As cataract surgery merges with refractive surgery, so
will the devices and technology we use to achieve the best
Top ograp h y-Dr iven possible outcomes. Diagnostic equipment will continue to
merge with excimer lasers to deliver more refined ablation
Keratorefract ive Su rger y patterns. In order to manage the vast amount of data that
will result from these instruments, improved methods of
Wavefront-guided excimer laser surgery continues to
data analysis and risk assessment will continue to be an
be a popular and well-established treatment modality.
important area of research and development.
However, this technology suffers from an important limita-
tion in that all aberrations of the entire visual system are
treated on the anterior corneal surface, regardless of their
site of origin. For example, treatment of a spherical cornea
with lenticular astigmatism results in an astigmatic cornea.
Similarly, HOAs arising from the crystalline lens or pos-
1. Won JB, Kim SW, Kim EK, Ha BJ, Kim TI. Comparison of internal
terior cornea are treated on the anterior corneal surface. and total optical aberrations for 2 aberrometers: iTrace and OPD
This approach may not provide ideal optical performance scan. Korean J Ophthalmol. 2008;22(4):210-213.
postoperatively.11 Furthermore, the excimer laser treatment 2. Fontes BM, Ambrósio R Jr, Jardim D, Velarde GC, Nosé W. Ability
required to correct HOAs is calculated based on wavefront of corneal biomechanical metrics and anterior segment data in
analysis rather than direct measurement of the curvature or the differentiation of keratoconus and healthy corneas. Arq Bras
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irregularity of the corneal surface. In general, data that are 3. Fu J, Wang X, Li S, Wu G, Wang N. Comparative study of anterior
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5. Tang M, Chen A, Li Y, Huang D. Corneal power measurement with 1465.
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6. Rosa N, De Bernardo M, Borrelli M, Lanza M. New factor to neal astigmatism: comparative study. J Cataract Refract Surg.
improve reliability of the clinical history method for intraocular lens 2010;36(10):1745-1752.
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2010;36(12):2123-2128. atomileusis using combined topography and refractive wavefront
7. Ghanem AA, El-Sayed HM. Accuracy of intraocular lens power cal- treatments for myopic astigmatism. J Cataract Refract Surg.
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8. Naseri A, McLeod SD. Cataract surgery after refractive surgery.
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Financial Disclosure s
Dr. Ashkan M. Abbey has no financial or proprietary inter- Dr. Diogo L. Caldas has no financial or proprietary interest
est in the materials presented herein. in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Amar Agarwal is a paid consultant to Abott Medical Dr. Massimo Camellin has no financial or proprietary inter-
Optics, STAAR Surgical, and Bausch & Lomb. est in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Noel Alpins is part of the ASSORT outcome and analy- Dr. Ana Laura C. Canedo has no financial or proprietary
ses program. interest in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Renato Ambrósio Jr is a consultant for OCULUS and Dr. Shihao Chen has no financial or proprietary interest in
Alcon. the materials presented herein.
Dr. Dianne Anderson has no financial or proprietary inter- Dr. Xiangjun Chen has no financial or proprietary interest
est in the materials presented herein. in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Timothy J. Archer has no financial or proprietary inter- Dr. Y. Ralph Chu has no financial or proprietary interest in
est in the materials presented herein. the materials presented herein.
Dr. Amin Ashrafzadeh is a consultant to Carl Zeiss Meditec. Dr. Ilan Cohen has no financial or proprietary interest in the
materials presented herein.
Dr. Harkaran S. Bains is a consultant for NIDEK.
Ms. Sonya M. Dakin is a contracted employee of Tracey
Dr. Michael W. Belin is a consultant to OCULUS GmbH. Technologies.
Dr. Megan Buliano has no financial or proprietary interest Dr. Michael J. Endl has no financial or proprietary interest
in the materials presented herein. in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Phillip M. Buscemi is a paid consultant for Nidek Co, Dr. Zhengjun Fan has no financial or proprietary interest in
Ltd. the materials presented herein.
264 Fin a n c ia l D isc lo su r e s
Dr. Claus M. Fichte has no financial or proprietary interest Dr. Katherine E. Paton has no financial or proprietary
in the materials presented herein. interest in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Marine Gobbe has no financial or proprietary interest in Dr. Leonardo N. Pimentel has no financial or proprietary
the materials presented herein. interest in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Frederico P. Guerra has no financial or proprietary Dr. Gaurav Prakash has no financial or proprietary interest
interest in the materials presented herein. in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Doug Horner has no financial or proprietary interest in Dr. Jia Qu has no financial or proprietary interest in the
the materials presented herein. materials presented herein.
Dr. Mirko R. Jankov II is a consultant for Alcon. Dr. J. Bradley Randleman has no financial or proprietary
interest in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Jason Jedlicka has no financial or proprietary interest in
the materials presented herein. Dr. Dan Z. Reinstein is a consultant for Carl Zeiss Meditec
and has a propietary interest in the Artemis technology
Dr. Paul M. Karpecki is a consultant for Topcon and on the (ArcScan, Inc) through patents administered by the Cornell
speaker’s bureau for Oculus. Center for Technology Enterprise and Commercialization
Dr. Stephen S. Khachikian has no financial or proprietary
interest in the materials presented herein. Dr. Karolinne Maia Rocha has no financial or proprietary
interest in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Stephen D. Klyce has no financial or proprietary interest
in the materials presented herein. Dr. George Stamatelatos is a consultant for ASSORT.
Dr. Randy Kojima is Director of Technical Affairs for Dr. Aleksandar Stojanovic has no financial or proprietary
Precision Technology Services. This is a GP manufacturing interest in the materials presented herein.
company and distributor of the Medmont topographer in
North America. Dr. Tracy Schroeder Swartz is a consultant for Tracey
Dr. Lance J. Kugler is a consultant for Alcon, Allergan, and
Refocus Group. Dr. Bradford L. Tannen has no financial or proprietary
interest in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Matthew Lampa has no financial or proprietary interest
in the materials presented herein. Dr. Nancy K. Tripoli is a parttime consultant for Optikon.
Mr. Sissimos Lemonis is an employee of Wavelight GmbH. Dr. Bruno F. Valbon has no financial or proprietary interest
in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Ray-Ann Lin has not disclosed any relevant financial
relationships. Dr. Shawna Hill Vanderhoof has no financial or proprietary
interest in the materials presented herein.
Dr. Bing Liu has no financial or proprietary interest in the
materials presented herein. Dr. Joe S. Wakil has financial interest in Tracey Technologies
and Eyesys Vision.
Dr. David D. Liu is Chief Technology Officer for LaserSight
Technologies, Inc. Dr. Ming Wang has no financial or proprietary interest in
the materials presented herein.
Dr. Naoyuki Maeda has a research grant from Topcon.
Dr. Junhua Xiao has no financial or proprietary interest in
Dr. Renzo Mattioli is a full time employee of Optikon 2000. the materials presented herein.
Dr. Murray McFadden has no financial or proprietary inter- Dr. Sonia H. Yoo has no financial or proprietary interest in
est in the materials presented herein. the materials presented herein.