Lecture 12
Lecture 12
Lecture 12
Manufactures fuel cell stacks for use in stationary, portable, and motive applications.
Fuel Cell Developers 2/2
Manufactures fuel cell stacks for use in stationary, portable, and motive applications.
Components & Testing
Makes the nuts and bolts of a fuel cell, including membranes, catalysts, and carbon
Hydrogen Supply
Supplies the hydrogen source for fuel cell end-users. Also includes
developers of hydrogen infrastructure and hydrogen storage.
Fundamentals of Fuel Cell
What is a Fuel Cell?
Hydrogen Oxygen
Fuel Cell
Electric power
• A fuel cell combines fuel and oxidant electrochemically to produce
• Two to three times more efficient that an internal combustion engine
• Fuel cell stack is quiet, has no moving parts, produces zero emissions
Fuel Cell
- an electrochemical energy conversion device
First demonstrated in principle by British Scientist
Sir Willliam Robert Grove in 1839.
Grove’s invention was based on idea of
reverse electrolysis.
To convert the chemicals hydrogen and oxygen into water, and in the
process it produces electricity.
Battery : the other electrochemical device that we are all familiar.
A battery has all of its chemicals stored inside, and it converts those
chemicals into electricity too.
This means that a battery eventually "goes dead" and you either throw
it away or recharge it.
For a fuel cell
Fuel Cell Vs. Battery
Basic operating principles of both are very similar, but there are several intrinsic
Hydrogen fuel cell Galvanic cell (battery)
•Open system
• Closed system
•Anode and cathode are gases in
•Anode and cathode are metals.
contact with a platinum catalyst.
•Reactants are internally consumed,
•Reactants are externally supplied,
need periodic recharging.
no recharging required.
Major sub-systems in a typical Fuel Cell Power Plant
Types of Fuel Cell
Charge carried in
H+ H+ OH- H+ CO 32- O2-
temperature (oC) 50 – 100 50 - 90 60 - 120 175 – 200 650 1000
Efficiency (%) 35 – 60 < 50 35 – 55 35 – 45 45 – 55 50 – 60
Unit Size (KW) 0.1 – 500 << 1 <5 5 – 2000 800 – 2000 > 2.5
Installed Cost ($/kW) 4000 > 5000 < 1000 3000 – 3500 800 – 2000 1300 - 2000
• All fuel cells occupy a lot of space. Much more than any of the other types of
Types of fuel cells
Temp.°C Application
Alkaline (AFC) 70-90 Space
Phosphoric Acid 150-210 Commercially available
Solid Polymer 70-90 Automotive application
Moltan Carbonate 550-650 Power generation
Solid Oxide 1000-1100 Power generation
Direct Methanol 70-90 Under development
Fuel cell types in more details
Fuel Cells Applications
Applications of Fuel cells
Automotive fuel cells (PEM)
GM’s skateboard
chassis idea.
Personal Fuel cells Cars
Mercedes-Benz: Citaro fuel cell bus on the
streets of London. Engine supplied by Ballard.
Samsung Electronics: 100Wh laptop PC fuel cell using 100cc of methanol solution, enabling
continuous usage for more than 10 hours without recharging.
Fuel cells for stationary power (SOFC)
UTC Fuel Cells: 5kW
fuel cell power plants
for backup power for
towers, power for small
businesses, and
residential use.