Physics Investigatory 2 PDF Free
Physics Investigatory 2 PDF Free
Physics Investigatory 2 PDF Free
By-Ayush Dowerah
Class-12 A
This project aims to throw a light on subject of
semiconductor and their uses in our life and its
N.P.S International
working principles.
1. Introduction 1
2. Semiconductor-Definition and 2
3. Types of Semiconductors 4
4. Electrical Resistivity of 8
extrinsic semiconductors
As the conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors is poor, so
intrinsic semiconductors are of little practical importance.
The conductivity of pure semiconductor can, however be
enormously increased by addition of some pentavalent or a
trivalent impurity in a very small amount (about 1 to
106 parts of the semiconductor). The process of adding an
impurity to a pure semiconductor so as to improve its
conductivity is called doping. Such semiconductors are
called extrinsic semiconductors. Extrinsic semiconductors
are of two types :
i) ntype semiconductor
ii) ptype semiconductor
N-type semiconductor
Ie = eneAve
R = l/A (iii)
E = V/l
E = e (neve + nhvh)
1/ = e (ne ve/E + nh vh/E)
Therefore, with the help of holes, current starts to flow in the diode and it is
referred to as forward current. In the similar manner, holes in the N side move
across the depletion region in reverse direction and the current generated in this
fashion is referred to as reverse current.
Potential barrier opposes the migration of electrons and holes across the junction
and allow the minority charge carriers to drift across the PN junction. As a result
of it, a state of equilibrium is established when the majority charge carriers are
equal in concentration on either side of the junction and when minority charge
carriers are moving in opposite directions.
A net zero current flows in the circuit and the junction is said to be in dynamic
equilibrium. By increasing the temperature of semiconductors, minority charge
carriers have been continuously generated and thereby leakage current starts to
rise. In general no conduction of electric current takes place because no external
source is connected to the PN junction.
The majority charge carriers in N and P regions are attracted towards the PN
junction and the width of the depletion layer decreases with diffusion of the
majority charge carriers. The external biasing causes a departure from the state of
equilibrium and a misalignment of Fermi levels in the P and N regions, and also in
the depletion layer.
Firstly, a small amount of current called as reverse saturation current exists due to
the presence of the contact potential and the related electric field.
While the electrons and holes are freely crossing the junction and causes
diffusion current that flows in the opposite direction to the reverse saturation
The net result of applying forward bias is to reduce the height of the potential
barrier by an amount of eV. The majority carrier current in the PN junction diode
increases by an exponential factor of eV/kT. As result the total amount of current
becomes I = Is * exp(eV/kT), where Is is constant.
The excess free majority charge carrier holes and electrons that enter the N and P
regions respectively, acts as a minority carriers and recombine with the local
majority carriers in N and P regions. This concentration consequently decreases
with the distance from the PN junction and this process is named as minority
carrier injection.
The forward characteristic of a PN junction diode is non linear, i.e., not a straight
line. This type of forward characteristic shows that resistance is not constant
during the operation of the PN junction. The slope of the forward characteristic of
a PN junction diode will become very steep quickly.
This shows that resistance is very low in forward bias of the junction diode. The
value of forward current is directly proportional to the external power supply and
inversely proportional to the internal resistance of the junction diode.
Applying forward bias to the PN junction diode causes a low impedance path for
the junction diode, allows for conducting a large amount of current known as
infinite current. This large amount current starts to flow above the KNEE point in
the forward characteristic with the application of a small amount of external
The potential difference across the junction or at the two N and P regions is
maintained constant by the action of depletion layer. The maximum amount of
current to be conducted is kept limited by the load resistor, because when the
diode conducts more current than the usual specifications of the diode, the excess
current results in the dissipation of heat and also leads to severe damage of the
Reverse Biased Diode
When positive terminal of the source is connected to the N side and the negative
terminal is connected to P side, then the junction diode is said to be connected in
reverse bias condition. In this type of connection majority charge carriers are
attracted away from the depletion layer by their respective battery terminals
connected to PN junction.
The Fermi level on N side is lower than the Fermi level on P side. Positive
terminal attracts the electrons away from the junction in N side and negative
terminal attracts the holes away from the junction in P side. As a result of it, the
width of the potential barrier increases that impedes the flow of majority carriers
in N side and P side.
The width of the free space charge layer increases, thereby electric field at the PN
junction increases and the PN junction diode acts as a resistor. But the time of
diode acting as a resistor is very low. There will be no recombination of majority
carriers taken place at the PN junction; thus, no conduction of electric current.
The current that flows in a PN junction diode is the small leakage current, due to
minority carriers generated at the depletion layer or minority carriers which drift
across the PN junction. Finally, the result is that the growth in the width of the
depletion layer presents a high impedance path which acts as an insulator.
In reverse bias condition, no current flows through the PN junction diode with
increase in the amount of applied external voltage. However, leakage current due
to minority charge carriers flows in the PN junction diode that can be measured in
micro amperes.
As the reverse bias potential to the PN junction diode increases ultimately leads
to PN junction reverse voltage breakdown and the diode current is controlled by
external circuit. Reverse breakdown depends on the doping levels of the P and N
With the increase in reverse bias further, PN junction diode become short circuited
due to overheat in the circuit and maximum circuit current flows in the PN
junction diode.
Reverse Biased Diode Characteristics:
The reverse bias characteristic curve of diode is shown in the fourth quadrant of
the figure above. The current in the reverse bias is low till breakdown is reached
and therefore the diode looks like as open circuit. When the reverse bias input
voltage has reached the breakdown voltage, reverse current increases
For ideal characteristics, the total current in the PN junction diode is constant
throughout the entire junction diode. The individual electron and hole currents are
continuous functions and are constant throughout the junction diode.
The real characteristics of PN Junction diode varies with the applied external
potential to the junction that changes the properties of junction diode. The
junction diode acts as short circuit in forward bias and acts as open circuit in
reverse bias.