Tender Notice Vehicle Jamnagar 04012023
Tender Notice Vehicle Jamnagar 04012023
Tender Notice Vehicle Jamnagar 04012023
02 The vehicle so required on hire will be used up to 25-26 days (subject to maximum
of 2000 Kms) in a month.
03 The quotation/ bid furnished should indicate the details of vehicle provided, hiring
charges per month and rate per kilometre (for extra KMs over and above 2000
KMs). The rates offered shall be considered exclusive of all taxes.
04 The service provider should be having adequate experience in the field (preferably
02 years experience in running such business). The appropriate documents to
support the above should be enclosed along with the sealed quotation.
05 The application form, tender documents and copy of general terms and conditions
of the tender etc. are available at website www.cbec.gov.in. and also can be
obtained from the Administration section of office of the Deputy Director, DRI,
Regional Unit, Jamnagar.
09 The tender/quotation/bid received later than the stipulated date will not be
considered under any circumstances. Similarly, incorporating additional conditions
by the agency, without accompanied bid security/earnest money or without
supporting documents will be rejected.
10 Opening and evaluation of bids by the competent authority will be done at 11:00
A.M. on 16.01.2023, at the office addressed to the Deputy Director, DRI, Regional
Unit, Jamnagar, in the presence of the bidders who choose to attend. The
competent authority will subsequently examine and evaluate the bids in
accordance with the provisions set out.
11 On approval of tender, the vehicle must be supplied from 23.01.2023. The period of
contract will be from 23.01.2023 to 22.11.2023. The amount quoted shall not
vary during the entire period of contract.
12 The tender/quotation/ bid will be considered on merit and as per the guidelines.
The contract will be awarded to the bidder subject to the conditions that the rates
quoted are lowest and within the prescribed cost ceiling (i.e. maximum of Rs.
40,000/- per month for such vehicle) and also to the satisfaction of the committee.
13 The Deputy Director, DRI, Regional Unit, Jamnagar reserves the right to postpone
the date of opening or to accept or reject any or all the quotation/bid, even the
lowest one without assigning any reasons thereof.
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15 The contract will be made initially for the period mentioned above and thereafter on
providing satisfactory services , the contract may be extended for another 1 year on
same terms & conditions as per mutual agreem ;nt.
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Annexure –I
(General Terms & Conditions)
Period of Contract :
01 On approval of tender, the vehicle must be supplied from 23.01.2023. The period
of contract will be from 23.01.2023 to 22.11.2023.
Models of Vehicle :
02 The vehicle provided should be of latest model (purchased on or after
01.01.2021) and in good running condition, without any scratches / damages on
its exterior or interior.
Conditions for Vehicle:
03 The vehicles provided should be registered with the concerned authority of
Central / State Government with RTO. Once the bid is accepted, the service
provider shall produce all documents related to RTO Registration for verification.
04 The vehicle provided should be owned on the name of the applicant and not
hired from any other sources. Once the bid is accepted, the service provider
shall produce all documents related to ownership of the vehicle for verification.
05 The vehicle provided should be run only on petrol or diesel, and it should
not be fitted with any fuel gas kit.
08 The vehicle provided shall be for the exclusive use of the office of the
Deputy Director, DRI, Regional Unit, Jamnagar on 24 X 7 bases. The vehicle
provided shall be available at any time of the day/night including Saturday,
Sunday or any public holiday as desired by Department. The vehicle provided /to
be hired will not used for any other commercial /personal purpose or any other
purpose by the service provider during the contract period.
09 The vehicle provided should be in excellent working condition and should be sent
only after checking battery, coolant, oil, air tire pressure.
10 The vehicle provided should invariably reach at the appointed time and place
when called and should be sent with full fuel taken in washed up and clean outer
and interior condition.
12 As far as possible, the vehicles once deployed should not be changed without
prior notice. In case, the vehicle is changed without prior notice and the
substitute vehicle is not found suitable, Department is free to engage suitable
vehicle on hire. 100% of the charges payable for the day for the new vehicle
deployed would be deducted on each occasion.
13 It is the sole responsibility of the service provider to obtain all the necessary
clearances and permissions from RTO and any other agencies and in case of any
default; no charges will be paid by the Department.
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14 Rate per kilometre beyond 2000 KMs may also be mentioned, for payment beyond
adjustments, if required
Driver :
15 The driver provided should have permanent driving license and should be well
conversant with the routes/roads of Gujarat or at least conversant with
Saurashtra Region’s routes /roads.
16 The driver provided must follow all the traffic rules and other regulations as
prescribed by the Government for the time being in force; should be well
disciplined, should remain with the respective vehicle at all times, should observe
all the etiquette and protocol while performing the duty, should have clean track
record and should not have any case of violation of traffic rules or any other
offences booked against him.
17 As far as possible, the drivers once deployed should not be changed without
prior notice. In case, the driver is changed without prior notice and the
substitute driver is not found suitable, Department is free to engage suitable
driver on hire. 100% of the charges payable for the day for the new driver
deployed would be deducted on each occasion.
18 The service provider and the driver must have 24 hours working mobile so that he
can be contacted at short notice and at odd hours and on holidays in case of
requirement of vehicle. For the said purpose no separate payment shall be made
by the department.
19 The Service Provider and the driver shall be bound to carry out the instructions of
the hirer as well as the officers assigned to the vehicle.
Monitoring of Vehicle:
20 A log book for the vehicle provided in the format prescribed, for each of the
journeys performed, duly signed by the vehicle-in-charge of DRI, would be
maintained and submitted by the service provider along with the bills and duty
21 No dead mileage would be payable from the service provider’s premises to starting
point and vice versa.
Billing :
23 The billing will be done on monthly basis. The bills accompanied by the duty
slips/log books for the use of vehicle will be preferred after each completed
month. The bill submitted will be scrutinized, checked and verified with the log
book by the vehicle-in-charge.
26 TDS and other taxes as applicable will be deducted from each bill.
27 Contract charges include monthly salary of the driver, repairs and maintenance of
vehicle, insurance, fuel, etc. and also any other incidental expenses in relation to
the vehicle provided by the agency.
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Other important issues:
28 The service provider should have GST Registration or submit an undertaking that
he is not liable to pay GST. The rates offered shall be
considered excluding of all taxes.
29 The service provider will comply with labour laws in force and all liabilities in this
connection will be pertaining to the service provider.
30 The department (Hirer) will not be under any obligation, legal or otherwise, to
provide employment to any of the personnel of the service provider during or after
the expiry of the hire period. The department recognizes no employer – employee
relationship between the department and the personnel deployed by the service
provider. The department shall not be responsible financially or otherwise for any
injury to the vehicle or driver or person deployed by the service provider during
the course of hire.
31 In case of repeated violation of the any of the above conditions, the Deputy
Director, DRI, RU, Jamnagar (Hirer) reserves the right to repudiate the agreement
immediately without assigning any reasons. The Deputy Director, DRI, RU,
Jamnagar (Hirer) may also consider imposing appropriate penalty in deserving
32 In case of default on part of the service provider to provide the vehicle for more
than five occasions during the contract period, the contract will be terminated
and awarded to another person at the risk and cost of defaulting service provider.
33 The Hirer reserves the right to terminate the contract without assigning any
reason by giving 15 (fifteen) days notice
36 All the pages submitted in the bids along with the attached documents should be
signed by the appropriate authority from the bidder side along with the seal of the
37 The last date for submission of bids in the office of Deputy Director, Directorate of
Revenue Intelligence, Regional Unit, Jamnagar is 13th January, 2023 up to
05:00 P.M. The financial bids shall be opened on the 16th January, 2023 at
11:00 A.M. in the chamber of the Deputy Director, Directorate of Revenue
Intelligence, Regional Unit, Jamnagar in the presence of representatives of the
firms who may also be present if they so wish at the time of opening of bids.
38 The bids which do not contain the information as desired or are not supported by
necessary documents will be treated as non-responsive and will not be evaluated.
Those bid only will be evaluated which are determined to be substantially
responsive and meet the requirements set forth by this office.
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Technical Bid for Hiring of Vehicle
(To be submitted subscribing “Technical Bid”)
1. I/We hereby certify that the information furnished above is true and correct in
all respect to the best of my/our knowledge. I understand that in case of any deviation
is found in the above statement at any stage; I/we will be blacklisted and will not have
any dealing with the department in future.
2. I/We undertake that, I/We have carefully studied all the terms and condition as
indicated in Annexure-I and under stood the parameters of the proposed requirement
of vehicle and shall be abide.
3. I/We undertake that, if this tender accepted by the department, I/We hereby
agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms and provisions of the said conditions as
indicated in Annexure-I so far as applicable.
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Financial Bid for Hiring of Vehicle
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