10 1016@j Ssci 2019 03 026
10 1016@j Ssci 2019 03 026
10 1016@j Ssci 2019 03 026
Safety Science
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/safety
Keywords: Occupational accidents and disease are events that can and should be controlled preventively by planning,
Assessment organization and assessment of the performance of the means of control implemented. Excellence in
Models Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) depends on models that allow the adoption of preventive measures to
Occupational health and safety reduce work-related risks by proactive action to improve the workers’ health, safety and satisfaction. The ob-
jective of this article was to verify success factors, barriers and indicators present in the process of implementing
an Occupational Health and Safety Management System. A systematic review of literature was performed by two
independent researchers, based on the protocol of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
Analyses (PRISMA). After a search in the databases Scopus, Science Direct and Web of Science, applying in-
clusion and exclusion criteria, 21 articles in English language, published between the years 2007 and 2018,
remained in the final analysis. The results allowed evidencing the methodologies, tools and indicators used in
OHS management. The analyses pointed out weaknesses in the existing models, particularly about the use of
epidemiological indicators that allow helping the organizations to manage the occurrences with their workers
proactively. A predominance of analysis was observed focusing on matters related to occupational safety to the
detriment of analysis referring to occupational health which are given less enphasis.
1. Introduction related elements that can be used to establish, implement and achieve
different policies and objectives, based on planning activities, respon-
The recent scenario of economic, social and technological changes sibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources (de Oliveira
imposes on the organizations of very different sectors a search for new et al., 2010b). An earlier systematic review performed by Robson et al.
managerial strategies and tools to help them improve their processes (2007) pointed out the differences between voluntary, mandatory and
and products. In this sense, they have implemented management sys- hybrid OHSMS. The first one is based on a standard or internal policy of
tems that increase the quality of their products and services, enabling the organization and the second is regulated by the State through
sustainable development, improvement of the collaborators’ working specific laws and regulations on OHS and the third is a mixture of the
conditions, increasing their profitability and competitiveness (de first two types.
Oliveira et al., 2010a). According to the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series
In order to understand the concept of management system, first it is (British Standards Institution, 2007), OHS comprises the conditions and
necessary to understand the concept of system. A system may be con- factors that affect or could affect the health and safety of workers,
sidered a set of parts coordinated to perform a set of aims (Jonker and visitors or any other person present in the workplace. An OHSMS can be
Karapetrovic, 2004). Thus, management systems are composed by re- defined as part of the broader management system of an organization,
quirements related to each other so as to meet a given objective, which and it is used to develop and implement its policy and manage its OHS-
is related to the management system function. For instance, the goal of related risks (Montero et al., 2009).
an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) may The OHSAS 18001 standard presents requirements for the man-
be to control risks related to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and agement of OHS in organizations and it was developed by a selection of
to continuously improve these conditions in the organizations (Vitoreli the main trade agencies, international standards and certification
et al., 2013). A management system can also be defined as a set of agencies to fill the gap of the lack of an international OHS standard
Corresponding author at: Coronel Vicente Street, 281, Room 425 – Historical Center, Porto Alegre CEP 90.030-041, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S.L.C. da Silva), [email protected] (F.G. Amaral).
Received 19 November 2018; Received in revised form 25 February 2019; Accepted 30 March 2019
0925-7535/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.L.C. da Silva and F.G. Amaral Safety Science 117 (2019) 123–132
(British Standards Institution, 2007). It was formed based on the PDCA 2. Materials and methods
(Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, and its requirements may be related to each
of the stages of this cycle. The Planning stage covers the development of The research method consisted of a systematic review of literature
an SST policy in the company, the identification of hazards and as- based on the protocol Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
sessment of risks in the working environment, and planning improve- and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) (Moher et al., 2009). This literature review
ments through health and safety objectives and goals. The Doing stage method is different from the others, because it adopts a process that can
of the cycle includes the implementation of controls and preventive be replicated, and is scientific and transparent (Tranfield et al., 2003).
measures identified in the initial phase and training the employees to To perform the review, initially, the research questions, the data-
carry out their tasks safely and to be aware of the importance of OHSMS bases to search for the articles and the research terms were defined,
in the organization. Through corrective and preventive actions that according to the review objectives. The present review was carried out
should be present in the Checking phase of the PDCA cycle, the company by two researchers with experience and knowledge in the subject area
monitors the controls that were established and the performance of this of the study.
OHSMS. Finally the Acting stage of the cycle covers the requirements of In order to identify the OHSMS that exist and are utilized, as well as
critical analysis of the management, that must generate and promote aspects related to the implementation, assessment and barriers to their
actions to improve the OHSMS (Vitoreli et al., 2013). development, five research questions were formulated:
In 2016, OHSAS 18001 was replaced by a new international stan-
dard for OHS, supplying a framework to manage the prevention of (i) Which are the existing OHSMS?
occupational deaths and injuries, in order to improve and provide a safe (ii) Which are the indicators used for OHS management?
and healthy workplace for the workers and people controlled by the (iii) What results are expected from implementing an OHSMS?
organization. This new standard is ISO 45001 (British Standards (iv) What are the barriers found to implementing an OHSMS?
Institution, 2018, 2017), which considers other international standards (v) How is the epidemiological management of data and indicators
in this field, such as OHSAS 18001 itself. It is aimed at helping orga- performed in the OHSMS?
nizations, independent of their size or sector, to conceive proactive
systems to prevent injuries and worsening health problems as a result of After the definition of research questions, the electronic databases
occupational activity. All its requirements are designed to facilitate the to search for articles available in online format periodicals, published in
integration of several ISO management systems standards, such as English between 2007 and 2018 were defined. Thus, three electronic
(Quality Management Systems) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Man- databases were used, namely: Science Direct, Web of Science and Scopus.
agement Systems). This new standard allows an organization to in- After discussions between reviewers, the databases were chosen,
tegrate other aspects of OHS, such as the workers’ wellbeing. It also and the search was made by a preliminary selection of the articles
requires that the management and leaders of the organization take over performed. Afterwards, a qualitative analysis was performed through
responsibility for health and safety matters in the general plan of the Content Analysis (Bardin, 1993) of the texts, in order to identify whe-
organization, instead of transferring responsibility, for instance, to a ther the document would help answer the previously defined research
safety manager. questions. Finally, the data were extracted.
In this context, the good performance of OHS is decisive for a A group of appropriate research terms were chosen according to the
company, since it will be able to reduce the risks of accidents, promote review objectives. The research strategy used a set of key words ap-
workers’ health and satisfaction, and improve the results and the plying the logical operators AND and OR. The key words used, focusing
company image to their internal and external public. The advances in on terms related to the objective of the study, were: management system,
OHS are associated with the improvement of working conditions, and health and safety at work, indicator, barriers, expected results, assessment,
underestimating or being indifferent to the risks present in a working occupational health and safety, systematic management, OHS programs,
environment may create opportunities for the development of an en- OHSMS, epidemiology, norms, legislation, labor laws, epidemiological data,
vironment that favors the occurrence of accidents (da Silva et al., advantages, disadvantages.
2012). Below we have an example of a search algorithm used in the Scopus
An OHSMS constructed based on the development of tools to detect database:
and reduce the risks related to occupational activity may promote TITLE-ABS-KEY(“occupational health and safety”) AND TITLE-ABS-
continuous improvement, rationalization and reliability of projects, KEY(“management*”) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(“epidemio*”) AND TITLE-
processes and products/services. The results are a possible reduction in ABS-KEY(“barrier*”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“advant*”) AND
the occurrence of occupational accidents and diseases, minimization of PUBYEAR > 2006 AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, “ar”) OR LIMIT-TO
the processes cost, increased quality of life and motivation of the (DOCTYPE, “re”)) AND (LIMIT-TO (LANGUAGE, “English”)) AND
workers, improved image of the organization and increased competi- (LIMIT-TO (SRCTYPE, “j”)).
tiveness and profitability (de Oliveira et al., 2010a). The search in databases resulted in a total of 170 articles (with
Although this topic is investigated in interdisciplinary research, the duplicates). The systematic review was performed by two independent
study of the variables that influence the occurrence of work-related and experienced reviewers using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and
accidents and diseases still requires further analyses. For instance, these Mendeley software as support tools. Next the content was evaluated, in
analyses should consider different factors and levels (individual and order to identify whether the papers would help answer the research
environment) that may be associated with or related to the occurrence questions. The data considered relevant of the articles selected were
of accidents, including an epidemiological approach, with losses in recorded on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and Mendeley software
various environments and workplaces. In this context, also the factors helped with the document duplicates, so that 45 articles were excluded.
of success in implementing an OHSMS, and the barriers that create Fig. 1 shows the flowchart of the systematic review and Table 1 pre-
obstacles to its structuring and implementation are explored in the sents the review protocol and the data collected.
literature. A preliminary selection of titles and abstracts was performed to
Thus, the objective of the article is to verify which are the success identity whether the articles were, in fact, related to the research ob-
factors and the barriers in the process of assessing and implementing an jective, and a total of 88 articles remained eligible for analysis. The
OHSMS and indicators used for management in OHS. introduction and conclusion section of these articles were read and,
based on their content a few questions were answered to classify
whether the article should be kept on in the study (exclusion and in-
clusion criteria). These questions were divided into two groups, and for
S.L.C. da Silva and F.G. Amaral Safety Science 117 (2019) 123–132
Table 1
Protocol of the systematic review performed.
Review stage Data collected
S.L.C. da Silva and F.G. Amaral Safety Science 117 (2019) 123–132
the questions of Group 1 (exclusion criteria), all should have a positive Table 3
answer and for the questions of Group 2 (inclusion criteria) at least one Distribution of the articles included in the review, according to the inclusion
answer should be positive (Table1). After this stage, 21 articles were criteria (Questions of Group 2 of the review protocol).
included in the review. Article G2-1 G2-2 G2-3 G2-4 G2-5
Next, an initial descriptive analysis was performed by counting the Ramli et al., 2011
words present in the complete texts of the 21 articles included in the Yazdani et al., 2015
present review. Software NVivo version 10.0 was used for this analysis Acakpovi and Dzamikumah, 2016
and it was designed to help organize, analyze and generate information
Yoon et al., 2013
in studies on non-structured or qualitative data. In addition, a biblio-
Ghahramani, 2016
metric and descriptive analysis was performed, presenting the period-
icals in which the articles were published, origin country of the re- Mahmoudi et al., 2014
search, methodological approach of the studies (qualitative, Gholami et al., 2015
quantitative or mixed), attention to the research questions and the Sinelnikov et al., 2015
publications temporal distribution, considering the search period be-
Battaglia et al., 2015
tween the years 2007 and 2018.
Zeng et al., 2007
Mohammadfam et al., 2016a
3. Results Mohammadfam et al., 2016b
Haslam et al., 2016
3.1. Descriptive analysis of the studies Santos et al., 2011
Podgórski, 2015
The analysis included 21 articles that met the exclusion and inclu-
sion criteria represented by the questions of Group 1 and Group 2, re- Ïnan et al., 2017
spectively, established in the review protocol in Table 1. When the Chen et al., 2009
methodological approach of the articles was analyzed (Table 2), the use Rajaprasad and Chalapathi, 2015
of mixed approach methodology (qualitative and quantitative) was Morillas et al., 2013
found to predominate (66.7%). This result may indicate the need for a
Autenrieth et al., 2016
mixed approach in this type of investigation, considering the quanti-
Robson et al., 2007
tative and qualitative aspects in the investigations related to OHS. It
was also possible to find a geographic distribution, concentrated mainly G2-1: Does the study define OHS?; G2-2: Does the study present models of
in countries with consolidated research groups in the field of OHS in OHSMS?; G2-3: Does the study present indicators of OHS management?; G2-4:
Europe and Asia. Does the study present forms of data recording in OHS? and G2-5: Does the
According to the inclusion criteria established, the 21 articles se- study present an epidemiological analysis of data in OHS?.
lected in the review were distributed as determined in Table 3. The The cells highlighted in gray represent that the article contemplates the ques-
questions G2-2 (Does this study present models of OHSMS?) and G2-3 tion posed in the column. In blank cells, the article does not address the
(Does this study present indicators of OHS management?) were re- question posed in the column.
sponded with the highest frequency among the articles.
The analysis of content of the texts in articles allowed evidencing, system. This information supplies an indication that the ideas of man-
within the OHS concept, the ideas most discussed. Fig. 2, constructed by agement are more closely related to terms involving safety and system
NVivo software, shows the counts and the relationships between words and are predominant when one is dealing with OHSMS in these studies.
present in the complete texts of the 21 articles. Further, the cloud express, besides the frequency of words occurrence,
Analyzing Fig. 2, less emphasis on the word health was noted in the the magnitude of relations among the terms cited in the texts. In this
texts of the articles, compared to the words management, safety and sense, the binomial safety and management, was further away from the
Table 2
Distribution of the articles – Authors, year and journal in which it was published, Country where the research was performed and methodological approach.
Article Journal Country Methodological Approach
S.L.C. da Silva and F.G. Amaral Safety Science 117 (2019) 123–132
9.5 9.5 9.5 managers and the work prevention and inspection services must con-
sider the implementation of a preventive and simplified management.
4.8 4.8 4.8
In Sweden the companies perform their own and internal assessment of
risks, while most Spanish companies assess risks by employing external
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 services. A likely reason for this procedure is than when an external
service is used to perform all OHS procedures, the Spanish companies
Fig. 3. Distribution of temporal frequency of the articles included in the review. reduce the costs resulting from the internal development of preventive
audits that are mandatory according to the law of that country (Morillas
word health, which denotes a smaller relationship between the terms et al., 2013).
mentioned in the articles. Studies by Chen et al.(2009), Mahmoudi et al. (2014), Yazdani et al.
Another important point was the concentration of articles in more (2015), Podgórski (2015), Ghahramani (2016), Mohammadfam et al.
recent years. Looking at Fig. 3, it can be perceived that the studies in- (2016a, 2016b) and Ïnan et al. (2017) explored the Occupational
volving the topic of OHSMS, especially as regards those related to im- Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001 (OHSAS 18001) and the
plementation, assessment, advantages and barriers encountered for the British Standard 8800 (BS 8800) (British Standards Institution, 2007,
development of these systems, are mostly concentrated (more than 60% 1996). The purpose of these standards is to create and maintain a safe
of the articles) in the years 2015 by 2017 and this indicates the re- work environment, seeking to protect and maintain the workers’ good
levance of the OHS topic for current studies. health. The implementation and certification of the OHSAS 18001
In sequence, the results are shown according to the answers and system are important actions for many organizations and have become
findings for the research questions, presenting the findings of each a generalized phenomenon worldwide (Zutshi and Sohal, 2005).
study that answered the question formulated in the protocol elaborated. In more specific studies, standards arose related to the law of the
place where they were carried out. Yoon et al. (2013) explored in your
study the current standard in South Korea called KOSHA 18001 (Korea
3.2. Definition of Occupational Health and Safety Occupational Safety and Health Agency, 2010; Seop et al., 2015), en-
acted to establish a set of voluntary management systems related to
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is essential for the wellbeing OHS in the country. Autenrieth et al. (2016) performed their study
of workers from the stand point of practices and policies to be adopted exploring the American National Standard for Occupational Health and
in companies. According to the articles there are different ways to de- Safety Management Systems – ANSI/ASSE Z10: 2102 (American Na-
fine OHS. The studies emphasize the importance at providing a healthy tional Standards Institute (ANSI, 2012) which specifies the elements of
environment and considers basically individual characteristics and so- an effective OHSMS and includes a series of requirements for the
cial relations, control of incidents and accidents, supporting the senior management leaders, for the participation of employees, for the iden-
management of a company (Acakpovi and Dzamikumah, 2016; tification and control of hazards, for training workers, and the period-
Rajaprasad and Chalapathi, 2015). Further, OHS involves many areas of ical review of the management system.
knowledge and, in a broader sense, it should have the following ob-
jectives: to promote and maintain the highest levels of physical, mental 3.4. Occupational Health and Safety Management Indicators
and social wellbeing of the workers in all sectors of activity, and place
and maintain the workers in a work environment adapted to their Podgórski (2015) demonstrated the application of the Analytic
physical and mental needs (Santos et al., 2011; Zeng et al., 2007). OHS Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Saaty, 1996) for the selection of key process
influences the private and social life of individuals, and the objective of indicators that are important to measure the operational performance
health and safety management must be to improve working condition of an OHSMS. The results indicated that the approach proposed may be
S.L.C. da Silva and F.G. Amaral Safety Science 117 (2019) 123–132
adapted in the companies to determine their sets of performance in- has already been implemented, its integration with the new system may
dicators, adapted to their specific conditions: size, business sector, types help the companies find more effective solutions also in OHS.
of risks to which their employees are exposed, level of maturity of the Mohammadfam et al. (2016a) proposed an integrated decision-
processes, level of safety culture or stage of development of their making model for OHS and used it to assess and improve the efficacy of
OHSMS. If the indicators are defined internally in the company, they the OHSAS 18001 standard. The results indicated that the most influ-
can supply the managers with a concise image of the system perfor- ential factors to be considered to improve the standard were: commit-
mance and allow them to respond in advance, rapidly and effectively to ment of management, participation of the workers, allocation of fi-
the warnings of irregularities detected in the functioning of the OHS. nancial resources, training, risk assessment, definition of the
The studies by Chen et al. (2009) and Ïnan et al. (2017) present responsibilities and communication and dissemination of the results
three types of indicators: performance (frequency of accidents ac- obtained in the OHS. The findings of Mohammadfam et al. (2016a) are
cording to occupation, level of awareness of OHS, frequency of unsafe consistent with those of Zeng et al. (2007) and Abad et al. (2013), for
conducts, zero accident work time, etc.); of management performance which the implementation of the OHSAS 18001 standard is a gradual
(promises from the senior management, rate of conclusion of the cor- process which, over the long term, may generate positive results in
rective and preventive measures, rate of conclusion of the political performing the OHS.
objectives, frequency of internal audits, frequency of complaints by In Iran, Mohammadfam et al. (2016b) compared the performance
employees or community, frequency of publication of company en- criteria of the OHSMS in organizations certified or not by the OHSAS
vironment and safety reports; etc.) and of operational performance 18001 standard. The authors showed that the OHS performance of the
(frequency of self-verification, frequency of inspection by the senior companies certified by OHSAS 18001 is better than that of the non-
administration, frequency of implementation of training, level of safety certified companies, improving the OHS conditions as they provide
of the hazardous mechanical equipment, level of firefighting system, healthier and safer workplaces.
frequency of use of the personal protection device, frequency of noti- Haslam et al. (2016) assessed the impact of the organizational ap-
fication of occupational accidents, etc.). proaches to OHS management, according to organizational perfor-
Gholami et al. (2015) and Autenrieth et al. (2016) list as important mance, safety environment, employees’ attitudes, health and wellbeing.
indicators in OHS the number of periodical medical checkups per- The results support the premise that actions in organizations proactive
formed; training performed regarding work skills; holding and fol- in OHS management are valued by the employees and perceived as part
lowing up health, safety and environmental training; training to pre- of an organization support. Besides, the assessment and approach to the
pare for emergencies, use of protection and safety equipment; culture of safety and management of OHS may be an invaluable
participation of workers in decision making and implementation of learning opportunity for the organizations to develop a proactive OHS
health, safety and the environment; following up the events with in- management culture. Based on the data collected, covering organiza-
juries. Another study presented the number of notifiable and non-no- tions of different sizes and from different sectors, proactive manage-
tifiable accidents in the last 12 months; the number of days lost because ment of OHS was associated with positive results independent of their
of accident or injury and the number of days of absence due to disease differences, which supports the importance of investing in OHS.
(Total level of absence of disease) as central indicators that should be Sinelnikov et al. (2015) studied the level of knowledge and practice
worked in the management of OHS for a more proactive performance in the use of key indicators to measure OHS performance in the orga-
(Haslam et al., 2016). nizations. This research recognized an ability in the technical knowl-
Sinelnikov et al. (2015) analyzed the safety rate for industrial ac- edge of the OHS professionals, and also the abilities to communicate in
cidents; the percentage of delay in machine maintenance; the rate of conveying the importance of using the main indicators. Besides, the
personnel turnover; the number of failures reported; the rate of forced authors describe the benefits of establishing central metrics and point to
outages of equipment; the rate of hospital-acquired infections and the purpose and characteristics of the successful key indicators, according
number of events related to safety, providing them as key indicators of to the opinions of the OHS professionals assessed. The importance of
the OHS management process. these metrics, according to the authors, lies in their potential to predict
Podgórski (2015) and Mohammadfam et al. (2016b) found as key and prevent adverse results, giving the organization leaders an addi-
indicators in the OHS management process the number of OHS meet- tional toolkit for future improvements. Furthermore the metrics are
ings in which the main managers participate; the percentage of em- used to support communication, aiming to transform the organizational
ployees informed about the OHS policy; the number of OHS policies culture in a passive and problem –focused manner to become more
that were reviewed; the percentage of OHS regulations and standards proactive and solution oriented.
applicable to the work stations; the number of OHS risks reported by Acakpovi and Dzamikumah (2016) investigated the level of con-
the workers; number of workers who really understand the OHS policy; formity of the management systems and standard of OHS of companies
number of risk assessments performed and frequency with which they that produce energy, located in the Republic of Ghana, in relation to the
are performed, and number of managerial meetings to discuss OHS standards established by local and international law. Their results in-
problems. The indicators listed by the authors refer more to matters dicate that the training, supervision, safe work procedures and com-
involving administrative aspects and fulfilling managerial and occu- mitment of the management are significant predictors of the impact of
pational safety standards than to workers’ health issues. safety on the employees’ behavior at hydroelectric power plants.
In Portugal, Santos et al. (2011) characterized the situation of small
3.5. Success-related factors in an Occupational Health and Safety and medium-sized businesses as regards the certification of their
Management System Quality, management, Environmental Management and OHS, identi-
fying the benefits and difficulties associated with the certification
In a study that investigated the state of implementation of the process and, in addition, they characterized the level of integration
OHSMS in the printed circuits industry in Taiwan, Chen et al. (2009) achieved. The study shows benefits obtained by the implementation of
explored the indicators used to assess their performances. Their find- integrated management systems: improvement of the internal organi-
ings indicate that the manufacturers’ decision to implement the OHSAS zation and of the external image of the business, cost reduction and
18001 standard are mainly related to the search for more customers, greater conformity with legislation.
inside the country and abroad, and to improve the company image. Rajaprasad and Chalapathi (2015) identified the preliminary re-
They also perceived that the successful implementation of the standard quirements of the implementation of OHSAS 18001 certification, in
depends on the promise and support of the senior administration of Indian construction companies. Nine factors were identified (safety
these industries. Furthermore, if an environmental management system culture, continuous improvement, employees’ morale, safety training,
S.L.C. da Silva and F.G. Amaral Safety Science 117 (2019) 123–132
safety performance, sustainable construction, favorable work environ- the strategic synergy must receive maximum priority at level 1; at level
ment, commitment of the management to the safety policy, and safety 2, on the other hand, must be the synergy of the organization structure,
policy) that are crucial for the implementation of OHSAS 18001, and resources and culture, and at level 3 the synergy of documentation. This
the relations among them. The management’s commitment to the safety synergy is beneficial to help ensure the continuous improvement of the
policy was the most important factor and had great influence on the organization and of its OHS management systems.
others. The second most influential factor was the safety policy itself, Santos et al. (2011) indicate as main barriers to the implementation
which clearly showed the need for commitment of the senior manage- of an integrated system for Quality, Environment and Health and Oc-
ment to the OHS and the wellbeing of the employees. cupational Safety management the insufficient integration between the
Mahmoudi et al. (2014) proposed a framework to identify, initially, standards, the high cost to implement all systems simultaneous and in
the current situation of the OHS of a civil construction company. Then an integrated manner and the necessary changes of management
the factors related to the situation of OHS in the company were de- methods and culture due to operational changes. All of this requires
termined, and finally corrective actions were proposed based on the time which is not always available to implement and execute.
previous stages. Several standardized systems were studied, and seven In South Korea, in the civil construction industry, Yoon et al. (2013)
main elements were chosen to make up the framework. The results conducted an investigation on the OHSMS and their effects on the ac-
showed that leadership and commitment of the management are the cident rate. The results obtained indicated differences between the le-
most important elements in the organization, while risk assessment and vels of awareness regarding issues related to OHS among the company
management are more important at the level of the OHS project. managers and the OHS managers, indicating that these different visions
Ramli et al. (2011) developed a decision-making model as an ef- can be considered barriers in the OHS management in a company.
fective and efficient alternative to assess and classify the factors that are Among the main differences found, are: little motivation for the de-
most influential for the successful implementation of an OHSMS: the velopment of an OHSMS, the external support needed to implement an
development of an OHS policy and program, the creation of a risk OHSMS, a delay in perceiving the return obtained by adhering to an
evaluation process and the periodical evaluation of the work environ- OHSMS.
ment. Ghahramani (2016) identified potential gaps for improvements
In the study by Autenrieth et al. (2016), the authors identified the when he assessed the experience and perception of managers who work
main attributes and components of an OHSMS and verified its asso- in companies that adopted the OHSAS 18001 standard in Iran. The
ciation with the prevention of occupational injuries and diseases of results show that the lack of commitment by management, the in-
dairy industry workers in the United States. The results reveal that volvement of employees, the communication of safety, integration of
leadership in the management of OHS was the component most strongly standards, deficient safety culture, incentives and training were con-
associated with lower rates of injuries or diseases. Further, the data sidered factors that influenced the improved the implementation of the
indicate that the high levels of OHSMS programming in the safety OHSAS 18001 standard within the companies.
components, and anticipation of risk are significantly associated with The level of maturity of the OHSMS in companies that treat muni-
low rates of injuries and diseases. cipal wastes in Italy was analyzed by Battaglia et al. (2015). The study
findings show that the formation and involvement of the employees in
3.6. Barriers to the implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety the operational activities are the most developed aspects. Nevertheless,
Management System the OHS policy and the measures of performance need to be improved
in the companies. When the contextual factors are analyzed, the orga-
Gholami et al. (2015) performed a study to evaluate the OHS and nizational factors are more correlated with the maturity level of the
environmental management system (OHSEMS) developed by compa- OHSMS than the external factors. Moreover, the authors suggest that
nies employed by the petrochemical industry in Iran and showed that future research could discuss the matter of integration of the OHS with
the monitoring done by the companies was efficient. However, it was the company culture and investigate the barriers to the definitions of
not sufficient to prevent injuries and ensure the workers’ health and OHS policies.
safety. Thus, the results showed that the simple existence of an OH- Yazdani et al. (2015) identified and summarized the evidence of
SEMS was not able to reduce the level of injuries; therefore, it cannot by research on approaches pertaining to the OHSMS for the prevention of
itself ensure the health and safety of the workers. This finding corro- musculoskeletal disorders. The results evidence that there is little in-
borates the findings of Gallagher et al. (2003), Gardner (2000) and formation in the literature regarding the integration of preventive ap-
Robson et al. (2007), that indicate that the formal existence of an OHS proaches to avoid musculoskeletal disorders in OHSMS. However, in
may not guarantee success, since it can cause a false feeling of safety. the few studies found, the incorporation, into the OHSMS, of a pre-
The experiences accumulated by Chinese companies in im- ventive approach to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), may improve
plementing the OHS standards were studied by Zeng et al. (2007) production, besides preserving the workers’ health. Thus, the high
through an integrated approach, seeking to understand the challenges prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace may be re-
and critical elements involved in the process. The authors concluded lated to the fact that the risks are not being treated as effectively as they
that when operating integrated management systems, the companies should. According to the authors, it would be highly desirable to in-
may face problems such as the complexity of internal management, the corporate ergonomics into the global approach to safety and prevention
consequent reduction of efficiency in this management, which may of injuries in the organizations as a means of preventing the occurrences
provoke incompatibility with the organizational culture and even hos- of musculoskeletal disorders in the workers and raising the level of
tility among the employees, increasing management costs. In addition, awareness and communication within an organization.
the factors that affect the implementation of an integrated management In the review performed by Robson et al. (2007), the researchers
system are classified as internal and external, internal being human summarize the evidence available regarding the effects of OHSMS in-
resources, the organization structure, the company culture, the under- terventions on the OHS and the respective economic results. Although
standing and perception of the importance of integrated management; there have been some promising results, the study concludes that the
external factors are the need for technical guidance, besides the one ensemble of evidence was insufficient to make recommendations for or
that exists in the company, meeting the requirements of the certifica- against the OHSMS. This means that it would not be wise to make any
tion agencies, customers and institutional environment. In order for a judgment of value because of the heterogeneity of the methods and of
management system to be efficiently implemented and effectively op- the OHSMS employed in the original studies. Besides the different
erated, it is necessary for the companies to have various levels of sy- scenarios, the small number of studies with a poor methodological
nergy in their implementation. In a multiple-level synergistic model, quality prevented the generalization of the results found.
S.L.C. da Silva and F.G. Amaral Safety Science 117 (2019) 123–132
4. Discussion and conclusions Chalapathi, 2015; Acakpovi and Dzamikumah, 2016; Ghahramani,
2016; Mohammadfam et al., 2016a; Ïnan et al., 2017), the awareness of
This review attempted to cover general aspects of the OHSMS, as employees and management is increased regarding the importance of
well as their characteristics and applications in various fields. It could OHS management in the company (Robson et al., 2007; Yazdani et al.,
be observed that the studies place greater emphasis on the issues re- 2015) and also the rise of improvements in the process of assessing the
ferring to occupational safety, compared to the questions involving risks inherent to occupational activities (Ramli et al., 2011; Mahmoudi
workers’ health. et al., 2014; Gholami et al., 2015; Mohammadfam et al., 2016a; Ïnan
It should be underscored that the recent ISO 45001 edition (British et al., 2017).
Standards Institution, 2018, 2017) was published to replace the OHSAS The lack of a more effective epidemiological management in terms
18001 standard, but for this review no papers were found using this of OHS was perceived in this study and could also be classified as a
terminology. Nevertheless, in this ISO the epidemiological information barrier to the good functioning of an OHSMS. As regards exploring the
is not much considered as well, just as in the already existing OHS aspects of the health of workers exposed to risks at work and their
standards. It would indicate an even greater efforts concentration re- falling ill. It was evidenced a few arguments concerning these aspects in
garding the occupational safety matters and less emphasis on the more this review. Out of all 21 articles evaluated regarding epidemiological
specific health aspects for an OHSMS to be more useful in terms of OHS, management, only the study by Robson et al. (2007) brings some
the health and safety binomial needs to find a greater balance in order consideration about the contribution of epidemiology to the OHS. The
to really provide the base for a better understanding of the problems authors indicate that, in the context of investigations in OHS, per-
related to occupational activities and consequently eliminating them in forming a controlled trial would not be a feasible approach because of
the companies. the complexity of their execution, and that observational cohort studies
As regards the barriers to the implementation of an OHSMS, the are usually considered the best option in the field of epidemiology,
most important indications raised in this review were the high cost of despite the difficulty in following up occurrences. Thus, to answer
their implementation and management (Zeng et al., 2007; Chen et al., questions about occurrences involving the workers’ health with the
2009; Santos et al., 2011; Mohammadfam et al., 2016a), the lack of implementation of an OHSMS using an epidemiological model, it would
commitment of the company management to the questions referring to be necessary to follow a large sample of work places (the cohort) over
OHS (Mahmoudi et al., 2014; Rajaprasad and Chalapathi, 2015; time, measuring the introduction or update of OHSMS and then mea-
Sinelnikov et al., 2015; Ghahramani, 2016; Mohammadfam et al., suring the results of interest at the level of the work place. However, the
2016a), difficulty for the workers to become involved and understand authors consider that such research projects are very expensive and
the importance of management in OHS (Zeng et al., 2007; Ghahramani, complex to implement and are rarely carried out. As Robson et al.
2016), problems with the integration of different standards, attribute (2007), in our review were common limitations in the studies searched:
and adherence to the company culture (Zeng et al., 2007; Battaglia a lack of comparison groups, use of cross-sectional designs and a poor
et al., 2015; Ghahramani, 2016), difficulty in defining the appropriate epidemiological design, lack of consideration or control of confounding
management indicators in OHS (Chen et al., 2009; Sinelnikov et al., factors (through design or statistical adjustments) in some studies sur-
2015; Mohammadfam et al., 2016b), complexity of changing the veyed, which are more descriptive than analytical.
company policy and culture (Battaglia et al., 2015; Rajaprasad and It can be said, less explicitly but perceptively that Yazdani et al.
Chalapathi, 2015; Zeng et al., 2007; Santos et al., 2011), failures in the (2015) and Autenrieth et al. (2016) mention health indicators, but do
process of assessing the risks in OHS (Mahmoudi et al., 2014; Yazdani not deal with epidemiological analysis for the management of the risks
et al., 2015) and difficulties in the functioning of the OHS control and of injuries and occupational diseases. Mahmoudi et al. (2014) cite as a
documentation systems. (Chen et al., 2009; Santos et al., 2011). barrier that injuries and deaths could be avoided by good leadership
As to the critical factors of success, emphasis is given to the support and commitment of the company managers, which means to think that
of the company management and senior management to OHS man- indicators from a process of epidemiological data management could
agement (Zeng et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2009; Mahmoudi et al., 2014; contribute to control these occurrences, and are important tools for
Gholami et al., 2015; Rajaprasad and Chalapathi, 2015; Acakpovi and management, supporting the decision-making processes. Further, stu-
Dzamikumah, 2016; Autenrieth et al., 2016; Mohammadfam et al., dies such as those of Yazdani et al. (2015) indicate that the high pre-
2016a; Ïnan et al., 2017), promotion of improvement of OHS commu- valence of MSD at work places could the result of the fact that the risks
nication in the company (Sinelnikov et al., 2015; Yazdani et al., 2015; are not being treated as effectively as they should be. For the authors,
Gholami et al., 2015; Mohammadfam et al., 2016a; Ïnan et al., 2017), the evaluation and prevention of risks of MSD are partly outside the
greater commitment and participation of the workers (Robson et al., main management processes in OHS, indicating the need for a more
2007; Chen et al., 2009; Mahmoudi et al., 2014; Gholami et al., 2015; incorporated and relevant epidemiological treatment.
Mohammadfam et al., 2016b; Ïnan et al., 2017), improved internal and One finding of this study indicates the lack of papers considering
external image of the company(Chen et al., 2009; Santos et al., 2011), ways of recording data in OHS and the respective epidemiological data
development of a more proactive management of OHS (Mahmoudi analysis. This review could not identify any articles concerning epide-
et al., 2014; Podgórski, 2015; Sinelnikov et al., 2015; Ghahramani, miological data analysis. Battaglia et al. (2015) reinforce that perfor-
2016; Haslam et al., 2016; Mohammadfam et al., 2016b; Ïnan et al., mance measures and the OHS policy must be improved, which may be
2017), reduction of the number of accidents and occupation related connected to the lack of epidemiological indicators integrated to those
diseases (Robson et al., 2007; Yoon et al., 2013; Yazdani et al., 2015; of occupational safety. In this sphere Gholami et al. (2015) corroborate
Autenrieth et al., 2016) and improved allocation of financial resources this failure citing insufficiency of monitoring performed by the com-
(Zeng et al., 2007; Santos et al., 2011; Gholami et al., 2015; panies to prevent injuries and ensure the OHS.
Mohammadfam et al., 2016a; Ïnan et al., 2017). The epidemiological approach to health risks to the worker may
For some authors, the promotion of continuous improvement in the allow a control of causes of accidents, whether related to physical,
OHS related processes is a major critical factor of success to be taken chemical and biological agents, causing impaired physical efforts and
into account, considering the cyclic nature of the existing OHSMS (Zeng mental overload. This intervention may have consequences on the
et al., 2007; Gholami et al., 2015; Rajaprasad and Chalapathi, 2015; health of workers in a company and must be followed integrated by
Sinelnikov et al., 2015). As a result, a feeling of a safe working en- means of social, production and safety indicators.
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a need for training in OHS to ensure better practices (Rajaprasad and programs rarely include detailed aspects of epidemiological
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