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—— 808,508), B203,3 D8,AERvOW (a daw edseba oF ev d uBabe saarEs SenrdBed mAs vee, DOeYYeD) VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Gate University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VU Act, 1899) “Jnana Sangama” Bekayavi50018, Karnataka, India Prof. Dr. B. E. Rangaswamy, eno. Phone: (0831) 2498100 Fax: (0831) 2405467 REGISTRAR REF: VIU/BGM/ACA/BOS/2022-23/ 530 DATED 4 DEC 222 Revised-CIRCULAR Subject: Pedagogy for the course "Social Connect and Responsibility (218CR36)" regarding. Reference: Pedagogy developed in a workshop on 29th and 30 November 2022 Dean Faculty of Engineering approval dated 17.12.2022 The 3 3rd-semester(2021 scheme) course “Social Connect and Responsibility(21SCR is an activity-based course. The KLE Institute of Technology, Hubballi has conducted a workshop to develop the pedagogy for the 21SCR36 course on the 29: and 30% of November 2022. With the expert resource persons during the workshop, the pedagogy developed is enclosed with this circular for information to all the stakeholders of the university. ‘The pedagogy developed will provide broader guidelines for the Faculty coordinator/s who are engaging, this course for the academic year 2022-23. However, the faculty may update the pedagogy depending on the local resources available for study. (Please note: based on the nature ofthe course and pedagogy of the course, course code 21UHV36 is changed to 21SCR36). ‘All the Principals of Constituent, Affiiated and Autonomous Colleges of Engineering have to bring the content of the circular to the notice of the all concerned sa/- REGISTRAR Yo, The Principals of Constituent /Afiiated/Autonomovs Engineering Colleges under the ambit of the university Copy 1 re Honble Vice-Chancellor through the secretary to VE For information 2. The Registrar (Evaluation), VTU, Blagavi 3} The rector (1/e) SMU for information and request to upload the circular on the YTU web portal 44. The Special Ofticer/ Caseworker QPDS section Examination VTU Belagavl 5. The chairperson BoS in Basic Science and Humanities VTU Belagai 6. Caseworker HoS section for Circular Mle/Ofice copy oy e Zito REGISTRAR x aeTwo-Days Workshop on “Social Connect and Responsibilities(21SCR36)” Proceeding of the workshop ‘ocial Connect and Responsibilities” with subject code as 21SCR36 KLE Institute of -minar Hall, Department of Computer . Near Airport, Gokul, Hubballi $800 cience and Engineerin, 29-112 9 30-11-2022 me: 09:30 ~ 05:00 Program Schedule: ae Z ] [Day 1" (09:00 — o9: Registration - pec eee | 09:30 — 10:00 Inauguration = | 10:00—11:30 | Topic 1: Heritage walk and crafts Corner an | 1130. Tea Break : | | ine Topic 2: Waste Management | | [01:30 Lunch Break — = | 02:15 — 03:15 Activity |: Open House discussion 03:15-03:30 j 03:30 — 05:00 Breal eee He Activity 2: Brain Storming for preparation of manuals and assessment tools, [aya Z u 11:00 Topic 4: c farming Activity 3: Open House discussion [Lunch vation Activity 4: Brain Storming for preparation of manuals and a assessment tools Feedback. Comm I Valedictory Resource Person Details 1 Dr Prakash M Kulkarni, Waste management | | M.Tech (Eny),Ph.D. | President- Bhageerath NGO. Mysore, Karnataka, India | Mob: 94806 92432 | | Email:
[email protected]
|Er, Mahadevgouda Huttanagou: lar Plantation and adoption of a | Assistant Engineer, tree, Water and Land Management Institute (WALMI) Organic farming, Belur Industrial Area, Dharwad - 580 011 Water Conservation | KARNATAKA | | | Mob: 9880566894 Email:
[email protected]
| 3 Ar. Kalpesh Kumar Patel, Heritage walk and crafts Assistant Professor comer | School of Architect | KLE Technological University, Hubballi | | Mob: 9880509901 ir Dr. 8. B. Halbahvi, VTU expectations and Special Officer-Academic Section, interaction with participants to | VTU Belagavai finalise pedagogy Mob: 9449549630 5 | Dr. Sharad G. Joshi, Mentoring the participants in | Principal, | developing the pedagogy KLE Institute of Technology Gokul, Hubbal through open house discussion Mob: 9538881948, Date 29-11-2022, 09:30 AM to 09:40 AM: Dr. Yerriswamy T, Professor and Head, Department of CSE, KLEIT, welcomed the participants and explained the need for the workshop. Date 29-11-2022, 09:40 AM to 09:50 AM: Dr. Rajashekhar Laddimath, Assoc. Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering. KLEIT, welcomed and introduced the resource persons and the participants and briefed about the details that would be covered in the two days. Date 29-11-2022, Dr. Sharad G. Joshi, delivered the key note and explained the objectives of the workshop and discussed the course outcomes. He also explained about the deliverables of the workshop in the form of pedagogy and evaluation process to be adopted by the course teacher in delivering the contents of the course to the students. Course Objectives envisaged: The Course would |. Enable the student to doa deep drive into societal challenges being addressed by NGO(s), social enterprises & The government and build solutions to alleviate these complex social problems through immersion, design & technology 2. Provide a formal platform for students to communicate and connect with their surroundings. 3. Enable to create of a responsible connection with society Course Leaming Outcomes: The students are expected to have the ability to 1. Identify and emphasise social respon 2. Practis 3. Showcase planning and organizational skills sustainability and creativity Objectives of the workshop: 1. To design and develop pedagogy for a, Plantation and adoption of a tree, Organic farming and Water Conservation b. Waste Management ©. Heritage walk and crafts comer Deliverables from the workshop:a ee ee are eM eel en et ee ¢ Instructors’ pedagogy manual for the course titled “Social Connect and Responsibility” ¢ Continuous Assessment and final assessment guideline manual © Trained faculty to teach the course, Date 29-11-2022, 10:20 AM to 12:00 PM: Ar. Kalpesh Kumar Patel devilved lecture on case studies across country about heritage walk, methodologies adopted by various organizations including nstitutions which would benefit the course teacher to identify the bench mark in heritage walk and conduct activities towards achieving the expected course outcome Date 29-11-2022, 12:00 AM to 02:00 PM: Dr Prakash M Kulkarni, shared his experience and learning about wet waste management and explained the opportunities in waste management, He also explained the mismanagement of waste and it impact on small areas like college campus. He deliberated on how ties can be given to the students while covering the present course Date 29-11-2022, 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM: Brainstorming session was coordinated by Dr Sharad G Joshi, to draft the first iteration of pedagogy for the course. All the participants participate and contributed with the experience they already had. The methodology of covering the contents of the course like exhibitions, group discussions, visits, activities and the methodology of preparation of report by the students was discussed at length, Practices at participating Institutions © SJB: Plantation and adaptation, observing, personal property no issues but other take permission AGMR: samkalp tharu NGO for plant adoptios GEC Huvinadagali: 500 plants from forest department KLE Chikkodi: Survey of the area and document about plantation KLEIT Hubballi: Take sapling and planting, issue with space can be addressed by seeking space with Govt and local body like Municipal corporation. lanning id organizing in the nearby vieini Date 30-11-2022, 09:30 — 01:30: Er. Mahadevgouda Huttanagoudar, shared experience in water conservation, organic agriculture and plantation and adoption of a tree. The lecture explained the Possible implementation techniques. The importance of Water quality, Air quality, and Soil qu discussed and many case studies were demonstrated Date 30-11-2022, 02:30 ~ 03:30: All the participants prepared the second draft of the pedagogy for covering the course contents and rubries for evaluation Date 30-11-2022, 03:30 ~ 04:15: Dr. S. B. Halbahvi, Prof and Special Officer, VTU highlighted the vision of VTU and gave few success stories and motivated the participants to deliver the content in a effective manner. Date 30-11-2022, 04: 15 — 04:30: All participant gave feedback and expressed their satisfaction, Date 30-11-2022, 04:30 — 04:45: Dr Sharad G Joshi, Principal, president of the function delivered the concluding remarks by congratulating and appreciating the effort of all the participants in bringing out a document which would help not only the attending participants but also others under VTU. It was tunanimously decided to send the report to VTU for further needfl in the matter as suggested by Dr. S B. Halbhavi Program concluded at 04:45 with vote of thank by Dr Rajashekhar Laddim the end. ath, and national anthem atParticipants Engineering & Technology. Vijayapur Name Mobile No | Email Tastituie Name Depariment De Maksed A Madraswate | 7892281950 | Maksudmagmailcom TAGMR Collegeof Engineering and chology | Basics Science = Varur ‘Mr. Bheemesh K- Gudur 9743203239 |
[email protected]
BLDEA’s V. P. Dr. P. G. Halakatti College of Electronics & Communication Engineering ‘Mr Raju Lakhande F76DO6TITS Tokhande ajui@ gmail‘com BLDEA VP Dr. PG Halakati College of Engineering and Technology. Vijayapur ‘Chil Engineering Dy. Shasikala ‘HOTTA | shashialap7S@emallcom —| Government engineering college Huvinahadagalt | Computer sicnce and Engineering Parameshorapps Mr. Balabheem TARIIGT_| Bphatkaraemallcom Government Engineering College Hvinalladagal | Library An nformaton Mir Niyaz Datetar ‘O1eI9H0IT nivar dafodar0S@ email com Secab Insitute of Engineering and Technology ivil Engineering Mr, Ramachandra Turkani F76DSOIOT aturkani@ KLE Instiute OF Technology. Hubballi Elecironies and communication engineerin Dr. Sanjay Pua TROHOOISIE_| pujarsapalKlecet dun] KEE Collegeof Fnginering and Technology, | Electronics & Communication Engineering c On | chit Nir Shilpa Bharat ROSOOHREET | shipaskg22V mail com | S.G, Balshondel Tastes of Engineering lectronies and commanication ginesng : Belgas MKB Koval BRETT | Woviahalv acon LE Insite OF Technology, Tbball lesronies & Communication Fngiering Dr. Yeriswamy T 9BNGIETOBI | hod_csvahletacin LE Tnstiute OF Technology, Hubballi Computer science and Engineering Dr RajashekharS D5ISTGI9T? | hod. eivaNlencacin ELE instte OF Technology, ahha Laddimath iH i Me. Sandeep Kuaeni | 97HORIOV90 | sandzephabebit edn 5.6. atekundt anes of Enginecring Belgant | Chi Nis Malai 3B6HRTET | malatiaya@hleacin KLE Taste OF Technology, Habball Computer ince and Fnginering Mis Kavitha Maal’ | 9T6AS92547 | kavitnakeitacin KLE tnstute OF Technology, Hubball Computer science and Engineering ‘ir Srinivas STIRSGIRGR |
[email protected]
ELE Intute OF Technology, Habball Mechanical Enginering Timmanagoudat z Dr. Prakash Kerr FAOTTOTET |
[email protected]
| RUE Tnstiute OF Technology, Hubball Flee and Flccronies Engines Mir Sujay K ‘9961778209 |
[email protected]
KLE Institute OF Technology, Hubballi Civil EngineeringPedagogy Modu | Topic Content Group | Location Magnitude | Activity | Reporting | Evaluation le Size | T Plantation | Plantation of a tree that will | 03-03 | Farmers Land | One Site selection |Report | Each module is and be adopted for four years by j of Road side or | | shall be | evaluated for adoption of | a |Community | Students | Select suitable species | handwritte | 50 Marks and atree group of B.Tech. students, | area or must in consultation with | nor blog | average of all They will also make an institution’s | monitor it | horticulture, forest or | with the five excerpt either asa campus, any | forthree | agriculture department. | paintings, | modules will be documentary or a photoblog one location to | years Interact with sketches, | the final marks. describing the plant’s origin, be selected, NGO/Industry and poster, its usage in daily life, and its | j community to plant | video CIF Rubries | appearance in folklore and | Tag the plant for and/or for 50M literature. continuous monitoring | photograph z Z with Geo | Planning and it Heritage | Heritage tour, knowing the | 03-05 | Preferably One or two | Survey in the form of | tag, scheduling the | walk and | history and culture of the Within the eity questioner by | | social connect ~ crafts city, connecting to people where One can be } connecting to the | 15M corner around through their history, | instiutionis | astructure | people end asking, | Knowing the city and its locatedor | ora No standard questioner Information/Da craftsman, photoblog and home town of | heritage _| to be given by faculty ta collected documentary on evolution | the student | building the | and has to be evolved during the and practice of various craft | group other can | involving students. social connect — forms, be heritage | Questions during ISM | custom or | survey can be asked in | | | practise | local language but Analysis of the i | report language is | information/dat LL - | | English. = | aand report i | Waste Wet waste management 03-05 [Preferably in | One Report on importance writing 20M | manageme | in neighbouring villages, and | the nearby and benefits of Waste nt implementation in the More | villages and management. SEE 50M: campus. than | within the Report on segregation, Presentation, one | campus. | collection, Jamming group | transportation and session, Open d Hee lean be _| disposal. | ___| mie, Groupassigne Suggestion for | discussion and done composting. ebate. task based Visit nearby | | on Village/location to | | magnitu | sensitize farmers and de of public about waste task management and also | document current HEE Z | practises Organic | Usefulness of organic 03-05 | One Collect data on organic farming farming in neighbouring. | | farming in the vicinity. | villages, and implementation | | Like types of crop, in the campus. | farming is methodology etc, | | going on | | Suggestion for | | | Campus implementation at | Garden | selected locations Roof top | Vertical | Garden ot | hydroponics if | | land is scarce._| i Water | Knowing the present B05 | Rainwater | One it Conservati_| practices in the surrounding harvesting lakes/pondi/river/dry on villages and implementation demonstration ell to involve on | in the eampus, documentary available in the rejuvenation activity or photo blog presenting the campus or curren practi surroundings | | or | | | | i Assessment of Water | | | budget in the | | | | campus/village i ass a _1 pe Eee eee Le1 | Repon on waditional pee a I | wastage) Ly | Food Walk | City’s culinary a Within the city | One Survey local food | | food lore, and indigenous where | centres and identify the materials of the region used | institution is | speciality in | located | i} cooking, Identify and study the | | Food culture of food ingredients student's resident region Report on the regional | fos Reporton Medicina | values of the local food | pss tarretttrrl | aains, and plants “Important recommendations requested: Special Appreciation from institution and university for students who take care of plants for three years.
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