IACS Rec - No.76 - Temporary Repairs
IACS Rec - No.76 - Temporary Repairs
IACS Rec - No.76 - Temporary Repairs
Finally, it should be noted that inadvertent overloading may cause
significant damages. In general, however, major causes of damages are
associated with excessive corrosion and contact damage.
3.4 Structural detail failures and repairs
3.4.1 For examples of structural defects which have occurred in service,
attention is drawn to Section 5 of these guidelines. It is suggested that
surveyors and inspectors should be familiar with the contents of
Section 5 before undertaking a survey.
3.4.2 Any damage to or excessive wastage of the following structures that are
considered affecting the ship s Classification is to be promptly and
thoroughly repaired:
(a) Side shell frames, their end attachments and adjacent shell plating
(b) Deck structure and deck plating between hatches
(c) Watertight bulkheads
(d) Hatch covers and coamings
3.4.3 In general, where part of the structure has deteriorated to the
permissible minimum thickness, then the affected area is to be cropped
and renewed. Doubler plates must not be used for the compensation of
wasted plate. Repair work in tanks requires careful planning in terms of
3.4.4 If replacement of defective parts must be postponed, the following
temporary measures may be acceptable at the surveyor s discretion: ’
(a) The affected area may be sandblasted and painted in order to reduce
corrosion rate.
(b) Doubler may be applied over the affected area. Special consideration
should be given to areas buckled under compression.
(c) Stronger members may support weakened stiffeners by applying
temporarily connecting elements.
(d) Cement box may be applied over the affected area.
A suitable condition of class should be imposed when temporary
measures are accepted.
3.5 IACS Early Warning Scheme (EWS) for reporting of
significant hull damage
3.5.1 IACS has organised and set up a system to permit the collection, and
dissemination amongst Member Societies of information (while
excluding a ship's identity) on significant hull damages.
3.5.2 The principal purpose of the IACS Early Warning Scheme is to enable a
Classification Society with experience of a specific damage to make this
information available to the other societies so that action can be
implemented to avoid repetition of damage to hulls where similar
structural arrangements are employed.